Everything that a computer master needs to know. Fahivets zі zbirannya that PC repair - a profession for serious people. What can a computer master do?

Golovna / Main functionality

Tse pitanya tsіkavit rich young people. The quantity of computer technology is progressively increasing. Prote kіlkіst repair atelier significant world vіdstaє. On the right, it’s even more difficult to know the fahіvtsya of this galuzі. For more vipadkіv, the repairman is less likely to change the detail for work, not knowing the hour to try and correct the injustice.

The help computer in Kiev in the form of the company "KomPom" will give you the opportunity to improve the work of a personal computer, in which case you would not know the faults. The replacement of the damaged part is only recommended in that case, if it does not take inspiration.

More already, it was said about those who are highly qualified specialists and are worthy of great popularity. Prote, for the sake of it, it will be necessary for him to spend a lot of strength and hour:

  • it is necessary to thoroughly understand the principles of work of IT-power;
  • mothers dosvіd at the repair of tehnіki vіd rіznih vrobnikіv;
  • mothers need to gain possession;
  • know English language;
  • take into account the documentation (inventory, technical details, etc.).

As you can see, fahіvets really can vmіti rich. Ale and you will pay too much. Tim is bigger, because your city doesn’t have any qualified fahivtsiv in the right way.

Today the great will drink for laptop repair. Desktop versions personal computers walk step by step. It is more convenient to use the mobile version.

In addition, through the layout, more problems are caused. Zocrema, fahivtsі recommend to change the thermal grease on the processor and video card side.

Obviously, no one can ever become an acknowledging fake. There will be pardons on the way, so win. You can compensate for the lack of professionalism at the first stages only at a price and bonuses.

For example, if you need to repair the property, you can give a ticket for a cost-free repair of other equipment. For example, a smartphone. So you take away more information and the client will be deprived of satisfaction.

If you become a professional, you will be able to quickly diagnose a breakdown. It means that the repair will be completed no more, lower for the first year. At this price, the price will be set as for highly qualified work.

Kutsenko Evgen rozpovit about those, how to organize a business from the repair of computer equipment:

7 comments on “How to become a computer repair master?”

    Me, you know the axis, if you were asked this: “Nazar, please, be kind, what kind of VNZ and what kind of faculty you need to finish, to be a master for repairing computers? I want to be able to repair computer equipment!)” I said: “There is no need to read!” To become a master in the repair of computer technology, a person is guilty of doing good work with little things in computer technology, understanding the principles of robotic components, operating systems, software security and mother straight hands!) ”

For the long years of work of our computer repair service, such an optimal set of parts and tools has been developed, which is necessary for the mother with a maestro for computer repair on a vizd (this is the name of "Shvidka" help computer”) in order to allow the maximum possible number of breakdowns on the spot, while not tying yourself with a load of kilograms of order.

1. Netbook

Maє small razmіri that vaga, and calculus enough for the accomplishment of the richness of impudent tasks:

  • diagnostics and improvement local mesh, Internet, wired outbuildings (candles, modems, routers, wired cards), wi-fi
  • collecting information
  • access to the Internet for the help of a 3G modem or a client
  • diagnostics of the practicality of the peripheral possession (monitors, printers, scanners, external hard disks, memory cards, flash drives, headphones, microphones, etc.).

2. Modern USB DVD drive

It works quietly, if it is necessary, and the client's computer either does not have a dvd-drive (for example, a netbook), or it does not work for some reason or only reads a CD, but it is necessary to read/write information on a DVD-ROM.

2a. External hard drive with the function of virtual optical drive Zalman ZM-VE300

Recently, the old hard drive appeared as a function of the virtual optical drive. Even help with robots. Speed ​​of USB 3.0 copying is better than the original CD/DVD. We thought that we should replace USB DVD and USB flash drives again, but a number of features (not all computers can work, they just don’t get excited, sometimes they don’t get power / USB voltage) did not allow it.

3. USB 3G modem

Necessary in the case, if you need to go to the Internet (get a driver, take care of whatever power you need). It is also necessary to revise client computer where the building of yoga started, the Internet came out. Tariff plan without a monthly subscription fee, and with the payment of less than vicarious traffic, it would be better suited for such a moment.

