How to connect computers through a mesh. How to connect two computers together. The process of pressing the Ethernet cable

Golovna / Zahist

If you need to connect another computer to the Internet through a router ... then you already have one, you already have a specialist of an Internet provider (otherwise you independently created a local network by otrimavshi setting up in the provider's office) and at home - a router.

Ways to connect another computer to the Internet through a router

Modern routers, as a rule, combine functions WiFi router that "wired" router, tobto. you can either "on the radio". and a wireless Ethernet socket (ultrabooks may or may not be capable of a wireless connection).

More koristuvachіv laptopіv vykoristovuyut Wi-Fi connection, Sob not to oblutuvat life with wires and be "mobile" in the boundaries of the apartment. Ale, even if you win a high-speed (more than 10 megabit / s) Internet-tariff, drotove zadnannya allow you to implement more money for speed ().

Stationary computers, as a rule, do not have WiFi adapter and you can connect to the router with a special strung with cable. If you love the ideal order and beauty in the booth, and even more so if you need to install a stationary computer in another room, then you can come, which will change the number of cables in the apartment by one.

It is possible, even if it is small, and the situation is reversed, if for some reason it is necessary to connect with a cable, and there is no Ethernet port in the computer (for example, burglary). USB interface will come to the rescue again - you can come back ethernet adapter, which is inserted into the USB port. Ale is more important than the present motherboards may "on board" in the future Ethernet adapter zі swidkіstyu 1 Gbіt / s.

The step-by-step little one shows the options for connecting a number of computers to the Internet through one router:

How to connect two computers to the Internet: fixing the network

With physical and channel equals, we have sorted out, now let's talk about the subtle connection of another computer to the Internet local lines: tobto. about drivers and nalashtuvannya fencing protocols. Ring at the router, tobto. The router will automatically connect to the computer and "everything works on its own" after you enter the password for the Wi-Fi network or connect the router and computer with a cable.

At to this particular type introduction wifi password that connection to the cable is equal to the cable. If you don't know the password for your Wi-Fi network - maybe? Vіn є in papers, omitted by the provider (moreover,).

As soon as Wi-Fi is connected, so is the cable connection of another computer to the router, as soon as it is installed, Windows will remind you about it in the tray. After that, you can launch a browser and redirect the robot to the Internet. It didn’t work “on its own”, it is necessary to check the correctness of the driver installation. twill adapter the correctness of nalashtuvan merezhі:

1. Have you installed the merging adapter driver correctly? Launch Panel Windows management(please help), let me know and start the attachment manager and check, there are no alarming symbols for the tether adapter icon, like in Fig.2.

Likewise, crosses or food signs - you need to reinstall the driver:

  • Option 1. Click the right mouse button on the device and give the command to update the driver.
  • Option 2. Click the right button of the mouse with the attachment and give the command - "display attachments" and give "update the configuration of the device". If it doesn't help, try to find the driver on the Internet or install from a disk (likely wine).

2. Even with outbuildings, everything is safe, but, as before, it is necessary to fix the fence on the first, already connected to the Internet computer, and on the other. It is possible that the IP address is not dynamically displayed, and the addresses are set manually. In this case, if you want to connect another computer to the Internet, you need to set the same settings manually. The most professional and Swedish way look at the configurable merge - ipconfig command. You can start the command interpreter (the old name is the ms dos session) by typing cmd.exe (readable) at the "viconati" line. At the end, type the ipconfig command. You need to work on both machines.

The basic information that the ipconfig command sees is all IP addresses, and . Before speech, the gateway (Gateway) is your router.
IP addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . :
subnet mask. . . . . . . . . . . :
default gateway. . . . . . . . . :

Important! The remaining digit of the IP address of the other machine is not responsible for the address of the first machine, otherwise your machine will have it. Setting the mask for the address and the gateway address must be the same on both machines.

Adjustment of IP addresses depends on the authority of the TCP IP protocol:

In our butt - on the first machine 100, on the other 101. The number 100 is taken for the butt, it can be in the range of 2 to 253. turn over and align the stitching of the borders.

Respectfully, that two computers are connected to one router, all stinks can “batch” like the Internet, and only one, tobto. you can either just watch movies, photos, or listen to music through the mesh, playing one computer like a home server.

