Prog for synchronization android smartphone from PC. Synchronization of PC with Android in different ways

Golovna / Google Play

you need

  • - desktop computer or laptop;
  • - a tablet on the Android platform;
  • - wide-range access to the Internet;
  • - Oblіkovy record at the gloomy service.


Even before buying a tablet on the Android platform, create your own personal account on one of the dark services. As Android pushes the American Internet giant Google, it’s better to start an account for securing the most profitable work with a tablet yourself on Google. For whom it is necessary to go through an awkward registration procedure. To restore respect, that one oblique record allows everything to be respected Google services, And їх chimalo. Mail, YouTube video hosting, calendar, contacts, web services, including saving files from darkness, social network G+ and much more. Obov'yazkovo install on the computer and/or laptops the browser of which brand is Google Chrom. I would like to give you an impersonal advantage, including a part of synchronization. Create an entry to the oblіkovogo record for the help of your browser.

Check purchases for a tablet on the Android platform. You can either use one of the gadgets like Samsung, IconBit, Prestigio, or else. Connect to the Internet on a tablet, see your public record on Google - you already did it, remember? Install, so there is no yoga on the tablet at the package warehouse installed programs already know the Chrom browser from the desktop. For whom do you need a single tap behind the GooglePlay icon (Google App Store for Android), know there Kostless Chrome and put in yoga. Installation is simple and takes only three or more fibers. Vіdbuvaєtsya without participation koristuvach, povnіstyu automatic modeі.

Run on a Chrome tablet and go to your Google account. Like on the computer in the same browser, you caught up with the bookmarks, the stench is negligent in the Chrome browser installed on the tablet. This is a sign that the synchronization has taken place. Now the bookmarks of the tablet will be available on the computer and now. If there are sprats of outbuildings, the synchronization will touch the skin of them.

Successfully synchronized are not only the bookmarks of the computer's browser and the tablet, but the calendar entries (for the tablet є special addendum), contacts, manager, mail and more. For whom it is necessary to go into the settings of the tablet, to know your physical record and visualization of synchronization. Everything, like Bachimo, is not slick.

Even if you have a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone on the Android platform, the capabilities of Google's cloud record are becoming more and more popular. Save your contacts not in your phone memory, and moreover not on your SIM card, but in your Google public record. At this point, the telephone will break down, or I won’t make the theft until the contacts are lost. Just in the new smartphone on Android, you can see it in your account, and the contacts will appear in the new one by themselves. And you can practice with them on laptops, zaishovshi at your own record, distributed "Contacts". Here you can create new contacts, edit them already - insert a picture on the skin of them, enter additional data on the physical address and e-mail address, additional phone numbers, work space, land and more. Everything will automatically appear at the contacts of the smartphone.

Of particular interest is the search for gloomy Google services. Tse auto-entry photos captured by the camera of a smartphone or a tablet, access to them, whether it be your attachment, their processing by a photo editor and a lot more. You can tweet the most popular web software package from Google, which allows you to create and edit office documents and give other koristuvachs access to them sleeping robot with them.

Unfortunately, there are no programs similar to iTunes in Android devices, so synchronizing a PC with Android is problematic.

Android phones are good for listening to music and using your calendar to understand that you can get everything for your gadget.

Some gadgets may have their own solutions, but the basic equipment does not convey everyday possibilities. For example, HTC Hero and Motorola Devour promote the same methods of synchronization, the proteo of the blame, the lower rule. Ale navіt at the fact that stink to give the possibility of z'ednannya z PC, tsya function already oblezhena. Oscillki OS Android zastrіchaєtsya in dekіlkoh versions and vіdrіznyаієєєєєєє on raznyh models podstroїv, lower hover over the same solution that works for more of them.

Getting to work

As soon as you begin to tweak the phone, you will simply need to improve the appearance Google entry gmail. Do not need bad luck. Might give up a little bit unreasonably those who are guilty of vikoristati Nova addresses email-send just to get back on the phone, ale povirte, it's easier, lower ways. Nasamfront, register Gmail face post and call him all you can. from a PC, a calendar and other functions are possible for additional services. Everything that is promoted - Maps, Buzz, YouTube and a lot of other things - everything can be easily connected with the Android interface, so you can achieve all of these possibilities in one face record at the telephone it is rich to ask you life.

Synchronize PC with Android: Multimedia

In order to synchronize photos, music and video on your device, DoubleTwist is your shortest choice. Tsey service importing iTunes playlists, as well as automatically reformatting any kind of multimedia into the required format for the phone. The program itself is not finished enough, but it will help you to capture audio and video files on your smartphone. Keep in mind that the video, sent to iTunes, sync with the phone.

