Advertising calls to the home phone. How to call the calls of advertisers. - So, in whom the food should show zhorstkіst

Golovna / Contacts

How to reconsider a stubborn bank teller, why don’t you need a loan from the next ten years? What should I tell the operator to get through to the "black list" call? What are the cunning tricks of the sellers, trying to cheat us before buying? About a lot of other things rozpov psychologist Mykola Rozigraev.

Telemarketers cherish the rule: "The base stays for three months." It means that you can call the client even if you speak pleasantly on the phone, after three months everything can change sharply and blame you, that will be a second call, better for everything.

In addition, few businesses can be ready to connect with customers through a series of contacts, and not sell their advertising space after the first call. To change the negative mood of cold clients, having glanced over, you can ask for legal services. A selection of facts and an overview of the past successes to promote your conviction.

Keep a list of quiet, hto reach your advertising audience. For example, if you have a sports magazine and want to sell ads in the magazine, you should focus on local sporting goods stores. Designate the target audience, bring it to the table. View your contact information, vikoristovuyuuchi phone book or phone book electronic phones. Post them to your cold weekly master list.

Natalya Kozhina, These days, a lot of companies (often beauty salons) push their services with endless calls from the proposition to see them without cost or take part in the action. Regardless of the number of calls, stinks can call customers 5-10 times. How to work so that such twins will be called out once and for all?

Mykola Rozigraev: Let me start with phrases that definitely don’t work for Marno, tell the representatives of the salon: “I don’t have a penny”, “I don’t have an hour”, “I need to think”. Because you don’t have a lot of pennies (hours) at once, but the stench can show up later. What is the effective way to speak with such people? On this day, we don’t leave our phone at our salons, the stench is like a rank of possession of yoga and it’s illegal to shy away. With such a call, ask the operator to introduce himself again, name the organization, then give information, they have your number. Obviously, there will be a story about those who gave contacts to some of your colleagues and friends. Clarify who you yourself have grown up, let’s name that name. Zvichayno, keep the food out without help. Here it’s an hour to guess about Federal Law No. 152 “On the protection of personal data” and say that your phone number, better for everything, was stolen, and then, when you call again from that salon, you negligently tell about “Roskomnaglyad”. As a rule, there is enough to get you busted with such dubious sellers again.

- Come out, whose food needs to show hardness?

Marvel at the opportunities for potential cold sparks. Store a list of businesses that are in the same postal index that you are. Find phone numbers, vikoristovuyuchi phone book or directory of online phones. Add the names and numbers to your list of cold calls.

Write a friendly, informative script, which should take no more than 20 seconds for an hour of reading at a great pace. Recognize yourself, your company and tell why you are calling. Don't say, "I want to sell you advertising space." Say: I'm wondering if you've made a new name and it's similar to what you're doing in business for new clients.

- Telemarketers hold gold for the rule: "The base stays for three months." It means that you can call the client even if you speak pleasantly on the phone, after three months everything can change sharply and blame you, that will be a second call, better for everything. If you want to be put on the "black list" by calling, you can make a sense of being more zhorstky anything, relying on the law.

Check it out, bye caller opinion. Write down any contact information. If you take a positive note, continue to score your serve. Bring the client to the hearing. If you reject the negative feedback, please tell the praised one and ask for permission to send the information to him by mail.

Follow the correction of brochures or sheets. Turn telephone rings yakscho їх ask, the appointments have an hour.

  • Book for zoshit phone book Sheet or brochure.
  • Please provide the price and information about the advertising space, if you receive it by phone.
  • Be cheerful and positive, stay connected with a folding telephone ring.
Telephone shakhrai and spammers do not bother about those who call the stench of stationary or wireless phones. And don't yell, as this number is on the federal "Do Not Call" list.

Another option, which can be taken into account, is “Informed Vidmova”. In particular, for the sake of interest, manifestations to your person, and then explain to the operator that your political, religious, and whether or not other things do not give you the opportunity to enter your beauty salon, or be-yaky іnshé mortgage, where you will be asked coldly. Golovna here do not give nadії. The dermal telemarketers, on the contrary, have the nickname of a person, like a stench to call, є status, in a new way, information about calling is recorded, and it’s even better, if it’s not only your opinion, but also your reason for calling.

