Do-it-yourself metal shackle circuit diagram Terminator 3. Do-it-yourself metal shackler (scheme, hand-crafted board, robotic principle). Regulation and preparation for work

Golovna / Main functionality

The company's attachment, which I will call metal shukach Terminator 3, is zastosovuєtsya for the purposes of direct search for coins of different value. Schematic solutions, which are found in the accessories, ensure the boundary sensitivity of inductive sensors, which allows identifying metal objects with a high level of accuracy.

Attachment and principle of work

Metal detectors under such names are chosen for the classical scheme, in the form of two inductive coils (transmitting and receiving), as well as an additional winding, as it is called compensation.

The transmission coil is connected directly to the oscillator, which vibrates the pulse signal high frequency. In the wake of this won, you begin to viprominuvaty electromagnetism (wheezes), creating in the zone of the search for a changing field. Expanding at the dosledzhuvanom middle, the whole field, with its own blackness, induces in all metal objects a similar form of colivannya.

Get respect! With a cat, which is transmitted, it pours into the primary circuit of the metal shukach itself and also induces a small amplitude into the new coli.

The presence of third-party metal objects has the potential, which is found in both coils, to be protected by additional additional compensatory winding. With the appearance in the remaining zone of such a metal object, the balance, having risen, is destroyed. In this case, a sensitive element of the electronic circuit generates a retail signal and sends it to the device, which forms an alert pulse.

Based on the described principle of operation, the attachment of the MD terminator 3 includes the following electronic nodes to its warehouse:

  • a pulse signal generator that creates a local electromagnetic field;
  • "Catcher" or priymach, what may be necessary sensitivity;
  • Compensation scheme;
  • Differential pіdsilyuvach іz detector;
  • Vikonavchiy pristry.

Attachment of decorations as a constructive module with a wine probe-frame, in which the cat itself is viruvalna. The main part of the electronic circuit is located in the remote control, which is to take revenge on life, as well as the elements of indication of sound notification.

You can find out in the instructions how to add to the new order.

Technical description

The mode of vibration, which is carried out by the device, for the excitation of a variable electromagnetic field, is classified as IB (balance of induction). Metaloshukach may have such technical indications:

  • Working frequency - 7-20 kHz
  • Possibility of choosing a viable regime for the sake of metal virobiv (“Discrimination” and “All metal”);
  • Manually balancing "Pokaznik Gruntu".

Prior to the designation of operational capabilities, it is necessary to add the presence of autonomous living from a battery of 9 or 12 volts.

Depth of the manifestation of coins at the tovschі ґruntu (with a working cat with a diameter of 240 mm) becomes:

  • 5-ruble coin (Russia) - 22-24 cm;
  • 5 kopіyok (hours of Katerini P) - about 30 cm;
  • military steel helmet - up to 80 cm.

For a better understanding of the principle of the appearance of coins, it is better to familiarize yourself with the VDI scale for this model, which works in the “Discrimination” mode and makes it easier to identify.

Advantages and shortcomings

As far as we can see, we can see the possibility of accurate identification of objects made from colored metals (with a certainty of 85%). Reshtu (15%) to make the appearance of saline or heavily rusted objects.

Additional information. Appliances of the first class are naturally recognizable as some of their analogues (Terminator 4, for example), building ones signify only the depth of the object's infestation.

Perelik perevag can be supplemented with a low indicator of the victorious death of death.

In other situations, such detectors allow you to detect objects on the depths, which do not exceed the size of the bagnet of the shovel, which is not good for this class of attachments. After the decision of the pokazniki, the model is vvazhaetsya to finish with a “pressing” outhouse, which I will turn over for my ability to find analogues.

To the short distances, the crimson road, follow the low sensitivity to the stricken irzhey bay. In some cases, when you see a pardon "brudny" signal, which indicates the middle between black and colorful bruht (or on the other hand), it appears covered with a ball of light metal. Learn to revitalize the pardon signal from the cordon one only after a trivial mastering of robots with a cim attachment.


Preparation and folding

In order to prepare and transcribe the metal shell with your own hands, in the first line, it is necessary to select the electronic part, and then arrange the fine payment from the appropriate one for the corps. As a butt, I’ll look at the scheme, I’ll put it below the text.

Important! For self-folding of boards, it is necessary to be professionally trained with a soldering iron and the main skills of soldering microcircuits.

All indicated in the scheme of the radio-electronic elements after their arrival are soldered in a hand-cranked board, as they are placed in the case (the glowing look is directed lower).

After that, as the scheme is chosen, you can proceed to visual verification of the quality of the soldering of the other payment. In front of us, it is resolutely wiped with a clean flannel, leaked by a retailer, which allows you to clean the back paths and contacts in the form of flux that are missing.


