How to unlock virus-encrypted files Virus encrypted files. Rows of cipher shackle security

Golovna / Main functionality

- this is a shkidliva program, as for its activation it encrypts all personal files, such as documents, photos, etc. The number of such programs is very large and will increase with the skin day. For the rest of the hour, we ran into dozens of encryption options: CryptoLocker, Crypt0l0cker, Alpha Crypt, TeslaCrypt, CoinVault, Bit Crypt, CTB-Locker, TorrentLocker, HydraCrypt, better_call_saul, crittt, .da_vinci. You can buy the meta of such viruses-encryptors for a large sum of pennies, often for a large sum of pennies, the program that key is necessary for decrypting your own files.

Obviously, you can retrieve encrypted files by simply following the instructions to infect the virus on the infected computer. But most of all, the degree of decryption is even more significant, so it is necessary to know that some of the encrypting viruses encrypt files in such a way that it is simply impossible to decrypt them later. And, obviously, it's simply unacceptable to pay for updating your own files.

Below, we describe in more detail about encryption viruses, how they penetrate the victim's computer, as well as how to remove the encryption virus and restore files encrypted with it.

How a ransomware virus penetrates a computer

The cipher virus will ring out for help with electronic mail. Sheet to avenge infected documents. Such sheets contain a majestic base with an electronic mail address. The authors of the virus vikoristovuyut headings and zmіst listіv, scho enter into Oman, smearing deception zmusiti koristuvachа vіdkriti attachments to the document sheet. Some of the sheets tell you about the need to pay for the rahunka, others show you to marvel at the fresh price list, and the third show a funny photograph. In any case, the result of opening the attached file will be the infection of the computer with the encryption virus.

What is an encryption virus

Encryptor virus is a powerful program that attacks current versions of Windows operating systems, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. 2048 bits, which practically excludes the possibility of choosing a key for independent decryption of files.

At the next hour of infection of the computer, the virus-encryptor hacked the system directory %APPDATA% to save the data files. For automatic start the breaches of the switched on computer, the encryptor is creating a record in Windows registry: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce, HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce.

Immediately after the launch, the virus scans all available disks, including those gloomy shovischa, to designate files that will be encrypted. Virus-encryptor to expand the file name as a way to designate a group of files that will be encrypted. Practically all types of files are encrypted, including such extensions as:

0, .1, .1st, .2bp, .3dm, .3ds, .sql, .mp4, .7z, .rar, .m4a, .wma, .avi, .wmv, .csv, .d3dbsp, .zip, .sie, .sum, .ibank, .t13, .t12, .qdf, .gdb, .tax, .pkpass, .bc6, .bc7, .bkp, .qic, .bkf, .sidn, .sidd, .mddata , .itl, .itdb, .icxs, .hvpl, .hplg, .hkdb, .mdbackup, .syncdb, .gho, .cas, .svg, .map, .wmo, .itm, .sb, .fos, . mov, .vdf, .ztmp, .sis, .sid, .ncf, .menu, .layout, .dmp, .blob, .esm, .vcf, .vtf, .dazip, .fpk, .mlx, .kf, .iwd, .vpk, .tor, .psk, .rim, .w3x, .fsh, .ntl, .arch00, .lvl, .snx, .cfr, .ff, .vpp_pc, .lrf, .m2, .mcmeta .vfs0, .mpqge, .kdb, .db0, .dba, .rofl, .hkx, .bar, .upk, .das, .iwi, .litemod, .asset, .forge, .ltx, .bsa, . apk, .re4, .sav, .lbf, .slm, .bik, .epk, .rgss3a, .pak, .big, wallet, .wotreplay, .xxx, .desc, .py, .m3u, .flv, . js, .css, .rb, .png, .jpeg, .txt, .p7c, .p7b, .p12, .pfx, .pem, .crt, .cer, .der, .x3f, .srw, .pef, .ptx, .r3d, .rw2, .rwl, .raw, .raf, .orf, .nrw, .mrwref, .mef, .erf, .kdc, .dcr, .cr2, .crw, .bay, .sr2 , .srf, .arw, .3fr, .dng, .jpe, .jpg, .cdr, .indd, .ai, .eps, .pdf, .pdd, .psd, .dbf, .mdf, .wb2, . rtf, .wpd, .dxg, .xf, .dwg, .pst, .accdb .mdb, .pptm, .pptx, .ppt, .xlk, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xls, .wps, . docm, .docx, .doc, .odb, .odc, .odm, . odp, .ods, .odt, .wav, .wbc, .wbd, .wbk, .wbm, .wbmp, .wbz, .wcf, .wdb, .wdp, .webdoc, .webp, .wgz, .wire, .wm .wma .wmd .wmf .wmv .wn .wot .wp .wp4 .wp5 .wp6 .wp7 .wpa .wpb .wpd .wpe .wpg , .wpl, .wps, .wpt, .wpw, .wri, .ws, .wsc, .wsd, .wsh, .x, .x3d, .x3f, .xar, .xbdoc, .xbplate, .xdb, . xdl, .xld, .xlgc, .xll, .xls, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xmind, .xml, .xmmap, .xpm, .xwp, .xx, .xy3, .xyp, .xyw, .y, .yal, .ybk, .yml, .ysp, .z, .z3d, .zabw, .zdb, .zdc, .zi, .zif, .zip, .zw

Considering that, as the file of enciphering the vin is given a new extension, it is often possible to identify it or the type of encryptor. Deyakі typical tsikh shkidlivih programs You can also change the names of encrypted files. Then the virus creates a text document with names similar to HELP_YOUR_FILES, README, which will send instructions for decrypting encrypted files.

