Connecting to someone else's smartphone. Ideal spygun: an add-on for iOS and Android allows you to listen in and turn on the microphone and camera remotely

Golovna / Additional functionality

Today we'll talk about those who independently connect via the Internet to the webcam of another computer. We can also look at the ways that the program can remotely connect to webcams of PCs, laptops, tablets and phones

Push the coristuvachi also to pronounce the offensive option: install a terminal server on the computer with a camera (to look at it carefully, so that it is possible to work on the computer, so that it didn’t come out), turn on the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and be quick to program , what does the camera do. Orientation transfer of programs on Prote v_dpovіdalnіst for the possibility of shkіdlіvіst programs nіhto not carry. Therefore, be aware, check the sites on the online service trust the network.rf and do not use antiviruses.

A way to secretly monitor the situation through someone else's webcam - for the help of Skype. Create at the program new account, add this contact to the list in skype. On that computer, to which the camera is connected, you can see it on Skype with a clear record, in the video settings, in the “Automatically receive video and show the screen for” field, select the item “Only people from my contact list”.

To make it easier for you to watch videos from your tablet, phone, laptop or other computer, you can download the program. For which one, either add a message to the list and install the Ivideon program, as shown on the screenshot, or see the gadget in " google play»and know yoga through a series of jokes.

In the Internet portal, the possibility of remotely connecting to webcams is implemented in an optimal way, IP cameras and analog cameras. On the tab "Tariffs" you can find out about the characteristics possible options connection services and choose vidpovidny.

Video YouTube

To register on the site, you only need your email address: enter її in the “Your e-mail” field, create a password and click “Register”.

Click on the “Add camera or DVR” button, select the type of camera you want to connect, read the instructions on the next step and click “Continue”. Now you need to install on that computer, to which the camera is connected, the program for which to choose your operating system. pochnetsya standard installed, just enter the language and follow the instructions of the installation master
Automatically start up the wizard. Press “Dali”, then enter your e-mail, which you indicated at the time of registration, and select it from the list of camera checks. This formality was created for your convenience (because the list of cameras is great, it will be easier to navigate for these groups).

Reconsider that your camera is connected and working, click "Dal". If the active cameras are detected, you should check their list, otherwise try again to "re-enable" the working camera and press "Repeat the search", so everything went away - "Away". If you want the video to be saved in the archive, check the “Include in the recording before the archive” checkbox, so that you can select the online broadcast of the image from the cameras, take it. If the program does not start automatically after an hour of computer activation, uncheck the "Start Ivideon Server at OS startup" checkbox, after which click "Finish".

As soon as the checkbox “Go to the “Special Office”” is no longer active (before locking), the browser will automatically show your page on the site From the list, right-handed select the active camera, marked with a green color - and start broadcasting live.

iSpy - updated version of a specialized tool, which is lighter and not foldable for robots, the main thing is that it helps to keep an eye out for applications, for these tasks, you can use either a webcam or a great microphone, and you can do it all that friend. The bottom line is simple, you connect the camera to the computer, start the expansion, you will instantly change the image from it and display it on the monitor, be it any kind of movement in the field of the camera will be recorded on hard drive, if you can recognize it from the records.

In addition, iSpy allows you to watch live (in real time) or save video via the Internet or mobile devices. The data is saved and saved from the flash video format. Possibility to work on dekіlkoh computers one hour, as well as control the program remotely, protect it with a password, work on the group, or go to the main groups (on the website of the retailer) and give group members access to your webcams and microphones

How to independently connect to a remote webcam via the Internet on other computers, video surveillance systems and smartphones. Techniques and programs for remote control of webcams in the future and look through someone else's webcam. Sometimes in front of a personal computer of a different class, you may need to connect to a webcam remotely. The reason for this may be to watch for the singing point, where the camera is installed and, apparently, be aware of the information that is being observed there.

you need

Personal computer, webcam

Related stats How to connect to a remote webcam How to set up a webcam How to turn on a webcam on a laptop How to take a picture with a laptop camera

First of all, in order to connect to a webcam and watch videos or photos, you need to create a day local lines. I need a mother switch, tobto. special fencing switch, which allows you to create a single connection, and at least two Ethernet cables. Then connect all attachments for additional Ethernet cables.

Now for the help of the installation program, how to enter before the comm package, assign the IP address for the camera. Yogo you'll be typing in address row browser for your program. It's best to create a static IP address, since it's more beneficial for robots. Then you need to open an Internet browser and type in the address bar the IP address. If you use a modern browser, then there is no way for software security to be taken advantage of, shards in a new language support video streams.

