The rgb code is purple.

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2 Cool Reader

HTML colors can be set in three ways: I will name the color code in HTML for yogo Different colors can be specified by their name, vikorista as the meaning of the name of the color on

English language

. The most common keywords: black, white, red, green, blue and others. Text color – red

The most popular colors according to the Consortium standardWorldwide pavutiniThe most popular colors according to the Consortium standardWorldwide pavutini The most popular colors according to the Consortium standardWorldwide pavutini The most popular colors according to the Consortium standardWorldwide pavutini
(English World Wide Web Consortium, W3C): Kolir Name Black
Gray Silver White Yellow
Lime Aqua Fuchsia Red
Green Blue Purple Maroon



  • Teal

Butt of a vikoristan of different colored names:

Butt: respect for the color behind the name

Try it yourself »

Heading on red aphid

Butt of a vikoristan of different colored names:

Butt: respect for the color behind the name

Try it yourself »

Heading on red aphid

Heading on orange background

Heading on lime background White text on black aphid, Color control for additional RGB, When displaying different colors on the monitor, the RGB palette is used as a basis. Whatever color you choose, there are three main ones:

R - red (red)

  • Teal

G - green

B - blue

G - green

B - blue


The brightness of the skin color is set by one byte and, therefore, values ​​from 0 to 255 can be entered. For example, RGB (255,0,0) is displayed as red, since the red is inserted into the highest value (255), and others are set і in 0 Also You can set the color of the image. The skin from the parameters indicates the level of brightness of the corresponding color. For example: the values ​​rgb(127, 255, 127) and rgb(50%, 100%, 50%) will set a new green color of medium saturation: Butt: Zavdanya color for additional RGB rgb(127, 255, 127) rgb(50%, 100%, 50%), as the name suggests, is based on the number 16. The sixteen system uses the following signs: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F Here the numbers from 10 to 15 are replaced with Latin letters. # Numbers greater than 15 in the hexadecimal system are the combination of two signs in one value. # For example, the highest number 255 in the tenth system corresponds to the highest value of FF in the sixteenth system.

To replace the tens system, put a hash symbol before the hexadecimal number

  • Teal

, for example, #FF0000 is displayed as a red color, the red fragments are set to its highest value (FF), and the other colors are set to the minimum value (00).

Signs after hash symbol

You can recruit both great and small.

, for example, #FF0000 is displayed as a red color, the red fragments are set to its highest value (FF), and the other colors are set to the minimum value (00).

Signs after hash symbol

You can recruit both great and small.

The sixteenth system allows you to use the shortened form of the form #rgb, where the symbol is equivalent to the sub-war.

So record #f7O trace is evaluated as #ff7700.

Stock: Color HEX

red: #FF0000

green: #00FF00 blue: #0000FF red+greens=zhovtiy: #FFFF00 red+blue=violet: #FF00FF green+blue=black: #00FFFF
List of widely expanded colors (names, HEX and RGB): English name Russian name 229 43 80
Zrazok HEX RGB 255 191 0
White Amaranth Amaranthium 0 255 255
#E52B50 Amber Burshtinovy 0 127 255
(English World Wide Web Consortium, W3C): #FFBF00 #000000 0 0 0
Fuchsia Blue-green #00FFFF 0 0 255
Azure Blakitny #007FFF 0 149 182
Chorny Blue #0000FF 181 166 66
Bondi Blue Bondi beach water #0095B6 150 75 0
Brass Amber Brass 0 123 167
#B5A642 Brown #177245 23 114 69
Brown #964B00 Cerulean 80 200 120
#007BA7 Dark spring green #990066 153 0 102
Yellow Dark spring green Emerald 255 0 255
Smaragdoviy #50C878 Eggplant 250 215 0
Kolir Eggplant #808080 128 128 128
Aqua Fuchsia #FF00FF 0 255 0
Gold Golden #FFD700 75 0 130
Syria Zeleny #00FF00 0 168 107
Silver Indigo Indigo 204 255 0
#4B0082 Jade Jade 11 218 81
Purple #00A86B #000080 0 0 128
Lime #CCFF00 Malachite 204 119 34
Blue Malachite #808000 128 128 0
#0BDA51 Dark blue Ochre 255 165 0
Ocher #CC7722 Olive 255 229 180
Orange Orange #FFA500 255 117 24
Red Peach #800080 128 0 128
Lime Peach #FFE5B4 255 0 0
Pumpkin Garbuz #FF7518 244 196 48
Violet red gold #FF0000 46 139 87
Saffron Saffron #F4C430 172 183 142
Maroon Amaranth #008080 0 128 128
Sea Green Green sea #2E8B57 18 10 143
Swamp green Peach Bolotyany 139 0 255
Gray #ACB78E Ultramarine 255 255 0




