Graphic image formats.

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2 Cool Reader Any graphic images are saved in the file. The way in which graphic data is stored in a file determines the graphic format of the file. The file formats of raster images and vector images are differentiated. Raster images are saved in a file in the form of a rectangular table for each client that is recorded double code color of the corresponding pixel.

Such a file saves data about other powers of the graphic image, as well as its compression algorithm.

Vector images are saved in the file as a transfer of objects and the values ​​of their properties - coordinates, sizes, colors, etc. Both raster and vector formats can be easily transferred to any protocol. . The reason is clear - from the end of the raster file you can find out what the depth is

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universal formats graphic files that simultaneously support vector and raster images. PDF format (Portable Document Format - portable document format) divisions for robots with a package Acrobat program.

This format can save images in both vector and raster formats, text in

great quantity

fonts, hypertext messages and adjustment of the device.

File sizes are as small as possible.

Behind the header there is double-saving raster data with quite a few pixels in the skin box.

The logic for encoding the black and white colors is preserved: the white pixel color of the representations is zero bit and the black pixel bit is one value.

The image lines are sequentially formed in the file, which guarantees that the skin image line will end at the edge of the flat. In fact, it is only those that the remaining value of 1 to 7 bits in each row of the image cannot be determined, but the value of the file does not increase sharply in the real image. So, let’s take a look at the most extensive graphic formats that are used for creating images, photographs, animations, etc.

BMP (Windows Device Independent Bitmap). Original Windows format. This is supported by all graphic editors that work under this category.

operating system

. This is where you save the bitmap images used for editing in Windows, and this is where your freezing area ends. Vikoristannaya BMP is not for the needs of Windows - it has a wide range of options. To show more

Here you can view the entire file.

If the maximum intensity is less than 256, each pixel in a double file is stored as one byte, otherwise the pixel value is reserved as two bytes.

It's a double-byte format, but some browsers can't render it correctly, so that's why it's only a single-byte format.

Strictly speaking, JPEG is not a format, but a compression algorithm based not on the difference between the elements, but on the difference between pixels. The higher the level of compression, the more data is transferred, the lower the vibrancy. you can retrieve the file 1-500 times less, no BMP! Since the specifications for the format did not include CMYK, Adobe added color correction, but with CMYK JPEG, many JPEG programs tend to compress raster images of photographic brilliance, lower logos or diagrams. This is a donation for the vikoristan of the insightful and portable image. However, when working with a dual format, we cannot forget the gamma coefficient, which has a value of 2. For the maximum value of color components up to 256, it is better to select the gamma correction from the search table, or for large maximum values ​​the size of the table will increase and, therefore, more without memory, the transformation function is simple.

Both the pixel format and the color coding can be found in the title.

The structure of the header has also changed, so that some elements are written simultaneously from each name, which is reinforced with a space value.

The original header format looks like this.

Instead of the upcoming sequel to this series

The significance of most objects is more obvious.

It also supports an additional eight-bit alpha channel, but some programs can use an additional one-bit alpha channel, of course. mask of insight. QuarkXPress 3.x and QuarkXPress 4.x.

The particular ideology of the package lies in its ability to fit in with any type of layout designer. Even the main functions are combined with special extensions (Extensions), of which there are more, including Plug-ins for Photoshop. This is the case when working with images in shades of grey.

Computer graphics, for example, have scanned images or textures without brightness additional information about color

Typical butts are used for static light cards. The sensation of the skin is related to the attack. Whose title is displayed in full

important information about the raster image and how it is saved in the file. The meaning of the skin element in the title looks like this.

If the values ​​are less than zero, the identification field is not selected. RM (Page Maker). Adobe Systems programming format.

An incredibly simple package of possibilities.

PDF (Portable Document Format) – promoted by Adobe as an independent platform format for creating electronic documentation, presentations, transferring layouts and graphics along the lines.

PDF files are created by converting from PostScript files or using the export function of a number of programs.

The format was initially designed to preserve electronic documentation. Therefore, all data can be compressed into one, and in different ways: JPEG, RLE, CCITT, ZIP. PDF can also save all the information for the output device as in the PostScript output file.

Adobe PostScript - language description of pages.

There have been creations in the 80s to implement the WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) principle. The file format is actually a program with commands for the wiki for a specific device. You can add a lot of additional information: alpha channels, patterns, color model, raster lineature and animation.

The selected format for printing products should be stored in a visible device.

Phototypesetting machines operate under PostScript language. Therefore, for printing, the main formats for saving data are TIFF and EPS. Available in raster and vector graphics formats. The rest of the time, PDF (Portable Document Format) is gaining strength. TIFF is only suitable when transmitting raster graphics. This format allows you to save a lot of color information: alpha channels, color model, lines and balls (if Adobe wiki Photoshop 6-7). However, in order to increase the reliability of the results of a rich pre-medical training bureau, it is not recommended to remove additional channels and balls from the end files.

There are a lot of different types of EPS, they show the presence of a forward view image, a composite or separated image, coding and compression. But they all agree on one thing - EPS is based on the standard description of PostScript pages, which, in turn, is the standard for printing display devices. Therefore, it should be noted that all files in other formats, for example, CDR and CCX, must be converted into PS.

In this case, the commands of one language will not always be transferred to another and the result of such a transformation may be the shortest time the spit is sealed, or at least the entire circulation.

Therefore, the placement of practitioners in such formats and programs is consistent. However, this does not mean that everyone prepares vector graphics in Illustrator and raster graphics in Photoshop; it’s just that when preparing graphics in another package, you need to separate your flight of “fantasy” and especially carefully check their Some files are subject to PostScript modifications. In addition to other packages, the package Adobe Illustrator or CMYK, depending on whether the illustration is screen or hand-drawn.

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