How to charge android faster How to properly charge a new mobile phone

Golovna / Corisna information

“When my phone runs out of charge, I get nervous! Without a normally working phone, I feel naked! ”- Natasha’s friend knew as if. Ale poachivshis on the screen of the gadget 100% dovogoochіkuvani, won't get out of the socket: "Let's lie down and recharge more."

Why the hell, all the rest of us Natasha. It is important for us to be in the measure and available in practical terms. And by raptom we missed the important call, can't we catch a photograph on the Internet? At the same time, a new term “nomophobia” has appeared, which means the fear of being deprived without a practical gadget.

But at the same time, the language is not about those, our filthy staleness on the phone is good. Let's talk more briefly, how to stay on the link as long as possible, because we need it so much.

Zrozumіlo, scho pratsezdatnіst phone to lie in the third battery. If the fault is correct and the charge is good, then the gadget will serve as the truth of the sprat of fate.

It’s necessary to do more clumsy receptions of charging the living element and the rules of using the telephone. On another occasion, you will happen to change yoga through the river through a dead battery.

How to properly charge your phone battery

It would be ok, what's foldable here? After inserting the plug into the socket, plug it in to the USB input, plug it into nothing and voila! - 100% charge limit. Ale ce seems to be wrong.

  1. Better than less. Battery packs for gadgets should be taken into account: a cell phone charger can be harmful to a mobile device. The stench is stverdzhuyut, that on the remaining hours of charging in the battery, a high voltage is accumulating. And tse to bring to shvidkogo znoshuvannya zhivlennya. For optimal performance, the phone needs to be supported Charge rate by 40% - 80%, its not allowing discharge below 20%. The axis is such arithmetic! According to the rule, constantly blocking the phone from charging to nothing, it is peaceful to drive in the battery and leave the access zone for those who do not want to.
  2. More than 100% is impossible. Charging until it stops, the phone needs to be plugged into the charger immediately. The gadget cannot be charged on the future, just like that, just like people can’t naїstisya on melancholy, or vyspatis far away. Charging, but not turning on the charger, mobile attachments keep their 100%, richly fueled by small doses of energy for recharging. This creates a voltage, zmushuє the battery works more and wears better.
  3. Regular charging. Fahivtsi to please charge your gadget often (at the borders of the reasonable), ale in small parts. You need to increase the battery efficiency of your phone by up to 80%. Guess, even nutritionists care, that in order to keep a normal woman healthy, people eat often in small portions, and not just once a day and before wilting.
  4. Flick the socket. Naturally, manually charge your hungry phone through the USB port of your computer or laptop. ale Zavzhda better not to practice. On USB ports, the voltage is pulsating, through which the stench is heated. Nepotribne heat at times short work experience of the battery. Until then, charging in the USB port of the computer will take more than an hour, lower in the normal socket.
  5. New zero. Remember, earlier when buying a new phone to increase the volume of the battery, you would have to recharge it again and charge it to the top of the battery once? so axis from current lithium-ion batteries such manipulations. However, fahіvtsі didn't think so, because they needed to charge the current battery to zero. Some people don’t work to please anyone, but they can boost the charge even if they want to by 20%. Other times they sing, that once every one or two months, the discharge of the element of life is less for mere melancholy. Well, the situation is, if the phone is discharged and it’s just nowhere to plug it in, it’s trapping itself with such periodicity in the ears.
  6. Robot or charging. There are no experts and a single thought that you can use your phone while you stand on the battery charging. Some care what you can. Others argue that the one-hour operation of the gadget and the charging of the batteries give an uncommon urge to stay. It will charge more. Ale here next to know the compromise. If it is necessary to make a life of an important call, then five minutes do not finish the battery. And if you want to gobble up a line of news from the socialist mire, then it’s better to check it out.
  7. Original RFP. Charging attachment, which is sold in a set with a gadget, is ideal for a new one. It made sense. There may be a special guard that charges the phone when it reaches 100% and does not allow the battery to accumulate voltage. For charging, it is recommended to greet only him. Ale scho robiti, yakshcho native memory has become irrelevant or ruined? Experts recommend a yakіsny analogue with similar characteristics and capabilities. Cheap substitutes may not have such a savior. The stench of the building is to repair the battery and reduce the term of the yogo service.

