Merezhevy connections: basic concepts and adjustment. Setting up the edge components of the system. More information about the resources of the border. Setting up a PC edge configuration Which components are connected via a local edge

Golovna / Korisne PZ


student group 08-B-2

Dubinin Sergiy

Assoc. Kocheshkov A. A.

Nizhny Novgorod

2011 r.

Meta robots: Consider the power, methods of organization and features of the development of peer-to-peer computer networks. Learn how to install, configure and install LOM based on OS Microsoft Windows XP.

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1 .Vikonati adjustment of components of Windows boundary functions.

The storage and power of installation of components is significant:

Microsoft Merger Client,

NetWare Merger Client,

Merezhevy adapter,

IPX/SPX protocol

TCP/IP protocol

Microsoft File and Printer Access Service.

Name them work group, computer name.

Set up the TCP/IP protocol stack.

Check the usefulness of the network for different protocols, changing the binding of the network adapter to protocols and protocols to clients and services.

Adjustment of Windows components.

Windows vikorista components of edge features of the following types:

    Drivers for edge adapters;


A protocol is a simple set of formalized rules, primarily the sequence and format of which are exchanged between components that are on equal footing. A software module that implements a protocol is often called a “protocol” for the sake of simplicity (for example, one of the components of the Windows framework).

Margin services are designed to provide other nodes with a barrier to access resources that are shared between nodes or for other functions. Merge clients allow the flow node to borrow resources from other network nodes (for example, private catalogs, printers, etc.).

To configure the network components of Windows XP, you need to use the "Merge Connections" panel applet. At the time of launch, a window will appear on the screen where you can enter a list of essential connections, including the SCRAP connection and the remote access connection. U context menu skin of them is a point related to adjustments (Power).

The power panel for connection is displayed on the screen local measures. When this happens the window looks like this:

The edge adapter and other edge components (protocols, clients, services) are displayed here. Windows XP has the following installed:

    Microsoft Merger Client (the authorities have the option of changing the name service provider and the merging address for the remote procedure call service - RPC. This will be either the Windows locator or the DCE Directory Directory Service, when selected, it is possible to set the merging address);

    QoS Packet Planner

    Microsoft File and Printer Access Service (Change Authorities Unavailable);

    Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Windows allows you to install additional components, for example:

    Client for NetWare network (When activating this client and immediately reinstalling the OS, after logging into the system, you must select the Main server or the Tree and the context for the settings, if you don’t select anything, then after a few seconds you will be able to reconnect looking like a work desk. normal work This client needs to install the IPX/SPX protocol, so you need to install it first and uninstall it. The authority of this client is not available.);

    SAP Services Stunning Protocol

    MicrosoftTCP/IPversion 6 – New version TCP/IP stack, which is likely to have a lot of problems, such as the problem of a defective IP address, redundancy building capacity ta in.

    NWLinkIPX/SPX/NetBIOS is a common transport protocol - a protocol stack that is developed primarily in Novell frameworks.

    Edge monitor driver

You can also install components from third parties, which are not available in the Windows distribution.

In this window you can also configure the installation of components and remove unnecessary ones. The remaining operation will then be re-installed, and the removed components will be listed again in the list of those available before installation.

Order: set up the list of assigned components and find out the difference in the robot.

For experiments, the “NWLinkIPX/SPX/NetBIOS-comprehensive transport protocol” component was selected to support the IPX/SPX stack. By pressing the “Install” button and selecting the required type of component (protocol), the following can be selected:

After an unsuccessful installation, NWLinkNetBIOS and NWLinkIPX/SPX/NetBIOS transport appear in the list of components. Only the rest of them can be configured (here you can configure the number of the internal IPX network and the type of Ethernet packets: Ethernet802.2, Ethernet802.3, EthernetII, EthernetSNAP and AutoVibir).

