Then you need this attribute. The title and alt attribute wiki for images. Rules for correct filling alt

Golovna / Additional functionality

It is important to see sites without images, especially online stores and product catalogs. This is also a miraculous way to gain the respect of your customers, to show the product to the “examiners” and to encourage potential clients to complete their goals: purchasing a product or performing a service. You can read a report about those for which images are needed and on some pages that are responsible for the stink in our article “Selection and optimization of images for the site.”

Vikoristanya pictures will make the site more attractive and will help you get rid of visitors to the new, or even more important, by searching for images in Yandex or Google, additional traffic can come to your site (with the correct vikoristan of the Alt and Title tag attributes ).

What is the Alt attribute for images?

Alt attribute for images- this is the text that describes the images in the html abstract . It becomes visible when the image becomes difficult to capture. The text will be displayed in the place of the unselected image (if the Alt attribute is set).

Let's equalize. So it will look like an unselected image without the Alt attribute set:

And the axis looks like a picture with the text “Slavda WS30T/ET driving machine” in the Alt attribute of the tag :

The Alt attribute makes it possible to recognize what is shown in the image, if you cannot see it. In addition, written text in the Alt attribute is covered by search engine robots during site indexing. Find, optimize image names and Alt attributes in the title It’s easier to search for an image, for example, in Yandex or Google Images.

How to correctly fold the Alt attribute for images

  1. The optimal number of words is 3-5, but the tag text should not exceed 75-80 characters. We recommend that you use short text, rather than local information.
  2. Obov'yazkova umova - vikoristanny of key queries.
  3. It’s best to include keywords in the noun phrase to make the search easier.
  4. Avoid spam: we do not recommend over-recovering a large number of keys through coma, as in other tags.
  5. It is necessary for Alt to be placed before the text of the page and describing those shown in the image.

Title attribute for an image

In addition to the Alt attribute, you can also enter text in the Title attribute. This parameter specifies additional information about the images when you hover the cursor over the images:

In the html-code, the Title attribute for images looks like this:

Correctly adding the Title attribute helps to color the behavioral factors.

How to correctly form Title for pictures

  1. The Title attribute is responsible for the image. You shouldn’t write anything that doesn’t have a desired meaning in the picture.
  2. It’s better to vikoristuvat a small Title for the convenience of koristuvachs - no one wants to read a kilometer-long hint to the picture.
  3. The visibility of key words is important. It’s not good to live such words as “photo”, “picture”, or even so clearly, so what.

Example of correct filling of Alt and Title attributes for a tag

Let's take a look at how you can enter text in the Alt and Title attributes for an image. For which we take the image from the website of the development company.

When folding Alt, you need to vote on what you are selling/promoting. For the picture from our butt, it is better to compose the alt “Budivnitstvo budinka from the deck”, and not just “budinok” or “budivnitstvo”.

The Title attribute for this image can be slightly modified and folded like this: “The life of a booth made from decks.”

Difficulties when filling in Alt and Title

Correctly filling in the Alt and Title attributes for images will help with search engine optimization of the site. It’s also important not to forget about other aspects of image optimization, such as the “value”, the color and the name of the image. If you don't have a lot of time to set up Alt and Title attributes, we can help you create the work for you.

The topic of today's article is SEO - image optimization using the ALT attribute. What most people don’t know is that by optimizing this attribute, you increase the likelihood of your site getting traction. Well, the report was published by the statistics:

What is the ALT attribute?

ALT– this is an attribute that replaces the alternative text of an image. The attribute is displayed if the browser is set to show the image, otherwise you won’t see it in standard settings.

How to correctly write descriptions of pictures

First, write down the Title, I will tell you the parts of the offer that I mark on the sites.

Empty attributesALTіTITLE. As a rule, SEO optimizers do not bother with the drive of this tag. So, perhaps, if your site is already great and has a revenue of 100,000, it’s not worth the hassle, but if you are just getting started and you need the first traffic, then specifying attributes is still difficult.

The image and attributes are not consistent. It’s possible that your picture shows a BMW X5, and the attribute shows an Audi A3, then don’t expect people to follow your picture to the site.

Re-optimization. The biggest problem is that you can install a straight butt without needing to work. Optimizers who want to capture unwanted traffic write a number of keywords into the “alt” attribute and check when positions in the middle of images begin to increase. You must understand that this text is read by people who appreciate a number of pictures and how there is absolutely spam and will not follow the instructions. It is not recommended to add commercial words “buy, sell, price, product, name of place”.

Sound systems can also impose sanctions on you, so don’t worry.

How do you need to write tags for pictures?

A short and intelligent description of the picture. How you can more accurately describe the images and how ALT creates automatically flips all pages.