After the folding of that zadnannya okremikh vozlіv to go to the installation of the dermal module I will attach, for which it is necessary to start vimіryuvalno obladnannya:

  • Single-channel oscilloscope of any type;
  • Modern multimeter with a complete set of functions;
  • Universal generator or LC meter;
  • Electronic frequency.

When the selected attachment is installed, behind the auxiliary oscilloscope, the presence of a virulent signal and the presence of voltage at the input of the power supply in the quiet mode are checked.

The frequency of the signal is required, which is being promoted, set behind the frequency meter of the changeable output kolivalny circuit. For the help of the same oscilloscope, the presence of the core signal at the input of the signal is checked and the output of the detector in the mode of simulation.

Rechecking the practice data

The re-verification is based on the fact that the handle of the sensitive device is turned to the maximum so that the dynamics have a distinctly strong sound signal.

After that, the frames with the inductive sensor are pushed with a hand and follow the change of sound. If at any time it is interrupted, it means that everything is broken correctly, and the scheme is correct. Otherwise, follow the entire circuit cascade by cascade, speeding up with the oscilloscope itself.

Get respect! The control light after applying to the scheme of life is guilty of flashing and immediately extinguishing. When the voltage is increased, the veins are saved, and then gradually extinguish.

Nasamkinets is significant that the rest of the building will be carried out for the purpose of yogo zastosuvannya (for the improvement of the soil in the zone of a possible search). For a new level of practicality, it is recommended to protest yoga on various pieces of metal parts.


Metaloshukach Terminator richly rokiv sit in the right place in the ranks self-reliant metal slugs. Over the years, the impersonal improvements were made, as a result of various modifications of the fittings. Let's take a look at the two-tone metal horn Terminator 3 (Fig. 1), which follows the principle of balance induction. In fact, the price of complete metal shock is Terminator 4. Its main features are: low energy consumption, discrimination of metals, color metal mode, gold and arc only mode good characteristics glibini poshuku, por_vnya z napіvprofesіynymi firm metalshukachami. With equal amounts of small amounts of money and an hour, be-a kind of bazhayuchy can pick up the metal-shukach Terminator 3 with your own hands, which is exactly what the report instruction in this article should be.

Assembly board preparation

The scheme is selected on the mounting board. It is problematic to know the sale fee for the payment of the scheme, so we can do it with our own susils. Below is the exact plan for the distant folding of the mounting plate:

  1. Rozdrukovuemo drawing of the drukovanoї dress (Fig. 2).

The size of the scheme itself can be 104 × 66 mm, so with another change the picture to needed expansions. It is also possible to purchase a circuit board and a program for processing and a friend for a fee.

Cut the edges, leaving a margin of 10 mm from the skin side. Buy, scho vіdpovidaє rozmіru scheme, foil textolіt іz stock 10 mm z іх іх іхів. We clean the textolite with an emery paper to a glare, with which we make sure not to erase the midi ball;

  1. We impose a drawing of the scheme on the textolit. We fasten yoga with super glue or tape around the edges, which are left in stock. A center punch or a screw to mark the future open and close the scheme to the textolite. Viroblyaemo drilling opened on a small circuit board. For drilling a drill, a drill of 0.5 to 0.7 mm or a head with a broken loop. Knives on metal are robbed of cutting textolite to the required cuts, so you can speed yourself up with other tools;
  2. Carefully, respecting the wiring diagram, applied with varnish or a permanent track marker. Check on the outside hanging;
  3. Viroblyaemo tskuvannya pay. For which we need 3 percent water peroxide, citric acid, and strong. In dishes of a small size, pour 100 ml of water peroxide. Add 30 g of citric acid and 5 g of salt. Razmіshuєmo to rozchinennya, after which we place textolite in a vessel. Check, the docks are all covered on the plate. To speed up the process, it is recommended to improve the circulation and improve circulation by stirring and repeating;
  4. After the payment, you can see the marker or lacquer with acetone. We wash the payment with water and alcohol in excess of the amount. Take off the paths with a small amount of solder, try not to solder the door for details. The board is ready before the installation of parts.

The cooking process can be viewed on the video, which is attached below.

Folding schemes and details

The scheme of the metal shukach is shown on the little 3. Seeing it with that little assembly plate, carefully folding the plate.

Details marked on the scheme with a star can be taken with the last way to improve the characteristics of the accessory. Ale, it is recommended to recommend all the brothers strictly according to the scheme, and if you get to experiment, I will build it.

The list of parts and comments before them are shown in the table for small 4, and for small 5, the pinout of microcircuits and transistors is indicated.