Drotovoe z'ednannya or Wi-Fi - the value can not be. Establishing access to the merezhі can be done by running the master home measure. Before speech, marvel at movies from the computer disk, connected to the measure, as if it were to be installed on a new one file manager for the help of a local network (LAN).

This article will be in good hands, as your apartment has not one, but two computers. Somewhere between them, it is necessary to submit documents, and children can play games through the net. Today, let's talk about those, how to connect two computers together.

One of the largest simple ways- Vikoristannya so-called torsion bets. Vartist robit - you don’t get cheaper, but the speed of transferring data is richer, lower in other ways. Lay the cable є sens, so that the distance between the PC is less than 100 meters.

We need:

  1. Merezhev's map on a skin computer. Respect! The stench can be already installed on the computer (transformed), otherwise it is necessary to buy it.
  2. Vita pair - pairs of twisted mid-darts in isolation. There are screened (STP) and unscreened (UTP). For our needs pіdіyde UTP ta th to buy such a pair is simpler.

3. RJ-45 plugs (also called “jack”) for 2 pcs. Possibly, they are victorious at your telephone socket.

4. Obtisk tool (yogo is called a crimper).

What is the first crock? Vimiryuєmo vіdstan mіzh computers behind the route of the possible laying of the cable. Let's go to the store and buy shoes and bet twists, as well as some meters in reserve. In the same place, we take forks and tools for pressing.

The purchase cable needs to be crimped to the Cross-over kshtalt. This variant is zastosovuetsya when connecting computers without using a hub and similar devices. Fight like this:

  1. From both ends of the purchased cable, the sheath is visible by about 3 centimeters.
  2. Conducting the middle splitting and putting them together with a little one.

  • In this order, bet twisters are inserted at the RJ-45 plug. Important! For different video cameras, the order of colors is not the same.
  • We take an obtisk tool, insert the forks into it one by one and squeeze the handles of the crimper together.

We have lost more than simple business - the improvement of the operating system. We will show all the pages on Windows applications 7:

  1. Jacks are brought to the roses of the merging cards (sound on the back wall of the system blocks; you won’t confuse them for anything, so you don’t insert the plugs into other roses).
  2. Open the Control Panel, select the System item, and in the new one you need to Adjust remote access- tab Computer name - Redaguvati. We give them to the computer of that group of attachments, which have a practical use. The system will propagate a re-advancement, but for the time being, we are looking at it.

  • We need a new Control Panel, and there the necessary Center for Controlling the Merezhy and global access We know the point Connect by local measure, click Power - Internet Protocol version 4 (here double click) - Win the IP address. We write to the IP address that mask is

  • Rezavantazhuemo computer
  • You are working with another computer. Important! Your computer may be smaller, the IP address may contain only the remaining digit. Name the working group, and the mask for the first time will run from the first building.
  • To hack files from one computer to another, it is necessary special rank let me. For whom, on the right papacy, we press the mouse with the right button and choose to split " Hot access- tab Access - Extended access to the main access. We put a tick at the item “Give access to this folder”.

On whom everything. You figured out how to get two computers together in one piece.

Many of my friends and acquaintances ask for help to connect the Internet to 2 computers. There is nothing foldable for him, he gets in the way of these tasks, navit 5-row child. Today I want to tell you how to connect the Internet to 2 computers.

Organizing the distribution of the Internet on your behalf is not so foldable on the right at first glance, but richer food is like a stupor, as only the situation can reach the right. Really, everything is simple and I can help you, so let's get started.

In this article, we can look at the option of setting up two computers: the first (from Windows XP) server, the other (from Windows 7) client. Obviously, I can on the Internet, that on the first computer we have the Internet already installed and we need to share (multiply) the price of the largest Internet to another PC.

We need: we have two computers, one has 2 mesh cards, a quantity of tethered cable is required (UTP 5 cat), a plug of type 8p8c (which is called RJ-45 by the milk), a touching tool (as such, you can ask for a known call from the administrator, in the arsenal of such, sing-songly such a є).

