The galaxy s4 is charging fast. Let's take a look at the typical problems of the Samsung Galaxy S4. The battery is quickly discharged

Golovna / 2 Cool Readers

Shvidko sitaє battery on Android. We fix the problem

With such power, yak - why is the phone quickly recharging Samsung And not only, a lot of people stick together. We encourage you to explore the reasons and try them out on your own. With serious problems in the robot of the gadget, you will be assisted by the facsimiles of the service center.

It is necessary to remember that if the device costs more than fate, then the energy capacity of the battery reaches the end and it is necessary to replace it. Vyrobnik in fallow land according to the type of battery, specify the term of exploitation in the field of production up to 3-4 years.

Why does a Samsung phone charge fast Galaxy S4, S4 mini, S3 and other models?

  • Do not wait for the first charge mode and charge a new phone
  • Great number of practical programs
  • Automatically update a large number of programs
  • Maximum screen brightness
  • Battery saving mode not disabled
  • Ignore firmware update
  • Pardon OS firmware
  • Battery failure

It is important for yourself that you are not in power in a robotic gadget. The intensive use of a smartphone for rewatching videos or videos with tight graphics will bring it to the point of need for recharging already in a few years.

This is one of the minuses of the robots of such modern technology, but not a defect.

Battery problem

Take a look at the battery, run your hand along it from the sides. If it is air, uneven, oxidized - it is obvious that it is necessary to properly dispose of it and replace it independently, or by going back to the main service for Samsung phones.

So you can climb through the fall, mechanical failure, overheating, hitting the water.

Software smitya

It’s even more effective, cream of anti-virus cleaning, to beat such programs-helpers, like cleaners. Price without cost special programs available in the markets. This functionality allows you to clean the software to remove other robotic add-ons and spray more correct work systems. Obviously, the battery power resources are stable.

Robot addendum

The choice of a great number of programs at once is also poured into the transcendental vitrata of saving energy. It is especially important to protect non-standard programs from small retailers. The stench can carry with you hobbies of opportunity abo mother pardon, yaki do not go to the melancholy of your gadget.

Software security problem

Possibly, in the robotic operating system, there was a problem, and therefore the robot was not correct. Pardons lead to a quick discharge of the battery on the phonesamsung galaxy S4, S4 min, S3and other models. Vipraviti is possible, having thrown off the adjustment to the factory ones.

Before you save your data and save your flash drive and sim card. The flashing will become a radical solution.

Optimization of work

Samsung smartphones have the ability to marvel at battery life. Optimize the work of your gadget by turning on services that you do not need:

  • living trellises;
  • Widgets related to news and weather, exchange rates;
  • synchronization services, if you don't win;
  • social merezhі, yakі vy not vikoristovuєte;

Turn on the Internet, if you do not need a daily operating hour. Activate the "at the fly" mode, if the sound is weak. So you save a significant part of the battery charge - the smartphone constantly sends a signal.

Take control background additives If you don't need them, shut them up.

More serious reasons to help develop the specialists of the service center. Returning to them, you take away the basic diagnostics from the best of the current possession.

A lot of shortcomings are stuck with the problem, if the battery on Samsung phones and other gadgets is quickly discharged. Samsung phones, especially modern models in some cases, there may be some shortcomings, and there are plenty of factors. And a few ways to get away, and to find a little bit more hour autonomous robots apparatus.

Є kіlka of the main reasons why the device is quickly charged. Dzherelom vadi can be like the camp of the device itself and the operating system, so wash its operation. You can reveal the reason on your own, but in some situations it is recommended to turn to fahivtsiv. The skin type is individual, and you can’t always say exactly what the problem is and what the work is.

However, it is most common to lie on the surface. Let's look at the skin I can guess the reason Okremo.

Battery mill

As if the battery is sitting on the extension, with great ease it is being driven through the incorrect work of the battery itself. The battery can be mother like a factory wadi, so it wears out for an hour.

Stay more frequent. On the right, in what the accumulators may have their own term of applicability, approximately 300-400 charge-discharge cycles. Over the years, the energy capacity of the battery changes. The older one is, the smaller one is.

  • When charging, the bazhan is more likely to coristuate with less “redundant” RFP.
  • Charge your smartphone or tablet from 10% to 90%.
  • Bazhano do not bring yogo to the camp re-discharging (100%).

