History of Motorola.

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Optimization of work

This brand is now trying to grow with the help of Chinese partners.

Approximately the same is true with the no less legendary company Motorola.

Let's talk about her.

Historical digression

Motorola is a brand with a rich history.

The Galvini brothers fell asleep in company in 1928.

From now on the stench began to collect the hemlock straighteners.

In 1930, a Motorola automobile device appeared.

From now on the stench began to collect the hemlock straighteners.

After RAZR, everything went downhill.

The company began to produce boring clones on the same platform.

And then came the iPhone and with it the era of smartphones.

The company's attempts to release models based on Linux and WM did not bring success.

In 2009, we released an Android smartphone from Motorola – Droid.

Ale and wine have perished on the shelves.

In 2011, during the global market for mobile phones, Motorola bought Google for $12.5 billion.

From now on the stench began to collect the hemlock straighteners.

The high price was explained by the size of Motorola's patent portfolio.

And Google, it seems, didn’t need anything more.

From now on the stench began to collect the hemlock straighteners.

The growth period was shortened and in 2014 Motorola was resold to the Chinese company Lenovo for $2.91 billion (without patents).

Lenovo wanted to take away more markets for the now legendary brand.

Throw in your brand.

The G5S is equipped with a 5.2-inch screen (1920x1080) protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3, and the G5S Plus is equipped with a similar, but 5.5-inch.

There is also a difference in the chipsets, the younger model is Snapdragon 430, the older one is Snapdragon 625. The G5S has a 16 MP camera, and the G5S Plus costs more for the size of the second 13 MP module (photos with a beautiful bokeh effect, 4K video).

“Front cameras” also vary - 5 megapixels for the larger available model, 8 megapixels with a wide-cut module for the older one.

Moto G5S Plus, photo - Motorola

The volume of RAM for both handsets is 3 GB, flash memory is 32 GB, battery is 3000 mAg (supported by automatic charging with TurboPower technology).

OS – Android 7.1 Nougat.

Moto G5s costs 15,000 rubles, G5S Plus has not yet appeared for sale, but will be released this fall.

Flagships and modules for them

The top line of Moto for today is Z2.

From now on the stench began to collect the hemlock straighteners.

She has two smartphones.

The most available is Z2 Play, the most popular is Z2 Force.

Do you know what we have in the Z2 series?

From now on the stench began to collect the hemlock straighteners.

Modular smartphones are the only thing on the lighting market.

Language about MOTO Mods - accessories that are connected to the rear “back”, which expand the functionality of the smartphone.

Available accessories - insta-share projector, heavy-duty JBL SoundBoost speakers, moto turbopower extra battery, camera for capturing 360-degree video, back panel with wireless charging, etc.

Let us introduce mods that will transform your phone into a full-fledged gamepad and a camera with 10x zoom.

From now on the stench began to collect the hemlock straighteners.

A module with a physical QWERTY keyboard will also be available.

It’s not to say that the idea of ​​modules is very practical or a “killer feature,” but Moto smartphones really do compare to their competitors.


Motorola/Lenovo don't give enough respect to accessories.

And if the smart anniversary of Moto 360 became one of the first on the market with a round dial and forever set the fashion.

Currently on sale is a model of another generation, Moto 360 2nd gen (for 25,000 rubles).

It's not a new product, but it has proven itself well.

At the factory, you can meet Edward Stewart, the man behind the battery manufacturing company.

True, three days later they sealed the office right away from Paul’s coat.

The failure to pay taxes is to blame.

Two years later, the same partners go to Chicago and step on the same rake again.

I’m starting to renew the battery generation, but I’ve been around for two years now.

We note that after the company's mine is put up for auction, Galvin collects the remaining 750 dollars and buys back his property from the state for the production of hemstones.

Paul Galvin (left-handed) and Joseph Galvin (right-handed)

Young brother Joseph Galvin came to help them.

He became Paul's new partner, profitably contributing 565 dollars to the new company.

This is how Galvin Manufacturing Corporation appeared in 1928.

This time everything was formalized according to the letter of the law.

From the documents that were saved, it turns out that at the start, only five active duty workers were in the labor force, who received 63 dollars in wages during the first week.

