The program to install icq on the computer. What is ICQ, how do you install that koristuvatisya? Installing ICQ client on PC

Golovna / 2 Cool Readers

For the rest of the years, programs for exchanging messages are experiencing a boom: you may not know a koristuvach, who has never been koristuvavsya Skype, WhatsApp or Telegram. Someone who has already forgotten one of the first add-ons-mesengers - ICQ - however, is out of the way for progress, having become an unholy alternative to the "great trio". Our article wants to know how to install the ICQ client on the computer.

Installing ICQ client on PC

Askik's installation does not represent anything foldable, which is done in automatic mode.

  1. Run the installer after the startup. At the first vіknі to press "Insert".
  2. Check it out while the installation is preparing the files and place them in the future. Let's read it and accept the mind of the Koristuvalnitskoy, please the pressure on the button "I'm good for)".
  3. Dali z'appear at the end of the entrance to the messenger. If you have a physical ICQ record, go to the next step. Since there is no formal record of the service, it is necessary to start one - all the nuances of the procedure are described in the official statistics.

  4. Two authorization options are available: by phone number or UIN - a unique digital identifier. For the first option, you need to enter the number and press "Dali".

    If you receive an SMS with an authorization code on your phone, enter it in the specified field.

    For another option, press the entrance to the oblіkovogo record "Login by UIN/Email".

    At the next day, enter identification data and press "Dali".

  5. Done - the program can speed up.

Do not start the process of installation and the entrance goes smoothly - problems often trap, which can lead to a stupor in a stupor. The most common ones are the loss of a password, problems with authorization and villoti. Having stumbled upon one of these manifestations, turn to the helper of the correction of problems with Robotic ICQ available on our website.

Let's look at one of the specific problems in more detail. The ICQ servers belong to the Mail.Ru Group company, access to some of the territory of Ukraine was blocked in spring 2017. Through tse, you can’t go to the official website of the messenger, as well as log in to the addendum.

You can solve this problem for Ukrainian koristuvs by changing the IP-address for additional special programs.

Most of the vipadkіv problems іz vstanovlennyam that ICQ robot does not blame: the rozrobniks made a great robot with optimization and additional programs.

If you failed to install the most popular Internet messenger, then, sing-song, you know all the advantages of this program. So many of you have already used it earlier and have turned again to її victoria, and the deacons stick with it forward. Alece doesn't matter. It's a shame to know how to install ICQ on a computer correctly, so that the program works correctly, without any problems. Specially for whom we folded report instruction installations cover description process.

Vchimosya, how to install ICQ on the computer

1. Download the installation file:

For the cob, you need to download the messenger on the official site. How to know yoga? Kind of simple. Enter the word " icq» And at the list, what you see, press on the message.

Now you need to choose your type operating system(on our butt, the interest is shown installation file for Windows). Run the starter with the button " Zavantage ICQ».

After the program is taken, go to your browser and open the file icq_rfrset.exe .

2. Install ICQ on the computer:

Our next step will be idleness. The installation process is automatic and doesn't change daily at your side.

Nareshti, the Internet messenger is up, and we can go to the introduction of data. If you have already hacked the program and remember the password to enter, select " UIN/E-mail". Required fields, enter address email(indications when registering in ICQ), press the password on the button " Leave».

As your first entry to the program, then enter your phone number with the area code and press " Dali».

By stretching five credits, you must send the notification to the phone with an activation code, which must be entered at the end of the ICQ.

Installed and installed ICQ software do more than half. In order to splurge and take away the maximum of satisfaction with the process, it is necessary to take care of it correctly. In this article, you can recognize a sprat of porad of a handful of hand-me-downs with ICQ.

Improving secrecy

If you are ready to open up the whole world and don’t complain that you can be added to your friend, be a kind of ICQ, put a spot in a mug of white All the coristuvachi can add me to the contact list

If you are people-loving, but to the singing world, if you want, schob іnshi coristuvachi asked for permission, first ask you to add, put a drop of white Add to the lists of my contacts only with permission.

What else? Ah, so: You can become visible, or you can become invisible (at the border, for sure). If you want to be among the people before your plans not to enter, and you want others to know that they are in the measure, you put an ensign to allow others to join my camp “In the measure / Not in the measure” on the Internet.

Now press the Start button. ICQ starts to get excited. If you are ready to go to work, you will see a welcome program, and on the panel of the “rozkvitne” task there is a green box - the ICQ logo.


Remember that spam and viruses often spread through ICQ. Therefore, it is recommended that if you don’t ask for notifications from unreasonable ICQs, and at the same time do not go for messages from the notifications, so that 100% will be either spam short program. Even if it becomes infected, it will be easy to see viruses for a long time. We would like you to take away less than a reminder.

How to practice ICQ

Let's move on to the end of the program. The program asks you to add the contact to the list of contacts. Vvіchlivі, on prohannya vіdpіdaєte prilly Press the Add button. Appears sooner or later Add contact.