4. USB Flash storage device (flash drive)

Golovne її recognition - zberіgannya іnformatsії, until what is needed every day. swedish access (necessary programs, utilities, instructions, documents, antivirus basics). It’s better to robiti її so very zavantazhuvalnoy. The main shortfall is the lack of hardware protection against the record. That’s why it’s necessary to constantly follow it, so that she herself doesn’t become a breeding ground for viruses, since we inserted it into someone else’s computer and think over a set of entries for the protection of information on it, so that once again the deputy robots don’t take care of the likuvans). It is also possible to test for reverification of USB-ports on the subject of "working - not working". This subject can also be supplemented or replaced with an old hard disc.

Necessary disks for robots with operating systems, drivers, programs, utilities, exciting discs for resuscitation, saving, updating files, removing viruses.

6. USB-IDE-SATA adapter

Allows connection to a computer or laptop USB port be it internal hard drives (computers 3.5″, laptops 2.5″, ATA and SATA) for transferring information, updating files, solving viruses, diagnosing these hard drives, as well as CD-DVD drives.

7. Mini multimeter

It allows you to carry out elementary winding (chi є 220V at the socket, chi stench reach the block of life), ring the lancers, reduce the voltage of the battery, on the main lines of life.

8. Tools

  • Spinning screw with a non-magnetic tip- For vіdkrittya korpusіv, razbirannya-storage of computers and laptops. (Non-magnetic to that Winchester zhah how not to love)))
  • Spinner is small magnetic- for any other bolts, like, for example, a fan on a video card or a lot of bolts on laptops.
  • Twisting straight middle rozmіrіv- Somebody needs it.
  • Pasatizhi small- Here, shos pull or screw-twist.
  • Shmatochki are small- have a bite to eat screeds (especially fanatical pickers of computers are required and not necessary, sometimes in nemovichny kіlkostyah).
  • Ticks for molded connectors mesh cable RG-45.
  • Penzlik the Great- For wiping the saw on boards.
  • Penzlik small- For rubbing a saw in other and important places.
  • Likhtarik small - without a new one under the tables, behind the wardrobes of those other dark and important places, there is no place for cicavo and remembrance)).
  • Gumka for wiping contacts - a great clerical gum.
  • Nіzh folding.
  • small headphones with microphone- For checking the practicality of sound cards.

9. Spare parts, stained glass materials

  • IDE cable 80 pin - 1 pc.
  • SATA-data cable with clips - 2-3 pcs. (Unfortunately, the cables are not necessary and the cables need to be changed more often, I would like to).
  • SATA-PSY (power) cable - 2-3 pcs. (The reason is the same as the one above).
  • Batteries CR2032 - 5 pcs.
  • Roses RG-45 - 5-10 pcs.
  • Silicone oil - 1 tube - for fan oil.
  • Thermal paste - 1 tube.
  • Superglue - 1 tube.
  • PVC tape - 1 skein.
  • Bolts. Computers have two main bolt standards. Enough to take 10-20 pcs. skin.
  • Ties.

10. Dodatkove priladdya

They may be, or they may not be. Speech, yakі іnоdі znablyatsya, zіstsya occupies a small amount and if you have a good time, you can always sell it to the client (with a small nationality))):

  • Memory modules of different standards (Dimm, DDR, DDR-2, DDR3) according to one or two skin standards.
  • Adapter PS / 2 - USB - if you need to change the practicality of bears, PS / 2 keyboards.
  • VGA cable - connect the client monitor to the laptop to reverse the process (the client does not need to use it, as the monitor is connected via a DVI cable)
  • USB cable for printer, scanner
  • Podovzhuvach USB
  • Merezhevy cable


You can see the nuances. Possibly, the working block of life didn’t get in the way, but it’s just about every change according to one video card of the most popular standards (AGP and PCI-Express), a spare merezheva card, the keyboard and the bear, the set of fans would not be bothered, but the pylososer in certain situations is simply indispensable)). Carrying similar speeches with you is already becoming expensive and decisions about the need for their presence in the bag are more likely to be accepted in the skin condition for an hour before talking with the client on the phone. Fans of soldering took a soldering iron with them (+ solder, + flux, + a set of running capacitors themselves), but we don’t set such a task - all the same robots vibrate in the minds of the master.

Good day to all, my dear friends. With you, it’s like Dmitro Kostin, and today I won’t tell you about the chips with computers. Today I want to talk a little about something else. And the computer service itself and the wiki of the computer mastrіv. Just really screwed up.

You, singsongly, have already mentioned that more and more often they began to be stunned like “Computer master. I live in order. I'll come quickly." Tell me, be kind, have you ever cringed with the servants of these stunned? If not, then don’t start navit. Let's tell why.