The company was engaged in the production of hemstone straighteners.

They made it possible to connect radio receivers to an outlet, thereby saving batteries.

On the right was Velma Bezbitkova, but not even Pributkova, which prompted Paul to search for new niches.

What is certain is that the team worked in a very flexible mode.

The learning process was carried out at a rapid pace.

The company was targeting the Association of Radio Receiver Generators in the Atlantic City.

The working model was ready two days before the call, and the final work was completed by Paul right in the middle of the night.

So, the first instance of installations in your car.

Already together with his team, Galvin demonstrated his modesty to everyone.

And despite obvious skepticism, the new product was welcomed.

The price of the finished copy was estimated at 110 dollars.

Motorola appears

The radio receivers were launched on the market under a new brand, which took away from the Motorola name.

Since the first version, the word came out with the release of motion and Victrola.

The first signified the roc, and the other was the brand of the most popular stationary radio receivers.

As they say about another version, they say that instead of motion, the word motor is the basis.

I want to adhere to the third theory.
Motor + ola were often used for radio equipment.

And in addition to the fact that the first successor of high sales in the 1930s, Galvin Manufacturing Corporation was founded until 1947, and did not relinquish the name of its most popular trademark.

War or business?

The war was approaching its end and the search for a new way of development for the company was brewing.

At that time, televisions were produced by RCA, small diagonal 10 inches and cost 300 dollars.

The engineers are once again given the task: “to build a 7.5-inch diagonal TV for 175.95 dollars.”

Regardless of the skepticism of the team, the idea turned out to be brilliant.

The company was successfully able to release a television receiver with the necessary parameters.

During the first sales period (1947-1948), 100,000 examples were sold, the device becoming widespread.

At the same time, the assets of the Detrola company were added, which is of little direct benefit to the Ford automobile manufacturer.

As a result of the operation, Motorola was able to start delivering radio tape recorders directly to car manufacturers, so that buyers received cars with a radio.

Simeina on the right

Paul Galvin controlled his only son Robert from the company.

And far from being respectful. Robert became acquainted with Galvin Manufacturing Corporation at the age of 16 when he began working in the warehouse.

From the very beginning, the robot conveyed a time-sensitive character, otherwise, having lost the family law, they independently rise through all career gatherings. Paul Galvin with his son Robert Galvin

In 1948, when Paul was 53 years old, his son Robert became vice president of Motorola. Father steadily monitored the decisions and decisions of his son in order to move forward so that he could effectively serve as a great company.

In 1956, Robert Galvin became president of the company and regularly worked with his father until 1959, when Paul Galvin passed away.

Lanzug reach Born in 1956

Motorola releases pager. The MODAT mobile communication complex was released, which is especially suitable for emergency services and police.

For assistance, the dispatcher can easily contact the driver, informing him of any important information.

At the same time, the DVP system was launched and began encrypting voice.

Services of special significance were actively victorious. Martin Cooper at the hour of the world's first call from his mobile phone

13th April 1973

, kerivnik of the project with the creation of a personal telephone Martin Cooper created the world's first telephone call from a mobile device.

Why don't you go to the center of Manhattan and immediately click on the development of a similar project at AT&T. Guess what stars I'm calling?

I'll call you on my telephone number. The series released the DynaTAC 8000X model, which contained a modest 30 address book numbers.

After a 10-year charge, approximately 30-40 conversations can be completed.

1974 rock the company presented its first processor.

The clock frequency of the new product was 2 MHz, the command system had 78 operations.

1981 rock

The company has decided to upgrade the portfolio to 0.00044% of the new management concept.

Without delving into the principle of operation, you can simply note that over the past 5 years, the number of workers has decreased by 90% without loss of productivity.

However, at the time of its launch in 1998, the market situation had changed dramatically.

The rhubarb of the steel wool coating, as well as the very softness of the binder, has become significantly shortening.

And instead of 500,000 potential clients after launch, Motorola served only 10,000.

In this case, the technology itself worked with all sorts of problems.

For an hour driving a car or in the presence of connections with a companion, you simply get killed. As a result, there were no more than 66 satellites in orbit, the subsidiary company was hit with a bunch of loans, and it found itself bankrupt.