The axis in such a way is connected to the connection of the webcam to the computer, but if you have an opportunity to connect with the camera, as to be on the bow great vision, then for whom you need special programs For example, WebCam Monitor 4.20 or Webcam Surveyor 1.7.0, in which case it is also necessary to provide the IP address with other data. The very process of setting up programs of this kind is borderline simple, so that you don’t have to ask for power. Ale, regardless of simplicity, stink of a lot of important things, so that you can instantly reveal illegal penetration in your life and other inacceptability. Like a bachite, it’s not so easy to connect to a webcam, and you can always be aware of the information in the zone, which is to be guarded.

To watch for the podiums that are found in the singing world, it is necessary that a camera be installed there, connected to the Internet and personal computer which you could її control. Having connected to it, you will be able to check everything that you see in the real hour.

you need

Merezhevy switch.

Create a connection with a local grid to connect to a remote camera. For which you need a special intercom switch. Wine is needed in order to make an instant connection. Take two cables with Ethernet sockets and plug in all the add-ons.

Hurry up with the installation program. As a rule, won't be included before the basic package. If not, then get it from the Internet and install it on your personal computer. For help, the program will assign the IP address of the remote camera. Nadali, you will enter yoga in the address bar of your browser, or be it another program that is convenient for you.

Create a static IP address, so that we can move the remote camera without any problems. Open your browser. Enter the IP address of the camera in the address bar. Victory modern browsers, which support video streams, so as not to go into more advanced software security. .

Victory special programs, if you want to connect to the camera, so that you can be seen on a great show. Schob vikoristati away from the camera install WebCam Monitor 4.20 or WebCam Survevor 1.7.0 on your personal computer. vicorist qiu program, enter the IP address of the camera to call you. Dalі bude dosit simple procedure for lashing. You will need to be less likely to ask for food, as we set the program.

The function of revisiting the webcam via the Internet will help you to keep up with the course both at home and on the job. In the distance of online reconsideration, allow not to cross the little ones, to reconsider the child’s sitting during the school days, to see the work of the workers. Zastosovuyuchi program remote access you can always reconsider in safety your household, their self-awareness, the nuances of spending an hour during the period of retirement or work. I understood that it is your responsibility to be aware of the possibility of conducting control.

Adjusting the functions of the remote access program

To view webcams via the Internet, you need to connect the program to your oblique record in the settings. Press the "Parameters" button at the main window of the program, then select "Browse through the Internet" and enter your login and password of the NeoSpy account. Connecting the program to an Internet account is similar to that described in the article "Viewing the screen via the Internet". Additional installations are not required.

Viewing znіmkіv via the Internet

For distant review cameras via the Internet, go to the site and log in to your account.

After that, open the menu "Your computers" and click on the selected computer. In the "Dzherela Image" field, select a webcam or "Webcam for locking". After that, press the "Connect" button.

Do not forget that for an hour the use of a webcam as a dzherela image of a remote access program is not available for an hour of capture for other programs of a video camera (for example, for Skype).

If the computer is already disabled, or it is necessary to look over the history of the znіmkіv in a day, press

"Revision of History", then after the choice of the required date, the molding of the next press on the message "Revision of the Day".

As a result, you will be able to review the time, so you can go to the “Webcams” ​​tab and look at the pictures for the required period.

Awareness of local savings

Some people need to save money on local computer zam_st look through the Internet.

Let's take a look at the report on how you can save the znіmkіv from webcams to a local computer, the Internet-browser.

The first way is for the availability of access to a PC

Standard way activation of the webcam setup through the NeoSpy program is reportedly described in the article “Stitch through the webcam”.

Another way to fix - through an online account

In order to set up a review of webcams via the Internet, you need to go to the Internet account on the official website and go to the “Your computers” side

Potim next press on required computer in order to pamper new information

To set up the function, click on the message “Checked by program parameters”. If you see the side of the upgrade (Fig. 3), then you should order the upgrade of the program. Respectfully, in order for you to change your certitude, and you could launch the program, you are responsible for the rights of the administrator.

After pressing on the button "Remove program parameters" the next step (for example 10 to 30 seconds). For the whole hour, the program has remote access to zavantazhivat settings. In case of this, there are 2 obligatory nuances: the first one - on the "Your computers" web page, the required computer must have the data collection function activated (the function is enabled for locking), the other one - spy program NeoSpy can be launched in assigned mode. As a result, we have become fascinated by looking at text commands

Ours needs a row of code, which is used for the function of viewing webcams via the Internet: “…WebCam=1;…”. To be found in a row at the branch (Step parameters). In this way, the program takes pictures from the webcam, and if “…WebCam=0;…” is set, no pictures are taken. The significance of that functionality of the other rows can be checked by following the instructions and reading the article “The installation of the spy gun has been seen”. If there are any changes, do not forget to save them by pressing the button "Stop changing" at the bottom of the website. s.

Yakscho installed program not russified, download the russifier, or hurry up with a translator, so that you can correctly enter the software security. If you can speed up with a faraway webcam, then tse victoria be rightful and the administrator of the computer, until the camera is connected, give you full rights.

