Real ways, how to popovnit voice at VK. Vote on VKontakte How to top up the balance in a contact

Golovna / Usunennya malfunctions

You may need a small amount of preparation for a rahunka, so that you can purchase gifts (div.), stickers (div.), or other goods on vkontakte.

Now I'll show you how to put pennies in vk. Let's take a look at the main payment methods.

Domestic currency

How to put pennies on the account of VKontakte

Show your side and go to the menu "My settings". Here we go to the "Payments" tab.

Here you can see how many pennies є on your rahunka - once from the designated number of votes for the internal exchange rate.

Now we press the button "Rebalance". We have a form in which payment options will be available.

  • Bank card
  • Written off from the rahunka mobile phone
  • Electronic pennies
  • Payment terminals

You need to choose which payment method you will choose. After that, click on the new list.

Let's take a look at the process of paying with a bank card. We press this point.

If only a penny will go to your account.

Video lesson: how to put pennies on the Vkontakte account

Social merezhi already richly rokiv є nevid'єmnoy part of everyday life. Most of them nada impersonal tsikavih paid services. Price and gifts, advertising, donation online games, and a lot more. At the skin social measures its profits according to the internal currency. If the American Facebook has credits in the currency, then in the Russian VK the voices are victorious.

What is the voice of VK and why do you need the stench?

  • gifts
  • Stickers
  • Donations for donations
  • Various additional services

In order to know how many votes on the official record are known at the moment, it is necessary to go to "Parameters" → "Payments and transfers". Storinka "The camp of a special rahunka", which it was said, to remind, like a lot of domestic currency can be at its own order koristuvach.

  • From a bank card
  • From the cell phone
  • Through the terminal
  • 3 popular payment systems
  • Special propositions

You can top up your account in the first way with an additional bank card MasterCard, Visa, Maestro or World. For whom it is necessary to go to the bank account and select the required amount of currency. Then, enter the data of your card at the window and confirm the operation, automatically according to the rules of social security.

It’s easy for someone to think about it, how to popovnit voice VK over the phone - it’s easy to do it. It is enough to select the “Mobile phone” item from the list of options, enter your number and pay the required number of votes via SMS. The currency will be insured practically mittevo.

Refills through the terminal also do not call for difficulties. I’ll add a logically reasonable interface to help you quickly reach the “Social Measures” → “Vkontakte” section, the stars will be transferred from the designated side ID.

To re-vote VK through payment systems, it is necessary for the mother of registrations electronic gadget with a dozen kilkistyu koshtiv for a rahunka. And in another process, nothing is accepted: choose the amount → enter data → confirm the transaction.

How to take away the voiceless voices of VKontakte?

Crimea the best ways zarahuvannya, to pay for such vikoristovuyutsya real pennies, VK has the same special facilities. The stench allows you to take back the reserved votes free of charge in exchange for little activity on third-party services. You can view the list of available options in the section “Parameters” → “Payments and transfers” → “Refill balance” → “Special propositions”.

Kozhen, who knows the way, how to popovnit vote VK without any money, you can quickly get the money for money, practically free of charge. For the skin area, place, state and age, the list of propositions can be very different, but whether or not they have a lot of activity or little activity, or purchases through the Internet.

However, don’t forget that if you are freebies on third-party Internet resources in 99.9% of cases, if you try Shahraystvo, it is strongly not recommended to trust such sites. You can make honestly earned voices on anonymous speeches: give gifts to the saints, raise the rating of the oblique record, donate votes to retailers of supplements, or simply pass them on to friends.

Vіdpovidno to the rules of the skin solid project, іsnuіє іsnuіє іshnіshnya currency, yak zabezpechuє mozhlivіst іn access to raznyh dodatkіv, іgor, stikerіv і podarunkіv. However, it’s important to speed them up, to show the whole process, like popovni votes in VK, so that the whole process is effective.