Tim is not smaller, as the device is planned to be operated for more than 3-4 years, it will accumulate early enough to change it. When changing, it is important to choose correctly new battery. Ideally, the same model is needed. The name of the model can be looked up on the old battery.

If you want to work on phones or tablets, you need a long time, and the capacity of a standard storage device does not last, you can use an external battery.

Such attachments can be a lot of pluses: the stench is suitable for any gadget from a USB socket and it is cost-effectively inexpensive. Krіm addition, іsnuyut see different foreign accumulators with different energy, that is why it is needed in a difficult warehouse.

Pardons in the operating system

Another extended cause of malfunctions is incorrect operating room robot Android systems. For example, the core of the bug may be "incorrect" firmware or, incorrectly broken, flashing the OS. Incorrect work with programs can often lead to failures: there is a large number of, non-standard or optimized for the software platform and, not in the rest of the line, it is incorrectly seen.

To that system, it is necessary for the system to drop data. Skidannya vidalyaє all files and programs, usuvayuchi pardons. Before the operation, it is important not to forget to transfer all important information in another treasure. hard reset It is recommended to work once every six months, to help ensure the correct functioning of the OS.

As problems with the operating system do not change, resetting to factory defaults, it is necessary to return to service center. At times, try to independently improve the robot of the gadget, it can end badly.

It's a simple rule - that more often a gadget is victorious, then more often it has to be recharged. It is rich to lay down and, in addition, how wines are victorious. The creation of video files, the replacement of a rootless system, the replacement of a software capable of up to the resources of the device (playing with programs) - energy-efficient processes that change the hour of a smartphone’s functioning up to 2-5 years.

For some vipadkas, you can help taka box option, yak offline mode. Vіn appointments for blocking z'єdnannya pіdnannya pіd hаvіаperelyotіv, аl vikoristannya yogi on the rіgі effektivno zaoschadzhuє vytratnih protsesah. This function is more convenient for tablets. Vaughn does not obmezhuє їhnіy funktіonal is critical, to that for the connection of the stink they use more, lower telephones.

Quantity and quality of installed addenda

The amount of installed software affects the productivity of the smartphone. Games and programs, especially how the stink functions background mode gradually navantage the processor. Programs that do not win, should be seen at the same time. In addition, it is rich to deposit and in the form of їhnoyї yakostі.

Programs that do not fit a smartphone for technical assistance, are not optimized for a specific annex either the OS, or it’s just badly written, not only to waste the battery, but to seriously tamper with the robot of the device. Therefore, it is necessary to respectfully look after the characteristics of both installed programs and hack software in the form of altered retailers. Cost and regular updates of software.

It is possible to find out what software is pouring into energy consumption by using a simple test. Yakscho in safe mode or the air-mode of the device is more comfortable, next respectfully look up to the installed programs.

Mobile call, Internet, Wi-Fi and other call modules

Like it was before, the darnless tie dies rich energy. The primary dial-up links are not so powerful to the resources of the phone, like Wi-Fi and mobile Internet. However, a bad connection can be caused by a battery drain. On the right, the problem is that the problems of the z'єdnannyam zmushuyut pratsyuvat transfers at maximum tightness. Vіn stained energy, schob pіdtremuvat z'ednannya.

Dzherelom dodatkovogo navantazhennya іnоdіє є SIM-card, scho not vikoristovuєtsya. You can change the number of avenues for changing the type of connection from LTE or 3G to GSM, but it’s better to go only to those who don’t have mobile Internet access.

Another one korisna porada- turn on bezdrotovі z'єdnannya if the stench does not vikoristovuyutsya. Mobile Internet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS use a lot of energy, just to name a few. All these options are easily connected through the panel. shvidkikh nalashtuvan Android.


Many people do not know that a large amount of charge is shown by the screen of the gadget itself. If you do yoga correctly, you can save life in the minds of a battery malfunction.

There are two important points:

  1. If the screen works on the top brightness, the wine will rot away even richer energy. The value of this indicator can be changed without shkodi for comfort. Set the optimal level of brightness of the display in addition to the function of automatic adjustment, as it won't. The gadget itself determines the necessary indicator of minds, from which it is rebuked.
  2. Timeout for automatic shutdown display. You can try to install the shortest possible interval, so as not to bring unhandiness. It is important to speed up a few hundred of energy, as if it is spent "idlely".

