Get the vksaver program. VKSaver: quick capture of audio and video from Vkontakte

Golovna / Korisne PZ

Do you need to get music from Vkontakte? There is nothing simple! Trochs having mastered the browser for yourself, you can zavantazhuvat be-yaki tracks that you have been honored with, in just two clicks. And help us with the browser extension VK Saver.

The principle of the VKSaver robot is even simpler. After installing an add-on and restarting the web browser, redirecting to the Vkontakte website, after a skin audio recording, whether on the wall or in the list of audio recordings, the button will appear. Having once clicked on it, the browser is negligently more likely to change the vibrating track.

The download button is turned right-handed in the opening. By clicking on it, you will see a side of the interest, where you don’t have to press “Application” anymore.

Instant installation for all browsers

VK Saver is used by web browsers installed on your computer.

VKSaver works not only with audio recordings, but also with video from Vkontakte. You just need to open the side of the video, then press the button "Get". At the new deposit, you have a page for downloading, where you need to indicate the quality of the video to the Bazhan.

VKSaver benefits:

2. Pratsyuє practical z usima browsers;

3. Regular updates to improve the expansion work.

Nedoliki VK Seiver:

1. Broadcasting often does not work for rich coristuvachs through active ad blockers and firewalls. As practice shows, the most conflicting one is VK Saver with the Opera web browser;

2. The addon does not show the bitrate of the track that is being downloaded.

VKSaver - it's simple, cost-free utility for all your browsers on your computer, so that you can add buttons to the audio recording of Vkontakte videos. The utility does not have any daily adjustments, so, well, it’s necessary.

The VKSaver program is cost-free and allows you to quickly and easily download audio files and video materials that you deserve. social measures"Vkontakte". It doesn't depend on additional charges and works in all popular Internet browsers, in any version of Windows. And if you have a Mac, then there is a special version for it. VKSaver guarantees security for an hour of audio and video download, it’s overturned antivirus programs. Product VKSaver not available internal interface And working directly with the browser, it’s better to plug in to the Internet browser, so it’s impossible to turn passwords and other data about the profile of the social network. The program supports the capture of video recordings in different quality, as a way to return to the site, it will fill in good material. It will be updated automatically, so you won't be able to download additional files or reinstall the program when you exit new version. This is a more robust and simple product for a vikoristan, with which it is possible to make a cob.

VKSaver System Widgets
Operating system: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
Internet browser: Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox/Opera/Safari/ Internet Explorer
The current version of the software for Mac.

How to install the VKSaver program

In order to install the program, you need to installation file. If you are interested, you need to run the entire file by closing all windows of the browser. Necessary for correct work downloaded the programs. Vіdkriєtsya vikno іnstalyatsії product. On the back, it will be proponated to get to know license agreement. For the transition to the next dialog box you need to press the "Accept" button, to interrupt the installed program - the "Request" button.

Rice. 1 - License favor

If the window of the browser is closed, then the installer will say the same. Selected tabs will be re-rendered in the dialog field of the installation. Close the browser, you can directly call for the help of the "Close All" button, or continue setting up the open browser tabs to your own discretion. Ale, start grabbing audio tracks and video files only after closing all windows and restarting the browser.

Rice. 2 - Prompt about opening browser tabs

After choosing the required option and pressing the next button, the next dialog box will appear, you can select the components that will be installed. If you choose a new installation, the program will install elements and Yandex services at once.

Rice. 3 - Select to reinstall the software

If you don’t need stink, then rather select the “Setting parameters” item, it’s easy to pick up inappropriate badges (you can uncheck the box for help pushing a bear on it 1 time).

Rice. 4, 5 - Selection of installation components

As soon as the Yandex search icons were tidied up, the installation program in the coming future will once again clarify which services are not needed. Here it is also necessary not to forget to pick up the tick.

Rice. 6, 7 - Re-application for the installation of Yandex services

After the first program, go to the bezperedny installation. It doesn't take a lot of time, literally a few seconds are restored. When finished, press the "OK" button.

Rice. 8 - Completion of installation

The next time the VKSaver icon appears in the tray. This means that the program is running, and the Start menu - Computer Programs to create the VKSaver folder.

Rice. 9 - Starting the program manually through the Start menu

To fix the robot plug-in will be at once from the computer turned on, so it’s not possible to use VKSaver trim, we’ll notice it later, then it’s necessary to remove it from Auto-upload (in case of assistance, or for help additional programs e.g. CCleaner).

Rice. 10 - How to clean up the program from autorun for the help program CCleaner

How to use the VKSaver program

For the beginning of audio recordings from the site of the social network Vkontakte, you need to launch an Internet browser. As soon as the browser window was open at the time of the installation of the program, it was announced, it is necessary to restart yoga.

After entering the VKontakte website with the practical VKSaver plugin, audio recordings will show icons next to the arrows. Tse means that the program is working. You can grab your own audio tracks (tab "My audio recordings") or you can find them for help.

Rice. 11, 12 - The pages of "My audio recordings" and "Search audio recordings" after the beginning of the robotic program

To get the track on the top of your head, you just need to press the arrow icon, which appeared after the robotic plug-in, and VKSaver will automatically redirect you to the side of the Audio site, then you need to click the "Get" button and the interest will start compositions on the computer. The file will be hosted there, where everything is occupied. The audio track format is mp3, the recordings are saved with a normal unencrypted name that does not require renaming. Check VKSaver for other such products.