#8B00FF Zhovtiy cleaning, then you can skip reading the next paragraph. We also know about other ways of representing colors on the web - using color models (RGB, HSL) and key words


This information will be useful for beginners and is recommended before reading. Sixteen colors (hex) Sixteenth number system (

hexadecimal, hex

) is based on the number 16. To record a hexadecimal value, 16 characters are used: Arabic numerals from 0 to 9 and the first letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F).

Color in the hexadecimal format is written in the form of three double-digit numbers from 00 to FF (they must be preceded by the # symbol), which corresponds to three components: Red, Green, Blue (RGB color model).

Otherwise, it seems that the color can be written as #RRGGBB, where the first pair of symbols means red rhubarb, the other – green rhubarb, the third – blue rhubarb.

The resulting color is a combination of these three colors. Shortening the recording of hex-quits
Tens of sixteen color values ​​can be written down briefly. For this purpose, change the entry like #RRGGBB to #RGB.
You can use this option if there are three pairs of the same symbols in the hex number. The shortened entry form is intended to be completed frequently, and for information, we will provide a number of applications as soon as possible.
#333333 #333
Before speaking, the hex-values ​​of colors are not sensitive to register - you can choose both large and small letters, everything will lie down to your taste and relish. Attach a short entry of hex-quits:

HEX code

Short recording







Perhaps you have food: do the stars take all the meaning of colors? Sleeping without a soul graphic editors There are also online services that can help you select colors and color schemes. One of the greatest popular programs, in which you can select a specific color and select its RGB value, hex and more – Adobe Photoshop.

As an alternative, there are special sites where you can easily choose not just the color, but the whole thing.

color scheme


Advanced butt – Adobe Color CC service. Color model RGBA You can set the color for the RGBA format in the same way as for RGB.

The importance of RGBA over RGB is due to the presence of the alpha channel, which is responsible for the clarity of color.

Visibility is set by an additional number in the range from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates greater clarity, and 1 means greater lack of clarity.

Intermediate values ​​of type 0.5 allow you to set a visual look (shortened notation is allowed, without a zero, after a dot – .5).

For example, in order to make the text colorful and clear, you need to write down the rgba keyword and the color value after the power color:

P ( color: rgba(94, 81, 3, .9); )

The disadvantage of RGBA is that it is not supported by the browser

Internet Explorer

The HSLA color model works much the same as HSL, but in it, similar to RGBA, there is an alpha channel, in addition to which you can set the clarity of the color, indicating the necessary values ​​​​in the range of 0 to 1:

P ( color: hsla(165, 100%, 50%, .6); )

HSL and HSLA are supported by all browsers, including the Internet Explorer versions 8 and earlier.

Standard HTML colors

Another way to present colors on the Internet is through keywords, in which you can specify the color for an element.



There are 16 standard colors that can be written at a given color value: The resulting color is a combination of these three colors. green+blue=black: #00FFFF
Keyword color #FFE5B4 255, 0, 0
red #800000 128, 0, 0
maroon Ultramarine 255, 255, 0
yellow #808000 128, 128, 0
olive #FF00FF 0, 255, 0
lime #008000 0, 128, 0
green Amaranthium 0, 255, 255
aqua #008080 0, 128, 128
teal #00FFFF 0, 0, 255
blue #000080 0, 0, 128
navy Emerald 255, 0, 255
fuchsia #800080 128, 0, 128
purple white 255, 255, 255
#FFFFFF silver 192, 192, 192
#C0C0C0 #808080 128, 128, 128
gray #000000 0, 0, 0


These colors are supported by all browsers.

