Virazki and rake CSV and Excel: problems and solutions. How to open a CSV file in Excel with a coma split? How to change coding in excel

Golovna / Corisna information

csv(Comma Separated Values) – an extension of the format for storing tabular data (numerical and textual) from what looks like plain text. This file format is popular and enduring due to the fact that a large number of programs understand CSV, even though it would be an alternative file format for import / export. Moreover, the CSV format allows you to take a look at the file and easily know the problem with the data, so you can change the CSV distributor, the citation rules too. It is possible that CSV is a simple text, and you can easily comprehend it without special training.

In this article, there are smart ways and efficient ways to export data from Excel to CSV and know how to convert an Excel file to CSV, saving all the special and foreign characters without using it. The descriptions in the article are applicable to all versions of Excel 2013, 2010 and 2007.

How to Convert Excel File to CSV

It is usually necessary to export the Excel file with any other program, for example, to the Outlook address book or to the Access database, first convert the Excel file to a CSV file, and then import the file .csv to our program. Below is a detailed explanation of how to export a working Excel workbook in CSV format for the Excel auxiliary tool - “ Save the yak».

Respect: All format selections save the active excel arcush.

Exportable from Excel to CSV with encoding UTF-8 or UTF-16

If there are special or foreign symbols (tilde, voice and similar) or hieroglyphs on the Excel sheet, then the transformation of the Excel sheet into CSV cannot be described in any other way.

Right in what command Save the yak > csv(Save as > CSV) Save all characters, except ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). І yakscho on excel excel є parny paws or dovgі dashes (transferred to Excel, for example, from a Word document when copying/pasting text) - such characters will also be crossed.

  • UTF-8– less compact coding that matches for a skin character from 1 to 4 bytes. It is most recommended to convert this format if the ASCII characters are overridden in the file, because more such characters require 1 byte of memory. Another problem is that the UTF-8 file is encoded in order to avoid ASCII characters, but nothing can be done to the same ASCII file.
  • UTF-16 vikoristovuє vіd 2 to 4 b to save the skin symbol. Be careful not to save a UTF-16 file instead of leaving more space in memory than a UTF-8 file. For example, Japanese characters take up 3 to 4 bytes from UTF-8 and 2 to 4 bytes from UTF-16. In this way, it's a sense to win UTF-16, as if it were a tribute to Asian characters, Japanese, Chinese and Korean characters. This is a small amount of coding in that there is not enough money for ASCII files and you need special programs to display such files. Keep this in mind if you plan to import files from Excel elsewhere.

How to Convert Excel File to CSV UTF-8

Let's say, we may have an Excel sheet with foreign characters, but the application has Japanese names.

To export an Excel sheet to a CSV file, taking all the characters with it, we can do this:

Respect: Not all simple text editors tend to trim Unicode characters, so they can look like straight lines. For more vipadkіv tse nіyak not vpline on the sub-bag file, and you can just not use it for your own sake, or choose a bigger editor, for example, Notepad ++.

  1. Since our Unicode text file has a tab character, and we want to convert yogo to CSV (spread - Komi), then it is necessary to replace the tab characters with Komi.

Respect: There is no need to remove the file itself with the commas, but if you need a CSV file, which Excel you can understand, you can skip this, because Microsoft Excel is wonderfully aware of the files with the distributor - tabulation.

Respect: If your destination file is outside Excel and the UTF-8 format is bound to the language, then do not work on the same day changes and do not save it again in Excel, the shards can lead to problems reading coding. If some of the data is not showing up in Excel, open the same file in Notepad and correct it to the data. Remember to save the file in UTF-8 format.

How to Convert Excel File to CSV UTF-16

Exporting a CSV UTF-16 file is richer and simpler than UTF-8. On the right is that Excel will automatically freeze the UTF-16 format when saving the file as Unicode text(Unicode Text).

For whom choose a file for an additional tool Save the yak(Save as) in Excel and then in Windows Explorer, change the extension of the created file to .csv. Ready!

If you need a CSV file with either one or a little bit with which you are a distributor, replace all tab characters with either dots with which you can see it in Notepad or in any other text editor on your own choice (earlier in this statistical instruction, report as a report) .

Other ways to convert Excel files to CSV

The descriptions of the other methods for exporting data from Excel CSV (UTF-8 and UTF-16) are universal. go for robots with any special characters that you have for any version of Excel from 2003 to 2013.

Use impersonal other ways to convert data in Excel CSV format. On the other hand, there is a better solution, and the methods will not give a pure UTF-8 file as a result (it doesn’t cost to export Excel files in UTF encoding options). Ale, in a larger version of the file, which you will see, you will find the correct typing of characters, which you can easily convert to UTF-8 format with the help of a text editor.

