Spin vibro at the phone. How to turn on the vibration on the system buttons of a smartphone or a tablet with Android OS. You can set up a vibration alert for text alerts

Golovna / Zahist

Too many koristuvachivs are stuck with a problem, if the phone or tablet is on base android start swearing. Started and didn’t fall anywhere and didn’t “water it” with anything, but it didn’t work like that, like torture.

For example, the outbuilding has problems with reception from "vibro". The reason for this can be:

1st: Software crash- tobto. the problem lies in the problem of software security

2nd: Hardware sbіy- tobto. the problem lies in the "glow" (tobto - it is necessary to replace or replace the spare part of the gadget)

Prote, do not hurry to get embarrassed - 90% have problems vibration motor robot smartphone or tablet based on Android software crash, You can fix your self-tightness as a whole.

Fixing the software crash:

Method 1. Dosit forgiveness - come in "nalashtuvannya" you know there « backup copy and skidannya", which one you choose outside the skid nalashtuvan іz vidalannyam usіh danikh. Be respectful, zastosuvannya this method is often seen dievim, prote pull for a view of all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and all the information that is stored on your smartphone or tablet. So in advance, save everything that you need by bringing your gadget to your computer. Yakscho Danish way You are not in power, but as if and after that the problem is not stuck, marvel Method 2.

Method 2.

Method 3.

I will add a software change, otherwise, how else to call "flashing". This way, as a rule, helps to sing new skills and succumbs for help to the Service Center. For an independent installation of this task, you need to go to the site-builder of your add-on, get the utilities and the firmware itself for the firmware, after which re-install it on your gadget.

Although not one of the methods did not bring results, unfortunately, you will have to go to the Service Center to repair your tablet or smartphone.

For smartphones or tablets keruvannyam Android arose and did not work vibro. / Do not use vibration on the phone. Why work and how to exult?

In the operating systems of Android, the speaker removes the call from the gadget for an additional vibration. Ale scho robiti, how is it necessary to take away the noise? Vlasnik will easily be able to independently adjust or turn off the vibration for such actions, as a reminder, SMS, dialing and dialing on the keyboard.

How to turn on the vibrator on the Android system?

Just press the touch buttons in the lower part of the screen, the device will vibrate. In silence, її already have a good sense, rich coristuvachіv dratuє. You can pick up the vibrator by following the instructions below:

Video: turning on the vibration on the butt phone of Asus

How to notice, how to turn the vibration signal

It was necessary to quickly turn the vibration back, vikonuemo tі dії, like when the vibration is turned on with tієyu raznityu, which in the kintsi will be necessary to put a tick, not deselect it. Now you know about the pressure on the touch buttons.

How to clean up / increase the vibration for the keyboard

How to set up vibration for the ringing hour

How to install or disable vibration to alert SMS

Vibration adjustment for SMS and reminder of things in the future.

Deyakі programs to wash individual customizations reminder. For example, "Vkontakte".

What work, how did vibration arise?

As if the vibration is strengthened, but it doesn’t work with the same periods, it means that the robot’s vibration has been damaged. Tsya problem can mother of a few reasons:

  • installed programs conflict with vibrodzvinkom;
  • discharging the battery and attaching it to work in the energy saving mode;
  • if the smartphone is new, then, perhaps, the wine may have a factory coat;
  • stacked saw between a vibration motor and an internal board, broken by contact between them;
  • mechanіchna dіya or vologa getting into the pristry;
  • pardons for software security.

What work?

  1. Reconsider, that the vibration is effectively strengthened in the adjustments.
  2. Charge attachments.
  3. Rezavantage stylish phone and I will rewrite the practicality of this function.
  4. Yakshcho є such a possibility and dosvid, sort out and clean the attachments in the middle.
  5. Upgrade the firmware, don't forget to save all your data for another portable device.

In order to solve such a problem, I’ll put it up to my own dbaily:

  • do not allow mechanical failures;
  • unique vologers: a vipadkovo poured flask of water can lead to a serious breakdown and a long expensive repair;
  • bring a special case for the phone, use anonymous accessories, so that you don’t just protect the attachments from the saw and wood, but also embellish yoga.

Programs for curing with a vibration signal

This program will allow you to select the "melody" of the vibration on various occasions: "Imperial march" for connecting to the Internet and "La Cucaracha" for incoming calls, for example. How to set up?

Video: Vibration Control for Help Customize Vibrancy

Rechecking vibration in the engineering (service) menu

At the service menu, you can protest all the settings of the Android phone. To go to service menu, you need to go to the phone and replace the friend's phone and dial a special code. For the skin model, the phone has its own combination:

  1. Samsung - *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
  2. HTC - *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#*
  3. Sony - *#*#7378423#*#*
  4. Huawei - *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#2846579159#*#*
  5. MTK - *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#*
  6. Fly, Philips, Alcatel - *#*#3646633#*#*

After a set of keys, the phone will automatically switch to the service menu. If something didn’t happen, try pressing the call key.