Later they bought it, the technology continued to live, but under the control of the Pentagon.

On the way to hell

1997 rock The company was led by Christopher Galvin, who was the son of Robert Galvin.

What is noticeable is that Robert stopped working with the company in 1986.

And ten years later, one by one, the post of president was captured by the two closest to the center of the Russian Federation.

Iridium was their new project, who knows, perhaps Robert and Christopher would not have gotten into this adventure.

I want to correct the rest and start a failed project.

Such a great shock caused a massive restructuring that displaced new developments on another plane.

The company was expecting the appearance of the musical novelty E398, due to the tight stereo speakers.

On this basis, it was planned to create a different version, but also from Apple.

So you have ROKR, which is no longer a program, and even if you have access to the iTunes service.

However, after the release and success of the RAZR V3, Steve Jobs gained Motorola as many allies as competitors. In this case, the company itself began developing its smartphone, already knowing about the quick arrival of push-button phones and other players.

The end of history? 2007 year

An all-out war broke out in the market, and Motorola no longer found its place. Also, for the sake of the directors of the government, Carl Icahn, who did his best to push the idea of ​​a sub-company and mobile phone sales.

2008 year

The company's earnings amounted to 4.6 billion dollars.

However, in 2009, their share was reduced to 51 million. It was clear that it would not become much better, and it would be impossible to sell assets again.

Kerivnitstvo praised the decision about the division of business into two companies Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions. In 2011 The mobile phone was sold to Google for 12.5 billion dollars. Three years later, Lenovo gained that same company, but for 2.9 billion.

The history of Motorola began in 1928, when Galvin Manufacturing was founded on the 25th of June by two brothers, Paul and Joseph Galvin.

The profile of the new enterprise was the design and development of the production of electronic devices.

The stinks begin their right not from scratch, but from the foundation.

So before they bought a factory for the production of straightening machines.

And Paul at that time had a small, albeit negative, report: he had started producing batteries for portable radios.

However, the beginning of this enterprise was not very promising.

The company's assets included a total of 565 dollars, equipment for the development of production of hemlock jigs and a standard design of hemlock straighteners.

The very first products were rectifiers, which made it possible to live portable radio in the middle.

Later, radio receivers reached them, and two years later a new company appeared.

Three years later, a further developed radio called the Walkie-talkie appeared, which became even smaller in size and more complete.

It’s great that its appearance on the market has secured the name of the device for an entire class, just like copiers in Russia (the name of the company that produces Xerox copying machines) or Jeeps (the Jeep car brand).

The war will end, and Paul Galvin will begin searching for new markets.

So in 1947 the Golden View was created, which became the first TV of the Motorola company.

And the new product is becoming popular, but the price is always low (179.95 dollars versus 300 for a competitor’s TV).

The same river is also known because Paul Galvin plans to change the name of the company, which he called more succinctly and briefly - Motorola Inc.

In 1948, Motorola and Ford and Chrysler companies signed agreements.

Behind the scenes, Motorola has begun shipping car radios for further installation in the cars it is releasing.

For example, in 1962, a Motorola repeater was installed on the Mariner 2 spacecraft, which took the same fate as the flight to Venus.

Collaboration between NASA and Motorola made it possible to ensure radio communications for this expedition over a distance of 87 million kilometers.

1969 rock is in trouble.

This is the first time the first words spoken on the eve of the month by astronaut Neil Amstrong are transmitted to Earth via a Motorola relay.

And two years earlier, Motorola began implementing the plan to expand its international activities.

As part of this program, numerous enterprises were created in the following countries: England, Australia, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

I would like to point out that in Japan and France a full-scale enterprise has been created specifically for the production of automobile products.

By the end of the decade, the company's reputation was focused on the development of steel fiber joints and advanced mobile devices.

Pouch - in 1983 a larger, lightweight mobile phone was released, and in 1985 contracts were established with operators for the provision of telephone communications in Philadelphia, New York, Hong Kong and Beijing.

At the beginning of the 90s, sales reached 10885000000 dollars, and the company employed 105,000 employees.

And the new thousandth company made a splash by releasing the first phone with an already supplied FM tuner.

