Row transformer TVS. Dzherelo high voltage from tdks. V. Silchenko, p. Vikulov, Tyumen region

Golovna / Additional functionality

At the table 5.15, the maximum possible value of the coefficients of energy insufficiency and FA intensities for typical core cores of the reactor was determined by the duration of the campaign. The values ​​of the coefficients of unevenness of energy vision were taken after the data of section 5.3.6, taken away when modeling on the physical model of the reactor, the last interference in the skin z and medium fresh TVS with an average vigor in the active zone is close to 2%.

Table No. 5.15

The maximum possible duration of the campaign is to exhaust the characteristics of fuel assemblies in typical core cores

The numbers at the arches of the first row of the table. No. 5.15 Vidpovyda, a round -round to the Central Nonsense of the Kloko Navalny TVS (to the rosekhunku on 188 tweels), Sho is to be found in the yergovidlya spaces of active zone at the time of the maximum cladge of the Koefitsytvytvytvytvytvytvynosti The quantity depends on the provisions of the short circuit (frequently introduced into the zone of the hot spring) and the quantity of TVS 184.05 (160 TVs), which is in the active zone (for data, pointing at Table 5.15, it is taken equal to 6).

The investigations of the maximum values ​​of the temperature parameters of the fuel, which can be implemented by running the campaign in typical core cores, for the stationary operation of the reactor at a nominal intensity of 100 MW, were carried out using the KANAL-K program. In skin TVS for the table. No. 5.15, a fragment of the 8 largest stressed wires was processed, including the wires with the maximum energy output. Vihіdni data and the results of rozrahunku zvedenі in table. No. 5.16.

Table No. 5.16

Razrahunkovі parameters of fuel assemblies and fuel at a reactor pressure of 100 MW

Parameter Value
Reactor pressure, MW
Heat transfer temperature at the entrance to the core, about С
Heat transfer pressure at the reactor inlet, MPa
Heat transfer temperature in the lower mixing chamber, 88,5
Number of a typical center line
Vitrata heat transfer through fuel assemblies, m 3 / year 40,2 49,9 37,8 65,7 121,8
Medium swedishness heat transfer, m/s 3,9 4,9 3,7 6,6 12,0
Heat transfer temperature at the exit from the rozrachunk center with the maximum energy output, about C
The maximum temperature of the husk was near the depression of the crest, about C 300,1 301,1 298,1 304,7 313,5
The maximum temperature of the poured composition is in the center of the crest, 416,2 428,1 398,3 463,6 575,0
7,0 8,4 6,3 10,8 17,6
Maximum reserve factor for critical thermal loads, Kcr 1,51 1,51 1,51 1,51 1,51

As a result of vicoration at the SM-3 reactor, the mode of frequent re-tuning has changed the energy density of the active zone, both in the campaign before the campaign, and in the process of the skin campaign. In case of re-witching fresh fuel assemblies, as a rule, two fuel assemblies are installed at the inner and outer balls of the zone and no more than two fuel assemblies at the quadrant. During the process of the campaign, it was necessary to deposit energy due to the relocation of the RV CPS, change the zone for the introduction of the rainfall additional short circuit, uneven in the zone of vigor and that disruption. Z rahuvannyam tsgogo that realization of guidance at tab. No. 5.16 Cooling modes for fuels in addition to a set of hot water cores are also stale in a specific campaign and її heating.

Особливістю роботи твелів в реакторі СМ-3, як і СМ-2, є використання форсованого охолодження найбільш енергонапружених твелів за рахунок допущення поверхневого кипіння теплоносія у всіх типових осередках зони в режимах з максимальним енерговиділенням в ТВС цих осередків (гідропрофілювання із забезпеченням однакового запасу кризи) . On the part of the TV with maximum energy output, the temperature of the outer surface of the shell of the TV is higher than the temperature of the rise, which leads to the establishment of the bulbs in the microdepressions of the surface. In his own room, undercooling the heat-carrying capacity to the temperature of saturation, to bring to a swedish condensation of steam bulbs, and, in this manner, the volume of the bet in the sweat of the day. The increase in heat transfer increases the coefficient of heat transfer, which increases the temperature saving of the husk of the fuel at a relatively low level. For the entire hour of operation of the SM-2 and SM-3 reactors, no hydraulic and neutron instabilities were noted in the CPS robotic active zone.

30 2 10 9 28 29 S 6 GTGTPTT pttgt 15 U 18 16 22 20 23 21 19 13 12 26 27 7 8 Small. &2S. The principle electrical circuit of transformers in a small socket type TVS-90PTs12 1 m / s2) to the trivality of the blow, no more. . . 2...5 ms Adjusted temperature: for UHL ventilator, no more... 55°С for B and T ventilator, no more. . 70°С Overheating temperature of TVS-90PTs12 windings, not more than 45°С Reduced temperature: for group II dehydration -25°С for group 1P dehydration -10°С during transportation: for climatic winding UHL -50°С for climatic T -60°С

Intensity of pull-out 15,000 years old 1.2*10“® 1/year for reliability assurance 0.6.