How to behave properly with the phone

  • Do not drain the phone's battery in a pre-stroke station. Tse naughty youma and in the kіntsevomu pіdbag appear on the terminі service not better.
  • Don't overheat your phone. Zaive heat is not up to like gadgets like those batteries. Therefore, do not deprive them of their instructions with heating appliances, as well as under direct sleepy prominences on the ceiling or in the car on the appliance panel. Such lightness for the shortest time in the working mood of the battery, for the hirshom - to cause a fire.
  • Low temperatures also harm the life elements of the phone. In the cold, charging is literally on the eyes and the gadget can get stuck, turn it on like wine and don’t actively fight for recognition. Covers, bought in the store or made with masters, will protect your phone. And for ladies, a fashionable accessory is not enough to complete the image.
  • However, take the battery case out of the phone for an hour of battery charging so as not to overheat the gadget.
  • Take care to avoid sudden temperature fluctuations on your phone.

Deputy Uz'yaznennya

  • Whether a battery in the middle serve two or three years. Navіt akshcho with him dbaylivo behave, wine old and it is not possible to charge well, like a new element of life. It's not your fault. It's just that the technique can wake up and go out of tune.
  • Do not lie, as you have blocked the phone for nothing on the charger, or, on the contrary, you forgot to charge the gadget and the wine has been at zero for two years already. Golovnya, don't turn these negative moments onto the system.
  • Natalya's friend swears that if she has telephones, she will not live for a long time. Come on, I know why.

How to properly charge a smartphone, so that the battery lasts longer, I will tell you from this note. I’m changing my gadgets randomly, in the world of that, how to get out New version. To that, if you repair the same, your glance will not be relevant for you. And if you check with your phone or tablet, it’s better for you, point below the recommendations, and more quickly. It seems simpler that your lithium-ion or lithium-polymer phone battery did not degrade smartly, you should consider buying a new smartphone, you need to learn a lot of simple rules. There are small details for Li-Ion and Li-Po batteries, but there is also a topic for rozmovi, which will be an article for your drive.

Perche, but not a general rule - take your smartphone out of charge, don’t leave it out of yoga for the whole nothing at the edge. After the completion of the charging of the attachments, if they are powered by a strum for the support of 100 vdsotkiv. After a three-hour charge, that increased temperature, the battery is constantly restoring stress and already through the river, you can remember the reduced hour of the smartphone’s work.

friend, do not overcharge your smartphone. May be affected by up to 5% and lower. Modern mobile phones will automatically ring if the charge drops less than 5%, it will wake up automatically. Ale, in any case, such a recharging will greatly wear out the battery, regardless of the presence of life controllers. Just in case, if there are incorrect information about the battery capacity, you can charge up to 0 and charge up to 100: for calibration.

Third, you can recharge at whatever hour is necessary for you. With the appearance of Li-Ion batteries, it became necessary to check for a new discharge or charge. Schools of Battery University, which are engaged in the following tasks, to charge gadgets from 40% to 80%, and when reaching 100% charge, the battery will be removed in the station high voltage to wear the structure of the battery.

Visnovok: the batteries are richly shorter, so you charge them often and offal, less once and for a long time.

quarter As a rule, use only brand-name chargers, especially if your smartphone supports the other format of a smart charger. Such blocks of life, sound (but do not start), again turn on the flow of the stream at the reach of 100%. If you have a complete charger attached to your device, otherwise you have a standard life block without a manual charger, try to find the original block for your smartphone with the type of manual charging (marvel at the voltage and power of the stream). Or you can call Ali an analogue of a good virobnik. For example, I’m so shy, I’m chipping with a swedish charger like UGreen, two roses for the size, and one for the Quick Charge 4.0 standard. Do not forget also about cables, even if you can pay for the necessary tension. For example, I take cables that are 60W.

Do not forget about the tightness of the cable.

