The phone does not connect to the PC. Why Samsung Kies won't back up your phone

Golovna / Zahist

Sip often when vikoristanny Samsung software Kies, Koristuvachs cannot connect to the program. Vaughn simply does not succumb to mobile attachments. The reasons for blaming these problems can be rich. Let's look at what can be on the right.

The Samsung Kies program has a special master who can fix the connection problem. Which way to go, like a computer to turn on the phone, but the program does not.

You need to press "Usunennya pardon connection" and recieve the last hour until the master completes the work. Ale, as practice shows, the way to do it is rare.

Faulty USB plug and cable

A computer or a laptop has a kіlka USB plugs. For the rahunok of their frequent vikoristannya, the stench can be lamatis. To that, if Samsung Kies does not turn on the phone, respect the computer itself.

For whom it is necessary to see the cord, I will attach it and reconnect it. At the right lower kutka, you can hang out in the window with a connection camp. If there is no such thing, reconnect the phone through another rose.

Until then, the problem may lie in the cable failure. As a spare, try connecting through the new one.

Translation for viruses

Not rare situations, if access to living outbuildings blocked by shkidlivimi programs.
Run a complete scan with your anti-virus program.

For the reliability of converting the computer, one of the following special utilities: , . They can scan your computer without the main antivirus.


The connection problem can be fixed by old drivers or it can be disabled.

To solve the problem, you need to go to "Appliance manager", find your phone number in the list. Then press on the extension with the right mouse button and select “Update drivers”.

Since there is no driver, it is necessary to install it from the official site.

Wrong software version selection

On the website of the Samsung Kies program, there are three versions for downloading. Look respectfully at those for Windows. At the temples, it is indicated which version must be selected for a particular model.

If you choose the wrong version, you need to uninstall the program, make sure it is installed and install the correct version.

As a rule, after all the problems occur, the phone is successfully connected to the program.

Kozhen koristuvach mobile annex I know better what to do with a phone in the simplest way from a computer. It often happens that the phone does not connect to the computer. There are many reasons why the phone is not connected to the computer.

In the last century, the progress of telephone operators has been developed more conveniently and importantly, the function for help is that it is possible to “throw off” information from a computer into a stylish or navpak.

You can look through your SMS notifications, contacts, present in the aggregate, carry out corrections, view the call log and look at the files on the memory card and make a lot of other blue operations for you.

This function is enabled by connecting a mobile phone with a memory card to a personal computer via a USB cable.

The phone does not connect to the computer via a USB cable: possible reasons

1. To connect a mobile phone to a PC, you need a phone, a USB cable and, of course, a personal computer. If you have everything, then, first of all, it is necessary to re-verify all warehouses for manufacturing and quality.

Sometimes, it’s a poor cable, so one of the wires is broken. In such a situation, it is necessary to replace the cable, otherwise you will not connect it.

2. At the time of the wrong setting to the phone, you may have a problem with the rose, it will not contact the wire. You can at this time try to wipe the cable contacts with cotton wool soaked in alcohol. It is necessary to ensure the remote sawing and oxide melting from contacts. Even though these manipulations did not help and all the same there is no contact with the cable, you will have to replace the rose.

3. It's also important to add USB sockets to the workbench. Another reason why the phone does not connect to the computer may be a non-working USB port system unit, so the stench is included in the motherboard software interface.

Connect USB port You can enter the BIOS by way of the way, and some clumsy for corystuvach manipulations. If all the warehouses are listed in the same order, then we are looking for a reason in another way.

4. In order to connect a gadget to a computer, there is no need to install additional software manually. Establish specific utilities that, when a new connected device is detected, will allow you to remove the necessary software security in the area.

Practically, the connection process is a step-by-step: back to your computer and mobile phone closed. You rob your PC and gadget when help usb cord, turning on the mobile and personal computer.

The Windows program, after being entangled again, designates a new USB-connected device, designates its model and drivers for the robot in full compliance.

Let's automatically install Windows on your PC and install it. Basically, what is enough for a connect phone and a computer.

As soon as your personal computer recognizes the phone, then you have a gadget, all of your folders, which are on your memory card and a lot more.

5. Even more often it is necessary to restart the computer, after automatic installation mobile drivers for your work in full communication. Coristuvachi are stuck with the problem that in automatic mode the installation of the drivers did not pass correctly, otherwise it did not pass.

Like in automatic mode Windows program Don't download your gadget and you can't download it, obviously, there is no way to get the program from the Internet, you need to install the driver for the mobile phone manually.

AT current models For phones with different devices, postal workers put in a special disk, on which software security is recognized for your gadget model.

You just need to run this disk and install the software for your phone on Windows PC. If so, it is necessary to re-attach the PC. If the phone is reset, the phone is to blame.

