How to change a number in excel. Automatically changes the format in the middle after entering data. To change the font color

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The format of the commercial does not change

Shortly on one of the forums, having posted a description of a minor bug: if you try, change the middle format or click the Middle Format dialog box (right mouse button - Cell Format nothing happens. It is difficult to change the visual style of the middle. In this case, this problem may not apply to all middles, but only to select ones for any middle of the arkush. Although we do not understand the problem: for some middles it is impossible to change the spacing of the middles, the fill color, the color and style of the font, etc.

A possible reason: at any time during the work with the file, there is a conflict between formats and the style of middle blocking. As a rule, this is not the case when working with a file in versions of Excel 2007 and higher. I assume that this is due to the fact that in new file formats, data about middle formats is stored in XML schemas and sometimes when changing there is a conflict in styles and Excel cannot determine the exact format of the payment and I change for the last time. I can’t say with 100% truth what the reason is, but I still don’t have any other options. We need to check with Microsoft, but we can’t tell anyone from the “Vlasniki” problem, at what moment the reason appeared, and without it it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fix it. I myself have not been able to model such a situation.

Solution: I still know two possible solutions to this problem. Which one should you choose, if you are faced with this problem - you choose.

Vidmova's responsibility: You do all this at your own risk. The author of the article does not bear any responsibility for any type of beats that may be assigned as a result of your actions
I recommend that you try solutions to the most common problems on copies of your files, so that in case of any emergency you can save your data.

option 1

Now everything is worth saving the book. However, there is a nuance here: with such an approach, all formats will be deleted, but there will be no problems (The filling of the middles, color and style of fonts, borders, etc. will be visible).
This option is the most effective, because removes all formats from the book and the likelihood of the problem repeating in the near future is small.

Option 2

  1. copy any commercial, the format for which can be changed without problems
  2. you see the "unheard" coms - right mouse button - Special insert (PasteSpecial) - Formats

This option (for books that kindly give problems) is not good for me. This has an obvious advantage over the first option - you do not use all the formats in the book. However, there is another nuance - it will not be possible to reliably say that the problem will not happen again in the near future. Although it is impossible to say, it will happen again.

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When Excel sheets are filled with data, no one will be able to see everything beautifully and correctly fill it out the first time.

When working with a program, you constantly need to: change, edit, delete, copy or move. If you have entered milling values ​​into the cell, you want to correct or delete them. Alternatively, in such a simple way, you can create folding ones.

How to set the format of a commercial in Excel?

Instead of a skin test, Excel consists of three elements:

  1. Values: text, numbers, dates and hours, logical place, functions and formulas.
  2. Format: type and color between, type and color of fill, method of displaying value.
  3. Notes.

All three elements do not lie with each other at all. You can set the format of the receipt and not write anything in it. Or add a note to the empty and not formatted middle.

How can I change the middle format in Excel 2010?

To change the middle format, click on the dialog box using the key combination CTRL+1 (or CTRL+SHIFT+F) or from the context menu after right-clicking the bear: option “Middle Format” ів".

This dialog box has 6 tabs:

If your first attempt did not achieve the desired result, click the dialog box again to correct the format of the order in Excel.

How does formatting get stuck in Excel?

The center always has any format. If there were no regular changes, then this is a boring format. It is in standard Excel format, in which:

  • numbers are correct-handed;
  • text left hand;
  • Colibri font with a height of 11 points;
  • The middle does not appear between and fills the background.

This format is changed to the standard “Zagalny” format (without borders or fills).

Please note that the format of the changes to the value cannot be deleted using the DELETE button.

To clear the format of the middle texts, see them and use the “Clear Formats” tool, which is located on the “Head” tab in the “Editing” section.

If you want to clear not only the format, but also the values, then select the “Clear all” option from the list of tools (eraser).

As you can see, the gumk tool is functionally flexible and allows us to select what to delete in the middle:

  • instead (the same as the DELETE button);
  • format;
  • notes;
  • hyperpower.

The “Clear all” option will enable all of these functions.

Selected notes

Notes and formats are not deleted from the box using the DELETE key. Notes can be deleted in two ways:

  1. Using a rubber tool: “Clear notes” option.
  2. Click on the business mark with the right mouse button, and from the context menu that appears, select the “Delete note” option.

Note. The other method is simpler. If you have deleted a number of notes at once, you will be able to see all your comments in advance.

These unformatted spreadsheets may be difficult to read. Formatting text and spacing can enhance the structure of the spreadsheet, making it more visually appealing and easier to understand.

Excel has a lot of tools for formatting text and formatting. In this lesson you will learn how to change the color and style of text and middles, align text, and set a special format for numbers and dates.

Text formatting

You can find a lot of commands for formatting text in the groups Font, Type, Number, which is on the page. Team groupies Font Allows you to change the style, size and color of the text. You can also use them to add color to the middle. Team groupies Virivnyuvnya Allows you to set the display of text in the market, both vertically and horizontally. Team groupies Number Allows you to change the way numbers and dates are displayed.