Soldering is repaired by closing the jumper on the side of the radio components. For the most victorious lacquering or insulating the smallest cut. Jumpers are marked on the wiring diagram with simple thin lines.

On the side of the track, soldered smd details - radio elements of miniature expansions and increased thermal stability. The stench was seen with yellow color. We will then solder roses for microcircuits and details that are missing. For the elements of regulation, switching on and off, changing the mode, batteries, sound and light indication - wires are displayed to fix these parts on the case. For regulating resistors, it is necessary to use special caps. You can also see the rose for the sensor wire. A single payment with a rose, regulators and vimikachs is depicted on a small 6.

Capacitor C2.3 and jumper SA3 are optionally suspended.

To check the practicality of the chosen circuit, we connect a 9 V battery. When the sound of the metal sounder is broken for the sensor, it is guilty of pinning for a small interval of an hour. At the maximum position of the sensitivity regulator, there can be a tonal sound, and at the minimum position - a daily sound. Do not forget to check all the control voltage on the diagram. For this purpose, on the tester, the constant voltage mode is in the range of 20 V. The minus probe is applied to the minus pay, and the positive voltage is controlled at the points behind the circuit.

The body is prepared from a plastic box of the necessary expansions and fastened to the metal-shukach's pants. You can beat the corpus of other metal shufflers, such as the terminator or the terminator trio. Buttons and regulators are signed to the right to disable functions.

With such a scheme in the distance, you take away valuable information, which you need, to pick up the most foldable metal shell with your own hands.

Accessories for the sensor (coil) of the metal shucker

An important part of a metal-shukacha is a sensor. The wines are stored in a coil in the case, with which there is a search for an additional transmission and a received signal.

To fold the metal detector, you need the next set of accessories:

  1. Frame;
  2. Provid for z'ednannya with the scheme. Pіdіyde ekranovanii provіd vіd vіd іd ї аvіo аpаrаtury z 4-ma contacts i 1-m zagalnym ekranovanim (Fig. 7);

  1. Conducting winding lacquering with a diameter of about 0.4 mm. You can know on old kinescopes of televisions and computer monitors;
  2. Epoxy glue;
  3. Super glue;
  4. Isolation line;
  5. Foil;
  6. Threads;

We need a housing for the sensor coil. For a yak_sny metal shukach it is recommended to buy a ready-made hull of the ring type. So you yourself can prepare yoga yourself, ale tse vimagatime of great vitrates to the hour of that high level of mastery and cunning. The purchased case will already have fittings for the coils of the required diameter, for the rod and for the rod. The rod for the sensor can be made from either a metal stick, PVC pipes or other dielectric material.

Winding up the name of the winding, I call it TX. The diameter is taken along the body, about 20 cm. The winding is carried out with two folded wires with a total of 30 turns. It is guilty to go 4 visnovkas, from yaky 2 visnovkas of different darts from different sides behind each other. Shchіlno zakr_plyuєmo winding windings with threads and lacquer. After drying, it is wrapped with electrical tape and the beast is wrapped with foil. For example, winding the foil is not closed, it is necessary to leave a gap of 1-2 cm. Before the foil, it is soldered and wired, and the TX coil is wrapped again with insulating tape.

The inner winding, called RX, is prepared in the same way, but with a diameter of 2 times less. The number of turns 48. So, just like in the TX coil, two darts are put together.

The middle winding is called compensatory or CX. We wind the opposite arrow of 20 turns with a single wire, looking at those that are guilty of fitting into the groove with TX. Not insulating and not varnishing the winding.

It is guilty to see three coils to see the baby 8. The fixed coil will be fixed after the sensor is adjusted.

Adjustment and folding of the metal shukach

Dali presented report instruction for folding and adjusting the coil. For which we need an oscilloscope. Like an oscilloscope, you can beat a computer. A number of metal objects are not guilty of metal objects. For finishing, we need 2 crumbs.

The first step is to improve the frequency of the coils:

Connect the TX winding behind the circuit. The wire of the screened foil is connected to the outer contact of the backing wire, and then at the minus pay. Vmikaєmo attach. The minus probe of the oscilloscope is applicable up to minus pay, and the plus probe is up to one coil. Vimiryuєmo and record the frequency.

So it is necessary to connect the TX coil to the RX coil and change the frequency.

The winding frequency RX is due to but 100 Hz less than the frequency TX. Regulation zdіysnyuєmo parallel connections capacitors 500 pF to capacitor C1. For example, the frequency of TX and RX coils is normally 16500 and 15900 Hz. Again, we need to change the oscillator frequency for the TX coil to 500 Hz. For this, not including the RX coil, connecting additional capacitors, the docks cannot reach the RX frequency of 15400 Hz. For clarity, the scheme has all the capacities of the capacitors and is replaced by a capacitor from the capacity of the sum.