Vibration in the operating room Android systems you can easily turn it off, turn it off, or adjust it, following the instructions above. This can be done using standard methods with the help of additional software. Kozhen koristuvach can improve his taste for himself, go out of his own tastes or situations.

Samsung smartphone vibrates all hour

A smartphone is a modern, richly functional phone call. For the skin keeper of a fashionable gadget, an important criterion is to lose the reliability of the device. Ale, do not start attachments to the true burdens on the new hope, and there are fluctuations, if Samsung smartphone vibrate the whole hour. We ask you to explain the reasons for blaming such an inaccuracy.

  • Mechanical failure;
  • System crash;
  • optimization problem;
  • Installed update.
  • Mechanical failure

A serious cause of the situation is a mechanical failure of the device. Hours of non-baloly exploitation, the gadget is subject to various outbursts. You can see such splashes: hit, drop a gadget, hit, drive inside the building, pour temperature regime the outer and inner middle. Imovirno, for these reasons, there is a problem of breakage of the building. Slid negainoly back to the Service Center.

System crash

The problem of software security, often becomes a problem for a smartphone. As a result of the OS failure, those who have been vibrating the Samsung smartphone for the whole hour are affected. Such injustice draws a mass of other serious sums of money for the device. Repair of this type of malfunction is more likely to be carried out in the Service Center, oskolki independent firmware OS you can not vporatisya.

Installed update

Kozhen koristuvach love new installations on a fashionable gadget program. Ale not a skin koristuvach knows that far from all the innovations are summed up with the peculiarities of the gadget. I will build the productivity of the work without intermediary due to optimization and pardons, zavantazhenih from new additions. Deyakі z such novlen, zavdyat іstotnoї shkodi i zreshtoyu device start vibrating constantly. The staff of the Service Center will help you to get help from them.

Seen more possible reasons problems when Lenovo smartphone vibruє the whole hour, є possible, but not united. For the exact determination of the causes of the malfunction, it is recommended to contact the Service Center engineer. Meister carried out a cost-free diagnostics of the device and gave a guarantee for the vikonan robot for lines up to 3 years. The courier will cost-free deliver the ready-made gadget to the next day at the appointed time.

The function of telephones and tablets is even more convenient - the ability to signal about calls, or not only by sound, but by vibration. Such a method of notification is convenient, for example, for important business people or working environment - colleagues were not called, and they did not miss the notification. Ale, krіm tsikh funktsіy, vibratsіya suprovodzhuє i virtual keyboard. І yakshcho on the annex behind the lock is installed a vibrator for typing on the keyboard, you can spend a lot of time ta zusil, first lower yogo turn on.

How to turn off or clean up the vibration of the keyboard through the installation of a smartphone

Video: how to turn off the vibration of system buttons

Setting up vibration for calls and alerts in Android

Improving the vibrosignal for calls or reminding is a topic that deserves a great deal. AT modern smartphones ring out “sewn in” a spear of modes for twinning, that notification of a different kind, like, vtim, you can set it up independently. For locking their parameters, sound like this:

  • Primary - turn on the sound of the call, the average intensity of the vibration, turn on the sound of blocking and unlocking the screen.
  • Silent - all sounds are turned on, all kinds of vibrations are turned on.
  • Narada - all sounds are turned on, vibration is increased.
  • On the street - maximum density that intensity of vibration.

Audio profiles on Android for capturing

In the default mode, you can turn on or turn off vibrations, key sounds, select ringtone melody.

Creation of the audio profile of Koristuvach

At the front Android versions There is an option to adjust the intensity of the vibration for tweets, to increase the vibration. It is possible to practice yoga through the “Sounds and Words” item, pulling the rope.

In this window, you can adjust the intensity of the vibration for different types remembrance and advice

Item "Tactile Zvorotniy zv'azok”, Until the speech, may be on the screen, the screen is on all possible swipes. In Android 5.1, for example, there is no such possibility - only vibration at the sound of pressing the keys.

Customize Vibrancy: changing modes and vibrating intensity

For stronger vibration software security, which can be found on the Play Store with free access. Among such programs, for example, Customize Vibrancy.

