New version of kaspersky. Download free anti-virus of Kaspersky - Kaspersky FREE. Minimum System Widgets Kaspersky Free Anti-Virus

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Antivirus Kaspersky Free- Free version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for 365 days. The support of the rich koristuvachivs succeeded, they wanted to get the Kaspersky Anti-Virus for 1 river without a cost! Kaspersky Free comes to replace the Kaspersky 365 antivirus. shkidlivih programs that sites. Automatic database updates.

Version /
Updated 21.02.2020
Rozmir 2.3 MB, online installation
Category Security / Antivirus
Rozrobnik Kaspersky Lab
System Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Vista, Windows XP
interface Ukrainian
License Cashless for 365 days

Ability to Antivirus Kaspersky Free

  • File antivirus. Checking all files that are opened, saved and launched.
  • Post antivirus. Rechecking of incoming and outgoing postal messages.
  • Web anti-virus. Blocking scripts on infected sites, controlling all Internet traffic and blocking access to unsafe sites.
  • IM-Antivirus. Bezpeka roboti with programs for overpowering mittevih remembrance.

Download Kaspersky Anti-Virus free of charge

Free download Kaspersky Anti-Virus free version for 365 days. Posilannya on zavantazhennia led to the official website of Kaspersky. Our site provides all updates to the software so that you have the latest version of Kaspersky Free antivirus.

When the time comes to download the antivirus free of charge, try the cost-free version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus and download it free of charge without registering SMS. For 365 days, Kaspersky Lab provides free basic security for home repair, including the most popular tools. Among the basic tools of the varto, it means something like this: a web defense for phishing virus threats shkіdlivih sites, mail filter, control of inhіdnyh and vhіdnіh mittvih IM reconciliation, povna, shvidka or vibirkova reverification of files, blocking suspected objects in quarantine, connection to gloomy technologies in real time online, automatic update kernels and virus bases. It is recommended that you register and activate by entering your e-mail and password, and those who already have a MyKaspersky account, simply log in and receive the activation code in this way for 365 days (1 rec).

Zagalny description of the program, vimogi, wash that cob of roboti

For safe work with data and add-ons on the computer, as well as WEB-sites and other content on the Internet the rest version Download Kaspersky Free AntiVirus free of charge and use a set of basic tools from KasperskyLab. Kaspersky Software Security Free Antivirus(before 2016, Kaspersky 365) works in operating systems Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or more), Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit). For correct installationі normal work Microsoft needs Windows Installer 3.0 or more, Microsoft. NET Framework 4 chi higher. There are also versions for computers of Apple MacOS X architecture and for tablets and smartphones on OS Android. After registration/authorization and activation on the official website, the product for residents of Russia and Ukraine is expected to be 1 rec with the possibility of a further sale after 365 days. By stretching this term, it is possible to use it exclusively for non-commercial use in special purposes.

Similar versions of Antivirus Kaspersky Free and paid versions

Antivirus Kaspersky Free paid products KAV, KIS and KTS, natural, functionally furnished, prote, hot and dry in paid versions nadiy zahist computer vіd the main spectrum of threats. Kospersky Anti-Virus does not monitor: measures, programs, changes to Windows, suspected activity. New people don't practice: anti-spam, anti-baner, batkivsky control, backup copy, secure payments and secure entry. Vidsutnі: netting screen, blocking spam, robot with a webcam, protection against data collection fencing attacks(firewall/firewall), virtual safe and password manager. Expanding the possibilities to protect your computer is possible at any time on a paid basis, and Kaspersky Anti-Virus Free can be done right away, without flooding the site https: // site without registration and SMS.