Note: any features of the network were not noted, but in adapters and bindings the first protocol has become IPX, instead of TCP/IP, which means that all packets are analyzed initially for compliance with the first protocol itself. Theoretically, it is necessary to increase fluidity processing TCP/IP packets /

Of particular note is the adjustment of the TCP/IP stack. The following parameters are available here:

    IP addresses (can be specified explicitly or seen automatically by the DHCP server);

    Submersion mask;

    Gateway addresses;

    DNS name server addresses;

Since there is a daily DHCP server, the addresses may appear static. For setup, the following addresses are specified: Host addresses are added to the small byte of the IP address and, therefore, removed. The number 15 will be assigned to the first knot, and 14 to the other. Golovne, so that the addresses are unique.

When you press the “Additional” button, the advanced settings window opens.

This window has a lot of parameters available, including the same ones as in the previous one.

For example, you can assign an IP address to a node. This will be useful in the case where a number of IP networks are being selected, and for which node different IP addresses are required to communicate with each logical IP network.

The following tabs contain DNS and WINS settings. My version does not have any other servers, so the settings will not be changed.

The “Parameters” tab contains additional parameters. Windows XP does not have access to customized filtering for TCP/IP traffic. Filtering allows you to select the ports through which traffic will pass. These settings apply to all adapters. However, it is not possible to block ICMP traffic through additional filtering.

The fringe adapter is installed using the traditional Windows method using PnP. You can display it automatically by the system. As well as for many other devices, for edge adapter You can adjust the selected hardware resources (IRQ line and memory ranges). In addition, the skin-mesh adapter provides a number of specific parameters that correspond to the transmitter and equipment that is also present in the device. The rest can be accessed from the device manager or from the authorities window intermediate connection.

When you press the “Adjust” button near the connection power window, the device power window is displayed:

Parameters stored in the merging adapter are located on the Additional tab.

For example, here you can set the duplex mode, select the transmission speed (10/100 Mbit, full duplex/low duplex).

Windows can host multiple different protocol stacks with one networked connection, because It is possible to disrupt IP packets from, for example, IPX. In this case, the packet is then checked for belonging to one or another protocol in the order specified in the connection of the bridge adapter to the protocols. The correct order allows for greater productivity (for example, since IP packets are transmitted more frequently than IPX, it is easy to verify immediately that the packet is not the same as the IP packet that arrives).

The binding of protocols is adjusted using the additional menu item of the Merezhevy connection folder “Additional → Additional parameters → Adapters and bindings”. When this item is activated, the following window appears on the screen:

It can be seen that the first protocol for communication is NWLinkIPX/SPX/NETBIOS. For additional recording buttons, the TCP / IP connection will be moved up. This is how the connection with the client for Microsoft monitoring changes. After this, IP packets will be processed immediately, without additional delays.

On the “Order of access services” tab, the order of services is adjusted.

In a Windows peer-to-peer network, each computer has a unique name (NetBIOS name) and belongs to the same work group or domain. Since they are not unique, problems may arise in these experiments up to the node. For example, when it is downloaded, Windows checks its host name (and IP) for uniqueness. If the verification reveals the presence of such a name (and IP) on the account, a notification about the payment is displayed on the screen (even before the customer logs into the system).

For manual identification of machines at the border, the following names are assigned:

    userpc(addresses - WindowsXP

    COB-PC (addresses -Windows7

    userpc-virtual (addresses - Windows XP

The work group name is MSHOME.

After changing the name, Windows displays the message “Welcome to the MSHOME workgroup” on the screen, and then asks for re-enablement as required to complete the name change.

After re-engaging, it is necessary to check the feasibility of the measure. Vikorist program ping. This program sends ICMP packets of type ECHO_REQUEST to specified network nodes at specified intervals. As soon as it is emitted (also by an ICMP packet), the program displays the hour of transmission of the packet and its life. The portion of spent packages is also displayed.