To change the font:

  1. See required supplies.
  2. Click on the drop-down menu arrow of the font command on the Head tab. Menu appears.
  3. Hover over different fonts. In the middle sections you see, you can interactively change the font of the text.
  4. Select the required font.

To change the font size:

  1. See required supplies.
  2. Click on the arrow menu of the font size command on the Home tab. Menu appears.
  3. Move the cursor over different font sizes. In the middle sections you can interactively change the font size.
  4. Select the required font size.

You can also use the Increase Size and Change Size commands to change the size of the font.

To use the commands bold, italics, underlined:

  1. See required supplies.
  2. Click on the bold command (F), italic (K) or under the chairs (H) in the font group on the Head tab.

To add boundaries:

  1. See required supplies.
  2. Click on the arrow of the command drop-down menu between on the deposit head. Menu appears.
  3. Select the desired cordon style.

You can paint borders and change line styles and colors using the additional border painting tools at the bottom of the drop-down menu.

To change the font color:

  1. See required supplies.
  2. Click on the menu bar that drops down and assign the Color command to the text on the Head tab. The Text Color menu will appear.
  3. Move your mouse cursor over different colors. On the arkush, you can interactively change the color of the text of the visible middles.
  4. Select the required color.

Selecting colors is not surrounded by the menu that drops down. Select Other colors at the bottom of the list to gain access to the expanded color selection.

To add fill color:

  1. See required supplies.
  2. Click on the menu bar that drops down and use the Fill Color command on the Head tab. The Color menu appears.
  3. Move your mouse cursor over different colors. On the arch, you can interactively change the fill color of the visible middles.
  4. Select the required color.

To change the horizontal alignment of text:

  1. See required supplies.
  2. Select one of the horizontal alignment options on the Head tab.
  • Align text to the left: The text is aligned to the left edge of the box.
  • Place in the center: The text is aligned in the center of the box.
  • Align the text on the right edge: The text on the right edge of the box is up.

To change the vertical alignment of text:

  1. See required supplies.
  2. Select one of the vertical alignment options on the Head tab.
  • Along the top edge: Aligns the text to the top edge of the box.
  • Verify in the middle: The text is aligned in the center of the box between the top and bottom edges.
  • Along the bottom edge: The text is aligned to the bottom edge of the box.

As a rule, numbers are aligned along the right and bottom edges of the box, and words and letters are aligned along the left and bottom edges.

Format numbers and dates

One of Excel's best features is its ability to format numbers and dates in a variety of ways. For example, you may need to display numbers with tens, a currency symbol, or a hundred, etc.

To set the format of numbers and dates:

Numeric Format

  1. Zagalny– this format will be in the middle for the mind. When you enter a number, Excel will use the most suitable number format. For example, if you enter “1-5”, the number in the Short Date Format, “1/5/2010” will appear in the middle.
  2. Chislovy formats numbers in tens digits. For example, if you enter “4” into the box, the number “4.00” will appear in the box.
  3. Groshovy formats numbers as seen in displays currency symbol. For example, if you enter “4” into the box, the number will appear in the box “”.
  4. Financial formats numbers that look similar to the penny format, and also contains currency symbols and dozens of digits in numbers. This format will make it easier to read long financial lists.
  5. Short date format formats numbers as M/D/PPRR. For example, the entry Serpen 8, 2010 will be represented as “8/8/2010”.
  6. Long date format formats numbers in the form of National Day, Month DD, RRRR. For example, "Monday, Serpen 01, 2010."
  7. Hour formats numbers in the form HH/MM/SS and signature AM or PM. For example, "10:25:00 AM".
  8. Vidsotkovy It formats numbers using tens digits and a hundredths sign. For example, if you enter “0.75” into the account, it will display “75.00%”.
  9. Drobny formats numbers as fractions with oblique boundaries. For example, if you enter “1/4” in the order, “1/4” will appear in the order. If you enter the format Zagalniy 1/4 into the mailbox, the 4-Jan will appear in the mailbox.
  10. Exponential formats numbers into exponential notation. For example, if you enter “140000” into the account, “1.40E+05” will appear in the account. Please note: Excel uses an exponential format for a number, since it contains a very large number. If you don't want this format, vikorize the Number format.
  11. Textovy formats numbers as text, so that in the middle everything will be displayed exactly as you sent it. Excel uses this format for middles to include both numbers and text.
  12. You can easily adjust any format using the Other number formats section. For example, you can change the US dollar sign to another currency symbol, change how numbers are displayed, change the number of tens places that are displayed, etc.

The format of the Excel program defines the external appearance of data display, and it tells the program itself how to process them: text, numbers, dates, etc. It is therefore very important to correctly set this characteristic to the range until which data will be entered. In a protracted illness, all calculations will simply be incorrect. Let's understand how to change the format of the middle notes in Microsoft Excel.