View correct alignment display to lay not only energy supply, so it will be necessary to change it immediately after the purchase.

Speed ​​up the charge on Samsung phones, or else the brand will be helped by a few simple joys.

  1. Pay attention to the auto-sync and auto-update functions. Transferring data from I will attach to the server and back is an energy-efficient process.
  2. It's not surprising that the battery charge is spun when victorious live trellises, auto-rotate and vibrate when pressed. Corisno will turn them on, because the stench is not principled.
  3. A good solution would be to install special software, which would show detailed information about the charge level of the device and additionally helped to turn on the function in the background mode of the program. Isnuє great kіlkіst cost-free utilities for Android and other platforms.


Naygolovnіshe - tse respectfully I will build up behind the camp. Proper operation of the gadget and its timely repair is guaranteed to improve the term of the battery service and the entire building as a whole.

In such vipadkas, it is not possible to try to get food on your own. Particularly as a matter of fact, I will become a liza or an operating system. In order to correctly, efficiently and effectively fix the problem and fix it, it is necessary to return to the Samsung service center.


The flagship Galaxy S4 like Samsung, do not be surprised at those who are guilty and the best “life companion” (life companion of the sensei), and technically even more indiscretions, and good software in a lot of good, but the flagship is still, like it has appeared, lamayetsya, before that milk frequently.

However, we won’t talk about those, we often talk about, but about the most widespread breakdowns of the Galaxy S4, it’s possible. Fortunately, there is good information and opinions on the forums and in service centers at the right time, so it is possible to do this.


Really, overheating is, let's say, a serious smartphone problem. Moreover, the deacons, in the event of overheating, vibrate and injure their lords, but they trap like that, fortunately, infrequently. Zagalom, vvazhat this bug with a “sore”, as only suffer, just not varto.

However, it seems that the most cases of overheating are fixed on the Galaxy S4 I9500 with XXUAMDE firmware. The symptoms are always the same: intense thermal imaging when charging a smartphone in the middle, or with a thriving uninterrupted battery, with which, as a rule, the redness of the display is observed (so the images on the screen may be reddish) and the housing is moved, but not allows you to comfortably hold attachments in your hands. The axis is medicine.

How do you come in in an unfailing way to help fahivtsi recommend first for all the Galaxy S4, which overheats, and cool it down, just by placing it, for example, on the table at a well-ventilated place. If possible, follow the same back cover cases for short ventilation. In addition, as a smartphone holone, you need to check the firmware version for the need to update it. Robe tse abo in a dartless way- through the menu update (tab "About attachments" and further "Updating the firmware") or through the program Samsung Kies PC. As soon as the firmware is upgraded, the smartphone is still overheating, rather than going to the service center or viklikati computer master on dіm -.

glitch camera

Main samsung camera Galaxy S4 is equipped with a similar lens with a wide angle of view, has impersonal functions and allows even decent (like for a smartphone) photographs in different minds and with different bright lighting. Ale richly vlasnikіv Galaxy S4 to complain about those that the very brightest signs they do not see through the unfamiliar “fringe” along the edges or the border.

For more vipadkiv, the problem is explained by the fact that the lens of the camera closes the gap of the gap, as it is really not enough gap and zavazhet the camera with a proper rank. Tobto. it is necessary to take a splinter and grow a sprig of znіmkіv, as it turned out to be yakіsnimi, that is the reason itself in it. In another case, you may need to check the firmware version of the camera again and update it. I know the same, as if by way of the camera, the problem was not far away, just one more reason to go to the service center or the viklikati maistra.

Raptom galmuє that / or visne

Galaxy S4, vtim, as if it were another smartphone, not thoroughly, so put it down and hang up in tezh vmіє. The reasons for this can be different, but even more often, the TouchWiz shell and other Samsung software are at fault. Such bugs rejoice in a different way. Axis of kіlka of the widest ways:

  • Easily turn on other Samsung programs or open everything TouchWiz shells : Customize -> More -> Program Manager -> All -> Select all programs -> Wimknuti (or Settings > More > Applications > Manager > All > Select the app > Disable);
  • cache cleaning : see nevicoristovuvanі ta spare files, I’ll search the history of the web to see that the add-ons are not victorious, you can expand the RAM of the smartphone either through the same Add-on Manager (Setup -> Add-on Manager -> All -> Select add-on -> Clear the cache, or Settings > Application manager> All > Select app > Clear cache), or with additional specialized programs such as Clean Master;
  • restart Galaxy S4 : it is recommended to carry out this procedure regularly, it allows you to update the programs, “refresh” the memory and increase productivity.
Keyboard and autocorrect text

To fix the fact that a lot of koristuvachіv called to the system of automatic correction of pardons and other pardons and are regularly corrugated by it when typing texts from the virtual keyboard, the standard keyboard of the OS Android 4.2. And yet, even though the work of auto-correcting the test in TouchWiz is not in your control, then you only need to download other virtual keyboards from other retailers (Go Keyboard or Swift, for example) and then convert the language updates to them, oscillki Buvayut their own bugs in their programs.

Signal strength

With a little noise and a good signal, the Galaxy S4 also has some inaccuracies, like any other smartphone. If such a problem has appeared and manifests itself regularly, you can try it on your own:

  • on the cob better check again if it is not activated Airplane mode the smartphone itself in this mode, the smartphone does not connect until the connection is independent of the strength of the signal (the offline mode of the Galaxy S4 is activated by the button to mute / unmute life);
  • given necessary check the signal strength . Shchіlna mіska zabudova, tоvstі stіni primіschen zhіlnіzhuyut yakіst signal, nezalezhno vіd moreover, naskolki є є smartphone. Also varto perekonatisya, scho in this particular area and at the same time mobile operator functioning normally. So you can turn off your smartphone for 1 amount of time, so it’s possible to take out a new SIM card and battery, then insert them back and turn on the device again;
  • if in such a way you can’t improve the quality of the link on your Galaxy S4, then you need to solve the problem consultation of a qualified specialist , then. the smartphone must be delivered to the service center or to the office of the maistra home. Possibly, it will be necessary to repair the installed antenna.

What is the work, if the Samsung phone is warming up and quickly charging? What is the reason for the abnormal heating of the Android phone?

What is your samsung phone Galaxy heats up every other day of the week, otherwise, if it's charging, it's fine. However, if the floorings are heated up, if it becomes impossible to trim, then it’s not normal anymore. Іz cym requires work. Nebkhіdno z'yasuvati, chi є problem of the operating system or technical, then fahіvets is guilty to look at the attachments.

In this post, I will give you a squirt of speeches, as if you were guilty, so remember that your phone heats up abnormally or it overheats.

Do not underestimate the problem, shards of you, maybe, chuli, yak Galaxy Note 7 after scaling up the partnership of Android lovers and trimming them for a long time for a few months, after informing me about the fire caused by a faulty battery, I will build it. So, for the safety of readers, I propagate a few practical examples of troubleshooting, as the phone starts to heat up.

A metaphor for helping to fix inaccuracies - understand that your phone really has a problem, and reconsider, so you, like a vlasnik, are safe. Well, I know, until the problem is not easy to put it is important, because it is more common to overheat the battery, as it can be done incorrectly.

Batteries mobile phone can shake, and I especially stumbled with such a reward. It seems like you need to work on the axle.

Krok 1: remove the charger and plug in yoga on the phone

As soon as you charge the attachments and remember that the wines are heating up, as soon as possible, start the charging process. For the time being, we don’t know what the problem is: at the telephone, the battery, or the charger, but for your safety, attach the charger to the phone.

After turning on the phone charger outbuilding, continue to monitor the temperature of the phone, to know if the wine continues to heat up, turn on if it does not charge more.

Krok 2: turn off the phone

If the temperature did not change after the charger was opened, unplug the phone to find out if the temperature is dropping. Even though wine is still hot for a sprat of whilin, then do nothing with it, but simply bring it back to the store and let it be marveled.

Krok 3: charging the phone when the battery is switched off

On the other side, as the temperature dropped after the charger was removed, it is possible that the heater only heats up once, if it is turned on for an hour of charging. Now you can try to charge your yoga while the battery is on, so that you can charge the building's battery without heating up.

Even though a lot of programs are running in the background mode, the phone can heat up and charge even a little in such a state. Otzhe, z'yasuvavshi, that the phone is charging normally, if it's disabled, go to the next step.