Another step is balancing the coils:

Vshtovuєmo all windings in the case and z'єdnuєmo zgіdno small 8. Z'єdnannya CX and RX variably out of stock, for future regulation. The minus of the oscilloscope is connected to the minus of the payment, and plus to the removal of the capacitor C5 and the coil RX. It is set on the oscilloscope hour / rozpodil 10 ms, and volts / rozpodil 1 Art.

The adjustment of the field is at the reach of the minimum amplitude. Be sure to drink and solder the winding of the CX coil in order to change the number of turns. As soon as they reached the minimum amplitude, the volt/roz regulator moved to a lower value.

So it is repeated until the hour when the lowest amplitude value is reached at the lowest volt / division.

Then you can fill in half of the circuit with epoxy adhesive, filling the loop of the control CX and RX with a free one. After drying, I recheck the amplitude with an oscilloscope and then adjust it with a hand loop. Vibrating the optimal position of the loop, applying it without breaking it, fix it with super glue. And then one more recheck, fill the coil with epoxy glue (Fig. 9).

The selected sensor can also be twisted on the metal detectors terminator pro, terminator trio and terminator m, with the correct adjustment of the scheme.

Improving discrimination and training to work

To adjust, the SA2 jumper is switched on in the mode of less color metal. The point of observation of the ferrite is due to buti in the region of 40 - 50 kOhm, to which we set the balance regulator to the ground R8 in the entire range. If the point of observation is in the range of 0 - 40 kOhm - it is possible to add capacity in parallel to C2, and if it is 50 - 100 kOhm - it is possible to add capacity to C1. The regulator of discrimination R7 is guilty of reaching zero, which is why it is in the extreme position behind the year arrow. It is possible to bring color metal and ferite to metal shukach. For example, two signals sound on the ferrite, and one on the colored metal - the windings are connected correctly, even if on the contrary - it is minuscule to drive the TX coils.

With a change in the capacity of C1, the foil zvuvaetsya, and with a change in the capacity of C2 - up to aluminium. Achieve the visibility of all metals from the table, the visibility of midi and the visibility of the ferrite with a ground balance of 40 - 50 kOhm. Capacitor C12 vikonuemo dodatkove pіdstroyuvannya.

After the installation of the metal detector terminator 3, it appears on the territory of the search, including the metal detector SA1. Nearby and visible sensor in the ground. When the signals are applied step by step, turn the regulator to the ground R8 against the direction of the arrow, increasing the presence of signals on the ground, and switch to the visibility midi. In the distance, the position of the regulator should be marked. Wraps of the regulator of discrimination R7 against the year of the arrow, apparently we do not need metal. Virіzka vіdbuvaєtsya on cherzі vіd foil i dalі, zgіdno s s table on malyunka 10. The pen of sensitivity R29 can increase the range of visibility of metals and adjust pardoning spratsovvannya. It is recommended to set the SA2 jumper to use metal mode, the shards of the wines troch increase the detection range. Switching SA3 can increase the mode - only gold, which works when the mode is on - all metal.

Since the price on the colors of the metal that old coins are already high, then when you ask for money, you can pay off the self-contained metal shukach with the Swiss term.

For those who don't want to spend pennies on a firm fixture, I propagate the pickup of a metal-shock terminator 3.

Poshukov's characteristics of this accessory can be compared on one equal of the purchased brands with a price of 200$. The circuit design of the Terminator is practically the same as in the TESORO branded accessories of the TESORO line, but it is simpler in the custom made one.

Appliance showing itself s best side, discrimination on a high level, small strum fittings, cheapness and availability of parts, as well as the ability to work on important soils. The payment of the accessory was revised and worked out with a bang.

Technical characteristics:

Principle dії іnduction-balance

Working frequency, kHz 7-14kHz

Robotic dynamic mode

Kharchuvannya, 9-12

Sensitivity level regulator є

Threshold control є

Vіdbudova vіd ґruntu ruchna.

Depth of detection with sensor DD-250mm

Coins 25mm - about 30-35 cm

Ring of gold - 30cm

Helmet 100-120cm

Maximum depth 150cm

Strum of comfort:

Mute approximately 35mA

Scheme of metal shukach:

Fee for .lay format:

The tracks on the textolite are portable for the help of LUT (Laser Praskov technology).

The payment is true, for example, at the chlorine vault.

Ludimo paths and open the details.

