Program for russification of programs. Bezkoshtovnі Russifiers. How to transfer the Android add-on to my needs in automatic mode

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How to transfer the program to Russian language?

Master's note:

It's a pity that most of the software for PC is written in English language. I don’t care about those that are miracle programs of Russian mine, the problem of Russification remains relevant.

As the interface of the necessary program for typing English language, it can be Russified. It is necessary to go to the Internet and enter the name of the necessary program in a row for a joke. Surely, with such a problem, not only Vi, and who knows more of the same mind, is more likely to know the necessary Russifier. Іsnuє navit special service"Mail Vidpovidi", there you can see a lot of similar meals.

Go from the main menu to About, where you can find out the version of the program. Let's get a russifier, which suits itself well for your version, other people simply won't be ugly. Versions of faults exactly match one to one, tk. be-yaka dribna rozbіzhnіst bred to zboyu roboti utilities. Instructions are added to the russifier, for help, it can easily be installed with the installation. There are two ways to install: first, if the necessary files are copied from the internal folder of the program to another, when you specify the expansion of the main program. Wart respect, the deakies of Russifiers can be carriers of viruses, to that, when entangled, it is recommended to seriously check them for help with the antivirus, and more shortly, more than once. Let's restart the program. Even when the program is launched, the system sees a pardon, otherwise the letter part is displayed incorrectly, for which reason it screams, but the Russifier is still not correct. Try repeating the listings above with a different version. As for your Russifier program is not known, don't be embarrassed, you can always use an online translator. It is possible to translate from google, it will please you with its swidcode.

(Editor's choice for "resources" localization)
To make changes to the program, Russify, localize (as it will be good), first of all, it is necessary to know what resource the program needs to edit, to select an editor, for help you can get into the middle of the file and "dig" yoga. Such impersonal ones, but I’m ahead of it, there are only “mine” on the site.
As for me, it was the simplest for understanding and at the same time functional:
(I will not go into their descriptions, because all the stench is Russified and in robots is simple YAK RAKE :-) PASSOLO v4.0.004 rus 3,9 Mb (my folder)
  • Not without pride - the installer is especially special. From the fact that far away "nariti" at the merezhі. (Gi-i-i...)

  • PASSOLO v5.0.005 Russian Edition 9.93 Mb (my folder)
    New release of the unique "Russifier"! Oh i "screwed up" in qiu new version"hans burghers" :-)
  • I am renewing my first searches. New Russian version + Russian Dovidka (based on Russifier I. Botvin)
    Feel free to forget about my installer v4.0.004rus !!!
    - For consideration: official "demo-version" 24.3 Mb + 4.4 Mb russifier I. Botvin (greatly for the people of DYAKU, for the russification of the program and navit Dovidki). Well, I won’t guess about “for registration” on the background of 30 meters.

  • - So scho virishuy himself - swing chi nі.
  • The program is recognized for localization (russification) of programs (more precisely, their resources) AUTOMATICALLY, for prepared dictionaries (glossaries)...
    ... stop ... stop ... - it doesn’t mean that it’s a kind of “teapot” to install and begin to Russify everything.
    - Ready-made dictionaries (for PASSOLO) created by NyBumBum's luminaries, based on Microsoft dictionaries (lower definition).
    & Nbsp NB! "dummies"- With help, it is possible to translate only "hard" formulas: "Vіdkriti-Closing-Copying-Vidality" and іn. Translating the specific program vimagatime of the presence of a "special" dictionary into a translation old version, Analogous programs, otherwise you will have to translate everything with "handles", and then later you can save your own glossary. Z'yazovanno?