We are familiar with the name Motorola V2288.

Over the years, a lot of different new phones from the company have appeared, but Motorola has not been able to gain a foothold among the sales leaders.

Although mobile phones are also the main source of income for the company.

Today's products of the company are presented in the field of radio communications, dart-free broadband solutions and smut - telecommunications equipment.

call the girl

  • The company has chosen the name of one of its first products - the transport system, plus the final brand name of the popular Victrola home radio receiver. Structure)
  • Motorola had 3 key products: Mobile solutions for businesses ()
  • Enterprise Mobility Solutions Mobile solutions for home and mobile operators ()

Home & Networks Mobility

Mobile devices (

Mobile Devices

On June 19, 2006, Motorola “faded” Symbol Technologies, Inc.

(The Symbol brand was owned by The Enterprise Mobility Company; headquartered in the USA).

Symbol has close to 900 patents in laser scanning, image scanning of barcodes, RFID, laser projection displays, mobile computing technologies, droneless technologies and has covered over 7 miles.

barcode scanners and data collection terminals.

The transaction amounted to approximately $3.9 billion ($15 per share).

It was divided into two independent companies Motorola Solutions and Motorola Mobility (the process was completed on June 4, 2011).

Shareholders of Motorola Inc.

shares were taken away from both the first and other companies.

The main infringer of most of the intellectual power and assets of the Motorola Inc. corporation.

became Motorola Solutions.

  • In addition to mobile phones, Motorola produced: modems for cable TV connections, devices for charging household batteries (voltaic cells), equipment for WiMAX connections, repeaters and professional radio stations.
  • On all official photos of Motorola phones, the hour on the screens is 11:35 AM or the date of the track in the player is 11:35.

At 11:35 a.m. on the 3rd quarter of 1973, Motorola satellite operator Martin Cooper made the world's first call from his mobile phone to Joel Engel, a senior executive at Bell Labs.

Major milestones in the history of Motorola

Paul W. Galvin (1895-1959) and his brother Joseph E. Galvin (1899-1944) buy the oil rectifier business that had been bankrupted by the Stuart Storage Battery Company in Chicago, I llinois.

25th spring 1928 r. the stench will be the foundation of the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation.

Galvin Manufacturing Corporation is hiring at 847 West Harrison Street, Chicago.

There are five workers working there, the payroll amount for the first year is 63 dollars.

The corporation's assets include 565 dollars in preparation, a 750 dollar product, and the design of the battery changer (retractor) is the company's first product.

The net sales obligation is $287,256.

Galvin Manufacturing Corporation develops the first practical and affordable car radio receiver.

Paul Galvin guesses the name Motorola for the company's new products, combining the new concept of "rukh" and "radio".

Motorola is for the first time developing a portable radio station for the US Army.

A portable walkie-talkie with amplitude modulation “Hyundy-Toky” transforms into one of the symbols of Another Light War.

Motorola's first integrated amplitude modulation police radio system is being installed in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Motorola is releasing its first commercial series of premium radio devices.

The first portable primary-transmitting emergency radio station - “walkie-talkie”, which fits in a backpack, was developed at Motorola by Den Noble.

Together with the “Hyundy-Toky”, which is carried in hand, it plays a vitally important role in linking up on the battlefields throughout Europe and in the western part of the Pacific region along the other world. Yini.

The Motorola trademark is now so widely known that the company's name, Galvin Manufacturing Corporation, is being changed to Motorola Inc.

Motorola's first product in the television business is the Golden View TV model VT71, priced at 179 dollars - the first model of TV, the price is lower for 200 dollars.

Motorola begins shipping car radios to Ford and Chrysler plants for installation in cars.

The company is immediately in charge of the production of all radio receivers installed by General Motors.

With a series of transmitting and receiving radio devices from the Emergency Dispatcher, the company has benefited from the fact that the range of frequencies available for the number of industrial and commercial operators has been expanded, which is rapidly growing.

Daniel Noble runs Motorola's research and development operations in Phoenix, Arizona.

Conveying the high potential capabilities of the newly developed transistors, it helps Motorola become one of the largest transmitter manufacturers in the world.

