Download apk from Google Play.

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Golovna 2 Cool Reader In some applications on Android, please do not use the controller.

Like a butt, you can put up some advertising.

Otherwise, it happens like this - the program is all good, but its translation is either crooked or just a day.

Or, for example, the program is trial, but new version There is no possibility.

How can I change the situation?


In this article we will talk about how to download an APK package with an add-on, look at its internal structure, disassemble and decompile the bytecode, and also try to make a few changes that can bring us other benefits .

  • In order to earn everything independently, I would like to get some knowledge
  • movie java

, in which programs for Android are written, and in XML language, which is used everywhere in Android - from a description of the program itself and its access rights to saving the rows that will be displayed on the screen.

You will also need to use specialized console software.

So, what is an APK package that contains absolutely all software for Android?

Decompilation of add-ons

In statistics, we only worked with disassembled code of programs, but large programs make serious changes, and turning them into small code will be much more complex. Fortunately, we can decompile dex Java code, whichever you want is not original and does not compile backwards, but is still easy to read and understand the logic of robotic programs., in essence, is an original ZIP file; viewing instead of unpacking does not require any special tools.

- compiling bytecode programs for

  • virtual machine Dalvik;
  • resources.arsc- the same resources, but of a different kind - close rows (yes, this file can be modified for Russification!).

Not everyone has a list of files and directories, but perhaps most of them have APKs. However, you can guess the number of file/directory extensions: assets

  • - Analogue of resources.
  • The main difference is that to access a resource you need to know its identifier; the list of assets can be selected dynamically using the AssetManager.list() method in the program code;
  • lib

– native Linux libraries written with the help of NDK (Native Development Kit).

This catalog contains creators of igors, placing engines there, writing in C/C++, as well as creators of highly productive add-ons (for example, # #8255## Google Chrome

After filling up and saving, the message “Error while connecting to server” often appears.

It has nothing to do with Google Play, so feel free to ignore it and look for packages that you like.

Revision and modification

  • Let’s say you know the package you need to download, download, unzip... and when you try it, you’ll look at some XML file and discover with surprise that the file is not a text file. How can we decompile and deal with packages?
  • Is it really necessary to install the SDK? No, installing the SDK is not obligatory.
  • Required accessory tools for all unpacking, modification and packaging of APK packages: ZIP archiver
  • for unpacking and packing; smali - assembler/disassembler for bytecode of the Dalvik virtual machine (; aapt

- a tool for packing resources (after packing, resources are saved in the binary view to optimize program productivity). Log in to the Android SDK stock, but you can also omit it; signer

- a tool for

digital signature

modified package (

It is possible to use all these tools directly, but not manually, but it is better to quickly use high-quality software built on their basis.

Let's take a look at setting up apktool. In short, there are three main commands: d(decode), b(build) and if(install framework). Since everything became clear with the first two teams, then the third team

brain operator

  • ? Vaughn unpacks the UI framework, which is necessary in these situations if you are preparing any system package.
  • Let's take a look at the available options of the first command:-s
  • - do not disassemble dex files;-r
  • - do not unpack resources;-b
  • - do not insert valuable information into the results of disassembly of the dex file;--frame-path
  • - use the UI framework instead of the one imported into apktool. Now let's look at a couple of options for the b command:


- forced folding without reversing changes;


- obviously go to aapt (select for collecting the APK archive), if for any reason you want to vikorize this other device.

It is very easy to access apktool, for which you just need to enter one of the commands and go to the APK, for example:

$apktool dmail.apk After this, all downloaded and disassembled files of the package appear in the mail catalogue. Preparation.

Turn on advertising

Theory is, of course, good, but is it really needed because we don’t know what to do with the unpacked package?

Let's try to put the theory into perspective, modifying the software itself so that it shows us advertisements.

It is not important to guess that this supplement is based on the ever-increasing importance of the Internet connection.

In fact, if we just want to get rid of advertising, it will be enough for us, for everything, to block the Internet.

Let's try to earn some money.

  • We delete the row of instructions and try to download the software using apktool:$apktool b com.kauf.particle.virtualtorch
  • The directory com.kauf.particle.virtualtorch/build/ will show the resulting APK file.і However, it is not possible to install it; some of it does not contain a digital signature and control sums of files (it simply does not have the META-INF/ directory). We are obliged to sign the package for the additional utility apk-signer.
  • Launched. The interface consists of two tabs - on the first (Key Generator) you create keys, on the other (APK Signer) you sign.
  • To create our private key, we need to remember the following fields:і However, it is not possible to install it; some of it does not contain a digital signature and control sums of files (it simply does not have the META-INF/ directory). Target File
  • - Output key storage file; Each person saves one pair of keys;



- password for the node;


- I have the key from the shelter;

Alias ​​password

- secret key password;

Validity - Term dii (in rocks). The value for the producers is optimal. Other fields, zagalom, unnecessarily - but you need to fill in one. WARNING

After downloading the package to your smartphone, it is installed and launched.

Voila, the ad is up!

Instead, she informed us that we do not have access to the Internet or any other day-to-day permissions.