Under the hour of your work, the encryption virus tries to close the ability to download files to the SVC system (shadow copies of files). For this virus, in command mode, call the utility for administrating new copies of files with a key, which starts the procedure for their complete deletion. In this rank, it is practically impossible to restore the files for the help of secondary copying of their shadow copies.

The ransomware virus actively exploits the tactic of slandering, giving sacrifice to the description of the encryption algorithm and showing intimidating notifications on the desktop. Vіn magaєtsya such rank zmusiti koristuvach infected computer, without hesitation, send the ID of the computer to the address of the author's e-mail to the virus to try to rotate your files. Vіdpovіddu on taka povіdomlennya most often є sum vikupu and addresses of electronic gamantsya.

My computer is infected with a ransomware virus?

It is easy to kill computer infections with encryption virus. Take care of expanding your personal files, such as documents, photos, music, etc. The extension has changed because your personal files have been found, leaving anonymous files with unknown names on your own, infecting your computer. The first sign of infection is the presence of a file with the names HELP_YOUR_FILES or README in your directories. This file contains instructions for decrypting files.

If you suspect that you have discovered a list of infections with a ciphertext virus, but there are still no symptoms of infection, then do not speak out and do not reset the computer. Seek out the sketches described in your help, divided. I repeat once again, it’s important not to vimicate the computer, in some types of encrypting files, the process of encrypting files is activated at first, after infection, when the computer is infected!

How to decrypt files encrypted by a ransomware virus?

If everything was famously trapilos, then there is no need to panic! Ale, you need to know that there is no such decipherable deciphering machine. The reason for this is the stіykі encryption algorithms, like vikoristovuyutsya similar shkіdlivimi programs. Tse means that it is practically impossible to decrypt files without a special key. Vykoristovuvaty method of picking the key so itself did not go through the great dove of the key. To that, unfortunately, the payment to the authors of the virus is more than enough, if you ask for the wine, - the only way to try to extract the decryption key.

Obviously, there is absolutely no guarantee that if the author pays, the virus will be able to call and give the key needed to decrypt your files. Krіm tsgogo, it is necessary to understand that weeping pennies to the distributors of viruses, you yourself pidshtovhuєte їx on the creation of new viruses.

How to remove the encryption virus?

Before proceeding to this, you need to know that when approaching the virus and try independent updating of files, you block the ability to decrypt files by paying the authors of the virus the amount they requested.

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool and Malwarebytes Anti-malware can detect different types of active ransomware viruses and can easily see them from your computer, but it can't retrieve encrypted files.

5.1. Vidality encryption virus for help Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

For promotions, the program has been adjusted to support all types of files, but for faster work, it is recommended to leave only types of files, as it is necessary to redeem. After completing the selection, press the OK button.

At the bottom of the QPhotoRec window, find the Browse button and press її. You need to select a directory until the files will be saved. It is necessary to hack a disk, which does not contain encrypted files that require updating (you can hack a USB flash drive or an existing disk).

Press the Search button to search for a search and update the outgoing copies of encrypted files. This process is trying to finish it for a long time, so you will have patience.

When the search is completed, press the Quit button. Open the folder you chose to save the updated files.

The folder will have directories named recup_dir.1, recup_dir.2, recup_dir.3 and so on. The more files you know the program, the more there will be catalogs. For the sake of asking you the files you need, turn over all the directories one by one. To make it easier to search for the file you need among a large number of updates, vikoristovuvaet system ask Windows(behind the file), and also do not forget about the function of sorting files in directories. As a sorting option, you can select the date to change the file, QPhotoRec shards help to restore the authority at the time the file is updated.

How to protect a computer from being infected with a ransomware virus?

Most of today's anti-virus programs are already trying to protect the system against penetration and activation of encrypting viruses. Because there are no anti-virus programs on your computer, then install the language. You can choose how to choose after reading qiu.

Moreover, є th specialized programs. For example, see CryptoPrevent, report.

Dekilka of final words

After following these instructions, your computer will be cleared of the encryption virus. If you have a vinick of food, or if you need help, then turn to ours.

Encryption virus: pay shahrai chi ni

Axis and the black day has come. On one of the most important working machines, the encrypting virus was actively poprated, after which all office, graphic and other files were accepted by crypted000007, which at the time of writing the article could not be decrypted.

Also, on the working table, trellises appeared with an inscription like "Your files are encrypted", and in the root local disks readme text documents with shakhray's contact information. Obviously, I want to pay for the decryption.

I didn’t particularly call tsim tsap (s), so as not to want similar diyalnist, but I know that the average price is 300 dollars and more. From i think for yourself, how to fix it. And yet, you have encrypted other significant files, for example, 1C databases, but there is no backup copy, so your card crashes.

I’m going to say in advance that if you have any hope of decryption, then at the same time do not see the file with most pennies and do nothing with encrypted files (do not change the name, expand it too). Let's talk about everything in order.

Virus encryptor - what is it

This is ransomware software security, as it encrypts data on a computer using a more stable algorithm. Let me give you a rough analogy. Show that you have set the password for the password for the password for the password of the password for the password of the password for the password of thousands of characters and forgot it. Wait, it's impossible to guess. How much of a life will you borrow by hand?