Click on the “Add camera or DVR” button, select the type of camera you want to connect, read the instructions on the next step and click “Continue”. Now you need to install on that computer, to which the camera is connected, a program for which to choose your operating system. Check out the standard installation, just enter the language and read the installation master's instructions.

Automatically start up the wizard. Press “Dali”, then enter your e-mail, which you indicated at the time of registration, and select it from the list of camera checks. This formality was created for your convenience (because the list of cameras is great, it will be easier to navigate for these groups). Reconsider that your camera is connected and working, click "Dal". If the active cameras are detected, you should check their list, otherwise try again to "re-enable" the working camera and press "Repeat the search", so everything went away - "Away". If you want the video to be saved in the archive, check the “Include in the recording before the archive” checkbox, so that you can select the online broadcast of the image from the cameras, take it. If the program does not start automatically after an hour of computer activation, uncheck the "Start Ivideon Server at OS startup" checkbox, after which click "Finish".

To make it easier for you to watch videos from your tablet, phone, laptop or other computer, you can download the program. For this one, either add to the list the bug and install the Ivideon program, as shown on the screenshot, or see the gadget on Google Play and find it through a series of searches.

Another way to watch out for the situation is for the help of Skype. Create a new face record in the program, add the contact to your list in Skype. On that computer, to which the camera is connected, you can see it on Skype under the form of a record, in the settings of the video in the field "Automatically receive video and show the screen for" select the item "Only people from my list of contacts." Live IP-cameras can be organized as with additional live blocks, which can be installed as well as with other video cameras, which support the PoE standard.

Merezhev’s property, which ensures the life of the video camera using the PoE standard, is divided into classes according to the amount of tightness that can be seen (Table 3).

To increase the length of the interval between the IP video cameras and the switch, use PoE-injectors.

PoE-injectors are suitable for live IP-camera through a standard UTP Cat.5e or 6 cable with a speed of no more than 10/100 Mb/s. Gigabit networks cannot override PoE mode.


Merezheve possession - outbuildings, from which the merezha is formed, which are united information flows view of IP video cameras.

Mentally see two types of borderline possession:

■ Actively measure the possession - the possession, as a building process or transform the information that is transmitted along the measure. One can see such a possession mesh cards, switches, routers

■ Passive mezheve possession - possession, as to serve to transmit the signal physically. Tse mesh cables, connectors repeating and subscribing to the signal. The main elements of the active possession, which are vikoristovuetsya for pobudovi merezhі, є switches and routers.


One of the most important parameters of the switch is the number of ports. Vіd tsogo to lay sіlki merezhnyh outbuildings can be connected to a new one.

In order to determine the maximum bandwidth that can be provided by one port of the switch, it is necessary to know the parameter “throughput of the switching matrix”, it is permissible 32 Gb/s, then it can be divided into the number of ports (16), multiplied by 2. For example: 32 / (2 x 16 ) = 1 Gb/s.

Now, at the call menu, activate the “Dzvinki” item, click on the “Open Call” button dodatkovі nalashtuvannya”, roztashovanoy at the vіknі right-handed. Select "Only from my contacts" in the field "Receive calls" and put a tick in other fields, so that the video broadcast is automatically started, just as you call on your additional physical record. Push the coristuvachi also to pronounce the next option: install a terminal server on the computer with a camera (to look at it carefully, so that it is possible to work on the computer, so that it didn’t come out), turn on the remote desktop protocol (RDP) and be quick to program what you do with the camera. .

The simplest option for using IP Webcam from a computer seems to be the next step - launch a browser and enter the IP address and port in the address field. For example, my home Wi-Fi Merezhi The message looked like this: "", de - the same IP address of the phone that appears on the display of the mobile extension after the start of the broadcast.

Possibility of revisiting the broadcast is a sprat. The simplest is the computer browser's variant. At the process of testing the program on my computer, it turned out to be sufficient to allow the JAVA plugin to be removed. Moreover, it is possible to allow the launch of this plugin without additional requests. For the presence of the yoga plugin, you can be rewarded for hyperpossibilities, which are displayed on the “Smartphone camera service” side. In the same place, there is also a nalashtuvannya, necessary for reviewing the video and listening to the audio in a third-party appendix. allowed herself to take the same flow to one port - 8.14 Mbit / s.

The examined butt was not protected by ports for connecting servers, NAS-storage and working space of supporters for posting video warnings.


The physical topology of the fence is often connected with the installation of video cameras and the paths of laying cable communications to the server room or the monitoring post of the guard. At the link with the physical topology of the merezhi, they begin to design, vikoristovuyuchi surface plan or plan of the territory, demonstrating the location of the installation of video cameras.

The main problems that are blamed on the process of developing physical topology:

■ The length of the camera to the switcher exceeds the allowable value of 80-100 meters.

■ Living through PoE is intertwined with great powers, or the mesh does not support multiple PoE.