Folding is repaired by soldering 16 jumpers, carefully soldering smd resistors, giving panels for microcircuits and everything else.

The changeable resistor threshold regulator is more likely to take a more rotational (comfortable adjustment), or you can use a more powerful one, which needs to be rotated more accurately.

The board is ready to be inserted into the case. The MC10 microcircuit and її connection can not be installed, the battery discharge indicator.

There is little recommendation about how to prepare and pay for the accessories. Bazhan mother tester, which can measure the capacity of capacitors. The device has two similar channels of strength, so it is necessary to go through them as much as possible the same, for which you need to select these details, as they are repeated on the skin cascade of strength so that they have the most similar parameters measured by the tester (this is how they are shown in a particular cascade on one channel - the same indication on the same cascade and in the other channel), and it is also necessary to choose the same indications on the tester and circuit capacitors C1 and C2, it is important to make your setup easier.

Cot preparation

The DD sensor is prepared according to the same principle as for all balancers.

TX - spool, what is being transmitted, and RX - received spool. Quantity of turns - 30 turns with a dart І transferring and receiving coils are wound with a wire (so it can take 4 ends of the wire), the winding arms are determined by the tester and the cob of one arm with the end of the other, the middle coil of the coil comes out. The middle winding TX is connected to minus the payment (without which you will not be able to start the generator), the middle winding RX is only needed for adjusting the frequency, after adjusting the frequency (resonance) of the wines is isolated and the primary cat is turned into a variable (without a change).

Priymalny for nalashtuvannya zam_st transmission and nalashtovuetsya 100Hz-150Hz below the transmission. Zvedennya balance zdіysnyuєtsya way zsuva kotushok (like on spring kіltsyah) schodo one alone. The balance can be between 20-30mV, but not more than 100mV. Coils after winding are strongly wound with threads, seeping through with varnish. Then the hangings are heavily wound with electrical tape around the entire stake. From above it is screened with foil, between the tip and the cob of foil is to blame for the impenetrable gap of 1 cm, in order to avoid a short-circuited coil. The skin of the coil is folded over the frequency of the okremo, the order is not guilty of the same metal objects.

I didn’t particularly fool around with the body :))

Only one conder (C1) is placed on the print of the C1.1 and C1.2 (contour conders TX) only one conder (C1), depending on the capacity to lay the frequency on which the whole attachment will work, it is not obligatory to bind itself to that value of the capacitor, so designations on the diagram. For example, I put C1 on TX єmnistyu 100nf, and C2 on RX I put 100nf + 3.3nf і with this I have a working frequency of 10.5kHz. You can put other denominations (in order to increase the frequency of the attachment, at reasonable boundaries, of course). Attachment can be used from 7KHz to 20KHz. The lower the frequency - the more the wine will take the meta, but if it will be higher, the more discreet on deyakі tsіlі, and the higher the frequency - the lesser the depth, but the better the discrim to the deakim tsіley (for example, gold).

Start the correctness of the payroll by rechecking the correct supply of livelihoods to all universities. Take the scheme and the tester, increase the life on the board, and using the scheme, go through the tester through all points of the nodes, where food can be served. There de maє buti 4 volts - it means maє buti 4 volts (well, plus / minus a kilo of millivolts), and so on at all points. Another point: - It’s worth re-folding the folding, turn the handle a little to the maximum and increase the life of the pay - the speaker is to blame for seeing an uninterrupted sound, when the handle is turned, it’s almost like a change in the sound - the sound is to be lost. If so, it means that the fee was chosen correctly.

Then we set all the knobs to zero (tobto: the B\G knob - ferit is not vibrating, and the discrim knob is not vibrating the color, the switch is in the "only color" mode), set C5 for the cob 4n7, held the ferit over the cat (like prolunav podvіyny beep - it means everything is fine, like a single one - it means they switched the cycles to the TX mіsts), connected the probe to the oscillator on the output of C5 and the cat rushes to the minimum amplitude.

Also, an attachment is used on a TX or RX coil to solder additional capacitors with an improved reaction to metal. If the ferite is visible in the entire range of R8 - then RX, if the ferite is not visible in the entire range of R8 - then TX. Foil like chocolates is changed in one end of the scale, in the middle of the other end. Orient yourself to that.

The axis for reference is the entire VDI scale, with the discreet knob set to the minimum, the attachment is to blame for all the colors of the metal, when the discrepancy is screwed up, all the metal is in order to the midi, the mid is not to blame, as the attachment is so correct to mean the fault.

Terminator 3 - IB metal detector with discrimination and even good indicators! Golovna, which is not foldable at the lacquered one, does not take revenge on microcontrollers. Behind the changed scheme, you can see the main blocks of accessories.