    Calm ... calm ... (quiet koristuvachiv who already knows the program).
    - I'm not talking yet about її perevagi!
    - (Once) it is not necessary to spend an hour on "reticking" and without that all sensible phrases, such as "Open-Close-Copy-Paste" and in.
    - (two) a lot of programmers not considering the originality for the description of pardons vicorist standard words from the "white" dictionary (therefore, the ignorant earlier entries in rows 3-4) will be translated by ONE push of the "auto-transfer" button.
    - (Three) the program does not just open a resource for translating, but creates a LIST of rows, which are possible for translating (here the "teapots" sound caressing at the bottom), and for everyone else you understand why - POVNISTTYu turn off the possibility of "nakosoriziti" - clean up or destroy the rows.
    - (chePIRI) as if you were already "overwhelmed" as if from a program and є bazhanya ganyatyatsya for її updates, so that you can create an okrem glossary (dictionary), for forgiveness, I will translate new versions - by selecting a row - pressing "auto-translation" and the row will be translated "by - image and like", which is taken from your dictionary in the form of previous versions.
    - (p'yat) є Russian and English spell checkers - for spelling and correct translation. Well, if I know the author’s Russian language, I’ll translate it into a better one ... m-m-m richly shorter and in the word “shche” there are 4 ashipka (“ischo” ;-)
    ... It was exhausting ... As if you were right - get excited and get to know this masterpiece yourself.

    Synthesizer for Russification v2.0 rus 1.3 Mb
    Universal translation resources for Russian programs

  • A program for auto-translation, and you yourself "teach" new words and phrases for the sake of simplicity.
    - Change the resource (*.rc) for the translation from the program editor (eg ResHacker), the program translates it after preparing the dictionary, after which the editor replaces the resource with translations from the required file.
    - If її works, it is necessary to OBOV'YAZKOVO to change the translation (you can change the commands).
  • Stage #2

    (Vlasne localization, editing "resources")
    Dali "techniques" on the right, more precisely the obviousness of the right hour, sit and diligence - the editor needs the file, you know the resource for translating and go ahead - change the hated English letters to "I call Cyrillic".
  • Note "dummies"! Shift everything in a row, so that it’s not possible to fall into a hand naturally, but rather dialog box, menu bookmarks and "heidi" - splicing tips. Firstly, because of too much enthusiasm, the teams are shifting :-) Even a penny is the price of such a russifier - the program does not work, but only often.

  • I’m sure you’re not a “boy-teapot” and shriveled with Auto-translators like PROMT, Google, Socrates and more - you won’t stupidly change rows to that abracadabra, low-mindedness, and most often stupidity, typing phrases that come out of the pen of Autotransliterators.
    Honor yourself - try to formulate the text in a way that makes sense and understands!

    Otzhe, final - Stage No. 3

    (The creation of a Russifier patch)
    A patch is being created, a kind of "update", so that changes can be made in the English version of the program for an hour of reinstallation, or on the computer of another koristuvach.   Vymagaє tsya procedure, on vіdmіnu vіd vіd vіd protsess russifіkatsії, lich kіlka khvilin. Specify a folder with "old-outdated" files and "new-Russian", give the name of the patch that is being prepared, press the "OK" button and CЄ... in English versions.

    Patch Wise free v3.29 rus 2.5 Mb
      There is only one, from the category of those without cats, or rather, "one" SAMA-SAMA, in this category.
    It's simple:

  • we vindicate our customization, graphics and other "beautifulness"
  • vkazuєmo "old" and "new" folders of programs that are Russified
  • embossed "OK"...
  • Let's get some kava...
  • The Russifier patch is ready!

  • Note!- On the view of the Restaurateur - this patcher is significantly more visible behind the step of squeezing the file that is being prepared, and plus you can change it all together not in one file, but in the same file, and in other folders- It is permissible to patch a file in the root folder, a couple of dll-ok from child folders, add a Russian version, and include a nasamkinets new file"bonus", or be it another "gag".

    Qi patchers have given me less accommodating:

    Clickteam Patch Maker v1.2g rus 500 Kb
    The essence of the analogous - porіvnyannya vihіdnih and change directories and creation of a single file.
    - You can edit the directories and subdirectories, so that you can make changes to the existing files
    - You can work records and make changes to the Register
    - You can make changes to the upper *.dll - as the library at the time of changing the task, then the changes will be broken when reloading

    Note!- I don't reserve, so I don't create "vidkat" of changing files and directories!

    Visual Patch Express v1.0.0 rus 1.5 Mb (I DO NOT RECOMMEND)
      Behind the description of the Authors - nachebto like a patcher...
    - Maybe I'm not so sensible, I didn't understand, I didn't understand, I wanted to try different options and try again.

    - Having spit, calmed down, angry here and no longer fawning over him.