When the length of the camera to the switch is more than 80-100 meters, first for everything, it is necessary to try grouping the cameras according to the principle of the minimum distance to the location of the active possession, or to transfer the active possession to another place, closer to the video cameras.

At the time of impossibility of seeing the task of such a way, it is necessary to vicorate special attachments, which allow increasing the view of the camera to the active possession. Depending on the size of the station, in order to increase the signal transmission, it is possible to use inserts on a fiber optic cable and a radio frequency shielded cable.

One of the options for revisiting a video player with a support for streaming video playback, for example, recommended by the authors of the program, is the cost-free VLC program. Moreover, everything is done automatically - when pressing on the hyperforce "look at the old player" on the computer, there will be an m3u file that will be downloaded simply by playing it with the player.

To connect an IP camera to Skype or other programs that work with web cameras, you need to install the appropriate drivers on your computer. File a report This operation is described on the side "Connect to a computer with Windows for video chats" (please refer to it on starting side"Smartphone camera service"). I’ll tell myself that everything is working correctly, but for the sake of clarity, Skype 5.x happened to install an IP Camera Adapter. Also, you can take a photo and capture a streaming frame of a video from a visual picture. Tsіkava function "tinyCam Monitor" - reviewing pictures from vipadkovyh inaccessible cameras. І tse to do it manually, in order to evaluate the possibility of the program. To set up the webcams that are victorious, press the button “Settings. Cameras” of the main dialog window of the program and select the required camera. To change the camera settings, press the button from the image or the name. For help "tinyCam Monitor" you can look over like cameras from with critical access, so i require authorization for login and password.

Customized camera image recording (available in paid version) to the memory card, ftp or bad services you can set the frame rate and the maximum amount of space borrowed (for SD-card). Another key feature of the pro-version is the ability to scan available cameras. Recommendations on how to set up "tinyCam Monitor" for using a software webcam created for the help of "IP Webcam" is indicated on the start page of the web interface of the software camera. Let's take a look at the example of topology information measure for 49 IP video cameras with a frame size of 1920x1080:

■ Set frame rate and codecs for skin camera. Frame rate - 24 fps. Codec - H.264. Please note that the parameters are the same for all cameras.

■ According to Table 1, it is known that from the set parameters, the flow rate in one camera is 6.51 Mbps.

■ Hot potik 49 video cameras are more expensive 49 x 6.51 = 318.99 Mbit/s. With the improvement of 25% of the margin for non-transfer, changing the intensity of traffic in front of video cameras, the hot flow is 318.99 x 1.25 = 398.74 Mbps.

■ The port of the switch, to which the video camera is connected, is responsible for ensuring that the flow rate is not less than 398.74 Mb/s / 49 = 8.14 Mb/s.

■ The cable will be stranded with a pair of UTP Cat.6 type with a maximum bandwidth of 1000 Mbit/s. With the improvement of 80% of the cost of the measure, the maximum value of the allowable flow is 1000 Mb/s 0.8 = 800 Mb/s. The high traffic from the cameras (398.74 Mb/s) does not exceed the maximum bandwidth in the UTP Cat.6 cable (800 Mb/s). Also, the video warning system is practicable in one physical dimension without the addition of additional dimensions.

What is important for special victoria the Ivideon service is cost-free, and the minimum configuration necessary for working with it is a computer with Internet access, let's insert an addendum"Ivideon Server" is connected to the new webcam. Moreover, the retailers of the service promote the branding of IP cameras, the Ivideon support is integrated into the security software. Exchange no-cost version service - 1 video server "Ivideon Server" from two connected cameras or 1 IP camera. A static IP-address is not required for the work with the service.

Registration in Ivideon is simple - just enter your email address and enter your password to access the special account. After registration, “bind” to the special account the necessary copy of the “Ivideon Server” (or an IP camera with support for the service). On which setup is completed and you can proceed to review the recording, moreover, the recording is being archived on Ivideon servers.

The scope of the mobile Internet is becoming a daedal. At the dawn of the era mobile access To the extent of their ability, they were surrounded by robots with electronic mail and wap-sites, and the ability to look over the mobile attachment of the great HTML-sites was seen as a clear gap. For a minute, the Internet on mobile outbuildings having become swedish and accessible, no one is immediately attracted by Internet radio or by an online cinema with a great catalog of legal videos.

The popularization of the choice of mobile devices for robots with IP cameras or in their roles is absolutely not surprising - with a fast Internet channel (for now, mostly, there is about Wi-Fi), organizing a video broadcast from a mobile device is easy. Wtim, like a smart phone or a tablet of a part of the video warning system, which allows you to look at what you see at home, at the dacha, or in the office, be it a point of light. I'm right. And in the world, the development of 4G-merezh, the popularity of such a device of smartphones is only growing.