Converting an Excel file to CSV for help Google Spreadsheets

As it turns out, you can just convert the Excel file to CSV with the help of Google Spreadsheets. For understanding that Google Drive is already installed on the computer, follow these 5 simple steps:

Porada: Although the Excel file is apparently small, to save time, you can transfer the data to a Google spreadsheet for additional copy / paste.

When finished, open the CSV file with a text editor to check that all the save symbols are correct. Unfortunately, CSV files created in this manner are not always rendered in Excel.

Save .xlsx file as .xls and then convert to CSV file

For this method, you don’t need any additional comments, so you should name everything clearly.

I know this decision on one of the forums dedicated to Excel, I don’t remember, on my own. Honestly, apparently, I didn’t victorious in any way, but, for the clues of the impersonal coristuvachiv, like special symbols to be ruined, as if to save without interruption .xlsx in .csv, but they get tired, as if on the cob .xlsx save the yak .xls, and then .csv, yak mi .

Otherwise, try this method of creating CSV files from Excel for yourself, and even if you see it, it will be a good time saving.

Save Excel file as CSV for OpenOffice help

OpenOffice is a package of programs with open source code, including an add-on to work with tables, which works wonderfully with the task of exporting data from Excel to CSV format. In fact, this program gives access to more parameters when converting tables to CSV files (encoding, distribution, and so on), lower Excel and Google Sheets at once.

Just open the Excel file from OpenOffice Calc, click File > Save the yak(File > Save as) choose the file type CSV text(Text CSV).

On the onset, it is suggested to choose the value of the parameters Coding(Character sets) Field splitter(Field delimiter). I understand that we want to create a CSV UTF-8 file from comami as retailers, then we can choose UTF-8 and write to whom (,) in the appropriate fields. Parameter rozdіlyuvach text(Text delimiter) ring out without change - paws (“). Far on the pressure OK.

In the same way for a quick and painless conversion from Excel to CSV, you can convert one program - LibreOffice. Wait a minute, it would be wonderful, like Microsoft Excel having enabled the ability to also configure the parameters when creating CSV files.

In this article, I have discussed how to convert Excel files to CSV. If you know effective methods for exporting from Excel to CSV, please tell me about it in the comments. For respect!

If you open a text file in Microsoft Word or another program (for example, on a computer, your operating system depends on the way the text is written in the file), encoding will help the program to designate, in which case it is necessary to display the text on the screen, so that yogo can be read.

Have tsіy statti

Headlines about text coding

The information that appears on the screen as a text is actually stored in a text file as a numeric value. The computer transforms the meanings into signs that are displayed, vicarious coding.

Coding - the same numbering scheme, for which skin text symbol in the set, it gives the same numerical value. Coding can replace letters, numbers and other symbols. Different movs often have different sets of symbols, which is why a lot of basic codings are recognized for displaying sets of symbols of different mov.

Different coding for different alphabets

Information about the encoding, which is taken from the text file, is converted by the computer to display the text on the screen. For example, for the encoding "Cyrillic (Windows)" to the sign "Y", the numerical value is 201. If you enter a file that will correct this character, on the computer, on which coding "Cyrillic (Windows)" is encoded, the computer reads the number 201 and display the sign "Y" on the screen.

However, if the same file is displayed on the computer, on which code is used for locking, a sign will be displayed on the screen that matches the number 201 in this code. For example, if the code "Zakhidnoevropeiska (Windows)" is encoded on the computer, the sign "Y" from the output text file based on Cyrillic will be displayed as "É", the same sign will show the number 201 in this coding.

Unicode: single coding for different alphabets

To avoid problems with encoding and decoding text files, you can save them from Unicode. Before tsgogo coding enter more signs from us mov, yakі zvuchay vikorivuyutsya on modern computers.

Word shards are based on Unicode, all files in the new one are automatically saved from this coding. Unicode files can be played on any computer with an English operating system, regardless of the text. In addition, on such a computer it is possible to save files in Unicode, which can replace characters that are not found in Western European alphabets (for example, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic or Japanese).

Select coding for the hour of the file

If the text of the creations is shown in the text of the file, or it will be displayed in the form of signs or squares, it is possible that Word has incorrectly assigned the coding. You can specify the coding, such as the following coding to display (decode) the text.

    Open tab File.

    Select item Parameters.

    Select item Dodatkovo.

    Go to distribution Zagalni and install an ensign Confirm the conversion of the file format at the time of the release.