Additional electrical parameters of TVS-90PTs12 Live voltage of TVS 285 V Frequency of passage of pulses (15.6±2) kHz Trivality of the reverse course of the exchanger, with boundary displacements (12±1.5) µs Voltage at the output of the high-voltage rectifier, not more than 27.5 Strum навантаження високовольтного випрямляча, не більше 1200 мкА Номінальна напруга на виході високовольтної обмотки ТВС 128,5 кВ Опір ізоляції між обмотками трансформатора, а також між кожною обмоткою та магнітопроводом не менше 10 МОм Мінімальне значення граничної напруги 0000 В Опір ізоляції обмоток при відносній вологості 85 % at a temperature of 35 °C, not less than 2 MΩ. TVS signaling output transformers for color televisions with kinescopes, which can cut the ventilation rate of 110 °. 10 * 15 chickens Small. &26. Aerial view of high-rise transformers in a small socket type TVS-110PTs15, TVS-110PTs16 PGPR pgttp 15 1 12 11 9 10 8 7 6 5 3 2 &27. The principal electrical data of horizontal scanning transformers of types TVS-110PTs15, TVS110PTs16 Signal output transformers of types TVS110PTs15 and TVS-110PTs16 are used in semiconductor output stages of horizontal scanning of a color image with kinescopes of the 61LKZTs type, having a beam deflection angle of 110 °, and kinescopes with self-converging beams of the 51LK2Ts type. TVS-1YuPTs15 transformers are used in sets with an OS90.29PTS17 winding system, a KT838A-type output transistor, a B83G damping diode, and a UN9 / 27-1.3 high-voltage rectifier-multiplier. Transformers TVS110PTs16 are vikorated in sets with OS-90.38PTs12 and with the same components EP, like and TVS-110PTs15.

A glaring view and dimensions of transformers are shown in fig. 8.26. The principle electrical circuit of transformers TVS-110PTs15 and TVS-110PTs16 is given in fig. 8.27. Winding data of transformers are induced in Table. 8.8.

We prepare high-voltage transformers on shear P-like magnetic circuits from a ferromagnetic alloy, the design and electromagnetic parameters of which are reviewed in another section of the conductor. St_yka ekspluatats_ya transformer_v zabezpechuєtsy klіmatichnymi vykonannyami: UHL, V or T; categories 4.2; 3 or 1.1 per GOST 15150-69 and groups of zastosuvannya. Transformers of the I group of zastosuvannya at the climatic vikonannі UHL are prepared in two types: from the sizable and elevated moisture content. 291

Pristrіy enter before high-voltage games from zastosuvannyam іntegralnogo timer 555. Dosit tsіkava robot device may be of special interest not only among the radioamatorіv. Such a high-voltage generator is even simpler to prepare and does not require additional tuning.
The basis is a generator of direct-current impulses, impulses on a microcircuit 555. The circuit also has a power switch, which has an N-channel polovy transistor IRL3705.

In this article, a detailed design will be examined report description all the components that win.
There are only two active components in the circuit - a timer and a transistor, below the pinout of the timer.

I think there won't be any hardships every day.

A power transistor can have such a pinout.

The scheme is not new, it has long been victorious in self-contained structures, it is necessary to remove the increased voltage (electric shock attachments, Gaussian harmonics, then).

The audio signal is sent to the control of the microcircuit through a fusing capacitor (ceramic capacitor is possible), the capacity of which should be confirmed by the way.

I want to say that it is good to work and do it well, but not to be afraid to turn it on for a long time, the oscillating circuit does not have an additional driver to strengthen the output signal of the microcircuit, so the rest can overheat.

If you have already made such an attachment as a souvenir, then you can choose the scheme below.

Such a scheme can already be practiced for a long time.

It has a timer to live in a low voltage, it ensures the robot's trip without overheating, and the driver takes charge of the microcircuit. Tsey peretvoryuvach vіdminny variant, wanting more components. With drivers, you can win literally be-like complementary bets of small and medium tightness, varying from KT316/361 to KT814/815 or KT816/817.

The circuit can be used as a low voltage of 6-9 volts. In my opinion, the installation is powered by an uninterrupted battery (12 Volt 7A / year).

Transformer - vikoristany ready. If the installation is selected for demonstration, varto wind the high-voltage transformer by yourself. Do not hesitate to change the setting size. Our vipadok has a vikoristanium small transformer type TVS-110PTs15. Below I present the winding data of a twisted in-line transformer.

Winding 3-4 4 turns (opir winding 0.1 Ohm)
Winding 4-5 8 turns (opir winding 0.1 Ohm
Winding 9-10 16 turns (opir winding 0.2 Ohm)
Winding 9-11 45 turns (opir winding 0.4 Ohm)
Winding 11-12 100 turns (opir winding 1.2 Ohm)
Winding 14-15 1080 turns (opir winding 110-112 Ohm)

Without giving a signal to see the timer control, the circuit will work like a change in voltage, which is moving.
Regular windings of a small transformer do not allow to take a long arc at the output; It is wound on the left side of the core and avenged 5-10 turns of a rod 0.8-1.2 mm. Below we marvel at the expansion of the fittings of a row transformer.

Samy optimal option- multiple windings 9 and 10, although subsequent windings were carried out, but the result is obviously shorter.
The video, unfortunately, does not have a good word, but in real life it can be clearly a little. Such an "arc" guchnomovets may be worthless KKD, which does not exceed 1-3%, so such a method of creating sound does not know a wide crowd and is demonstrated in the boundaries of school laboratories.

