Regional development program.

Contacts / Zakhist


Golovna Regional target program "Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period up to 2020"


Moscow region "About the regional target program" Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the period up to 2020"

Adopted by the decisions of the Moscow Regional Duma on April 10, 2002 No. 12/15

Text of the document with changes made

Law of the Moscow Region dated January 14, 2004 No. 16/2004-OZ

Law of the Moscow Region dated July 22, 2005 No. 194/2005-OZ

Law of the Moscow Region dated 11.11.05 No. 239/2005-OZ

Article 1. Confirm the regional target program “Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period until 2020.”

(Addendum). Article 2. This Law gains importance after its official publication. Governor of the Moscow Region B.V.

GromiAddendum to the Moscow Law

regions"About the regional target program "Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period until 2020"


"Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period until 2020"


regional target program "Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period up to 2020"

Program name

Regional target program "Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period up to 2020" - Program

Stand for playing programs

Decree to the Moscow Region Administration dated November 15, 2001 N 367/42 "On the disintegration of the project of the regional target program "General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period until 2020" Laws of the Moscow Region "About the Concept , forecasts and government programs for the socio-economic development of the Moscow region" and About the organization and functional zoning of the territory of the Moscow region."

Sovereign deputy


Development of the General Plan for the development of the Moscow region, aimed at reducing the population's minds and the current territorial development of the Moscow region through an additional comprehensive settlement system, improvement of small and rural settlements, and their engineering ї, transport and social infrastructure, rational environmental management, conservation and environmental protection historical and cultural decline, preservation and expansion of the excessive natural environment.

Term of program implementation

Term of program implementation 2002-2010.

1. Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region - 2002-2010, including the development of territorial planning schemes for the Moscow Region - 2006-2010.

2. Development of plans for the implementation of territorial planning schemes for the Moscow region - 2006-2010.

3. Examination, date and confirmation of territorial planning documents at the warehouse of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region - 2002-2010

Vikonavtsі entries Programs

Territorial authorities federal bodies of the Moscow region, bodies of the local self-government of the municipal authorities of the Moscow region, specialized scientific-research, design, Galuzev technological and Other institutions and organizations.

The Sovereign Deputy appoints the Wikonavians to the regional target program in accordance with the procedure established by this Law.

Final results of the program


scientific and methodological approaches and economical development for the system of strategic planning for the development of the Moscow region;

a set of documents for the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region, which will ensure sustainable spacious development of the Moscow Region;

plans for the implementation of territorial planning schemes for the Moscow region

(As amended by the Law of the Moscow Region dated July 22, 2005 N 194/2005-OZ)

Obligations and finances Programs

Zagalny obsyag finansuvannya Programs 2002-2010 rocks become 726,430 thousand. rubles

The total cost of financing the budget of the Moscow region in 2002-2010 will be 704,430 thousand. rubles, zokrema:

2002 r. - 4,976 thousand. rubles,

2003 r. - 90,938 thousand. rubles,

2004 r. - 105,960 thousand. rubles,

2005 r. - 57,056 thousand. rubles,

2006 r. - 99 100 thousand. rubles,

2007 r. - 104,500 thousand. rubles,

2008 r. - 94,000 thousand. rubles,

2009 r. - 78,400 thousand. rubles,

2010 r. – 69,500 thousand. rubles

In 2005, there was a rise in the number of loans under State guarantees in Moscow

In the region, financing becomes 22,000 thousand. rubles

(As amended by the Law of the Moscow Region dated 11.11.05 N 239/2005-OZ

System of organization and control of Vikonanny Programs

Control over the programs implemented by the Moscow Region and the Moscow Region Duma is consistent with their new importance established by law.

Recent text of the Law

Add-ons 1 and 2 to the regional target program "Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period until 2020."

Specifics of regional comprehensive development programs

Exacerbation of problems of regional development in Russia connected with the urgent need to eliminate the unprecedented unevenness of the socio-economic development of regions, the need for the development of natural resources, the promotion of ecological the toral structure of the state, the provision of employment for the population, etc. U tsikh umovakh vipravdan vikoristannya novih effective methods

Influencing the economy, based on program-targeted forecasting, which allows qualified and reliable, in this period there are strategic problems of the development of neighboring regions in connection with a single one. Regional programs - represent a variety of purposeful integrated programs and a tool for regulating and managing the regional strategy of economic, social and scientific and technological development, form sovereign activity

, in a way of prioritizing the concentration of resources on the most pressing, pressing problems. These are separated types of regional programs

: interstate, state (federal) and regional authorities, which are formed and implemented behind Galuzev’s sign and in a complex manner.