Since Motorola previously produced transistors and transmitters for the purpose of interfacing with high-power radio receivers, televisions, and other communication devices, the company is now becoming a commercial manufacturer and supplier of transmitters for sales. to other virobniks.

A range of products are being created based on the conductors.

Motorola is introducing “Motrak” - a two-way mobile radio with a live unit and a transistor-based receiver.

Low energy consumption allows you to use it without speeding up the car engine.

Even though Motrak costs twice as much for its predecessor models, it sells out miraculously.

Portable radio receiver X-11 is Motorola's first transistor radio receiver.

Net sales cost 299,065,922 dollars. The number of workers is 14,740 people.

With the development of a variety of low-cost technologies in silicon rectifiers used in automobile synchronous generators, a synchronous generator becomes an economical replacement for a smaller-duty autogenerator.

The automotive industry is expanding into the production of synchronous generators, which is why the company is establishing itself as a supplier of “under the hood” electronics.

Near Venus, the Mariner 2 spacecraft used a Motorola repeater to provide radio communications over a distance of 54 million miles (87 million km).

Motorola is introducing a transistorized portable radio station, the Hyundai-Toki NT-200 FM.

Motorola is expanding its international activities, establishing ventures in many countries, including Australia, England, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

France and Japan are creating their own enterprises for the production of automobiles and other products.

The first words of cosmonaut Neil Armstrong, spoken on the month of the month, are transmitted to Earth through a repeater, dividing and broadcasting electronic products from the state-owned company Motorola.

Motorola released a new portable radio with an emergency situation that is twice as small and lighter than the front, the NT-200 model.

This new model, the HT-220 Hyundai-Toki, is based on two integrated circuits of a special design, which in total replaced 51 independent parts.

Net sales cost 796,418,521 dollars. Number of workers: 36,000 people.

The Motorola radio receiver is installed on the Rover rover to ensure voice communication over a distance of 240 thousand miles (386 thousand km) between the Earth and the Moon.

This receiver is a hundred times more sensitive, less common radio receiver that is installed in cars, and at which it costs less than a half pound (680 g).

Motorola begins production of its first microprocessor – 6800. Among the first buyers are companies in the automotive, textile, manufacturing, and office equipment industries.

Motorola's venture into the production of consumer TVs, including the Quasar, which is produced under the famous brand, has been sold.

Motorola opens its global headquarters on 325 acres at Chambourzy, just outside of Chicago, Illinois.

An experimental radiotelephone system is being tested, called “stilnikovy” for the analogy with “stilnikovy” - a scheme for relocating base stations.

Motorola is introducing a series of computer-coated radio systems and connectivity devices based on vicoristic trunking.

Photos from Saturn captured by Voyager I were captured. The data was sent to Earth over a billion miles away.

The Motorola installation installed on Voyager I and II is primarily connected to the Earth.

Electronic components for the automotive industry are becoming one of the priority markets for Motorola microprocessors.

Electronic engine control modules, which allow for efficient and economical operation of the engine, are being produced for Ford, General Motors and Chrysler.

After many years of development, the first DynaTAC steel system begins its work.

1984 r. Motorola is developing the first 32-bit microprocessor, the MC68020, which contains 200,000 transistors to provide memory access up to 1 billion bits.

The MC68HC11 microcontroller was also released.

Motorola is developing the first 32-bit microprocessor, the MC68020, which has 200,000 transistors to provide memory access up to 1 billion bits.

The MC68HC11 microcontroller was also released.

Contracts have been signed for the supply of steel bonding systems for New York, Philadelphia, Beijing and Hong Kong, as well as an expanded configuration of systems in the UK, Scandinavia and Japan.

Cellular Group and Motorola Computer Systems merge with General Systems Group.

Motorola is investing over $40 million. in the light of their companions.

Exhibition displays at the new Motorola Electronics Museum reinforce the close connection between the evolution of Motorola and the electronics industry

The new Power PC microprocessor, created jointly by Apple Computer, IBM and Motorola, uses Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) technology to increase the speed of operation.

Population on pagers in China is growing to 4 million. Motorola produces pagers in China, India, Japan, Singapore and New Korea, as well as in Europe and the two Americas.