Of course, you can also copy files to microSD card. However, data transfer will not allow you to save your playlists and will not help you convert video files. DoubleTwist can help you achieve both power and PC sync with Android without downtime.


If you want to combine email with your Android device, you need to enable Gmail. Whose service is more accurate, there is no other option. If you don't choose to hack Gmail as a special email, you have to manually hack email, typing POP3, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync or IMAP, which is supported by most Android phones. Select the complete email icon on the screen and enter the data.


As soon as you create a Google Post, you can copy your contacts into the new one. To save your contacts on Google Cloud Record, you need to export them, whatever the programs you see CSV file. Synchronization of a PC with Android is possible and with other services - data can be imported from various programs.

Global solution

Іsnuє i take software security, like The Missing Sync for Android and CompanionLink for Google, the software is available only for a fee and sometimes not even cheap. Offensive services will cost you $39.95. However, it is still possible to re-synchronize Android tablet from a PC, as well as a smartphone, be it a model.

Mother access to their files, which are saved on a mobile device, from a computer - great success. Call which one you want to connect with a cable, and sometimes just transfer files on flash drives. Tse, wait, not the best way - it’s better to combine a tablet, a smartphone and a computer for help dartless sting. And to find more - not just to get together, but to synchronize, so that, be it, the changes would be saved at once by the hour. The Wi-Fi module equips the skin with a modern tablet and smartphone; Android Appliances, ale y can vikoristovuvati їх disk space like one whole.

Data synchronization

What you need to sync your Android device and PC over WiFi

To get full access to data from the Android gadget, we need that computer not so much, but ourselves:

  • the presence of a wireless mesh, up to which connection and PC, and that mobile attachment;
  • Android Sync Manager.

The organization of a dart-free mesh is a clumsy task. Ring out at the radius of the diy Wi-Fi connection mobile extension will be automatically entered, it is only necessary to enter the correct password. Dzherelom radio signal can be a Wi-Fi router or a computer equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter. Since there is no router, you can distribute the Internet from a computer, configuring the network with a song rank. For whom vicorist special programs, for example, Connectify, or manually. Information about how to create dartless tethering enough on the Internet, let's move on to the main one: how to organize the exchange of files via Wi-Fi between Win7 and Android devices.

Come on, what we will need is a two-component supplement for a PC and an Android gadget. android sync manager. The program is absolutely cost-free, supporting the Russian language, so don’t blame the everyday folds for the installations and victories. Vaughn allows you to synchronize between outbuildings absolutely be-yak_ data - vіd phone contacts before writing to the student. Use and other similar programs for Android - Wi-Fi synchronizers, but, in our opinion, the best, stable and functional.

Nalashtovuemo z'ednannya

  1. Let's take over the program. The first of the two components is launched on Android smartphones or tablets. The installation process itself should be rung, after it is completed, you will see a window with a PIN code, which will be used to access the PC.
  2. Another component of the program is installed on a computer from Windows. More nalashtuvan to fight here. After launching Android Sync Manager, you need to check the settings and know the "Reset" option. At the authorities of the day, in one of the fields it is necessary to enter a PIN code, the vision of a mobile extension. You can immediately tell the IP phone or tablet, which can also be recognized by running the mobile part of Android Sync Manager. It is not necessary to have more than one day.
  3. In order to activate the connection, if it didn’t appear automatically, click on the Wi-Fi icon on the phone screen. Attachments are synchronized with a stretch of ten seconds. Now access to files on mobile gadget can be taken from PC. Z'ednannya can be given im'ya Android I'll build it.

Interface of the head window and capability

  • The Android Space collection allows you to download and install programs on your phone directly from your computer. The system is easy to search for and sort it out to help you quickly select what you need.
  • File manager, similar to the ones that are copied on computers, allow you to move, copy and view files on your mobile device.
  • Listen to music and watch videos that are saved on Android gadgets, you can also use the main Android Sync Manager window - for the purpose of using a media player. Presence that graphic editor for photo editing. And through the tab of the program, you can use the programs installed on the mobile device.
  • Dial SMS and text messages on the virtual Android keyboard is no longer possible. For whom it is better to use the PC keyboard. You can also correct and remove notifications directly from the program.
  • You can also use MS Outlook - Android Sync Manager to allow you to synchronize with it a list of contacts and other data - a calendar, folders, as well as images from a video camera on a PC and a mobile device. The possibility of their editing is available, as well as the addition of new ones. By adjusting the synchronization, you can revise from the one-menu tab.
  • Android Sync Manager can be a little tricky - on the file you can easily find any document, contact, program and other data.
  • Viewing information through Android Sync Manager can be configured in the view list or network.