University-specialized programs, say, are divided into a warehouse of single-purpose federal programs, for example, “Health Protection in Russia.”

Regional programs are classified according to the following signs: territorial jurisdiction, functional orientation, location of problems, scale of the program, Galusian localization, nature of problems, etc. It is believed that they are formed and implemented in equal republics, territories, regions, places of federal significance, based on foreign powers and territorial interests. The selection of regional problems for programming is usually carried out territorial authorities

control and management. Program visits take place between a geographically bounded region, a unit of administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation (republic, region, region, federal places). They are responsible for the design and implementation of the program structure of the government of the region.

Regional programs appear to be relatively small in terms of work and resource expenditures compared to national programs.
  • to smite the target's straightness
  • , Precise targeting, specific divisions of time intervals and are related to the foreign-power concept of regional development and regional policy of Russia.
  • Main tasks of regional programs:
  • alignment of inter-district functions with indicators of economic, social and scientific-technical development;
  • forming an optimal territorial and Galuzian structure of the economy;
  • balanced (deficit-free) regional government for the brains of the market; the most efficient and effective allocation of natural, material and labor resources to the region;;
  • the development of development in those spheres is similar to the government's selective structural policy;
  • funeral
  • dovkilla

covering the legacy of natural and man-made accidents;

formation of information security infrastructure for government bodies and government entities;

spiritual revival of the regions, preservation of the current historical decline, appreciation of cultural potential, stabilization of the political and legal situation.
  1. Structure of the regional development program
  2. The structure and structure of a complex program for the socio-economic development of the region is divided into interchangeable sections that reflect the local and functional characteristics of the program adopted before the implementation of the project.
  3. We divided the program for comprehensive development of the region:
  4. Analysis and assessment of the socio-economic situation in the region that has developed..
  5. Vikonani in the advanced sections of the analysis of the socio-economic development of the region and the assessment of natural resources, the state of the environment, the demographic situation and the market are trying to give indications about the current scale and structure of government in the region it, its material and economic base, reveals disproportions in the economy, and also gives a forecast of the number labor resources and the potential for the development of natural resource potential, allow for the regulation of the trends of technological progress and the government's tasks that hang before the region, develop and formulate a concept (forecast idea) development of the region for the future. The main concept is the principle of (or alternatively) identifying the most rational use of great and effective resources, assessing on this basis the equal economics of various galuzes and installations The Poles correctly formed the entire Gospodar's complex.
  6. Main purpose subprograms
  7. .
  8. There appear to be main target subprograms for the region, which can be formulated under Galuzev’s functional and problematic signs.
  9. Mechanism for creating programs.
  10. There is a mutually interrelated complex of approaches and actions, economical ones, that will ensure the greatest problems.

Resource security of programs.

Revenge the destruction of future investments (financial - for resources; material - for types of products; natural resources and resources - for climate change, land, water, forestry, fire-energy and mineral resources; labor resources - for the profession educational-qualification groups; information - by types; time-hours - by lines). Moscow administration;

release date;

on Arkusha the weather is an institution that will confirm, and an organization that will be suitable for any need.

The main forms of the state’s direct participation in regulated regional development will be the state’s regional programs, which are financed from the state budget, other structure-building investment projects, and the placement of contracts for the delivery of products. ii for foreign needs (including for supporting problem regions) through an additional contract system.

The number of federal regional programs is small;

They are disbursed and financed less for regions with particularly complex (critical) socio-economic and environmental problems, for example, for the Pivnochi zone.

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy.It is necessary to take inventory of all published Russian programs with a review of priorities, terms, and resources for them.The largest large-scale complex programs may undergo review and approval by higher legislative bodies. In the minds of market capitals, the management of state regional programs is not necessary to be interconnected with the main bodies of the royal government - special powers, private, mixed independent companies can be confirmed in the agreements and consortiums, agencies with special duties and responsibilities. Instead of a side page Chinna.