The stench is just joking, shobi htos zirvav. Too many of us with mobile phones feel unacceptable calls, and we are not happy. І the problem is only getting worse, so that the transition is continued from the stationary mobile phones. Zeleny: the subscriber who called is not yours address book And, as it turns out, not a telemarket or a choice of Borg. Zhovtiy: Vіdomy telemarketing chi zbirac borgіv. . If you suspect shahraystvo, the call will be blocked automatically, and you will be warned about the blocking of the call.

- Why do I say that I already have my beautician?

- I’m wondering what to do with the “slime track”, for you to be persuaded to try new services, the other master then, so you give the sellers room for maneuver. It’s better to get rich with the phrase, why don’t you go to the beautician.

— What is the right way to tell a bank from a spivrobitnik, which one encourages you to take a loan? Is it easy for anyone to ask for Federal Law No. 152, and, as a rule, do they themselves forfeit their data?

Dokladnishe The Court having pinned the investigation, aimed at the hulks of the frail age. The company says it blocks over 5 million spam calls a day. The program can be tweaked to automatically block tweets with a high spam score. Dials will not ring your phone. On the other hand, you take silent notice, as if showing the number of the blocked call, I'll send it to spam. Text messages suspected spammers will be moved to the "Spam" folder, similar to what happens with email.

The addendum is also to get ahead, which is wine, ymovirno, є shakhrai. Deyna Volchko, as if she lived in Cleveland, said that she made five unacceptable calls a day. “Wonderful,” Volchko said, “tsi nebazhany calls immediately stumbled."

- So, but there is one cunning trick. It can be said that the situation is even more complicated for you now. Three months ago you took out a loan and you can’t repay with it, the shards have stumbled at the skulking financial stand. Do not boast, such information will not be entered into the database of credit histories, so that in the future you want to take a loan, you will not blame everyday problems, there will be a reason for the operator not to interfere with your proposition. Ale, I’ll tell you once again that it’s easy to get your name out of the banking base, shards of people, like they work there, they are also rooted in the golden rule, about which I guessed more.

These programs can also be ahead of the coristuvachs about the shakhrai houses and protect them from the shakhrai. Phone numbers just call from Jamaica or Antigua or Barbados and immediately hang up. If you miss the viklik, whichever you want, and you turn it around, you also take note of the warnings about shakhraiism. In this rank, you can hang up the phone, first of all, you take responsibility for yourself.

Ce bula is the ideal robot for a busy student. Telemarketers can play tricks, don't worry. Repeated ringing of your phone at odd hours can be spent under your skin. To that, if you want, your bloody vice and your phone were perceptibly noiseless, the axis of the kilka was pleased with the sound of the phone in the form of those naughty, ale practical - telemarketers.

People who work in sales often have to step over themselves and come into contact with unknown people, so you can try to overcome this stage.

- Mykolo, what is the best way to conduct yourself in a store, as if the seller obtrusively tells you to buy?

- People, as they work in sales, many times a day have to step over themselves and come into contact with unknown people, so it’s better to fix this stage, so that you can start to describe the power of the product, like you’re going to train here. If we want to get in touch with this situation, we just need to give those that we want to see us - contact. Get in touch with the sales staff, welcome (you can just nod); it is obvious what the seller said and asked: “What can I do to help you?”. Give you a hint that you need to just look around and if you choose, then you will have to turn to the new one for help. In this manner, the initiative is left behind you.

Do not let anyone call Tse is one of the greatest pardons, how to shy people. Whether it was vikliki, on which it was not taken away, they were recruited again a year later. Repeated calls are carried out for a few days, docking the phone number will not be seen from the bank and will not be sent later. Right in that, to allow you to telephone, let me confuse them, stop calling you, but only for a few days.

You all the same happen to see a few days of repeated calls, and just like a stink stink, tse, imovirno, become anew and anew. Don't hang up the phone. Pіdhoplennya that hung up may have the very effect that it did: we'll just call you back later. And silently bovtatisya after the cob of rozmov so very nasty. Tse duzhe fight, and the system will tell me to call you back, until you help me, chi zakavleni chi ni.

- How can I get a seller to win, to help a client before buying?

- The most obvious trick is “give me a try”, so that you put on cloth, sit in the car too thin. scho the seller is so full of time for a new one. There is only one thing that can save a client from a thoughtless purchase - a thought about those who have come to your store, you have your own coins. And the smut - don’t forget that you don’t take a penny for looking over.

Don't pretend to those who want to be zatsіkavlenim. A lot of people were called to the phone, and if we want to be important, listen to me for 30 seconds, or close to it. Then the stench hung up, saying nothing. If you know that you will not be called from the very cob, tell me. Tse lying to both of us, and not to harm my senses. Don't be rude. Let me start by saying that telemarketers are people.