So I have a vipadku with a cipher suite, a kind of vicorist legal cryptographic method with an illegal method. Sound like viruses vikoristovuyut asynchronously encrypted. Tse means that a pair of keys is victorious.

Encrypted files for help open key, and you can decipher them, loomingly locking the key, which is only in shahrai. All keys are unique, shards are generated for the okremo skin computer.

To this very reason, I was talking on the cob of the article about those that it is not possible to see the readme.txt file at the root of the disk, for the most part. Itself in the new i is given the key.

Email addresses zdirnika in my mood Just drive yoga into a joke, we will understand the true scale of the tragedy. Too many people suffered.

I tell him again: never change the default files. Otherwise, you will spend the least chance for your renewal.

It is also not recommended to install again operating system and clean the time and system directories. In short, until the closing of all the circumstances, nothing can be eaten, so as not to make your life easier. If you want, it would be better, it means worse.

The infection is given to the computer, mostly by electronic mail with the theme to burn, on the kshtalt "Terminovo, kerіvnik. Sheet from the jar" thinly. At the attachment, it may look like an innocent pdf or jpg file and cry the enemy.

Having launched yoga, nothing terrible, at first glance, does not appear. On a weak office PC, a koristuvach can mark the name "galmuvannya". This virus, masquerading as a systemic process, is already working its bullshit on the right.

On Windows 7 and more, when you start the locker, it is permanently declared in the Cloud Records Control with a request to allow changes. Zvichayno, nedosvіdcheny koristuvach z usim wait, he himself signed his own virok.

So, behind the fact, the virus is already blocking access to files and, if it is finished, a message “Your files are encrypted” will appear on the work table. I'm going to fuck up the butt. Let the badge begin.

How to vilіkuvati cipher virus

If you read from the written word, you can add visnovoks, which is like a terrible writing on the working table, it has not yet appeared, but you have already scribbled the first files with unreasonable old names from a chaotic set of different symbols, ungainly remove the computer from the socket.

Itself so, rudely that uncompromisingly. Tim yourself see the algorithm of the robotic malware and you can cheat as much as you want. It’s a pity, in my opinion, the spivrobitnik didn’t know whom and put in a mustache. Your mother...

The cherry on the cake for me is the fact that it appears Danish virus without any problems encrypting all connections to the PC, carrying them on and off the media disks with write access rights. There were backup copies there.

Now about the jubilation. First, you need to understand, the virus rejoices, but the files are so encrypted. Possibly, come on. The process of jubilation itself does not represent anything coherent.

For this, you need to connect the hard drive to another computer and scan it with utilities like Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. It is possible for the supremacy of two in succession. To carry gwent infections to another computer is silly, try a Live CD.

As a rule, similar anti-virus solutions can easily find and remove the encryptor. But sometimes the stench does not reveal anything, the shards of the virus, having completed their work, can drink themselves from the system. Such an axis is such a waste, as if it zamіtaє vsіtaє all traces of that complacent yoga.

Let me tell you, why didn't the antivirus immediately prevent the penetration of an unsupported software on the computer? Then there were no problems. In my opinion, the anti-viruses are now playing the battle with cryptographers and it’s even more vague.

Until then, as I have already said, such shkidli programs are based on legal cryptographic methods. To come out, that the work of the robot is yak bi and not є illegal from a technical point of view. In whom the polygaє folding is manifested.

New modifications are constantly appearing, which will take them to anti-virus databases only after infection. So, it's a pity that I can't have a 100% Zakhistu. Just a little bit of behavior when working on a PC, but about the same time.

How to decrypt files after a virus

All lie down in a specific way. It was written more that modifications to the encryptor virus could be done forever. Depending on the type of encrypted files, they can be expanded differently.

The good news is that for the richer versions of the infected anti-virus companies, they already provided decoders (decryptors). On the Russian market, the leader is Kaspersky Lab. For whom the following resource was created:

On a new line, a joke is driven in information about how to expand or e-mail from a note about the wikup, embossed "Poshuk" and marveling that this is a ryativna utility for us.

As luck would have it, the program from the list is launched. In the description of up to several decoders, it is said that for an hour of work on a computer, you can use the Internet for the possibility of expanding the search for keys in the online database.

Everything else is simple. Selectable specific file otherwise the disk will be restarted and scanned. If you activate the "Delete crypted files" item, after decrypting all the output files will be visible. Oh, I wouldn’t hurry so much, I just need to look at the result.

For certain types of virus, the program can ask for two versions of the file: that one is encrypted. If you don’t know the first thing, then write wasted.

It is also possible for licensed products of Kaspersky Lab to be sent to the official forum for help with decryption. And after polishing yoga with my extensions (crypted000007), I understand that nothing can help there. The same can be said about Dr.Web.

There is another such project, but it is also international. For information from the Internet, yogo support is given by the anti-virus compilers. Yogo axis address:

Well, maybe it's wrong, but the site is working incorrectly. On the main side, there are two encrypted files, as well as a file with redemption, after which the system will give a confirmation, and a decryptor in the presence of chi.

Ale, the natom_st vіdbuvaєtsya perekidannya on razdіl s choice movі and on tsimu everything. So you can independently go to the "Decryptor-utility" branch and try to know the program you need.

Robity is not too easy, shards in short description there is no clear indication of the expansion of encrypted files that are supported by the explicit software. For this, read the extended instructions for the dermal type decryptor.