Completed. Regional target program for the development of small subjects

and the middle enterprise of the Yaroslavl region

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy.for 2013-2015 years

Completed. in (edition of the resolution of the Regional Order

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy. Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015 (as amended by the Resolution of the Regional Government dated 02/11/2015 No. 0120-p)

Completed. Region

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy. target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015 (as amended by the resolution of the Regional Government dated 06.11.2014 No. 1128-p)

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy. Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015 (as amended by the Resolution of the Regional Government dated 09/05/2014 No. 0874-p)

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy.Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015 (as amended by the resolution of the Regional Government dated July 14, 2014 No. 679-p)

Completed. Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015 (as amended by the resolution of the Regional Government dated 05.14.2014 No. 442-p)

Completed. Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 - 2015 (as amended by the resolution of the Regional Government dated 03.03.2014 No. 179-p)

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy.Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015 (as amended by the resolution of the Regional Government dated December 26, 2013 No. 1747-p)

Completed. Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013-2015 (as amended by the resolution of the Regional Government dated 12/03/2013 No. 1570-p)

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy.Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015 (as amended by the resolution of the Regional Government dated 10.15.2013 No. 1386-p)

It is of fundamental importance to link the processes of development and adoption of programs with the formulation and implementation of budgetary policy.Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015 (as amended by the resolution of the Regional Government dated 05/06/2013 No. 487-p)Regional target program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yaroslavl region for 2013 – 2015

(approved by the Decree of the Regional Order dated 07.12.2012 No. 1387-p)

As the most important direct regulators of economic processes that occur on the territory of the region, there are federal and regional target programs.

Over the course of many decades from the 20s of the last century in the USSR, the development of government plans expanded.

At the same time, complex, regional and targeted programs were developed from them.

They will ensure the highest level of success in the scientific, technical, economic, social, cultural, and environmental spheres. Federal target programs are directly aimed at current policies in the sphere of the huge state for the support of the state. Today the stench grows wider, and its volume is steadily increasing.

Whole programs of the regional level are differentiated by sharply expressed territorial signs, specificity of information and warehouse of participants.

Its role lies in the integration of individual, collective, and state interests in the market economy, the mobilization of forces for the implementation of great projects.


When preparing regional target programs, developers tend to carry out low-technical tasks.

  1. Their main concern is choosing a problem.
  2. In today's minds, a change in the direction of territorial and national development of Spodar is imminent.
  3. In this case, financial and other resources will be exchanged.

The criteria for choosing a problem are:

The importance of nutrition for the national and territorial economy, connections with structural changes, increasing the efficiency of the government system, improving the quality of life of communities, security and environmental safety, etc.

The multifaceted and cross-cutting nature of the problem, the obviousness of the Vikonavian solution and the need to coordinate their work.

In two words, this criterion can be defined as the complexity and complexity of nutrition.

Progressivity and novelty of organizational, technical and other approaches, high performance indicators are conveyed. Additional signs Before setting more criteria, it is also necessary to consider the complexity or impossibility of achieving the highest goal in reasonable terms due to the stagnation of the market mechanism and the need to obtain government support.

However, according to experts, this sign is controversial, complex fragments and current problems can be solved, including through software methods and with the participation of the authorities.

The effectiveness of the development and further implementation of the program is expressed by specific indicators.

The analysis of the relationship between them and expenditures is reflected in private and external values ​​of economic, equal and absolute efficiency (national income per capita, proportion of funds, accumulation and .).

Private indicators characterize the range of available resources: stock, capital, material output and so on.

In order to take into account domestic and foreign practice, the specifics of adaptation to market minds, it is important to use programs for analyzing their effectiveness, so it is recommended to use different values.

Among them: the size of pet capital investment, the productivity of business, etc.

During the analysis, it is also possible to examine the development of key types of products, the introduction of non-virtual objects and industrial activities, indicators of scientific and technological development, and imports of resource substitution.

Features of the exhibitors

  1. The importance of competition in the programs of various shows is obvious.
  2. Already in the middle of them, there are huge butts looming in front of us.
  3. With this help, the program and results can be updated.
  4. However, it is necessary to use a vikory system. For certain programs, a system for setting values ​​may be needed.