Besides them, there are still close to 130 additional keywords for different shades of colors.

A complete table of these colors can be obtained from the W3C Provider.

The use of such keywords is acceptable, but there is a risk that any word will not be accepted by the browser. Therefore, instead of keywords, it is recommended to write down the hexadecimal color code. Pouches

In CSS, the color of the text is set using the additional color power, so the value can be written in a number of ways - in hexadecimal (hex) format, in RGB or HSL format, or by entering a keyword.

To avoid the incorrect representation of the color specified after the additional keyword, it is better to specify the hex value.

You can also set the visibility of the element behind an additional alpha channel (RGBA and HSLA formats).

Pri ciomu varto vrahovuvati, scho browser IE8 ta yogo

early versions

RGBA, HSL and HSLA formats are not supported.

The CSS color module clearly describes the values ​​that allow authors to specify the color and clarity of html elements, as well as color values.

Power color

Worldwide pavutini red+blue=violet: #FF00FF green+blue=black: #00FFFF The most popular colors according to the Consortium standard
gray #000000 0,0,0
#FFFFFF silver 192,192,192
#C0C0C0 #808080 128,128,128
purple white 255,255,255
red #800000 128,0,0
Keyword color #FFE5B4 255,0,0
fuchsia #800080 128,0,128
navy Emerald 255,0,255
lime #008000 0,128,0
olive #FF00FF 0,255,0
yellow #808000 128,128,0
maroon Ultramarine 255,255,0
blue #000080 0,0,128
teal #00FFFF 0,0,255
aqua #008080 0,128,128
green Amaranthium 0,255,255

1. Priority colors: brightness color

Power sets the color of the font using various color transfer systems.

Strength refers to the color of the text element.

In addition, it is used to provide a potential indirect meaning (currentColor) for any other powers that create meaning for the color.

Power is declining.

The RGB value format in hexadecimal format is the # sign, followed by three or six hexadecimal characters.

The three-digit RGB notation #rgb is converted to the six-digit form #rrggbb by copying numbers, not by adding zeros.

For example, #fb0 expands to #ffbb00.

This guarantees that the white #ffffff can be used as an indication in a short entry #ffff and removes any differences depending on the color of the display.

The RGB value format of the functional notation is rgb (followed by a separated list of three numeric values ​​(or three integer values, or three hundredth values), followed by a symbol). The integer value 255 corresponds to 100% and F or FF in hexadecimal notation: RGB(255,255,255) = RGB(100%, 100%, 100%) = #FFF Blank characters are allowed next to numeric values. In this lesson we will look at the remaining tag attribute :

, which indicates the color of the text.

<span>Behind the printed text is the black color that appears on white aphids.</span>

In order to

change text color in html

, you need to set the attribute

tag color

To designate a color, it is enough to indicate the name, for example: red, green, blue. Let's take a look at the small butt: Lesson 6. Changing the color of text

Green color text

Red color text

<span>Behind the printed text is the black color that appears on white aphids.</span>

In order to

change text color in html

, you need to set the attribute

Violet color text

Let's see the result in the browser:

The text of the first paragraph became green, the second - red, and the third - purple. We have 16 names of main colors and 130 additional ones.

<span>New list</span>

You can look at the colors in the html color table.

You can look at the colors in the html color table.

In this article, we are aware of the possibilities of HTML and CSS to change the color of the text on the sides of the site.

Several options will be examined.

  • For skin swelling, your own specific method is handy.
  • For starters, it’s important that all colors can be specified in three formats:
  • Name color (red, blue, green etc.)

Hexadecimal format (#104A00, #0F0, etc.)

rgba format (rgba(0,0,0,0.5) etc.)

Our website presents a complete palette of html colors for the website, where you can choose a different color. Method 1. Through html tag Himself in a simple way

change the color of text in html and use the tag

. It allows you to change the color, size and style of the text. For whom there are three attributes.


Let's aim the butt Zvichay font

Blue font

Large size red font

On the side it is recreated on the offensive

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