Plenty of access to the Internet through a router. Faster Wi-Fi on Android Appliances

Golovna / Main functionality

More often than not, there is a need for more Wi-Fi on Android devices. Here everything is lying not like a smartphone or a tablet, like an access point. In other words, the problem of shukati is necessary for the setup of the router. Vtіm, often the cause of a full wake-up call may be an incorrect Android OS robot or mobile browser. Otzhe, everything is in order.

Why is Wi-Fi low speed

Low speed Wi-Fi connection You can be in a number of vipadkas:

  • The encryption type of the data is on the WPA2 router.
  • Wimmed WMM.
  • Invisibility of the regime dartless mesh.
  • The browser is broken with bugs (pardons in robots).

Let's take a look at the report of these points.

Setting up an access point

For the first time, connect to a router for an additional laptop or a stationary PC via Wi-Fi or a cable. Open browser and in address row register the IP of the access point. The addresses are indicated on the router itself or in the instructions before the new one. Now you need to log in. For whom, enter the login and password: admin, admin, optional.

Qi values ​​are set for locking. Farther away look at the butt D-Link router Dir-320.

Otzhe, see to the distribution of "Installed without dart netting." Choose "Nalashtuvannya without a dart manually."

We go down to the very bottom of the side. In the category "Mode dartless security» next insert "WPA\WPA2 extended". In other models of routers, the encryption type can be called "WPA-PSK WPA2 PSK mixed". In fact, they are one and the same. Trochs below next select TKIP \ AES (practice offending modes).

Even if it didn’t help, you can try to break the encryption of the data. In this rank, you will vimknet the system of defense of merezhі. Try reconnecting your phone. Let's take care of it.

Choice of the mode of the droto-free line

Even more often through inconsistency WiFi mode between the router and the connected add-on blame different problems. One of these problems can be a great ping (low speed). You can change it at the settings of the router.

We go to the category "Expanded adjustments". Next, select the category "Expanded lashing of the kerfless tassels". Here you will know the choice of Wi-Fi mode. Try to change them according to your needs and change the speed of the day.

You can also play with the channels. As a rule, if the value “Auto” is set, then there are no problems. Alternately, it is necessary to enter the largest incoming channel manually. So try vibrati channel.

For which, open the "Parameters" tab. Then go to the category "Installed without darts" and select the manual setting mode. If you don't check the box next to "Turn on auto-vibration for the channel", put її. If it's worth it, then you can try to recognize the channel manually.

Often the reason why web sites are occupied for a long time on Android devices is the high level of interest in the data transmission channel. Talking in simple words On one of the connected outbuildings, for example, on a laptop, you can go. Through tse "klyagaє" the whole merezha. Therefore, try turning on all the add-ons of the router and leaving your smartphone / tablet only.

Okrim tsgogo, maybe your provider just obzhuє shvidkіst. It's easy to overthink. Connect to the Internet from another annex. If the speed is correct, then the river is connected to itself. If everything works fine, but on the Android-attachment it’s a galm, then the next thing is to change the rest.

Re-installation of the Android device

Sometimes, attachments can be galmuvati. It may be due to a variety of reasons, but as a result, the speed of robotic browsers is added. Try resetting your smartphone/tablet and try reconnecting. In addition, often the Android browsers themselves can work incorrectly. To that varto skushtuvati kіlka options. For example, Opera, Chrome is the standard browser.

Also, the speed of Wi-Fi data transmission is influenced by the distance from the access point.

Apparently, the farther you know the signal, you will be better off. To check the Wi-Fi connection to Android Appliancesіsnuє special addendum, is called Wi-Fi Analyzer.

Speed ​​up the Internet on Android: Video

Publication date: 21.04.15

More often than not, there is a need for more Wi-Fi on Android devices. Here everything is lying not like a smartphone or a tablet, like an access point. In other words, the problem of shukati is necessary for the setup of the router. Vtіm, often the reason for the poіlnogo z'єdnannya may be incorrect Android robot or mobile browser. Otzhe, everything is in order.

Why is Wi-Fi low speed

Low speed Wi-Fi connection can be in certain situations:

  • The encryption type of the data is on the WPA2 router.
  • Wimmed WMM.
  • Invisibility to the regime of the droto-free line.
  • The browser is broken with bugs (pardons in robots).

Let's take a look at the report of these points.

Setting up an access point

For the first time, connect to a router for an additional laptop or a stationary PC via Wi-Fi or a cable. Open the browser and write the IP of the access point in the address bar. The addresses are indicated on the router itself or in the instructions before the new one. Now you need to log in. For whom, enter the login and password: admin, admin, optional.