Krok 4: run the phone program in safe mode and put it on charge

Now let's try to figure out which Samsung can, like before, charge without heating up, if everything third party programs timchasovo included. Start the phone in safe mode once and plug in the charger.

Charge your phone for 5 minutes and try to check if it won't overheat. If the heating is in the borders, then the problem could be fixed by some programs that work in the background. Try to guess what you can do with these programs. Perhaps you already know what your programs are saying about the problem.

How to get your phone in safe mode:

  1. Vimknіt pristriy.
  2. Press and press the life button.
  3. If SAMSUNG appears on the screen, let the life button go.
  4. After that, as you have released the vitality key, press it and press the key to change the density.
  5. Continue pressing the change density key until the attachment completes the reset.
  6. Safe mode is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  7. Let go of the key to change the volume, if you please, that the safe mode is switched on.
  8. View programs, yakі vyklikayut problems.

Krok 5: skipping phone calls

If your phone can still heat up in safe mode, or if your phone still heats up, it won’t charge if it doesn’t charge, re-arrange it, to find out, that the problem is conflicts in the system and other functions.

Prote, as it is possible, to grow backup copy files and data, and then turn back to the factory settings, so as not to block your attachments after the drop.

Why is the battery on the Samsung Galaxy being charged fast?

1. Close all programs that don't show up. You can also add the “Recent Programs” button for help, the left-handed button next to the “Do home” button. Dodatkovyh available functions optimize the automatic brightness of the attachment.

2. You can also speed up supplementary function optimization of the battery, roztashovanoy at nalashtuvannyah. Go to additional options and select “Optimize battery life”. Here you can choose the optimization of selected or all programs. To restore respect for the function, as if they mimic the background and the synchronization of data under the hour of the victorious mode.

3. Disable non-essential functions such as Bluetooth or misuse. Invert and turn on the power of the heating - as if the supplement of the card is victorious, the battery charge will decrease more, moreover, your phone will constantly listen to the GPS signal, which will increase the heating.

Better let him be viknenim, if you do not win the card. A lot of other programs also, as a rule, vikoristovuyut vіdstezhennya roztashuvannya, so it's better to turn it off, so that you can secure more high energy savings and change the heating of your smartphone.

4. Linking data 4G and 3G for a more trivalent term - if data 3G or 4G is continuously tweeted by a smartphone, processor and graphics processor work without interruption, calling for heating.

5. Too many programs are running at the same time - sometimes too many programs are displayed on smartphones, which can be brought to heating through non-essential processes that work in the background.

6. Regularly check for software updates software. For someone to go to the Play store, find "My programs" and select Update everything. To review the update of the operating system, go to the update and find the “Phone” tab, and then “System update”.

Even though all the other ways of overheating could not fix the overheating of Samsung, then the problem is not in operating system, and the components of a smartphone. It is necessary to return to the service center to inspect the malfunctions.

The world that alienates us does not have anything thorough. I to the sphere mobile technologies tse firmness may be without intermediary, moreover, the leaders of the market, from an enviable postiynistyu, step on the same rake, get-purely vіdmovlyayuchis vchitisya on vlasnih pardons. That is why the situation, if the flagship is technically thorough and viable in 3-4 years, has become a total norm. Let's take for example the commercially successful Galaxy line - the flagship model of Samsung Pvdenokorean corporation. That S6/S6 edge itself, with peak hardware characteristics, can “boast” with a more modest battery for 2550 (2600 mAh), which is critically small for such a tight filling. Why work, if your lover cannot live to the end of the working day? Chi can be like the rank of "continue life" smartphones in Galaxy in one charge? Let's get smart.

Including non-essential services

Empowering Android

OS Android dbaє pro kuptsіv, ale u complete your form. That's why in the auto-advantage of smartphonesfor locks - impersonal services. Otzhe, what can you turn on without any fights?

  • bluetooth. With a radius of 10-20 meters, there are no special reasons for trimming yoga. Tim more, which, if necessary, include " blue tooth» you can system panel literally in a couple of taps.
  • WiFi. You can say the same about technology dartless sting. For active people, it is necessary to turn on Wi-Fi on a regular basis, but still decide to set up periodic sessions for a drink. That is why the scheme of “turning on the wind” can give way to the rule “turned on - corrected - turned off”.
  • Google services will require permanent synchronization. Nasampered, tse e-mail that dodatkіv store.

