Smartphone grenades: why do gadgets wobble and how do they get lost?

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@just_tf, No. You simply don’t remember how to be timid correctly.

If, for example, laptops from all wire companies have batteries that are leaking.
And Samsung was determined that after two dozen incidents, it was going to grab everything under the hood (their compensation to the central authorities of the devices that caught fire included a fence against protests, which in America and it’s been a long time since I’ve been robbing anyone), without deciding to change the first replacement, having resisted for a long time So, to find out the problem she has.
And finally ending with marvelous both in form and in place of payments.

I still remember that story about the woman with two laptops, whose pennies were turned around for almost a month after she brought the nails and was inspired to change them to S7.
In short, the Koreans are not strong here.
@vugi, it's not like that. There are a lot of bullshit people here. The batteries are damaged by 30%, and the drum is damaged.
I’m not talking about the ones that knocked or burned over 100 iPhones :)

Did she know all about the fire?
And didn’t you try to grab anything?
this food
It’s more suitable.
besides note 7 and guess what?)
And then I immediately recognized it or didn’t recognize it at all:
Defective screens in iPhones 4, 5, 6

Defective batteries 5, 6
Defective power button 5

Oblazny body for 5 and 7
Tempting displays on expensive Macs
About accessories that are torn for many months, I’ll forget about them

I can’t help but agree about periodic problems with brightness.

There are only two companies that produce phones for such purposes.

And only one of them actually sells millions of pieces every day.

Of course, the whole focus of respect is on her.
Who cares about the problems in the Chinese or cheap Samsung/LG?))) And there are plenty more of them.

@vugi, there is no need to change the date))
What's bad?

Defective batteries 5, 6
The support is subtle, more low-key.

Everything needs to sound better)



God, here the story is asking nothing about what, you typical apple bastard, if you're ready to take the sign of an apple)

"Cheap" facepalm
So, did Apple decide to publish sales figures at the launch of 7K?)

>> there is no need to change the date))

I did not change anything.

>> Support vidminna, more low. Figova. If you want to understand it, you need to revise it.

You, in my opinion, are not short of such ability. Let's go into detail, but it's simple - Apple's list of indications for warranty repair/replacement of the device is much larger than Samsung's. Well, it’s quite a situation if it sends you away (as if it sent you because the batteries overheated), and Apple remembers you without a word.

>> Periodic??

Well, the beginning of 2016 was marked by the release of thirty-five Korean Galaxy Note 7s from Samsung directly into the hands of private citizens.

And already before the end of the month, the main part of the forward transactions from Russia was completed. And just a day later, information appeared about the growing number of defective models. Such a complex situation arose among Korean friends.

And what will happen now...

And then - more.

The first days of spring were marked by increased sales.

galaxy note 7 in the ten main living countries the beginning of a large-scale campaign to demand prepayments for the settlement and replacement of sold devices. Almost a thousand people in Russia have started to work on the new wireless flagship Note 7.

Why are Samsung smartphones vibing?

Maybe this is the action of terrorists or the approach of competitors? Not everything is too trivial. The problem lies in the high-capacity batteries that are defective. The company, of course, having slowed down sales, immediately began a thorough investigation into the breakdown of self-loaning and monitoring of battery failures in the Galaxy Note 7. Safety first! Tsikavo, as you can see from the family of a Korean who died in 2007, was damaged by an LG phone. Yoma's leg was torn and his spine was broken..

The sign indicates that the correct device will not allow harm when charging, unless there are connections to any device.

And here the first defects were revealed - the controller could go out of order.

And in the Samsung Note models from the first batch they were not present!

After recharging, the battery's electrolyte was drained, and a high volume of gas was visible.

Naturally, the pressure on the smartphone’s body has grown to a critical point - and the axis of the resulting microvibrations with fragments of the body is scattered in different directions.

A real “bomb” of enhanced action.

Once you get ready to exercise, sit down and wait until it “arrives.” This is sabotage! You can find out that the axis is like this, having bought a 12-way bottom smartphone, and having swelled and been burned by a hail of tricks...

The iPhone, for example, often has a different problem. I yakbi vin vibuhav too much for exercises. So, no – they just fall apart in your hands.

How can I explain this? powerful smartphone! Ale calm down, so that the advance will expand more on the model Samsung Note

7 additions until another date in the spring and those beyond the borders of Russia.

There was never any official sale of this batch in the Russian Federation. That's great! And so, the Russian Federation simply does not stop fear - it brings the truth to the testimony of its American colleagues. There, one low-profile American was hit by Samsung right on board the liner at the Louisville airport. Why is it unimportant - because this giant was informed about the affair and simply exchanged the old model for a new one. What didn’t steal this view of disembarkation from the plane at the same time from the tail of the passengers right in front of the villiot.!

