How to turn off all connected services in MTS. How to enable all paid services and subscriptions to MTS

Golovna / Contacts

For meals, as a way to turn on the services of MTS, a lot of subscribers of this operator are asked, even if the company imposes on its customers paid services, far from rare.

You remember that in the last hour of your day they began to find out the cost, or the subscription fee for the tariff increased, more for everything, pennies for every service provided by MTS. Tsya article rozpovist like vimknuti paid services on MTS independently. If you want to know how to pay for the overpayment of the operator, then you will find instructions in.

How to recognize, how paid services are connected to your MTS number?

First, be sure to turn on, follow your money to pay for such services. Right in what you don't know universal way, which allows you to double-down, in one go you will get rid of all the paid options. To that, deactivate the connected services to be brought through.

  • Recognize the list of connected MTS services you can send an empty SMS to 8111 . At the top of the page, you will remove the information from the list of all connected services (paid and cost-free). Yakscho to number 8111 send SMS from the text 1, then you will receive SMS from the transfer of paid services. SMS іz text 0 allow the list of active cost-free services.
  • Verify that for paid services and subscriptions connected to your number, it is also possible for the help of the service team ✶ 152 #.

    Enter the request on your phone, and select the item in the menu "Your paid services" or immediately dial the direct command ✶ 152 ✶ 2 # . Now you can choose: to view information about paid services or to find out about the connection to your paid subscription number. You will receive SMS notifications about the connection of the service and instructions, how to turn it on.

How to turn off paid services on MTS from the phone? USSD and SMS commands

The greater number of paid services can be turned on independently. It is better to send a USSD-command from your phone or send an SMS to the service number. In this list you will find commands for enabling the most extensive paid services of MTS:

  • Vimknuti service "Beep" (GOOD'OK) additional combination ✶ 111 ✶ 29 #
  • USSD commands ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # and ✶ 111 ✶ 338 # enable service "You've been called".
  • Key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # recognized for service enable "Scream like home" type MTS. And you can also deactivate it by editing SMS with the text 33330 to short number 111 .
  • Shchob vymknuti service "Child under observation" and again see the data of your homeland from the service, send an SMS with the text VISUALITY to the number 7788.
  • Vimknuti service "Locator" You can send SMS to number 6677 with the text VIDCL. If you want to send an SMS to this number with the text PACKET STOP, then the service will be pinned. With whom, the subscription fee for the option will be charged, and the list of friends will be saved.
  • To deactivate a service "On the novіy dovirі» MTS speed up with the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 32 #.
  • Option "All Russia" turn on the key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 895 # .
  • To enable service "Call without cost to MTS Russia 100" send an SMS with the text 8680 to number 111 or use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 868 # to speed up.
  • Shchob vymknuti service "Internet Pomichnik", enter the command ✶ 111 ✶ 24 # on your phone.
  • To enable options "MTS TV" tag one of the following commands:
    ✶ 999 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 999 ✶ 2 # — hourly overpayment;
    ✶ 997 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 997 ✶ 2 # — for the hour of the monthly overpayment.
  • Vimknuti service "MTS Music" (MTS Music) Help USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 9590 # .
  • Vimknuti service "BIT" you can for help USSD-request ✶ 111 ✶ 252 ✶ 2 # .
  • Command ✶ 111 ✶ 628 ✶ 2 # remove option "SuperBIT".
  • Combination ✶ 111 ✶ 62 # more options available "MinіBIT".
  • Witness options "SuperBIT Smart" carried out for help of the command ✶ 111 ✶ 8650 # .
  • Seek services "GPRS" You can send a command ✶ 111 ✶ 17 #
  • Deactivate service "Love Room" allow command ✶ 111 ✶ 43 #
  • Shchob pozbutisya servants "Southern regions", dial USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 2110 #
  • USSD-request ✶ 111 ✶ 442 ✶ 2 # view service "Black List".
  • Having edited the command ✶ 111 ✶ 47 # from your phone, you will turn on the service "Number anti-digit".
  • Vimknuti service "Wiki redirect" Help command ✶ 111 ✶ 41 #.

Another option to turn on MTS services right from your phone is to install an add-on on your smartphone "My MTS". With this help, you can not only charge with paid services and subscriptions to your number, turn on or turn on them, but also check the balance (main and bonus), improve account balances, control overflows of paylines, Internet traffic and SMS, change tariff plan and a lot more.

You can find out that you can install an add-on on your smartphone in Google Play(for Android 2.3 it's better), iTunes (for iOS 7.1 it's better) or Windows Store (for WP 8.1 it's better).

Inclusion of MTS services through the "Special Office"

Another way to apply for paid MTS services is to sign up with the “Special Cabinet”. Vin to know the address Registration in this service will not take a lot of time: you only need to enter your phone number and password from SMS, or you can log in to the site through your personal account from social media.

Having unlocked access to the "Special Office", you can turn on the non-necessary services of MTS literally in one click.

For whom to visit the branch "Tarifi and Services" that choose "Service Management". You will be redirected to the page with a list of active service numbers.

On the other hand, skin options and more information about її variant and date of connection. You only have to respectfully look over the list and look at inappropriate services by pressing the “Remove” button opposite the skin of them. Sending a message to your phone with an SMS with a call about the withdrawal of services.