    Programs for translating the text for ready-made dictionaries
    Podіlyayutsya stink on offline pratsyuyuchi (mayut vlasnі vbudovanі vocabularies-templates) and programs that require Internet connection for robots, because typing for translating online glossaries. Samy rozpovsyudzheny, you can say "monster-monster" tse very well ™PROMT. I know him, take care of everything, ALE I don’t like yoga and “here I’ll say” only about my favorites:

    Socrates Personal v4.1 rus 5.8 Mb
    English-Russian and Russian-English Translating from one movie into Russian.

  • Today is a pershopid worker, with one of the numerical army of Translaters, with his own autonomous dictionaries, recklessly practicing from the distant 2000s.
  • Especially less wines, like before, should be the most, for which I had a chance to show off - PROMT Prof, Pragma, Word Magic Prof, Abby Lingvo and others.
    - Auto-translation in both directions, like okremikh slіv, so і all the selected text for the dictionary.
    - Select the required text, copy it, click on the program icon to sit in the tray - open a panel with two windows, in one of them, insert the text from the buffer, and in the other, prepare the translation of my own.
  • Programs or games are randomly developed based on the specifics of their choice in the singing region of the world. For the same reason, such a product can have a mother interface, and it can be financed exclusively by foreign languages. Adzhe not leather koristuvach can boast of a thorough knowledge of tієї and English. What is the job of this guy? Here, to help and come, a program for Russification of programs for navit operations. To create such a program or to take advantage of the Internet is even simpler.

    What is a program for Russification of program systems

    Just talk about those that are similar programs, as a rule, named Russifiers, you can mentally divide them into sprat types. Nasampered, tse special movnі packages, as supplied by the retailer in the kit with the main software, or additional utilities, available for zavantazhennia from the Internet, or third party programs, which already created kimos or allow the Russifier to create himself.

    For their principles, the robots do not particularly stink. Ale skin program for russification of programs, igor chi systems may have its own peculiarities and vіdminnі risi.

    Principles of work and russifiers

    It is important that the main task of any Russifier is to change the language graphic interface programs or operating systems, naming menus and commands, etc. computer games we can only expand the understanding, we need to translate the shards in them with the Russian my own dialogue, presented by the viewer sound files, otherwise subtitles, which are vikoristovuyutsya in grі.

    As a rule, be it a program for Russian programs, you can change the compiled files in the EXE or CHM type, dynamic DLL those other specific formats, from which information can be saved, which helps to translate.

    What is more, such a program for Russification programs, like CHM Editor, allows you to change new files from different sources in the service tools, moreover, without requiring additional data for additional, say, the Disassembler program after recompiling the work. In addition, you can create a Russifier yourself, without going into the technical aspects of all processes. If it doesn’t work for a bagged file, you can easily copy the original.

    Vzagali, as if vikoristovuvati bezkoshtovnі rusifikatori (already ready programs), a little more respect for those who stinks are supplied in kits with the software product. Call, tse special movnі packages, zvanі Language Pack.

    Since there is no such package, the solution can be found in the Internet, there are examples of anonymous similar utilities, as they are not only freely available by the retailers of that chi software product, and help the creations by enthusiasts. Well, it’s true, there are some nuances here, about yaks it’s said below.

    Russification of Igor

    Unfortunately, the Russian language is correct popular games We are sick in the computer world. Mostly you can use an absolutely incorrect translation. The menu of that command, as a rule, calls to shout, and the axis of the sound dubbing often fills up with the shortest.

    Here you need an official and unofficial program for Russification of Igor. What do you care best option There will be a search, so bi-movie, a solid software, in a complete set of such an original russifier or an additional modern module. Let’s have some kind of a head of the varto zrobiti “backup”, and then we’ll take care of the installation of the Russian language.

    Even more often deyaki pardons, unremembered at the cob stages, can appear more high equals. It is not recommended to make a backup copy, the shards, as a rule, the installation of a Russifier is an irreversible process.

    Russification of applied programs

    With applied software products on the right, it is a little simpler in terms of replacing only files here to clean up the text. Most of the stench takes up to a few tens of megabytes on the disk. If you want to take advantage of it, it will be less necessary text files Russification, Crimea main EXE-file. Head of to this particular type zvoditimetsya only until the change original files with the text in new (Russified) language, to slander a lot of non-costly Russifiers.

