Folder rizne on android.

submit / Golovna
  • / Setting up
  • - Root folder./bin - the folder where files will be placed, files to be compiled, and files to be compiled. Compounded files are programs that are launched when the system starts, as well as necessary programs.
  • accessible to everyone. Butt: ls, mount, pwd, unzip/data
  • - a folder with data about synchronization and cloud recordings, passwords to points wifi access and configured vpn, etc./data/app
  • - folder, what to take revenge installed programs
  • and play./data/data – a folder where you can store these programs, their settings, save your logs and other information./data/dalvik-cache
  • - Cache memory program for Dalvik programs. Dalvik is a Java virtual machine, which is the basis of robotic programs that run *. apk extension.
  • To start launching the program, its cache is created. wifi access /dev- folder where to place files various outbuildings both real and virtual, as well as these devices, of which there are no, but which could be.
  • /etc configuration files
  • , what to vikoristavuyutsya when obsessed operating system and the process operates various programs./lib - a folder to contain libraries of functions required for various Mov C compiler programs, as well as modules (device drivers) that are connected to the kernel./lib/modules/ - a folder to contain modules (device drivers) of the kernel, which may include extensions.ko . This folder has expanded subfolders that contain kernel versions (for example, that are installed on the system.
  • In addition, the skin version of the kernel has its own set of modules. This is very important and requires respect.
  • Often, when compiling a kernel, people forget to change the version; a new kernel with an installed vikorist module latest version
  • that system will not be enchanted. In-line version kernels can be identified by command uname -r .
  • , the version that rotates is easily avoided by the name of one of the folders in /lib/modules/ ./mnt
  • - place folders for temporarily mounted file systems. folder, which corresponds to the actual system configuration at the moment. - place folders for temporarily mounted file systems. very tightly knitted with udev How do you connect (turn on) devices, instead of the directory - place folders for temporarily mounted file systems. changes dynamically. You can marvel at the butt. Follow the team You can marvel at the butt. ls /sys/bus/usb/devices/
  • , to view the current USB devices in the system. Now connect the flash drive and sign in the command
  • again. You will notice that now there are more devices.
  • /system- a folder (retained behind the scenes) that contains system files and folders with data and everything necessary for operating the Android OS.
  • /system/app– a folder that contains system programs (SMS, phone, calendar, settings, etc.), as well as programs installed by the device (company widgets, live wallpapers, etc.).
  • /system/fonts– folder with system fonts.


– a folder where you can place standard ringtones, notifications, alarms and interface sounds, as well as interesting animation (bootanimation).

/system/build.prop – a file that allows for a wide range of adjustments, such as screen thickness, proximity sensor shutdown time, Wi-Fi control, settings and a variety of other parameters. In contact with


  1. As a frequent user of forums and curator of many topics, I often get confused by newbies’ new nonsense about Android devices. “Well, what about the most important nobles?”.
  2. - you say., And here I’ll come in handy with you, having put the most important information: “And the truth is, the most important thing in the world is in the network of firmwares,, root access іand what about the system, not understanding anything in this? "
  3. This very thing inspired me to write this article, in which I will try, with my best and most intelligent voice, to convey complex speeches.
  4. The material is directly forwarded to the primary buyers..

1. Therefore, here we will present pure and over-the-top information without technical obscurities and nuances.


internal memory


- you say. recovery

adb fastboot guts of the system. Root

Division of internal memory The internal memory of the Android device is divided into a number of logical disks (partitions).

I’ll give you the basics: Fig.1 – here is a microprogram (manager) that allows you to run the operating system, recovery and other service modes. Recovery - as you can see from the name, it’s installed hereWindows)

Data– section for installing data saving programs. (Program files)

User- the sdcard is visible to everyone or, to put it simply, the place is under Koristuvac files (My documents). There is no need to create an access here, because...

  • There are a number of options for placing this section: The daily section of the internal memory, and instead of the new one is used foreign hoarder
  • - The most popular option.(Fig.1) At the devices with the remembered memory of the great size, this section is divided into sdcard, A(Fig.1) 2 foreign mapremember how to remember or elseextsd(there may be other variants of the name).
  • Call, call on devices withUser Android3.2. (Mal.2 Option 1)Data This version replaces the previous version, along with Android 4.0.(Fig.1) іRozdil replaced with a folder


2. on separate , which allowed the victor to use all the available memory for installing programs and saving data, and not just the limited amount that the vibrator saw for us. In other words and what about the system, not understanding anything in this? "


We have one goal. - you say.(Mal.2 Option 2) Fig.2 Bootloader - you say. Recovery


Now, if we know what is there, let’s figure out what it’s there for. adb Let's do it

adb . This is the device that launches Android, the recovery too. When we press the down button, the animation is launched, since there are no additional commands (pressed keys), the animation is launched(Fig.1)). boot . If the key combination is pressed (each device has its own), it launches, under the command, recovery, fastboot or apx. The little one below shows what it launches how mutual relations were separated. Fig.3 As can be seen from baby No. 3, divided Doesn't affect the OS, is it still needed?