For us, we will need a long cable and a lighter yogo, just a little more careful, so that we don’t change it and don’t overdo it. We need to trim the cable tie-down from both sides. I can write a lot about the driver, which can be used for types 568A, 568B, crossover, etc., but take care of those that are in the analyzed versions Windows merging the card automatically selects how to work and do everything for you, we won’t go into the physical subtleties. Also, a standard cable of the “twisted pair” type of the 5th category is obscured by an offensive rank:

Strictly dorimuyuchis sledovnostі veins torsion bet inserted їх at the plug (metal contacts with the help of the animal, to marvel at us, if we are inserted into the plug lived) and press the plug with a suitable tool. This operation is carried out from both sides of the cable we cut. If you are not in control of the option of self-training, then you can buy a ready-made cable in any case computer shop your place.

Nalashtuvannya z'ednannya

After adding another tie card, we have another connection icon (Start - Connection panel - Connection tile) in our window:

  • Right-click the mouse on the shortcut to connect and select “Power” 2. Check all the checkboxes, click “TCP / IP Internet Protocol” 3. On the “Dodatkovo” tab, check the box 4. this computer» 5. Select the connection "Local link"

On which installation to the Internet, we will finish that transition to the installation of the local network itself and the installation of another computer, for yogo access to the Internet. For transparency ce connection you can rename it, for example, "Internet".

Improving local lines

On the first computer, which acts as a server, as it was discussed more, two meshes of cards: on the first, we fixed the distribution of the Internet by measure, on the other, we fixed the local mesh itself. We build in the preparation of a cable from a friend to a merged card of the server computer and to a merged card of the client computer. We fix the patch from the server:

Assign the IP address ( to the server that subdivision mask (, as assigned to the little one. This is a simple butt, but practical, if you have a need to attract another IP, then be kind - work in such a way that you will be easier and simpler. We press the button i on which server setup is completed.

Let's move on to fixing the client, tobto. another PC (as it was said above, our client will be a computer with Windows 7). Go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Center for Management of Security and Global Access" - "Connection by Local Security" - "Power" - "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)"

We try the operation to set it up as well as to the server, or we can specify the same IP address ( and the same media mask (, the IP address of the main gateway (our computer server) and DNS- the server will be the same:

It was necessary to indicate one working group, so that the computers worked one by one at the local networks we created. When the workgroup system is installed on your computer, the name WORKGROUP is assigned to the mind (singingly, everyone sang that they installed Windows themselves, but they didn’t especially think about it). But in this article, we still consider the option that our working group wears another unique name, the same way, as it suits you. On the server (Windows XP) it should be done like this: context menu"My computer" select the "Power" item, the "My computer" tab - "Change" and assign our workgroup a handy name for you:

We remember the name assigned by us and it is transferable until the client’s computer is fixed (s operating system Windows 7). Tisnemo "Start" - right-click the mouse behind the icon "Computer" - select the menu item "Power". At the vіknі, scho again vіdkrilosya, from the list of evil vibiraєmo " Additional parameters system" - select the tab "My computer" - "Change" and choose the name of our work group:

On whom the nailing is finished. Now we have a local network of two computers and on the other side of the Internet. For especially cіkavih, you can reverse the presence of the call for the additional utility of the ping command line, so you can “ping out” our network. It's just as easy to fight as it is in Windows XP, so in Windows 7 I need to click quickly command row: "Start" - "Vikonati" and enter cmd. Then enter the ping command at the text console and reconnect in the visibility of the connection. Pinguvati can be one of one (from the assigned IP address), as well as different internet addresses (indicating the IP address or the DNS symbol name). As a result, it is deciphered on the butt below:

That's all for now, a piece of fabric from two computers is ready.

At this article, you found out how to connect the Internet to 2 computers. I'm spodіvayus, You have exchanged, scho nothing is foldable with whom there is nothing.

How to share the Internet for help with the UserGade program

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Why is it necessary to connect one PC to another PC? Tsіlі can be rіznimi - pochinayuchi vіd bazhannya pograti v schos, to the banal copying of files. As if it wasn’t there, connect the computer to the computer is guilty of leather koristuvach, who knows his own level of knowledge in this sphere above the middle. There is nothing foldable in the fact that you can’t connect two computers: it’s enough to get a cable special building PC-Link, for the help of which you can connect 2 computers to each other via USB. Otche, let's do it!

You need:

Merezhevy cable

So, why do we need to tell you, why did we already start to connect two computers? That's right, s їх connection! One end of bet twists is inserted into the Ethernet port of the computer or laptop. Looking at the wines in such a way.