P'yate, respectfully dorimuvatisya temperature regime, to that the sinter is strong, or the cold is brought to a dry discharge and the battery is brought out of harmony, so that you are actively coring with it. For example, it is categorically not necessary to charge a smartphone that lies in the sun under the sun, for example, at the trimach on the windshield of your car. It is necessary to bring to rapid degradation of the battery, and in some cases to vibration of the battery. I’ll say more, at the same time, Apple recommended that you take out the covers for your smartphones for an hour of charging, so that you need to transfer heat to the case. It’s not given to apple products, I don’t know what to write in the instructions on the boxes at once.

In the open spaces of the software store, like for Android, and for IOS, there are many programs, like there will be steps and instructions for you, if you need to put or take your smartphone out of charge. I don’t shrivele tsim, but let’s say May.

In the same place, you can find all the managers of the zavdan, who can help you around the work of the non-working programs that work with background mode otherwise, turn off auto-advancement. If you prefer, you may need root rights.

The axis of the program for Android for robots with a battery, you can read the descriptions on the side of the program:

  • Accu Battery;
  • Battery Calibration Pro 2018;
  • battery monitor.

In modern smartphones in shells, virobniki began to introduce charging options for the layout. For example, this is a function, if it is possible to programmatically turn on life, and do not support 100%, if the phone is charged again. also in MIUI firmware Xiaomi (and in some others) improves the charging schedule for the year.

And if you do it with a smart phone with a znimny battery and don’t plan to spend a long time with it, it’s better to keep it warm and take care of it in a cold and dry place.

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It would be better if you could just put your phone on charge?! And on the Internet, new and new, you yourself are fed in order to properly charge your smartphone.

Bigness is more important current telephones toil unknown battery, for the replacement of which it is necessary to turn to service center. That price for a similar procedure is not too quiet. Itself through tse coristuvachi want to continue the term of battery service as much as possible.

We have chosen the most popular tips about charging your smartphone and in this material we would like to give a review on them. Father:

Question: What is the term for robotic insurance of a smartphone battery?

It is not possible to answer shortly on the subject. Too many factors add up to the term of battery service (we'll talk about that below). For example, Apple officially declares that iPhone battery designing so as to save 80% of your cob capacity through 500 new cycles recharge. We can say that 500 cycles is the average value for any modern lithium-ion battery.

1 cycle- Tse povny discharge of a smartphone with an offensive charge up to 100%. It’s obvious from Apple that we discharged our smartphone again to 50%, then charged it to 100% and the next day we again discharged it to 50%, then we need 1 recharge cycle (twice 50% each).

Roughly seeming, as if every day there is 1 cycle of recharging, then describe 500 days(otherwise mayzhe pivtora rocky) the battery capacity of your smartphone is set to 80% vіd vіdkovoї.

Do you need to worry about charging, if you want to drain the batteries less for a few years? On the right, in what is true, everything is not so wonderful, like on paper. In case of improper handling of the battery, you can speed up the term of service and up to 200 cycles (so, you can already remember through the check that the smartphone is consuming a higher charge).

And how to take the words to respect Battery University(most popular information resource on batteries and accumulators), then immediately, connect your smartphone to the charger, if the charge is up to 70% and lower, there is 1 recharge cycle. In addition, Battery University states that for 1 rіk a battery on average consumes 15 to 22% of its cob capacity.

Nutrition: What is required after the arrival of a new smartphone to recharge it?

Like only you bought new smartphone, We will not need to carry out 1 cycle of recharging. To charge the smartphone up to 100% and then discharge it until it is completely turned off (do not boast, modern technology is smart enough to turn on the smartphone even before the battery becomes deeply discharged).

Why is it necessary to work? This procedure is not acceptable for the battery and do not continue the term of service. A new recharge cycle is required for calibration software schob vіdsotok charge, which reflects your smartphone, vіdpov_vіd real battery charge.

As a matter of fact, the calibration procedures have never been interrupted ( Recharge up to 100%), then your smartphone may incorrectly display the charge level and, for example, mimic at 10% charge, which is no longer available.