Everything began in one of the computer laboratories of Cambridge on the cob of the 90s of the last century, if the Global Web only began its journey as a planet. A group of clerks, 15-20 people, worked on the project at the gallery of mesh technologies. Wash the robots with spartan bules - only one kavovark fell on the whole team, as they could not satisfy the consumption of the whole team. The main work was carried out in the laboratory, the staff is alive at the same house, but in the other part. In order to invigorate the romatic process with a cup of drunken water, the participants in the scientific project were often disturbed by the corridor, which was higher on top, where the kavovarka was rotting. Often, such campaigns ignited the collapse, the shards of the deacons' colleagues were already grasping the omriyana's capacity. The situation seemed to be a non-standard solution, and I knew it.

One of the computers at the laboratory is equipped with video capture (frame grabber). A camera was connected to the new one, directed to the guarded object. This computer engraved the role of an IP-server with the help of specially written software. Bajayuchi nobility, chi є kava, are guilty of launching on their computer client software that connects to the server. As a result of remote computer the little one had a black and white image, which was changed to trich on the whilina. A note about this cicavi complex was published in Comm-Week on September 27, 1992. From the moment the first prototypes of IP-cameras appeared, not so rich an hour passed, but the stench has already changed into a number of moldings, a large class of outbuildings, which make everyday life simpler, more efficient and more fun.

How the IP camera is plugged in

Vaughn is folded forward from the sensor.
Even more often than not, standard CCD matrices for video surveillance are replaced by cheap CMOS sensors. If you want to stench lower sensitivity and not a good transfer of color, they allow you to greatly reduce the price of attachments, shards and sensors are an "all in one microcircuit" with a digital output of data.
Next: a microprocessor for compressing video and detecting noise (or just a microcircuit of the compressor) enters the warehouse of the framing chamber. The most popular JPEG, as the simplest and found; Dosit often vikoristovuєtsya also MPEG4, nayridkіsnіshim and more expensive є MPEG2. With the completed patent for arithmetic coding, WaveLet is gaining popularity. І, nareshti, 10/100 Mb/s controller enters the warehouse of the truss chamber.

Attached is the working principle of the IP camera:

A modern IP-camera is a digital add-on for video recording, digitizing, compressing and transmission over computer system video image. The following components are included in the stock of the IP camera:
- PZZ-matrix
- lens
- Optical filter
- video capture fee
- block of compression (squeezing) of video image
- central processor and wake-up IP server
- flash memory
- mesh interface
- Last porty
- anxious enter/exit
As a photodetector, most IP-cameras have a CCD matrix (CCD, CCD - an attachment with a charge signal) - a straight-cut light-sensitive conductor plate with 3:4 sides, which transforms the light that falls on it into an electrical signal. The PZZ-matrix is ​​composed of a large number of light-sensitive centers. In order to increase the light sensitivity of the PZZ-matrix, the structure is often molded, as if creating a microlens in front of the skin center. In the technical parameters of the IP camera, select the format of the PZZ-matrix (the length of the diagonal of the matrix in inches), the number of effective pixels, the type of stripe (row or through) and sensitivity. A typical IP camera contains a lens, an optical filter, a CCD matrix, a digital image processing circuit, an image compression circuit, and an IP server for connection to the camera. A leather-lined video camera can control the IP-address, enumerate functions, and it has a software security that allows it to function as an IP server, FTP server, FTP client, and e-mail client. Most of today's video cameras include a lot of other useful functions, such as a motion detector, alarm input/output and e-mail alert.

Advantages of a mesh (IP) camera in front of a PC-based camera

Built-in IP-server, for transferring the captured image in bulk, no camera is required direct connection to the computer, or whether there are other hardware or software features. t

Merezheva chamber

PC based camera


If you place a camera, you can connect it with a wire for an additional modem, style phone, or dartless adapter.

Attached PC camera can be within 3 meters of the computer.


All videos are promptly transmitted as soon as possible without any hiccups and additional possession.

Crim camera You need a computer and software security.


You just set the IP address and the camera is ready to work

The installation of drivers and software on the PC is simplified.

Easy at vikoristanni

You can look at the image using a standard IP browser on any PC.

If you require the same software security, you will be able to have daily access to the distant administrator.


The camera works without any additional components, giving greater stability.

Crim cameras, stability of the robot and lie down and in view of the stability of the computer and software.


High quality of MJPEG.

The components are not victorious high capacity zvіdsi small razdіlna building.


The versatility of the framing chamber is only the same as the versatility of the framing chamber.

Solution versatility \u003d Global camera versatility + computer + software security.

How to connect the IP camera of the local network.

You will need the following components: a computer, a lamp, a camera and a local Ethernet merging. Also explore options dartless connection

The butt of the organization of the video warning in the office behind the entrance doors

Krok 1: Identify your needs

Do you want to win a camera for a closed host? Abo for zovnіshny zastosuvannya?

Do you want a camera with fixing a glance around, or changing it, which will allow you to pan, heal, or change the scale of the image?

You need additional options, type of motion detector, alarm alert, Ethernet camera live, audio?