During the process of writing publications, a similar service was found, which is rightly working on the same principle. Vіn dopomozhe appoint the name of the threat and proponuє "charіvnu pill", as such. At the top right corner of the site there is a crossover button for the clarity of the koristuvachiv.

What work? Pay or don't pay

If you have read up to the heading, your files, as before, are securely encrypted. And here is food: how can you fix it? Even if the encryption of extremely significant files can be paralyzed, the robot can create great enterprises, without seeming about small business.

First, you can wikonat the shahrai instruction and pay the voucher. Let's talk about the statistics of "Kaspersky Lab" about those who didn't take away the key from the decoder after payment.

It may be due to various reasons. For example, it wasn't the creators themselves who could have succumbed to the virus, as if they were making a closing key, but rather the intermediaries.

They just modified the code of the malware by giving the file the key to their data, and they don't have any other key. They took pennies and called. And you cuckoo away.

I don’t swear by zagal, I don’t know the technical nuances myself. Ale, in a casual way, having paid the zdirniks, you motivate them to continue similar activities. Adzhe yakshcho tse pratsyuє i bring pennies, why not.

And on the Internet, I know two lesser offices, which can help you to decrypt files with extensions crypted000007. Into one of them I turned with great fear.

To be honest, the guys didn’t help me, the shards once said that they don’t have a decryptor, but they can try to redeem about 30% of the original files, as if they could see the virus for the help of a low-level scan.

I thought and thought. And then, for the hell of it, that they didn’t hang loxins on the ear, they added an hour and explained everything firmly. Well, if they don’t have a key, then, the stench is not to blame for the interaction with the shahrai.

Ale є іnsha, "tsіkavіsha" office, yak gives a 100% guarantee for the success of the operation. Її the site is located at the following address:

I tried it on the profile forums, but I didn’t manage to know the opinions of real clients. Tobto, everything about her to know, but few hto koristuvavsya. Close the ring.

These guys work for the fact that the result is taken away, there are no annual overpayments. I’ll repeat again, to give a guarantee for the decryption of navit crypted000007. Otzhe, stink the key and the decryptor. Sounds of inquiry: are the stars good? Why can't I understand?

I don’t want to talk about the filth, it’s possible, good stink and fluffy, honestly work to help people. Wanting technically without a master key is simply impossible. Have some kind of vipadka against them, all the same, I knew compromising.

How to protect yourself from the encryption virus

I’ll give you some basic postulates, which will help you to be safe, and in times of penetration of such a schoolboy, spend it to the minimum. Like I'm not all tse vіdchuv on vlasnіy skin.

Robiti regular backups on external (isolated in the case) noses. Without further ado, I can say better.

Do not practice pid face recordіz the rights of the administrator, schob at the time of infection, spend the least amount.

It is important to follow the recipients of the input lists and send messages that are thrown into the social networks. meshes. There are no comments here.

Keep up with the current state antivirus program. Maybe uryatuє, but it’s inaccurate.

Obov'yazkovo umiknut files in Windows 7/10. We will talk about it in detail at the nearest releases.

Do not mimic Cloud Records Control in Windows 7 and beyond.

Well, at my place, I am left with office files encrypted by a virus. I will periodically look at all the resources assigned to the article, if there is a decryptor there. Might be able to smile in your life, who knows.

One rich, if the koristuvach files are encrypted on home computer so like films, music too. Zovsіm іnshі, if you need access to the whole business of the enterprise in less than 5-7 years. It hurts more, I already know.

Good afternoon, doby, my dear friends and readers of my blog. Today, the topic will be summed up, even if it hits the virus. Let me tell you about the recent bad mood on my work. Before me, a spivrobitnitsa phoned me in a huffy voice: “Dima, the virus has encrypted the files on the computer: what should you do now?”. Here I understand that we will smear the smell on the right, but I will be able to marvel at her.

So. Everything seemed to be blurry. Most of the files on the computer are infected, or rather encrypted: Office documents, PDF-files, base 1C and many others. I'm completely dumbfounded. The archives, appendices and text documents (well, and a bunch of everything else) did not suffer singsongly. All data have changed their extensions, and also changed their names to the sjd7gy2HjdlVnsjds type.
Also on the work table in the folders appeared a slew of the same documents README.txt They honestly talk about those that your computer was infected and that you didn’t rob everyday, didn’t see anything, didn’t check with antiviruses, otherwise the files can’t be rotated.
It is also said in the file that these dear people can do everything as well. For which you need to send the key from the document to your mail, after which you take the necessary instructions. Don’t write the price of the stench, but it’s true that it’s shown that the turnaround time can be set at a kshtalt of 20,000 rubles.

How much is your data worth of pennies? Are you ready to pay for the use of a cypher? I hesitate. What to do? Let's talk about it. In the meantime, let's talk about everything in order.

Wine stars are taken

Are the sounds of this nasty encryption virus being taken? Everything is simple here. Yogo people pіdhoplyuyut electronic mail. As a rule, this virus penetrates into organizations, on corporate mailboxes, though not only. On the face of it, you don’t take yoga for a yak, that one should not come from looking like spam, but from a really serious organization, for example, we received a list of the provider Rostelecom from their official mail.

Sheet bv tsіlkom zvichayny, type "New tariff plans for legal ones. Middle attached PDF file. І when you open a file, you open Pandori's screenshot. all important files ciphered and transformed in simple words into “ceglu”. Moreover, antiviruses don’t catch shit.