Behind the idea, who could have been punished, but the information looks tactful, and, to be honest, we were just blessed with a stupid extra.

The software is normally written, it can be used for everything, clarify your instructions or check the availability of the Internet connection and otherwise just try to start.

Yak buti u tsomu vipadku?

Okay, edit the code.

Here the creation of an object appears.


The search is continued in rows 433, 435, 466, 468, 738, 740, 800 and 802 up to methods in the Ad class.


That's all.

Let's save.

Now you need to take the package back and check its usefulness and authenticity of advertising.

For the purity of the experiment, we reverse the row from AndroidManifest.xml, select the package, sign it and install it.

Our last rabbit.

Advertising visible

This article is a short introduction to the methods of opening and modifying Android add-ons.

Behind the scenes, a lot of work has been lost, such as removing protection, parsing obfuscated code, transferring and replacing resources with programs, as well as modifying programs written using the Android NDK., However, despite the basic knowledge, it’s time to get started. Interpolation

Interpolation — in calculus mathematics, a method for finding intermediate values ​​of an explicit discrete set of outgoing values. Many of those who are concerned with scientific and engineering developments often have to operate with sets of values, filled with the last step or by the method of random selection.

As a rule, it is necessary to provide a function on the base of these sets so that other values ​​can be processed with high accuracy.
This is what the mischief is called


Interpolation is a type of approximation in which the curve of the required function passes exactly through the data points.

There are a lot of different interpolation methods.
The greatest

Let's expand Newton's method for “forward” interpolation (Newton-Gregory method).

The interpolation polynomial in this form looks like this:

Coefficients 3 are known from the formula:

Implementation of my C# program:

using System;

namespace Interpolation (class Program…

Common Correspondence Resource Sharing (CORS) is a W3C specification that allows cross-domain communication in the browser.

By building on top of the XMLHttpRequest object, CORS allows developers to work with new idioms such as requests from a single domain.

The wiki option for CORS is simple.

Find out that there are data on that you want to remove from the site.

This type of request is strictly not allowed in accordance with your browser's policy. However, with CORS requests, can add a number of special response headers that allow to deny access to the data..

As you can see from this example, CORS support emphasizes coordination between the server and the client.

Fortunately, as you are a buyer on the client side, you are protected from most of these parts.

This article shows how clients can cancel cross-cob requests and how servers can configure CORS support for themselves.


The ARK file, which we use to install games, is a batch file and, if necessary, a type of game.

5. To turn on the ARK, press the special button located at the upper right corner.

Select BACKUP from the selected options.

For the sake of precision, I am detailing this operation.

Now you just need to make sure the process is completed.

  • 1. All files that come out will be moved to the Backups – Apps folder.
  • 2. Installing them is as simple as the original APK files.
  • 3. As many of you know, the process of installing Android programs is simple - you open the Google Play market, find the required program or game, press the “Install” button and that’s it.

However, programs for Android are presented in the form of packages that are also installed manually. These packages have the extension ".apk" and are more practical numerically. For example, you can easily use backup copies of programs that are also saved as apk files.

This will help in this situation, since the rapt is not supported by the addition or hijacked Google Play, just like Flappy Bird. Surely, anyone can download the program and install it on your smartphone. Also, apk files can be manually installed on such devices as individual devices (Amazon Kindle Fire and Nokia X).

However, how can you uninstall the installed apk file? You can easily find the program on the Internet, download it and install it on your Android device. This method works well with no-cost programs. Payments are stolen due to obvious reasons. In addition, programs that import additional files after they have been installed must work normally.

On the Google Play Android device, download the program as you want to download it.

Let's create another shortcut for Google Chrome on the desktop.

Right-click on the shortcut and select “Vlastivosti”.

In the “Object” field, the following commands can be added by skipping:



It looks something like this:

...\chrome.exe" --ignore-certificate-errors --allow-running-insecure-content

We press “Zastosuvati” and “OK”.

After this operation, you will need to restart the browser, closing all running instances of programs.

2. I will add your Google account name and ID In fact, if we are interested in programs on the device, we need to know the name of our storage account in order to know the name of yours. postal screenshots

Google and enter the identification number of your Android device.

Everything is clear about the box, and to find out the ID of the device, open the phone on your smartphone and dial *#*#8255#*#*

On the screen you need to know the “Device ID:” row

The identification number is the combination of letters and numbers that comes after “android-”.

For example, if you see “Device ID: android-1122aa33bb445577” in a row, then the identifier is the combination “1122aa33bb445577”.

Write down the combination.

If, for whatever reason, you were unable to recognize your Device ID using the above method, you can simply download the Device ID program from the Google Play Store. 3. APK Downloader An interesting extension for the browser called APK Downloader.

Enter the address of our Google account, then write to the address.

Password (yeah, scary), as well as Device ID.

After this we press “Login”. At the next window, select your country and operator Stilnikovy bond , after which click “Save Settings”. You may then see a notification about the successful activation of the extension.

4. Google Play Store

Now go to our favorite Google Play Store and select whatever no-cost supplement. On the right side address row

The Windows 10 computer shutdown timer is a handy option for computer users who often idle robot processes.