More than that, such a calibration can (and need to be) done once every few months.

Nutrition: Chi korisno shhorazu rozryadzhati phone "at zero"?

This scenario itself is the most common for a lithium-ion battery. Do not allow the charge to drop below 20% and charge your phone more often. In other times, battery wear will speed up. It is best to increase the charge at a rate of 40-80%. Don't forget any bad batteries, charge її 2-3 times a day.

Once again, I would like to voice my thoughts - put your smartphone on charge more often, lower the check of a new category.

Food: Can you charge your phone all the time?

This is one of the most popular smartphone battery power supplies. It's true, for rich people, put your phone on charge before going to bed, and take the phone off again.

The biggest problem in this case is overheating of the battery ( high temperature - enemy number 1, be it batteries). Luckily, overheating doesn't take long to complete charging. You theoretically can’t charge a smartphone all the time - smart electronics won’t allow it. Just take the battery off required charge. The very early phone is cold.

From the other side, becoming a fully charged battery is “stressful” for the battery, increasing the charge at 100% all night, and you yourself will shorten the term of service.

If you plan to charge your smartphone for a three-year period of time (say, 4 years and more), then it’s better not to let your smartphone charge for nothing. In another turn, for 1-2 years you will use yourself 20% of the capacity.

Nutrition: Can you use your smartphone for an hour of charging?

There are two reasons, through which people swear by cim nutrition - the special security officer and the influx of this factor on the battery.

What should be the first reason - you can not be turbulent, the smartphone will not hit you with a strum and vibrate in your hands. So, in the case of fluctuations, if it was so troubling, the reason for this was the inaccurate (more cheap) Chinese chargers and accumulators. To that varto koristuvatisya only original outbuildings Vіd Vіdomih vіrobnikovіv.

If you talk about the battery itself, then for it it’s even too high temperatures. Under an hour of charging, whether a smartphone starts to heat up (before speech, if your smartphone is warming up even more strongly - it’s necessary to figure out why you need it, it’s not your fault).

When you change your smartphone for an hour of charging, you increase the temperature even more. So you can’t charge your phone at once and take care of a new important task (for example, play games). If you just want to charge your smartphone and listen to music, you won't mess up your battery or you.

Power supply: How quickly charge the phone with a swedish charger?

Really the smartphone is charging shvidko less than half (when it is safe for the battery) - further electric power is reduced (due to the decrease in power or voltage) and the phone continues to charge properly. Yakby shvidka charging was not turned on, it could have caused the batteries to blow up and that її її shvidkoї degradation.

Calling everything, fast charging is an inevitable development of technologies. At the next hour of "full" charging, just call. That is why there is no sense of uniqueness of the swedish charging.

Nutrition: Can you use Chinese (not native) exercises?

No way! Always buy more original chargers, batteries and wind cables. For example, despite the original charger and the Samsung battery combined with a cheap Chinese USB cable, smartphones from the company with the function of swedish charging can be charged properly. Tobto the cable plays a key role and does not allow speeding up with a swedish charge.

Moreover, there were a lot of butts, if the cheap Chinese chargers melted right in the rosettes, the people called out and struck with a strum. Non-original batteries may swell during charging or vibrate.

Also, chargers and cables from unnamed Chinese companies can damage the smartphone itself. At similar outbuildings found components are victorious, and soldering that folding does not stand up to any criticism. Everything should be brought up to the fact that the real value of the force of the struma and the voltage can not be deviated from the statements of the virobnik.

Small hour autonomous robots smartphone - the actual problem of a modern person, who is important to get on the phone. Through the chain of missing gadgets and coristuvach zmusheni, regularly carry supplementary windshields - for the dressing room, for paid services charging in salons-shops, to buy “other” telephones, building “insurance” the main device at a time, as well as “sit down”.

However, the fact that the gadget is quickly reloading, as a rule, the coristuvach himself is guilty more richly, lower the rate. Dotrimuyuchis deyakih rules for charging a smartphone, you can actually improve the trivality of your autonomous robot.

Why is the phone charging fast?

