Yak in іnsti zrobiti wrote a special blog. How to create the "Contact" button and the category of the party.

Golovna / Corisna information

Hello, dear readers of the blog iklife.ru!

In these articles, we’ll talk about how to design a profile on Instagram in such a way that more people get respect for it. That's right, that original design is more beautiful - it's better to sing koristuvach, having spent on your side.

To that varto add 10-20 hvilin an hour, to read this article again and reread it important moments at your account.

Making a profile on Instagram

Forgiveness, as a rule, from the basic psychological speeches. Let's go to food, if you want to pamper a person, you've taken it to the side.

Your profile is responsible for its design for 3 simple reasons:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What are you doing?
  3. What can you do to your overpayers? The koristuvach is guilty of the first glance to understand what you will be to me and to korisn, so that I subscribe to you.

If you are running a business account, if you are selling any goods or services, then please paraphrase the food for them.

What can you write:

  • What is your name?
  • Where do you live?
  • Kim works, what are you doing, what project are you running, who do you know?
  • What is your way of life, hobbies?
  • What have you achieved?
  • What do you write about on your Instagram?
  • How can I contact you? Sending to the site for another social measure.

Don't forget that a lot of symbols are surrounded. It is necessary to be short, original and more heady to remember in the future. Sob in the brain of a new one, “the axis of this man, yak ...” was written and remembered you. You can save less than one detail.

Nick on instagram (im'ya koristuvacha)

Im'ya koristuvacha (n_k), which will appear on the back when registering in English or as a translator, it will be reflected in your activity. For this reason, it is also necessary to work yakomoga simpler and unforgettable. So that you can easily be known in a new way by a joke.

Like a bachite, a description of the name with a nickname in the profile is also shown to the viewers.

The field "Im'ya" in the customization of the profile

The ones that are seen in bold type.

Vono, yak ve bachite, spitting on the vidach in a joke, yak poke systems, so I'll ask Instagram itself. To that here you can tell not just the name of that name, but a quick request, for which you can be known.

For example, if you are a photographer, then you can tell in the row:

"Photographer m. Perm - Vasil Blinov"

Well, how about decorating with different emoticons.

Zvichayno, more pratsyuє real іm'ya that prizvische, nizh kakyys komertsіyny zap. Especially, yakscho vie coristuvatimetes. People think that a person is not alive, but as a company, as if trying to sell them, you yourself will understand their reaction.

How to put a photo on the avatar?

The photo works just like that, it’s richly demonstrating. If there is a picture there, and not your photo, then they will recognize you as a bot and go through the poz, without having lost your respect.

Post a good, classy photo of yourself, where you can be seen in this little round circle. I wanted to have one photo on all public records in the social. merezhakh, it is so easy to know and remember. More than I gave my strength to my side, you can come in, marvel at the butt.

Now let's move on to technical points formalized.

How to robiti the text of the description from the new row?

At the moment, my profile of registrations itself has such a method. It is impossible to arrange it through the program, because there is no “Introduction” button there, because it is transferred to a new row.


Krok 1.

Krok 2

Krok 3 You can write a new text at the "About yourself" section or use the "ENTER" button to expand the old one.

Krok 4. We take care of the installation and check it on the phone.

Such a text is more easily accepted and read, lower just at once with one proposition.

How to robiti describe (bio) in instagram by the center?

It's so easy to fight:

Krok 1. We go to Instagram from a computer through a browser.

Krok 2 Press "Edit profile".

Krok 3 In the section "About myself" before the rows with the text, you need to insert the symbol of the gap (⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀). The axis of the stench is in the arms, just see and copy it.

Krok 4. Give a number of symbols to the pass, so that it will be equal. Flip your phone.

The axis so happened to me, only I had a chance to see a part of the text, more clearings are vvazhayutsya symbols, a lot of them are surrounded. Do not destroy the strength.

How to create the "Contact" button and the category of the party

To activate this feature on Instagram, you need to create public side at Facebook. How do you already have such a side ( axis butt of my side), then only contact with the official post on Instagram.

Krok 1. We call the sides. Come in by phone (via mobile supplement Instagram) near editing your profile, you click there “Try tools for the company”.

Krok 2 Log in to Facebook through the program and select the public side you want to link your Instagram profile to.