Task: check the validity of the measure using the ping command

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping userpc-virtual

Exchange of packets from userpc-virtual, 32 bytes each:

<1мс TTL=128

Send number of bytes = 32 hours<1мс TTL=128

Send number of bytes = 32 hours<1мс TTL=128

Send number of bytes = 32 hours<1мс TTL=128

Ping statistics for

Packages: sent = 4, rejected = 4, spent = 0 (0% spent),

Approximate time of reception and transmission from ms:

Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Now I will accept the support of TCP/IP from the authorities of edge connections; TCP/IP when connecting the bridge adapter to protocols will be enabled automatically. Prote I will turn on IPX/SPX. Now ping This will no longer help, since ICMP is not included in the IPX / SPX stack and cannot be configured correctly. As a result, under the hour of the call ping omitable:

C:\Documents and Settings\->ping userpc

Before the hour of checking the link, the userpc code could not be found. Reverse the node name and repeat

Try it.

To diagnose IPX and control the routing of IPX packets, use the command ipxroute. For example, ipxrouteconfig You will see the selected IPX boundary numbers and physical adapter addresses on the screen:

C:\Documents and Settings\->ipxroute config

NWLink IPX v2.00 routing program

Nom Im'ya Merezha Vuzol Kadr


1. IpxLoopbackAdapter 1234cdef 000000000002

2. 00000000 0800274df9c3

3. NDISWANIPX 00000000 76c120524153 -

The global boundary line is closed

2 . Vivcheniya power limits resources in Windows XP.

Using the administrative cloud record, describe the file resources that are shared with different access.

Learn and try different ways to connect edge resources to other computers. Describe the information about the edge sharpening.

Try to freeze administrative boundary resources for remote access.

Great respect. All operations are considered for the Windows XP operating system with the installation of Service Pack 1. In this text, when describing the order of selecting objects, the interface transfers the mouse cursor to the indicated object and the left click. mice (previously tuned for the work of a right-handed correspondent). All other changes to interface elements will be discussed separately. Important! For the purpose of vikonannya vykonannya merzhnyh nalashtuvan koristuvach is responsible for the rights of the domain administrator (system administrator).

Adjusting connection parameters

To connect a computer to a local network, you must install a network adapter and install the necessary drivers. This procedure is described in section 2.2 “Information input and output devices”. Next, you need to configure the boundary adapter for operation in the local boundary. Minimal adjustment is required in the specified parameters of the IP address of the client’s computer. The simplest way is to quickly use the services of a DHCP server. Configuring IP address parameters is completed in the connection authorities window.

In order to open the local network connection authorities window, you need to select the “Connections” item in the “Start” menu and left-click on the “Show all connections” row. In the window (small 22) “Merge connections”, right-click on the connection that requires adjustment and select the “Power” row in the context menu. The window of authorities (min. 23) indicates which necessary measures are required for this connection and which software features are necessary for the execution of the task that is considered corrupt. In the designated window, when you press the "Adjustment" button, you can configure the adapter adapter, similar to those discussed in section 2.2 "Devices for entering and displaying information." The component description section shows the installation of software components for each adapter.

"Client for Microsoft Networks" allows users who work on a local computer to deny access to edge resources (by adjusting access rights). "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks", however, allows other users to share the resources of your computer. In the local network to which your computer is connected, there are no computers that run other operating systems, which is quite sufficient. All components are installed and configured in Windows XP automatically.

The TCP/IP protocol is also installed automatically, but only needs to be configured according to the rules adopted by a particular local network. To set up the TCP/IP protocol, you need to select the appropriate row from the component section and click the “Power” button. In the protocol power window (Fig. 23), when the DHCP service is functioning, it is necessary to set the jumper to the “Opt IP address automatically” position.

For more stable and smooth operation, you should consider automatically removing DNS server addresses and inserting addresses manually. Before setting the address of their values, it is necessary to obtain information from the network administrator. If the computer is connected to the warehouse of another network, the parameters of its membership in this network are configured on the Alternative configuration tab. Additional parameters for setting up the protocol can be accessed by pressing the “Additional” button. In the window of the tab "IP Settings", "DNS" and "WINS" various settings are displayed. WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) provides a dynamic database service that replicates itself and can register and allow NetBIOS names to be searched at a time into IP addresses. The settings tab allows you to set up control of the traffic flow (exchange) of this computer.

Settings for the TCP/IP protocol can be done manually. To do this, you need to have the system administrator find out the IP address visible on your computer, set the switch to the “Vocate IP address” position and enter the value manually, after which press the “OK” button. After setting the IP address, the computer will be re-enabled.