At the next stage, desecration of the Gospodar’s complex can be carried out.

  1. Within the framework of this activity, we will concentrate on the nutrition of structural change and stable development.
  2. Among the key entries you can transfer:
  3. Expansion of transport infrastructure.

Complexity of energy problems.

  1. Expanding the export potential of the territory.
  2. As part of all these stages, it is necessary to ensure:
  3. Lost to a flood of hulks.

Reinforcement of qualified doctors.

This will ensure the preservation of sovereign harmony in the sphere of employment and socialism. Protection of nature and rational recovery of natural resources. Visnovok

The implementation of regional target programs is of the greatest practical importance to the population.

In these situations, there is a need for a phased, urgent task of accelerated development, rapid, adequate infrastructure improvement, and an increase in the quality of life of communities.

In small areas, a number of problems can be separated, for example, by entering the agro-industrial

living complex

, areas of border area development and social services In any program, the next section is devoted to nutritional financing.

For this purpose, the cost of budgets and extra-budgetary funds is obtained.

The majority of the financing will be provided by private investors.

Complexes of inputs that are included before the program are considered in several variants.

For example, the development of the transport complex can be represented in the scenario of the development of active infrastructure and active upgrading.

3. Control over the implementation of this regulation on the Committee of the Kostroma Regional Duma of Science, Education, Culture and Sports (Kudryavtsev Yu.P.)

5. This resolution gains significance from the day of its official publication.

Head of Kostroma

Regional Duma



By decree


Regional Duma

^ Gromi


For this purpose, the cost of budgets and extra-budgetary funds is obtained.


Regional target program "Development of archival records in

Kostroma region in 2007-2011 rocks"

Name of the Regional Program "Development of Archival Records"

In the Kostroma region in 2007-2011 rocks" (further -


Submission for the Order of the Governor of the Kostroma Region

disintegration of Programs 04/21/2006 N 630-r “About the disintegration of regional targets”

Program", Federal Law dated October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ

"About archival law in the Russian Federation"

State Deputy Administration of the Kostroma Region

The main distributor of the Committee at the right archives of the Kostroma region

Regional target program "Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period up to 2020" - Program

Program Coordinator Committee at the Right Archives of the Kostroma Region

Main goals and objectives Preservation and increase of documentary destruction

Programs of the Kostroma region, warehouse part

Historical and cultural potential of the Kostroma region,

Russian Federation, creation of minds for

Providing access for residents to documentary films

Information resources, knowledge to the fullest extent

Former generations, patriotic and

Moral traditions, the fate of the mold

A single cultural and information space,

Reach of guaranteed security

State archives of the region, entirely direct

A clear increase in documentary collections,

Development and distribution of information products

Technology, updating of special equipment

Archival installations, increasing human resources potential

Archive service of the region

The flow of the main flow of program entries is transmitted

program entries, specific entries for the security of archives, security

І update of Kostromskaya's documentary collections

Areas, types of activities, participation

Information exchange, development and promotion

Information technologies, updating and equipment

Archives for special possessions, for appreciation

Personnel potential of the archival region

Terms and stages of implementation 2007-2011

Regional target program "Development of the General Plan for the Development of the Moscow Region for the Period up to 2020" - Program

The main representatives of the Committee at the right archives of the Kostroma region,

Programs of the state archives of the Kostroma region

Obsyag ta dzherela Zagalny obsyag finance Programs

financing of the program warehouse – 16456.0 thousand rubles, including:

From the federal budget - 500.0 thousand. rubles;

3 regional budget - 15516.0 thousand. rubles:

More precisely financing - 9046.0 thousand. rubles,

Article "Regional Programs" – 6470.0 thousand.

Budgetary funds – 440, thousand. rubles

Checked ends Implementation of approaches Programs to ensure

results of the implementation of guaranteed security of documentary collections

Programs of the Kostroma region to create minds for zakhist

Archives of possible emergency situations, note

Material and technical base, create the minds for

Development of daily automated systems

The appearance of archival funds, a retrospective search

Information may be introduced into science,

Vikoristovat in the initial process of new archives

Dzherela, to advance the level of professional

Personnel training.