Voice analysis

It is obvious that it is not a private master, but an organization, as there are more such masters. And I want to tell you that if you call and call out smart, then someone will come for sure, but not the lad from the photo (in the photo below, the American actor Zac Efron).

Oh, it was funny from the pictures. These people simply take images of people from the Internet, without changing what they are. I’m in my place (and not only in my own place) having such a stunned, de bouve images of Jensen Ackles (starring in the TV series “Overnatural”), Chris Evans (starring as Captiana America), well, just captivated from the Internet photos (according to google via search similar pictures try many similar ones).

Axis and go out, you wanted to cheer up Captain America, who would come to install Windows for you, but really, someone came unreasonably. Here is the right psychology, what a simple lad, who, for a small sin, will install windows, office, drivers, etc. for you. The same photo, the same photo is often omitted, it is written by hand, and it is multiplied on a xerox. Tse OK lad. Ale yak bi not so)

Now about the celebrity "I live as a lieutenant, I'll come quickly." Oh well. My friend rozpovidav, scho bachiv one and the same voiced in our city and in the city of Pushkino, only there it was written even cooler - "I live near your area." Walk between my city and Pushkino - 10 kilometers (from edge to edge). And if you believe that you can live in another country, then you are 20 km away. Cіkavo then go out, where do our districts live? Near the district of the Moscow region, what is it?

To go out in a rush, which, judging by the sound of stunnedness, is already nonsense. Did you marvel at the film "Route 60"? No way, marvel. duje good movie. So the axis there is only one character, who does not tolerate nonsense. Shchoraz, if they lied during the night, they activated the charge of dynamite on their chests. Zagalom, what am I up to? Such a person needs to be sent to this office).


This is the most common insurance coverage for pensioners, as there is no one to help anyone, and for whatever hang-up to think that their computer killed the virus. Want to buy other categories of people. But the essence of the one who stinks vykonuyut, I will not be afraid of the word lokhovski vidi robit for a good wine city. Yakby me for such a robot was paid stiles, then I would not have taken less than a million for a month.

One spokesperson on my robot called out such a fake. So it turned out that vin іz samoї Moscow їhav (tse before the word "I live entrusted"). Vaughn told me that there was a small problem with the laptop and became very gibberish. Well, having said to that one, what is needed reinstall windows. Well, the woman in whom it is not enough to spur on, that one has come in handy sharply.

As a result, sho vіn їy zrobiv:

  • Windows installation - 1000 rubles
  • Installing drivers - 1000 rubles
  • Installing an antivirus (for yoga words, licensed with a license for 1 river) - 500 rubles
  • Well, skilki (I don’t remember) for installing Skype, Opera browser and still yakikhos dribnits.

As a result, everything cost 5,000 rubles (I don’t remember how much the price for the fakhivtsya itself). 5000 rubles for what? For what the hell? Vaughn brought me her laptop and asked me to fix yoga. As a result, I mentioned that after deleting the windows default inactivation windows without office, the antivirus shows up in 360 Total Security, which is cost-free.

I'm talking about drivers. I don’t know what wines I put there, but the standard stench stood, like after the installation, the winds stood up. Ale, the very fact that I’m guilty of violating the operating system indiscriminately, to rob Yogo already with a chronic faker. What's there? It’s much easier to put everything anew and don’t waste a lot of time).

But I want to say that the woman was still easy to understand, because I read a lot about fluctuations, if they spent more sums, and 15, 20 and 30 thousand trees.

Reading about the falladok, like a woman, she called out to the master and it is necessary to transfer like a base 1C for given instructions. This pretzel arrived, having worked it out for a year and raked 10,000 rubles. Yak z'yasuvalosya, vin provіv takі roboti:

  • Engineer's license - 1000 rubles
  • Surface re-verification hard drive- 950 rubles
  • Translation of the zhorsky disk that usunennya pardons - 990
  • Registry cleaning - 900 rubles
  • Defragmentation - 2600 rubles (Fuck!)
  • Netframework upgrade package - 1990 rubles (FOR WHAT???)

I can sumnіv, scho vіn vzagalі tsі roboti conducted. Shvidshe for everything just succumbing to the woman of the pension age and those who don’t nisporize at their right, from i writing about the registry, defragmentation, hard drive and etc. And then they called out to Yogo, they didn’t raise their voices. As the author of the article said, he came before the moment of payment, threatening the police, taking a picture of the master on the phone in advance. That pohapets vtik. I don’t know if it’s true, but if you go on the Internet, there’s a photo of people.

