Sanofi-Aventis is one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. Sanofi-Aventis is one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical industry

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I want to practice SANOFI ☆ Robot Provider MRII

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SANOFI secret materials

What do Sanofi practitioners do for children?

Remember, like at school they asked us like a homeworker to write TWIR or paint little ones about the profession of our fathers? On the Day of Knowledge, we wrote to ask the children of spivrobitnikiv: what do your fathers do at Sanofi? The result had a lot of stories.

How to write a resume for Sanofi

Radiate OLENA ZHDANOVA, Recruitment Project Manager Sanofi: A resume can be no more than two sides. On the very cob, start writing more quickly, educate those soft skills, start working from the rest of the month.

OSVITA: an important medical background
If Sanofi was able to recognize candidates, then we don’t need it, it’s important for us that you have a medical background, and we have more such practitioners. But in the rest of the hour we became more critical, and at the same time we have about 10% of specialists working with more light, but the stench came to us as soon as we got the opportunity to work with the promotion of pharmaceuticals. Close to 5% of our spivrobitnikіv zdobuli vishchu natural light - chemical, biological. Also, we have super-successful managers who work at the complex of the middle medical/pharmaceutical + whether or not you need more education, they will always get a grandiose support of the medical service.

Spivbesida at Sanofi

Rozpovidaє OLENA ZHDANOVA, Recruitment Project Manager Sanofi: At the middle conference in Sanofi, take place at the tri-chotiri stage

STAGE I: SESSION IN THE HR DEPARTMENT: Reading the information about your history
The first interview should always take place at the HR service, either face-to-face or by phone. Spivrobitnik HR-vіddіlu uspereduє your competencies. In order to pay tribute to yourself, it is necessary to give reading advice on food: what do you know, what do you know, what do you want– this is how the company maintains your competencies and motivation. Tell us about specific examples of your achievements: for robots, for learning and learning for a special life, for example, for sports. Get ready in advance, guess your reach!

Competences of Sanofi

After analyzing a few years of the company's activities, we were able to formulate a set of behavioral characteristics that allow for a long, productive and successful practice in our company, realizing its potential - the profile of Sanofi. Tsey profile bv approving on the level of the management committee. The very same characteristics may be the most famous and the most famous spivrobitniki, as they have reached the great heights of the company.

The following competencies are important for us:

Practicing to achieve high results
The candidate does not achieve high results. You know, she calls her successes. With enthusiasm, take up to the right. Take credit for the result. Report zusil for your development. from the selection of insulins, distribution in the Oryol region. CJSC "Sanofi-Aventis Skhid" є maidan Sanofi for the manufacture of drugs in Russia for the treatment of socially significant illnesses (diabetes
and oncology) – insulins, life of important preparators
for patients with diabetes mellitus, and preparations that help the life of oncological ailments.

In 2015, the plant "Sanofi-Aventis Schid" successfully passed the European inspection and received the GMP certificate of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which will allow the export of insulins and drugs to the European Union, until the Ukrainian Union of European countries, until 2015

Contact information:

Company details:

IPN: 9909245460

OKPO: 99646960


OKFS: 23 - Power of foreign legal entities

OKOGU: 4210009 - Foreign legal entities and their representative offices that operate on the territory of the Russian Federation (Crimea of ​​non-commercial non-commercial organizations)

OKOPF: 30001 - Representative offices of legal entities

OKTMO: 45382000000

KAKATO:- Tversky, Centralny, Misto Moscow


See activities:

For data from dated January 31, 2020, according to the IPN, the company enters the register of operators that process the processing of personal data:

Registration number:

Date of entry of the operator to the register: 16.04.2014

Submission of the operator to the registry (mandate number): 87

Operator name: Representative office of the Sanofi-Aventis Group Joint Stock Company (France), Moscow

Addresses of the operator's location: 125009, m. Moscow, st. Tverska, bud. 22

Date of first processing of personal data: 02.01.2007

Subjects of the Russian Federation, where the processing of personal data is required: Moscow

Meta processing of personal data: arrangement and contracting of labor contracts and contracts of a civil law nature, personnel appearance, selection of personnel, arrangement of the personnel reserve, admission of workers to workers, training and passing through the service, payment of work to the minds of an employment contract with workers in special categories, for special employees results of clinical studies, statistical studies, zocrema. with the method of designating possible side products