The dovzhina attribute is demarcated. The sound system contains 3-4 words (about 250 characters), which complicates the description of the picture.

Input of key words. Vlasna, through what attribute ALT i varto indicate. Write the keyword in a clear text for the reader.

For example:

alt=”Computer repair in Cheboksary”

Unique attributes for the skin picture. This is the most important warehouse problem, which is most common among SEO optimizers. I'll show you in practice how to do it.

Product card with a lot of pictures

How can you separate pictures of one and the same product, since you can’t spam it and you need to write everything uniquely? Acceptably, “Split system HYUNDAI H-AR6-07H” can be written like this:

"Split system HYUNDAI H-AR6-07H Type 1"

"Split system HYUNDAI H-AR6-07H Type 2"

In addition to pictures of the product, there are also elements on the website: similar products, those products are more often viewed, and so on. This type of images cannot be removed from folders and SEO optimize them by entering ALT and Title. Moreover, it’s time to write down specifically: brand, model, product number, all important parameters that can be confused.

Image size- The more separate the picture is, the better it is. In any case, you can customize the “width” and “height” attributes. It is not possible to create an image that is too small, otherwise search engines will not accept images smaller than 150 pixels and will charge them for the icon.

Roztashuvannya image– as close as possible to the text, which includes keywords. Why are there many optimizers who pay attention to this factor, and the standard scheme for rearranging images looks like this:

Title text with keyword

Further description

Change of image. The size of the image plays a key role, and it is even more important to ensure that the site is not included in the ranking of the entire site. So, so and so!

Signature under the picture

If your site has a lot of pictures and some text, the caption with the picture will be brown, then from an SEO point of view it is necessary to optimize it:

  • Enter keywords. The inclusion of key words in the signature is ob'yazkova, since this text plays the role of ranking all pages;
  • Tell me some fact/belief about the picture.

For example, you have a picture of the iPhone 7 speakers.

In the signature, indicate this fact: “The sound of the sound in the iPhone 7 has become noticeably better than Lighting” Upgrading Yandex to the ALT attribute

"How can I put my picture on the first place?"

When ranking pictures, the text that is adjacent to the picture is taken into account. The more accurately the description of the image matches the searcher’s request, the more likely it is that the image will be shown on the first page of search results.”

The text under the picture has much more value for jokes, even less ALT itself.

Google image ranking

The cream of the well-known ALT, the axis that lies with Google in the ranked image.

Let's go over the main factors for Google.

Photos of garnished yakost- It’s clear, father. No one will be bothered by the photos and the venom is simply disgusting. Here, the sharpness of the image plays a role in its clickability, which is CTR.

Around the side for skin pictures- What a thought, but honestly I rarely read such sites. It becomes problematic to optimize: online stores, one-sided sites, catalog sites, where a large number of images are saved.

What about the Title attribute?

Google didn’t guess, but Yandex chose the Title attribute. (Don't get confused with the tag). We definitely won’t say anything, only the fact that the Title, when hovered over the image, is displayed and carries a sense. With this plan, like with the text under the picture, you can experiment, show useful information: various facts, achievements, and so on.

Accepted people carry a lot more bark, as I wrote just recently.

That's all. Ask in the comments what you think is good for the ALT and TITLE attributes. How do you design the images?

Hello people. So as not to waste your time, let's keep it short and to the point.

Title of the image – this is the text that appears when you hover the cursor over the image. This is necessary to tell the teacher. News about what is depicted in the image or where to increase respect.

Alt baby - from the English word alternative. This is such a beautiful thing, I really like to index the sound systems in order to understand what is depicted. It will also be clear if you enable the browser to display images. What has no sense and occurs in single episodes.

However, if you do not want to display graphic content, or if something goes wrong, then instead of the image you will see a small icon with text. This text is the alt of the image.

Alt and title images for SEO

For title pictures, the value is minimal. You don’t want to be indexed, otherwise it may play into your hands in behavioral factors. It's 2018, SEO is all about usability and clear content. So give the koristuvach respect in any way.

Just think for yourself, it’s better if there is a hint in the image.

And the axis of the picture is all belongings. First of all, GoogleBot respects its presence and makes Yandex loyal. Otherwise, you want to be indexed, and so the images are reduced to the “Pictures” section in search. This means that with this method you can get additional traffic to your site.

Thirdly, the fragments of the wines are indexed, which will help increase the meaning of the pages. If you would be kind, you would write a low-frequency signal in the note. Let us respect the trace here.