Why did you miss it?

Do you want some Korean exotica?


Samsung has been around for a long time

Note smartphones

7. І food, why drink

washing machines Samsung has also become relevant.

True, it is important to know about the vibrations of the Asian markets in the States - they are now, melodiously, singing through the shoals of Korean “bombers”.

That’s also why the company’s products became “unsafe.”

Wanting, for example, having established myself as

Private machine

I would like to believe that the brand will renew its reputation.

Even his products have always been inspired by their brilliance and reliability. Video from youtube - “Note 7 at the fire: Samsung calls out the Galaxy flagship”: Koristuvach Ariel Gonzalez has included a video that shows a fire burning directly on a Samsung Galaxy Note7 charger.

In addition, Gonzales is in negotiations with Samsung to resolve the issue.

3. Together with Note7 I will burn down the garage

Wesley Hartzog stopped charging his smartphone in the garage, which resulted in a net gain.

Behind Vesley's words, we missed the news that Samsung is linking its new product to the problem of battery burning.

4. Note7 became the reason for the employment of a nobleman

American Nathan Dornacher lost charge of his Galaxy Note7 from a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

An hour later, he felt the alarming bark of the dog, looked out onto the street and revealed his jeep to the buried half.

5. The man is left without pants.

It could have been even worse

Floridian Jonathan Strobel took the precautions of another step when the Samsung Galaxy Note7 swelled at the front of his pants. Jonathan plans to sue the Korean company for 15 thousand dollars. 6. Ditina suffered while borrowing Note7

A six-year-old boy from Brooklyn took off the light grips of his hands after the Samsung Galaxy Note7 burned right into his hands.

According to the words of the grandmother, the incident began when she watched the video on her smartphone while it was charging. 7. Samsung smartphone damaged MacBook Pro Chinese Hui Renjie cut off the insignificant functions of two fingers and damaged his MacBook as if he were charging the evil Galaxy Note7.

Tsikavo, behind the words

Chinese koristuvach

The device came from a new “safe” batch. 7. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge may also be unsafe For days, I became another victim of my Samsung smartphone.

This time the cause of the fire was Galaxy S7 Edge., with which analysts predict that the company’s expenses will be even greater.

There is not much to worry about wasting your contact with clients, but also about wasting the opportunity and prestige of the company.

Sales of Galaxy Note7 have been renewed all over the world since yesterday. Are you afraid of buying something now? Without a doubt, today Samsung is one of the largest smartphone manufacturers in the world. And although the devices of the Korean giant gain great popularity, a number of the company’s products have their own “pros” and “cons.” Unfortunately, they were announced at MWC 2016

Galaxy flagships S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge have quite a few things. Now, after the start of sales, I think a lot of people have already thought about adding one (or two?) of the top devices. To ensure that the purchase does not play a dangerous role with the potential buyer, it is necessary to immediately get ahead of him various problems, revealed in the new products in Vlasna, which we will now begin with. According to Pershe, in Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge installations of the “old” rose Micro USB zamіst USB Type-C.

In addition, Vikonian wines USB standard 2.0. Well, on the cob 2016 rock greater quantity accessories and cables (from the first warehouse) are still assigned to the old port. Prote, a lot of manufacturers have already begun to equip their devices with a symmetrical socket, and the day is not far off when charging for Micro USB will become easier. (First of all, the USB Type-C adapter makes it easier to connect wires and flash drives to your smartphone: no matter which way you turn it, you can’t go wrong. And Vidmova appears

USB interface 3.0 is a mystery, and the speed on this bus is much higher than USB 2.0., there is little overlap between the front and rear Quick Charge 3.0 support.

Instead of a new development from Qualcomm, QC 2.0 is outdated. Testing has shown that the technology of the third version is effective at 38 watts and allows you to charge the device twice as fast.

Before speaking, the charging process from 0 to 80% takes approximately 35 minutes. Quarter A possible reason for this is an old fingerprint scanner, the same one installed in the previous Galaxy S6. This means that the sensor in the new smartphone has not become smarter and “reasonable”: the readability and number of views have been lost to a great extent. The totality of the possibility of vikorystuvat external map memory, as a continuation of internal -

fifths By the way, there is not a lot of Galaxy S7. This function first appeared in Android 6.0 Marshmallow, which is what it is based on

Denmark smartphone . It allows, as stated, the insertion of a microSD card as much as possible of the stored memory, or not. Tim himself would not have had to worry about placing his favorite films, photographs and music on the device. Curse Corps - sixty It makes you think about any other smartphone.

I would like to say that regardless of the over-inflated parts, which can easily squash your eyes, the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge are premium smartphones that are close to ideal.

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