First, add to the list of contacts of any kind of koristuvach, it is necessary to know him. It's logical. Chi is not true? We won’t go to the police, we’ll make it easier: we’ll introduce before empty fields information, like you have about this person: name, nickname, river of the people, email addresses, ICQ number. Obviously, the more clients you remember, the more successful you will be.

Whoever jokes that you know. Tse true, ale chastkovo. Adzhe Vi can easily know not the same, not the one who was joking. Not bad. Drink tea and press the button New Poshuk, just do not forget to change the parameters of the joke.

Let's say that you know that this person made you happy: by appearing in your list of contacts with the Contact icon not in the list. If you want to make you even more happy and be beautiful on your list, click on it with the right mouse button and from the one that appeared. context menu Select row Add to contact list. Before you vіkriєtsya vіkno dodavannya. Choose a group for a new one, until you want to add a new koristuvach. Put a tick, and then your friend can make you happy: add you to the list of your contacts. Next - click the Next button. Before you I’m new again, here you ask why you would like to put this person on the list of your koristuvachs. Cicave food, well... You can't tell. It's less of a formality. Once again gave.

After all these cunning gossip zamіst slіv Contact is not on the list to appear write Authorization confirmation.

How to "light up" at the merezhі? Everything is simple here. It is necessary to click on the ticket on the task panel with the right mouse button. Let's choose the option My status at the merge.

Let's think well and come to a single correct decision: if you want to have someone turbulent you, but if your mother is able to inform you, put a status on the job or job. Yakscho do not mind pampering - at the merezhі.

Strengthening remembrance

Now let's try to send a message. Click on the name of the koristuvach, to whom you would like to write. Show up dialogue window. Write a note and press on.

It is possible to find out what kind of koristuvach is at the border, you can behind the badge-quote. If it is green, it means that a person is on the mission, and if it is red, it means that it is daily.

If they give you a confirmation, you will chime in, as on the panel of the manager, the bookmark of the last time is blinking. So, if you have connected speakers, ”removing the sheet will be accompanied by a musical chord. I’ll stop Vee, zvichayno, zdrigatimetesya. Then you will call, and, having felt a chord, shake yourself up. And you, and your gut...

ICQ has a great selection of such sound effects.


Now let's take a look at the buttons.

ON off sound- use it as if you need a sound support or navpaki, so you need to remove the sounds of fanfares (for some versions, this function can be found on the panel at the tab Golovne or Menu).

Insert a mood icon ( Emoticons) - for help with the button you can add emoticons (smiley spades) at your notice. Smiley is a very important function. Sometimes, if you don’t have enough words to tell people, and people check your manna like manna from heaven, then you can send that emoticon. Laughing at the peak - and you don’t need to say anything.

Font text- for help with the help of the button you can change the color of the alert and select see different font. Remember the child's horror story? In one blue-blue room you sit in a blue-blue uncle, so you can correct the addressees even more blue ... And for the bug - violet.

Reminder background- set the background color to the background and add a little background to the bajans.

Do not freeze the color parameters and the font of the coristuvacha- what does it mean? For example, having written your speller in dark letters on dark aphids and you can’t read anything (it’s necessary for your speller, we won’t be able to understand) - the axis is on the whole drop and you need this button.

Clear session window- Stop this button at the drop-down, so that your screen will be updated with information, and you want to write on an empty field.

History of recollection- at tsomu vikontsі you can bachiti all the listings with tsim koristuvach. Some people even marvel at them and say that you wrote something like that there.

Maybe, the world got along with the necessary speeches for the operation of ICQ. Let's try and fix it ourselves, he, even though the intestines were tedious, and ladies, and the programs. We see ICQ.

To close ICQ, select a country Not in the order/selection, or Close ICQ at the main menu of the program.

ICQ / ICQ– a program or a networking client for exchange mittevim reminders at the edge of the Internet. ICQ can rightfully be called the forefather of all modern messengers, without which we cannot imagine today's society. Winning the unique transfer protocol of OSCAR, ICQ made a splash, people took away the opportunity to exchange text messages by registering in the system with clients, making new acquaintances, choosing conferences, overwriting cost-free SMS and much more.

20 years have passed since Aska's "National Day" Danish service), and won dosіmuє leading positions among dozens of competitors, and guarantees the most stable work, which brings new and new coristuvachiv. For a long period of time, the ICQ retailers of the Russian version have fully completed their product, so that in 2020 they will take away the progressive messenger, the building oversight, not only textual information, but also send calls via Internet telephony between the active clients.

Yakshcho We got hung up ICQ Russian mine If you want to evaluate all the propositions of the retailers, you need to work out a clumsy algorithm for doing. First - zavantazhity and install the program on your computer. Another - register by creating your own physical record. For whom it is enough to vigadati n_k, add electronic screen, guess the correct password. If so, you will remove your individual code, so you can exchange it with friends and continue contacting them with ICQ for the rest of the version.

