Attachment of a night tower on Arduin. Do-it-yourself eyepieces of the night tower. Dismantling the infrared filter

Golovna / Zahist

At this article, I’ll tell you how to grow a simple eyepiece of a night glass. Obviously, the stench will not be super intense as if it were right, but it will not be so easy to get to the necessary place in the room. All the necessary details can be found in your home, you can borrow them from the Chinese, or you can just read this article for development.

The design of the eyepieces has an action camera, in fact one of the main parts, so in the daytime you can use the camera to look at the first individual and watch the cicada rollers.

So you just need an infrared light with a light wave of 850 nm, for the camera that captures the best light, or you can try to replace yoga on an infrared light with similar characteristics, as if it were so rapt to appear in reality. Vykoristovuvati likhtar handily, that it is not necessary to work an okremy box for life and to live it is richly simpler.

If you turn on the light and look at the diode through the camera, then you can watch for a buzz light, a price and an infrared light. Yogo is not visible to the human eye, but the axis through the camera be a weasel!

But not all cameras of their own good take such a vip, so the author vikoristovuvav the action camera itself, so it’s more likely for others to run into the set tasks, before that, such a camera can be impersonally improved, as it will help to improve the adoption of the industry.

More we need lenses for eyepieces virtual reality, as if bought by the author on Aliexpress, the stench is needed to focus the eye on the camera screen, so the human eye cannot focus on the object that is right in front of you on the minimum distance.

For fixation of the lens, it is necessary to choose a frame. Avtomobil vikoristav for tsієї meti dark plastic puff in the water.

The lens fits exactly behind the diameter of the neck, it only needs to be fixed there.

For whom, nothing is required to glue, it is necessary to simply look for the help of a climb or a knife, the middle part of the cork in the form of those flakes.

Let's put a lens up to it and twist it on a flask. It seems that the lens was specially prepared according to the diameter of the neck, so that the cork is easily twisted and fixed.

Now it is necessary to cut the upper part of the plate, with which you can choose a comfortable dozhina, for which the focus will be correct.

Further, it is necessary to come up with a trim for the camera, until the optics are selected. The author of vikoristovuvav pvneniy PVC plastic, which vikoristovuyut when folded layouts. It is necessary to cut it into little pieces for expanding the chamber, to make boxes and glue them together with super glue.

Then we need to fasten the optics from the top of the plate until the end of the sight. For whom, with molar tape, we mark the edge at the end and seal all the closure, without scratching the tape. Weide two steps, yakі vinni easily inserted into the edges of the end, after which everything is glued with super glue for fixation.

If the camera is folded, it’s smart to go into the box, but it’s not visible, and if the camera doesn’t swing back, the author has created holes for the fingers and the record button. After a small upgrade, the camera can be taken out of the box without any problems.

For the protection of eyepieces in the form of chips, it is glued with slo molar tape. We take the crown and drill it open in the center evenly on both sides. The author recommends to drill through not to the point, covering thin plastic, then to open it with a clerical knife, to help eliminate possible cracks and cracks during drilling.

After that, as it is opened, the optician can be freely inserted there, but, as can be seen in the photo, the camera is straightened in front and it is necessary to view it.

Then, for help, sandpaper, having cleaned the mustache edges and vicorist with super glue, gluing everything to its place.

For fixing the lighter, it was necessary to use sanitary ware clips of the required diameter, as they are taken from the lighter.

The clips are attached to the side part of the eyepieces behind the additional bolts and the hook. After that, light is easily fixed and nadily trimmed in its place. Infrared lіkhtar can be replaced by a significant i, as it was said above, you know garni video view of the first person.

For more superficial fixation, the author recommends fixing the 32 pipe with nylon ties, since the camera may not be damaged and fastened with super glue. For whom, for help, that screwdriver was drilled three times in the pipes and three in the eyepieces one by one, we start the screeds in them and tighten, now it’s definitely worth it!

In this material, there is information about the fittings of the zero-generation night tank. What are the same accessories? Appliances of the zero-generation night tower are called the simplest and most similar devices, which can be used more actively. Qi attach to the near infrared range. The next step is to indicate in which range the remote control is used for TVs and by-button technology.

Let's finish on the first part and proceed to the folding of the accessories, before we start, it is recommended to look at the video clip

What do we need:
- Old webcam;
- 4 infrared light diodes;
- 4 resistors of 50 ohms;
- Shmatok plastic;

On the cob next, specify the features of the materials. Infrared light can be borrowed from old remotes. The author does not want to win more than some light-hearted people. And the plastic, which we will victorious when folded, is guilty of shining through infrared changes, but not shining through with a great light. The best option the photofilm will be illuminated. For її vіdsutnostі you can just plug in the camera and marvel through the different pieces of plastic. Behind the words of the author, the m'yaki black folders of the company Erikh Krauser miraculously fit. Let's get started.