Without a doubt, the savagery of similar possibilities is easily underestimated. Ale golovne those that are the same Wi-Fi programs for Android are indispensable for backup I will give a mobile extension. Tse also fight with the Android Sync Manager. Backup master to create a safer image of the Android system on the computer installed programs the other way around, and at times nothing will be spent.

Rest hour mobile outbuildings the flooring has become low, and the variability of the flooring has become great, now rich people now have not one or two, but impersonal outbuildings in a different class, starting from simple smartphones and smart year-olds for 50 dollars and finishing with tight tablets. Everything is already cool, even if it’s possible, it’s not easy to synchronize a robot with such a large number of gadgets in an hour.


Reveal that you have two Android-smartphones, one tablet on the same Android and iPhone, which beats every hour. The first two smarts are your robot horses: one of them is a great and tight phablet, which you can easily use in a car, the other is a simple smaller device, which easily fits in the swarm of shorts and accompanies you, if you are on your own two. The tablet is at home for most of the hour, and you can read books, use the Internet and move the figures from Hitman Go.

The real style of speeches, obviously, can be different, but it’s also better to get a typical picture for a technologist, and it’s ideal for illustrating all the problems that the head of impersonal gadgets sticks to. What problems am I talking about? About the wild frontier of all your gadgets, if you need to be informed by email; about missed wikis, if call to go on that device that you have left at home; about the need to get up from the soft sofa, if you accept SMS, lying on the soft sofa with a tablet (so, all the ledari); about the need to go through the game on that device, on which you started playing in it; about the battery of a surplus gadget's booth (even if it continues to pass through a skin sheet or a reminder); about the synchronization problem Google Contacts from the iPhone.

I am going to continue, if I may be enough, to explain why I have written this article. I don’t promise that after reading it you can fix all these problems at once, or else some of them will be solved.


Google and Apple have done everything to save us the need to remember dozens of passwords and manually set the synchronization of the skin of a well-taken program. You just turn on the gadget, once you enter the data of your account - and voila, everything works, the leaves come up, the reminders are overpowered. the calendar is guessing. If you do not connect the links to your oblikovogo record, all the stinks will be automatically synchronized with the gloomy. It would be better, what more do you need?

Well, first of all, not all attachments are to blame but are fully synchronized with bad services Google, Apple and other companies. For example, on the tablet, I will again turn on whether you see synchronization. In Android, you can spawn from the menu Nalashtuvannya -> Account -> Service -> Account, in iOS - Update -> General -> Update content, and then turn on need programs(you can also re-enable synchronization with Apple services Settings -> Mail, addresses, calendars -> Push). Synchronization of programs or Chrome, obviously, can be left out, but such speeches, like Gmail or "Contacts", are not needed on the tablet. I'm sorry, the mail can be transcribed and handed over, if it's handy.

In a different way, not all of your gadgets need to be synchronized. This is the problem of the very call back and the battery drain, if the synchronization is necessary for that, it’s not necessary (for example, if you are at home and, then, your smartphones are offended). In this way, you can either turn off synchronization on one of the attachments manually, or set up a cunning scheme for automatic activation / deactivation of synchronization and others required functions about what I'll tell at the offensive split.

Thirdly, the mechanisms Google sync and Apple don't tinker. So, for example, you will not remove automatic synchronization of contacts from Google's public record on iOS, and Apple services will not be linked to an Android smartphone. On the iPhone, it’s easy to solve the problem, or by installing Google programs(Gmail, Calendar, Google+) or just adding the binding to Google account through tweaking:

  1. "Nalashtuvannya -> Mail, addresses, calendars -> Add oblikovy record".
  2. Select Google and go through standard web authentication.
  3. We select services, if we want to synchronize: contacts, mail, calendars, notes.

The method is simple and easy, and the smut - pratsyuє in the offending side. In fact, Google will be the central place for getting contacts, and iCioud will become an additional one.