If such a disk was not included in the kit before the phone, then you might have to get it from the Internet. Work on the official website of the company-maker of your phone model.

Phone retailers, on their official websites, offer such software to attract such kind of software. Just need to know on the official website of the driver and download it. Only if you are interested in animal rights, so that the software will be safe for your gadget model.

We don’t have a warehouse for you especially hardships and don’t take a lot of time. If the driver is properly installed and installed, after restarting the PC, your mobile is to blame.

6. For a stand-alone fully functional robotic mobile phone, that computer must be connected to the Internet with an Active Sync synchronizer. If you have Windows 7 installed on your PC, then you need the program Windows Mobile Device Center, and if you are running Windows XP, then ActiveSync should be added, or the latest version should be no lower than 4.5.

The same asset, for the help of which you can connect your gadget to your computer. It is recommended to take advantage of these programs from the official website of Microsoft.

When connecting the phone to the PC, select the connection mode in the phone interface, and you are all set. Everything is just that shvidko. If you have correctly robbed, then your mobile windows phone obov'yazkovo to name.

The phone does not connect to the computer via wi-fi

Phone can be connected to PC help wi-fi. If such a connection is not required, then the next vikonate is so.

Set up your computer on the fly. Let's install your mobile phone. Connecting through a wi-fi gadget, that PC ensures the ability to exchange information without a wired connection.

To upgrade the computer, you need to go to the keruvannya panel and select the "Merezha" item, and in the new sub-item "Internet".

At this point, click the left button of the bear to change the adapter parameters. Then select the item "Add" and "Create a computer network", and in the window "Computer".

Let's change the authorities without a dart at the "Internet protocol version 4" tab. This point is at your own papts. As parameters, enter the data of your PC.

At the phone, select "Z'ednannya", and then wi-fi, give the name of the company, as you gave your computer.

If you want to make a connection, where you enter your own data, which is on the computer, and just save it. Click on the connection. Z'ednannya installed.

April 19, 2014 | comments: 3

When connecting a phone / PDA to a PC via usb cable, the device does not display, but is less charged:

  1. Check the box "Parameters\Connection to PC\Enable". If it is installed - take it out and put it again.
  2. Try to replace the cable.
  3. Build in another USB port (behind the system unit, so that the ports are soldered directly on the motherboard).
  4. Try another PC.
  5. Try your flash card.
  6. Delete/disable the task-killer (for example, restores), or add "Synchronization from PC" to the list of faults.
  7. Namagatisya do not koristuvatisya with adapters / podovzhuvachami
  8. Install the driver for Android_USB_Driver__winXP_win7_.rar
    Drivers are also installed at the hour of installation of various programs for synchronizing devices with a PC. IMPORTANT: when installing the software drivers, turn on the anti-virus software on the PC.
  9. Zrobiti wipe through the installation of the PDA (resetting the factory settings) or through the recovery (go to ClockworkMod recovery and wipe data / factory reset). Delete everything installed programs and reinstate standard adjustments.
  10. Rezavantage PDA and/or PC.
  11. Vidality on PC installed drivers that reinstall software (for example, MyPhoneExplorer), reboot the PC, install the drivers again, reboot the PC again.
  12. Turn off the PDA, remove the battery, SIM and memory card for 15-30 days.
  13. Clean the roses in the device USB connection problems (Post # 19849241) and FAQ for samsung galaxy Ace GT-S5830i USB connection problems (Post # 20080680).
  14. Update Windows media player USB connection problems (Post # 20228084)
  15. For Samsung owners: update KIES and click "update drivers" in the new USB connection problems (Post # 20192608)
  16. Ask again.
  17. Walk to the service center.

(!!!) Do not forget that problems with connecting to a PC for additional USB can be called:

  • features installed on specific outbuilding custom firmware;
  • third-party software, install on attachments and / or PC, conflict between them either;
  • the problem may lie in the "outside" (technical failure of the memory card, USB-port, dart too soon).

For the obviousness of setting the scenery, universal methods, say, be it, they may not give you help.

I will attach the correct drivers from the computer

Attachment drivers sound in the attachment manager, so only attachments can be connected or give a command to attach (before those that stink, as before, are installed in the system). Even more often "same" drivers conflict due to inconsistency of versions and others.

The method of cleaning up the list of attachments that are not vikoristovuyutsya: (Already tried and tested Garni results if nothing is already helping to "pamper" the practical "attachment".
0. View all USB devices from your computer.
1. Create a change in the name DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES from the values ​​1.
Volume I: 1.1. Right-click the mouse on the "My Computer" icon and select the "Properties" item.
1.2. At the dialogue window, as you see, go to the “Advanced” tab and press the “Environment Variables” button.
1.3. On the upper part of the dialogue window of the panel "Change the middle" press the button "Create" (New).
1.4. In the "Name of change" field, type (copy the stars more briefly) DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES, and in the "Value of change" field, enter 1.
1.5. Please press the "OK" button.)