Koristuvach is not guilty of wondering the fact that a simple “dialer” is built without an outlet 1-2 days, just like a smartphone is already sitting for the benefit of the remaining recharging. Functional sound the flooring primitive to put the battery in just no why. At the same time, smartphones have a whole arsenal. additional options zavdyaki yakim can successfully replace navigators, cameras, game consoles and other high-specialized accessories. All of these options are fast and easy to "set" the ampere.

The axis of the head of the enemy batteries in smartphones:

  • WiFi. When the Wi-Fi module is omitted, the battery life will be richer. How is the distribution activated on the smartphone? wireless internet, you can talk, like a zvorotniy vіdlіk vіdsotkіv zagryzhannya accumulator go right in front of your eyes. important moment I believe that turning on Wi-Fi is charging the battery more importantly in the period of time, the lower the hour of a constant connection. Even though I’m in the zone, I don’t just switch to LTE, but also turn on Wi-Fi.
  • Geolocation. Zavdyaky uvіmknenіy geolocation koristuvach mobile annex building vіdstezhiti according to the map of its location and recognition, chi far from the point of recognition. A lot of people do not see such needs, and to that on their smartphones, geolocation is far behind, devouring expensive million amperes.
  • Trivali romovi. In specifications, the approximate term for autonomous robotic gadgets is always indicated in 2 ways: in smart modeі in call mode. The term of work in the mode of change is significantly shorter. Koristuvachevі varto replace if possible live splkuvannya listings in instant messengers, like vin bazha, so that the yoga device can be trimmed without recharging more.

If I expand the idea of ​​the program, open it on smartphones in the background mode, don’t give a boost to the battery charge. Launching a program “from scratch” is a much more energy-efficient procedure, which is why you need to be some kind of supplement postyno, shorazu twist yogo stupidly.

The reason for the battery drain must not be found on program equal. Possibly, all on the right in a technical fault, low battery capacity or in yoga wear. A leather battery may have an authoritative term of service, which is subject to a number of charge cycles. Once the threshold value is reached, a smartphone with new skin charging starts to sit more.

An approximate term for battery life is 500 cycles - every second to two years of recurrence. From the 501st cycle, the battery of the "apple" gadget starts to work efficiently. After reaching the 1000th cycle, the capacity of the battery, sound, to become less than 50% of the battery. You can find out the number of charging cycles on the iPhone using additional software battery life.

Full charge: what is the reason?

The reason that the smartphone is charging adequately, it is unlikely that the gadget is wrong and its components. It’s better for everything, the problem is in the elements of the charger, I’ll build it or it’s life.

If a smartphone is charged not from an outlet, but from a laptop port or a PC, it is not necessary to check that the battery fills up "to the brim" for an hour. USB port format 2.0 take care of the tightness of everything in 2.5W, also for recharging the battery 3000 mAp approx. 5 W. More shortly from the task of recharging gadgets to cope with porting the format 3.0 what to give 4.5W.

However, as a laptop equipment, you can forget about connecting a smartphone to a power outlet. New type of USB building charging device with power up to 100 W, And it means to promptly recall the battery of the mobile phone and navigate the tablet through the whole way out of the warehouse is not difficult.

The low battery capacity of the USB cable and the lack of performance of the adapter can also be the reasons for overcharging. When choosing an adapter, please pay attention to straining struma- Indicator, which is expressed in amperes (A). Previously, it was possible to cheat at this moment - as if the pressure of the struma was low, the device was charged properly, or "did not get" the capacity. With this, it was not possible to "overgrow" the pips, too great a force of the struma could set the shkodi batteries. In 2019, there are no such problems.

It is not necessary to worry about the fact that a hard strum “burns” a smartphone - all gadgets have special charging controllers installed, so as not to let a larger strum pass, a lower building vitrimati device. In addition, yakіsne FFP can be similar controllers.

How to charge your phone: basic rules

Koristuvachі mobile tehnіkі dosі remember the rule from the 2000s: charge your phone to 0%, then charge it again. The rule is no more relevant for nickel accumulators, such contagions you do not know "on the day of fire." More smartphones included lithium-ionnim batteries, as it is not possible to charge to zero - it’s the head of the wrong shkodi!