    You may not always know the original versions, this is mostly done by the enthusiasts themselves. The axis of this is often possible to learn a few versions of Russifiers of one and the same software product. I want to take the situation with the Russian interface of the popular sequencer FL Studio.

    Russification of Windows

    As for the operation of the Windows family, here are also some of the main ways to completely Russify the interface.

    First of all, at the end of the day, choose a movie in the process of installing the system. I realized that the Microsoft corporation turns on the back of its product rich in the world. Everything is simple here: it is necessary to indicate everything cob lashings vikoristannya russian language, but most of the vipadkiv tse is not necessary, oskolki we have practically all installed distribution kits even russified.

    As for the koristuvach, it's a clean version of Windows, let's say, it's licensed to win in the US, it's out. The same "relatives" of third-party Russifiers are not needed here.

    It is necessary to change the standard "Control Panel" instead, deselect the Region and Language item, and then select the Language and Keyboards menu. Dali just need to add language (Russian). When prompted, the Install Display Languages ​​command is selected and the installation method is Run windows update, in which the transition to move package Windows Language Packs. Confirmation of choice and check for completion of the process. Again, go to the Language and Keyboards menu and select the required language. In order to change the chivalry, it will be necessary to re-engage the system.

    However, in the simplest way, it is very important for anyone to use the Vistalizator utility, as it does not need to be installed (portable version). You can get it from the retailer's website absolutely free of charge. In addition, it is necessary to take advantage of the Russian package. After the launch as an addendum, just select the required language for Windows systems and indicate the way to the Russifier's zavantage file. Everything works without re-advancement.

    Russification of mobile systems

    Programs for Russification of telephones have long ceased to be over the top. Today you can see just a great number. However, it is not necessary to hurry up with these zastosuvannyam, especially as the stench of the vanity from the nenadiya dzherel. For example, the same program for Russification "Android" may not be needed in a flash, even retailers of mobile technology often already lay at the possibility of their gadgets from the OS center on board the Russian language library.

    In the simplest way of Russification, you can change the settings (Settings) at the main menu, deselect the Languages ​​and Keyboards item, and then the system language (System Language). Here, the Russian language is simply displayed. Axis, vlasne, and that's it.

    Another river, like a Russian nudge. AT Play market you can download the MoreLocale 2 utility, after installing it, you just need to select the language you need (for our Russian language). After approximately 10 seconds, the system will be fully Russified.

    Creation of Russifier manually

    Zrozumilo, you can create a Russifier yourself. About one program has already been mentioned. ale axis the best appendage for all types of files, the Restorator program is required.

    It is even simpler for vikoristan, russified patch files may have a minimum volume, before that they are time-based (as you don’t need stench, you can easily see them). Ta th backup copies it is not necessary to create original files. Vtіm, rozіbratisya z ієyu program is possible for kіlka khvilin.

    What you need to know before installing a Russifier

    Nasamkinets varto means that not all Russifiers practice absolutely correctly. It is especially manifested in games and applied software. Therefore, before installing the russifier, it is necessary to reconsider, that the insurance policy itself is on that version, as it is on the computer, or mobile gadget. In a different way, not only a russifier, but also an addendum, for any kind of restorations, you simply won’t work. In addition, the main program "fly", that happens to be engaged in reinstallation.

    In this lesson, you will learn how to quickly, how to manually transfer the apk addendum Android. This lesson is for the continuation of the Encyclopedia for editing apk. And so you already know:

    At this school, you will have a butt of Pereklad apk addenda. Let's do it!

    Theoretical information about translating apk

    After that, how did you decompile the programs. Navigate to the RES folder

    Do you know the folders with the values ​​files (values ​​-en or other prefixes)

    Given folders and localizations with different language

    To Russify the apk program, you need to create a folder values-ru (case letter important!) dad's res

    Navigate to the values ​​folder (without different consoles, -ru, -en) and copy the files strings.xml and also a file arrays.xml u folder values-en

    Required tools for translating apk

    1. How to translate for help NotePad ++

    After that, they installed the program, it is necessary to correct the correction, and change the coding format itself

    2. How to translate for help aiLocalizer

    Get aiLocalizer and install

    3. How to translate for help TranslatorAPK

    Download TranslatorAPK and unpack

    Translation of apk attachments

    How to translate apk for help NotePad ++

    Create folder values-ru and copy files from folder values strings.xml and yakscho є arrays.xml.