If you want to take photos and files, then it's easier to use Google+ or Carusel like Dropbox. The stinks are wonderful at coping with the synchronization of photos, and the original files can, if necessary, be moved for the help of the same Dropbox or some other analogue.
However, there is one more detail here. On the right, the great Dropbox for both platforms looks a lot like a desktop client and is just a fancy webdisk looker with no automatic sync feature. In Android, this problem is easy to do with the help of the miraculous Dropsync add-on, which allows you to carry out vibratory two-way synchronization of directories behind the layout or mittevo - just like you can do it on the Dropbox desktop. For iOS, such programs cannot be used through technical exchanges, overlays by the company on third-party programs. To that it happens either to independently transfer the required files to Dropbox, or to jailbreak and perform two-way synchronization for the help of iFile, or only manually, without the possibility of mitteva synchronization.

Fourthly, the synchronization does not work when the programs are adjusted. Most of the changes don’t have the same meaning, because the mobile software has its own - all the clients of a different kind of web services, and those that work fine, call the daily updates and don’t forget. However, there is a whole class of programs that stand out like outbuildings without synchronization nalashtuvan - one flour. It’s not less than a game, but th, for example, a book-reader. software for rozrorobki dodatkіv, dodatki, linking to a phone number (hello. Whatsapp!), That and just folding software with a bagatma nalashtuvannyami.

The same mobile operating system of the "great trio" is not able to achieve synchronization between devices. And it’s absolutely right, because the skin is attached to it, it’s possible that it has its own peculiarities, and that’s how it works on a tablet, it’s unlikely that you’ll go smart year. However, with Android, we can get around this problem with the help of third-party programs. There are at least three programs that allow such organization: Titanium Backup, Helium and DataSync. With my knowledge I can say that it is correct to use only the remaining wines, which are still free of charge.
Again, install DataSync on the offensive (three, chotiri, forty-five) add-ons, let's wait to give you root permissions(And how about without them). Leaning on the main screen of one of the extensions, press + and select those programs, which may be synchronized, and press on the floppy disk icon at the bottom of the screen. So mi matimemo so the list of ranks is synchronized. To add data to these addenda to another attachment (or to the left), we press two arrows on the top of the screen, select attachments, directly synchronize and check - everything is even simpler. Synchronization is over local measure, but a possible option for import/export is to improve Google Drive or Dropbox. Of course, Android sync-> iOS is not possible.


Іz syncronization nachebto razіbralisya. Let's move on to more hardcore speeches, and to itself - an adaptive substructure of one under one. I’m guessing, our task is to get rid of the infernal chime of the outbuildings, if all the stinks are in the house, and also to set up call forwarding, so as not to miss the call. Another task can be changed even more simply either through the operator’s website (it’s a good idea to set up redirection according to the scheme “If the subscriber does not pick up the phone for ten seconds”), or in the settings of a smartphone ( Phone -> Menu -> Settings -> Calls -> Call forwarding). At this stage, before the speech, the next step is to choose “the main attachment with the main symbol”: first, from the new one, there will be a call forwarding, and in another way, the wine itself will be a working device, the booth, then all other attachments will turn on whether they are in sync into automatic mode.

Shchob nalashtuvati take automatically turn on we need Tasker. Install yoga trail on all additional outbuildings. Let's start Tasker, press +, then " Stan -> Merezha -> Connected to Wi-Fi-merezhі", drive in the SSID and press the button "Back", after the menu is pressed "New task", vkazuєmo im'ya (don't let Sync Off), natyskaєmo +, far "Merezha -> Autosync -> Reset -> Wipe", pressing two "Back".

This setting allows add-ons to automatically turn on synchronization with Google and other services, if they are connected to the device from the assigned SSID (there may be our home merezha). As a result, the whole scheme looks like this:

  • the main attachment to be synchronized with web services;
  • if you are at home, decide to turn on the synchronization and do not pick up your alarms;
  • If you are not at home with the “main” extension, you can turn on synchronization and you can accept calls to the main SIM and start forwarding.

It might be a good idea to turn on the privacy mode instead of turning on synchronization, but in version 4.2 Android does not allow it to work third-party add-ons(Our Tasker type has it), he will have to take root, put the Tasker plugin under the name Secure Settings, activate the System + module in the new one, and then call it through Tasker ( "Plugin -> Secure Settings -> System+ Actions -> Airplane Mode"). Zagalom and as a whole - not a varto skin of a vicinka.

The robot with dekіlkom outbuildings of different classes can be done manually, i tse guiding way take the best of the many worlds. Obviously, Android for the umpteenth time seems to be richly lame for Apple technology, but for the sake of justice, it can be said that Apple does not impose only its services and the iPhone is comfortably tethered to Google. More shortly, zvichayno, but we will not tie to anyone, but we will know another story.

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