List of radio elements

Appointment Type of Denomination Kіlkіst NoteScoreMy notepad
Programming timer and oscillator


1 Up to the notepad
Linear regulator


1 Up to the notepad
T1 MOSFET transistor


1 Up to the notepad
VT1 bipolar transistor


1 Up to the notepad
VT2 bipolar transistor


1 Up to the notepad
Z 1 Capacitor2.2nF x 50V1 Ceramic Up to the notepad
C2 Capacitor100nF x 63V1 Plivkovy Up to the notepad
R1 Resistor

1 room

1 0.25W Up to the notepad
R2 Resistor

High-voltage generators of low tension are widely used for flaw detection, for living portable quick-charged particles, X-ray and electron-promenev tubes, photoelectronic multipliers, and detectors for ionizing vibrations. Крім цього, їх також застосовують для електроімпульсного руйнування твердих тіл, отримання ультрадисперсних порошків, синтезу нових матеріалів, як іскрових те-шукачів, для запуску газорозрядних джерел світла, при електророзрядній діагностиці матеріалів і виробів, отриманні газорозрядних фотографій за методом С. Д. Кирліан. , testing the capacity of high-voltage insulation similar outbuildingsзнаходять застосування як джерела живлення для електронних уловлювачів ультрадисперсного та радіоактивного пилу, систем електронного запалювання, для електроефлювіальних люстр (люстр А. Л. Чижевського), аероіонізаторів, пристроїв медичного призначення (апарати Д'Арсонваля, франкалізації, ультратонотерапії), газових , електрозагорож, електротрошокерів and etc.

Smartly up to the generators of high voltage, we have installed an attachment, which vibrates a voltage of more than 1 kV.

The generator of high-voltage pulses from the resonant transformer coils (Fig. 11.1) wobbles according to the classical circuit on the RB-3 gas discharger.

Capacitor C2 is charged with a pulsed voltage through the diode VD1 and resistor R1 to the breakdown voltage of the gas discharger. After a breakdown of the gas gap of the arrester, the capacitor is charged to the primary winding of the transformer, after which the process is repeated. At the result, at the output of the transformer T1, high-voltage impulses are formed, which are extinguished, with an amplitude of up to 3 ... 20 kV.

For zahistu vihіdnoї windings of the transformer in the form of overvoltage in parallel with the connection of the surge arrester, vikonaniya at the sight of the electrodes with a repeated gap, which is regulated.

Rice. 11.1. Scheme of the generator of high-voltage impulses from the substations of the gas discharger.

Rice. 11.2. Scheme of the generator of high-voltage impulses from the voltage subtraction.

Transformer T1 of the pulse generator (Fig. 11.1) ferite core M400NN-3 with a diameter of 8 and a length of 100 mm. The primary (low-voltage) winding of the transformer contains 20 turns of wire MGShV 0.75 mm with a winding edge of 5 ... 6 mm. The secondary winding is to take 2400 turns of the ordinary winding of the PEV-2 0.04 mm dart. The primary winding is wound over the secondary winding through a polytetrafluoroethylene (fluoroplastic) gasket 2x0.05 mm. The secondary winding of the transformer may be nadіyno _isolated from the primary.

A variant of a high-voltage pulse generator with a resonant transformer is shown in fig. 11.2. This scheme of the generator has a galvanic decoupling in the medium of life. Merezhevy voltage should go to the intermediate (moving) transformer T1. The voltage, which is taken from the secondary winding of the tethered transformer, should be adjusted to the voltage, which is used for the voltage boost circuit.

As a result of the work of such a winding on the upper one behind the circuit of the capacitor C2 lining, there is a positive voltage, which is equal to the square root of 2Uii, de Uii the voltage on the secondary winding power transformer.

On the condenser C1 is formed in the form of a voltage of the opposite sign. As a result, the voltage on the plates of the capacitor C3 is equal to 2 square roots of 2Uii.

The speed of the charge of capacitors C1 and C2 (C1 \u003d C2) is determined by the value of the support R1.

If the voltage on the plates of the capacitor C3 is observed with a voltage breakdown of the gas arrester FV1, there will be a breakdown in the first gas gap, the capacitor C3 i, obviously, the capacitors C1 and C2 will be discharged, at the secondary winding T2 of the transformer, there will be a periodic damping noise. After the discharge of capacitors and the switching on of the arrester, the process of charging and stepping discharge of capacitors on the primary winding of the transformer 12 will be repeated again.

A high-voltage generator, which is used for taking photographs from a gas discharge, as well as for collecting an ultrafine and radioactive saw (Fig. 11.3), is composed of a voltage booster, a relaxation pulse generator and a resonant transformer that moves.

Podovzhuvach voltage vikonaniya on diodes VD1, VD2 and capacitors C1, C2. The charging port is equipped with capacitors C1 ZZ and resistor R1. Parallel to the capacitors C1 ZZ inclusions of a gas discharger for 350 V s sequentially connected by the primary winding of the transformer T1.

As soon as the voltage is constant on the capacitors C1 ZZ, to overvoltage the breakdown of the arrester, the capacitors are discharged through the transformer winding, which moves, and as a result, a high-voltage impulse is established. The elements of the circuit are selected so that the frequency of the pulse formation is close to 1 Hz. Capacitor C4 is intended for use with a variable voltage clamp.

Rice. 11.3. Schematic diagram of a high-voltage pulse generator with different stages of a gas discharger with dinistors.

The output voltage of the building is generally determined by the power of the transformer and can reach 15 kV. High-voltage transformer for output voltage close to 10 kV, running on a dielectric tube with an outer diameter of 8 and a length of 150 mm, in the middle of the expansion of the middle electrode with a diameter of 1.5 mm. The secondary winding should be covered with 3...4 thousand turns of a PELSHO 0.12 wire, winding a turn up to a turn of 10...13 balls (winding width 70 mm) and leaking adhesives BF-2 with interball insulation with polytetrafluoroethylene. The primary winding should be covered with 20 turns of a wire of PEV 0.75, passed through cambric with polyvinyl chloride.

