Samsung how to set a ringtone for a call Set a ringtone for a mobile contact on Android. Set ringtone easy

Golovna / Zahist

As it appears, under an hour of work with a smartphone, the impersonal food is often blamed, as it is rich, they are absolutely obvious, and the consequences are simple. Prote, not all coristuvachas should be able to make such simple speeches, how to put the required melody on the contact, optimize the phone too. So we were going to insert into the material a small amount of curiosity, an instruction about the most required operations on samsung galaxy J3 (2017).

How to set a ringtone for a contact on a Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017)

The melody is unique and asks for daily contacts, especially for close people of that kind. Yak її insert in new Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017).

You need to go to Contacts, select a contact and click on it. Select the menu, deselect the Vіdomosti item. So let's get in contact. Then, select the Change animal and move it to the Call ringtone item. Vіn raztashovaniya at the very bottom

Vibrating the change of melodies, koristuvach to have a meal at the window, it seems that there are no more than standard melodies. The list needs to be burnt out to the end, then the smartphone will be propagated. one more point, which allows you to insert a melody from memory. Here koristuvachevі zaproponuyut on the choice of OneDrive and the choice of sound. Rest item- Access to the file manager. Then you can choose the composition from the storage tank.

The ringtone is set.

If you run out of power, don't vote for it, just watch our video on how to set a ringtone for a contact in Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017).

How to put a photo on a contact in Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017)

The photo, attached to the contact, is less likely to make the telephone book beautiful. Assigning or changing a photo for a contact is easy

We go to Contacts, choose the necessary ones, press on the new one. Dali at the splicing menu need to press Vіdomostі. So the koristuvach spends it on the record. Here we choose to change the uphill side and the distance in the new window, we press on the photo of the contact.

After choosing a picture or new photos You can change the image, as well as change the filters.

Now the contact has a new photo.

You can see the process in our video on how to insert a photo on a Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) contact.

How to set ringtone for Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017)

An individual melody for a call helps to ring one telephone number from another. Change the default ringtone easily.

Nasampered, at the menu you need to know the Sounds and Vibration item

Here, as well as at times of contact, a selection of standard melodies is prompted, and in the very last list, the item Add to phone. Vibrating yoga, you can go to the dispatcher, it's easy to know the composition you need

We select a melody, we press confirmation and voila - the ringtone of the Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) is installed. For fixing the material, you can look at the video.

How to create a folder on Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017)

New folder on your phone's storage card microSD memory created through a file manager, which Samsung calls My Files

At the file manager, it is necessary to select the folder for future folders.

Selecting the need for accommodation, at the right upper codend Click the menu by clicking on the three dots. Here the item Create a folder is selected. Then enter the name of the folder. Folder created!

Get a video tutorial on how to create a Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) folder more folded.

How to clear memory on Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017)

Yakim bi is not a great hoarder, the place will end on a new one. Dispatcher Samsung phone Galaxy J3 (2017) You can also get to the new one through Samsung Members or the notification panel

Vіn raztashovaniya in pointі Optimization. Launching yoga, you need to select the Memory tab.

Here the smartphone will start to see the content for certain categories. In order not to waste important photographs or records, you can go to the skin category and take a video from actionally valuable speeches.

Video instructions to explain how to clear the memory of the Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) literally on your fingers.

How to transfer contacts from SIM card to Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017)

All contacts are stored on the SIM card. Some of them need to be transferred to a tablet

To transfer contacts from a SIM card to a smartphone, you need to go to Contacts. At the menu, expanded at the top right corner of the screen, press Manage Contacts. Then you need to select Import/Export of contacts.

Continue next select item Import .vcf file, and then roztashuvannya file - SIM-card. After that, the list of contacts on the SIM is displayed, where the needs are indicated. Nareshti, choose a place for import: phone, Google contacts or Samsung. You don't have to click Import at the bottom of the screen.

Video instructions to help you understand.

How to select a SIM card in Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017)

Assign a card, the Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) call will go through the yaku as easy as shelling pears.

When dialing phone number at the bottom of the screen, two call buttons appear. However, it confirms SIM-1, the other - SIM-2. Obviously, if you press a button on the first, then the call will go through one line, and if on the other - through the other.

At overpowering SMS The choice of SIM card is available after the appointment. As soon as you press the button on the right button, it pops up a pop-up window, you can select a SIM card.

Video instructions for all questions.

If you have any food for descriptions of the receptions, or if there are other unresolved problems, then ask them below in the comments!

On all smartphones that work on the basis of the Android OS, the ability to install on any contact from phone book photographs of the number, what is called, or be it some other picture. This function is even more convenient, the shards allow you to instantly identify the subscriber, without bothering yourself by reading his name. Let's take a look at how to put a photo on a Samsung contact.

Link to contact from Gallery

You can attach a photo to the call of the Samsung Galaxy J5 or to the phone, whether it be some other model from the Galaxy line, in many ways:

You didn’t choose which bi option, you need to know that you can attach a picture only to the number saved in the memory of the phone. Because the subscriber is saved on the SIM card, it is necessary to transfer the card to the smartphone. Fight like this:

Once the contact is successfully transferred to the Samsung Galaxy, you can proceed directly to attaching a new image:

After vikonannya appointed at the same time from im'yam subscriber on the display of Samsung Galaxy the picture is also visible.