What I am timid and what did not work

Naturally, we have 20,000 people who don’t want to pay for the price, for those who didn’t get the information, it’s not an option to get in touch with the shahrais. That and before that it’s not a fact that for the qiu sum you will unlock everything.

I went through the drweb cureit utility and know the virus, but the cost of the boulder is small, so the files were left encrypted after the virus. It was easy to see the virus, but it was more important to see the traces. I went to the forums of Doctor Web and Kaspersky, and there I would need to know my topic, and I also found out that neither there, nor there, they can not yet help with decryption. Duzhe strongly everything was encrypted.

Natom_st started in poke systems, there are experts that companies decrypt files on a paid basis. Well, it bugged me, more, that the company turned out to be right, really real. On their website, the stench has propagated to decipher five pieces without a cost, to show their zdіbnostі. Well, I took and edited 5 most important files in my opinion.
After an hour, I found out that they were able to decipher everything and that for outside decoding the stench would be taken from me 22 thousand. Moreover, the stink files didn’t want me to leave. I so once admitted that the stench of shvidshe for everything in tandem is practiced from shahrai. Well, obviously, the stench was sent to hell.

  • for the help of the programs "Recuva" and "RStudio"
  • Run with different utilities
  • Well, for peace of mind, I didn’t hesitate for a moment (wishing to miraculously know that I couldn’t help) it’s just trite for the need. The lighthouse is awesome)

None of that helped me. Ale vihіd I still know. Obviously, if you have such a situation in your case, then you should be surprised at how many extensions files are encrypted. Whom to visit and take a look at how the list is expanded. If your extension is in the list, then hurry up with this utility.
But in all three cases, like I had cipher suites, the same utility did not help. I myself have become familiar with the virus "da vinci code"і "VAULT". In the first one, the name of the extension changed, and in the other, there was no more extension. In the wake of such ciphers, the number of kup. I have heard such a bastard like xtbl, no more ransom, better call saul and many others.

What helped

Do you have any idea about shadow copies? So the axis, if the entry point is created, automatically created and other copies of your files. If something happened to your files, you can still rotate them to the moment the hotspot was created. We have one miracle program for updating files from other copies.

For the cob download and install the "Shadow Explorer" program. Yakscho rest version you have to turn off (buvaє take), then install in front.

Go to Shadow Explorer. Yak Bachimo, more important than the program is similar to the conductor, tobto. files and folders. Now give respect to Libya upper cut. There mi bachimo the letter of the local disk that date. This date means that all the files on disk C are up-to-date at that time. I have 30 leaf fall. Tse means that the last point of inspiration was created on the 30th leaf fall.
As soon as you press on the list of dates, what you see, then we can, for the same number we have more copies. And if you click on the list of local disks and select, for example, disk D, then we will infer the date, at the moment we have up-to-date files. Ale for disk D the dots are not created automatically, so it is necessary to write down the number of points in the lines. Tse it's easy to rob.
Yak bachite, yakcho for the disc C I have a fresh date, then for the disk D The rest point was created Mayzhe Rіk to that. Well, let's work for the points:

All. Now there are no more checks if the export is completed. And then we went to the same folder, so we selected and checked all the files for review and practice. Everything is awesome).
I know what else is being propagated on the Internet different ways, utilities and other things, but I won’t write about them, because I’m already stuck with this problem, and once again, nothing, a lot of dark copies, didn’t work for me. If you want, maybe it just didn’t spare me so much).

Alas, it’s a pity that there were no more files in the distance, as if they were on the C drive, the shards for the shortcuts were created only for the C drive. Apparently, there were no such copies for the D drive. It is absolutely necessary not to forget what points of inspiration, what you can bring to, so follow them.

And so that dark copies were created for others hard drives You need and for them also.


In order to not blame problems, it is necessary to work on prevention. For whom it is necessary to comply with such rules.

Before the speech, once the virus encrypted the files on the flash drive, where our certificates of the key for the digital signature were lying. So be careful with flash drives.

With respect, Dmitro Kostin.

“Vibachte, what a mess, ale ... your files are encrypted. In order to take away the key for decryption, to translate the sum of pennies into hamanets in terms ... Otherwise, your data will be irrevocably lost. You have 3 years, an hour of pishov. I don't feel hot. Encryption virus – the greater or lesser threat is real.

Today we’ll talk about what shkidli encryption programs are, what they have expanded in the rest of the world, what work in times of infection, how to fork a computer and what can be zagali, and also how to protect them.

We encrypt everything!

Virus-encoder (encoder, cryptor) is a special variety of shkidlivih programs-vimagachiv, whose activity is more effective in encrypting files in the core and further, in order to buy the decryption code. Sumi vikupu pochinayutsya here $ 200 and tens and hundreds of thousands of green papers.

For some reason, attacks of this class of malware were recognized only by computers based on Windows. Today, its range has expanded to, it would seem, well-protected Linux, Mac and Android. In addition, the species diversity of encoders is constantly growing - one by one new items are being introduced, such as to create the world. So, vinicla zavdyaki “crossing” the classic trojan-encryptor and the worm worm (splitty programs, as if they are expanding with tassels without the active participation of coristuvachi).

After WannaCry appeared no less than Petya and Bad Rabbit. And the shards of the "encryption business" to bring profits to the hairdressers of indiscretions, you can be insinuated that the stench will not stop.