We choose our webcam and see the lens with it.

We marveled at the fact that the camera itself has a filter. Some of the filters we need can be found at the trim of the lens and use the middle settings. So in order to take it out, you need to turn two screws on the back, take the trimach, or just open the filter and screw the trimach back. The author has a filter of insertions in the objective.

For which wines, just lift the upper stop ring and pull the light filter itself. This filter allows only a visible part of the light to pass through and blocks the infrared change, which is not acceptable, as it is necessary for us to beat the very infrared vibrance.

Now we need to replace the old light filter, put our new one and take the webcam back.

Leather light may come out twice. We need to eat these minuses.

Now we need to connect a resistor to the skin plus.

Vіlnі kіntsi resistorіv z'єdnuієmo among themselves.

The current light is nicely set up for quiet survivors who want to work with their own hands. How long ago would you think for a moment about those who would make a crossbow with their own hands? Hi! This was done by specially trained people, who also took care of the secrets of preparing from third parties.

Not so long ago, the accessory of a night tower was put up to special requirements and was inaccessible to a peresichny bulky man, and today you can pick up a pilot from practically ready-made blocks.

Otzhe, it’s better to make a fitting for a night-bowl with your own hands.

The first thing you need is a screen for guarding. It's easier to take it ready from an old video camera.

Today it’s not a problem to get an old video camera for a small penny, which doesn’t have a mechanism, but the problem is with the video recording camera, then it works.

Pіdіyde whether it's a vidoshukach, color or black-and-white is not different, so if the cameras are not enough lighting, they work only in b/w mode.

Obviously, the self-contained attachment of a night-time bachelor to the mysticism of survival is put farther away. In taiz, wines, it’s great, you can help in the night watering, but I don’t think that when you live, you will be active watering, the main equipment for watering the self-made pasta and traps, don’t take it for a while, catch the species yourself.

Ale, for the miserable survivors, as a constant wear of NAZ, lighters and knives for survival - a self-contained device of a night attack on the topic.

The axis, for example, is explained: we got stuck in the subway - we removed the attachment of the night tower and calmly walked along with it, not stumbling around the darkness. Behind him, you can walk the dark streets without turning your respect to yourself with a bright beam of light, as if giving a great light. That one is just for the sake of interest - it’s not cool mother in the kit is a self-contained accessory for a night shop?

However, let's turn to the preparation of the fitting of a night-bowl with our own hands.

Krim vidoshukacha will need a camera. Not suitable if included with a video camera, it is necessary due to the possibilities of a night sky, which works when the illumination is 0.01LUX or less. The camera can be purchased at the Warehouse Systems Store or .

In fact, you need to take two darts - a video camera and a high-profile camera with a video input and a high-profile camera.

Additional possibilities can be ІCh podsvіchuvannya, for which it is sufficient to connect 4-6 infrachervonih vipromіnjuvachіv, for example SFH4550. Viprominuvachі can be bought at the radio store or in Chip ta Dipі. Moscow has a chance to visit the Mitinsky radio channel, where the prices are 10 less than Chip and Dip.

The main circuit for connecting the camera, video monitor and IK switch is as follows:

Yak bachite - nothing folding and minimum soldering! Just give respect to those who have a camera and a vidoshukach working on the same voltage. Sound victorious 5 or 12 volts.

It is necessary to insert a self-contained fitting of a night tank into the case and connect the living room.

So it's just tsikavo.

Today, the middle alchemy method is passable, which allows you to make an accessory of a night bowl with your own hands. Just dig in, as if sulfuric acid, tin chloride are stored in the house, but the authors seem unsafe and unreasonable such a pidhid. The plan of work today: we will briefly discuss the principle of dividing the fittings of the night tank. We will help you to pick up, so as not to sit in the field, it is possible, a very short digression, so that there are shops: it is negotiable stale in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmyslivsky outbuildings.

The principle of dividing the equipment

The eye is a passive radar, it accepts the impressions that are released by objects. The visible spectrum is the small range of the sound of the body of the All-Sveta, which alienates the people. A hizhak from a film of the same name, moving across the range, a representative of a new civilization, an old-fashioned and total spectrum! In dark eyes, the bachiti is powerless, it is inaccessible to Homo Sapiens to carry out infrachervone vipromination. Tіla viprominyuvatimut whilі at low temperatures dovkilla, the strength is falling. Vimalovuetsya the first attachment of the night sky. Nothing sleepy from Viysk. Apparatus koristuyutsya budіvelnikami.

Zoom in on the thermal imager, which accepts infrared imaging of objects. Attachment of appointments for looking around the dark landscape, you can look at the front view. The contraption may have a number of lashings, typical marks:

  • the temperature is 10 degrees Celsius;
  • the walls of the houses look like chervonims;
  • Navkolyshnya inanimate nature of rіznih vіdtіnkіv to black.