Do you want to just posterigate or write a record for him, what do you think?

Do you need a guard of the camera from the outside inlet?

Choose how many cameras you need for your needs.

Krok 2: System support

If your future has not yet laid a local fence, if you allow you to simply put the fence camera into the fence, then you will require the following:

Svitcher, which will be the central point of connection between your mesh camera and your computer computer

Take two Ethernet cable: one, to connect your mesh camera with a lamp and the other, to connect your computer with a lamp.

Lesson 3: Installation.

Connect all attachments one by one through the lamp

Lesson 4: Assign an IP address for the security camera.

You are responsible for assigning an IP address to your home camera so that you can access it through an IP browser on your computer. You can choose between automatic and static IP address. Static addresses IP is recommended, but you won't be able to guess the IP address of the camera.

To set the IP address of the tiled camera. You can hack software security, as it is on a CD, which is included with the product, or you can take advantage of the wizard's website or for an additional protocol-assisted method to assign an address or the ping utility. If you like, you will know all the information in the installation guide to the tread chamber

Krok 5: Finish the installation of the camera.

Once the IP address has been recognized, you can open the IP browser on your desktop computer and enter the IP address of the tiled camera in the address field. For new viewers with an IP browser Internet Explorer, the browser asks you if you want to get a program for working with a camera. Tsya program є obov'yazkovayu in order to see the video quickly from the video server or video cameras. It also takes care of managing MPEG-2, MPEG-4 formats, audio streams, crash detection and panning / zooming / zooming in the browser window. (Other IP browsers may support different streaming video streams and may not allow additional components to be installed.)

Press the "Yes" button to install the program

How to access the IP camera via the Internet

Butt: If you already take images from IP-cameras on your computer, you see that if it were bad mothers I could go to the camera, de ІІnternet. For example, like a manager in a store, you want to control the work in the store from your booth, to replace the need for work at the workplace

Krok 1: System support

Scenario A)

If your phone (maybe the camera is installed) is already connected via Ethernet to the Internet Service Provider (Internet Service Provider), just connect physical record, add the tethered camera to the lamp through the tethered window, and you should take the tethered camera dynamically assigned to the public IP address. Select the installation commands for the mesh camera. A special program or utility to the IP camera will be incorrect in the identification of the IP address.

The recognized IP addresses can be changed by your supplier to the Internet service (through the intermediary delivery of the IP address that is shared among їє clients), you can recognize that you can attach the name of the camera to the IP address you can in Croc4 below.

Scenario B)

If your room is not equipped with Ethernet access, then in more cases you may need the following add-ons:

Broadband modem for connection of asymmetric digital subscriber line (which sound is supplied by your Internet service provider) or cable TV

A broadband router, which may also be called an Internet Gateway, (A broadband router allows local networks to simultaneously connect to the Internet. It can also serve as an interface between the Internet, the ISP and the local network.)

Svitcher, which allows small outbuildings interlinking without intermediary one to one and giving the possibility to add-ons from the local network of mothers with IP-addresses),

NOTE: Most wide-range routers may have the SWITCHER function, such a rank is not needed.

Merezheva chamber

local computer

Computer for remote control

Krok 2: Assign an IP address for your camera,

Since a wide-range router typically assigns automatic, local IP addresses for outbuildings in a local area, IP addresses and authority may change. Static (permanent) IP addresses are recommended for tethered cameras. To consider a static IP address, find out about the range of the router's IP address, which, for example, can be from to If you want to change the IP address within a range, such as, as a static IP address for the camera, it's safe to assume that your attachments will conflict with other attachments, as they will override automatic addresses.

The set IP address for your camera can be broken in a different way, as appointed by the helper of the camera. As soon as the IP address is recognized, set the password, and the gateway (this information may be taken from the router), and set the camera settings: password, registering the password to secure access to the camera.

Lesson 3: Port Forwarding

A wide-range router, as previously predicted, provides an interface between the Internet, the Provider and the Local Network. The router takes the IP address from the provider of the Internet service and supplies internal (local) IP-addresses for extensions to the local area.

To remove access to the firewall camera, which is permanently located in the local firewall, you must identify the calling IP address of your router (your router's miraculous helper), and configure your router so that the calling IP address is directed to a static, male IP address. merging chamber addresses. This process is named for the port; so, if you are looking for another IP address of the router, whatever lace computer, The Internet assigns the location of your router, in turn redirects your request to the local IP address that is recognized for the tethered camera.

Launch an IP browser and see the IP side of the router via Enter to the router's configuration side.