More and more cipher suites, which especially made light in the rest of the 3-5th years, victorious cryptographic algorithms, as if it was impossible to break them by brute-force keys, or by other clear methods. The only possibility to redeem the data is to be quick with the original key, which the evil-doers pronounce to buy. However, giving him the necessary sum does not guarantee the removal of the key. The evildoers do not hasten to reveal their secrets and spend potential gains. That yaky їm sense of vikonuvat obіtsyanki, like a penny already moyut?

Ways of rozpovsyudzhennya virus encryptors

The main route for the collection of shkіdlivih data on the computer of private correspondents and organizations is e-mail, more precisely, adding to the list of files that message.

An example of such a list of assignments for "corporate clients":

  • "Terminovo pay the borg for a loan."
  • "Call application filed before the court."
  • "Pay a fine/deposit/tax".
  • "Dorahuvannya utility payment."
  • "Oh, are you in the photo?"
  • "Lina asked for a term to pass it on to you" and so on.

Wait a minute, only shorthanded confessions are put up to such a list with caution. Bigger, without zamislyuyuchis, vіdkrіє vіdkrіє vіdkrіє vіdkrє vіdkryє vіdkryє vіdkryє vіdkryє і run shіdlіva program іїm hands. To the point, ignoring the screams of the antivirus.

Also, for the expansion of ciphers, they are actively typing:

  • Social measures (review of public records of known and unknown people).
  • Shkidlivy and infected web resources.
  • Banner advertising.
  • Rossilanny through messengers from malicious accounts.
  • Sites-varezniki and rozpovsyudzhuvachі keygeniv and kryakiv.
  • Sites for adults.
  • Stores dodatkіv that content.

Virus-encryptor carriers are often used by other shkіdlі programs, zokrema, advertising demonstrators and trojans-backdoors. Stop, vikoristovuyuchi infl uence in the system and PZ, help the evildoers to take remote access to the infected annex. The launch of a cipher suite in such situations does not always fail at the hour of the potentially unsafe day of the coristuvach. As long as the backdoor remains in the system, the attacker can penetrate the attachments at any moment and start encryption.

For infection of computers in organizations (even if the stink can be removed more, lower in home coristuvachiv), especially visukan methods are developed. For example, the Petya Trojan penetrated the outbuildings through the update module of the program for managing the MEDoc file.

Cryptocurrencies with the functions of lace worms, as they said, are expanded by merezha, the Internet, through the quirks of protocols. You can get infected with them without worrying about anything. The biggest problem is the shortcomings of the Windows operating system, which are rarely updated, the fragments of the update are closed in the loopholes.

Some malware, such as WannaCry, exploits the quirks of 0-day (zero day), so you don't know about the system vendors yet. To completely resist the infection with such a path, unfortunately, it is impossible, to prote imovirnist, that you yourself will spend on the victims, not reaching up to 1%. Why? The one that shkіdlive software security can't simultaneously infect all different machines. While they are planning new sacrifices, the system makers are trying to make a ryativne update.

How to run a ransomware on an infected computer

The ciphering process begins to sound immeasurably, and if the signs become obvious, it’s too early to tell the data: at that hour, shkidlivist ciphered everything that I reached. Sometimes you can remember how the files are open folder the extension has changed.

This is the appearance of a new file, and sometimes a different extension, after which the stench ceases to vibrate, again pointing to the attacks of the ciphersuite. Until the speech, expansion, as otrimuyuyut poshkodzhenі ob'ekti, chime in to identify the malware.

An example of how the encrypted files can be expanded:. xtbl, .kraken, .cesar, .da_vinci_code, [email protected] _com, .crypted000007, .no_more_ransom, .decoder GlobeImposter v2, .ukrain, .rn etc.

Variants of the mass, and even tomorrow there will be new ones, so there is no way to redeem everything. To determine the type of infection, it is sufficient to expand the pouch system.

Other symptoms, which indirectly indicate on the cob of encryption:

  • Appearing on the screen for a fraction of a second command line. Most often, it is a normal phenomenon when the system is installed and the programs are installed, but it’s better not to deprive the posture of yoga.
  • Ask UAC to run like programs, but you didn't try to open it.
  • Rapto reimplementation of the computer with further imitation of robots system utilities re-verification of the disk (other variations are possible). Under the hour of re-verification, the encryption process is being carried out.

After the successful completion of the critical operation, the screen shows an increase due to various threats.

Vimagachi encrypts a significant part of the files: photos, music, videos, text documents, archives, mail, databases, files with extended programs, etc. But if you don’t chip the objects of the operating system, even if the evildoers don’t need it, so that the infection of the computer stops working. Deyakі Viruses subdue themselves exciting entries disks and distributions.

After the encryption of the system, as a rule, all other copies of that point of origin are seen.

How to turn a computer into a cipher suite

It is easy to see the program from the infected system - most of them can be easily dealt with by all antiviruses. Ale! Naivno vvazhat, scho zvіlnennya vіd vinuvattsya led to the end of the problem: remove the virus chi nі, and the files all the same become encrypted. In addition, in a number of cases it is possible to make deciphering further away, as it is possible.