To view the network connection status, you need to click on the "Merge connections" window on the connection with the right button, then click and select the "Station" item in the context menu. On the “Return” tab, the connection level from the moment the OS is installed remains indicated, the connection speed and the number of downloaded packages. By pressing the "Power" button until the described window of power appears, the "Push" button assumes the functioning of this connection, but does not know its adjustment.

By clicking on the “Details” tab, you can revise the connections by clicking the “Edit” button and review the TCP/IP addressing parameters. You can get more details by clicking the “Details” button. The "Border Connection Details" window (small 24) displays the MAC addresses of the border adapter (physical addresses) and the details of setting up the wireline services.

Possibility of a secure connection to the Internet ( Internet Connection Sharing, ICS) allows Windows to give short-range clients access to the Internet from local networks with no more than one Internet connection. First, ICS appeared in the Windows line from version 98 SE. U Windows XPі Windows Vista ICS has been thoroughly refined, and it has become easier to set up. However, there is a catch - it is now impossible to enable the DHCP server, or change the range of addresses that are assigned by the DHCP server.

For the development of ICS, it is necessary to reach a number of minds. On a computer, where the Internet is “sleepwalking”, the presence of at least two edge interfaces is required.

To configure the settings for sleep access to the Internet, you need to become an administrator. ICS will be unavailable, including a domain controller, DHCP and DNS servers or a gateway. As a rule, in small periods these exchanges do not cause any problems due to the presence of overinsurance of equipment. Please also note that once a VPN connection is installed, other computers will not be able to deny access to the Internet until the VPN connection session ends. The biggest drawback of ICS is that the underlying computer must be turned on so that other clients can connect to the Internet. Sometimes this is not so true (for example, with a local modem connection or a local modem with a USB interface), but it is so critical that for secure access you should use solutions that are based on stationary routers.

Turning on the ability to sleep access, as we have already mentioned, is very simple.

Windows XP Setting up a hard-working computer

Click the “Start” button, select the Internet connection panel, and go to the “Internet connection time” section. Click on Merezha connection. Now you need to select the edge adapter that will “access” the Internet. First, click the right mouse button and select the Power command from the menu.

In the dialog box that has opened, go to the “Addatkovo” tab. We are installing the ensign " Allow other users to connect to the Internet».

If you want to give the ability to koristuvach keruvat to the joint connections - so that you can connect/disable the kostiruvat connection for all the border - set the order "Allow other koristuvach to keruvat" private access" If the connection (for example, modem) is configured, another command will appear in the list of parameters - “Install a click on the device.”

When enabled, any control system can independently initiate the process of automatically connecting to the Internet whenever accessing Internet resources. After setting the required parameters, click the “OK” button located at the bottom of the window. Get notified in advance about changing the IP address of the metering interface. Click the “So” button. If the local network runs services that require access to the Internet (for example, the network runs a Web or FTP server, or internal network users need online games), click the “Options” button next to the dili "Zagalniy access".

The list of services contains standard protocols, which are used to detect illegally accepted ports. If you need to add a service, click the “Add” button. It is necessary to specify the name of the service, indicate the computer on which this service will be launched, indicate the numbers of external and internal ports and the type of protocol. Here we have to get ahead of ourselves a little. The initial configuration of ICS transfers that IP addresses in the local network are assigned to the DHCP server running on the computer it controls. However, don’t get it wrong. Since the client computers are configured to automatically retrieve the IP address, and the computer that represents them is not blocked, which may prove to be unforeseen. Therefore, the shortest option is to assign a static address, regardless of whether the DHCP server is running. If your computer has a service that can access the Internet, it is assigned a static address, and you can enter its IP address in the Name field.

Once a direct connection to the Internet is allowed, DHCP services will start on each computer. This allows you to dynamically assign IP addresses to other home monitoring clients. When you select the IP address of the most connected computer on the border interface, which “surprises” in the home network, it automatically selects the static address with the border mask If other computers on your home network have previously been manually assigned static IP addresses, connections to them may be wasted. Don’t boast that further adjustments to the ICS will confirm the effectiveness of the measure.