Let's try to get back together. adb(recovery) It is actually a small utility on the Linux kernel and is used independently of Android.. Its standard functionality is not very rich: you can reset the device to factory settings or update the firmware (behind the times I'm fascinated by Ale, for the benefit of the folk, we can have modified recoveries through which modifications can be installed (custom) firmware, customize android, create backup copies and much more.

Since we already started talking about interfaces, I want to hear about another one, let it be known, - root access (android debug bridge) . So many titles setup mode root access It’s not without reason that the names are so important – through this you can install the robot as a system, and other add-ons. Ale it’s not all yet, for more help You can revoke access to the file system of the device and change system files or remove important information if your device is stuck on locked. All functions good regime

3. I won’t describe it.

my goal is to convey hidden information, not

report review - you say. about the functions of one or another mode. guts of the system Having learned from the theory, let's launch the Android OS. We press the live button - it starts, which will fascinate Core(boot), there, with its own black, launches system

(System), well, that’s already upgrading


(data) and Koristuvalnytsky space (user). I’ll give you the basics:(

Fig.3) Rozdil Now let’s go to the root directory and admire the insides of Android OS itself: (Mal.4), Rozdilі In this scheme, I found it unnecessary to understand the directory.In fact, there are a lot more of them and, at a glance, there is only one folder you will need a whole article.

  • (Mal.4) Yes, folder
  • Rozdil.
  • In this scheme, I found it unnecessary to understand the directory.In fact, there are a lot more of them and, at a glance, there is only one folder How can you guess the name, it’s tied to the data, and not the ones?

So it’s practical to use all this information about synchronization and cloud recordings, passwords to wifi access points and VPN setup, and so on. I’ll give you the basics: Among other things, you can find folders here

  • (Mal.4) app
  • dalvik cache
  • 3.2.- Let’s take a look at their confessions:
  • – programs and games are installed here.. – here the data of add-ons, their settings, save information and other information are saved.— cache memory program for Dalvik programs.

4. The material is directly forwarded to the primary buyers.

Do you know what is good in any father, or what can you earn from it?

- So! Ale required rights superkoristuvacha (root) Or, to draw an analogy with Windows, administrator rights. root Initially, all devices on Android will go without rights for kintsevogo koristuvach , then. When purchasing a device, we are not permanent rulers.

This is divided up for protection from view Discount programs

, So even from the user himself - even in the wrong hands, new access to the system can lead to the “death” of the operating system and the further need to flash the device.



merezh, for example)

This list can be continued for much longer, but I guess these applications will be sufficient to demonstrate the possibility and breadth of root privileges.

- It’s all wonderful, but now what kind of program can deny access to the “heart” of the operating system and my data?

- No.

You yourself decide to allow one or another application to deny root access, no matter what. This is the Superuser program or its sister SuperSU has been inserted. Without this or similar programs, it is impossible for root to become fast.


The Pershochergova Store in front of the collections – you don’t need to know what to put in the directory, and even where to lie, you can delete them.

If you accidentally delete important files, you can ruin the work of any programs, or cause the entire operating system to become even more useless. Please note that the list of folders can be expanded according to the device and version android systems


Also, specific programs can create folders in the memory of an Android phone. Let's take a look at what directories are in Android. Cache is a folder for saving timely files. She may have an updated system. If you do not intend to update to the latest version of Android, you do not need the update file.

  1. You can delete this folder, but in some cases you may need to browse to it. Data is one of the largest catalogs, which, as you can guess from the name, contains a variety of data. This includes cloud account data, information about saving passwords, points
  2. Wi-Fi access
  3. etc.
  4. So yak folder given For some anonymous information, take a look at these subdirectories:

App - directory in which to be located Installation files Various programs You can delete them if you don’t need all the programs on your phone; Data – includes setting up, saving and other service information necessary for the operation of specific add-ons.

If there is no data in the appendix that is important for you, it can be deleted;

Clipboard is a special data exchange buffer that also contains the remaining screenshots. You can view the folder, but it is not recommended; Dalvik-cache is a cache memory area for programs called Davlink.

The mnt directory – contains images of systems to be mounted. There may be differences here inserted card

memory, internal or other virtual devices. It is obviously not possible to view this catalogue. The proc folder – it contains all the key information about the installed Android OS: information about the kernel, configuration parameters and hardware.