The other end, in its own line, is inserted to the next PC. For whom the physical process of connection will be completed. Aleksey is not enough - as such a rank of zadnati 2 computers, then nothing, the cream is "empty" merezhnogo z'єdnannya we do not take. Aje in order to connect two computers between each other, that one singing functions they need a special rank to improve, which we will take care of at once.


With the right mouse button, click on the pictogram mesh connection in the system tray, and select the item "Center for Management of Merezhins and General Access".

At the “Change adapter parameters” branch, we need to connect to the local network, in order to determine the authority, and then we will switch to the TCP / IPv4 protocol.

There it is possible offensive parameters: IP - 192.168.0.n (n-be it a number from 0 to 250); pidmerezh_mask:

USB cable

We connect two computers with each other help usb cord from LC-Link attachments. After all, s installation disk, which is included in the kit with the add-on, installs the driver for PC-Link on the offending machine (insert a disk on the drive, select the item "Install driver" or "InstallDriver" in the autorun menu, and then follow the instructions).

The instruction was written back in 2007, left out for the sake of clarity.
Required: 2 computers with mesh cards, cross patch cord*.

1. Install the required cards in the computer and install the driver.
2. Connect computers with a patch cord (when the computers are turned on, a light bulb will light up on the merged cards).
3. Update the images on both computers:
(Settings to be hovered for Windows XP, for the typing of these data, it is necessary for the mother of the administrator's rights)
right ї k.mishі-Power ->
on one of the computers it is possible to install:
IP addresses pdmerezhі mask,
on the other side pіdmerezі,
4. In order for you to be able to work with another computer at Merezhevoe Otochenny, it is necessary to give both computers the same name of the work group. On "My computer" click on the right button of the mouse-Power-Im computer, give the "Change" button and in the field " Robotcha group» Dial MSHOME (be it another name; the names of the computers must be different), press OK and reboot.

In fact, even now these computers are in the same dimension. How fast is written far away.

How to revise, what is installed, what is installed, what is the “boot” of the computer one by one:
Pressing Start-Vikonati, dialing
ping -t (this works on a computer with the address or
ping -t (this works on a computer with the address
yakscho after that the rows "Vіdpovіd vіd ...", mean the computer "to pump" one of one.

How to create a folder:
On the daddy, right-click on the mouse-Power-Access, check the box "Allow access to this folder" (as necessary, you can change the folder name by checking the box "Allow files to be changed as needed" you can edit, view, rename the file daddy merezhi). **

How to rob the printer:
On the computer, before any connection, press the printer Start-Panel keruvannya-Printers and fax, right-click on the icon of the required printer.
Power-Access, and check the box "Global access to this printer" (specify name).
On the computer, before connecting the printer, press Start-Panel keruvannya-Printers and fax-rights to mouse-Install the printer, press Dali-select " twill printer... "-select "Oglyad printers"-know the required printer, give directions to the drivers.

How to build the Internet:
Standard Windows Internet it is possible to sprobit a single file on a computer with the address Connect the Internet to the computer at the address Start-Nalashtuvannya-Merezhevі connection-Connection to the Internet ***-Zahalnі-Vlastivostі-Dodatkovo, select the checkbox "Allow other short-haired merchants to connect to the Internet ...". On your other computer, you need to indicate the computer as a gateway to which you connected the Internet, so you can do it like this:
press Start-Settings-Merezhevі connection-Connection by local
right hand mouse-Power -> Internet Protocol TCP/IP - Power:
set Default gateway Important DNS server

If you can’t access another computer through the new one, then you can try to gain access to the new one through Internet Explorer, for which it is necessary to address row dial the address of another computer (before the address, type "\") For example: \\
*) Patch cord - a specially designed cable, which is the connecting component of the SCS (in this case mezhezhі pay two computers). Patch cords are straight and cross, you need cross (for current computer there is no value for the type of patch cord. modern mesh maps are autopolar).
**) In order to folders pratsyuvali, sob on both computers was used and the oblіkovy record "Guest" was included (it was created the same koristuvachі on both computers). Schob turn on physical record"Guest" is required to press Start-Panel management-oblique records koristuvachiv press on the koristuvach "Gist", press "Show the oblique note".
***) You can call it differently

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