Note. There are informal messages that the address area assigned by the DHCP server of the computer running the ICS service is assigned to the registry section HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/SharedAccess/Parameters and as necessary You can try changing this range. No one can guarantee the effectiveness of the measure. :)

Setting up computer clients

Now let's move on to setting up other computers at the border. For this to work, the administrator also needs to be renewed. On the heating panel, select the section “Mid-range connections”. Right-click on the network connection icon and select the “Power” command from the menu. On the “Underground” tab, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” from the “Components” section for these connections and press the “Power” button.

The window of the authorities is emerging. If you expect that all home network addresses will be automatically assigned by the DHCP server, set the jumpers to the automatic reset position.

If it is necessary to provide static addresses to the clients of the network, setup will be even more complicated. We install the top jumper at the “Victory the IP address” position. In the IP address field, enter any within the range– You can select addresses in this range in a fairly simple manner, but there is only one way - between the boundaries the addresses may be unique to your computer. After entering the address and the submersion mask will appear automatically. If something goes wrong, enter the value In the “Default gateway” field, indicate the address of the computer that controls it -

The lower switch is moved to the “Select current DNS server addresses” position and in the “Selected DNS server” field, the address of the current computer is also entered – Next, press the “Add-on” button, go to the “DNS” tab and enter MSHOME.NET in the “DNS connection suffix” field (ICS Windows XP will always match the name to the MSHOME.NET domain; for example, for a computer with COMP1 outside the internal client name will be COMP1.MSHOME.NET).

When setup is complete, the static address can be changed instead of the file hosts. This allows you to speed up the collection of client names, avoid the burden of unnecessary requests to DNS servers on the Internet, and allow you to change the traffic that is called by dialing a number to connect to remote access. To do this, open the hosts file, which is located in the folder %SystemRoot%/System32/Drivers/Etc (refer to C:/WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc) on the computer you are managing, using any text editor. Move the cursor to the first empty row after the remaining entry. Next, you need to enter records for all clients that have static addresses in this format:
IP addresses outside the computer's name
Please note that addresses and names are separated not by a space, but by the Tab key. Outside the computer name, you can find out on the same tab the “System” applet, which is located in the Internet panel, adding the DNS suffix MSHOME.NET. So, for a computer with the name COMP1, the outside name will be COMP1.MSHOME.NET. After specifying all clients, add two empty rows to the hosts file by pressing the ENTER key twice to save the changes.

Lost Internet Explorer settings on clients. To do this, go to the control panel, select the category “Internet connection speed”, and go to “Browser power”.

We open the “Connections” tab and click the “Install” button. On the page “Master new connections”, once opened, click the “Next” button, then select “Connect to the Internet”, click “Next” again. Select “Set up connections manually”, click “Next”, select “Connect via a permanent high-speed connection”, click “Next” and “Done”. At this point, the setup of the online connection to the Internet is completed.

Windows Vista

The process of providing private access to the Internet in Windows Vista is in no way different from that of Windows XP. For which, on the computer that is being controlled, open the “Network Connections” component by clicking the “Start” button and selecting the items “Control Panel”, “Network and Internet”, “Network and Backdoor Access Control Center”

And having selected the right hand, on the command panel there is a message “Manage network connections”. Right-click on your connection until you need to set up shared access, and select “Authority” in the context menu. When a confirmation prompt appears, the administrator password or password confirmation is required. Go to the “Shared Access” tab and install the order “Allow other users to connect to your computer’s Internet.”

If you want to allow private members of Merezhi to share their connections, set up a rule “Allow other members of Merzhi to have private access to the Internet.” If you need to set the services running at the edge to be accessible to Internet users, press the “Setup” button and indicate the necessary services. If the service is in the list for a day, click the “Add” button and manually enter the name of the service, the name or the IP address of the computer on which the service is running,

numbers of internal and external ports and protocol type, then press the OK button.