Interface and functionality of Kaspersky Free Anti-Virus

Handy and visually receiving interface of the program, which can be freely deployed, according to Kaspersky Lab, nothing will be done to its own greater slip. paid versions. Vykoristannya, in addition to the number of changes in the numbers of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus, it does not mean that the power is not only computer fahivtsya with experience, but not to create the problems of an incompetent domestic koristuvach. It is enough to activate the needs and change Additional parameters. Zruchnee menu that customization of the Russian program will not require any time, any time to increase the capabilities of Kaspersky Free Anti-Virus. Docіlno zantazzhit Kaspersky Free Security cost-free, shards vіn maє all important components basic zahistu personal computer, personal data and activity on the Internet in the form of new and new threats. When installed on the panel of Windows keruvannya, a shortcut appears, vikoristuyuchi, which can be quickly initiated by the zahist, the activation of the antivirus zakhistu or run a recheck. Main functional advantages Kostovnoy anti-virus Kaspersky:

  • zakhist file system in real time,
  • folded on the legendary engine from Evgen Kaspersky Laboratories,
  • winery dark technologies kaspersky Security Network,
  • control of incoming and outgoing notifications of IM and e-mail,
  • WEB-shield for shkіdlivih files and zavantazhen,
  • hard anti-phishing of web resources,
  • blocking access to unsafe WEB sites,
  • kidnapped on-screen keyboard against keyloggers,
  • high productivity and speed of work,
  • low power to computer resources,
  • the responsibility for the activity of the koristuvach,
  • not marked to the interest of the Laboratory to private and confidential data.

Behind the comments and comments of the coristuvachs, they have already caught the chance to get Kaspersky Free free of charge and install it on your computer, or a laptop as the only basic antivirus, it is possible to expand software security may be the same level of superstition as paid antiviruses. Forward for today gloomy zahist with the help of the infrastructure of the Kaspersky Security Network, as a victorious information in the form of coristuvachiv in the whole world, in addition to the proactive defense of the security high speed response to new threats, increasing the effectiveness of all defense components and changing the number of pardon alarms.

To hide viruses, trojans and worms from files that are stored on the hard drive of a personal computer or a laptop installed programs, download free of charge download Kaspersky Free AntiVirus 2017 for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8. Windows startup and do not vivantage the processor operational memory until the very end, constantly rechecking the files on the computer and on old disks, yakі start, vіdkryvayutsya, zberіgayutsya, vіdpravlyatsya chi priymayutsya. Particular respect is attached to the notifications that they are forced to accept, for the protocols of Instant Messaging clients (for example, Internet pagers: ICQ, Mail.Ru Agent, Skype, ooVoo, Telegram, Viber, Google Talk, MSN, Jabber and Instant Messengers) and e-mail and attachments to mittevi podomlennyaі electronic sheets. The Web Defender works on blocking aggressive scripts, viruses, trojans, phishing bugs, other unsafe objects and phishing attacks that are launched every hour on malicious web sites or files from suspicious sites. Several anti-virus modules (file, WEB, Mail and IM) ensure the security of your computer, and you can easily turn on the virus.

Now you know on the side of "KFA - 365 days of permanent defense against the Laboratory of Evgen Kaspersky", in the distribution of the site, where it can be legal cost-free programs for a computer with Microsoft Windows free of charge without captcha, without viruses and without SMS. This side was updated on 03/05/2019. Dyakuyu, scho saw divided.

Yandex - more version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus not available for download on the official website For quiet, who did not grasp the vanity kospersky kaspersky on the pіvroku vіd Yandex - it is recommended to get the distribution kit of the antivirus from our site.

Before the warehouse of this product, such components are included, such as:

  • 1. Hard file module for scanning all files (encrypted and saved already on your computer, laptop, znіmnyh noses and in.).
  • 2. Web monitoring of all active connections.
  • 3. Web antivirus.
  • 4. Special tools for efficient security.
  • 5. Postal and IM antivirus.
  • 6. Proactive zahist, which allows you to infect the system.
  • 7. Khmara.

Kospersky anti-virus free for 6 months under the popular search engine giant Yandex.

  • 1. Database updates are not done manually, there is no way to update them, skin is automatically updated for 12 years.
  • 2. When you win, you will not technical support(Most of the koristuvachs do not turn on their respect).
  • 3. There is no room for customization okremy modules and other functions.
  • 4. Trial license lasts 6 months, so you can win the program for free for an hour.

How to install?

Insert tsey supplement It’s even simpler, just enough for the mother to download the installer file, or download it from the official site, after which you can launch and install, finishing the prompts in the installer.