    Note: As the ensign is installed, the Word displays the dialogue box File conversion with a skin tone file in the format, a text file in the Word format (that file, which may have the extension DOC, DOT, DOCX, DOCM, DOTX or DOTM). If you often work with such files, if you don't need to choose the encoding, don't forget to turn on this parameter so that the dialog does not appear.

    Close and re-open the file.

    At the dialogue window File conversion select item Coding text.

    At the dialogue window File conversion install jumper Insha and choose the required coding from the list.

    In the region Zrazok

Even if all the text looks the same (for example, it looks like squares or dots), it is possible that the required font is not installed on the computer. At this time, you can install additional fonts.

To install additional fonts, add this:

    Press button Start and choose an item Control panel.

    Click one of the hover below.

    Windows 7

    1. Viewing programs.


    For Windows Vista

      Select a section on the panel Viewing programs.

      In the list of programs, click Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word, as well as the installation code for the Microsoft Office package, and press the button Change.

    For Windows XP

      On the keying panel, click the element Installed and deleted programs.

      Add to list Installed programs Press Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word, which is the same as the installation code for Microsoft Office, and press the button Change.

    At the group Change your Microsoft Office installation press the button Add or remove components and then press the button Continue.

    In retail Installation parameters fire element Home Office, and then - Bagatomovna pidtrimka.

    Select the required font, click the arrow to order from it and select the item Run from my computer.

Porada: When a text file is entered in the same Word encoding, the fonts specified in the dialog box are selected Web document options. (Schob to call the dialogue window Web document options, press Microsoft Office button, then press Word Options and choose a category Dodatkovo. In retail Zagalni press the button Web document options.) For additional parameters on deposit fontty dialog box Web document options You can tweak the font for skin coding.

Select coding for the hour of saving the file

If you do not select the encoding for the file's saving time, Unicode will be changed. As a rule, it is recommended to use Unicode, shards of wines to support more symbols and more mov.

If the document is planned to be used by the program, if it does not support Unicode, you can choose the required encoding. For example, in an English operating system, you can create a Chinese document (traditional sheet) with the Unicode variant. However, if such a document is to be used by a program that supports Chinese language, but does not support Unicode, the file can be saved in "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" encoding. As a result, the text will be rendered correctly when the document is read in a program that supports Chinese language (traditional sheet).

Note: Since Unicode is the most recent standard, some texts may not be displayed when the text is saved in other encodings. It is acceptable, for example, that a document in Unicode should be written in Hebrew and Russian in Cyrillic. If you save the file in the "Cyrillic (Windows)" encoding, the Hebrew text will not be displayed, and if you save it in the "Hebrew (Windows)" encoding, then the Cyrillic text will not be displayed.

How to choose a standard coding, which does not support the same symbols in the file, Word recognize their chervonim. Before saving the file, you can look over the text of the selected encoding.

When the file is saved, the encoded text shows the text for which the Symbol font is selected, as well as the field code.

Select coding

    Open tab File.

    In the field file name enter a name for the new file.

    In the field File type wrap Great text.

    How to appear dialogue window Microsoft Office Word, press the button Continue.

    At the dialogue window File conversion Choose the correct coding.

    • To change the default coding, select a parameter Windows (per lock).

      To enable MS-DOS coding, select a parameter MS-DOS.

      To install another coding, install a jumper Insha and select the required item from the list. In the region Zrazok you can look over the text and revise, which is correct in the selected coding.

      Note: In order to increase the area for displaying the document, you can change the size of the dialogue window File conversion.

    As if there was a message "The text, visions of chervonim, it is impossible to save correctly with the chosen coding", you can choose another coding or set the ensign Allow sign substitution.

    As the substitution of symbols is allowed, symbols that cannot be imagined will be replaced by the nearest equivalent symbols in the selected encoding. For example, the speck is replaced by three dots, and the apex legs are straight.

    Since the chosen coding has no equivalent signs for symbols seen in red colors, the stench will be saved as a by-context (for example, as power signs).

    If the document is displayed in the program, in such a text it will not be transferred from one row to the next, you can change the number of rows. For whom to establish an ensign Insert expand rows that you need to specify the value of the layout (carriage rotation (CR), row shift (LF) or offensive value) at the field Complete rows.

Poshuk koduwan available from Word

Word rozpіznaє kіlka kіlka koduvanya and pіdtrimuє koduvannya, scho enter the system software warehouse.

Below is a list of scripts and koduvans (coded sides) associated with them.