The correct order is on the cob of encryption

  • How only you commemorated the signs of encryption, Negatively turn on the life of the computer on the onslaughts and the pressing of the buttonsPower draw 3-4 seconds. Allow me to bury some of the files I want.
  • Create an exciting disk on another computer or a USB flash drive with an anti-virus program. For example, Kaspersky Rescue Disk 18, DrWeb LiveDisk , ESET NOD32 LiveCD and etc.
  • Hijack the infected machine from the third disk and scan the system. To see the known viruses from the quarantine (for the sake of it, as if the stench is needed for decryption). Only a few times you can zawantzhuvat computer s hard drive .
  • Try to restore encrypted files from shadow copies using the system or for third-party help.

What is robust, because the files are already encrypted

  • Don't waste hope. On the sites of distributors of anti-virus products, there are free decryption utilities for different types of malware. Zocrema, here are selected utilities Avastі Kaspersky Labs.
  • Having chosen the encoder type, select the appropriate utility, obov'yazkovo zrobіt copies poshkogeneh files and try to decrypt it. At the time of success, decipher the reshta.

How files can't be decrypted

Even though the utility didn’t help, it’s completely immovable that you suffered from the virus, the faces of which are still not known.

What can you do in this vipadka:

  • How do you get paid antivirus product, go back to the service of support. Send a few copies of the original files to the laboratory and check for updates. For obviousness of technical ability, they will help you.

Before the speech Dr. Web- one of the poorest laboratories, as it helps not only its koristuvach, but all those who suffer. You can send a request for decryption to the file on this side.

  • As if it was said that the files were zipped hopelessly, but the stench is of great value to you, they are overwhelmed and checks that ryativny zasib if you find it. The best thing you can do is to deprive the system and the files in the sta hard drive. Viewing files in shkіdlivih data, reinstalling the operating system and navigating її updates can help you. what chance, shards during the generation of encryption-decryption keys are most often used to win the unique identifiers of the system and the copy of the virus.

Paying the wages is not an option, the chances that you take away the key can go to zero. That and there is nothing to finance the evil business.

How to defend yourself against shkidlivih speeches of this type

I didn’t want to repeat it for the sake of it, like a skin from a reader’s feelings hundreds of times. So, install a good antivirus, don’t attack pіdozrilі posilannya that blablabla – it’s important. However, as life has shown, enchanting pills, which will give you a 100% guarantee of protection, are not known today.

The only dієviy method of defending against zdirnikіv of this kind - backup copy danih on other physical wear, including bad services. Backup, backup, backup...

What happened to you on Email, Skype, or ICQ needed to be reminded of an unknown official who was sent to the photo of your friend, welcome to the advancing saint? If you don’t check your account, and raptom, when you go to the computer, you will get serious bad software. You don't get scammed like a virus by encrypting all files. What is the job of such a situation? What is the possibility of updating documents?

In order to understand how to fight with this shkidlivaya program, it is necessary to know what it is and how it penetrates into the operating system. Before that, it doesn’t matter at all which version of Windows you are rooting for - Critroni-virus directs to infect any operating system.

Encryption computer virus: the designation of the algorithm

On the Internet, a new computer virus niy software, rich in richness, I will call it CTB (Curve Tor Bitcoin) or Critroni. This is a full-fledged trojan-vimagach, similar to the principle of the algorithm from earlier, using the CriptoLocker software. How does a virus encrypt these files, how does it work with such a time? We need to understand the yoga robot algorithm. The essence of the virus is to encrypt all your files in the extension .ctbl, .ctb2, .vault, .xtbl or otherwise. If you can’t pay them dots, you won’t pay the docks the sum of pennies.

Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Shade and Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Onion viruses are often targeted. The stench is already similar to the STV of their local activity. You can expand the extension of encrypted files. Trojan-Ransom encodes information in the .xtbl format. When you open any file on the screen, you will be informed about those that your personal documents, data bases, photographs and other files were encrypted with a scrambled program. In order to decrypt them, you need to obtain a unique key for a fee, which is stored on a secret server, and you can only decrypt that cryptographic data with your documents. But don’t worry about it, and there’s more pressure on the number of pennies, it’s another way to fight this kind of cyber-malice. How can you use such a virus on your computer, encrypt all the .xtbl files, how does it work in such a situation?

Why is it not safe when a cryptographic virus penetrates a computer

Trapleyatsya, scho in panitsi mi install anti-virus program and z її dopomogo in automatic or manual mode, we can see virus software, using it at once and important documents. It is unacceptable, moreover, data can be saved on a computer, over which you have been working for months. Strictly insert such documents without the possibility of their confirmation.

As the virus encrypts all .xtbl files, it will try to change the extension, but it will not lead to positive results. Reinstallation zhorstky formatting disk irrevocably delete the shkidlivu program, but at the same time s tsim you spend it and whether it is possible to update documents. In this situation, it is not possible to help and specially create programs-decoders, even software-wimagach programs for a non-standard algorithm and require a special approach.

Chim unsafe virus-vimagach for a personal computer

I fully understood that a bad program will not bring damage to your personal computer. Is such software currently being created? It’s not surprising, such programs were created not only for the purpose of facilitating koristuvachs, it’s possible more quantity pennies. Really viral marketing to bring a lot of money to anti-viral winemakers. Even if the virus encrypts all the files on the computer, where do you go to hell? Zvichayno, for help fahivtsiv. What is encryption for your laptop or personal computer?

The algorithm of the robot is non-standard, so it will be impossible for the best anti-virus security to forge infected files. I have seen the shkidlivih objects before spending them. Just moving before the quarantine will give you the opportunity to secure other files, as the virus has not yet been able to encrypt.