  • The stench is not evil.
  • The stench can be embarrassed, like everything else.
If you work in the closet, it’s easy to shout at you, hang it up in a bad way, it’s easy for the mother in the trash. If telemarketing is never, if not overtly rude, telemarketers can be quite vengeful after the big day. I have the one who, having called the bi rude people, just to play pranks. Be gentle with your telemarket and the stench will be nice to you.

— I read about the methods of building a salesperson to a purchase through copying yoga gestures, intonations, postures. dієviy sposіb?

– I won’t tell you about the details of the construction, the small salesmen in vicorist stores don’t do it so often, but the story is about great sales, it’s necessary to establish contact and hold negotiations. I have given you an example of another way to sell: all sellers should start working with the lists. What is it? As soon as they tell you to buy, you blame doubts, that's a big reaction. Here you can judge the next salesman: better for everything, wait for you, knowing that you are wary, and then try to bring the rose to another area, so that the product is winning, without depending on your supply. Here we need to be respectful: if it’s okay with your sums, give special respect to those that we then seem to you.

Don't lie. Give your telemarketer a little credit: stink if you're lying. People often try to get cold feet on telemarketers by telling them that a person, like a stench, is trying to reach out, trying to find a place. In that hour, as their extravagant nonsense sometimes gave me a laugh, the stench spent an hour of their life. Nonsense for your telemarketer sounds like a program situation. Vikoristovyte p'yat simple words. The best technique for the brilliance of unfortunate twinks? Answer me on the phone and say: Move me to the list. As if you are one of the quiet kind people, as if it seems that you “do not cry”, we, imovirno, will call you back in a few days.

- I’m telling you to point the butt, the product that is for sale is milk.

- For example, the buyer asks: Is the milk fresher? The seller replies: “So, I will understand your fears, but tell me, how important is the fortification of milk for you?”. It’s better for everything, the buyer is worthy, it’s important, and the seller gave me a hint about vitamins, so you don’t rely on direct nutrition and try to focus on the customer’s respect for the benefits of this product.

Buying phone numbers can be expensive, so companies will phone you more than once, you can legally just try to sell them. As you are effectively “not closed”, you can remove the tweets by explicitly telling them that you are included in the list of tweets not to tweet. Under the law, your phone number will be left out of your phone number, and you will no longer accept calls from the company.

Come to the National Register do not call. Just go to your website and enter the phone number you want to add, as well as your email address. You are guilty of accepting calls for a stretch of 31 days. May you know that the placement of the number in this registry does not ring up all the wikis. For the data of the Federal Trade Commission, links to the names of political organizations and telephone inspectors, as before, are allowed, as well as links to the companies, with which you have accumulated business letters, or the companies, which you have chosen, have been dismissed.

- Another type of sellers - people who walk around the offices of organizations and try to buy some goods, how to deal with them?

- It's simple here. If you don’t have a servant, then you can defiantly drink at your own expense, the seller won’t stand over you for a long time, so you don’t give up on new respect. If you are a person who wants to make sales, you need a contact, and if you keep the documents in your hand monitor, then sales are unlikely to happen. As if the servant has caught you, ask for the catalog and phone number of the seller; Your contact, obviously, is better not to give.

In order to break yoga on you, the deakis of the group can telephone you, and so you can be someone who you have given a letter to. Do not enter a phone number, as you really do not know where to go. The stinks could call ours hot line to withdraw information, to request information from our website or, more importantly, to provide your phone number to a third party website that sells your information to us.

As you enter your phone number on the Internet, read a different font, so that you can change it, we won’t sell yoga. My dosvіd work like telemarketing gave me a lot of information about shorter ways Telemarketing Calls Forms Although these methods may not work for all telemarketing calls, there may be many of them. Just try to remember that telemarketers are smart people, like you are. Being vichlivy, answering the phone and asking, so that they were not put on your do not call list, you can ring the phone calls and give the telemarketer more than an hour to call the customers, so you can effectively call them.

In the second time, Russia has created a law of decency, which is a defense against mass unauthorized reconciliation. Under the fence, they squandered SMS-wires, which are being charged from federal numbers, - they gave the coristuvach to the name of the company. In addition, for the establishment of such extensions, the organization may have an agreement with the operator mobile call. For nevikonannya tsikh minds companies will take care of the antimonopoly service and may impose a fine.