Main features of ICQ for Windows 7, 8, 10:

  • Stable robot program;
  • Exchange of text messages and calls;
  • creation of online conferences;
  • It's easy to win the registration.

Use also version ICQ for Android download yaku can troch below. In ICQ for the computer, you can choose the status that suits you. Starting from the standard ones, such as "Online" or "Zaynyaty", or rather, to your own, unique. Ale splkuyuchis in ICQ do not forget that all your listings are in the power of AOL Inc, as the company can look over and order it to its own discretion. That is not the way to spread valuable information through ICQ. I'll stop ICQ version download free of charge Russian language for direct mail from the official site You can without registration on our site.

What is ICQ like for amateurs to ask through the Internet?

ICQ, or simply ICQ, is a popular service that allows koristuvachs to exchange information from any point of the world, from the Internet.

In order to create this exchange, we need a computer insert ICQspecial program and register!

At this level, we will analyze all the subtleties: how to register in asci that naturally, how to install the program itself!

There are a lot of programs that allow you to exchange information with other short-term ICQ measures. Absolutely be-yaku you yourself will beat V. Golovne, scho you can talk to us with people who have ICQ s be it programs. You can use programs: QIP, Miranda, ICQ and others. Mi at tsimu urotsi is perceptible, how to install QIP and communicate in ASCI through the program itself.

Installing Askі (QIP)

We look forward to de download, and how to install ICQ. View the official site and right upper codend press the red button "Get QIP".

On the side that I got excited, I will press the button “Get started” again.

Save your program on your computer and check it out while you're out of luck.

Run the file by clicking on the new mouse button with the left mouse button.

For us, it is necessary for us to choose the Russian language for installation and press the "OK" button

On the offensive krozi, I recommend putting a jumper at the position " Adjustment of parameters", then tidy up the checkboxes, sob postcard the browser did not change, and then press the "Next" button.

Here we can bachiti, where will you be ICQ installed. We can change the path for installing the programs through the “Look around” button, or leave it out, for locking. So it’s easy, just press the “Dal” button.

Please note that the required files are still being copied.

Let's try to proponuyat us dodatkovo zavantazhit and install QIP Shot for robots with screenshots. We don’t need it, that tick is removed and embossed “Dali”.

At the end of the week, there are only two checkmarks left, which means that the shortcut is created and the launch of the QIP program after pressing the button. Otherwise, do not call us, embossed "Complete".

Registration in ICQ

Since then, we have successfully completed the first job on installing ICQ and our program has automatically started. Let's see, it's still dead.

We need another crop register in ASCI, to fully log into your account and start talking.

For registration in ICQ we need to take a unique UIN, which is the dermal one, who sits in the acc.

In order to register a UIN, I will promptly use the service for the address There we need to enter our data and mobile number, for which we will receive a confirmation code. Call respect, this code from SMS, also become your password. Press the button " Receive SMS with code».

After we receive an SMS notification, you will need to enter the code in the given field and press the button “ Activate code».

After successful registration UIN, you will need to go to your profile. There we need your ICQ number and you can copy it. Press the button " Save your profile and choose an avatar».

Obviously, it’s not obov'yazkovo schos zapovnyuvat here, we are the most likely to click the ICQ field here, where our ICQ number is indicated with 9 characters. Copy it or write it down in a handy place.

Now let's turn to the QIP program. Vіdkryte її, as if they had already caught the close. The program, which has started, should give respect to the tricot in the lower right fold ...

Having pressed on this button with three dots, you can see it differently, at the bottom there is an ICQ button. Go to it.

Now we are asked to enter our UIN and password, I will guess the one, which is the best SMS notification, and UIN we were surprised in the account. Thumb the "Submit" button.

As a defender of robots, we enter the code and press “Nadishlati”.

For a few seconds, we'll get better running the program, we are here to tick the axis all the time:

Let's take a look at how you can add friends and talk. For which the main window of the program has a green QIP button, by clicking on it, you need to select the item “ Search for new contacts».

Here we need to go to the "ICQ" tab and enter the data of a friend like a joke. To search most accurately, you need to enter your UIN in the field "Join by ICQ" and press "Search".

In order to add the found comrade, it is necessary to press on the yogo im'ya dvіchі and confirm by pressing the button "Add".

In order to make a call, you need to click on the contact of the girl and show up Vikno podomlen, you can already communicate by entering the text and pressing the button "Send" to send the introduction text.

The lower window is for reminding, if you write, and the upper window shows all the listings.

And let us tell you that if we close the ICQ after pressing the cross, the program does not really close, we are stuck in the border and be-yakoy mit we can turn back. The program is to sit constantly in the wake-up area, and under the clapping її can easily be roared.

I follow these instructions to you, so that you can register in ICQ and start contacting your friends. I wish you a good conversation with your comrades and I know.

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