A change has been made to allow the extension manager to display all the extension drivers installed in the system (like attachments, and all that, if necessary, were connected to the computer).

2. Wiklchte Manager/Supervisor of Appliances:
3. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon, select "Properties" and go to the "Manage" tab.
4. Press the "Device Manager" button, open the "View" menu and select the "Show" command attachments(Show Hidden Devices).

5. Start "cleansing" the system from "motlohu":
5.1 Distributed "Disk Attachments" to Schoraz, if you plug in a new flash drive, a new driver will be installed. Shorazu, if you connect the same flash drive, ale to the other USB port, install a new driver. Drivers of all ninth included change noses at whom you can share it, you can boldly see - the stench itself will be delivered anew with the connection of flash drives and other USB carriers. In the midst of tsih prihovanih and nevykoristovuvanih drayverіv bude і the driver of "your attachment" (perhaps "not far" and not one). Vіn is guilty of naming "Your attachment" USB Device, but not always naming correctly and that's why I can be more ... Feel free to see everything that is worth "Your attachment" in this distribution. With the first connection of yours, I will build a new driver for the in-line one to install itself or ask you to install it.

5.2 Partition "Other annexes" Here you can see all attached (lilac) annexes - try to put all your nearby ones. You definitely don't need stench.

5.3 Distributed "Volumes of attachments to remember" reassigned when the flash drive is connected.

5.4 "Controllers of the universal USB serial bus" section: Here you can see all attached (lilac) attachments: "Your Attachment" Device USB Driver, USB Attachment, Neudomy Attachment and others.
5.5 Reboot the computer.

6. After seeing everything, try reconnecting your device. It is your fault if you see a new Windows add-on install before the new driver or install them yourself (on some add-ons you need to install the driver without a USB connection, then you need to turn it on after installing the driver).
6.1 Reboot the computer.
Call this procedure to fix all the problems with the conflicting drivers of your device.

Yak booty, yakcho samsung kies don't back off the phone(Yakscho vrahuvati, scho vie, for example,)? We must first indicate that the program is cost-free software security, which helps the mobile add-on to interact with personal computer. There is a lot of hands-on phone calls in Samsung company when the device is connected to a PC. However, there are some downsides, if Samsung Kies does not succumb to a mobile extension. How to make someone have a vipadka?

Please koristuvachami, whose Samsung Kies without ringing the phone

We should be confused that the problem is really caused by the Samsung Kies program, and not by the computer itself. If the PC does not bait a mobile phone as a connection to an attachment, the problem may lie in the computer itself - for example, blame it on the drivers or the USB port. Also, do not start scanning the entire system for viruses.

If the connections are connected, they are identified, but samsung kies don’t turn on the phone all the same, you can try to close that program, plug in the cable and reconnect it again. As an option - connect to another USB port, rather on the back of the PC, and not on the front. The program cannot be run doti, docks operating system don't ring the phone yourself.

The next step is to check the connection settings in the mobile add-on menu. The scheme is as follows: "Parameters" → "Connection" → "USB" → " USB setup". Dodatkovo you can re-advantage your phone. Prote tse also can help. I recommend that you try to reinstall the drivers on the device if you want to install the mobile device. Having pressed the top left row of the program, select "Installing the driver" or "Installing the driver". Drivers can be updated in the following way: “Care panel” → “Additions manager” → select phone → “Update drivers”.

If it is not possible to do this, such a procedure should be followed by trying to reinstall the program itself. Possibly, back on the cob it was inserted old version, Abo stop, prote is incorrect. Slid to go to "Installation and Remote Programs" ("Programs and Components" in Windows 7) and previous version Samsung Kies. Let's clean up the registry later - for example, for the help of the CC Cleaner program, but it's not obov'azkovym.
After removing the program, it is necessary to restart the computer and install it the rest version, zavantazhiv її from the official website of Samsung Kies Before installation, it is recommended to disable anti-virus security. When the programs are installed, select context menu"Run as administrator".

Other downsides, if Samsung Kies can not bachiti phone

Sometimes the reason may lie in the fact that on the memory card, or in the memory of the mobile savings, there is a file with too long extensions (for example, too important or too large). You can try to win a memory card. Even though such a file is still in the phone, you can move it to a different folder on your PC. It’s better not to see files that are recognized as unknown, and after the end of the work, just copy them back.

Even though the reason was still not found, it’s better to try to turn to fahivtsiv.

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Most often, the problem is in the computer's drivers, but updating the driver through the device manager - it will not help, it will only help in that case, since you have a disk with the necessary drivers, it is more convenient - the device manager - select the phone - (right button) authority - ( then tab ) I will add a copy of the copy of the instance code - now you can search for the necessary driver at the merezhі.

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