There are more fluctuations. They come to you and it is possible to carry out diagnostics. After all, it seems that you will need to bring it to the service. oskіlki itself there є all you need is possession. In a day or two they call and say that the problem was solved and corrected, after which it seems that their servants cost 30,000 rubles.

How can I say that it’s too rich, they can stink at some point, sell it in some way, break it or format the laptop. Shakhrayism is a sign of zagal in the presence.


For the most part, I want to make a sprig of visnovkiv and tell you:

  • Everything that is written in goloshenni is not true. None of the photos, none of the prices, none of those that are private, do not show validity.
  • Fahіvtsі see robots, like you don't need in figs. They clicked for one, and as a result you have a list of 15 jobs worth 15,000 rubles.
  • First, go to such specialists, ask for help from friends, acquaintances, children, children of acquaintances. Narazi already doesn’t care about how cool we are at computers, and a lot of schoolchildren can deal with such problems.
  • Calling out such a maestro from a public stun, you have no guarantees that an adequate person will come, remember that you let an absolutely invisible person into the booth.
  • If there is no other way out, call fakhivtsiv from official services. At once for a skin computer shop є svіy servіs.
  • Always fold the koshtoris in front of the cob of work, so that the wine is not entered later, cleaning the registry and not necessary custom BIOS for 1000 rubles.
  • Fuck what windows installation, office, skin software and skin driver require additional payment, so do not think that you will be All Inclusive. And if everything is necessary for you, then it is necessary to clarify all the variability in language, otherwise people do not care for the need to guess about it. Koristuvachi think that everything should be included in the Windows installation.

I don’t argue that I’m good maistry, that I can take adequate pennies and win my job for 5 out of a plus. I have a friend, who is engaged in cim himself, I periodically cheat myself, that one knew the butt of the cup. Alas, it’s a pity for such Shakhrai specialists to be stunned by the rich flooring, which is already doubtful that adequate people can use it. At any time, be careful.

At the end, I would like to show you a video of my well-known blogger Evgen Krizhanovsky. Vin himself, having long been engaged in such activities, deceiving people, attributing obscene services, but recovering)). You can hear how the kitchen works in the middle on yoga butt.

Well, on what I will finish my article. I spodіyu, scho won you. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates and especially share with friends social measures. And I say goodbye to you this day, but I’ll start radiating you bachit on my own. Good luck to you. Boo!

With respect, Dmitro Kostin.

Have you been busy with computers for a long time? Relatives of that susidi are able to install programs, forge viruses, improve the Internet? After an important day at work, are you talking like this? Set yourself up to what, like up to a favorable perspective! Even your knowledge and dosvid open the way to a new profession - the profession of a computer master.

For whom it is not necessary to finish a prestigious university, put together your resume for potential roboticists, make it possible, and then go through condescending conversations. A computer master is a specialty for those who can work on themselves, forget about the bosses and the tough work schedule.

Why start? The best option bude timchasovy work at the company with computer services. Tsej dosvіd allow you to expand your knowledge, learn how to deal with clients, understand that the services of the greatest demand and how you can sell them.

The master of such a firm calls for no more than half of what the client pays, the decision is taken by the vlasnik. It's easy to cheer up, you will earn money without intermediaries.

Long zatrimuvatsya at such a firm, there is no sense. To finish two - three months, but clients love to ask about the knowledge and enlightenment of the master. To speak to them of their own good fortune to work with computers, otherwise "on the uncle" to happen to work no less than fate.

For legal work and work experience, it is necessary to register as an Individual Entrepreneur. For whom it is necessary to pay tax inspection and pension fund. The procedure for this shvidka is clumsy (up to two tizhniv). Until then, she will open the hands of some advertising.

The next crock is advertising. In our opinion, the most expensive advertising is on the Internet. You can, however, create your own small site and promote the site from a private master, so that it would be cheaper, for example, but you need a mother on the street, because the competition in this gallery on the Internet is great and pennies all the same happen to be rich. Advancing advancing in the local media. There are few clients behind the newspaper gossip, but the deacons are even more promising. Give special respect to applications budgetary regulations and great organizations. If your work is worthy, for example, to the director of a lyceum, you can pay for a regular client that time for the purchase of equipment. Samy efficient way advertisements - goloshennya "on the parkanі".

How to correctly write an ogoloshennya.