Krok 3 Enter data, through kakі koristuvachі they can contact you.

Addresses are also displayed in the given profile and when pressed, they are displayed on the map.

Whoever you don’t want, so that the koristuvachs could call for a phone number and get an address (relevant for special parties, bloggers), you can not tell them.

How to add emoticons?

If you create the text of the description from the new row and save it, you can go through the program on the phone to edit it and put in the best way necessary smilies.

Active promotion at the profile

As long as the URL is long and ungarishly looking, it is necessary to be quick for help. For example, like mine, a short, short sentence.

About closing the eyes of the account

After a person has looked at your profile, they will move on to rating the content. That oblіkovy record is not guilty but we close it.

No one subscribes to the closing of the oblique record, and with such changes you are unlikely to become popular.

How to open a closed profile?

Through the computer, you can’t see it, only through a mobile addon.

Go to the addendum itself on the phone and on the right upper codend push the gear “Nalashtuvannya”. Drag the “Closing Appearance Record” button to the left.

That’s all, lads, I’ll finish on this article about the design of the profile on Instagram. As if they were deprived of food, obov'yazkovo put them in the comments. And write, be kind, what do you need to tell about the design of posts on Instagram?

Chekatim zvorotny zv'yazok.

Todі vy drank at the address, even if the article is valid for all meals, yakі can be blamed when working with direct.

What to write in direct and how to rob

Winning a direct on Instagram is easy. Vіn helps in quiet situations, if you want to send text, photos or videos specific person how many people. You can chat with 15 koristuvachs at once. You can work directly on Instagram itself.

This is especially handy in quiet moods, if you have friends on Instagram, as well as partners and clients. Now you know what it means to write to the Instagram direct: it means to communicate with other coristuvachi for additional help in the Instagram notification system. You can also overpower pictures and videos.
If you use the phrase "write to direct", which means "write me an SMS" or "contact me for help," then you know that work!

And how do you grow up? Now let's figure out how to write a note in direct on Instagram.

1. To start, go to your instagram and go to head side. Її the symbol of roztashovaniya at the bottom of the side of the zlіva. Press on the new one.

2. At the top, right-handed, beating the Instagram logo, you can see the symbol that guesses the box or the box. Well, you know direct and now you know what it means to write to direct on Instagram!

3. Type in the desired character. In front of you, there will be sms from the quiet, who wrote to you. On this side you will see those that your prepayers have written to you. If there is someone who does not enter before the stake of your pre-payers, I sent you a reminder, it will hang in the “Ochіkuє for confirmation”. You can look over the otrimany text and choose it, allow you to interpret it with sim koristuvach or vidhility. Now you know how to write in direct on Instagram. I got tired of learning to write myself!

4. Press a plus sign at the top right corner direct. On your choice, you will have two options: “Submit a photo or video” or “Submit a reminder”. Designate one of the two.

5. When choosing “Send a notification”, a page will be displayed, on which you can indicate the name of the correspondent, to whom the SMS is assigned, or choose from “Recommended” (quiet, that they sent you notifications) or “Subscribe”.

After you select the addressee, a text box will appear to enter the notification. Hooray! Found a way to write in direct on Instagram!

You can also upload a ready-made video or a picture, or create new ones right at the same time. To click on the icon of the camera, enter the text box. You only know how to write in direct on Instagram! Let's take a look at what will be, how to choose another option.

6. When choosing "Submit a photo or video", the same side will be displayed, as you win to capture photos and pictures on your side and next to the line. Here you can change the filters, as if adding a great image. After that, as you take the photo, you can add to the new signature and correct whether it is a koristuvachev, adding it to the name or choosing it from the "People" list.

You found out what it means "Write at direct". Get in touch with direct, even if you need to, you can better make contacts, and also spend an hour on Instagram tsіkavіshe!

Today they asked about Instagram: Can you tell me how to write a word in simple letters in Instagram like you have a “Blogger”? It's easy to fight, rozpovіmo report.

Let's start from the fact that you yourself can choose your own status. Indicate those whom you are engaged in. In fact, it was easier for others, who came, to understand, about your Instagram. keyword here is relevance. Tobto, as a person tells the status, what is the doctor - the profile can also be on this topic. And don't use polymer clay. If you are a doctor and clay is your hobby, tell your bio what you are doing with clay.