1. Life block. Raju yoga practice must be re-verified before the installation of microcircuits. When folded the attachment without embedded microcircuits and without coils, turn off the metal switch for rechecking. Do not forget about the strum, as if the voltage is small and the voltage is 6 or 4 volts, then you can go further! 2. Sound generator. Put the microcircuit ms3 first and give food - you will feel the tone, which pleases you when you are detected by a metal stunner. The tone can be changed by selecting c13 and resistors p14-15 3. RF generator. The main unit, which creates a viprominuvane magnetic field, as if it will be taken in kind. 4. Priymalny pіdsiluvach. Named the functionality and importance of the node. 5. Synchronizer. Key on microcircuit 4066. 6. Power channels. As an accessory, choose your own, add respect to the selection of details for the symmetry of the channels. On the filter and signaling device, I don’t need respect for the time - not the main blocks.

For more information on the image of the MD T3 circuit and the armchair of the other board, you can find it on the forum. Picked up the metal shocker Terminator 3, checked the first check of the frequency of the life unit and the sound generator, installed the microcircuit and turned it on, fading when the stream was silent and the coil. Vіn mozhe vіd 10 to 30 mA, and with sound up to 50 mA. Strum is not guilty of revisiting these indications, as all the denominations of the details are taken.

You can change this stage of the metal sounder by setting the knobs p7 (Disk) to 0k, p8 (BG) to 100K and the resistor p39 (Pochuttiv) to set the sound on the screen. Dotorknutisa finger to the RH or C5 and the sound is to blame for the sudden calm down or disappear.

Now let's move the cats. I see that the DD sensor is overpowered - it’s easier to install it and you don’t need cx coils - it’s simple and handy! On the back of the head, having sown the following template:

It’s not a tricky thing, but it allows mass repetition of the cat and the reach of the identity of the drink. To prepare such a template, you need the basis and material for the frame itself. Afterwards, the template is visible, robimo openings are approximately 1 cm for the clarity of the cat and the openings at the support are approximately 1 or 2 centimeters. Like a wire receiver (we call it that) vicorous electric staples, with which to pierce wire No. 6 along the plinth, I glue them on the perimeter with hot-melt adhesive - it’s enough! Motaёmo coils with a 0.4 mm dart for two darts 30-35 turns. It is heavy with screeds. І znіmaєmo, tightening with threads, tidy up the screeds. Closed with thin adhesive tape, work the screen with aluminum tape without a gap, but with an overlap. And so that the short-circuited coil is hidden, in the area of ​​​​the overlap it is washed with adhesive tape so that there is no foil sticking between itself. We solder the wire to the aluminum tape, you don’t need to wrap it with a meadow! You can use a ball of adhesive tape to strengthen the sensor. Then we wrap it with cloth and fill it in the form. The form is robimo in polystyrene. To improve the discrimination of metal shukach T3, it is necessary to prepare meti - copper (only not textolite obidneniy), ferit, as well as a small piece of cigarette foil, aluminum cork and also the possibility of coins. Now nailed. Everything starts from adjusting the sensor to the frequency. We connect the first coil to the generator with a capacity of s1 and marvel at the frequency (remember, it is necessary to reduce or increase the additional capacity). If we take a cat for a friend and connect it to the generator with a capacity of s2, we move the frequency one hundred hertz lower than the frequency of the first and won we have RH. After that, connect the coils to MD on your own month and call them to 0, changing the amplitude on c5. Resistors BG \u003d 100k, DISKRIM \u003d 0, the change in the mode is less than the color and we start changing the VDI scale. We take a small ferrite and conduct it over the sensor - if there is no signal, then we add capacity to the TX, so that on the RX, until the ferrite does not appear 30-40 kOhm BG. Check that the sensors are connected correctly to the ferrite and middue sensor, one signal to the midrange, to the ferit - a lower tone. Then everything is written more pratsyuvatime.

The leather from us, when we sewed a metal shackle, got stuck, or it’s better to grind it, if necessary, shackle a metal shackle, or rather, the coils for the new one on the required frequency. Anyone who has a frequency, a variable inductance and an oscilloscope, in principle, can get in without the recommended distance of the attachment. There are no special devices - robably simple attachments that turn the PC into vimiruvach. Everything you need for її folding - ce roz'єm, 4 resistors for 10 kohm. Jack at sound card computer. And then, jokingly rose, it’s a good idea to get the wine out of it, that you will give placements on the case of your MD (to our attachment, you can directly connect the coils). I took a two-pair audio-video jack from the TV (these are on video recorders, game consoles (dandy) and audio recorders). Gently yogo vipayav, tying a small piece of getinax, piercing at the new dirka pid jacks, drunk. Let's move on to the rosette - water-cream in the form of a hot mass (which is in the middle of the tulip) contact maidanchiki and soldering a resistor to 10 kΩ.