However, varto vrahuvati, scho Kaspersky - dosit hard antivirus, and vimagaє serёznyh vitrat computer resources. If you have a weak computer, then install better antivirus Panda - vіn pratsyuvatime kudi shvidshe.

Additional information:

Sumіsnіst іz OS: Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (x32 and x64), win 8.1, Windows 10
File size: 225mb.


A trial version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a miracle version of speeding up with a similar program for a PC attacker. Behind the functionality of wines, few things are considered in the purchased version, there are no upgrades and even more functions that do not add to the security. Kaspersky zapobigaє be-yakim zamakh vіrusіv on your computer or laptop. To ensure high productivity and not navantazhuvate the system, like slacking off deaks. We recommend that you download a free trial version of kaspersky anti-virus for 30 days in 2017 and especially change its effectiveness. If you have a positive win, you will be able to get a license.

Main components of trial anti-virus Kaspersky 2017:

  • The main warehouse includes file antivirus, mail and web antivirus.
  • Hmarny zahist - there is a large database of data of different files from the world, as it expands with the skin day, so that the antivirus is strong.
  • Antivirus can be installed on a computer that infects and delete everything shkіdlі files not ruining the practice operating system.
  • Kaspersky Secure Connection - VPN - let you safely surf or just surf the web on huge network connections.
  • Internet messengers are now under total isolation from viruses.
  • The virtual keyboard is one more step to improve security.
  • Є function - to check for changes made by virus programs. (Correct function, as the system was infected before Kaspersky was installed).


System help:

Kaspersky Internet Security 2016- the whole complex of anti-virus programs, which expands the possibilities of safe work on the Internet. In the first 30 days, the program will have a free, fully functional trial version. After the end of the trial period, you will be prompted to apply for a license.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus's password manager removes not only the standard dial-up of logins, but also the security of secure payments on the Internet, a special virtual keyboard (the security of entering passwords and other confidential data), the possibility of a father's control, and the computer is programmed.

What does Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 protect your computer

The version of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2016 is a complete and rational guide to the protection of your PC against the background and forecasting of the Kaspersky Threat Lab:

  • trojans and worms,
  • phishing (spam and lists that lead to unsafe sites),
  • virus programs, spyware,
  • Potentially unsafe programs that can infect your computer in other ways,
  • shkidlivі programs zі zmenenim code,
  • intrusive advertising, which is on shkіdlі sites,
  • program-zharty, scho do not carry shkodi, but respect normal robots,
  • fake websites, shahraiv websites,
  • the fate of the botnet (measurement of infected computers),
  • stealing passwords and special data,
  • rootkits - programs that mask the robot's bad addons,
  • blocking files and all systems by viruses and many others.

All the security threats are successfully blocked sleeping robot gloomy, proactive and anti-virus technological solutions, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by numerical tests, as carried out by independent laboratories AV-Comparatives, AV-TEST, MRG Effitas.

Kaspersky internet security 2016, the river protects not only the computer itself, but also all the data on the new one, but also safe Internet surfing.

Everything is possible zavdyaki:
  1. databases of Internet threats, shkidlivih sites and programs that are frequently updated,
  2. wholesome monitoring of the activity of installed programs,
  3. strezhennya behind the mesh activity of additives and blocking of unsafe activities,
  4. a wide range of nalashtuvan like a few add-ons, and all systems as a whole,
  5. zahistu in the form of merezhevyh attacks, shakhraiv and nebazhanyh leaves.

What's new in Antivirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2016

Krim has already introduced functions, added:

  • Defending against attached (illegal) audio recordings from your device and computer microphone (included and plugged in) (especially relevant for Windows 10);
  • Functional transition to the antivirus with a line of licenses up to basic capabilities (so that the program does not block, but switches to a closed mode of operation, continuing to protect the computer);
  • New functions in the sphere of defense of data in the collection of shahrai;
  • New possibilities in nalashtuvannyah zahistu operating system in the form of change shkіdlivih and potentially unsafe programs;
  • Bezpechny mode for programs (without any analysis by antivirus);
  • Now you can create the rules of the koristuvach for the tiled screen at the window;
  • Possibility to control the activity of programs on the computer before launching the antivirus.
  • Everyone who downloads will get a free trial version in 30 days

And also for the Kostovless Kaspersky Internet Security improvements and changes:

    Antivirus is much better in combination with browsers that support it. For some reason, the browser does not get confused by other antivirus plug-ins, but only one plug-in is used, which takes all the functions together.