All external files and folders are virtual, in which case zero bytes are important.

The system automatically creates them if the customer denies access to them.

Qiu folder with rights zvichayny koristuvach visibility is not possible.

  1. The sbin directory is one of the key folders required to operate the phone. It contains files of all programs used to manage the system. Obviously, it’s impossible to see it.
  2. The sys directory contains the system configuration at once.
  3. This is a dynamic catalogue.
  4. Everyone's information is constantly changing.
  5. You can't change the folder.
  6. The system section is the “backbone” of the entire operating system, which means that all files are stored, it is impossible to do without them
  7. robot android
  8. .

The System directory (as well as any other internal directories) cannot be deleted.

For information, let's take a look at the report in addition to this catalogue:

App – system trellises,

standard programs

How can I view a specific folder? The first way is to speed up standard functions

. For whom is it necessary: Please note that standard methods do not display all existing folders and files, as system files are often accessed. Everything about Android Get more help from a third party

file manager

for example, the ES Explorer program.

You can grab it at the store


The program offers a wide range of possibilities. With this help you can look at the existing folders, and also delete actions from them. For whom is it necessary:

It is clear that deleting system folders is impossible, because the user may limit access rights. They can only be deleted by revoking the special rights of the super user (analogous to Windows - Administrator). File managers on Android can be a handy tool for organizing the storage of data on your smartphone, but the Android structure itself (or its entirety) can seem quite confusing.

  • Fig.2 Data programs, pictures, music - and access to everything from one root folder - this is a slightly different approach to a hierarchical structure than that of PCs and Macs, and this approach gives you a root folder You have more options than iOS. In Android, you cannot deny access to deeply stored system files through the original file manager or through an additional connection to a PC. This does not mean that you can delete whatever file you want at your own discretion.
  • Let's see how typical folders are organized in the device's memory, why they are needed and what you can delete and what not. Memory hierarchy will be installed on Android
  • And here I’ll come in handy with you, having put the most important information: “And the truth is, the most important thing in the world is in the network of firmwares,– An alternative option to restore the OS, programs from the recovery folder allow you to backup other folders and update them.
  • Rozdil– The data folder saves the client’s information, contacts and music programs, and this section can be accessed through a file browser.
  • In fact, there are a lot more of them and, at a glance, there is only one folder After a factory reset, this section is erased.
  • – Android saves frequently abused data and program components here. This section can be erased to resolve old problems and automatically update over time. misc– This section contains other important information about setting up the system, such as USB configuration, setting up your operator’s network and other hardware installations

graphical interface are displayed in the view of the VIMK/WIM switches. Without root rights

koristuvachi Android

You can only access the section of data that is visible to you when you connect the device to your computer or use a file browser.

Since the phone's memory can be expanded with an additional card, the card's memory is also included in this section with data accessible via a PC or file browsing. Make sure you only have access to these programs that are saved in the account data section. To access other memory you need root rights

Programs and folders in the data section Now, having quickly glanced at the main folders, we realized that we do not have access to the original files, update files or system files. Android files

If we just look at the files using an additional browser.

You can also transfer your files from your PC using an additional USB connection.

It's easier to make sure your phone is in MTP (File Transfer) mode so you can download all your files.

You can gain access to the device's memory using an additional PC or directly through a file browser

If you notice that the memory of the device looks like it has been replaced and there are too many folders, you will be surprised at them. If you expand the number of folders associated with programs, you may find extras of those programs that you have already deleted. As a rule, it is better not to clean the old program folders, but if you remember that the program has been deleted, and the folder with it is lost, there will be no return of any harm.

  • extsd Shvidshe for everything, it is empty or it has lost all its log files.
  • However, if you haven’t installed a lot of programs, you can place a number of folders behind this section with your personal data - they store your contacts, music, pictures and everything else. The axis of the top folders is not related to
  • third party programs You can know.
  • – this is the place where cache programs and data are saved for their duties. It is not recommended to delete this folder because you do not want to lose your program data. These deleted folders may result in incorrect operation of these folders. Alarms, Ringtones, Notifications
  • – as the name suggests, these folders store audio files for alarms, ringtones and notifications, which can be used by both default and third-party programs. Cardboard
  • – here data is saved for a number of VR programs, and since there are not enough of them, it becomes empty. DCIM
  • – here are the photographs that you worked on using your main camera program. You can also download this folder to microSD cards, as you save photos and on them.


Don't cry - don't see it.

This is true for all add-on folders, and you won’t be able to grab them except for these drops if you know exactly what you want to earn.

It’s absolutely safe to add and delete files from any media folder, but try not to delete the folder itself once you get into order.

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