Organization of control over Control over the implementation of the program in progress

Vikonanny Program Committee at the right archives of the Kostroma region

Її solutions using software method

In the system of information resources of the region, archives occupy a special position as the preservers of a great, richly dimensional, richly complex complex, which is used for the promotion of the prosperity of the state.

The archival collections of the Kostroma region contain over 2.5 million items saved for the period from the 15th century to the present day, which, due to their significance and sovereign rarities, represent a great historical, cultural and material The real value is warehouse part nadbannaya area.

At this hour of the archives Information potential The region is preserved in 2 state, 30 municipal, 1247 household archives.

Effective selection, reception and preservation of documents, archives and installations form complexes of devices for scientific and critical research, acting as a guarantor of the social security of the population, their pension security, and their rights.

Over the past five years (2001-2005), the state and municipal archives of the region have seen 52,428 archival evidence from these sources, including 41,761 positive ones.

The growing interest in the history of the Czech Republic in the region before the documentary decline is fueled by the stagnation of archives of various forms of historical documents.

Between 2001 and 2005, state and municipal archives organized 65 exhibitions, published 240 articles and additional documents, and prepared 122 radio and television programs.

In 1997-2005, 4 archival documents, 3 collections of documents, 9 and 10 volumes of the Book of Memory of the Kostroma Region were published.

Since 1991, the historical and local history magazine "Kostroma Starovina" has been published.

This positive trend must be consolidated and developed as a most important mentality of patriotic and moral education, advancement of the cultural and educational level of the people, intellectual expansion and updating of the topics of scientific-historical and regional studies.

In the future, there is a need to thoroughly develop archival records, which is largely supported by the implementation of the regional target program “Development of archival records in the Kostroma region in 2002-2005.” , participation in the subprogram "Archives of Russia" of the federal purpose program "Culture of Russia (2001- 2005) rocks)".

The modernization of microfilm equipment was launched to create especially valuable documents for the insurance fund;

at the central laboratories of Moscow and St. Petersburg, restoration of unique documents of the State Archives of the Kostroma Region that suffered from the fire of 1982 was organized; a collection of documents "There was a war...", dedicated to the 60th century of Victory and the 60th century of the Kostroma region, the historical and local history magazine "Kostroma Starovina", was added to the computer and copying equipment. Currently, the archival system has problems, the worst of which will require effective government support. The most relevant are: Unsatisfactory technical level and availability of fire safety systems, specialized security, security systems, poor security of archives due to emergency situations, terrorist acts, theft;

The low level of technical equipment of archives in terms of computation and reproduction technology, which does not allow for the permanent centralization of the state's collection of archival funds and documents, the publication of the electronic insurance fund unique and especially valuable documents from archival collections of the region, to improve the creation of an electronic scientific research apparatus, to organize universal the use of retrospective information on the value of the kingdom and power;

There is a progressive decline in the physical state of the archival funds of the State Archives of the Kostroma Region (about 400 thousand units of savings), which suffered from the fire of 1982.

For restoration and copying of such self-tearing works, the archive will need at least 500 resources. The physical destruction of paper, the extinction of document texts, the collection of unique and especially valuable ones, are obtained from the State Archives of the Kostroma Region (State Institution "Sovereign Archives of the Kostroma Region", DU "Sovereign Archives new history of the Kostroma region") The number of funds for the systematic replenishment of the archival collections of the region with especially valuable documentary collections, special funds that are in the hands of legal and physical entities, objects from the long history of the region, preserved in the federal archives, archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation, behind the cordon, access to archival funds non-state organizations in

established order

to the power of the Kostroma region,

the variety of material base, facilities for the development of the historical activities of archives, expansion of forms for the collection of archival documents;

This is why the regional target program "Development of archival records in the Kostroma region in 2007-2011", being a continuation of the regional target program "Development of archival records in the Kostroma region in 2002-2005 .", called to the article by the instrument, for the help of which the united organs will be , human resources are directed to the most pressing problems of archival research in the Kostroma region, to ensure strategically important areas for the development of archival research.