Find the menu item "port forwarding" (or similar), with a table approximately as shown below:

Service name

Port on the cob

Port of kіntsia

Server IP addresses

Not lashed

HTTP (Merezha)

If the camera overpowers its video via HTTP, you are responsible for configuring the HTTP service in the following way:

Service name

Port on the cob

Port of kіntsia

Server IP addresses

Not lashed

HTTP (Merezha)

unofficial port

Save the configuration at the router and see from the side of the configuration. Vikonan configuration. Any queries that reach the outside IP address of the router on port 80 will be directed by the IP address of the camera:

If you want to make more than one network camera accessible via the Internet, then you are responsible for installing an additional (unofficial) port on the router, type 80xx and linking them with the network IP address of the camera.

Krok 4: What you can know is that your supplier of the Internet service often changes the Dfi call of the IP address

Create an oblique record with the DNS service as a service and register it domain names(for example,, etc.) and link it to the original IP address. Im'ya domain, type, є ozumіlim koristuvachevі, yogo is easy to remember, and you can recognize the skin domain as your own tassels, tobto. yogo IP addresses. So, if the IP address of the router is changed, it will be automatically registered with the DNS service, in order to update your IP address in such a way that you can go to your network camera at the same address. h

Most of the wide range routers can support DNS like

Another alternative: you can buy or rent a static IP address from your provider of the Internet service.

How to help the IP cameras induce the security system

Effective way The expansion of security systems in everyday life, in factories, at the medical center and the university campus is helping to ensure that the existing infrastructure is already in place:

The stretch of the day, wondering about the monitor at the control room

At night, at the weekend, the watch can be seen farther away at the central guard station, which serves the service desk of the company

When the rumble detector wakes up, it can call the alarm and open the recording of the alarm

At times of alarm, the security officer can look at the image on the closest computer to the new computer, or remotely through the connection to the Internet.

The image may be damaged in the computer on the premises or on the server of the provider of the Internet service (provider). Taking care of the image at the distant places, you use the risk, so that the evildoer will protect the evildoers.

The cameras can also upload images automatically to the head computer, or the head computer itself can take images from the cameras. What is installed on the head computer Windows system, you can win special software security, razrobleny for merezhevih chambers. The program can display images in real time or work with archives. If the term for saving video image becomes, for example, two days, the program automatically erases them.

tinyCam Monitor

You can turn your smartphone into an IP camera and you can change it to review the picture from the actual cameras. Zokrema retailers, well-looked-for, IP Webcam to promote the tinyCam Monitor program, available in cost-free and paid (about 125 rubles) versions. The functionality of the program includes:
Support of M-JPEG IP cameras/video servers and webcams of the used vibrators, incl. Axis, FOSCAM, D-Link, Edimax, Panasonic, Pixord, TRENDnet, Mobotix, Vivotek, Beward. New translation available on the official website;
Watching up to 4 cameras at once (16 maximum);
3 types of multiscreens;
Last mode;
Changeover function email both import/export to memory card or Dropbox service;
Control of Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras;
Digital image enhancement;
Save money to SD card.

The paid pro version has:
Additional multi-screens;
Cyclic video recording to SD/FTP/Dropbox;

Unfurnished number of outbuildings;
Sound (for extensions of deyaky virobniki);
Poshuk cameras at the local yard;
Support SSL (protocol https);
Pidtrimka ruhu detector (for deyaky pickers);
Technical support retailers.

AirDroid - ce addendum for Android Appliances, which allows you to access anything via a Wi-Fi network, through a computer browser. For a look at the phone on the computer, there is a web browser. Programming takes just a couple of minutes, and shows everything you can about the phone. You can take access both through the global Internet network, and without access to the local network, without access to the Internet.


To speed up all AirDroid accessories, install the program from Play market to your destination and launch it.

At the first launch, you will be prompted to register on the service in order to gain access to the program's features. You can skip this croque, the shards of the program miraculously work without registration. Wikoristannya programs are even simpler. You need to type in the browser row on the computer one address on the screen. The first is for access via the Internet (requires registration), and the other is for local access.

So how is my laptop connected to tієї f merezhі, that I enter the phone to a friend's address. In this case, I will limit access to the telephone by local means without the need to connect to the Internet. The browser can be seen ahead of time, try the call with the phone.

On the phone, you need to press the "Accept" button.

Before you can get excited about the Windows desktop.

For now, let's change the language interface to Russian.

After making changes, it is necessary to restart the program on the phone.

Basic information about the phone

At the right side of the screen, the main information about the phone is displayed: model, Android, memory. By clicking on the "Report" button, you can find out detailed information about your phone: the number of contacts, information, programs, available space and information.

Also, at the right lower part of the working table, there is a widget for the quick transfer of files to the phone (divine screen sign is higher), access to the browser and the clipboard, as well as a quick installation of the program. At the lower right corner of the phone, the battery becomes less charged.

At the left part of the working table, labels for swedish access before povіdomlen, zhurnalіv and kontaktіv phone. And also shortcuts to access to all media on the phone: photo, music, video, programs and others. Android versions(4+) є Possibility to access the camera and the screen of your phone! Below are the main features of the AirDroid program.