Singingly, you were heard screaming voices, littered with a thick dribbling text:

Computer firm SUPER-PUPER! Repair and adjustment of computers, Windows installation XP, Seven, 8, Microsoft Office, installing antiviruses, removing viruses, rozgin processors, video cards, cleaning the saw, defragmenting, updating, Upgade. Pensioners, students, workers and office workers - discounts. Phone!"

Correct to write:

"Computer master. COMPUTER REPAIR. Shvidko, cheap, yakіsno"

The statistics were announced six hundred times. Do not swear at that, but stick with it. Є mozhlivist - zamovte razkleyuvannya goloshenya be-yak advertising agency.

Good practice business cards. Let's give those clients, like your robot, the effect will not get in the way. Sarafan radio - the best advertising!

The first pіvroku happen to practice on іmіdzh, and then just pratsyuvati, pratsyuvati zalyubki. If you remember that applications are important to engage in advertising, you can consider yourself a computer master, as you see fit.

Prospects for your profession.

Obviously, it’s not easy for everyone to work for a week before retirement. For a few years you want more, it’s just a free schedule and the day of the bosses. It’s natural to show up less pratsyuvati, and earn more. For whom you can hire a master and hire competent lads. With proper management, you can zatsikaviti pіdleglih postіynoї roboі, and most deal with the management of contracts.

Another way - tse vіdkrittya computer shop. Be aware that for the fates of computer repair, you will be indecently educated on the latest computer technology, and you will make acquaintances among post-employees. Tse allow you to open your own shop, engage in the sale and repair of computers in your territory.
At home, as it seems, and help.

    Check your computer hardware. Hardware security- those who become the physical basis of the computer, and navit zasobi transfers between computers.

    Vivechit software security computer. Software security - those that zmushuy computer pratsyuvati. The concept of "software security" includes programs, protocols and operating system.

    Check the configuration of your computer.Є special programs to change the configuration of the computer to the point, because you can't change it off the top of your head, for example, CPU-Z.

    Learn to curry favor with the command line, and then curry favor with it only if necessary. It is important to learn how to use the command line in Windows or the terminal in Linux, in order to at least increase the efficiency of the computer. AT Windows Command the row is not necessary, but it’s still a good idea - learn to grow up. However, in Linux or UNIX, Mac or BSD, and also in other UNIX-based operating systems, it is important to use the command line in order to practice efficient, effective bash scripting.

    Learn to friend in a blind way. This is not a particularly important point, but it will definitely increase the practicality and productivity of your work at the computer.

    Ask. If you want to work at your computer, about what you want to know, sleep about it.

    Learn my language programming. This is one of the most important speeches, as it is necessary to speak. Do not stray different types mov. Interpreting a movie like BASIC is not good enough for any kind of programming, but whatever you want, just write it computer games, then wine pidide. HTML or CSS are favored in web sites, if they are, it's a good idea, but it's not too bad for programming. It is recommended to use the scripting language of the command interpreter (for example, bash), the shards of the wines will give effect to that efficiency to the novice programmer or to the administrator. However, you can see whether it’s like a language, like a bug.

    Get the basics of computer repair. Help fix problems on your own or someone else's computer, as well as improve your reputation as a computer fahivtsa. You can try to put out the methods, or you can learn the lessons of this fahivtsya.

    Work with other people to solve computer problems. Vzaimodiyuchi with other koristuvachs, you can recognize in them those that you did not know before, and in the same way. However, you don't want to become a computer specialist, you want to know more about the computer than your friends.

    Help others solve your computer problems. It’s not enough just to build up your name, but it will be a good practice, and also to help you learn about the situation of that problem, with which you didn’t stick.

    Learn to install and update drivers for different types possession. You will need this knowledge if you are reinstalling your operating system.

    Learn to recognize the non-badzhane software security ( computer viruses, spyware and other guides) in front of them, as a rozpochinati schodennі antivirus perevіrki.

    Use a good firewall. Zvichayni people cry, because they don’t understand, how to swell like them. Alevie, zvichayno, you know, how to curry favor with them!

    Victory Operating systemsіz vіdkritim vіhіdnym code. Most computer fahivtsiv vikoristovuyut vіdkrіtі operating systems, such as *BSD or Linux, so you can hear the stench without cost and allow you to work so classy speech, like programming, launching servers and whistleblowing command line(CLI).

    Victory keyboards. It is important to know the keyboards every day, shards of stink in a second will protect your priceless hour.

    Find out how the Internet works.

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