Writing system


The font to win


Unicode (UCS-2 big-endian, UTF-8, UTF-7)

Standard font for style "Direct" localized version of Word


Windows 1256, ASMO 708

Kitaiska (slip sheet)

GB2312, GBK, EUC-CN, ISO-2022-CN, HZ

Chinese (traditional leaf)



Windows 1251, KOI8-R, KOI8-RU, ISO8859-5, DOS 866

English, Western European and others, based on Latin

Windows 1250, 1252-1254, 1257, ISO8859-x



Shift-JIS, ISO-2022-JP (JIS), EUC-JP


Wansung, Johab, ISO-2022-KR, EUC-KR


Indian: Tamil

Indian: Nepalese

ISCII 57002 (Devanagari)

Indian: Konkani

ISCII 57002 (Devanagari)

Indian: Hindi

ISCII 57002 (Devanagari)

Indian: Asam

Indian: Bengali

Indian: Gujarati

Indian: Kannada

Indian: Malayalam

Indian: Oriya

Indian: Marathi

ISCII 57002 (Devanagari)

Indian: Punjabi

Indian: Sanskrit

ISCII 57002 (Devanagari)

Indian: Telugu

    For the selection of Indian movs, it is necessary to have the support in the operating system and the presence of the appropriate OpenType fonts.

    For Nepalese, Asamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, this oriya is available only in a substandard tone.

Indeed, food is not as trivial as it may seem at first glance. The CSV format, as it stands out for its name, can be used as a distributor as a Komi symbol (,). However, a lot of software and services allow substitutions of other characters. Before these, you can see MS Excel, especially how to go about the Russified yoga version. In this article, I want to solve the problem of exporting a CSV file to an export with Google Webmaster Tool in MS Excel. Vtim, the topic is relevant and for other options.

  • Problem with exporting push queries (software) from Google webmaster
    • Problem with coding
    • Rozdіlyuvach coma in CSV
    • Those who helped
  • P_vedemo p_bags

Software export issue with Google Webmaster

Bagato who wins for us Google tool for webmasters only for adding to the site. This is wrong, there is a lot of basic information here, for example, a list of search requests, for some kind of coristuvachi you know and go to the site. To marvel at the sound: Poshukovy traffic > Poshukovy requests- In front of the site you want to add to the list.

Here you can also export data in CSV format, with the possibility of yogo input in Google Spreadsheets (online analogue of Excel). Joke the button " Take advantage of the table". To the point, the number of inquiries that appear on the side do not contribute to the totality of the export of data.

The problem is that the CSV file has a Komi distributor and UTF-8 encoding. So go to Google Spreadsheets, replace the Cyrillic alphabet, and take away the input.

In other words, we need to change the encoding to ANSI. And in order to display the CSV file in Excel, replace the Komi distributor (,) with a spotted symbol (;).

CSV with coma sharer in UTF-8

Problem with coding

Easier to verse coding problem. For whom you can hack a text editor with the same function, for example Notepad ++. You can get yoga free of charge on the official website: Next, start the editor and open our CSV file in the new one, and then click on the menu item “ Coding and change for the needs, tobto. paragraph " Convert to ANSI».

I have a reverse process in the picture of the testimony: converting from ANSI to UTF-8 - but, I think, you mentioned it yourself, but the principle is the same.

Rozdіlyuvach coma in CSV

Now what's the deal Komi retailer. In fact, Google Sheets doesn't need to change anything. That th in the English version of MS Excel can be copied, reversed. Tim is not less, as if you need a replacement, then here you should lie, just replace someone (,) with a mottled symbol with someone (;) don’t see it, because the file may have a value that can replace this symbol. The stinks ring out at the paws. For example:

value, 1, "value, with whom",

In theory, here you can help to fix the Windows operating system itself: Start > Control Panel > Language and Regional Standards. On the “Format” tab, press the button “ Change the format.»At the end of the day, on the "Numbers" tab, replace " Expanding the elements in the list» on the necessary, tobto. the symbol of a dot with a coma (;) is minus on a coma (,) .

Truthfully, it didn’t work out for me. That minyati nalashtuvannya operating system, like on me, right is not fertile. Prote, having shown the variant of the solution to the problem, because on more specialized forums, they ask themselves for something new.

Those who helped

Unfortunately, I don't know how to process additional files from extensions.csv in MS Excel. Tim is not smaller, it is possible to convert, but only in that case, in order to change the extension of the file, for example, txt. So how do you change the file extension and open it in Excel.

The window “Master of texts (import)” will appear. Here you can choose the output data format, cob row for import and file encoding (We need 1251: Cyrillic). Before speech, why would it be necessary to change the coding, if it can be chosen in the master? Because the UTF-8 encoding, take it from me, is not here. Click the button " Dali».

