How to open the registry in Windows 8. How to open the Windows registry: all methods.

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The change in the basic work environment in Windows 8 and 8.1 has led to the fact that actions that never happened in Windows 7 and XP have begun to cause difficulties for business owners.

Thus, due to the absence of the Start menu, not everyone understands how to open the registry.

However, there are no fewer ways to launch the registry editor for “visimtsa” – there are more of them, less so for “simtsa”.

  • The axis is five of the simplest of them.

  • Five ways to open the Registry Editor in Windows 8

For additional help with the “Viconati” program There are two ways to launch the Viconati program: through the context menu of the "Start" button in Windows 8.1;

pressing the Windows keys + R.

In the "Open" row, the window that appears, enter the command

regedit and press OK. The result of this will be the launch of the registry editor:

For additional help from the team row There are two ways to launch the Viconati program: In Windows 8.1, the command row also opens from

context menu

"Start" buttons.

In the console window, enter the command you already know

then press Enter. The Registry Editor opens..

Through Windows Explorer

You can open the registry editor just like any other program by simply launching the file.

  • While on your desktop, open a folder, go to the C:Windows directory and double-click on the file

  • regedit.exe

context menu of the "Start" button (item "Know"); There are two ways to launch the Viconati program: In the main Charms panel, which appears on the screen, you can place the cursor at the bottom right or top corner and destroy a little bit.

start screen (magnifying glass icon on the right

upper codend

It fits in the row

, press Enter and launch the found program.

For additional help shortcut

If you frequently make edits to the registry, you will be able to easily run regedit.exe under the following shortcut.

After that, the regedit.exe tile will be created on the start screen, click on which program we need to open.

Third-party programs for robots with the registry

There are plenty of programs for editing the system registry.

When installed in Windows 8, the regedit utility includes functions that optimize the registry, which is essential for high system performance.

This is the main purpose of such programs.

Let's take a look at their actions. Reg Organizer Reg Organizer is a richly functional operating system maintenance utility.

Allows you to clean and defragment the system registry, remove auto-enabled programs, remove add-ons together with their excesses in the registry on disks, consolidate various fine-tuning settings, etc.

One of the sections of Reg Organizer guesses

system utility regedit – through this you can edit the registry manually. This program can be used as a replacement for the installed registry editor, but actions with its function, if used incorrectly, can destroy the functionality of the system and program.

Reg Organizer is highly recommended for experienced traders.

Registry Booster

Registry Booster is another program that allows you to optimize the system registry for faster startup Windows robots. The program has only three main functions - checking, cleaning and defragmenting the registry, and everything besides checking works only after purchasing a license. Registry Booster is suitable for all experienced players, including newcomers.

Corrects detected problems automatically and does not allow you to handle this process manually. RegScanner The RegScanner utility in Nir Soft is a manual replacement for the built-in registry editor, and is aimed exclusively at the approval of registry users.

Intended for searching data from the registry for themselves

various parameters , that number is after the dovzhin and date the rest of the change

Purposes for contacting clients and system administrators.

Windows 8 may be widely available among PC users. Ale doesn’t even know how to open the registry editor. There are a few simple ones that fall asleep

effective ways

for a start yogo edaguvannya.

reporting instructions

Option 1

The Swedish command with the key combination Win+R will open at the end of Vikonati.

Write the regedit command there and confirm the action with help OK.

Option 2

Click on Task Manager using the desired combination Ctrl+Alt+Del.

For example, at the end of the procedure, enter the already familiar regedit command and confirm it.

Option 3

If you move the bear cursor to the right side of the screen, then the Curtain will be called as needed.

There is a row of Poshuk on it.

Under the Programs item there is a row called Poshuk, where the word regedit is written.

You will no longer be able to activate the program.

Option 4

At the top right corner, at the end of my computer, there is a row of searches that we need.

Write down the regedit command there.

Among the many shortcuts, you need to select the one that is located in the C: Windows directory. Option 5 Let's go back to My Computer and open drive C.

In order to have enough shortcuts, you need to know regedit with the Addendum type. We resist our subordinate pressures. The same methods are available to help you learn how to start the registry.

instructions given

up to Windows 8.1. The leather version takes only a few minutes.

Lots of people can ask how to get into Windows registry 10, 8, 7 or XP.

No matter how much you go through the Start menu items, you will never know the shortcut to the registry! How to open the registry in Windows? On the other hand, any careless change in the registry can lead to catastrophic consequences for your computer. To ensure that uninformed clients do not get into trouble, access to the register of accounts.»).

Give yourself your word that you will not make thoughtless changes to the registry, so that

Don't harm your computer!