As such a transformer, it is also possible to make modifications to the outer transformer of a small TV set; transformers of electronic igniters, lamps-spalakhіv, coil zapalyuvannya and in.

The gas discharger P-350 can be replaced by a lantern dinistor type KN102 (Fig. 11.3, right-handed), which allows you to change the output voltage stepwise often. For equal voltage distribution on the dinistors in parallel to the skin, they are connected to resistors of the same rating with a support of 300 ... 510 kOhm.

A variant of the circuit of a high-voltage generator with victors as a threshold-switching element of a gas-filled device for indications to the thyratron in fig. 11.4.

Rice. 11.4. Schematic diagram of a high-voltage pulse generator for a vicarious thyratron.

Merezhevy voltage is rectified by the diode VD1. The rectified voltage is smoothed by the capacitor C1 and is fed to the charging port R1, C2. As soon as the voltage on the capacitor C2 is within reach of the voltage of the thyratron VL1, it is spalling. Capacitor C2 is discharged through the primary winding of transformer T1, the thyratron is extinguished, the capacitor is charged again, etc.

Yak transformer T1 vikoristan avtomobil_lna kotka zalyuvannya.

The VL1 MTX-90 thyratron can be replaced by one or more dinistors of the KH102 type. The high voltage amplitude can be adjusted by the number of included dinistors.

The design of a high-voltage switcher with a thyratron switching switch is described in the paper. It is significant that for the discharge of a capacitor, there can be used other types of gas-filled accessories.

Bigger prospects for stosuvannya in today's high-voltage generators napіvprovіdnikovyh mikayuchih priladіv. These advantages are clearly pronounced: the height of the repetition of parameters, the smaller size and dimensions, the height of the superiority.

Below, we will look at generators of high-voltage impulses with various devices for switching devices (dinistors, thyristors, bipolar and field transistors).

Fully equal, but low-current analogue of gas dischargers - dinistori.

On fig. 11.5 shows the electrical circuit of the generator, based on dinistors. For its structure, the generator is similar to the descriptions earlier (Fig. 11.1, 11.4). The main power is used in the replacement of the gas discharger with a lanyard of series-connected dinistors.

Rice. 11.5. Diagram of a high-voltage pulse generator on dinistors.

Rice. 11.6. Scheme of the generator of high-voltage pulses from a bridge with a straightener.

It should be noted that the CCD of such an analogue and stream, which are switched, note lower, lower in the prototype, pro dinistories are more accessible and more durable.

A less complicated version of the high-voltage pulse generator is shown in fig. 11.6. Merezheva voltage is applied to the brukivka vipryamlyach on diodes VD1 VD4. The straightened voltage is smoothed by capacitor C1. On this capacitor, there is a constant voltage of about 300 V, as it is victorious for the life of the generator of the relaxation, stacked elements R3, C2, VD5 and VD6. The first step is the primary winding of the transformer T1. From the secondary windings, impulses are generated with an amplitude of approximately 5 kV and a frequency of up to 800 Hz.

The lantern of dinistorіv is responsible for the cost of insurance for a voltage of about 200 V. Here you can win dinіstori type KN102 or D228. If you need to ensure that the voltage of switching on the dinistors of the type KN102A D228A becomes 20 V; KN102B, D228B 28 V; KN102V, D228V 40 V; KN102G, D228G 56 V; KN102D, D228D 80 V; KN102E 75 V; KN102Zh, D228Zh 120 V; KN102І, D228І 150 V.

Like a T1 transformer in building more outbuildings, you can use a small transformer for a black-and-white TV. The high-voltage winding is stripped, otherwise removed and replaced with a low-voltage (primary) winding of 15 ... 30 turns on a PEV core with a diameter of 0.5 ... 0.8 mm.

When choosing the number of turns of the primary winding, check the number of turns of the secondary winding. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the magnitude of the output voltage of the high-voltage pulse generator should be placed in the presence of the transformer circuits adjusted to resonance, lower in the number of winding turns.

Characteristics of certain types of television transformers in a small distribution are given in Table 11.1.

Table 11.1. Parameters of high-voltage windings of unified television transformers in a small range.

Transformer type

Number of turns

R windings, Ohm


TVS-110, TVS-110M

Transformer type

Number of turns

R windings, Ohm

TVS-90LTs2, TVS-90LTs2-1


TVS-110PTs16, TVS-110PTs18

Rice. 11.7. Wiring diagram high voltage pulse generator

On fig. 11.7 shows a diagram of a two-stage high-voltage pulse generator published on one of the sites, in which the switching element is a thyristor. At its core, as a threshold element, which indicates the frequency of passage of high-voltage impulses and starts the thyristor, the gas-discharge device is a neon lamp (lance HL1, HL2).

When a voltage is applied, the generator of impulses, which vibrates on the basis of the transistor VT1 (2N2219A KT630G), vibrates a voltage of about 150 V. The voltage is rectified by the diode VD1 and the capacitor C2 is charged.

After that, as the voltage on the capacitor C2 is turned over the voltage of the ignition of the neon lamps HL1, HL2, the capacitor will be discharged to the electrode of the electric thyristor VS1 through the stream-coupling resistor R2, the thyristor will turn off. The discharge jet of the capacitor C2 is to create an electrical coaxing of the primary winding of the transformer T2.

The turn-on voltage of the thyristor can be adjusted by selecting neon lamps with different voltages. You can gradually change the value of the thyristor turn-on voltage by switching the number of successively turned on neon lamps (or dinistors, which are replaced).

Rice. 11.8. Diagram of electrical processes on the electrodes of the heating devices (Fig. 11.7).