    Open the strings.xml file in Notepad ++ and Russian APK, translating yoga yourself

    how you chantedly understood to translate the necessary words before “> to

    After that, the file was Russified strings.xml save mothers and go to Russification arrays.xml.

    After Russification apk, you can compile the program back and sign it.

    The Danish method is not particularly easy and long, since the number of cross rows can reach from 2 to 20,000.

    To that varto zavgu respect for іnshi zasobi transfer apk.

    How to translate apk for help aiLocalizer

    After decompiling the program, open the aiLocalizer program

    Select the folder of the transferred programs by pressing the Browse button

    Create the necessary localization

    See all or necessary rows and translate them by pressing the Auto Translate button

    If you translate inaccuracies before you save the project. Don't forget to edit the file too arrays.xml

    You can compile the program back and sign it. Apk moved.

    How to translate apk for help TranslatorAPK

    This program TranslatorAPK can decompile and compile by itself apk programs, so you can not win with other programs.

    Today's range of add-ons for outbuildings operating system Android on board, promoted online Google store Play Market to finish a great one, so that without special problems we could know here those that we need.

    However, dosi rich programs, and especially - new items that are announced here can not boast of being translated into all the main language of the world, without seeming already about a lesser expansion of the language. Today I want to tell you about simple way fix this situation.

    Be aware of those, how to shift be-yak android supplement practical be my light in automatic mode, without the participation of a koristuvach.

    Of course, for whom you will need to work ahead to prepare your own, I will build it, which is guilty of advancing the attack:

    Availability of Root access

    Xposed Framework Embeds

    Operating system: Android 5.0 or higher

    Activation of the program installation mode from unknown devices.

    methodi taking root you will find on the forums related to your smartphone or tablet model. About those that use the Xposed Framework and how to install it on a smartphone or a tablet, you can read it in this material, and you can activate the installation mode from unknown devices in the menu of the main settings of the system of your add-on, in the "Safety" section.

    How to transfer Android apps to my needs in automatic mode

    1. Run Xposed Installer, and in the main menu, where the left edge of the display hangs, select the item "Search modules"

    2 . In the window, press the button next to the largest warehouse on the toolbar of the program and type Alltrans in the input field. Click on the result of the search and select the best (be it different) version of the module.

    3. Once the module is installed, you will need to activate yoga. It is possible to expand it in the distribution of the "installed" Xposed Installer programs by putting the icon in the name of a well-engineered module. To complete the installation, reinstall the attachments.

    4. After re-advancement, you will know that the icon will appear in the program panel of your smartphone or tablet AllTrans. Start yoga.

    View the main window of the attack module with three tabs:

    On the first of them, under the name "Programs for translating," you need to select from the translation of the programs installed on your extension, and those of them, as if they were translating.

    On the other tab "Global parameters" you will find a list of module settings. Here you need to reconsider, that the module of notifications (the most important switch in the list), insert the mov (or move) for whatever you need to translate the programs (the “Translation from the movie” item), the mov to the yak needs to be translated (the “Transfer to the mov” item), I'll change the system to vibrati.

    5 . To select the transfer system, install the jumper at the “Uvіmk.” opposite to the item "Vykoristovuvaty Yandex zamіst Microsoft". For some reason, you can tweet the Microsoft translations, but if you do, you will need to provide your number credit cards, Pay for what, vtіm, it's not necessary.

    6 . Enter Yandex prepay key

    In order to take the Yandex subscription key, go to your address and enter your Yandex data (register as you don't have one).

    Place a check next to the "I have read the User Agreement and agree to the terms of service." and click the "Get API Key" button:

    Copy the text of the key from the Yandex site and paste it into the input field, which appears when clicking on the AllTrans menu item with the name "Yandex subscription key".

    That's all, you have set up AllTrans, and you can be welcomed: now your smartphone or tablet is automatically transferred by the programs from these movies, as you have set in the settings of AllTrans for the language you need.

    It goes without saying that I’ll translate when I’m far away from the fact that we can propagate a person’s translations today, but all the same, it’s much better, lower razbiratisya in an addendum, to an unknown person who doesn’t know me my own.

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