Cleaning the Windows xp registry in a nutshell

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How to clean the Windows XP registry

Most often the koristuvachs personal computers With the Windows XP operating system installed, you encounter a lot of unpleasant problems caused by the system registry.

The truth is that after several months or decades of robotic systems, various information begins to accumulate in it, which the correspondent does not suspect. Massacres of programs are created during the hour of their functioning Different files

, folders and shortcuts, change the setup of the system, accumulate information about the activities of the client, maintain various logs and carry out similar operations, which, in a straightforward manner, notice the structure of the system stru i bring to galmuvaniya robots Windows XP. And what’s more, it’s impossible to fill hard drives with wasteful, unnecessary data, the size of which can easily reach several gigabytes. Himself forgive the decisions This problem requires a complete reinstallation

operating system

It’s a pity that it’s not skin-friendly (that’s not true for the first time). However, as practice has shown, it is sometimes better to try to stabilize the work. Therefore, the buyer himself has to figure out for himself what to do - call a master to reinstall the system (which is not always cheap) or run one of the many programs and try to figure out the reason for the computer freezing and any malfunctions that may occur. Alright, let’s talk for a moment about the registry and about those that are in urgent need of cleaning. Register and inheritance of your observations

However, these are not all the reasons for your confusion.

Razni viruses even like to “dig around” in the settings of the system, delete everything, add your own.

local disks (ring "C") To try vipraviti

Windows robot

XP, you can help me clean my registry. Fortunately, for whom a large number of different programs have been created. One of the most popular, most powerful, and easiest to use is the CCleaner utility.

Let's look at the robot behind her, krok by krok.

Cleaning the system and registry using CCleaner

To get started, you need to acquire this utility by downloading it from an official resource or on any file hosting service.

From now on, it is recommended to speed up the first step.

Let’s go to the “Cleaning” section and there are two tabs at the top and end – “Windows” and “Programs”. Now you need to go to the skin of them and check the required items. Be careful when clearing your browser data: if you select the “Save Passwords” or “Automatically Fill Forms” item, then all saved passwords for sites (including those) will be deleted.

Next, click on the “Analysis” button and the program will show all the files of the same size that it has found and deleted.

After the search is completed, you can click on the “Cleansing” button - the cleaning will begin (then you will see) your information From a hard drive.

Now I can’t clear the Windows XP registry in order to stabilize my work.

To do this, go to the Registry item, check the required items (it is recommended to select all), and then press the Search for problems button. After that, click on the “Edit...” button and you can finish working with the program. If you need it, you can do it quickly additional functions programs in the Service menu.

Here you can delete the program as a trace, look at the programs that start when you start Windows XP and turn them off or enable them to start, etc. Cleaning Windows XP manually Unfortunately, programs will never be able to solve all problems. For example, when an antivirus is installed, it is necessary to Windows system

XP (or any other version) there were no other installations

On the left side of the window with the “Regedit” program, click 1 time on “Computer” (it is at the very top of the list).

Type “CTRL+F” or go to the “Edit” menu in the program window and select “Know” from the list.

Type “nod32” in the window and press Enter. Once the result has been found, it can be seen on the right side of the window, or on the left (as in the whole folder (folder) of the registry). You can delete the found parameter using the Delete key and search for the current entry by pressing F3 or going to the Edit menu and selecting Find More.

We save it this way until the program tells you “The search of the registry has been completed” – at which point the cleaning is completed.

Don't hesitate to restart your computer and try installing Kaspersky again. This procedure can help you remove any information from the registry such as programs, drivers, etc. As the registry grows, the speed of the operating system decreases significantly. To avoid this, it is recommended to use special tools for correcting marks and other marks. You can also get rid of problems by stopping

manual cleaning


  • What should I do to manually clean the registry and how to do it?
  • Let's look into the report.
  • Most often you have to turn to third-party programs for help.
  • The Windows Registry is the name given to the main database where everything that goes on the PC is recorded.
  • Have you installed the gru?

Information about this can be found here.

Have you updated the file?

This method of correcting amends is even more important to the religious.

Those who have done good work before begin to lament.

In addition, programs have developed a number of “friends” utilities that allow cleaning operations to be carried out more simply and reliably. Windows Cleaner Before us korisna utility, which helps you get rid of Windows.

It is used for deleted programs, tmp files, dumps, logs, etc. Speaking about the registry, Windows Cleaner can clean incorrect file extensions, fonts, incorrect

DLLs , pardon records and services, utility routes, class records, evidence files. Everything is done absolutely safely and without any risk to the continued use of Windows. CCleaner This tool has a lot to say and is effective in correcting cuts

Windows program This information will appear in the registry. You can find the program in Merezhi, it will start with

cost-free license


The interface is simple, even a beginner can get started. To print the cleanup, launch the utility and select “Registry”. The system will continue to monitor after identifying problems. You consider yourself a competent hacker, even after being pressed by programs, you begin to end up with all sorts of things. If the search ends, the terminal will be full of files that will require repair. All you have to do is select “Edit Assigned” and press Start. U automatic mode CCleaner will remove the registry, which ruins your productivity. It is a database that saves the painless adjustment of both the OS itself and various software installed on the computer.– under the subsection HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes. Mainly include information about registered file types. Instead of the proper name of the section, the abbreviation HKCR is used. HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG– this section contains information about the ownership profile that is being victorious

local computer about the time the system starts.Є sent to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current. To finish everything now, go to the “Start” menu, select the “Viscont” command and write command row vikna: ".



Qia command to run

registry editor By clicking on the “pluses” for the names of sections, you can look at them instead. It is not recommended to change anything in the registry unless necessary.

You can mess with an important parameter of the OS or software, which will lead to a failure in the work or waste the productivity of the system. Working with the registry is important for cleaning.

If you manually clear the registry, then cancel after uninstalling the software. To do this, in the registry editor window, select “Edit -> Find” from the menu (or press Ctrl+F). Enter the name of the remote program in the search window. Mark the “proportions”, “names of sections”, “names of parameters” and “values ​​of parameters”, so that they can be identified promptly. It’s better not to enable the “Select row as a whole” option - the Windows registry rarely gets the name of the software, so it won’t be included in any row.

We press "OK". The search for the indicated row will appear., because before that it is catless. Installation takes just a few hours and does not require any special adjustments.

The program is divided into two parts - the left one selects parameters and searches for faults in the OS registry, and the right hand displays the search results. Select the “Register” section on the left side, select all possible search options and press the “Search for problems” button. Click “Correct...”. CCleaner applies for earnings backup copy

entered into the Register of Changes. The copy will contain the keys and parameters that are to be deleted.і It would be better to make a copy of this about every incident. And then in the error correction window, select “Correct assignments” (the “Correct” button transfers

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