In the rest of the years in the field of mobile technology, information began to appear about those that for the "support" of the life of the battery її next trim on the level of 20 to 80%. Obviously, you can go beyond the limits, but ideally, you can reach recommendations. In some modern gadgets, on the hardware level, the function of automatic feeding of life is implemented when the capacity is set to 80%, or in the settings of the life parameters, there is an option. Representatives of the company spoke about such a regime. Yakscho special functions no, then you don’t need to install the latest software from PlayMarket or AppStore, which is similar to the task.

  • Do not run out of recharging smartphone connect to the outlet- even more so for the whole nothing. It is not necessary to cause the battery to overheat and, as a last resort, the short term for yoga robots. In order to get rid of the harmful effects, coristuvachevy varto put respect on the impulses of the RFP - what stench wafts from the savage ones, the world rozpovimo piznishe.
  • Follow the temperature. Under an hour of recharging a smartphone and it heats up so much - if you don’t have it on the sun, then you can get out of tune. Zvichaynno well, the device is not varto chimos nakrivati ​​chi kudis hovati. All tse dodatkove heating and like a legacy breakage is possible. Do not forget that low temperatures are no less harmful to the battery. reference temperature dovkilla 20 degrees Celsius is required for charging.
  • Refresh your smartphone regularly- I would like to offal. Short-stroke charging is not fatal for today's lithium-ion batteries- it was brought to the organization under the name University of Research and Development of Batteries (Cadex). Schob bula mozhlivist pіdzhivlyuvati gadget in any minds, varto pridbati so ranks. Our site has already told about those
  • Once every three months (albeit not more often) I will re-discharge the smartphone and charge it up to 100%. Tsey zahіd allow to calibrate the electronics, as if they were correct for the correct fermentation of the charge. Koristuvachev, which is not good with such an approach, it’s not surprising that this gadget is “raptly” turned on at 5-10%.
  • Don't allowdeep discharge . Let’s understand, we’re on the verge of trying to rebuy the smartphone at the discharged station. The gadget is discharged and does not get in- one of the widest skarg koristuvachiv, yakі apply for warranty service.

An important point is that if the phone is planned to be conserved, so that it will not be fixed in the next hour, the battery should be charged up to 50%. With such a station, it is necessary to become weak. It is not possible to re-charge or charge the smartphone before charging for a quiet time.

The recommendation to use only original accessories for charging is rather doubtful. Zvichayno, pіzhivlyuvati gadget better team ZU, yak bulo in the kit. However, it’s out of tune, koristuvach to stumble in front of a serious dilemma through zrozumile pragnennya to spare - even the original accessory of two-and-two expensive for universal.

Really there is no great difference between universal and original memory. How universal charger for smartphone is broken by my home company, and not the Chinese "know-name", you definitely won't stock the gadget.

How to properly charge a new battery?

Follow the three steps to recharge and charge a new smartphone - the best way to “destroy” the battery in the first days of life. So it was necessary to work again with nickel batteries - if there is a lot of lithium, then the skin is discharged quickly, the term of their operation.

Modern gadgets do not hang especially well until the first charge. Koristuvachs do not need to go to the "lokshina", as they "hang on the wind" consultants and "pseudo-experts" of thematic sites.

It’s best for the smart phone’s owner to take instructions, to know what to find in it about the trouble-free charging, and to leave the gadget plugged in to the outlet for instructions from the helper for an hour. After a certain hour, turn on the device with 100% charge in the life and farther to finish the quiet rules, as if they were more overprotected.

How to choose a charger for a smartphone?

At this article, a lot of parameters have been guessed, for example, I’ll give you respect when choosing a charger for the phone. In fact, for today's gadgets, SZU is chosen according to the principle - what are the indicators of the strength of the strum, the tightness and the tension, the better. Right in that, scho rokiv to that straining exercise the whole thing could really burn the battery. In 2019, the rotational blocks of life can control the modes, which means that they themselves are connected to them and, on the basis of the stench, serve a stream with safe parameters.