Helpful Analysis Wakelock Detector

Root Access

Tsya miraculous utility works in pairs with systemBatteryStats API and allow z'yasuvati, yakі background processes to give great vanity for samsung galaxy battery. The interface is intuitively intelligible, and the numerical graphs of the skin add-on quickly show the problematic program to clean water. And if you activate the expansion mode, you can easily manipulate system processes.

Adjustable display parameters

A small Super-AMOLED screen with a diagonal of 5.1 inches and a wide frame of 2560x1440 (in the Samsung Galaxy S6) pixels is wonderful, but in the wrong direction, as for similar luxury, you have to cry for autonomy. It's a pity, for some models of smartphones that go to the Galaxy line, the image is not automatically adjusted correctly, it is superimposed on the picture. Therefore, you can invest in 30-60 "additional" quills, in order to lower this parameter to the minimum acceptable value for you.

Created an energy saving scheme

The wealthy Vlasniks can’t get their hands on such rubbish, but darma. Having spent 20-30 minutes once, you can “stretch” the battery without any side effects. The maximum code of the processor (CPU power saving) is set on the hovered little one, the inclusion of the special display mode (Screen power saving) and the turn off haptic feedback system is deactivated. As a result, your Galaxy will not turn into a long-liver, but the increase in battery autonomy will be taken away.

Cleaning RAM

State your situation: you launched a 3-world game near the metro, and if you got to the necessary station, you turned off the screen and put your smartphone in your bag. Theoretically, the background processes are not to blame for putting a little bit of some kind of pressure on autonomy, but in real life we ​​don’t see it that way. Therefore, take it as a rule to see operational memory inappropriate programs . It is said that it will stop not only for games, but also for cartographic GPS-services, music players and utilities for reading electronic books.

Clean and reinstall the system

With the trivial and active use of a smartphone in the OS, a large amount of smittya will inevitably accumulate. Crim improvement of work, you can change the hour of autonomous work. in a good way take care of both problems outside the skid nalashtuvan that flashing. How can you rob?

  • Option 1. We go to the menu "Nalashtuvannya" / " Cloud records»/«Archiving and skidding». Then we stomp on the button “Throw off attachments”, and then - “See everything”.
  • Option 2. The Samsung Galaxy needs to be turned upside down. Dali one hour pressed the hardware button "Guchnist +", the central one turned on, and as soon as the branded screensaver appeared, letting them in. At the menu that appeared, select the "wipe data / factory reset" item (for navigation, press the "Volume +" and "Volume -" buttons), and for the selection - the power button. In the next window, know the row "Yes - delete all user data". If the process is completed, select the first item reboot system now.

Respect! Offending options to know all your data, including address book. It is also your responsibility to understand that the smallest pardon can lead to serious consequences, after which the smartphone happens to be carried to the service center. Be more respectful!

Intermediate appetite for weather informers

This is the fashion trend of the rest of the years. Yaskraviy and even worse weather forecast, which informs the smart phone about those surprises prepared by the heavenly office. But you have to pay for all the good things: post-yna background synchronization from the server has a negative effect on autonomy. Therefore, you are not ready to act as an informer, if you want to increase the update time to the maximum.

I will reset the system

  • At active account Samsung is guided by the selection of marketing materials, combinations of data and the choice of contextual advertising.
  • At the installed cameras, it is possible to enable geotagging.
  • Watch out for the strength of the sound at the time of the crash.
  • At the “Safety” branch, it is necessary to regularly check any potential insecurity.
  • At the “Nalashtuvannya” section, the “Auto-update programs” item is translated to “Nikoli” and check the boxes “Add badges”, “Update visibility” and “Auto-update”.

Respect! Screenshots are available for most S4 models, but also for other smartphones of the Galaxy family (S3, S5, S6 + “mini” versions). Minor cosmetic changes may cause the names of menu items and their design to be changed, or the general access scheme may be left with a similar one.

Likewise, the purchase of a reinforced battery or a new supplementary battery is not included in your plans, and the autonomy of the Samsung Galaxy is depleted of the shortest, for the sake of inducing, singsongly appearing brown. So you can save on the peninsula for an hour of autonomous work, one, about what you would like to guess: take care of the border guard and do not change the silence, you will not understand the sense of any.

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