The voltage diagram for the adjustment of the transistor VT1 and the anode thyristor is shown in fig. 11.8. As seen from the diagrams, the blocking generator pulses may last approximately 8 ms. The charge of the capacitor C2 is shifted frequently-exponentially up to di pulses, which are taken from the secondary winding T1 of the transformer.

At the output of the generator, pulses of about 45 kV are formed. Yak transformer T1 vikoristany vyh_dny transformer for podsilyuvach_v low frequency. In the yakost

high-voltage transformer T2 vikoristany transformer fotospalahu chi transformations (div. more) TV transformer small razgorka.

A diagram of another version of the generator with a different neon lamp as a threshold element is shown in fig. 11.9.

Rice. 11.9. The electrical circuit of the generator with a boundary element on a neon lamp.

Relaxation generator for new loops on the elements R1, VD1, C1, HL1, VS1. Vіn pratsyuє with positive loop-rіods, the voltage is less, if the capacitor C1 is charged up to the voltage of switching on the threshold element on the neon lamp HL1 and thyristor VS1. Diode VD2 dampens impulses of self-induction of the primary winding of the moving transformer T1 and allows to increase the output voltage of the generator. Output voltage is 9 kV. Neon lamp at the same time as a signaling device, I will attach it to the fence.

High-voltage transformer winding on a shear with a diameter of 8 and a length of 60 mm with M400NN ferrite. The back winding is placed on the primary winding of 30 turns in the wire PELSHO 0.38, and then the second winding is 5500 turns in PELSHO 0.05 or a larger diameter. Between the windings and through the skin 800 ... 1000 turns of the secondary winding lay a ball of insulation from an insulating polyvinyl chloride line.

At the generator, it is possible to introduce a discrete, multi-stage regulation of the output voltage to the permeability of the successive lances of neon lamps or dinistors (Fig. 11.10). The first variant has two steps of regulation, the other has up to ten and more (with different dinistors KH102A with a voltage of 20 V).

Rice. 11.10. Electrical diagram of the boundary element.

Rice. 11.11. The electrical circuit of a high voltage generator with a border element on a diode.

A simple high voltage generator (Fig. 11.11) allows you to capture output pulses with an amplitude of up to 10 kV.

I will add a switch of the electric element with a frequency of 50 Hz (on the same pitch, the voltage of the wire). It is a threshold element of the VD1 diode VD1 D219A (D220, D223), which works in case of reverse displacement in the avalanche breakdown mode.

When the voltage of the avalanche breakdown is transferred to the conductive transition of the diode, the transition of the diode at the conductive station is changed. The voltage from the charged capacitor C2 is applied to the electric electrode of the thyristor VS1. When the thyristor C2 is turned on, the capacitor is discharged to the winding of the transformer T1.

Transformer T1 does not have a core. Vіn vykonany on coils with a diameter of 8 mm with polymethyl methacrylate or polytetrachlorethylene and avenge three spaced sections with a width of

9mm. The moving winding is 3x1000 turns, wound with PETF, PEV-2 wire 0.12 mm. After winding, the winding may be leaked with paraffin. On top of the paraffin, 2 3 balls of insulation are applied, after which the primary winding of 3x10 turns of PEV-2 0.45 mm is wound.

The thyristor VS1 can be replaced with another one with a voltage of 150 V. The avalanche diode can be replaced with a lantern dinistor (Fig. 11.10, 11.11 below).

Scheme of a low-voltage portable dzherel of high-voltage impulses with autonomous living from one galvanic cell (Fig. 11.12) and two generators. The first one is on two low-voltage transistors, the other is on thyristor and dinistor.

Rice. 11.12. Scheme of a voltage generator with low-voltage live and thyristor-dinistor key element.

The cascade on transistors of different conductivity transforms a low-voltage constant voltage into a high-voltage pulse. Elements C1 and R1 serve as a watch lancet for this generator. When the power is turned on, the transistor T1 turns on, and the voltage drop on the first collector turns on the transistor T2. Capacitor C1, charging through resistor R1, changes the base stream of transistor CT2 on the floor, so that transistor CT1 goes out of saturation, and then leads to a curve і T2. Transistors will be closed, docking capacitor C1 will not be discharged through the primary winding of transformer T1.

The impulse voltage is moved, which is taken from the secondary winding of the transformer T1, is rectified by the diode VD1 and goes to the capacitor of another generator C2 with the thyristor VS1 and the dinistor VD2. Skin positive mood

the storage capacitor C2 is charged to the amplitude value of the voltage, which increases the voltage of the VD2 dinistor, tobto. up to 56 V (nominal impulse voltage, which is used for a dinistor type KN102G).

The transition of the dynistor at the output of the mill is poured onto the lancet of the control of the thyristor VS1, which also appears. Capacitor C2 is discharged through the thyristor and the primary winding of the transformer T2, after which the dinistor and thyristor start to close again and the charge of the capacitor begins to charge, the cycle of switching is repeated.

From the secondary winding of the transformer T2, pulses are taken with an amplitude of a kilovolt. The frequency of spark discharges is approximately 20 Hz, but it is much less than the frequency of impulses, which is taken from the secondary winding of the transformer T1. It is due to the fact that the capacitor C2 is charged to the voltage of the dynistor switching not one, but a sprinkling of positive voltages. The expansion of the capacity of the capacitor indicates the tension and trivality of the output discharge impulses. It is safe for the dinistor and the electric electrode of the trinistor of the average value of the discharge stream to be selected for the expansion of the capacitance of the capacitor and the magnitude of the impulse voltage to live the cascade. For which capacitance C2 can be approximately 1 microfarad.

