Insert objects in the field with data type ole. How to insert a picture into the database

Golovna / Nalashtuvannya

Hello everyone! In this article, we will tell you how to create a button in Microsoft database access.

The creation of buttons on the form cannot be stored depending on which version of Access you have installed (2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016). In this article, I will show two ways to create buttons on the form in the Acceess database: for the help of the master and for the help of the macro.

How tse robiti?

Krok 1. Creation form

If you have no form, it is necessary to create. You can marvel at the details of how the forms are created. Go to the "Creation" tab, the item "Master of Forms". Then we select the table which will be filled in, depending on which form we create. Dali choose the necessary fields and press “Dali”.

Selectable old look form.

Asking them to form and press “Done”.

V_dkrivaєmo form as a constructor. How to create a button in the Microsoft Access database will be described in another section.

Krok 2. Folding the button for help of the master

On the toolbar, select the “Button” item and pop it on the form. Z'yavlyaєtsya vikno master buttons. Here it is necessary to choose the necessary category and set the name. Viberemo " Forward entry” and press it “Dali”.

Choose what is displayed on the button text or small. We are leaving the little ones behind the locks and we are pressing “Dali”.

Set the name of the button and press "Done".

Now let's create a button with text. Let's go back to the button master, select "Upcoming Record".

Krok 3. Folding a button for an additional macro

On the toolbar, select the “Button” item and pop it on the form. Z'yavlyaєtsya vikno master buttons. Pressing "Skasuvati".

Dvichi klatsaemo on the creation of the button, shchob vіdkriti vіkno authorities. Go to the "Push" tab, "Button press" item. We press the button with three dots.

Select "Macros", press OK.

The butt of the vikoristannya baby as a background in the form is shown in fig. 15.2.

Similarly, background babies are inserted at the sound. The butt of vikoristannya baby like a tla near the star is pointed at fig. 15.3.

The little ones can be inserted into the form and look like the control element of the form. For whom, two types of elements can be wicked: baby(Image) that Free object frame(Unbound Object Frame).

Rice. 15.2. Background thumbnail for a Microsoft Access form

Rice. 15.3. Background baby in Microsoft Access

It’s not necessary to directly change the little one in the form or the sound, it’s better to wink baby(Picture) (practice form shvidshe). How often do you change the little ones, it is necessary to insert yoga behind the help of a free object frame.

To insert a key element baby(Image), required:

  1. Open the form for the Form Builder mode, or call it for the Light Builder mode.
  2. Press the button baby(Image) on the elements panel (Maystra Elements button can be pressed to start the Majster Elements).
  3. Choose from the shape of the bright spot, from which the little ones are to be avenged, and click on the new left button of the mouse.
  4. At the vіknі, scho cracked insert baby(Insert Picture) choose the name of the file to take revenge on the little ones, and press the button OK. A control element will be created, in which the drawing will be placed (Fig. 15.4).
  5. Establish the meaning of authority, like pouring into those, like little ones, to be shaped by the form or the stars. Tsі power similar to vіdpovіdnim authoritative form.

To add a background little item to the Access form, for example, the main button form, you need to launch the database (“Student Success” with the main button form) and on the toolbar, click on the button Add data base. Vіdkryєtsya Vіkno basi Data Access, in which you open an Access button form in Design mode.

In order to add a background baby to the Access form, it is necessary to open the dialog box of the power of the button form, as it is possible to open it in a number of ways. Let's take a look at one of the ways: open the window of power by right-clicking the mouse on button form, i in context menu Choose Power. You can see the Baby window: Picture on the Layout tab.

Rice. one.

To enter the way that name is the little one, it is necessary to click on the button to look around, to open the dialog Select the little one. It is necessary for you to specify the name and type for the file. For zamovchuvannyam Microsoft office Access supports .bmp, .dib, .wmf, .emf and .ico file formats. Therefore, select the little ones with one of the extensions and click on the OK button in the window Select the little one. I selected the extension -.bmp.