Protect yourself from unauthorized calls: how to protect yourself from advertising by phone

Do you want to impress your friends with this knowledge, like me “kinemo” on you? Like so, sign up at once for help around the house, pennies and life, we will deliver directly to your Postal screenshot. More low on the river, fines are paid at times of unauthorized telephone advertising. Ale kіlkіst kіlkіst skarg at the Federal Merezhevoy Agency is high.

Advertising by phone is unacceptable for bagats. The parties can tell about the types of sumn_vnyh advertising links from the Federal Merging Agency. Which telephone advertising is allowed, but which is not? Tse may be available before the call and cannot be called before the ear of the call. The rules are also communicated to the clients of the companies. Whenever companies break the rules, the stench sticks with fines. Penalties may apply for unauthorized advertising calls from telephone computers.

The subscriber is obliged to give a year to receive an SMS notification, moreover, the letter is sent through a code that was received through SMS. At the time of consumption, a person can contact the operator for information about the delivery of an SMS notification to a specific company-provider.

We have seen Sobaka z'yasuvali, as pratsyuє іnіtsiativa: scho is necessary, schob punish large loans and do not send the right corisnі svіshnі on smіttya.

How is the law practiced?

Whether the company is now goiter will be tied up with a name for itself telephone number that letter of the name, after which you put a direct agreement with the operator on the extension of support. Spam, inscriptions from the usual ten-digit numbers, voiced by law. Now style companies have the right to block the masses anonymously. Finding a way - go back to the call operator. As the representatives of the company "MegaFon" informed, the correspondent will be guilty of forwarding the notification with the text to a special short number, after which the spammer's extension will be blocked (for a specific subscriber). As a rule, service given hope without cost.

Where to go, how come spam?

Operators have been contacted with special numbers and postal addresses for the processing of such claims. At MTS, you can put a scarga or forward an otrimane SMS to no-cost number 1911. For the TELE2 operator, write a claim to the varto, either under the number 0611. Megafon propoytsya skarzhitsya or under the number 0500. For the Beeline company, for whom it is necessary to speed up the service "Chameleon" (advertising services) under the number *110*20#VIKLIK or go back to service center by phone 0611. Until then, for some reason you do not know your operator, it is easy to calculate - just enter the first three digits of your number.

How to punish spam?

At the request, pay the subscriber who received an SMS advertisement from a ten-digit number, you can boldly tell the FAS - or by email. So the koristuvach can give a scarg to Roskomnaglyad. To issue a scarga, you will need to give all the necessary information about yourself (special data) and about the contractor - the police department can tell you about accepting the scarga. Don’t worry if you happen to independently prove your case in court. If on the right you go to the instance, then call to speak mobile operator not vie. Alone, about what the varto is turbulent - reverify that they didn’t give you the best for the SMS-information. So, so, that very “dribny font”, which is so molting to read, can play an evil heat with you.

How to remove the necessary advertising?

It didn’t sound like it was funny, but spam is ugly. For example, the provider's guess about the payment of the account for the home Internet or the SMS notification to the bank. Why work, how do you want to save your own curiosity? Now, the advert can be processed not only by letter, but through authorization for additional SMS notification. According to the law, in advance of the year, the subscriber can be brought to the end of advertising not only by the deputy, but by the operator style tie, yakshcho rozsilannya to go through yoga іnіtіativi. It is important that the new rules for the adoption of a subscriber may be supplemented.

What are the advantages of the new law?

It is forwarded that notifications to the deputies become addressable and services. In this way, telephone advertising is poised to reach good targeting. For example, for additional SMS, the company will tell you about those who are ready to do this or that you have signed up for the service. It is also planned to change the tariffication of the power of similar support. As before the new law, the won was carried out for obsyago traffic, then at the same time, a number of sent SMS messages for nominal numbers are guaranteed.

What are the similar laws of the world?

In the United States, the subscriber may have the right not only to file a claim against the operator, without giving credit, but to sue for damages. The amount of compensation is not installed and is determined individually. Ring out, it's going to be close to 150-200 dollars for skin care. Similar exchanges are open in the lands of the European Union. For carrying out SMS-rozsilka there, like in the USA, it is necessary to remove a “clearly pronounced” subscriber. It is expressly stipulated by the EU law that spam can also not be allowed to receive their reference numbers. China has adopted a similar legislation - the law enforcement officer of goiter and taxation to sue the tax on the name of the subscriber new information about yourself that mozhlivist vіdpisatisya vіd rozsilki.

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