All computers, except the host one, need to set up automatic address removal. To configure clients, open the "Network Connections" component on them by clicking the "Start" button and selecting the items "Control Panel", "Network and Internet", "Network and Network Access Control Center". With the right hand, select the “Manage network connections” option. Right-click “Local Wire Connections” and select the “Power” command from the menu. When the prompt appears, enter the administrator password or confirm the password. Select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" or "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" and click the "Power" button.

You can set the switch to the “Override IP address automatically” or “Override IPv6 address automatically” position.

To configure browsers on client computers, open the “Browser Power” window by clicking the “Start” button and selecting “Current Panel”, “Background and Internet” and “Browser Power”. Go to the “Connections” tab and select “Do not use dial-up connections.” Press the button “Adjustment of boundaries”.

In the “Automatic adjustment” section, remove the “Automatic adjustment of parameters” and “Change the automatic adjustment scenario”.

In the “Proxy server” section, remove the option “Use a proxy server to connect to a local network.”

Internet 35% (Wi-Fi)

Internet- This is the greatest fault of humanity, it will grow more 35% population of the Earth, and also opens up the possibility of starting, working, and finally merging. Your computer requires the use of an additional adapter, which can be used without a (Wi-Fi) or dart interface. This article tells you about setting up the adapter for connecting to the limit.

A number of types of Internet connection:

  1. Telephone line
  2. DSL, cable management or electrical wiring
  3. Stilnikovy connection (2G,3G,4G - LTE)
  4. Optical fiber
  5. Satellite Internet

Each of them has its own specific features; the computer is most often connected to an emergency torsion bet - RJ-45 cable, or for further help WiFi connection with a router (which, in its own way, also works through twisted pair or else USB modem).

Adjusted. Since most of the users use Windows 7, I will show you on their application.

For whom we go to Control panel-> Merezha and Internet -> Control Center for Merezha and Backdoor Access then choose from the menu Change adapter settings.

Here you can view a list of all adapters on your computer and their connection status, including Bluetooth adapters, as well as virtual adapters like Hamachi.

Primary connection via twisted pair (without routers, modems)

Cable "Vita para" - RJ-45 - 8P8C

There are also two options: you need to configure the connection and close the connections immediately, or your provider supports DHCP technology and you simply need to install a cable at the connector.

Depending on your option, you will need to set up the adapter correctly.

Option 1

Let's go to the list of adapters. Select the required one (Local network connections...) and press on the right mouse button (RMB), then select Powerful. From the list that opens, select a component Internet Protocol version 4 then press the button Powerful. Here you must enter the adjustments provided by your operator.

Option 2

The operation is similar to Option 1, unless the authorities need to establish proportions for the protocol Retrieve the IP address automatically, Retrieve the DNS server address automatically.

Connection to an additional router

Set your router to 5 roses ( 4 LAN and 1 WAN). You connect the Internet cable to the WAN port (from the same connections as others), and then use another cable/Wi-Fi adapter to connect the router and computer. After all (See Option 2 if connected via twisted pair), V wifi adapter ci settings stand behind the instructions.

For easy setup of the Internet, go to the local address of the router ( or else - for getting ready) and complete the necessary actions.

Yak nalashtuvati Asus router You can read this article -

I won’t write other types, you can put all the food in the comments.

Now more details about adapter setup

To get started with setup, you need to go to the list of adapters, right-click on the required adapter, select Powerful then press the button next to the next adapter names Nalashtuvati. Here go to the tab Dodatkovo.

Basically, the power levels are the same for all adapters, but there is little difference.

I'll show you on the butt D-Link DGE-560T.

Below will be a table with the designated names of power and its description.

Name of power Description Significance
ARP Offload - ARP Rozvantazhennia The function allows you not to turn on the adapter for ARP input (assigning a MAC address over IP)

Disable – the function is disabled.

Auto Disable Gigabit(Powersaving) - Automatic connection of 1 Gbit/s speed Energy saving function - turns on gigabit data when the cable is reconnected.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Re-Link, Battery – connection for an hour of operation on the battery.

Re-Link, Battery or AC – turns on again.

Energy Efficient Ethernet - Energy efficient Internet

Disable – the function is disabled.