Active services of MTS cannot be turned on either in the "Special Cabinet", or via SMS, or by USSD commands. For example, type of options « Batkiv control” or “Content Fence” can only be viewed through contact center(), or at the MTS salon-shop.

I am sure that the information from this article helped you to find out how to turn on the services of MTS. How do you know other ways, or you know, how to turn on whether a paid service, the article did not think about it, I will be glad to your comment!

Watch the video instructions about how to enable all paid services on MTS:


Choosing the required tariff plan, the MTS subscriber often becomes the owner of additional paid services. Buvay, scho in these options you can not consume, and the operator charges a subscription fee for them. Otherwise, the option was selected earlier, the option is no longer needed. To change your spending, just include inappropriate services in one of the repaid ways.

Take off the information about the services and information subscriptions by typing on mobile phone combination * 152 * 2 #. Press "Dzvinok", then enter either 1 - to remove the list of services from their category, or 2 - to remove the transfer of subscriptions from those rates. Please come for SMS. The second option to receive data about the subscription of services is to send an SMS request from the number “1” to the number 8111. You should also come for an SMS.

Phone to the MTS service at number 0890, according to the instructions for automatic dialing, call the operator, name the services, as required. You will need to give the subscriber's passport data and the control word.

Go to any salon zv'yazku MTS. Spivrobitnik of the company to confuse, which services you have activated, that include those, which you indicate. In this variant, it is possible to speed up a simple sim-card holder for passport submissions.

Witnessing options is possible on the phone. For whom it is necessary to know the code of services. Dial the combination *111*[service code]#. For one zap, one service is imitated.

Speed ​​up with the help of the Internet-helper service on the MTS website. At upper codend right on head side press the message “Special Office” -> “ mobile call”, in the new window, enter the phone number without entering the password, press “Submit”. If you are not registered, hurry up with the button "Remove password via SMS". SMS will come to the introduction number. At the "Special Office" go to the "Internet-pomichnik" section, and then at the "Tariff and services" -> "Cheruvannya services". Keep non-essential options and save changes.

Otrimannya іnformatsії about dіyuchі services and їх іх іх ісklyuchennya є without koshtovnymi for any variant dіy. May you know that some paid options are available without your permission, for example, when you enter a phone number on a suspicious site. Regularly review your subscription services, prepayments and fees.

Surely, you’ve been stuck with it more than once, that pennies know about the balance of your phone for an hour more quickly, you’ve got to pick up a call or write a reminder. The reason for this is the payment of prepayments, about yaki koristuvachs often do not know. Bagato telephone operators that KP nav'yazuyut tsі subscriptions. Today we learn how to include paid prepayments and services and stop overpaying.

It is also important to note that the price of paid overpayments is high, it can be from 3 to 30 rubles for production, or up to 500 rubles one-time. As you remember that pennies began to disappear from the balance of your phone, we need to check that you signed for paid services. If so, it is necessary to turn them on.

Our article is known, as a recognition, as a service itself, connected to you on MTS.
Let's move on to the head, є kіlka different ways include paid prepayments MTS:

How to add subscriptions to MTS shvidko

This is the best way for a home koristuvach, you don't need to go to the site from a computer. Go to , and go to special office. Here you can easily enable and enable all your pre-payments.

Inclusion of paid services and prepayment by a call to the operator

You can contact the MTS operator for the number 0890 . If you are called by the support service, you may have the right to include ALL paid overpayments on MTS telephones. At some point, the pennies began to appear, but you didn’t connect anything, otherwise they downloaded it to your phone shkidlivu program, and the pennies began to disappear, wait for the negative inclusion of paid subscriptions.

Varto try the return of the cost for the whole hour of the advance payment, which is more than a sum for the value. The same amount was debited for subscriptions and you can also contact the operator.

How to turn off the service and subscription of MTS with a USSD phone

Since you already know what paid services you have connected, you can turn them on, we'll forgive USSD by request. The axis is the list of MTS paid overpayments and charges for their inclusion:
  • Vimknennya services GOOD'OK *111*29#
  • Inclusion of prepayment *111*4756#
  • Prepayment included Weather forecast *111*4751#
  • Subscription included Dating *111*4755#
  • Inclusion of prepayment Jokes *111*4753#
  • Witness services MMS+ *111*11#
  • Inclusion of prepayment Horoscope *111*4752#
  • Vimknennya services GPRS *111*17
  • Witness services WAP+ *111*20#
  • Included Services You have been called *111*39#
  • Wimknennya services Chat *111*12#
  • Inclusion of services Internet + *111*22#
  • Included services *111*24#
  • Subscription included Exchange rate *111*4754
  • Inclusion of services Love number *111*43#
  • Inclusion of services of the Sudnі region *111*2110#
  • Inclusion of services I'm on call *111*211420#
  • Vimknennya Services *111*49#
  • Vimknennya services *111*47#
  • Vimknennya services of Zaboron vikliku *111*53#
  • Vimknennya services Mobile office *111*51#
  • Vimknennya services Forwarding *111*41#
  • Vimknennya services *111*55#
  • Vimknennya services *111*45#

Written service and subscription by one team

To re-verify the current paid subscriptions, send a request *152*2# . It is respectful to read the menu and choose a service to call you.

Be respectful, as you will accept SMS about the overpayment for paid services, try to get a request for the whole number and immediately turn it on!

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