How to correctly remember alt and title for pictures

With title everything is much simpler. For the joker, there are no rules, but this does not mean that you write here if it’s nonsense. Most of all, we were afraid of being brought up to behavioral officials. You won’t be able to shave koristuvachevi if you are brown.

1) It is not his fault. Wait a minute, the hint in the 4th row is clickable.

2) Guilty as if they were placed before the image.

3) You are not guilty of duplicating the main title, h1-h5 headings, and alt attributes.

Alt pictures are important for the sound system, so there is an exchange with the rules, and also the possibility.

1) One word is not enough, you have to trim at the boundaries of 3 words. The maximum number of characters is 250.

2) You are responsible for the evidence instead of the image.

4) Please, I’m not guilty of repeating myself with others on the site.

Also, when adding a damn picture to the blog, think about it. Maybe people want to know? Try to turn it into high traffic.

How to remember the alt and title of images on the WordPress application

For example, in WordPress you only need to go to the server panel (console) in the section "Media""Library". Next, choose an image.

Or, when editing an article, simply emboss on whatever picture is inserted, then on the sheep.

Of course, it’s easier to display on Wordpress, but there are many popular CMSs that offer such flexibility. The axis, for example, is Joomla. There are pitfalls there, but most graphic content can be typed alt by typing "Redaguvati image"

That's all. We are sure that we were good for you. If so, give it a like. This motivates us to produce more clear and useful content!

By the way, your essence.

I welcome you, dear fellows, site. Optimizing your blog is a complex process that takes advantage of newbies, although there is nothing else, it requires a large base of knowledge, which we take from articles on the blogs of popular webmasters.

There’s a lot to say about those who SEO is dying, but there are still a lot of people who continue to follow the rules of three letters. Anyone who doesn’t know at all about what SEO is can end up in hopelessness. However, this problem is easily solved, especially for the skin. Having mastered the main aspects of this area, you will be able to understand the rules for posting your blog in search engines, and as we know, the most important thing.

Oh dear, what will today’s article be about? Nowadays there is talk about the favor of rich designers, bloggers, etc. Please note that before optimization, it is important to display the image on the site that appears on your resource.

Why not respect? For example, the name of the picture may be formed from the key word under which the article is written. Yandex and Google are losing their respect, but people in the blogosphere don’t care.

Let's go!

What is alt and title for an image?

The "alt" attribute!

This meaning reflects a fragment of the text of the picture. Most often, this is a description of the image. Your koristuvachs don’t care. Such tags are very important for searching. For people, the stench may not mean anything.

Let me explain with my fingers. The search robot walks through sites that have come to you and as you remember, in the article about unique pictures, I wrote that it pays respect to thematic images before the post, and not only that the picture is to blame, it is also to blame for being optimized, you need to write down the name.

In this manner, the search for re-verification will bury your entire article and there will be no shortcomings or other losses. Therefore, the mandrivka will be located near TOPA-10, or it will burn up there in vilitatime.

TOP – has high flexibility. And how these growths I wrote in the article about

title attribute!

"title" is the title. Perhaps the skin knows about this. A picture has a title that is accessible to everyone, so when we move the mouse cursor over the image, a short text appears, which is the title. From here everything is clear. You can enter the name on your PC or laptop, and then you add the picture to the post itself and again enter the title and description (alt).

If you are worried about what to write, then don’t boast about it.

For Tytla, indicate which key entry. We wrote a post about a site map for people, then in the title and fill in the field, these very words, a site map for people. The description of the alt is not visible to anyone, but the robot is a robot, so can you give us an example:

A site map for people, such a plugin, a row that needs to be written here, etc. Wrap yourself compactly and put the statue together. What is important is the main aspects, literally a few rows.

The axis is just “title”. The stench is not to blame if it costs 5 liters. And it’s also important that you write them in Latin or English. The most important image format is jpg. This reduces the importance, which means there will be more attraction, which flows into the site’s traffic.

You can reduce the size of the pictures using Photoshop. That's why. Click on the file and click Save for WEB. There, where the number 50 is written, 60, otherwise you can adjust it, which is less, then the value is lower. If you don’t already have Photoshop, then go ahead and update it. This is an invisible element of any webmaster.

If you doubt that image optimization is already affecting your blog, then I can say one thing - don’t doubt it. Try to verify and conduct an experiment. The bunt should not be flattened on the eyes, but even 5 hvilin will not be spoiled. It’s more like you wrote an article before and included a piece of it for yourself. I don’t think we’ll ask how best to format it, but what do you think?

Why is it important to include title and alt tags? How does the stink get to the image?

I told you a little about this. We'll get to the bottom of this in a moment. Below is a list of actions that need to be deleted when publishing a new article on the blog.