How do you know about sales and psychologist / photographer / plastic surgeon / programmer / spring makeup artist / cook just, tell about the language. Instagram today is not a maidan for photos for a long time, it is the most important tool for interaction and a generator of clients, which already gives odds to other social media (and some of them are already being swallowed up by the wiki, which is immediately available from the periscope).

I guess the main message:

Say who you are, so that others could understand who you and how you can be brown, you can be surprised in a different way. Without a statement from the status, that bio about you is not recognized and cannot be turned around.

Why varto instruct the profile of Insti the status of Sirim.

  • save space for information in bio
  • looking carefully profiled
  • vіdіznyaє you іnshih іnshih znіchnyh oblіkovіvі records
  • gaining some status and expertise in the eyes of the payers

I respect that you have a good status, that you want to seriously take care of Instagram management and appreciate your ability.

How to remove blogger status on Instagram? For those who are quiet, they just keep a scammer on Instagram and spread through a photo / video and a text about the cicava. Vitayu, you see Blogger on Instagram. Too many people to navit not knowing what the stink of bloggers. Otzhe, the check sheet is how to set the status.

How to put a status on Instagram

  1. Start side at Facebook. If there is no formal record, then the account itself is for the cob.
  2. We go to your side and press right-handed on the menu with the arrow.
  3. Choose to create a side.
  4. We indicate our status, the same type of activity, name of the company, address.
  5. In the same place, a phone number is indicated, which will be displayed in the Call button, if you want, you can pick it up (alternatively, I left out the bi for calling with clients - you can call without intermediary s іnsti).
  6. Remember that we press the "Start" button.
  7. Adding tags to your topics, a description of the company that is posted on the social media.
  8. Put down a cross "So" and save the information. Upload a photo to Facebook.
  9. Indicate geolocation. Ready!

At the same time, you can issue everything without a VPN, but if you still need to blame problems, read the post there for a moment about attaching your IP for an hour of registration. Let's chime in. Ale, it’s not necessary anymore.

How to change status on Instagram

For example, for the test, they indicated a random status on the kshtalt Blogger, but in fact you are not a blogger and you want to remember your rightful activity (I recommend before speech). Enough to remember our category in the business side and won't be changed in the Instagram sіrim at the status.

Let's go to Facebook. Sound the left-handed hand of the Swedish messengers, or the right-hander of your side.

Pressing Information is evil

Click to edit category

In order to go to Instagram from a special account to a company profile (or a business account), you need create a side on facebook(Yakscho, obviously, you don’t have it, but call it like that). It is necessary to create the very side of the company, and not your special officer. It's just possible to do it from a computer, so from the phone at the FB addendum. Let's take a look at the options.

How to create a company side on Facebook for an Instagram business profile from a computer

In order to get a side on facebook, you need a mother registration in qiy social measures. Even if you are not registered on Facebook, you can get the link, the links of the FB link with Instagram even positively add to the Instagram account (for example, when you use Masfollowing and Maslaiking services).

Zagalom seems to be from the fact that you have a registration. Let's go to Facebook. The ice will tickle you the menu in the upper right corner. We press on it, we select “create a side” from the list.

Indicate the type of your activity. Call the bloggers to rob the item “vikonovets, musical group chi public specialty”, and then “Blogger”.

At this point, your profile will have a purple “Blogger” written around the “Contact” button. Before the speech, you ask yourself at once.

Enter a name (principally, be-like pidide, only without @), press "almost".

Ready! You can not post information on your FB side, as you do not choose to develop it. Now you can directly from your specialty.

How to create a company side in the Facebook program on the phone

chime in addendum Facebook already stand on all phones, but if you don’t have yoga, you can easily get yoga in the add-on store, as if it were otherwise. Dodatku FB us ts_kavit itself rest tab Menu. Vibiraemo її and gortaєmo trohi down, pressing "Create a side".

Come up with a name.

Select a category. By the way, at the same time you set that signature for your future Instagram business profile. As soon as you click on “Personal Blog”, your Instagram post will be beautifully written “Personal blog”.

Otherwise, hurry up the menu that you see, and find out the category that suits your kind of activity.

Your site has lost its way, like this, and your page is ready. You can enter the program.

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