Other parameters to look at when purchasing:

  • Type of. Usі memory is mentally classified into 2 types: transformerі impulse. Impulses are fired when they are equipped with timers, which automatically start charging. The pulsed memory mode lasts approximately 4 years - which hour, as a rule, is enough for the battery to gain the main part of its capacity. Then the energy begins to flow in small portions-impulses - so that the smartphone does not consume a charge.
  • Construction and design. Tsіlіsnі ZU, scho do not allow coristuvachevі vіd'єdnati provіd vіd block zhivlennya, go near the past. Bringing such a charge not visible, so that the manager of the gadget has to buy a USB cable “for additional delivery” to it - so it’s possible to get data from a PC on a smartphone.

Dotsilnіshe pridbati cable and adapter, equipping kіlkom ports.

Zavdyaki such an adapter koristuvach takes the ability to charge two and more mobile outbuildings a overnight- for which you need to buy another cable, which is much cheaper than additional charging.

Replacing the adapter for charging on the Chinese site, the coristuvach is also guilty plug type. For Russian sockets you need European plugs- The butt for the little one is higher at the upper left kutka. Meanwhile, there is no special sensation to make SZUs in China today, Russian online stores offer more and more low-year choices of similar outbuildings with adequate prices. Z best options you can get acquainted with our rating of merzhevih chargers, mentioned below.

The best battery chargers

Qumo 23714

Price: from 1299 rubles.

Sufficient budget model with 3 outputs. Top support for the Quick Charge swedish charger (3.0, 2.0, 1.0). The maximum intensity of the struma is 4.2 A, the intensity is 18 W. SZU automatically picks up the necessary parameters for charging the plugged-in gadget, and also checks for voltage release, reversing and short hum. An option for those who need fast and safely charge a small amount of gadgets and don’t pay for big pennies.

Aukey PA-Y9

Price: from 1490 rubles.

Stylish charging like Aukey was equipped with a reversible USB-C 5 V / 3 A socket and a classic USB-A 5 V / 2.1 A port. The total power is 25.5 W. Tse allow safely charge any gadget like iPhone the rest of the model to any tablet. Case SZU vikonaniy іz yak_sny plastic іz Soft Touch pokrittyam. The videlka, if necessary, is taken from a special niche on the body, which will simplify the process of taking the block or carrying it with you.


Price: from 1690 rubles.

Model z_kavim design and exit on three roses. This is the best option for charging Apple technology and any other expensive accessories. Upper USB-C port 5V/5.4A power supply for charging or laptops with Type-C power supply, two bottom USB-A 5V/2.4A ports for life, whatever mobile gadget. Total exhaustion - 28 W.

SZU took away the support of Automax technology, building intelligence, which is the same as connecting attachments to it and seeing the relevant parameters of the jet for safe charging. In addition, it was transferred to overheating, flickering, high voltage. The life block can be supplied with a silicone case (optionally a red or blue version) with a hole for attaching the life cable.

RIVACASE Rivapower VA4125 + Lightning

Price: from 1890 rubles.

Not naytsіkavіsha SZU z point vykonannya, but to do it manually and functionally. The model is equipped with two USB-A type c 5 V/3.4 A sockets with a total output power of 17 W. Tsyogo to stitch schob one hour to charge two smartphones and tablets. The kit includes a 1.2 meter Lightning cable with a plug for iPhone charging. The charger is available in white or black colors. A good option for quiet people who need a living unit with a cable included in the kit for a reasonable penny garnoy yakistyu.

Belkin F7U011vfSLV

Price: from 1990 rubles.

Belkin's favorite accessories Vlasnik Apple. It's not surprising, the shards of this company are robbed as well, and even more stylishly. The model took two inputs - USB-C and USB-A. The first strum force is 3 A, the other is 2.4 A, the total intensity is 27 W. SZU is made of yakіsnogo plastics with high wear resistance, as well as opposite authorities. The case is compact, so that you can easily carry it with you. Colir - sreblo. Basic MFI certification.