At the next stage, we can choose a symbol-rozdiluvach, moreover, a sprat. Put a tick " coma» and uncheck the « tab character". You can also select the symbol of the border line here. The one that wins for the meaning, which have special characters (podvyny paws, coma, mottled with a coma, new row, etc.). Option from the underfoot, in my mood, tse those that are required. Give respect to the field "Analysis of data", the data became a table. Click the button " Dali».

At the rest of the stage, you can specify the format of these stovpts, although the choice here is not great: bold (for locking), text, date and skip the stovpets. The remaining option seems to me to be the same, because allows you to once turn off inappropriate things. Just choose the appropriate word and press for the new option " skip the step". Click the button " Ready».

Excel will create a table for us, we can set the width of the columns and the format of the middle, but we already know another story. I’ll add more that the problem is with the recognition of the children themselves.

Online service for normalizing CSV files

Vtіm, all vikladenі problems vіrishuє simple online service Normalization CSV. Vin allows you to change the coding of that retailer symbol. The truth is 64 000 bytes (Skіlki tse in Kb?) for a privatized file, but CSV-files should be important not too rich, maybe vistachiti. The result of the processing will be displayed as a normal text file, which can be saved with the .csv extension.

Before the word, the script converts the value of the width, for example: 95% - the value is required for the "width" in Excel, that is. divisible by 100 and take the floating point number, for example: 0.95. How else do you need something like a transformation: write, try to do it again.

Well, if you are not in control of the online service, you can always follow the instructions given above.

P_vedemo p_bags

These online services enable data export in simple and manual CSV format. How to yell at the name, transfer the name as a distributor of the Komi symbol (,). However, a lot of additions interpret this format in a reasonable way, which leads to legitimate problems. Until then, more and more popular is UTF-8 encoding, at that time, like Excel or Google Tables, ANSI.

To solve the problem with coding, for example, Notepad ++, and in order to solve it with a retailer, it is enough to change the file extension to .txt and speed it up with Excel text master. Tue, all tsі zavdannya zdatnі vіrishiti cost-free online service. Normalization CSV, True, varto vrahuvati yogo obmezhennya on obsyag file, scho zavantazhuєtsya. On whom I have everything. Thanks for the respect. Success!

about 19:44 Change your reminder 16 comments

With the need to change the coding, the text often sticks to the text, as it works in browsers, text editors and processors. Tim is no less, and when working in an Excel spreadsheet processor, such a need can also be vindicated, even if the program processes not only numbers, but also text. Let's figure out how to change the coding in Excel.

Lesson: Microsoft Word coding

Coding the text - the purpose of typing electronic verses, which are transformed into understandable symbols for the koristuvach character. I have a rich vision of coding, the skin has its own rules for this language. In the meantime, the program recognizes a specific language and translates it into understandable signs (letters, numbers, other symbols) for a typical person, so that the program can work with a specific text. Among the popular text codings, you can see the following:

  • Windows-1251;
  • KOI-8;
  • ASCII;
  • ANSI;
  • UKS-2;
  • UTF-8 (Unicode).

The rest of the name is the widest middle coding in the world, shards are considered a kind of universal standard.

Most of the time, the program itself recognizes the coding and automatically switches to it, but in a few modest cases, it is necessary to indicate an addendum її looking. Only then it is possible to correctly parse with encoded characters.

The biggest number of problems with decryption of coding in Excel occurs when trying to open files in CSV or export files in txt. Often, the replacement of capital letters when reading these files through Excel can lead to misunderstood characters, so called “crazy”. In these cases, it is necessary to perform sing manipulations in order for the program to start correctly displaying the data. Іsnuє kіlka ways іv vіrishennya tsієї problem.

Method 1: change coding for help Notepad++

It's a pity, there is no other tool that allows you to change the coding in any type of text in Excel. That is why, in these purposes, to bring victorious rich solutions, or to go to the aid of third-party supplements. One of the best ways is to use the Notepad++ text editor.

Irrespective of those that are based on the most third-party software, it is one of the simplest options for transcoding instead of Excel files.

Option 2: stowing the Maistra of texts

In addition, it is possible to remake even with the help of the tools of the program, and the Maistra of texts herself. It's not surprising that the use of this tool is more complicated, less complicated by a third-party program, described in the previous method.

Method 3: saving the file from the sing coding

The situation is turned around, if the file is not required to be entered with the correct data, but saved with the installed coding. In Excel, you can visconate and tse zavdannya.

The document is stored on a hard disk or portable in code, as you have designated yourself. But it is necessary to be careful that now the documents, saved in Excel, will be saved in this coding. In order to change it, to happen again to go to the window "Web Document Options" that minyati nalashtuvannya.

Use another way to change the coding of the saved text.

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