In what ways can you popovnichi voices at VK

Ale krіm repaid purchase options can be quickened in an unofficial way of cashless withdrawal. Possibility to take votes in VK free of charge to give different programs, at which time the task is to be paid in currency to the site.

Also, on the side of VK there is a button z special supplements When you go to them, you can check out the options for earning money, for example, subscriptions to new partnerships, loan withdrawal, browser installation, games, zavdannya z aktivnistyu, but you can know and just.

In order to get to know the minds of the leader, follow the pressure on someone else, for example, become a member of the group, for which follow the click on the site of the advertiser and join the group, for the whole goiter, put one vote on the rahunik of vikonavtsya.

Behind the booths there are trails, the stench is a protracted month, but the simplest middle ones, as if pointing the butt is not rich. Special information of the koristuvach is added to the number of heads - to become, for example, the place of residence, for example, the meshchants of Moscow are a priority.

Okrim tsgogo, you can get involved in spilnotah, how to hold contests for a few times a day, for the victory they see real internal coins.

You can also withdraw money for the purchase of voices in official ways on third-party online services for the collection of clumsy tasks, such as entering captchas and others, for such a task of repayment for electronic pennies, for example, WebMoney, by which you can pay for the purchase on the site Contact.

Problems can be attacked in the offensive:

The charge for the help of a mobile phone can be brought up to significant charges, as the operator has its own tariff, so that there are no untransferred charges, next to the tariffs.

When entering data, the next steps are carefully checked to take the internal currency of the site.

The Internet is pleased with the day with requests for a cash payment cheaper for a tariff, or for a fee of a cashless currency for a sum of money transactions, so it’s illegal and you can spend not only all the money, as the system takes, but you can freeze it again side.

Spivtovaristva, how to hold competitions at the moment is practically not known, it is very important to know that.


A special virtual currency secures the account of the purchase account with access to other, igor, supplements, gifts, which, of course, it’s convenient, when you need it, it’s awkward to pay for the account of the purchase, so it’s time to get the money ki.

The social media Vkontakte has paid functions, for example, the administration of gifts or the provision of stickers. To win these possibilities, you need to popovnit rahunok at VK. You can vote different ways for example, by making payment through a bank card or a mobile phone. Let's look at how to put pennies on the rahunok, vikoristovuyuchi all available options.

For help with a bank card

  1. Next, click on the "Refill balance" button and select "Bank card" from the available options. It is significant that Visa, Maestro, MasterCard and World are suitable.
  2. Now it is necessary to choose the necessary number of voices. Significantly, one piece costs 7 rubles.
  3. All you have to do is press the button "Remove your vote" and enter the details of your cards.
  4. Lose more than confirm the procedure.

Koshti on the balance sheet is secured mittevo, moreover, the commission is daily. Replenishment can be for a sum, like a person needs.

Via mobile phone

The least visible is the voice over the phone. The one who has to pay for invisible tariffs. The specific amount to deposit is different, how many payment singles you want to get a person.

What work:

  1. Follow authorization on the site and go to the section “Payments and transfer”.
  2. There, pressing the button "Restore balance", then select "Mobile phone". Pennies are valued for the stylnikov's rahunka. It is significant that you can win only a phone, which is a link to the VK side.
  3. It is necessary to choose the number of bazhan and press "Take your vote."

If there are enough coins on the balance sheet, then the payment alone will be declared to the social security once the procedure has been confirmed. Such a method is available both for Russia and for Ukraine.

Wikoristanya payment systems

Electronic pennies can be easily paid on the Internet, including VKontakte. But for whom it is necessary to become a costly one of the payment systems and mothers for money. If you are already a Wikonan, you can use VK for additional electronic currency.

Order dіy:

  1. After authorization on the site, you need to go into the settings and select the “Payments and transfer” section.
  2. Now, click on the "Restore balance" button.
  3. From the list of options, you need to select "Electronic pennies". You can speed up one of the following payment systems: Qiwi, WebMoney, PayPal or Yandex. Pennies.
  4. Now let's designate how many voices people want to go to the rahunka. Then, it is necessary to press the button "Remove votes".