Rice. 13 - Go to the site Audio to download the file

If you don’t want to download the audio recording, but after it starts playing, then follow the instructions to the site “Audio” and save the file manually: click on the menu with the right mouse button and select the item “Save object”. Ale has practically not lost such files at once.

For help with the program, you can save that video to your computer. For whom you need to open a video recording (for a new contributor or for a review). The right-hander at the bottom will show the "Zapantage" icon, when you press on a VKSaver, you will be redirected to the site "Audio", where you can grab a video. If it is available in decal sizes (you can see it for an hour when I watch the video on Vkontakte and on the site when interested), then you can choose the required option. Take advantage of only those videos, such as take advantage of Vkontakte without intermediary, and do not add from YouTube or other resources.

Rice. 15 – Go to the site to get the video of the required expansion

If you are interested, you can close the program or deactivate it. Vaughn is not interested operational memory she does not care about robots.

Recognize the version installed software You can by right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting the "About" button. To log out of VKSaver, from the menu you need to select “Exit”. When you want to clarify the program, chi you want to close її, to exit, you need to press the “So” button.

Rice. 16 - Information "About the program"

Rice. 17, 18 – Exit from VKSaver

If you need to see VKSaver, you can do it for the help of "Start Menu-Programs-VKSaver-Uninstall" or see it manually.

Rice. 19 – VKSaver View

VKSaverno-cost program for Windows, which allows you to easily capture video and audio from Vkontakte. Once installed, VK Saver integrates like a plug-in and is immediately ready to download music or video from VK. Just open your browser, go to the site and find out the required media files through a search.


Installed VKSaver

  • Get the program.
  • Close all open browser tabs.
  • Install VK Saver. As soon as the hour of the installation is to be fed, please feel good (OK).

Wikoristanya programs

  • VK Saver works like a plugin in popular browsers. If you know the music / video, the order of the media file is available for download (button SAVE / DOWNLOAD). Everything is simple.
  • VKSaver works automatically in Chrome browsers, Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox and Apple Safari.
  • It’s not necessary to get a daily salary from an addendum - having installed it and take it on!
  • The program does not send spam, remove viruses and is completely safe for PC. Also, VKSaver does not in any way deny access to your oblіkovogo record VKontakte. The introduction of passwords is too thin. do not care.
  • Seiver's smut zavdannya - to provide you with simple, cost-free that shvidka zavantazhennya of music.
  • Songs can be enchanted not only from your own audio recordings, but also from the sound of music. Crim audio, you can also capture the video in the quality you need.
  • For other programs, VK Saver saves music to your computer with a “normal” name (not encrypted). You will not happen to change the name of the song after their interest.
  • The program normally vikoristovuetsya z usima Windows versions- From XP to Windows 8.


Vkontakte is the most popular social media in the Russian segment. Prote, do not silence those who are functional to the site to finish the surroundings. Dodoskonaliti yogo help dodatkovі razshirennya, yakі znahodyatsya have free access to the Internet. One of these is VKSaver, the functionality of some kind of recording on audio recordings.

Installing VKSaver for Yandex.Browser

The fact that Yandex.Browser is split on the Chromium engine can be downloaded from the Chrome store. Installed additions are not in the warehouse of significant difficulties and you can definitely be convinced that only the necessary additions can be taken advantage of, without the beginning of the program, yakі often vstanovlyuyuyutsya unfamiliar for koristuvach, yakshcho koristuvatsya unofficial resources. Installation is done in a kilka click, and vikonaty can be done like this:

Witness about those who, after getting up and working, will be a little bit in the end, like they will see after the completion of the venture.

Problems from installations

It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes it sticks around because the browser extension doesn’t want to be restored. Cost and VKSaver. You can solve this problem in any number of ways, which can be done for different coristuvachivs.

Method 1: Not the same solution to the problem

Tsej sposіb bude korisny for ty koristuvachіv, yakі zbirayutsya obmezhitsya installed only one addition, or to install similar addition very rarely. With such a mindset, you can speed up the service, which will propagate the expansion of the troch іnakshe. To solve the problem in a way, it is necessary:

For the extension to work correctly, you need to restart your browser.

Option 2: A new version of the problem

In order to solve the problem of the extensions, it is enough to change the system files a little, so as not to allow new additions to be restored. To solve this problem, follow these steps:

After that, you can go back to the Chrome store and install the add-on. The vision of this row can help solve this problem.

Extension functionality

Oskolki VKSaver rozroblyavsya specially for the attraction of music, wines and surroundings only for the function. In order to capture the music after the addition is installed, it is necessary to include the following:


  • Allows you to capture audio recordings from the social network of Vkontakte, which cannot be done without the installation of additional extensions;
  • It is possible to take advantage of whole albums, which is not possible in other additions;
  • Zruchna at vikoristanni;
  • Absolutely no-knit.


It is not possible to see the sing-song nedolіk, the shards of small functionality in this expanded ceasing to be a minus, the shards of the addition were broken up specially for downloading audio recordings.

A variation of this kind of expansion will help you at times, as it is necessary to acquire audio recordings from the social network Vkontakte. There is nothing more to do. Gіdnіst tse chi nedolіk - virіshuvati only coristuvacha.

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