Qi values ​​are set for locking. Let's take a closer look at the butt of the D-Link Dir-320 router.

Otzhe, see to the distribution of "Installed without dart netting." Select "Manually set up a dart-free lock."

We go down to the very bottom of the side. For the "Rootless Security Mode" category, select "WPA\WPA2 Enhanced". In other models of routers, the encryption type can be called "WPA-PSK WPA2 PSK mixed". In fact, they are one and the same. Trochs below next select TKIP \ AES (practice offending modes).

Even if it didn’t help, you can try to break the encryption of the data. In this rank, you will vimknet the system of defense of merezhі. Try reconnecting your phone. Let's take care of it.

Choice of the mode of the droto-free line

Even more often, due to the lack of Wi-Fi mode between the router and the connection to the add-on, various problems are blamed. One of these problems can be a great ping (low speed). You can change it at the settings of the router.

We go to the category "Expanded adjustments". Next, select the category "Expanded lashing of the kerfless tassels". Here you will know the choice of Wi-Fi mode. Try to change them according to your needs and change the speed of the day.

You can also play with the channels. As a rule, if the value “Auto” is set, then there are no problems. Alternately, it is necessary to enter the largest incoming channel manually. So try vibrati channel.

For which, open the "Parameters" tab. Then go to the category "Installed without darts" and select the manual setting mode. If you don't check the box next to "Turn on auto-vibration for the channel", put її. If it's worth it, then you can try to recognize the channel manually.

Often the reason why web sites are occupied for a long time on Android devices is the high level of interest in the data transmission channel. In simple words, on one of the connected attachments, for example, on a laptop, you can go. Through tse "klyagaє" the whole merezha. Therefore, try turning on all the add-ons of the router and leaving your smartphone / tablet only.

Okrim tsgogo, maybe your provider just obzhuє shvidkіst. It's easy to overthink. Connect to the Internet from another annex. If the speed is correct, then the river is connected to itself. If everything works fine, but on the Android-attachment it’s a galm, then the next thing is to change the rest.

Re-installation of the Android device

Sometimes, attachments can be galmuvati. It may be due to a variety of reasons, but as a result, the speed of robotic browsers is added. Try resetting your smartphone/tablet and try reconnecting. In addition, often the Android browsers themselves can work incorrectly. To that varto skushtuvati kіlka options. For example, Opera, Chrome is the standard browser.

Also, the speed of Wi-Fi data transmission is influenced by the distance from the access point.

Apparently, the farther you know the signal, you will be better off. To check the Wi-Fi connection on Android devices, there is a special program called Wi-Fi Analyzer.

Speed ​​up the Internet on Android: Video

Publication date: 21.04.15

Today, the Wi-Fi network is practically in the skin of another apartment and people are satisfied with their belongings. modern technologies. But only the portability of the robot and the dart-free mesh of the vlashtov is not all. Before me, more and more often, they get skargs on the arc of better WiFi and ask for help with joy. In this article, I chose the most common and the most wide reasons for the low speed of the Internet through Wi-Fi and let's try to fight them!

Reason 1 - The standard that wins

At the moment, there is already a large number of standards dartless sting, which are supported by current routers. Main axis: 802.11 b/g/n/ac. With the best of them, you can only take two left. Standard 802.11N supported by almost all modern routers and access points, both in the 2.4 GHz band and in the extended 5 GHz band.

Theoretically, vins allow up to 300 megabits, as 2 antennas are vicorated and up to 150 megabits are vicorated alone. In practice, the numbers can be boldly divided by 3. First, you can add Wi-Fi to your Wi-Fi network at any time, and you can get the Internet speed to your usual outbuildings. If you use a current dual-band router, then in the 5 GHz band, the most common standard will be 802.11ac.

Reason 2 - WiFi channel width

As a practical example, the majority of coristuvachs have more Wi-Fi to the fact that they have the width of the radio channel of 20 MHz in the old way. For bigger swedes, there is not enough of it. You can have the most modern router, but Wi-Fi will be galvanized, do not set the width of the channel in the main settings of the wireless network 40 MHz.

If you choose the 5 GHz band, you need to set the channel width there. 80 MHz.

Also, in order to get the real effect, do not forget to activate the traffic prioritization function WMM. Ring out to start by setting a special checkmark:

Let's save the improvement and re-advance the attachments. If you really see the improvement in security of all outbuildings.

Reason 3 - Noisy range

Even more often, before me, bags of richly overlaid buds with scargo are turned on those who can have better Wi-Fi. If I come and start a search, I’m running around for a dozen times more. And sometimes more. And yet, despite the fact that a larger-lesser can normally work no more than 13 at one hour (And in the USA it is even less - 11). Wanting after the fact, the problems of zі shvidkіst pochinayutsya already after the appearance of 10 merezі on the susіdstvo.