Flow Control -Flow control A special technology is used to harmonize the data flow, since the adapter was not able to process the forward information. Increased speed of limits.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Green Ethernet -Green Internet Shortened adapter energy consumption.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable - energy saving is increased.

Interrupt Moderation -Coordination interruption A technology that allows you to interrupt the flow for processing only once, replacing only a few. Reduces CPU usage.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable – control enabled flow.

IPv4 Checksum Offload -IPv4 control bag When the option is checked, the checksum is expanded to the file at the time of sending (Tx) and receiving (Rx) by the adapter itself. Reduces CPU usage.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Rx Enabled – the function is enabled for receiving files.

Tx Enabled - the function is enabled for file transfer.

Rx & Tx Enabled - the function is enabled for downloading and receiving files.

Jumbo Frame -Great frame This adjustment has increased standard size data transmission frame. Increases bandwidth when large frames form the bulk of traffic.

Disable – the function is disabled. Standard value.

xKB MTU - the function is enabled, where X is the doubling of the great KB frame.

Large Send Offload v2 (IPv4) -Rozvantazhennia under the great power (IPv4) Enables fragmentation of data packets. Fragmentation occurs due to the adapter shell. The speed limit increases and the CPU utilization decreases.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Large Send Offload v2 (IPv6)Rozvantazhennia under the great power (IPv6) All the same, only for the IPv6 protocol.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

Network Address -Merezheva addresses Allows you to change the virtual MAC address of the device; the hardware (physical) MAC address is not changed.

Day – function disabled.

Value - you must enter the required MAC address.

NS Offload -NS rozvantazhennya The function allows you not to turn on the adapter for the NS power supply (supply detection protocol).

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable – the adapter is not enabled for power input.

Priority & VLAN -Priority and VLAN In addition to basic information, it adds information about the priority of the packet and the VLAN identifier to the Ethernet frame.

Disable—disables hardware VLAN tagging.

Enable – allows hardware VLAN tagging.

Receive Buffers -I'll take the buffer This power determines the number of memory buffers that the adapter will accept any information. With a higher value, the productivity of the adapter increases, and the system memory consumption also increases. You can set the value from 1 to... (Dependent on the adapter. For less than 512).
Receive Side Scaling(RSS) -Trimming the barrel scale The mechanism for sub-division is where the sub-division of TCP packets can be sent to multiple CPU cores.

Disable – blocks RSS.

Enable – allows RSS.

Shutdown Wake-On-Lan(WOL) -Withdrawal through local network after connection Allows or disables the function of heating the computer through a barrier through an adapter.

Disable – blocks WOL.

Enable – allows WOL.

Speed ​​& Duplex -Speed ​​and duplex Allows you to set the required connection speed and parallel data transmission mode. Duplex- the device simultaneously receives and transmits information. Napivduplex- the device either transmits or receives information.

Auto Negotiation – auto negotiation with a border device.

10/100Mbps/Half/Full Duplex,

1.0 Gbps/Full Duplex - Robot modes.

TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4) -TCP (IPv4) check sum

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

TCP Checksum Offload (IPv6) -TCP (IPv6) control sum Allows the adapter to verify the checksum for TCP packets. The speed limit increases and the CPU utilization decreases.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

Transmit Buffers -Transmission buffers This power determines the number of memory buffers per hour of transmission of any information by the adapter. With a higher value, the productivity of the adapter increases, and the system memory consumption also increases. You can set the value from 1 to... (Dependent on the adapter. Less than 128).
UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4) -UDP (IPv4) verification check

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6) -UDP (IPv6) verification check Allows the adapter to verify the checksum for UDP packets. The speed limit increases and the CPU utilization decreases.

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable - fragmentation is enabled.

Wake on Magic Packet

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable – the function is enabled.

Wake on pattern match Dodatkova adjusted Wake-On-Lan

Disable – the function is disabled.

Enable – the function is enabled.