Transformer T1 vikonaniya on kіltsevoy ferrite magnetic core type K10x6x5. Vіn May 540 turns to the PEV-2 0.1 wire from grounding after the 20th turn. The cob of yoga winding comes to the transistor VT2, the end - to the diode VD1. Transformer T2 winding on a coil with a ferrite or permaloy core with a diameter of 10 mm, a length of 30 mm. A coil made of 30 mm diameter and 10 mm wide is wound with PEV-2 wire 0.1 mm until the frame is completely filled. Before winding is completed, earthing is to be done, and the remaining row of wires from 30...40 turns is wound round to round over the insulating ball of varnished fabric.

Transformer T2 in the course of winding must be soaked with insulating varnish or with BF-2 glue, then dry thoroughly.

Zam_st VT1 and VT2 can be zastosuvati be-yak_ low-power transistors, zdatn_ work in the pulsed mode. Thyristor KU101E can be replaced by KU101G. Dzherelo living galvanic elements with a voltage of not more than 1.5 V, for example, 312, 314, 316, 326, 336, 343, 373, or disk nickel-cad-miev batteries of type D-0.26D, D-0.55C i etc.

The thyristor generator of high-voltage impulses with wired life is shown in fig. 11.13.

Rice. 11.13. The electrical circuit of the generator of high-voltage pulses with a small accumulating energy and a thyristor switch.

Under an hour of positive voltage, the capacitor C1 is charged through the resistor R1, the diode VD1 and the primary winding of the transformer T1. Thyristor VS1 in case of closing, sparks of the current stream through the electric current (the voltage drop on the VD2 diodes in a straight line is small in relation to the voltage, which is necessary for the thyristor to be driven).

With a negative voltage period, diodes VD1 and VD2 are closed. On the cathode of the thyristor, a voltage drop is established along the electric electrode (minus on the cathode, plus on the electric electrode), a strum appears in the lance of the electric electrode, and the thyristor is vibrated. At the same time, the capacitor C1 is discharged through the primary winding of the transformer. The secondary winding has a high voltage pulse. And so the skin period of the laundering tension.

At the output, a high-voltage bipolar impulse is formed (splinters when the capacitor is discharged in the primary winding lantern, they sparkle and go out).

Resistor R1 can be folded out of three parallel connected resistors MLT-2 with a support of 3 kOhm.

Diodes VD1 and VD2 are required to be charged to the stream not less than 300 mA and the reverse voltage is not lower than 400 V (VD1) and 100 B (VD2). Capacitor C1 type MBM for a voltage of not less than 400 V. The value of a fraction of a unit of microfarad is selected experimentally. Thyristor VS1 type KU201K, KU201L, KU202K KU202N. Transformers ignition coil B2B (6 V) from a motorcycle or a car.

The annex can have a TVS-110L6 TVS-110L6, TVS-1 YULA, TVS-110AM TV transformer.

A sufficient typical circuit of a high-voltage pulse generator with a small amount of energy is shown in fig. 11.14.

Rice. 11.14. Scheme of a thyristor generator of high-voltage pulses from єmnіsnim storable energy.

The generator should replace the capacitor C1, which should be extinguished, the diode vipryamny place VD1 VD4, the thyristor switch VS1 and the control circuit. When the attachment is turned on, the capacitors C2 and C3 are charged, the thyristor VS1 is still closed and do not conduct strum. The boundary voltage on capacitor C2 is surrounded by a zener diode VD5 with a value of 9V. In the process of charging the capacitor C2 through the resistor R2, the voltage on the potentiometer R3 i, obviously, at the power transition of the thyristor VS1 grows to the first value, after which the thyristor is switched to the wired station, and the capacitor C3 through the thyristor VS1 is discharged through the primary (low-voltage) generating high-voltage pulse. After that, the thyristor closes and starts again. Potentiometer R3 sets the thyristor activation threshold VS1.

The pulse repetition frequency is set to 100 Hz. Like a high-voltage transformer, it can be a vikoristan car coil. I’ll build a voltage of 30 ... 35 kV at this point. The thyristor generator of high-voltage impulses (Fig. 11.15) is controlled by voltage impulses, which are taken from the relaxation generator, which is connected to the VD1 dyno. The operating frequency of the generator of critical impulses (15 ... 25 Hz) is determined by the value of the support R2 and the capacity of the capacitor C1.

Rice. 11.15. The electrical circuit of the thyristor generator of high-voltage pulses with pulsed circuits.

Relaxation generator of interferences from a thyristor key through a T1 impulse transformer, type МІТ-4. As a high-frequency transformer T2, a high-frequency transformer is installed in the apparatus for darsonvalization "Iskra-2". The voltage at the output I will add may be 20 ... 25 kV.

On fig. 11.16 indications of the option of supplying impulses to the thyristor VS1.

Reversing the voltage (Fig. 11.17), splitting in Bulgaria, revenge two cascades. At the first of them, the key element, wound on transistors T1, is the winding of the transformer T1. Keruyuchi pulses of a rectangular shape periodically turn on / flicker the key on the transistor T1, connecting / turning on the primary winding of the transformer.

Rice. 11.16. Variant of keruvannya thyristor switch.

Rice. 11.17. Electrical circuit of a two-stage high-voltage pulse generator.

At the secondary winding, a voltage increase is induced, proportional to the transformation coefficient. The voltage is rectified by the diode VD1 and the capacitor C2 is charged, which connects to the primary (low-voltage) winding of the high-voltage transformer T2 and the thyristor VS1. The control of the thyristor robot is controlled by voltage pulses, which are taken from the auxiliary winding of the transformer T1 through a lanyard of elements, which correct the shape of the pulse.