2. Main goals, objectives, terms and stages

Program implementation

The program is aimed at achieving the following main goals:

Saving and multiplying the documentary decline of the Kostroma region, a warehouse part of the historical and cultural potential of the Kostroma region, the Russian Federation;

The creation of minds is ensured that communities have access to documentary materials information resources adoption of patriotic and moral traditions from previous generations;

Participation in the formation of a unified cultural and information space of the Kostroma region, the Russian Federation;

I conveys the most important upcoming instructions:

Achievement of guaranteed security, security of archival collections in the region,

A clear update on the documented destruction of the Kostroma region

Development and implementation of information products and technologies,

Updating the special equipment of archival installations,

Valuing the personnel potential of the regional archival service.

The implementation of the program is covered for 5 periods – 2007-2011.

3. System of program entries

І obtained results

Go to Programs for 6 sections:

1. Ensuring the safety of archives, saving documentary collections of the Kostroma region;

2. Formation and updating of archival collections of the Kostroma region;

3. Types of activity of archives, participation in information exchange, expanded access to archival documents;

4. Development and distribution of information products and technologies in the field of archival records;

5. Updating the special equipment and equipment of archival installations;

6. Increasing the personnel potential of the regional archival service.

The section “Ensuring the security of archives, preserving documentary collections of the Kostroma region” includes entries directly to the existing guaranteed security system for archives, preventing emergency situations.

The most important of them is the reconstruction of alarm systems, fire warnings, and gas fires at the State Institution "Sovereign Archives of the Kostroma Region."

Greater security is also possible with the installation of external and internal video security systems, the transition to servicing by security guards, and the fencing of archive areas.

The section “Distant activities of archives, participation in information exchange, expanded access to archival documents” provides access directly to the activation of the historical activities of state archives, it update and expansion of information about the storage and storage of documents of state and municipal archives of the region (interarchival adviser of the "Archives of Kostroma" ") region", travelers to the sovereign archives of the region), published research, historical drawings, collections of documents related to memorable dates in the history of Russia (400-Rich Budinka Romanovs, 65-Rich Peremog and the Great German War of 1941-1945 . etc.), thematic issues of the historical and regional magazine “Kostroma Starovina”, dedicated to the development of public education, health care, theatrical art, history of places and regions of the region. zation of historical and documentary exhibitions, creation of the virtual documentary exhibitions.

Go to the section “Development and distribution of information products and technologies in the field of archival records” aimed at mastering the installations of new forms of galuzia information services, on the top of the main archival installations (creation of the insurance fund and the corruption fund, the system of scientific research apparatus for documents, the organization of the state government, etc.) for additional computer technologies.

This is directly promising for municipal archival installations, where local computing technology is at an early stage.

Go to the section "Updating the special equipment and equipment of archival installations" directly to a fundamental change in the material and technical base of the state archives and the Committee on the right of the archives.

Enter the section to transfer direct financial funds to the equipment committee at the right archives and state archives calculating technology, what should I allow to stagnate information technologies all direct activities.

Going to the section “Valuing the personnel potential of the regional archival service”, it is possible to formulate a system for advancing the qualifications of archival workers based on the expansion of forms, the beginning and establishment of new systems private lighting techniques.

Implementation of program inputs is strictly obliged to allow:

create a guaranteed security system for state archives;

Replenish the archival collections of the Kostroma region with especially valuable documentary collections, special funds, archival funds of non-state organizations brought under the authority of the Kostroma region, copies of documents from ancient history in the region, as in the federal archives, archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

To create published documents, collections of documents, albums, booklets, catalogues, magazines, which will expand the access of historians to retrospective information, introduce new archival resources to the scientific stage;

Turn on archives of the Kostroma region Information space Kostroma region, Russian Federation,

How many times will we speed up the delivery of retrospective information to government officials and to the bodies of state government and local self-government;

Increase the capacity of the area at the State Institution "Sovereign Archives of the Kostroma Region" to allow the reception of documents from a special warehouse from liquidation organizations and ensure the protection of the legal rights of citizens;

Open the creation of an electronic insurance fund, a charity fund;

Increase the obligations and accuracy of restoration and conservation, palette, and copying operations;

Eliminate the presence of computerization in the archival area;

Increase the personnel potential of the regional archival service.

4. Resource security of the Program

The main part of the resource security of the program is to add up financial funds.