WOL & Shutdown Link Speed ​​-Fluidity during the hour of local moisture expansion after soaking Means the cob smoothness of the connection after Wake-On-Lan

10Mbps First,

100Mbps First – installs 10/100 Mbps co-bit speed

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Today, like never before, edge connections play one of the most important roles in the computer world. The explanation is simple: in this way you can combine a number of computer terminals into a single local network and deny access to the Worldwide network.

Windows 7 network connections: basic types

First of all, we need to clearly understand the essence of such connections. They are created and adjusted in the “operation” of Windows 7, although they have a lot of power previous versions OS of the entire family, subject to certain specific moments related to the protocols that are being tested.

Immediately gain respect, as much as possible Windows connections 7 is presented in an expanded view. So, for example, this can be primarily created at home or corporate measures, wireless or telephone connection, connection to a work station, wireless connection like a “computer”, etc.

Ale in to this guy We will come from the fact that we can have a high-speed connection to a VPN or to a visible line, and telephone connections are practically not victorious today.

Creation of a new connection

The process of connecting to any type is standard for all systems. Windows network connections can be found in the standard Windows panel. For example, for Windows 7, the smells are removed in the Center of Care with measures and hidden access.

At the initial stage, you need to select the “Set up a new connection or network” menu, then select the most suitable option from the list. Having completed a few simple steps, the user is ready to create a new connection. However, this will not end there. Now you need to adjust the basic parameters, without setting up any connections you will not be able to make.

Adjusting the connection to the limit

The setup is based on the data set up by the provider. It follows from the fact that there is already some kind of limit within us. Network connections are configured using additional special TCP/IP protocols (for Windows 7 – IPv4 and IPv6). Regardless of whether connections to a local or drone-free network are selected, or a home group is selected, it is necessary to note that at the moment the IPv6 protocol is not vicorized. Network connections are based on the IPv4 protocol. What do you need IPv6 for? Obviously, the distributors, who included them in the list of adjustments, were playing for the best.

Before the basic setup, right-click from the “Local network connections” section (or the list of networks in the “Change adapter parameters” menu), and select the “Power” item. Now you need to select the IPv4 protocol and go to the next authorities.

Ideally, you don’t need to adjust anything. Once connected to a local network, all parameters are assigned automatically. This is where the parameters for automatically retrieving the IP address and DNS server address are involved.

Otherwise, all the values ​​will need to be entered manually, as specified by the provider. The main parameters here are IP addresses, network mask, main gateway, addresses of the main and alternative DNS server, etc. Some network connections require registration additional parameters Type of WINS server value Once you have set all the values, you will no longer be able to save configuration changes.

Bezdrotove z'ednannya

With dartless borders on the right it is much simpler. Network connections of this type require at the initial stage to correctly configure the router (say, a router or an ADSL modem), after which the Wi-Fi module (or other Bluetooth) is installed in the system to automatically identify virtual private networks VPN, before which can be denied mother access.

As a rule, almost all measures are stolen, just check the icon that looks like a padlock on the fence icon. Now you only need to enter a password - and access will be granted automatically.

Diagnosis of faults

Some network connections may fail or simply not appear in the list. There are many reasons for this.

For example, first of all, for Wi-Fi networking you just need to update the list; for local networks, after adjusting the basic parameters, you may need to re-enable the computer terminal.

Although this does not help, you can quickly fix the problems yourself. The “Center for Care with Measures and Closed Access” apparently has a section “Resolving faults.” Otherwise the problem may go away. In this situation, you can bet that you are connected with the provider. So you just need to go to the emergency support service.


In principle, as is already clear, there is nothing special about the created and configured network connections. There are two key points here: correctly selecting the type of boundary to which you want to connect, and correctly registering all the necessary adjustment values. Everything is different computer system earn money yourself.

Of course, sometimes you may need tools to test the interconnection, but here you can trust the Windows diagnostic methods or use the wiki third party programs significant correction of any problem. For example, today's sleep is quite rich software packages to identify the reasons for the impracticality of the Wi-Fi limit and to select passwords for them. On the other hand, you can find many additional tools for diagnosing local networks and terminals connected to them. By the way, the choice of flooring is wide, so the way out of the situation can be known almost immediately.

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