As a result, the thyristor periodically flickers / flickers. Capacitor C2 is charged to the primary winding of the high voltage transformer.

high-voltage pulse generator, fig. 11.18, to replace as a key element a generator based on a single-junction transistor.

Rice. 11.18. Scheme of a high-voltage pulse generator with an element that controls, on a single-junction transistor.

Merezheva voltage is rectified by a diode bridge VD1 VD4. The pulsation of the rectified voltage smooths out the capacitor C1, while the charge of the capacitor is charged at the moment it is turned on, I will add a resistor R1 in the gap. Capacitor C3 is charged through resistor R4. One hour the generator of impulses on the single-junction transistor VT1 is activated. The “trigger” capacitor C2 is charged through resistors R3 and R6 as a parametric stabilizer (balance resistor R2 and stabilitron VD5, VD6). As soon as the voltage on the capacitor C2 reaches the first value, the transistor T1 is switched, and an electric pulse is placed on the key transition of the thyristor VS1.

Capacitor SZ is discharged through the thyristor VS1 to the primary winding of the transformer T1. On the second winding, a high voltage impulse is formed. The frequency of passage of these impulses depends on the frequency of the generator, so, at your own pace, to lie in the parameters R3, R6 and C2. With a pull-up resistor R6, you can change the output voltage of the generator by about 1.5 times. For this, the pulse frequency is regulated no more than 250 ... 1000 Hz. In addition, the output voltage changes when the resistor R4 is selected (no more than 5 to 30 kOhm).

Capacitors should be loaded with paper (C1 and SZ at a nominal voltage of at least 400 V); for the same voltage, there can be a re-insurance of a diodny place. The replacement of the one indicated on the diagram can be replaced with a T10-50 thyristor, or at the extreme end of the KU202N. Stabilizers VD5, VD6 are responsible for ensuring the total voltage of stabilization is close to 18 Art.

Transformer made on the basis of TVS-110P2 for black and white televisions. All primary windings are removed and wound on a plate, which made 70 turns of PEL or PEV wire with a diameter of 0.5 ... 0.8 mm.

The electrical circuit of the high voltage pulse generator, fig. 11.19 is added from the diode-capacitor voltage multiplier (diodes VD1, VD2, capacitors C1? C4). On yoga exit, a constant voltage of approximately 600 St.

Rice. 11.19. Scheme of a high-voltage pulse generator with a voltage booster and a pulse generator to run on a single-junction transistor.

As a threshold element, I will add a single-junction transistor VT1 type KT117A. The voltage on one of the bases is stabilized by a parametric stabilizer on a VD3 stabilitron, type KS515A (stabilization voltage is 15 B). Through the resistor R4, the charge of the capacitor C5 is charged, and if the voltage on the electrode of the ferrous transistor VT1 is changed to the voltage on the base, VT1 will be switched to the conductive station, and the capacitor C5 will be discharged to the ferrous electrode of the thyristor VS1.

When the thyristor is turned on, the lances of capacitors C1 Z4, charged to a voltage of about 600 ... 620 V, are discharged to the low-voltage winding of the transformer T1. When the thyristor is turned on, the charging and discharging processes are repeated at a frequency that is consistent with R4C5. Resistor R2 is between a short-circuiting jet when the thyristor is turned on and at the same time with an element of the charging lance of capacitors C1 Z4.

The conversion scheme (Fig. 11.20) of this simplified version (Fig. 11.21) is subdivided into the following knots: fenced fence filter (transition filter); electronic regulator; High voltage transformer.

Rice. 11.20. The electrical circuit of the high voltage generator with a filter.

Rice. 11.21. The electrical circuit of the high voltage generator with a filter.

The scheme in fig. 11.20 practice in this way. Capacitor SZ is charged through diode VD1 and resistor R2 to the amplitude value of the voltage of the wire (310 V). This voltage is drawn through the primary winding of the transformer T1, the anode of the thyristor VS1. On the other side (R1, VD2 and C2), the capacitor C2 is fully charged. If in the process of the first charge the breakdown voltage of the VD4 dinistor is reached (in the range of 25 ... 35), the capacitor C2 is discharged through the charging electrode of the thyristor VS1 and the voltage is turned off.

Capacitor SZ is practically mittevo discharged through the critical thyristor VS1 and the primary winding of the transformer T1. The impulse strum induces a high voltage at the secondary winding T1, the value of which can exceed 10 kV. After the discharge of the capacitor C3, the thyristor VS1 closes and the process is repeated.

Like a high-voltage transformer, a television transformer is vicorated, in which the primary winding is seen. For the new primary winding, a winding wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm is used. Number of turns 25.

For the preparation of inductance coils of the blocking filter L1, L2, high-frequency ferite cores are best suited, for example, 600НН with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 20 mm, which can be made approximately 20 turns of a winding wire with a diameter of 0.6 ... 0.8 mm.

Rice. 11.22. The electrical circuit of a two-stage high-voltage generator with a control element on a field-effect transistor.

Two-stage high-voltage generator (author Andres Estaban de la Plaza) to replace the transformer pulse generator, vibrating, clock-setting RC-lance, a key element on the thyristor (simistor), a high-voltage resonant transformer and a thyristor robot control circuit (Fig. 11.22).

Analog transistor TIP41 KT819A.