On the other end, pay virіzav 4 okremih p'yatachka, soldering resistors to them, which are gone. The axis we had was a small fee. The gates know two inappropriate darts (they were left out of some kind of pidsiluvach), on one end of the jack - on the other 2 tulips (stereo jack). The tulips had been irradiated, the screens were soldered to the mass, the central ones lived on their heels on the board. It is signed as a channel on the plate of roses (verified by the tester, the mass is the edge, the first channel is the tip, the other channel is the middle). Ready attachment is connected to the computer, one jack per line and the other - line out. The main tasks were given a lot of zastosuvannya PZ. I use the SPECLAB, Oscilloscope, audioTester V1.4e software (the software is available on the site in retail). Connect the coil to pay so that it will be connected to the MD, to the wire line out and put the program with the generator. For robotic vicorist two programs:

1. audioTester V1.4g (generator of whatever form, double oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer).

2. SpectraLab V4.32.13 (frequency meter, spectrum analyzer, phase meter).

Qi programs work up to 44 kHz, but for robots with metal jockeys it’s too much to play. Now let's step over to lashing. Dane suitable for any MD, including the Terminator that we choose, but here the Volkstrum-Sm scheme will be described in full. On the other hand, the frequency is controlled (SpectraLab): on U4B / 12.13 - it can be 8192 Hz (as a matter of fact, we can record our own values). 1. Resistor R23 is installed vertically and "feel free" conductor that connects U4/1. Now we close the coils so that there is no metal about one meter away. Turn on the audioTester program (generator) and connect it to R23, and the multimeter to JP4. By changing the frequency of the generator (in the program), we know the resonance for max. voltage on the multimeter. Selecting more precisely the value of the capacitance installed on the coil (adding more capacitance), domaging the resonance at 8192 Hz (or at the recorded value). It is inserted into rose JP4 a suitable coil and it is repeatable to fix it on it. 2. Remind you to open R23 and connect the coils at your staff. Connect audioTester (oscilloscope mode) up to U1A/1 and roaring TX coil to reach the minimum readings. Close the TX coil and repeat step 1. After a number of passes, the position of the TX coil is fixed. We fill it with that її epoxy resin and connect the middle braid to the TX cable. Vimiryuєmo the value of picking up capacities on the skin coat and replacing them, it is possible, on a single capacity with a small TKE. The capacitance is near the area of ​​0.06 microfarads. Glue plastic wraps, for attaching the rod, and shaping the stitches on the stand.

Propionation before folding is balanced metal shukach Terminator has low non-peripheral advantages among the impersonal self-contained fittings of this circuitry (IB detectors). The design of the T3 is broken by Yatogan (Yatogan, MD4U forum) and Radio destroyer (Radiogubitel, MD4U forum), I can use the circuitry with the accessories of the famous Tesoro company, but it’s too easy to tinker. Another self-robot - A2111105 (forum MD4U, forum Soldering iron) served as a postal order to expand the price of the distribution. I would like to commend them for their efforts, for their efforts, for all the good work and for the guests of the Radioschemi site forum!

I will give some descriptive characteristics of the "Terminator 3" metal shocker: depth of manifestation - 5 rubles in Russia - 22-24 cm; Katerininsky p'yatak - 27-30cm; helmet - about 80cm. Depth of detection is given for medium mineralized soil (chernozem) with a sensor with a diameter of 240 mm along the core. I want to say a little about discrimination: although in other devices of this class there is a threshold of discrimination when detecting a mark (so that an object can be read at the depth of the boundary manifestation, but it is not possible to recognize the type of metal, from which object of preparation), then in Terminator a short practical day - an attachment of rozpіznaє more objects on the boundary depth of manifestation.

I’ll immediately think about it - the folding of that taxation of this IB accessory may be impossible for koristuvachs, if only they can repair their paths in the mastery of radio electronics, that and completed electronics can earn pardons. What, screwed up? Ale, not everything is so vague - it’s better to prepare correctly and don’t hurry. The one on the forum will help you with whom. In the first place - for folding that adjustment, I’ll add it to us to fit such a multimeter, an oscilloscope, an LC meter (for the selection of elements with identical characteristics on the wires of a metal detector), so you yourself may need a generator and a frequency. Obviously, such a set of fittings for a cost of chimalih pennies, and not for skin self-protection, for the strength of yoga, or you can try to create a virtual vimiruvalny complex on the basis of personal computer. Fortunately, there is kupa on the Internet blue programs for these purposes.