After confirmation, the currency will be insured. Fee fee per day for any payment system.

Through payment terminals

Zavdyaki ATMs and terminals can put the preparation on the rahunok at VC. But for whom you need to know the type of device that is quiet, which works with the VKontakte service. You can recommend terminal Qiwi, Eleksnet, ATM PSCB chi Moskovsky credit bank. 3 more over the top You can find out on the site VK.

On the screen of the device, select the VKontakte logo, for clarity, you can speed up by joking. If you need to enter your ID, you can recognize it on the social media side. Get rid of the necessary amount, and then confirm the order. It is recommended to save the check and doti, do not show the docks on the balance sheet.

For the help of special propositions

On the site, you can vote without cost. For whom it is necessary to go to the “Special Propositions” division when replenishing the balance. There will be shown ways, how you can take away the number of payment units. Precisely, the number of fallows is different, it’s important for my mind to count.

You can use the programs from the presented list and top up the balance without a cost. And also є y іnshі zavdannya, for example, joining the group or buying the goods. A person can choose the proposition that he was worthy of, and after the victor, think to take a vote. This option can be recommended to people who don't want to spend money on social security.

You may need a few of the available preparations for the rahunka, in order to be able to buy stickers, presenting those other products of VK. In addition, you can rozrahuvatisya in online games. Without a word, I will demonstrate how to put coins on your VKontakte account. In addition, we can look at the main methods of payment, which is the best way to choose.

Internal penny unity of the site;
How to put koshti on your rahunok VK;

A penny alone, expanded in VK for payments Koshti, if you then put it on your VK account, pretend to be the so-called “voice”. Axis I'm honestly without understanding why you yourself vote. Let's cross over to the right. “Voices” is an inner penny alone, with the help of which you can make a difference/purchases from VK. Before the speech, s tsi statti vy dіznaєtesya, what is the price of one vote of VK. How to put koshti on the rahunok VK? We go to our side and, of course, shared “My customization”. Here we need to go to the tab under the name “Payments”. We recheck the balance for the rahunka. Here we are happy, skilki lavi є on our special rahunka- at the sight of the voices, gave us a press on the "Restore balance" button. Before us, the form will flare up, de wi sing chotiri vidi pay:

Bank card;
Write-off from the account of the telephone number;
Electronic pennies;
Payment terminals.

Now you need to praise the decision, which method of payment you can pay. Once again, click on the new one in the list. I would like to show you how to pop the rahunok on the butt bank card, and on the butt, written off from the account of the telephone number. First click on the first option. Let's do it again, in which case it will be necessary to choose how many cats we need to put on the rahunok. We select the item that suits you, and simply press the “Remove Vote” button. Now we should designate the number of votes. We will then need to send reliable data about our bank card. Reverse the entered data. If everything is correct, then press the "Pay" button. We complete the payment procedure. As soon as it is completed, the cats will zarahuyutsya on your special account VK. Respect what bones, like you put on your special account, at the transfer to the voices, they will be re-arranged for different people. Tse lie down in order, in which way to pay, you were able to speed up. Another option is to refill your VKontakte account with debiting your finances from your mobile phone. Click on “Return to the rahunok for help mobile phone”. Let's sweat mi bachimo yak vartist sing the number of voices. We know the option we want and just emboss on the button “Remove your vote”. After that, you will press the button, on the mobile phone number, which you indicated earlier when the SMS notification arrived, in which case the code will be written. Insert a sled at the scoreboard. Given from your account, pennies will be taken and votes will be insured for your VK account.
Best available ways top-up account: top-up account with a bank card, terminals (for certain types, there is a commission, so be careful) and payment systems. The most expensive way: for the help of a mobile phone. On VKontakte, one vote will cost 7 rubles, and if you send a row for an additional phone, then a total of 12 rubles! Tsey way zruchny, expensive to finish.

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