Axis and stench:

  • First of all, we need to write an article and find a unique picture. As a rule, you just need to create your own standard template, and then insert images, screenshots, for example, or paint it, or ask the artist.
  • We marveled at the key phrases that you vikorized for the post and wrote one in the title;
  • Another key was written in alt, in the description and added a few more words, in one word they diluted the capitalization.
  • Now we save and add the image to the text, then we look at the article and move the cursor over the image to see what title is displayed. All is ready.

In short, the advantages in the offensive are for those who have not yet reached the end.

  1. There is more traffic;
  2. The truth of this thing is that if you have indicated the exact keys to which the article is dedicated, you will be able to search for them and find the information you need, which means that you will be in your life longer and there will be a number of things menshoy;

This information is for those who work hard on their website, but have no results. Perhaps, the problem is with you!

This is where I will finish writing the article. I wish you good luck in getting out. IMPORTANT! Don't be like that, you'd think you're a bastard. Listen to the recommendations that will definitely help you. Come on!

With respect,Yuri Zhuk.

Write alt and title

When promoting blog posts or products in an online store for SEO, images play an important role. There are traders looking for goods in the picture. And in order for your products or blog to be the most popular among search engines, you should give respect to the image tags. Let's talk about alt and title. In addition, as we write alt and title, success lies in the search engine.

What are tags? Speaking, it’s legalized, if we , the search engine will tell you that the picture in the article reflects the title and topic. The attribute of directing to robots directly flows into the ranking of the site. And if we write a title, when you hover the cursor over the photo, a tooltip with text appears. If alt directs to robotic systems, then the title will improve usability (usability of the site). If we write the title thoughtfully, we will more accurately describe the topic that the statistics are talking about.

We write an alt tag

The main feature of this attribute is a significant influx on search systems and will help with the displayed statistics from the top Yandex and Google. Based on the tag, the search machine understands what is shown in the image. Yakshcho write alt competently, relevant to the topic of the article, and its relevance is significantly increased. Acceptance bonus – kristuvach from the section Search in the pictures will come to the site. Therefore, the use of the alt tag is especially useful for online stores.

Chim korysny tag? On the right, not all browsers have images enabled. For a variety of reasons: through saving traffic, through low connection speed, or because the user himself has turned on the display of pictures. In this option, instead of a photo, a text description of the task is displayed with a tag. It is recommended to prescribe this for drivers who sit on mobile devices and want to improve traffic. Your site is very popular. Even the very fluidity of resource commitment also influences behavioral factors and the number of permanent influencers.

Let’s take a look at the example of well-thought-out SEO optimization. We chose a site about kviti. In the screenshot below you can see the well-replaced title attribute, which goes in the next paragraph.

When you hover the cursor over the images, the text appears: what kind of gifts are given. Let's check how alt is written. Press the Ctrl+U key. The code is displayed on the website. Now emboss Ctrl+F to search side by side. When typing the phrase “how to buy tickets”, make sure you fill in the alt tag correctly.

Tobto. The site administrator added information about filling out both tags, increasing both the position in search results and behavioral factors. How do you cope with the rankings? Let's look for images on Google. Please enter which quests are given, and first of all the images - from the site that we are looking at.

As you can see, optimization behind tags works wonders. Ask for enough knowledge write alt. How can you earn money?

  • Tenderness is the sister of talent. І good SEO promotion. Pleasant quantity of water – 3-5. The tag limit is 250 characters.
  • The presence of sound phrases and words. If the title phrase of the merging text flows more into the koristuvach, then alt is directly on the search engine. It’s best not to overdo it with keywords, otherwise the robot will label it as spam.
  • As with the title, you must enter alt in accordance with the image on the page.

How to write a title tag

The title attribute does not flow in the middle. The search engines do not guarantee the ranking of the statistics and products of the search engine. Essentially, we spelled out title for the fruits. However, the role of site managers is high, which improves the visibility of the site. When you hover your cursor over an image in a post, a tooltip will appear that reveals the essence of the image - which is what the title tag does.

How to write the title correctly?

This is an example of good optimization, fragments on the site of good distribution and the alt tag, which we learned more about. If you correctly write the title, you will color the article according to behavioral factors and will become acceptable additions to the color of the article.

Let's bring the pouches. The alt tag is used for direct infusion into the position of the search, in addition to the robot. The title tag is vikoristavuetsya for bajannyam, but it’s a good bonus to the quality of the statistics. This wine is created for bridesmaids.

To achieve the maximum effect of optimizing your statistics, we recommend turning to professionals. The sellers are well versed in the topic and can easily use programs to search for keywords. An important role is played by the great completion of tasks. As a result, you get the result and your site can reach the top in search engines.

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