What is the internal memory and external memory of the tablet?

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Optimization of work

The problem with internal memory in the operating system of Android is one of the most important shortcomings that we hope to correct.

With each new iteration of the platform, the system takes up less and less space, and programs run more stably, which increases the amount of space it takes up.

This figure will take a detailed look at how to increase the internal memory on Android. The process necessary for the koristuvach to work at a given moment, for example, activity, is carried out by the koristuvach, or the service associated with the activity with which the koristuvach interacts. A process that does not have visible components on the screen, but is not necessary for components that interact with the computer, for example, a process that is not brought to the front, but the dialog is in the foreground.

The system does not create different flows for the skin component.

When the buttons are pressed, this flow starts the process of the pressing component, which starts the sub-change station.

For these reasons, this flow may be stronger.

  • The skin action in this process, especially the rest, blocks it, and the program does not respond to the actions of the koristuvach.
  • This can be used to access Internet resources, for example, to capture images.

This utility is installed on your device, starting with version 4 of the shell. It’s very easy to view any file - just go to one of the available folders, select the file and click the “View” button The third is to deny access and use programs similar to Explorer. With super user rights, you can delete significantly more files. One of the most beautiful such utilities is ES File Explorer. The fourth way to increase system memory on Android is to link cards and They loom large and quickly clog up the available resources of any mobile device.

The fluidity of the bond and transmission has increased significantly over the past few years.

If the device is not properly configured, you may need to replace it in less than a year after purchase. The average game takes 500-600 MB for the standard internal memory of an inexpensive 8GB Android. 10 simple toys - and the whole life will be over.

It is not enough to keep the interface blocked for too long. To search, fetch data from the database or perform any operations that do not directly interfere with the client interface and that may be useful, following the abuse of other flows. Any manipulations with the client interface must involve the main thread, and not the secondary threads. One of these options is also an asynchronous task mechanism. The class is assigned to the tasks that are displayed in the background

background mode , it automatically publishes the result to the main thread. If our task requires parameters, enter the type.

Porada: Correctly manage your traffic

mobile device . Save as little as possible on the internal memory of your Android device.

Check your desires and be prepared before

personal computer

or a laptop as the main device for saving information.

You can quickly download photos, installation files, create
backup copies


This method

The high level of computer literacy is respected and is used in the professional use of mobile devices.

The most obvious way to increase memory on Android is to get all the files.

Old favorites, games you don’t play, games not far away, installed and uninstalled programs, unnecessary photos and video files.

We receive information and create memory

Let's take a look at some of the details on the butt of the installation and the image of the "Zombies against Roslyn"

Let’s say, having lost your phone in the hands of your nephew, you already have 5 minutes to wait for the picture to come.

The device stores 600 megabytes of absolutely unnecessary information. Before speaking, if you are in a WiFi zone, we recommend interrupting the installation and downloading - it can cost you a pretty penny on your mobile tariff. Search your login files

It would seem logical to search for files through a file manager. Ale is silent. Files may be there.

Wait a minute - nothing is installed, and not even 3 GB. It is acceptable, but with a disk volume of 32GB this is acceptable. Ale, if you continue to chew in the same way, one day the place in memory will end.


necessary programs

systems and Google services. Let's lose the toy. We select a program by clicking on it with our finger.

We successively delete the data (Data), then press Force stop - stop the program.

And then select Uninstall. They will put pressure on the skin, threaten with terrible punishments, otherwise we will be invincible and will bring it to the end. By doing this, you can increase the free memory on your Android and create space for the required information.
Don't spot your tablet or phone. It will never be so easy to increase your memory. Deyaks

Unnecessary programs

important to see.

There are programs that can only be accessed by turning them back to the factory settings.

How to use program optimizers

Optimizers can increase memory on Android in approximately the same way, as

good systems

Saving helps to increase the space, for example, in the kitchen.

The space is the same, but if properly preserved, it can accommodate twice as much. The most advanced programs for optimizing data saving on Android - CC Cleaner,. Clean Master. The overall productivity of the system is improving. and keep an eye on the traffic.

Vikoristannya SD memory cards

A technical way to increase memory on Android is to try transferring files of existing programs to an additional SD card.
Required to transfer files.
If you don’t quite understand what it is, ask to install a root from the memory card connections when purchasing a phone or tablet.