Dalі vіknі Picture: Picture specify the type of baby, vіn can be used or shown. The main authority between communications and provadzhennyam (vbudovuvannyam) rely on the Ministry of data collection and the methods of updating data after placing them on the document. Introducing little ones is an invisible part of the Access form, tobto. bude zberіgatisya at the database, zbіlshyuchi її obsag.

tying object– data (object), created in one file and inserted into another file from a subtrim link between files. Attaching the object is not to a partial file, into any insertion, but is taken from the output file in one of the directories of the PC, without zbіlshyuyuchi basi data. Even if the little ones, or the company logo, should be placed on the skin form and stars, then in this way it is possible to insert the little ones at the sight of the knitted object.

I have selected some little ones, so that I can’t see part of the Access database, that I will ensure the copy (capture) of the database file from the Internet site.

The advancing crock is the installation of a rosemary baby. The scale of the little one may have the following meanings:

  • Fragment;
  • Fit in the frame;
  • Beyond the scope of the frame.

Choose one of the values ​​for fallow type. In the button form Access Success_students I selected the scale of the baby - Fragment, view - In the center the result of submissions to the baby

Rice. 2.

After closing the "Baby: Picture" and "Button Form: Form", double-click on the "Button Form" button, you will see the Access Head Button Form with a background small.

Rice. 3.

Insertion of little pictures, photos and logotypes in the form or sounds help to improve their original appearance and give individuality to the Access database.

- to add a background little to the form, for example, to the main button form, you need to run the data base (“Student success” with the main button form) and on the toolbar, click on the button Vіkno bazi danih.

– open the Data base window, for which you can open the form of the button in the mode Constructor.

– open dialogue window The power of the button form, what can be done in a number of ways. Let's take a look at one of the ways: open the window power, right-clicking on the mouse on the button form, and in the context menu, select the command power. Vіdkryєtsya vіkno baby: Picture on tab Layout.

- to enter the path of that name, the little one needs to be clicked on the button to look around, to follow the dialogue Vibir baby.

– for whom you need to specify the name and type of the file. Under the Microsoft Office Access promotion, we support .bmp, .dib, .wmf, .emf and .ico file formats. Therefore, choose the little ones with one of the extensions and click on the button OK at the dialogue Vibir baby.

- far at the window baby indicate the type of baby, maybe we can help you to show it. The main authority between communications and provadzhennyam (vbudovuvannyam) rely on the Ministry of data collection and the methods of updating data after placing them on the document. The introduction of little ones is an invisible part of the form, tobto. bude zberіgatisya at the database, zbіlshyuchi її obsag.

Linking object - data (object), created in one file and inserted into another file from a subtrim link between files. Attaching the object is not to a partial file, into any insertion, but is taken from the output file in one of the directories of the PC, without zbіlshyuyuchi basi data. Even if the little ones, or the company logo, should be placed on the skin form and stars, then in this way it is possible to insert the little ones at the sight of the knitted object.

- select the transfer of little ones, shards of wines in an invisible part of the database, which will ensure the copying (capturing) of the database file from the site by the Internet corylists.

- advancing crock - tse installed rosemіrіv little one. The scale of the little one can be so significant.

Access 2010 can add objects to the field with OLE data type. In times, if the type of given tasks, how OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)- zv'yazuvannya that vikoristannya object), todi DBMS Access save the old object in file base of data, vіdvodyachi yogo zbeіgannya stіlki mіstsya, sіlki tsey ob'єkt borrows like an okremy file. Pid objects next to understand the files, created by looking at the addendums graphic editors, video clips, in MS Office programs, etc. When filling tables with data, like objects, at a specific position of the field with the type of data OLE, an instruction about the program is formed, for additional help, it is possible to recognize the object. Visualization of the object zdіysnyuvatimetsya less in forms and zvіtah.

For vbudovuvannya object at the field OLE data type it is necessary to enter the table in mode "Constructor". Add a new field, for example "Product photo". Select data type "OLE object field", why save the table.

Potim in the "Table" mode in the row for entering data, click the right mouse button, in the next menu, select the row with the command, which will bring up the dialogue window (Fig. 3.38, Fig. 3.39).