It is very important what formats you choose. The program asks you to select one of these main types of formatting:

  • Zagalny;
  • Groshovy;
  • Chislovy;
  • Financial;
  • Textovy;
  • Date of;
  • Hour;
  • Fractional;
  • Vidsotkovy;
  • Dodatkovy.

In addition, there is a division into other structural units of more important options. For example, the date format can be divided into several types (DD.MM.RR., DD.month.RR, DD.M, H.MM PM, HH.MM etc.).

You can change the formatting of middles in Excel in a number of ways. We’ll talk more about them below.

Method 1: context menu

The most popular way to change formats for a data range is through the context menu.

After this, the middle format has been changed.

Method 2: block of tools “Number” on the page

The formatting can also be changed using the tools on the page. This method is convoluted behind the front.

Method 3: block of tools “Komirki”

Another option for adjusting this characteristic of the range is to use a different instrument in the adjustment block "Komirki".

Method 4: hotkeys

Once you have found that you can format the range, you can use the so-called hotkeys. For this you need to first see the area that is changing on the arch, and then type the combination on the keyboard Ctrl+1. After this, the standard formatting window will open. We change the displays just as much has been said about this.

In addition, a combination of hot keys allows you to change the format of the average after viewing the range without clicking a special window:

  • Ctrl+Shift+-- hidden format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+1- Numbers with a divider;
  • Ctrl+Shift+2- Chasu (godini.khvilini);
  • Ctrl+Shift+3- Date (DD.MM.RR);
  • Ctrl+Shift+4- Financial;
  • Ctrl+Shift+5- Vidsotkovy;
  • Ctrl+Shift+6- Format O.OOE+00.

As a matter of fact, there are a number of ways to format areas in Excel. This procedure can be performed by speeding up the tools on the page, using the format button or using hot keys. The skin itself determines which option for this is the most convenient for the most specific tasks, and in some cases it is sufficient to set the standard formats, and in others, an accurate insertion of the characteristics of the species is required.

The need to change the format to another

Format for presenting data in the middle

Format of sedatives for promovchannyam ("Zagalny")

After the creation of the document, all steps are taken into account in the “Zagalny” format. This format is quite tricky:

  • numbers appear on the right edge, and text on the left;
  • If, by changing the width of the column, you get less money per song, then the number in the middle is replaced with the symbols “#”. This is no mercy. This means that it is necessary to work harder;
  • If the number is very large ("6000000000000") or very small ("0.000000000000001"), it is automatically converted to exponential (scientific) format ("6E+12" and "1E-14" obviously);
  • When changing the width of the column, tens of fractions are rounded. For example, if you write “3.1415”, then change the width so that “5” no longer fits, “3.142” will appear in the text.

It is often necessary to add a penny unit in the middle, a hundred sign, insert a number of signs after the number, present the date in the song format, etc.

Do not add pennies by hand! As a result, it may turn out that when you try to extract the values ​​from the price of the Excel formula, you will see a mistake! There is a way to indicate in Excel that the payments are in the following format, and it will automatically add penny units (and not just a few) for us.

Є 3 ways to change the format of data presentation in the middle:

  1. automatically, after entering the required data in the Excel account, change the format of the account;
  2. for additional buttons on the formatting toolbar.
  3. For more information, see the "Seed Format" window;

After entering the new character sequences, Excel automatically changes the order format. After this, all Excel numbers that are entered into this format can be converted into this format.

  • date. If you write “1.2.3” or “1/2/3” in the middle, Excel replace the price with “02/01/2003” (the first date of another month of the third day). If you write "1.2" or "1/2", Excel will replace the price with "01.Feb". If you change the format, the middle will be automatically changed to “Date”;
  • Vidsotkovy. If you write “1%” in the middle, the format in the middle will automatically change to “Vidsotkovy”;
  • Hour. If you write “13:46:44” or “13:46” in the business, the business format will automatically change to “Hour”;

Respect!!! On different computers, the format of the mental representation of numbers, penny units, dates and times may vary! You can configure them by going to “Control Panel” -> “Regional Standards” -> “Regional Settings” tab.

Changing the format of the boxes using additional buttons on the "Format" toolbar

There are 5 buttons on the formatting toolbar, with which you can quickly change the format of the displayed sequences.

Description of buttons (from left to right):

  • Penny format. There will be one penny per umovchannyam (wonderful thing);
  • Video format. If there is already a number in the world, Excel multiplies it by 100 and adds the “%” sign. That’s right, even 1 kavun is “100%”, and “0.7” kavun is “70%”;
  • Separator format (numeric format). In this format, there will be a gap in the group of digits (hundreds, hundreds of thousands, etc.) and 2 characters will be added after the coma;
  • Increase the capacity. Adds a tenth digit;
  • Change the capacity. Takes one tenth digit.

Changing the format for additional help: "Format Middles" window

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