Forget to pick up a thermal imager with your own hands, you can buy thousands for 50. Vitrativshi sim tysyach, prilad nіchnogo bachennya (PNO) at the store arrive. Specially a thermal imager for the purpose of piling in dark places does not have any sense, helping to assess the quality of heat-insulating entrances. If there is a known viconrob, you can by nature have mercy in the darkness without any damage, having set the unit.

The scheme for fitting the night frame is implemented by designated processes, so as not to tease the eye with a promenade oar, the plate, covered with a filling material, crusted with an internal photoeffect, allows you to "flicker" into the subject industry.

For proof. Photoeffect is the phenomenon of the transition of electronic material to new energy levels under the influx of photons of light. It is not correct to spell out a term for an invisible perception, that is understandable by literature and played around, that is unique to other (authoritative) dzherels.

Under the action of invisible "photons", the electron plates gain energy. You can take into account the information by changing the transparency of the material, the electrical conductivity of speech. Microchannel technology for the preparation of sensitive elements helps to eliminate the illumination of susceptible pixels. The fascists were the first to complete the task. Nіmechchina koristuvala pratseyu talanovitih vchenih. Some do good, some zmushuvav. The aim of the guillotine with a vag of 2.25 kg was created from the vault of batteries (13.5) kg. It would be allowed, sing-songly, to accomplish a few feats (otherwise evil), yakbi radyansky warriors near the grass of 1945 did not take Berlin.

Sometimes viprominuvannya dodatkovo posilyuєtsya photomultipliers. It helps to sharpen the contrast of the image with the accessory of the night sky. In the most part, the above mentioned vibrations are not enough, in the case of xid ide there is an infra-red diapason. Vykoristovuyutsya lamps, often zastosovuyt napіvprovіdnikovі diodes of a special type. You can find it at the store for radioamateurs. Before speech, the coherence of the vibrance of the light of the temple. It means that the pereskodi cannot be influenced by the quality of the picture.

For proof. The coherence is similar in the form of cloudiness to the in-phase fluctuations. Such light is reflected in a thin airy range (vertical line of graphics), it is simply folded, giving more clarity, lower vibrancy. As a result, with a small effort, you take away some lightening.

The fittings of the night tower are added as follows:

  1. The nature of the injection on the navkolishne sharpening:
    1. Active against light illumination.
    2. Passive, which take less attention to other objects.
  2. By processing the received signal:
    1. To the strength.
    2. Saved strength.
  3. I sign the obviousness of accumulating information:
    1. Register.
    2. Do not register Chi.

Now you can pick up the fittings of the night bowl with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself fitting of a night glass

Attachment accessories for the night tower include:

  1. Converting infrared vippromination to a video signal.
  2. The similarity of the eyepiece, as if the signal could be displayed in the real time mode.
  3. Pіdsvіchuvannya.

At the store there are a lot of outbuildings, which help to conduct a nightly rent. The accessory of the night tower, perhaps, is based on one technology. Black and white microcamera pidide. Varto is not cheap, it is available to attach a gadget to other purposes, as an accessory for a nabridne. Attachment buttstock є JK 007B, JK-926A. Golovnya, I’ll build a video video at the port, whether there’s a port for the budding chamber, otherwise I’ll need it now! The price of the purchase is not guilty of revisiting the store-bought accessory of the night glass (divine more), otherwise you will stifle greed. Vіshtesya, our pristry can conduct registration, the option of putting additional pennies on the counter.

Find an old video clip. Call to the salon, which is engaged in the repair of the butt equipment, as there is no necessary good in the house. Videoshukach provides one input for video per protocol, which is the way the camera transmits.

The power supply can be clarified by investigating the professionals, reversing the function, connected by a cable. Pratsyuє - lost the pridbati pіdsvіchuvannya. Lightly strike on the Internet, shake the nearest market. How to distort? Є video camera zjomki at night. Come by the darkness, give life, marvel at the light of the radio element: point the video camera.

A dozen light-bearing lover of working with his own hands recommends joining garlands of 6 pieces per head. Secure the grono with a 10-ohm shunt, keep the batteries alive. It is easy to confuse the polarity, about every change, speed up with a special guide to the light. Block podsvіchuvannya ready. Light-emitting diodes are mounted on a self-contained case: a typical child's pencil case, packaging.

Vlasne, ready. Connect a video cable to a camera, a video monitor, placing the lens in one plane with light diodes. Vrahovoyuchi razmiri pristroїv, fit in one pencil case. Vidoshukach creak on the side. To attach a registration, it is necessary to mount a double rose in the case. Fit a night-time party in China they don’t compare with ours! Let's take a look at the function:

  1. The camera of night vision fixes the sharpened sharpness.
  2. Svіtlodiodi podsvіchuyut objects for short visibility.
  3. Viewer of the project image, visible to the eye.
  4. For consumption through special roses, registration is carried out.