  • Became better zahist to phishing (hibni scams for illegal withdrawal of passwords and confidential data).
  • Polypsheno old look anti-virus program, the menu has become smarter and smarter.
  • The software installation package has become compact.
  • Computer resource management has become easier.
  • The robot of the hijacked browser has been improved for a few times.
  • File, Post, Web and IM-antivirus;
  • Program control, mesh screen; secure virtual keyboard;
  • The latest protection and safe storage of data, lists, disks, webcams;
  • Permanent monitoring and control of Wi-Fi security;
  • Safeguarding against spam, bannering, attaching programs;
  • Povna security activity on the Internet;
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus monitors the activity of a bug, scans for different parts of the computer and updates the system after an infection.

Warehouse of components in Kaspersky Internet Security

The package of the anti-virus software includes the protection against successful attacks and the package for the protection of payments on the Internet and all requests from the search system (the rest is necessary for the impossibility of your requests with shakhrai and advertising supplements). This guarantees the security of data and the presence of unauthorized programs on the computer.

Internet management is improved

Kaspersky security network- Tse packet components anti -irus, stabbing the bilsh of the reaction on the vime, the forecasted of the Novikhi, the nesting of the Visdatki -giving post -to -the -basis of the dannies of the laboratory of the native of the laboratory, and the database of the laboratory, and up to 30,000 new threats are shown for production).

Also, this service guarantees that the collection, collection and collection of special data of the coristuvach will not be in daily fluctuations. About those public data that are still transferred to KSN, you can read in the official distribution, please koristuvach.

Kaspersky Rescue disk- a package of add-ons that are launched under the control of the operating system for the recovery of the computer when it is infected for preventive robots.

Software Mode working only with enhanced functions:

  1. file antivirus,
  2. program controller,
  3. Activity monitoring.

At this point, Kaspersky blocks the launch of all programs that do not deserve to be trusted. As a matter of fact, the program is unfavorable as a way to re-verify the presence of information about it in the Kaspersky Security Network database, or as a re-verification of the resource itself, which is used to investigate.

Batkiv control

For the protection of a computer in the form of inadmissible information gaming clubs and services "18+" just) pratsyuє function " Batkiv control».

The 2016 version of the rock is folded in this plan, and now, for example, it’s so easy for people to turn it on and not give in, the shards of Kaspersky can also be protected from any changes in the system with kilkom steps of control. Also, the ability to grow individual customization for skin programs installed on the computer, and for lace work.

Today "Batkivskyy control" is the function of a flexible exchange for access to the Internet and programs. Such a function is especially important, so that the fathers can follow the statistics of resources, which the children look at each other, reacting to unsafe moments in their own time.

What to rob the service:

"Keep a Friend"

Kaspersky Internet Security is broadcasting physical record on the My Kaspersky website. Z її with the help of a computer, you can use a computer to do it with a help. So with help you can take part in the program "Defend a Friend".

Participation in this program allows you to earn bonus balls through a friendly exchange of messages on Kaspersky Internet Security. Once you have reached the number of points, you can receive a special activation code for Anti-Virus.

System support

Vimogi Kaspersky Internet Security to the system:

  • Permanent or regular connection to the Internet.
  • A free space on a hard drive can be no less than 480MB (may be the size of the anti-virus databases, depending on the amount of work).
  • Microsoft .NET Framework - 4 or older.

Service Pack 3 (64 bit) (Windows XP Home/Professional).

  • Service Pack 2 or lesser class.
  • 800 MHz processor or other higher class.
  • Free operational memory - 512 Mb.

Vista/Windows 7/8/8.1 (version (32 or 64 bits)

  • 1 GHz processor or smaller, higher for the class.
  • For uninterrupted security, the zakhist needs to be regularly or permanently connected to the Internet.
  • RAM - 1 GB for a 32-bit system and 2 GB for a 64-bit one.

For netbooks, the hardware may be different, they should be specified additionally.

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