Too many people, having read the joys on the Internet, start trying to choose a smaller radio channel or install the antennas more tightly. But all the same, they don’t help, but they help, but for a short time, it’s only for a short time. And there is only one solution here - switching to the 5 GHz band. Just like that, you can speed up more WiFi and forget about “susidi” for a long time. Tim more, sho mesh adapters all at once available at a price, that and more current telephones and tablets are also able to practice with the cym range.

Reason 4 - Security standard

On rich routers, behind the locks at the security settings, the authentication type is WPA/WPA2 Mixed. Also, it was repeated repeatedly in koristuvachiv after the unfortunate mood of setting up the type. WPA-PSK, And sometimes the ancient WEP. Tse is not correct! These standards are hopelessly outdated. And not only that, the stench has become unsafe, but it also leads to the fact that WiFi is working correctly. That's why it's obov'yazkovo perverte, so that you have won the best standard of safety. WPA2-PSK with AES encryption. The axis looks like the D-Link DIR-300:

Note: If you suspect that the reason for the low security of the wireless mesh is encryption, try for a certain hour to open it (tobto without a password) and check it. If you need to move the security, then it will be necessary to sort out the ground, what is wrong with you in the safety parameters.

Reason 5. Roofing of the router

Those, like the installation of a router at your apartment, without intermediary, are implicated in the quality of the cover and the security of the wireless mesh. It is often possible to get into a flurry if the access point is at the far room in the den, under the table dragging behind system unit. Abo navpaki, at the entrance to the apartment, behind the bedside table on the bed. Don't wonder why you have more WiFi. Shvidk_st lie down in the capacity of covering the fence. And for which router, you need to put the yakomog closer to the center of the dwelling like this. Todі pokrittya will be more or less equal.

Another point is that the access point needs to be roztashovuvati yakomog higher. The ideal option is to put a bed under the bed. And straighten the antennas down. As soon as you put the attachment on the side - on the sub-log, then the signal on the apartment will be higher.

The third moment is a strong influx on the doorway to the connected annex-client, as well as the presence on the way of the signal of various crossings at the sight of concrete or plasterboard walls, metal crates, great wall aquariums, a large number of clothes by-button technology at the sight of a great television, wall-mounted heaters, etc. Everything complicates the passage of the signal, and also, it pours into the speed of the work of the fence.

Reason 6. Weakness of the Wi-Fi signal

Trochs of theory! The intensity of Wi-Fi transmission is directly proportional to the size. Tobto chim vyshcha poguzhnist, tim far away vіdstan, yaku vіn pokrivaє. At the same time, the intensity of the signal is wrapped in proportional modulation. The higher the tightness, the lower the modulation strength. And the lower the modulation width, the lower WiFi security. Axis yak! Ideally, a high bandwidth is reached with a good signal and low strain on the transmission of the access point. Because you have a small apartment or booths, try to play around with the parameters of the router's transmission intensity:

On some models, it is set at the windows, and on other models, on the screenshots: fixed values. We set the average intensity of the signal and test it.

It’s more fun - it’s not necessary to sit with a laptop or a phone with a router, be aware that there will definitely not be better WiFi here. Yak bi not so! Tsim Vi shvidshe for everything will achieve a salutary effect: the signal will be victorious, but the swidkіst will not be.

Reason 7. The problem is in possession

So-so, the cause of the galm of the droto-free line can be your droto-free router, laptop or phone.
In the first place, the most common problem is a crooked factory firmware for the router's modem. This is also relevant for D-Link, Asus, and other TP-Link devices. Therefore, after the purchase, it is necessary to upgrade the firmware to the most the rest of the version. So varto climb on the forums and search for information about this model. More often than not, the solution to these problems is the installation of an alternative microprogram.
In a different way, you can’t check Swiss records for a cheap router up to 2000 rubles at a price. So, wine upholds all modern standards, but at the same time “salizes” the weak. And in the memory of the processor and memory, there is a connection to the device (transfer of data between a cable interface and a wireless mesh).

In another way, the low speed of Wi-Fi may be the result of the fact that on a laptop or a tablet, which is connected, the antenna is already weakly plugged in. And here you can’t fix the situation with the most powerful antennas of the router. And one time, it hit me that the antenna on the telephone, after good luck, practically fell off. Through the filthy contact, shvidkist began to stribati. Vlasnik has been stumbling for a long time in the patches of the router, until he calls vipadkovo without revealing the real reason.

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