Some extensions can be used by mother programs. What is the extension of the files

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File expansion: what is the reason for this.

File extension - the number of letters and numbers to be added after the remaining dot of the file name. The most common expansion can be up to 3 characters. The extension serves to identify the type (format) of the file. Z їkh help koristuvach i software security The computer can determine the type of data that is saved from the file.

The operating system (Windows, etc.) can set the skin extension to enable its own program, so that it can be launched when opening files in the same type. For example, in Windows systems For image locking, the program for reviewing images and faxes is displayed. Tobto. їй у відпровіднії delivered jpg extension, bmp, gif - extension for different types image files.

You can change the extension of that program yourself, as you have installed a few programs for opening files with the same extensions.

The extension is accepted as *.rar, i.e. add a dot before the extension characters, de zirochka symbolizes whether it's the name of the file.

The extension can be specified not only for the type of information that is taken from the file (image, media file, text file), and also the way of coding the cієї іinformation. For example, *.gif, *.jpg, *.bmp, *.raw, *.png this in - not expanding the image files, but also ways to encode the image in such files differently, and NOT the skin program to display one type of image, it can output another.

Use files to expand, name system files.

If you don't see file extensions, this feature is enabled on your computer. How to turn it on, read at the article (click on the name to go to the article)

Below is a list of the widest Windows extensions (formats) and data types.

Use anonymous file formats, also extension. It is impossible to remember everything and it is not necessary. On the level of the koristuvach, it is enough to know a small part of the above tables, so that you can recognize the audio file as a picture or as a text. Other necessary or necessary for professional activity(image for designer, video for video editor only), or for administrators, as they operate with system files.

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Otzhe, at this day's lesson, you know, what is the file extension, and how you can change the extension. The most obvious or the best information of the computer's coristuvachi, sing-songly, they already realized that there was a file operating system Windows can have its own name, which is composed of two elements: the name itself, as it appears, well, under the file itself and extension, in the Kremlin under the name with a small patch. Axis simple circuit file name with extensions:


The extension is necessary for the OS to be able to determine what type the file belongs to and what program to open it.

The axis of the widest apply the expansion of any version of the operating system from the Windows series:

.txt- standard text file

.doc/.docsMicrosoft document Word

gif; .jpg; .bmp; .png– formats for extended graphics files

.wav; .mp3; .midsound files(audio)

.mpg .avi .vob– video files (video)

.flv- the popular Flash format. Video files in this format are "important" less, lower videos in AVI or MPG formats, which is why they are widely used for watching videos directly on sites.

.pdf- Document Adobe software reader. Vikoristovuetsya under the hour of creation e-books those various aids to various possessions of that software, which are added to an okremu CD at once from the production.

.exe- A hacked file, which is hacked in Windows OS for the immediate launch of the program itself. When under pressure on files with similar extensions, the program will start until the "exe-file" is present.

.zip .rar- the format of the popular archivers WinZIP and WinRAR.

/; .htm- web page format. You can try to save it to your computer, whether it's a web site on the Internet, as a rule, it will have one more extension.

.sys; .dll– system service files required for robotic OS installed addenda. The appearance of such files can be brought before Windows crashes and finally goes out of whack. If you are not 100% convinced that you are working, do not see such files.

Same zavdyaki Windows extension you choose to retrieve the information from the same file. It was noted that if you open some kind of file, it will start up a special program for starting it, so we will start the file later. It is possible to expand the files.

How to change file extension ta yak yogo pobachiti?

To display the file extension, click on the step:

Windows file extension

Go to "My Computer => Services => Folder Authority => View" and uncheck the box "Give extension for registering file types" (in other Windows versions nalashtuvannya can troch vіdrіznyatisya). After you ticked the box, don't forget to click OK. Now the expansion will become memorable.

So, in order to determine the type of the file, it is enough to send the mouse cursor to the Windows explorer, after which you can get all the necessary information from the prompt.

Change the extension of the file, if it became necessary for you, you can use the help program Total Commander, yaku you can easily know that zavantazhit for the help of the search engine Yandex.

On why our lesson has ended, you can put your food in the comments below, for the first time we will try to be good at them.

What is the file extension

І Yak їх bachiti

The file in the Windows operating system is made up of two parts: in a wave, the very name of the expansion, like in the Kremlin, one in one speck. The axis seems to be looking at the wild vapadka:

filename. expansion

The extension is necessary so that Windows can understand what type it belongs to specific file and what a program of creations.

Axis apply the extension of the files, which are most often used:

txt- A simple text file.

doc- Microsoft Word document.

jpg, gif, bmp- The widest formats of graphic files.

mp3, wav- audio files, music.

avi, mpg- Video files.

flv- video in the popular Flash format (the most popular video format in this format is video clips for viewing directly on sites).

pdf- Program Document Acrobat Reader. In this format, there may be all the help (instructions, descriptions) to other programs, and they can be written down on a CD, which is added.

exe- the file that is to be launched, tobto. uninterrupted program. If you run such a file, the program is more efficient.

rar, zip- all archives created by popular archivers WinRAR and WinZIP, obviously.

htm, html- And tse web-sides. If you save that other side of the browser on your computer, you will, as a rule, be saved to disk with a file with such extensions.

dll, sys- service files required for the robotic operating system installed programs. Never see such files, as you are not sure that you are working.

As I already said, the extension itself helps windows to recognize, to remove information from that smaller file. Aje not darma, if you click on the file, you will open it, the system will start automatically I will need a program, and then v_dkrivaє in nіy dani file. Tse rozp_znavannya vіdbuvaєtsya zavdyaka expansion file.

Often navit koristuvach to marvel at the extension, so that files of some type are currently displayed on the screen. Ale, don’t forget the expansion, you can see it. Often it is so that only file names are displayed, the extension is simply not available. Tse means that the tinctures of your system have the extension disabled.

To see yoga, go to "My Computer - Services - Folder Powers - View" and uncheck the "Give extensions for registering file types" checkbox (adjusted for Windows XP, may be changed in other versions). Press "OK". After the expansion of the memory files.

Try it, maybe it suits you. Especially I can't fix it, because the files can't be expanded.

With respect,
Kostyantyn Fest

P.S. you can just speed up an hour when editing a great file email just "squeeze" the file forward with a special program.

In order to learn how to download files on your own, it's enough to look through all 8 small video tutorials from the most popular WinRAR archiving program.

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