PZ can be purchased like on our old website We have one important respect for the cob - if you are not convinced in your own strength, it’s better to choose the simplest IB metal detector Volksturm for the cob (master the basics, you will understand the principle behind how the IB robot will work as a whole). Dali navodzha basic schema metal shukach Terminator 3.

Terminator3 is a one-tone metal sounder based on the IB principle. Simple like three kopecks and a superb bulldozer. This is a clean coiner with a simple trick that allows you to search for gold on the beach, ignoring the greater color scheme. If you want T3 and a coin, it can also be victorious and for a search for war and for the collection of metal. But for this, it is necessary to enter the "all metals" mode into the circuit (which is transferred to the circuit and on the board) but the circuit was started without this mode.

Scheme of a vikonan with non-standard vikoristannyam logic like OU. The downside is that there is no KU of the microchips themselves (for the purpose of averaging the powers of the microcascade in parallel), that noise is higher. It is possible, if not necessary, to put the logic of the state in this scheme, so that the parameterization will be even greater in the future. The only thing is that it is possible to replace the sound generator with a domestic microcircuit without shkoda. I would also like to add that, in terms of depth and accuracy of identification, the name (colour \ non-colour), metal shukach Terminator 3 performs on a par with middle-class firm brands price category, and head higher for inexpensive firms MD. It’s not only my guardianship, but a wild thought to bring a great number of people to the quiet, who has been courting them. It goes without saying that it was so bulo - it was necessary to choose and improve yoga, how to lie down, and not how to bring it up.

Detailed description of the installation of the metal shukach Terminator3. First, you need to look at the scheme of denomination of knots, the axis is clear along the knots and orientate, you need to further adjust. Also, an auto-oscillator - vibrates the stream, if you connect it to a new transmission coil (press TX). The ringing comes out of the MC1 microcircuit like a meander (like a straight-cut visor on ancient Greek temples and amphorae). Now the coil is acceptable (nadalі RX), in the new one there is a TX guidance strum (which I create the field) and її on the other stream (field) it is required to increase the TX field (to see the RX field from the TX field), and for which we need a compensation coil ( gave SG). For the DD sensor, CX is virtual, for the "KILTSE" sensor, it is real for the coil. Axis її mi podklyuchaemo so, so that the strum in the niy bіg at the prolongation bіk according to the date to RX (I’ll explain how to signify nada, if one board is soldered at least one board) tsvedennya to zero, the balance seems to be simpler).

The control of the balance is controlled by the oscilloscope by increasing the minimum amplitude at all positions of the handle v\podіlu on cherzі. When the point is reached, if the amplitude starts to grow again, a loop enters on the right (to fight out of one of the CX points). a point at a distant "blinking" of the metal scale) The coils are connected one by one to the generator attached to the oscilloscope and tuned to the Bazhan frequency.

CX nalashtovuvati for the frequency zayve. We take into account those that, if the metal object is detected under the sensor, the balance is destroyed (in the same way, the fallow metal), and RX starts a big strum, which consumes it in front pidsiluvach there, the vin is checked and fed into the sync detector (see the diagram), and the sync detector (SD) detects the phase of the signal, which is coming, and everything is seen in the channels is stronger, in the channels on the right, it is checked and sent to the comporator MS8, setting the comporator to match the equal signal in the channels And if the stench is escaping, then the comparator vide allowed to send the sound generator to work. Zagalom so pratsyut usі balancers with small vіdmіnnosti, vіdmіnnostі stosyutsya more important ways to vidbudovi vіd gruntu. The Terminator has a phase (vir_zka, simpler kazhuchi).

Rechecking the payment of the metal sounder after soldering: Turn on the live on the freshly prepared and resolutely promiscuous in the flux of the board, the sensor is not connected to it, turn the knob a little until a constant beep speaker appears, sticking the finger to the rose of the sensor - the sound is to be interrupted for a second. This is how it is - it means that everything is ready and the board is soldered correctly and without jambs. When live is on, the diode is to blink and go out; Indication of the battery discharge looks like this: the attachment starts to see part of the signal at the same time interval, the diode burns steadily at this time, the sensitivity drops sharply. Files of different versions of other boards in the archive.

Frequency tuning. All installations are wired with this cable, with some kind of attachment and further practice. It is not possible to change yoga dozhina after fixing it. As soon as the preparation of sensors for the balancer is completed, it will be easier for you. Further, read the technology of winding and for the metal shredder Terminator3. Video of fitting other versions boards and firmware to marvel at the forums. Author of the project: a2111105, Yatogan, Radiogubitel, Electrodich.


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