Description of entries, transfers of Art. 18.1 and 19 Law: а) Призначення відповідальної особи за організацію обробки ПДН, розробка та видання локальних нормативних актів, що визначають політику оператора щодо обробки ПДН (у тому числі процедури, спрямовані на запобігання та виявлення порушень законодавства Російської Федерації, усунення наслідків таких порушень), здійснення регулярного контролю відповідності processing of personal data to the legislation of the Russian Federation, carrying out an assessment of the extent to which it may be subject to personal data subjects in violation of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation as of 27.07.2006. No. 152-FZ "On personal data" (within the framework of modeling threats to the security of personal data), familiarizing and teaching practitioners the rules of work with personal data. б) Вживаються такі заходи: визначення загроз безпеки ПДН при їх обробці в ІСПДН, організаційні та технічні заходи щодо забезпечення безпеки персональних даних, застосовуються засоби захисту інформації, проводиться регулярна оцінка ефективності вживаних заходів щодо забезпечення безпеки персональних даних, облік машинних носіїв, виявлення фактів несанкціонованого access to personal data and access to, renewal of personal data, modification or reduction of unauthorized access to them, the establishment of rules for access to personal data that are processed in the ISPD, as well as the security of registration and the form of all data, which is controlled by living visits from the security of the security of personal data and the protection of information systems of personal data. c) The following levels of protection of personal data in the information systems of personal data have been established: 3 levels of protection, 4 levels of protection. г) Резервування технічних засобів, використання засобів захисту інформації, що пройшли в установленому порядку процедуру оцінки відповідності, розміщення технічних засобів, що дозволяють здійснювати обробку персональних даних, у межах території, що охороняється, організація фізичного захисту приміщень та власне технічних засобів, що дозволяють здійснювати processing of personal data, zabіgannya vprovadzhennya in the information system shkіdlivih programs (program-viruses) and program bookmarks. e) Organizatsyinі Tekhniychin, go to the Zachist VID of the unprofitable abstract, zesishennya, snake, blocked, copperiwannia, rospovsovyujnya of personal Danishi, including: real systems of the cinnamon (service personnel) to iz resource) язаних з її використанням роботам, документам, обмеження доступу користувачів до приміщень, де розміщені технічні засоби, що дозволяють здійснювати обробку персональних даних, а також зберігаються носії інформації, розмежування доступу користувачів та обслуговуючого персоналу до інформаційних ресурсів, програмних засобів обробки (передачі) та захисту information, registration of service personnel and service personnel, control of unauthorized access to service personnel and third-party errors.

Categories of personal data: nickname, name, according to the father, river of the people, month of the people, date of the people, place of the people, addresses, family camp, main camp, enlightenment, profession, income, health camp, dodatkovo zdіysnyuє obrobka following data: date of the people, passport data, data on access to work, contact numbers and telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, information about children, members of the family, military registration, presence/duty of work, data on arrival/duty of permits for special see work, for a job, data, related to wages and other payments, due to subjects, their transfer to banks, information about knowledge of foreign languages, data on professional certificates, other charges, transferred to personal data obrobluvani for yogo doruchennyam or yogo please

Categories of subjects, personal data of which are collected: practitioners (subjects), if they change from labor contracts with an operator, physical persons, if they change from contractual, civil law contracts with an operator, medical experts, relatives of practitioners, applicants, participants in patient programs, drug doctors

Perelik diy from personal data: Processing of visualization of personal data is done in a way: changing (automated and non-automated) processing: collecting, recording, systematizing, accumulating, saving, clarifying (updating, changing), editing, recalling, rozpovsudzhennya, transfer (data, special, access), access , substitution, transmissions on the internal border of a legal entity, protected communication channels, transmissions to the third party borders of the global coronation of the Internet, transcordon transmissions

Processing of personal data: zmishana, with transfer by internal measure of a legal entity, with transfer by measure of the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Article 5-9 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, 85-90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Availability of transcordon transmission: So

Vіdomostі about miscnahodzhennya bazi danih: Russia

State purchases:


Certificates of validity:

Vikonavchi Provadzhennya:

Short summary:

Add organization for marriage

Creation of the company: The company was founded in 2004. At the beginning of 2004, after the arrival of Sanofi-Sintelabo, the share of the parent company of the Aventis group, the promotion of Sanofi-Aventis was announced. On the territory of Russia, the virobnik took the first plant from the authorities in 2009. Having bought 74% of the shares of the company "Bioton Shield" to please, the world leader changed his business from the production of insulin to "Sanofi-Aventis Shield".

Over ten years of experience in the RF market has been available.

Sphere of activity: pharmaceutical industry.

Povna name: Sanofi-Aventis Skhid

Sanofi-Aventis is a leading light manufacturer of pharmaceutical products. May represent hundreds of countries in the world. Headquarters raztashovan near Parisi.

For the data for 2008, the turnover of the accounts was 27.568 billion dollars, and the net income - 7.186 billion dollars.

In Russia, the company has already been present for over ten years, in an hour it has taken away the recognition of buyers and has begun to make good winemaking at the plant near the city of Orly.

SanofiAventisin person

The head office of the company's head vice director is occupied by Christopher Wiebacher.

Contact information

Moscow, st. Sadivnitska, 82, side. 2

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