Rows of cipher shackle security

How did your computer get infected with Critroni (a buggy program) that virus encrypted all the files, what should it do? .vault-, .xtbl-, .rar-formats cannot be decrypted on their own, manually changing the extension to .doc, .mp3, .txt and others. If you don’t pay the amount of money to cyber-malicious people for 1996, you will be kept spying on those that all your files are irrevocably seen. Most of the attacks on people are such a threat, and the stench is reluctant, but it is audible to beat the numbers, fearing to spend expensive information. It's a pity that the coristes don't understand the fact that the cybercriminals don't live up to their word. Having taken pennies, the stench often no longer bothers about decrypting your blocked files.

After the end of the timer, it will automatically close. But you have a chance to update important documents. On the screen, you will see information about those that an hour has passed, and you can look at the detailed information about the files in the document folder at the specially created notepad file DecryptAllFiles.txt.

Ways of penetrating scrambled encryption programs into the operating system

Call cipher viruses to penetrate to the computer through infected messages that reach the e-mail or through fake entrapment. You can either update flash updates or Shakhrai video players. As soon as the program zavantazhuєtsya on the computer, be it any of these methods, it will immediately encrypt data without the possibility of its confirmation. Like a virus encrypting all files. Narazy anti-virus laboratories do not know how evil such encryption viruses are. Without the necessary key, you can only block infected files, move them to quarantine, or see them.

How to get rid of a computer infected with a virus

Catch all .xtbl files. What work? You have already read the anonymous non-standard information, you don’t know how to write on most websites, and you don’t know. So trapleyaetsya, scho at the most inopportune moment, if the term is necessary to sound on robots, a diploma at the university, or protect your professor's step, the computer begins to live its own life: it breaks down, becomes infected with viruses, freezes. You are to blame but be prepared for such situations and keep the information on the server and your mind. Tse allow whether you need to reinstall the operating system and after 20 hvilin pratsyuvati at the computer, as if nothing happened. Ale, sorry, we don’t have to be so inquisitive.

To get rid of a computer infected with a virus, it is necessary to install a good anti-virus program. You can only get it right windows firewall that protects against the consumption of various shkidlivih objects through the mesh. Most important: do not download software from unverified sites, torrent trackers. To get rid of a computer infected with virus programs, follow it, go to the next one. If you need an e-mail with a list of an unintelligent addressee with a prohanny chi proposition to marvel at what has been buried, it’s best to move the notification to spam or see it in a flash.

For once it didn’t happen that the virus encrypted all the .xtbl files, the anti-virus software laboratories are happy cost-free way zahistu in the face of infection with encryption viruses: once for a day, I’ll take a look at my future.

Virus encrypting all files on a computer: methods of encryption

As if you have become a victim of cyber-malware and data on your computer has been infected with one of the encryption types of malicious programs, you can try to restore files at the same time.

Іsnuє kіlka ways costless lure infected documents:

  1. The most widely used method, perhaps found at the moment, is backing up documents and further updating in case of an untransmitted infection.
  2. The software algorithm of the CTB-virus is working in the order. Trapplyayuchi in the computer, copies the files, encrypts them, and sees the original documents, including the possibility of updating them. Hello for help software Photorec or R-Studio you can save some of the shortfalls original files. Next to the nobility, which is more familiar with the computer after the infection, it is less able to update all the necessary documents.
  3. Like a virus having encrypted all the files.vault, there is one more indecent way to decrypt it - the transcription of other volumes of copies. Obviously, the virus is lurking forever and irrevocably sees its whiskers, but it trapleyaetsya and so that the files are filled with shortcomings. Whatever you think about it, even if it’s small, but there’s still a chance of their renewal.
  4. It is possible to save data from file exchangers, such as DropBox. You can install it on your computer from the view of the local display of the disk. Well, encryption virus and yoga infection. But in any case, it’s more realistic to retrieve documents and important files.

Software to infect a personal computer with a virus

If you are afraid of bringing malicious software onto your computer and do not want a virus to attack, encrypt all your files, then use the local policy editor or the Windows group. Because of this integrated software, you can adjust the software exchange policy - and even then you will not be bothered by thoughts about computer infection.

How to restore infected files

How the CTB virus encrypts all the files that it to this particular type to update the necessary documents? Unfortunately, none of the anti-virus labs can request the decryption of your files, but an infection, її out of sight it is possible from a personal computer. More important are all effective methods of informational innovation. It's like your files are too expensive for you, but you didn't worry about robiti їх backup copy on the znіmny nose or an Internet disk, then you will have to pay the amount of pennies requested by cyber-malware. But there is no information that you will be sent a decryption key after payment.

How to know infected files

To view the list of infected files, you can go to the following path: "My Documents"\.html or "C:"\"Koristuvachi"\"All Koristuvachi"\.html. This html-list contains data not only about vipadkovі instructions, but also about infection of objects.

How to block encryption virus

Like only a computer buv іnfіkovany shkіdlivim software security, the first one is necessary to be on the side of the coristuvach - it is emphasized with a treadmill. Tse zdіysnyuєtsya pressing the keys of the keyboard F10.

Likewise, having squandered the Critroni-virus on your computer, encrypted all the files in .rar, .ctbl, .ctb2, .xtbl, .vault, .cbf, or be it some other format, for this time it is even more important to renew them. However, the virus has not yet managed to make a lot of changes, it is possible to block it for an additional policy open access programm.

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