Do not be surprised, knowing failure, look at distant objects, do not get away from changing light. May have a small amount of accessories: eyepieces are daily, the number of components is large, it is necessary to buy, place batteries in the case. They explained my simple principle of work and I will build it. Meta: show how to make an accessory for a nightly business from handicrafts. Utіm, at the office of chemistry, perhaps, a couple of reagents were lying around. Try to play the teacher!

Store fittings for a nightclub

The fitting of the Cyclops barrel is named so, because instead of the eyepieces, having taken off the monocular. Becoming bi in favor of the one-eyed veletniy. In other words, the auxiliaries are characterized by three parameters:

  1. Razdіlna zdatnіst і kutovikh khvilinakh. I’ll look at the most part of the sphere, as if I could see it in a similar size to the sudan.
  2. Strength coefficient.
  3. Field of dawn.

For robots, attach a weak glimpse of the star, like the sky to hang the Moon, the picture will become clear. The heavenly bodies make the landscape not brighter than the light, they talked about yaks more. Zrozumilo, like the sky marvels, you can see the Great and the Little Vedic medicine, the picture will be flooded with white syavi.

The monocular device of the Zenit night tower can be used for lighting, p'zoelectric energy conversion for life. Keep the brand safe with sights, do not confuse. Specially for people with a fuzzy eye, it is possible to build a lens on a diopter, which is daily. Come out the eyepieces of the night sky for reading at the darkness!

NPF Dipol manufactures a night-time brewery, the products are not subject to affordable prices. Vtіm, it is necessary to marvel at the recognized accessory. You can pay 190,000 karbovanciv for glasses, and for ten pennies, Belarusians can sell a classy unit for a night look around. Catch vikradachiv, watch out for those who are innocent, who turn from the party, punish the defilers of mischief!

Do you dream of bachiti in the dark, like a gut, and become invisible to the lonely? Add a similar lamp to help the eyepieces of the night sky. Tsey prilad vikoristovuєtsya in different areas, for example:

  • for various poke operations;
  • for professional activity guards, policemen, military and drivers, who often have to repair equipment on the roads for the minds of a new darkness;
  • for those who love to take pictures and record wild nature at night with a video camera.
Necessary eyepieces of the night tower for watering, fishing and tourism. By pulling on them, you can pick up firewood in the dark for picking up the bagatt, you can easily pass through the forest hut and do not get lost in it, do not stumble over the root of the tree and do not fall into the pit. I only need the main accessories. Here you can see impersonal other nuances.
The eyepieces of the night sky can be bought in stores, but it’s true, it’s too expensive to make a stench. An alternative solution is to work it out yourself in your home minds. Try to remember your knowledge in chemistry and physics, and then it will be easier for you to understand, as if you were to build the eyepieces of a night school independently. Know the literature, read the information, get ready.

Pokrokov's instruction
Take 2 glass plates and zanurіt them at the roses from sulfuric acid (approximately 4 years). Let's hang it down and fix it over a porcelain cup at a height of at least 10 cm (put tin chloride in the same place). Now everything should be placed on the cup in front of a plate of metal.
Heat the oven to a temperature of at least 470 degrees Celsius. Take the plate fast. Now respectfully follow the changes of the slope. The stink step by step start to curl up with a thin spit, as if to carry out a strum.
Vimknuvshi rudeness, let the slander go cold. Apply on the glass with no streak-providing smelting, varnish and omit the glass in the range of thiacarbomide and lead acetate. Then pour the concentrate into the meadow here, quietly stirring the otriman homeland. After 15 quills, the fold was carefully removed from the cup.
Put the same cup at the pich, but now pour some roses. Make mistakes over her.

Pecti heat up to 900 degrees. On the plate, step by step, a mirror spitting may appear.
To remove the barless crystal powder, mix in a cup of copper and ZnS (10:100) and play the sum in the oven.
Take varnish "Tsapon" (for bonding) and mix it with powder. Now drop some sum onto the plate and let the drops flow. Follow after him, so that the cover will be equal. Put two plates together, lightly squeezing them, dry them, and for example, reverse the sealing process of the removed attachment. The eyepieces of the night tower are ready.
Don't forget to select the high voltage generator circuit!
Now it has lost all its z'ednati. The lens for the attachment is taken from the camera, and for the eyepiece - a double lens.
After reviewing all the connections, you can get connected. Those that everything is working normally, you will understand the characteristic squeak of the transformer.
For a clear image, it is necessary to change the frequency of the generator, and the equal voltage.
If you have everything you see, then on the eyepieces of the night tower you will not get to spend big pennies on the windows, buying them at the store.

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