Looking at how to insert a photo on a contact, follow the following steps in one way to perform this procedure:

Wikoristanya supplementary software

If you want the standard ability to edit contacts from the phone book, you can link a picture to the first number; mobile annex. What if you want a photo with to the entrance week occupied the entire display of the Samsung Galaxy, you need additional software, which can be downloaded from Play market absolutely harmless. To such programs lie:

Having sorted out, like on Samsung, put a photo on a contact, you can embellish the design of your device and work on the process of accepting a quick call.

It's amazing, but even more often blamed for the simplest food - how to install your favorite song as a ringtone on the Galaxy S3. It would have been used, the option is banal, but the problem is great. Please help and explain in detail what and how to work.

The procedure itself is ridiculously simple. Android is a little bit of a system and you can add a little whistle to create a folder with your favorite melodies. For whom you need a simple file manager. The program will need to know the folder "Notifications" and copy all the ringtones in it, so that you can then put it on the input calls.

The folder can be found in the folder sdcard. If you couldn’t find the “Notifications” folder, you need to create it yourself. For whom I can win the victoriousness in the wakefulness file manager. To the point, sometimes there may be little discretion in the name of a standard folder. For example, I have a new path to the shukano folder like this: storage / sdcard0 / Notifications.

Є th other way to create I need a folder- just connect your smartphone to the computer and go for help with a riddle explorer, know the Notifications folder, and if you can't - then create a folder on your computer. The essence of diy is itself, as described above.

For skin contact on Android, you can choose an okremie ringtone, which will only be used when calling only one subscriber. You can do it for the help of standard system tools or third-party programs.

Installed melody

It is necessary to install music for the first phone numbers through the "Contacts" program. Fallow version android firmware the procedure may be slightly modified, but it may be necessary to fix the order by checking the phone book entry, as it is necessary to put a song.

On deyakih android add-ons in the settings there is no item "Dzvinka Melody". Then there is the "Add field" button, when you click on the box, a list of options is displayed. Select "Ringtone" or "Melody" and add it to the contact side. Let's repeat the procedure for selecting a specific song for recording the phone book. At other versions Android victorious trohi Another order of changing the sound of a phone book entry:

The presence of a file manager is important when changing power, like putting a melody on an Android contact. Without a file manager, you simply cannot show the system where the track is located, which you need to link to the entry from the phone book and to answer at the input of the call to the singing person.

If a song is not installed on an okremium record, it will be reversed, it won’t be saved, at the memory of the phone or on the SIM card. Open the list of contacts and select the filter "On phone" or "On SIM". You can put an individual ringtone only on contacts, as they are known in the memory of the mobile extension.

Selection of third-party addenda

As you have already figured out how you can set a melody to a contact in Android for the help of your contacts, and also viconate the procedure for any reason not to go, vikoristovyte to change the ringtone third party programs. One of the overturned solutions - Ringtone program Maker.

This is a handy program for working with signals, as it allows you to create and install a ringtone on all inputs or only ringtones.

One more function of Ringtone Maker is the creation of a melody for a vikliku. You can choose any track, for additional help, enter a fragment, play some track, and then put it as a ringtone.

Modern telephone devices may have no functions, which will ensure a more comfortable communication. Skin identification entry call, without reading the information on the screen, you can use a personal melody given to a contact in the phone. Instructions to tell the phone how to set a melody for a contact, add it to the list on the phone or SIM-cards. The clumsy dances will help to close your melody over skin contact.

Install ringtone for Android

On the skin model of the phone, the rules for setting the melody for the contact are different. In order to make necessary operations on Samsung Galaxy, it is necessary that data about contacts be saved in the phone, and calls - on the memory card. Let's go to the contacts, get the needs, then at the menu edit and get the item "Dodatkovo". What's next in music programmer we select a melody for installation and at that hour, while it is being played, we press the button context menu, select "Set as ringtone".

In order to set a ringtone for an Android contact, you need to enter the following:

  1. Go to contact list.
  2. Select the subscriber who needs to send a personal ringtone, click on the new one. The correct phone number will appear with the icons “Zatelefonuvati”, “Send SMS”.
  3. Press "Menu", then select "Parameters", then - "Melody". Go to the melody, choose the desired ringtone.

For devices on the Android platform, you can set the melody of a weekly call not only to the first contact, but also to the group of contacts. For whom it is necessary to go to contact groups, select I will need a group, know the menu and press "Change". At the menu, as it turned out, you can change the photo and the melody of the call.

Set your ringtone

To insert your own melody, on the flash card we create the media folder and in the audio subfolder. Axis u tsіy pіdpaptsі i svoryuєmo more chotiri folders, yakі need to be called strictly by such names: alarms, notifications ringtones and ui. For new folders, new melodies are dropped, the smartphone is changed and new melodies are now available for installation.

Set ringtone on iPhone

Instructions on how to install iPhone ringtone, Zovsіm clumsy. Click on the icon of the contact, if you want to add a new melody, move to the arrow next to the contact, then on the “Change” icon on the top of the screen. We use it in the editing menu, select the ringtone, on the contrary, we put a check mark on the necessary melody, we take it off.

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