  1. Details about those
  2. what is a registry There are two ways to launch the Viconati program: How you are in power, and how you can vikorize it, you can read it in.
  3. At the top of the search menu, under the inscription “Best visibility”, the item “REGEDIT - Viscont command” will appear, click on this item with the left mouse button;
  4. When you see a confirmation window for launching the registry editor, press “So”;

You will see the “Registry Editor” window, where you can make changes to the registry.

Launching the Registry Editor on Windows 10

Launching the registry editor - method 2 for Windows 10

  1. Press the “Start” button with the right mouse button (or the Win+X keys);
  2. From the menu, select the “Viconati” item (two shortcuts can be replaced with one additional key Win + R);
  3. At the end of “Viconati” dial “ There are two ways to launch the Viconati program:"(without paws) and press the "OK" button;
  4. At the launch confirmation window, press “So”;

The “Registry Editor” window will appear and you can start making changes.

You can learn how to access the Winows 10 registry in this video:

How to open the registry in Windows 8/8.1

To launch the registry editor in Windows 8, you need to press the same keys as in Windows 10, since you have version 8, not 8.1, then you don’t have a “Start” button, so in the first step, press the “Windows” key, and then it’s all about the instructions.

Detailed video instructions on how to access the Windows 8 (8.1) registry editor:

How to open the registry in Windows 7

To open the Registry Editor in Windows 7, you need to complete the following steps:

Launching the registry editor - method 1 for Windows 7

  1. Type the command " There are two ways to launch the Viconati program: How you are in power, and how you can vikorize it, you can read it in.
  2. Press at the top of the menu under the inscription “Programs” on the inscription “ There are two ways to launch the Viconati program:»;
  3. When asked to confirm the launch, select “Yes.”

Launching the registry editor - method 2 for Windows 7

  1. Press the Win+R keys on the keyboard (press Windows key i, without releasing i, press the R key);
  2. At the “Viconati” window, type the command “ There are two ways to launch the Viconati program:
  3. Confirm the launch of the registry editor with the “So” button.

You can see two ways to enter the Windows 7 registry editor in this video:

How to open the registry in Windows XP

In Windows XP, the registry editor option is different:

Launching the registry editor - method 1 for Windows XP

  1. Click on “Start” with the left mouse button;
  2. In the right column, find the item “Viconty” (you can replace the shortcuts with Win+R)
  3. In the window “Run programs” write the command “ There are two ways to launch the Viconati program:"(without paws) and press the "OK" button;

Launching the Registry Editor in Windows XP

Launching the registry editor - method 2 for Windows XP (and not only)

  1. Open Explorer (you can quickly use the key combination Win+X);
  2. Go to drive C:;
  3. Open the Windows folder;
  4. Find the regedit file and run it.

I, of course, the video version of the registry editing program for Windows XP:

Another method is suitable for all upgraded versions of Windows.

Moreover, you can cheat a little: By accessing the “regedit” file you can create a shortcut on the desktop

And now you need to gain access to the Registry Editor.

You can find out more about what this registry is like and how it is controlled.

Visnovok Today you found out how to enter the registry for everyone current versions.

Windows OS Sumi has enough:

  1. three ways
  2. Search through the Start menu and enter the command "regedit"
  3. For additional help, the “Viconati” command will enter “regedit”

From the file "regedit" located in folder C:\Windows\ I one additional method

: having accessed the “regedit” file (the third method), create a shortcut on the desktop.

Next time I plan to look at a way to save (back up) other parts of the registry before changing it. Tsikavo? Write in the comments, place your food, and, of course, share your messages with

social measures and subscribe to the latest news!

Copyvannya fenced However, you can share your wishes.
The registry is a collection of all parameters and configuration of the operating system. Editing the registry of windows 7, 8, etc. This will happen if you need to quickly change anything in the system.

software security

or operating system

  • Zgornuti
  • Shvidke vidkrittya

This method is universal for all versions of operating systems, both “Simka” and “Version”.

  • In addition, opening 7 in this way is the best way.
  • Operates through the window for entering Viconati commands.

Some people have a launch menu or start screen on their head.

Since it is not there, you will definitely have to click on it in addition.

To click on the console in this manner, repeat the algorithm:

Press the Win button and R button simultaneously;

  1. Open the Start menu by clicking the left button in the lower left corner of the screen;
  2. At the bottom of the list, which is lit up, in the left block, there is a row for entering text ( I'll ask for a sound);
  3. Hold regedit and press Search or Introduction.

There won't be much results.

Most often there is only one necessary file

If you see a number of results with this name, select the exe format and the values ​​using the black cube icon.

This method of getting to the Windows 7 registry editor is popular among homeowners.

How to open the registry editor in Windows 8.1

  • The menu and design of Windows 8.1 is significantly different in Windows 7. Of course, these users have not adjusted the function of saving the old menu for easy access to special utilities.
  • And then you can’t get to the Windows 8 registry through Poshuk, as you can’t find it on “Simtsi”.
  • To know the sequence of entering a sound input, go to the start screen of the operating system;
Start typing the required command on the keyboard.