Rice. 3.38 Inserted object

Rice. 3.39 Dialog box for adding a new object to an Access table

A trace of memory, that there are two possibilities to wake up objects like data. The first possibility of transferring the choice of typical programs for creating a file, like Access supports, the other is the possibility of inserting an object, which allows you to type a file like a dzherelo data (Fig. 3.40).

Rice. 3.40 Adding a new object to an Access table from a file

1. Creation of an object from a file.

If there is information about the data, it is the objects for the data base, and the same files, it is necessary to use the mother files. Therefore, it is necessary to create a copy of the files, so that they can be added to the database, and also try to change these files. For example, if you send a photograph of the object to the file Monitor.jpg(jpg is a universal photo format). To save this file from the database, next to the window (Fig. 3.40) check the box "Create from file", after which you will appear at the window, that the little one is presented 3.41. Help button "Look" Next select required file.

Rice. 3.41 Search the file for the hour of the creation of the object in the database

At a double row for a field, for example, "Product photo" z'appear word "Package" (Package) Tse means that the file is linked to the program, for help, for example, in creations. Therefore, when looking at the data base, what will be asked, the form either calls, koristuvach scribble the image file at the icon , and when under pressure on the image, the system will find the addendum, and then at the new image file (in this butt this photograph). Vinyatkom - image files, save extensions .bmp(bit map format). At the same time, guess what the files were created in Microsoft programs. Visnovok is simple, photos can be inserted into such programs as Paint, Word, Power Point, save from looking at about 10 files, and then connect like an object to the data base. Try to create a copy of files from photos and text, vicarious different Windows editors. For example, you can say word document, insert a photo from the file, add text, and then save like: Monitor.docx(Fig. 3.42).

Rice. 3.42 Photo file created by Word

2. Creation of new objects.

When new objects are created in the database, the next step is to use the selected program to create a file, and then connect to the field with the description of the type of OLE. To start the mode of creating new objects, you need to open a table in "Table" mode, select option "Create new" at the dialog window (Fig. 3.39), and then at the list of views Object type (necessary supplement). The change of addendum, which is used by Access to create an object, is changed from the list (Fig. 3.43), which is opened after the command is launched "Insert object" .

Rice. 3.43 Change of Access object types that can be selected for file creation

The efficiency of the selection of programs for creating objects in the view of files is determined by the fact that you can extract files independently or by correcting them in the data base.

Look at object creation option for basic data, for help paint program.

For example, it is necessary to create an object from the images under the text, which can be corrected in the future. For whom it is necessary to select from the list Bitmap Image object, further away the technology of creating an object is shown in small 3.44.

1. Open the Paint program

2. Insert photos from the file.

3. Add text (as required).

4. Save the file.

5. Close the program.

Rice. 3.44 Technology for creating an object in the Paint program

manager 3.11

1. At the table " Goods"in mode "Constructor" add new stuff to them "Product photo", data type " OLE object field" Save change.

2. Mode "Table" in the field "Product photo" pick a row "Insert object from file", choose (put a spot) "Create new" and from the list, what is revealed, indicate Microsoft document Word. When you see it text editor MS Word here it is necessary to insert little ones, in the given row, to the goods in this row. Choose the little ones from the list, which can be selected without interruption in the editor (the “Insert” tab, the “Image” icon, the “Start” button in the dialog window is right-handed), or insert the little ones from other programs. You can tag the Paint program (Bitmap Image object), depaint the product yourself. Close the creation file, it will automatically bind to your base, up to a row, inserted into the yaku.

3. Follow this procedure for all rows your tables "Goods".

4. Save change.

Control nutrition

1. What kind of objects can be inserted before the data base with the OLE data type?

2. How can I insert a photo into the table like "Table"?

3. Where will the photo be displayed in the database?

4. What is the method of creating a new object in the same way as creating a file?

5. How to put the photo file of the product in the data base, how to expand it .png?

6. You can edit the file, which inserts like an object in the database directly into file system computer?

7. How do I insert a presentation before the data base?

8. Which program objects can be inserted into the data base?

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