The projected limit of financing obligations of the Program is 16456.0 thousand rubles.

It is reported that the funding sources will be: federal budget – 500.0 thousand rubles (3%), regional budget – 15516.0 (94%), extra-budgetary resources – 440.0 thousand rubles (3%).

Moreover, 42% of the funds of the regional budget will be spent on the item “Regional Targeted Programs...”, 58% of the funds will be spent on the items of the departments of flow financing of Galusia.

To implement program inputs, a total of 440.0 thousand is planned. rubles from budgetary funds per rakhunok donated by state archives paid services legal physical persons, including the search for genealogical inquiries, the ordering of installation documents, the organization of enterprises, and the withdrawal of recent and recent grants.

It is planned to receive funds from the federal budget by ensuring their participation in the federal target program “Culture of Russia (2006-2010)”.

It is expected that the majority of financial assets will be directed towards ensuring the security and saving of documentary collections in the Kostroma region (30%), for updating and equipping archival installations with special equipment (61%).

Obligations of finance for dzherelami

I terms of wasted goods

Dzherela ta directly

2011 r.





















Federal budget







regional budget,





more precisely financing







spend for the article "Region
whole programs..."





budget-friendly items







1. Securing the safety of archives, saving documentary collections
Kostroma region

In total:







Federal budget







regional budget,







more precisely financing







spend for the article "Region
whole programs..."

budget-friendly items







2. Formation and updating of archival collections of the Kostroma region

In total:







Federal budget







regional budget,







more precisely financing







spend for the article "Region
whole programs..."

budget-friendly items







3. Types of activity of archives, participation in information exchange
expanded access to archived files

In total:







Federal budget







regional budget,







more precisely financing







spend for the article "Region
whole programs..."

budget-friendly items







4. Development and distribution of information products
and technology in the field of archival records

In total:







Federal budget







regional budget,








spend for the article "Region
whole programs..."

budget-friendly items







5. Upgrading special equipment and equipment for archival installations

In total:







Federal budget







regional budget,







more precisely financing







spend for the article "Region
whole programs..."





budget-friendly items







6. Increasing the personnel potential of the archival service in Galusia

In total:







Federal budget







regional budget,







more precisely financing







spend for the article "Region
whole programs..."

budget-friendly items







Before the transfer of resources, the programs also include archival installations, human resources, organizational resources, which generate financial assets, supply organizations, branches, organizations that work restoration work, organizations that share the same fate with the newly-trained personnel.

5. Program implementation mechanism

Based on the flow of program inputs, the Program Coordinator develops a plan for Program inputs into the main river with priority directions for the development of archival information.

The plan includes information about obligations, financing, the Viconnians and the terms of the Vikonian Empire.

The obligation of financing from the federal budget within the framework of the federal target program "Russian Culture (2006-2010)" means the Federal Archive Agency of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in accordance with the competition for applications sub' ects of the Russian Federation for the purpose of spivfinancing the proceeds from the sums of the subordinate budgets.

The most important obligations of budgetary authorities are carried out in order to arrange the plans of the state archives in order to organize documents of the organization for the transport sector and to withdraw the latest and most recent grants.

The Vikonavian Program is a committee of the right archives and state archives.

The financial terms are defined on a daily basis until the quarterly breakdown of program entries.

Enter the Programs to turn on to the river plans and the committee on the right of the archives and the state archives.

When implementing program approaches, trading is organized, contracts are drawn up for the supply of equipment, provision of services, purchases and transfer of equipment to the balance of related archival installations are carried out, installation and commissioning are carried out.

For the evidence of prior ownership with restoration organizations, the State Archives of the Kostroma Region selects documents for restoration work, draws up agreements, arranges contracts and transfers documents included to the restorers and before making arrangements.

Vikonians prepare manuscripts of books, collections, historical reports, journals, booklets, catalogues, arrange contracts with publishers and provide materials for publication.

The acquisition of particularly valuable documentary collections and special funds is based on the results of an examination of the value of documents.

Research from the long history of the region was carried out at the federal archives, archives of the subjects of the Russian Federation for inquiries and directly by representatives of the committee at the right archives, state archives.