The messaging, information and media (MIMS) sector is beginning to develop technology and markets for non-voice, drone-free messaging and multimedia products.

The number of foreign companies operating in the Asia-Pacific region is 33,000.

The Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network (iDEN) has been expanded, incorporating new technologies for drone-free delivery of data and notification systems.

The StarTAC portable phone is the smallest and lightest satellite phone in the world.

Motorola announces the development of the M-Star satellite link for global transmission of voice, video and high-speed data.

Radio Forte, which has handwritten text recognition software and two-way radio communication, takes advantage of the industrial design of its communication.

Christopher Galvin, son of CEO Paul Galvin, appointed Director of Motorola

Motorola is reshaping its communications business to effectively allocate resources and respond quickly and appropriately to the ups and downs of its customers.

The smallest and lightest steel phone v3688 has been released to the market.

The world's first commercial mobile phone that supports GPRS technology is the MOTOROLA Timeport P7389i.

At 2000 years of production, the larger MOTOROLA Timeport 260 was replaced.

The Motorola V100 Personal Communicator has been released - a mobile organizer and mobile terminal in one device.

Motorola has launched its most advanced and most diverse mobile phone - Motorola V70.

A small, light and sophisticatedly stylish phone.
The interchangeable metal rings of the display, the black backlight of the keyboard, together with an expanded set of functions, allow you to see the most progressive young people.

This device is simply wonderful and wonderfully simple!

The world's first drone-free cable modem-gateway.

In 2002, Motorola released the SURFboardAE SBG1000 cable modem gateway, which was the first to combine the functions of a high-speed cable router, an Ethernet switch and a wireless home gateway.

Nowadays, cable subscribers are losing the ability to use their cable system for full-time Internet access and wireless connection to as many as several computers.

Introduced in 2003, the Motorola A760 smartphone became the first device in the world to incorporate the Linux operating system and Java technology, ensuring the full functionality of a PDA.

Motorola took fourth place on the list of 100 most social companies in America (Best Corporate Citizens), published in CRO magazine.

This includes companies that have achieved success in the field of management, property management, large-scale activities and administration.

Please note that in 2007, Motorola from another region took fourth place on the list and was fourth in its history in the top ten companies.

The Motorola company is a symbol of the advanced products of radio electronics of the twentieth century.

Most of the successful projects were based on the recent mass production of cutting-edge products from the fields of radio engineering, electronics, telecommunications and computer technologies.

The range of the company's most popular products includes a whole series of military developments in the connection.

  • The company's products have found wide demand in the space industry.
  • Currently, the company's companies are widely associated with the brand name of smartphones, which have gained popularity for almost 10 years.
  • Due to the constant development of modern methods of communication and communication, as well as the significant baggage of patented technologies, the company lost its independence and was swallowed up by other companies in parts.
  • Company logo

History of the creation and formation of the Motorola company

The military contract for the production of portable radio stations for the US Army brought in hundreds of millions of dollars, so that by the end of the 40s Motorola became one of the leading companies in the American industry.

The year 1947 was celebrated as a change, and with the release of the cheapest television in the USA by Motorola.

By 1948, Motorola devices had become standard equipment in Chrysler, Ford and General Motors vehicles.

The course to develop and introduce new technologies will ensure that Motorola will live happily ever after until the end of the century.

The company does not have enough resources to spend large sums on new developments.

At the beginning of the 50s, a whole scientific and advanced complex was requested, patented developments of which were the most valuable capital of the company.

The creation of the first commercial telephone was the final stage of several decades of scientific and technological research and billions of dollars of investment.

This phone was the best in sales since 1983 and was called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X.

The total weight is less than 1 kg, and the total amount is 60 minutes.

The charging mode took 10 years.

We already have a keyboard, which became the prototype for all subsequent generations of fixed-line phones, as well as a memory for 30 numbers.

Motorola V60 (2001 r.) – this phone is similar to StarTAC, except with a player and another display on the outside side of the cover.

Models V70 and V80 (2002-2004) - “rotators” - even show the history of the company’s crisis at a glance.

Instead, these devices did not differ from their competitors, but the shape of the stench suggested a lower blizzard.

The company increasingly relied on innovative design, and competitors achieved significant success with advanced technical innovations.