Low-voltage transformer voltage reversing switch bells and whistles, Selected on transistors VT1 and VT2, vibrating pulses with a repetition rate of 850 Hz. Transistors VT1 and VT2 for ease of operation during the passage of large streams are installed on radiators, which are made of midi or aluminum.

The output voltage, which is taken from the secondary winding of the low-voltage transformer T1, is rectified by the diode bridge VD1 VD4 and charges the capacitors C3 and C4 through the resistor R5.

Threshold control of the thyristor is carried out by a voltage regulator, before the stock of which the transistor of the TRZ polygonal transistor enters.

Dali of the robot are not affected by the processes described earlier: a periodic charge/discharge of capacitors is applied to the low-voltage winding of the transformer, and damped electrical oscillations are generated. Vihіdna napruga peretvoryuvacha when vikoristanny on the output like moving the coil transformer zaplyuvannya vіd car, reaching 40 ... 60 kV at a resonant frequency of approximately 5 kHz.

Transformer T1 (output transformer of a small diameter), 2x50 turns on a wire with a diameter of 1.0 mm, wound bifilarly. The secondary winding is 1000 turns with a diameter of 0.20 ... 0.32 mm.

Significantly, as a core element, the key elements can be used in combination with bipolar and pole transistors.


TDKS, what is it? Easier to say - it's a transformer, a hermetically sealed case, voltage spikes in a new sense, and the case protects against high voltage from the protection of the elements. TDKS victorious in a small rosette of modern televisions.

Previously, the black-and-white voltage of the other kinescope anode, which speeds up focusing, vibrated in two stages. Behind the auxiliary TVS (high-voltage row transformer), an accelerated voltage appeared, and farther after the auxiliary multiplier, the focusing voltage and the voltage of the other anode of the cathode were removed.

At TDKS, the decoding is as follows - a diode-cascade row transformer, vibrating the life voltage of another anode of the kinescope 25 - 30 kV, and it forms the voltage itself, which speeds up 300 - 800 V, the focusing voltage is 4 - 7 kV, the voltage is 2 - 27 31 V and on the threads of roasting kinescope. Zalezhno vіd TDKS and schemes induce, form additional secondary voltage for personnel recruitment. From the TDKS, signals are being sent to exchange the stream for the replacement of the kinescope and the auto-adjustment of the frequency of a small increase.

Attachment TDKS can be seen from the stock TDKS 32-02. How to lie on the transformers, the primary winding can be used, the voltage of the small winding is applied to the yak, and the life is also charged for the video amplifiers and the secondary winding, for the life of the already designated lances. The number of them can be different. Animation of the other anode, focusing that quick voltage is connected to the diode-capacitor cascade with the possibility of its regulation by potentiometers. More, scho need to say roztashuvannya visnovkіv, zdebіlshego transformers are U - figurative and O - figurative.

At the table below, the pinout of TDKS 32 02 is indicated and this is the scheme.

Characteristics of the transformer, recognized visnovk_v

Type of





















115 V

The numbering starts as if from below, left-handed, right-handed, behind the year's arrow.


It is important to choose analogues for the required TDKS, but it is possible. It is simply necessary to compare the characteristics of the actual transformers with the consumption, output and input voltages, as well as the very increase of the windings. For example, for TDKS 32 02 analogue - RET-19-03. However, if you want the stench to be identical to the voltage, PET-19-03 does not have any external grounding, but it won’t create problems, the shards of faults are simply connected in the middle of the case to another vent. I add analogues for deyaky tdks

Sometimes it is impossible to know the latest analogue of TDKS, but it is similar in terms of voltages to the price of visnovkas. In this case, it is necessary to install a transformer in the chassis of the TV, cut the tracks, which are not avoided, and need in the sequence of the pieces of insulated drotu. Be respectful during the operation.


Like and be-like a radio component, small transformers are also lamayutsya. So, as the prices on the deaky model are high, it is necessary to work out the exact diagnosis of the breakdown, so as not to throw pennies into the wind. The main faults of TDKS ce:

  • breakdown of the hull;
  • shaving windings;
  • intervitkovy zamikannya;
  • screen potentiometer trim.

With the breakdown of the insulation of the body and the shave, everything was clear, and the axis of the inter-turn closure will be important to finish. For example, squeak TDKS, which can be caused both by interference in the secondary lances of the transformer, and by inter-turn flickering. The best vikoristovuvaty tool for re-verification TDKS, and as such there are no alternative options. You can read about those how to reverse the TDKS of the TV set at the article on the site "How to reverse the transformer".


Probіy - tse sound a crack in the case, in which case the repair of the TDKS will be forgiven. We clean the crack with a great emery paper, clean it with yoga, and fill it with epoxy resin. The ball is robimo to finish tovsty, not less than 2 mm, so that it can be re-pierced.

Revision of TDKS when shaving and zamikanny vukkіv is problematic. You can help by rewinding the transformer. If you didn’t fail such an operation, you’re a hard worker, but for a job, everything is possible.

When shaving the winding, it is quicker to re-roast, and to mold from a smaller month. For this, we wind a couple of turns with an insulated rod around the TDKS core. Direct winding is not important, but if the thread of roasting is not lit up, remember the darts with your hands. After winding, it is necessary to set the ignition voltage behind the additional intermediate resistor.

If the pressure (screen) is not regulated, then to this particular type you can shape yoga. For which it is necessary to create a constant voltage close to 1kV with the possibility of regulation. Such a voltage is on the collector of a small transistor, pulses on a new one can be up to 1.5 kV.

The circuit is simple, the voltage is driven by a high-voltage diode and it is regulated by a potentiometer, which can be taken from the kinescope board of an old country TV 2 or 3USCT.

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