There is no need to install a mouse indicator in your place;

When entered from the keyboard, the search window will automatically open with what you typed;

Enter regedit in the field and click the entry or image magnifying glass right-handed as you wrote

The results will show you the same program as in the previous section.

By clicking on it, you can go to the Windows 8 registry. This is how the registry opens on the new “ten”.

  1. Otherwise, searching for it does not work and you need to use other methods. Manually opening a file This method of entering the registry for Windows xp, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 is universal, as it works on all versions of the OS, including older ones. It’s wise to tell uninformed traders, but it only takes an hour. To do this, go to the shortcut to the registry by clicking on the folder to the folder or through Explorer. The position of the shortcut changes depending on the OS version and setup.
  2. In addition, since you did not set up the search in Windows 7 or another method, but opened the folder where you want to place the program, it is clear that regedt32.exe is located in it.
  3. This is the registry that is on 64-bit OS.
  4. You can edit either of the two registries.

In some cases, the registry in Windows 7 does not open if the address is changed. Otherwise, you may not be able to recognize yourself as a dad. It's on your computer, but you need to know it.

An alternative storage location is the WinSxS folder in the Windows directory.

Sometimes there are other alternative places to save the editor label.

There are a lot of such folders, and in order to open the registry in Windows XP or another version of the OS using this method, you need to spend an hour searching.

Stop sorting if you don't want to speed up the process.

Therefore, this method is an alternative and will only stagnate if it does not search for Windows 7.

The registry is a large database where all the parameters necessary for

normal work

operating system.

You can look at it through the registry editor, like in Windows.

Anyone can log in to it, as long as their account account has administrator rights.

And if you made any changes, or the computer shut down on its own, for various reasons, or you accidentally pressed the wrong key and selected a parameter in a whole registry box, then this may not be the best to appear on the computer. How to update the registry when the operating system is restored. For Windows 7, go to "Start" -.

"Control panel" Click here for us.

"Renewal" Press on the new window.

"Running a system update" Now you need to select a refresh point. What is the point of the decal, and you are hesitant to look at the date of creation of the point - did your computer work normally with this number?

- Choose її.

Having pressed

“Look for a program to see what’s going on”

, you can see which programs will be removed as a result of the update.

Press "Dali". We confirm that the system is running until it is ready and press “Ready”. All data, including the register, will correspond to the state that was at the time of creation of the updated update point. If you have Windows 8 installed on your computer, read the article: Windows 8 update point and system reset. There's a friend of yours there. It will be necessary to write down the same things that were described above. The OS won't start.

Update the registry if the computer does not boot up

It's also possible. In the operating room Windows system

7, when the computer is turned on, press the F8 button at intervals of 1 second. Show up immediately.

"Additional variations of innovation"

. Use the additional arrows to select the item“Fixing computer malfunctions”

At the next window, select a language and press “Far”. Show up immediately Choose yours

oblikovy record

In Windows, files that represent the operation of the registry are saved in the following path: C: (your system drive letter)/Windows/System32/config.

The RegBack folder is also located there; it stores backup copies of all registry entries.

The smells are updated automatically by the system, after adjustment, on the skin for 5-10 days. We need to do the following: delete the files DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SYSTEM, SOFTWARE, which are located in the config folder, and replace them with similar files from the RegBack folder. U operating system It is not possible to do anything, so it will be necessary to replace the files that represent the work.

That's why we need to hurry up additional parameters attraction, then open the command line. In Windows 7, when you need to restart the system, press F8. Then it is necessary to summarize everything as described above.

At the window "System update parameters", select item In Windows 7, when you need to restart the system, press F8..

"Team Row" . 8).

As a result, the command line will be launched as administrator. In Windows 8, you can open the command row using an additional combination. This is reported in the statistics: Windows 8 Safe Mode.

Read the paragraph: go to
safe mode
for the additional combination Shift + re-enable.
When it's time to show up, select
If the computer does not turn on at all, through changes in the registry, read the item: enter safe mode, use the system update disk (you can create it on any computer, with
Windows installed

Well, we started the command line.
Now we enter the next commands in a row.
At the end of the skin row, press Enter.
For starters, let’s create the badreg folder on
system disk

, it will copy all the files of our non-working registry.
Then you can safely delete the DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SYSTEM, SOFTWARE files from the config folders, as well as copies of them.
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\system c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\security c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\software c:\windows\system32\config\

After you enter the exit command, command line The computer will close and restart.

I hope that one of the methods will help you update the registry in the Windows 7 or 8 operating system.

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    Highly trained in the specialty "Information Protection". Author of many articles and computer literacy lessons

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