The era of heavy-duty smartphones has arrived.

Failure is fatal

The Iridium project, in which Motorola has invested hundreds of millions of dollars, is a multi-unit network from any point on earth with the help of one operator through satellites.

This idea was far ahead of its time.

Cheap roaming does not deprive one of the best chances for the success of this project.

Attempts to release highly profitable smartphone models on the current platform have resulted in the emergence of a number of good and clear models, but still have not been able to stop the company from losing positions on the market.
The puzzles appear on the sliders of the Z8 and Z10 series on the Symbian UIQ platform, as a contribution to the recent investment of the company's capital.

Motorola added a 50% stake in the distributor of this platform, UIQ.

Motorola Droid smartphones (Android OS) of all modifications failed to attract buyers, the remaining ones simply added to the long list of all Android devices that filled store shelves, where other brands were in the lead.
As a result, Motorola began to gain profit, and the share price dropped to a critical level.

In the history of the company there have already been sales of entire production lines.

Back in the early 70s of the last century, Motorola sold the production of televisions to a Japanese company.

Initially, the company was engaged in hemstone straighteners, who were hand-picked by a team of five workers. In 1930, the product range expanded - the Motorola automobile device appeared. Over time, the suffix “-ola” has become even more popular among manufacturers of electronics related to sound (it has survived to this day - radio, radio).

In this way, the company simply ended up with the word “motor”, pushing into the automobile warehouse.

Motorola became the first commercially successful car radio model in history. The first Yogo model is installed on the car Studebaker , which belonged to the company. Let's go, the assortment has begun to expand. They appeared as habitual models, and they were specially divided up for the use of the police (1936).More to come. Radio receivers, transmissions, and radiotelephones began to appear. , which belonged to the company. Another world war will bring additional income. Continuous investigations and investigations are underway.In 1943, the first Walkie-Talkie (Wokie-Toki) appeared - an intestinal radio with a small range of action..

These devices became the basis for a whole class of devices, named in their honor.

The popularity of this technology led to the formation of the company in 1947 Galvin Manufacturing Corporation changed the name to . The logo similar to us, which looks like the letter “M” created with two peaks, appeared later – in 1955. With this logo, the company symbolized its passion for leadership.

To a large number of roses, you can attach the prefix “first in the world.” The company stands behind the development of such popular standards as GPS and GPRS. In 1991, she fell asleep

Iridium, Inc. - A satellite company that covers almost the entire surface of the Earth. She also took part in the development of various microprocessors. Yes, first computers Apple were prompted by the stagnation of the processors themselves. Vikorists were stinking on the first handhelds Palm .


In 2004, the child grew up Semiconductor Products Sector (SPS) transforms into an independent company Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Motorola MOTORAZR V9 Well, as has already been said above, the greatest popularity of Motorola was brought by the mobile phones themselves.і Especially famous folding boxes - StarTAC (1996), and later MOTORAZR V3 - A satellite company that covers almost the entire surface of the Earth.(2004 r_k). True, the remaining fates of the mobile phone market have not materialized;.

a company from another town was stuck in fourth place, having sacrificed
Samsung Mobile LG Electronics
. To blame Ed Zander, a great CEO, Milkov’s policy did not lead to collapse. The beginning of 2010 brought hope for the revival of the company. In particular smartphones that operate under the operating system Google Android .


Whose fate gave up the palm of the palm to the US company

, and also, for the first time in history, flew out of the top five mobile phone manufacturers. The Canadian has come to this place RIM The Canadian has come to this place At the beginning of 2011, rock was divided into two enterprises:

Motorola Solutions The logo similar to us, which looks like the letter “M” created with two peaks, appeared later – in 1955..

Aja had to walk a lot to check the strength of the signal and ignite the usefulness of the device in different minds. It was not easy for an already middle-aged person to work with a one-kilogram telephone. Traditionally, on all official photographs of phones the hour is set to 11:35 AM (this rule will no longer be followed). It was not easy for an already middle-aged person to work with a one-kilogram telephone. Around this time, the goals of the legend were already emerging.

The most plausible explanation confirms that at this very hour Martin Cooper rang his famous bell.

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