On the playmarket, the add-on looks like this:

You can get Customize Vibrancy from the Play Store

The description of the program is more promising. Відповідно до нього, можна налаштувати не тільки вібрацію при дзвінку та повідомленнях, але й відрегулювати її інтенсивність, ритм (наприклад, змусити телефон вібрувати в ритмі Імперського маршу або Smoke on the Water), а також віброповідомлення при підключенні/відключенні інтернету та багато brown options for dzvinkіv. Zocrema, you can turn on the vibrating signal for calling with the subscriber - then you won’t hear the beeps, but calmly hold the phone at the hands, taking care of your right, while the wine does not vibrate. And you can, for example, put a vibration on the wheezing viklika after the singing trivality of the move.

Seeing the program is simple - at the end, in such a way it is possible to adjust the parameters: increase / decrease vibration on entry weekly to pick up the phone, to complete the week, for SMS and others. After a long push, you can go to the menu for choosing the vibration.

Vibration selection menu for Customize Vibrancy

The plus sign at the upper right corner is another specific feature of the program. Vaughn allows you to write down a “melody” with a vibrating path on the screen to navigate the translation of the Morse code - you can enter a word or a phrase in a row, and the program encrypts it in short long-term signals. At the settings, you can change the last one hour, as the correct points in Morse code.

Functional Customize Vibration But there is an unacceptable moment: on Android 5.1, for example, the program is not just not working - it's a wiki to the working style at the first try, change the vibration for the input calls. Judging from the opinions of the Koristuvachiv, with such a problem, there are many people who are talking about. Possibly, for other versions operating system the program is faster.

Access to advanced settings - engineering menu

For access to extended parameters, you can use the engineering menu. For attachments on Mediatek processor input engineering menu zdіysnyuєtsya by way of dialing the code, which is “let” at the whole menu.

Table: code to enter to the engineering menu

Parameters that can be configured in the menu, rather change for safety. For example, before that, how to change the loudness of the speaker or the sensitivity of the microphone, it is better to write down the set parameters for the vibration, as if it is not so and you will need to change them to the original ones.

Another way to open the engineering menu is to grab the program, so that you can enter it. There are at least a dozen on the Play Store relevant supplements. Tse, for example, MTK Engineering Mode, Engineer Mode Test Tool or MTK Engineering App. What is the cost able to improve Vibrations, you can find out the number of functions that were presented in Customize Vibrancy - vibrating when you start or call a call, for example. Adjusting the intensity of vibration, before speech, is not assigned in the menu: there are more functions to adjust the audio, but there is no vibration of the middle parameters that are tuned.

Video: how to enter the engineering menu and how you can change the settings

What work, how the vibration does not work in the heat of chi raptom arose

Yes, yes, yes. For example, when the phone stops ringing at the input, it stops vibrating (which can be called inaccurate when making an important call, it’s acceptable), first, if you need to work - check and check again the settings of the audio profiles. It may be that you have switched to the mode without vibration - there are no such problems.

Everything is good with audio profiles, the reason may lie either in the possession itself, or in the problems of supplements. For the first time, it is optimal to call the phone at the service, and then the deacons of the coristuvachi proponuyut lightly "barbarian" way, which is practiced by the bagats. If you hear vibrations through those that vibrate the vibration motor, you can try to dial your number from another phone and for an hour and a little, splash lightly along the valley - it’s easy to put the motor on the floor. Yakshcho did not help or pidozri fell into the problems of the firmware - it's better not to risk and carry the phone to the master.

Also, if you have a problem or a power supply, due to the improved vibrations, I will add it to Android - with more methods, you should already know. Golovnya - to know, de same to set these and other parameters, and in the engineering menu, be as respectful as possible and not wind up in a bad way.

Bagato Vlasnikov mobile phones to give priority to the “vibration” regime to the great ringer, that one will be very embarrassed if not working vibration on Samsung phones . Dilovi people, young fathers surround the masses of their own zv'yazku, lower create unacceptable chi unruly situations. It made me think that it is easier to "dzizhchannya" I can attach my own pluses, so the coristuvachi will sound the choice themselves in this mode of sounding. Yakscho lost vibration on samsung, it is necessary, first, to understand, through what happened, but, in a different way, solve the problem quickly, effectively it is inexpensive.

Maybe your mobile phone has one of these problems:

Highly qualified alarms of the service center tell why the style phone stops vibrating:

  1. The vibrating call is incorrect. Imovirno, in addition to only replacing the component, which is in harmony;
  2. The components of the Samsung product board have been damaged due to falls, strong impacts, getting wet, water falling into the middle of the building

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Replacement of a vibrodzvinka on Samsung - one of the largest effective ways repair in the analyzed situation. Our service center telemama without intermediary spіvpratsyuє z s bribery of original parts, why do we encourage customers to install high-quality spare parts on their Samsung zam_st zlamanih. The price of the particles, which are put together, is already low, because the middlemen’s mark was paid daily. Until then, in the future, in the warehouse, everything is necessary for the repair of spare parts, which means that the delivery of the check will not happen.

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