SMS alert

For those who like to browse with friends by SMS, you can send notifications directly from the interface in the browser. Available functions: reading, overpowering, overpowering and remote reminder.

Contacts and wikis magazine

Access to phone contacts. Possibility: grouping, searching, creating contacts, as well as revisiting the history of connections.


Transferred audio player. Music manager capabilities: listen, search, import, export, view and set as a ringtone.


Slideshow, review, view, import, export, installation of trellises on the outbuilding.


Possibility of working with videos: review in the browser (it is necessary to install the Quick Time plugin for the browser, which is featured), remote, import, export.

Curation by files

Moving files between attachments and PC. Viewing, copying, pasting, searching, renaming, and editing files both on SD card and in internal memory phone.


installed, removed, backup copy, search and mass operations on add-ons and games.

Podbag: tse best program for remote access by phone, which does not require installation additional programs and drivers on the computer. As long as you need to get access to your phone from your PC as soon as you need to deal with computer programs, AirDroid is the best way!

For the help of remote control of a mobile gadget based on Android, you can get constant access to singing functions abo to the possibilities, regardless of the roztashuvannya device.

Vіddalene z'єdnannya PC and Android gadget

To achieve such a connection, you need to speed up the AirDroid mobile utility and try in the same Wi-Fi network. The positive aspects of such a connection are obvious - it is not necessary to twist the USB-cable and install special computer programs.


We go into the fence and zavantazhuєmo from there AirDroid add-on. After the completion of the language registration, we will be able to remotely check the Android device.


Be the head mind remote connectionє - constant availability of access to the Internet. So, far in mobile browser go to

    ConnectionAndroidto PC for helpWiFi

Nebov'yazkovo mother access to the Internet via Wi-Fi, schob zdіysniti connection. Sufficient mother and worker mobile internet. Having added mobile data to the AirDroid add-on, go to the "Tools" - "access point" menu. After a few seconds, the connection will be established.

Vіddalene koristuvannya system Android

    Work with contacts

The AirDroid mobile utility allows you to add, change and edit, for example, telephone contacts on Android add-ons, do not stick around yoga.

Coristuvachs also have the opportunity to supervise the SMS-update of the needs of the people (for the service you can add text messages picture). You can also cherub the streaming calls with a magazine.

    Installation of add-ons

You already thought that AirDroid's capabilities were exhausted, but no! With yoga to help you, it’s also easy to follow the installation of any software on the gadget.

For which, in the settings of the device, it is necessary to tick off the "Safety" menu, allowing the system to install programs from non-perverted cords.

Now open the AirDroid program, go to the PC on the AirDroid side, look for the “File” shortcut there.

    Removed the robot with files

Vіdkrivaєmo program on the PC, we know the column "File". Now we have a new access to all internal memory I will add, with which we can work everything that we are tempted to.

    • Copy;




  • Connecting to a video camera viaWi- fi

Install the AirDroid add-on on your mobile gadget, vikonuemo necessary nalashtuvannya, s help Wi-Fi we need to connect to a PC, which is indicated by a tick in the menu item we need

    Poshook Android gadget

For this, opening AirDroid, we know the category "Functions" and go to the "Settings" menu, denoting the "Find phone" field. I’ll activate the administration and build it on the press “Ok”.

    Other possibilitiesAirDroid

Tsya program, the cream of the above-described possibilities, also propagates:

    • Upload photos to PC;

      Save video and audio files;

      Look at the screen of the Android gadget in real time;

      Export data to smartphone or tablet;

How did our article help you to improve your nutrition? in the distance keruvannyam phone or tablet, share it with social networks!

If you suspect anything about the behavior of your loved ones, children, or spivrobitnikiv and you care that you have the right to know the whole truth, for you there is a sense of speeding up with the FlexiSPY program. This is an exhausting utility, it was developed not only to read all the activity of mobile devices, but also to listen to the calls and move the microphone and camera far away.

The FlexiSPY spy add-on works on both Android devices and Apple mobile devices with a jailbreak. After the installation, the utility starts to control the activity - recycle notifications, programs and services, and then correct the data in special office for further analysis. Also, the spy can follow the remote commands - turn on the microphone for listening, activate the camera, transmit short notice and etc. In addition, the addendum includes the possibility of wiretapping telephone lines.

Features of FlexiSPY for iPhone:

FlexiSPY transfers data and sends it to a special account on the service. Data can be looked over, filtered or downloaded to a computer. The program is designed to change chats (iMessage, Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, LINE, Wechat), SMS, history of wikis, web searches, bookmarks, calendar, notes, GPS coordinates, address book. Tobto be the activity of the sergeant of the mobile annex.

FlexiSPY for iPhone has two versions - PREMIUM and EXTREME. The first cost is 140 dollars per day and allows you to transfer information, calls, medical expenses, and other information. Another cost 330 USD also for one river and includes everything available functions service. Retailers 10-day return guarantee from the day of purchase.

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