ANKER PowerPort Speed ​​5 Ports 63W

Price: from 2990 rubles.

Model, covered once for 5 outbuildings. Let's go, who can be at home without personal gadgets or office. All outputs are of USB-A type, two ports support Quick Charge, three - PowerIQ (automatic selection of parameters in the supply of strum in the fallout from the connected device). Priya may light indicator work of blue color - according to the new coristuvach, you can understand that the SZP is connected to the border. Accessory of a small size, all internal elements are protected by the case from yakish plastic. Total power - 63 W, maximum strum power - 12 A. MFI certification, which Apple officially recognizes tsey pristriy safe for wet equipment.


It's a pity that the local coristuvachi continue to flatly believe in expanding the myths about charging mobile appliances. Stink and do not suspect that, pragnuchi, for example, discharge the batteries of smartphones to the end, give the filthy service to your devices. Recommendations that were remembered in the memory of koristuvachs in the 2000s are relevant for Nickel batteries. Modern smartphones have lithium-ion batteries, in order to keep an eye on any and all others.

Fahіvtsі british іnternet vidannya The Independent Please note that it is good for the rest of the days, systematically charge your smartphone to a sharp deterioration in the battery. Enriched with dbaylivishoy є day charging, obmezhena in the hour.

Of course, it’s not about the difference between voltage and other factors. Just for nothing, I’ll get recharged again and hang a sprat of the last years on eating just like that.

Why is charging bad for your outbuilding?

Bagato modern smartphones with active vikoristanny, they will require constant, regular (or even frequent) recharging. Increase the battery charge manually at night - as long as we sleep and do not need to constantly wake up from the phone. Zagalom recharging in the night hour is quite possible, it’s better to spend it correctly.

Constantly above the world living in the meantime, the building of the battery is lowered, save the charge, and everything is safer. For an hour of systematic nightly charging You will reduce the hour of work without recharging to a few years of active charging or to the cleaning mode. Nastіlki, so that the smartphone can be charged both in the day and at night.

The expert's thought and the system of drotovoy recharging

One of the gurus in the gallery of the distribution of chargers is Hatem Zeine, who created wireless charging and having fallen asleep the Ossia company, to induce statistical data. In other words, if you leave your phone on a lively day, then on the river your smartphone will be spent on a charger for about three or three months. Tretina of all fate! Obviously, such a trivial hour on a living day will become a battery of any kind of smartphone I will build.

Ossia, to the point, have patented a wireless technology for recharging any kind of gadgets within a radius of up to nine meters from the outbuilding. Energy is transferred for help wifi antenna or bluetooth channels, allowing you to live in a small sprat near the room. This way is more convenient than using cables, tying you to sockets, and more comfortable and lower Qi induction charging. The rest do not allow you to see each other on the great vіdstanі in the center of the annex.

How to properly charge your smartphone: chotiri for the sake of simple

Then, turning around to correctly charge the smartphone, it is necessary to guess whether it is not more than a day or a night, but it is controlled by an hour of recharging to help save the battery at the control station.

  1. First, that smut is the rule of the correct increase in the battery charge: it’s time to turn on the battery. Just as soon as you charge your power, pull out the life cord and continue using your smartphone.
  2. It’s not surprising, another recommendation is not to charge “all the way”. Do not varto zavzhdi pragnuti stovіdsotkovogo pokaznik charge. Experts vvazhayut what kind of vikoristannya pogrіrshuє camp of the battery and finish it off quickly.
  3. Even more unusual is the joy of fakhivtsiv in the Battery University portal: they recommend charging attachments once a day. Tse povnistyu superechit zvichaynym notices about charging, ale pratsyuє! When it is necessary to check the temperature, I will add: high indicators are negatively injected into the robot of the smartphone.
  4. At the soul of the front, it is offensive - do not charge the charge to zero today. Acceptable frequency re-discharging battery - about once a month.

Visnovok is simple- don't leave your smartphone on a long-term meal and don't forget to follow your diet I'll forgive you type of specialists. Then, whether it be an attachment, it will serve you longer, and the battery reserves will not be charged in short terms.

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