The Committee at the Right Archives organizes conferences, seminars, internships, and round tables for workers of municipal and state archives.

Members of the committee and state archives take part in seminars, courses for advanced qualifications in the system of the Federal Archive Agency of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Sciences ov-dosledny Institute of Documentation and Archival Information, Scientific-methodological for archival institutions of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation, federal, archival installations of subjects of the Russian Federation

6. Organization of Program management

І monitoring the progress of її implementation

Coordinator of the Program is responsible for the overall implementation of the Program, ensuring precise management, organization of interaction between the members, control of the financial assets, terms of the implementation of the program c.

Under the control of the Committee, the process of establishing contracts, defining terms, obtaining property, and providing services is also underway.

The coordinator analyzes the results of program inputs, determines the causes of violations of the execution terms, and monitors inputs to eliminate the violations.

Based on the information of the Vikonians, the Committee on the right of the archives speaks in accordance with the established procedure before the authorities of the state before the Vikonization of the Program.

With a plan in place for entering the state's financial river, the Committee of the Right Archives will clarify the flow of programs their inputs, the calculation of financial costs in the sections of the plan, the mechanism for implementing the programs.

Vikonov programs, state archives, organize vikonanny program visits in accordance with the river plan and promptly speak to the committee at the right of the archives. Vikonavits are entitled to responsibility for the viconn of scheduled calls at the installation line, tsіlove vikoristannya

seen costs and for the effectiveness of achieving results.

Quarterly communications are sent to the Department of Economic Development, Industry and Trade of the Kostroma Region and other bodies of the Royal Government of the Kostroma Region;

sending calls to the Federal Archive Agency.

The results of the implementation of program inputs will be included until the final information about the finalization of indicators of the main directions of development of archival records in the Kostroma region for the branch river, which is directly linked to the Federal th archival agency.

Information about robotic bags will be posted on the Committee website at the right archives of the Kostroma region.

7. Assessing the effectiveness of the program implementation

Implementation of entries Programs allow:

Improve the security of state archives, create a system of guaranteed conservation of archival funds of the Kostroma region;

Ensure the replenishment of documentary complexes of the Kostroma region with especially valuable and unique collections, special funds;

Organize a clear reception, storage and storage of documents on all types of media, including scientific and technical documentation, audiovisual, machine-readable, as well as documents from a special warehouse, to allow the implementation of the rights of efforts to remove unnecessary archival information, as well as formulate and preserve the value complex documents for future genealogical, demographic and social research;

Snake the barrel of the Elektron-Dodkom Aparas to the Archovny Zborov Kostromsko-Kosty, Shcho Vitrati Ta Vikonnnya Arkhivni Robit, the number of Termi Vikonnnya Gatei Polotiv, Nadannya, Nadanny information materials bodies of state power and local self-government, all related departments;

Implement automation of state archival collections in the Kostroma region;

Raise the current activity of archives to a higher level, supply new categories of archival documents from the scientific community for the collection of archival information in the initial process, to expand and update the topics of scientific, regional investigations, for illumination, moral and patriotic education of the population;

create solutions to ensure that communities have access to documentary information resources in the Kostroma region;

Ensure the participation of archival installations in the formation of a unified cultural and information space of the Kostroma region, the Russian Federation;

Create an effective, permanently functioning system for the promotion of qualifications of fakivtsev, which will accommodate the increase in personnel potential, assigned to the responsibilities of the assigned functions and assignments to the archive service of the region i.

To ensure the effectiveness of the program, the following indicators and indicators are used:

Name of the indicator, indicator: Acute growth (%)

Increase in the length of archival police per rahunok

equipment of the archivory of the state archives 3.1

area with current special racking


Part of the archival funds contributed before

Automated sovereign system 1.6

image "Archive Fund" and "Fund Catalog" on

The funds of the "Fund" are kept by the sovereign

archives of the Kostroma region

Increase in computer brands of current brands by 10

workers in the main warehouse of the sovereign 30.6

archives of the Kostroma region

Indicators and indicators may be updated during the implementation of the Regulation Program methodical developments and recommendations of the Federal Archive Agency, the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, legal normative documents of the Kostroma region.

At the moment, the only way to get the latest update for your Mac is to download the image from the Mac App online store.