How to reset your phone to factory settings. Setting up Windows Phone – why and how to login correctly. Microsoft Edge discount for additional PowerShell help

Golovna / Contacts

However, any operating system is not insured against various damages. When the smartphone begins to function incorrectly, freezes or gradually resets, and becomes insecure about how to reset the settings on Windows Background.

There are two ways to turn mobile gadget before the factory adjustments - that’s the name Soft Resetі Hard Reset . Let's talk about the skin of them in the report.

Polite nobles: This setup deletes ALL customer data, including contacts, notifications, installed programs from the Store, photos, videos, etc. tsії.

Soft Reset

This method can be used if the smartphone reacts to the torch and launches the adjustment program. To remove settings, you need to go to settings, go to the category " System» , vibrate item " About the system» , then scroll down and press the button “ Skidannya nalashtuvan» .

Appear in the dialogue window in advance about the content available. If you want to reset the operating system, you can press the button " So» (behind the basket you can also check the box opposite the item “ Also clean» to format card inserted memory).

The final operation will begin by reverting the Windows 10 Mobile OS to the exit state, after which the device will be re-enabled and the corresponding tasks will be registered necessary adjustments– date, hour, name of the cloud record, etc.

There is another way to reset the settings on Windows Phone via Soft Reset: you need to enter the command #777# on your smartphone’s keyboard, after which a dialog box will open in which you need to press a button Reset. The device should be re-engineered and returned to the factory settings.

In addition to the sequence of actions, the offensive methods do not differ in any way - in any case, the koristuvach rejects the same result.

Hard Reset

In this way, you can quickly get rid of it if the smartphone is stuck in and does not stick in, or is frozen and does not respond to the operator’s actions. To get started, get started on Windows Phone when additional help Hard Reset, necessary:

— Press and release the keys to change the volume and volume of the device until a slight vibration appears.

— Press and release the volume change key until the “!” symbol appears on the screen.

— Press the keys of thickness, change of thickness, thickening, change of thickness.

— Check it out, the smartphone will be reset, and your operating system will be reset to factory settings (this can be done for a few times).

Important information: Before resetting the OS Windows Mobile It is necessary to reconnect so that the smartphone battery is charged to at least 50%. If the device is turned off during setup, problems may arise with other functions, and only the masters of specialized service centers can change the settings.

Like or with any other browser, if Microsoft wiki Some problems may occur. If you notice a decrease in the productivity of Edge, such as glitches in the browser, notifications about damages, advertising software, including in the toolbar, or crashing windows, you may have to quit. Microsoft Edge.

However, the method of dropping money is different from other popular browsers, such as Chrome or Mozilla. Of course, Edge is part of the operation Windows systems 10, and it cannot be simply removed or reinserted. However, there are ways that you need to try first before resorting to any extreme methods to solve the most problems that arise when working with the Microsoft Edge browser.

Drop Microsoft Edge via customization

Open your browser, click on the three dots on the right upper codend and select "Options".

Next to the “Clear browser data” item, click the “Select what you want to clear” button. Then click “More”, select all checkboxes and click “Clear”. After that, restart your computer and launch Edge.

Updating Microsoft Edge by checking system files

As you might guess, Microsoft Edge is partly and the main component of Windows 10, and not just an add-on. In case of damage to any system file or the like, it is necessary to check the system files Windows files(sfc.exe) can solve your problem in a number of ways. To do this, start checking your computer again by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting “ Command line(administrator)” and having entered the command:

  • sfc /scannow

If this command did not help you with your current problem, try other DISM commands or the System Update Readiness Tool (also additional information about running commands to verify system files) in our guide. After that, renovate your computer and change the usefulness of Microsoft Edge. Call after these procedures, the browser is obliged to come to you.

Microsoft Edge discount for additional PowerShell help

If all of the above methods did not help you with your problem, here I will show you a simpler and easier way using the PowerShell command to delete and re-register tributes to Microsoft Edge. Ale first, now start this process, do it again backup copy systems and/or create a system update point, just in case something is wrong. This is so important!

First, go to the next folder and delete the whole thing:


(Replace %username to your account name in the system)

Copy and paste, press the command and press Enter.

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose)

Once the process is completed successfully, you will receive a message similar to this:

Now, when you open Microsoft Edge, you will notice that the browser will be thrown out of service. Since there are still some bugs, you can view your logging history by simply entering the following command in PowerShell:

  • Get-Appxlog | Out-GridView

A new window is opening where you will be given the history of exact time, ID, and information about the codes of the benefits, because of the stink.

Remember or write down the security code and go to the next page: MSDN knowledgebase to find out what they are.

It's too early for our skin to work skidannya nalashtuvan u Nokia Lumia . Moreover, there are no reasons for this action. However, the most common thing to do is to clear the memory of your smartphone.

It’s a pity that over the years, on our beloved phone, countless messages accumulate and are stored in the device’s memory. And, unfortunately, it is impossible to see the pressure of any special button, so it simply does not work.

Many WP-smartphones are faced with such a problem, when, when a game or any other program is installed, a message appears on the phone screen, which means that there is no room on the device to install the program. What is there to be shy about? The answer is simple, you need to know how to see everything in Nokia Lumia, then, how to earn money from the factory settings on Windows Phone. Now I’ll try to tell you step by step and show you how to do it.

Because the phone’s memory stores information that is important to you, and content (photos, documents, music, videos) can all be copied to your computer. Even after deleting everything that is on the phone, exit without the possibility of updating (nothing is deleted from the flash drive!). Have you connected your phone to your computer and transferred everything you need? - Miracle! Now you can proceed to cleansing.

Let’s move on to setting up the phone, where you need to find the “device information” item.

At this point you will add the “discard settings” button.

After pressing on the gadget screen, a prompt will appear so that all special content will be visible. We press like this.

Then the process of viewing everything that is on the smartphone will begin. Of course, you can take a good hour.

After successful cleansing, your Lumiya will turn back to the weekend and will be re-enchanted. Well, that’s it, that’s all, as if it was just the beginning, as if you just added a smartphone. More precisely, not at all, even if you already have a Microsoft cloud account. Enter your login and password and register all the things you need in the store.

Before speaking, you don’t have to boast about your drive phone book(contacts), and all information is saved in your account. In other words, after authorization, all numbers that were recorded in the phone will appear in contacts again.

Now you know how to clear memory on Nokia Lumiya. Right now you can enjoy new programs and games on your irreplaceable smartphone.

Ver 17, 2014 mRelby

If you are having problems with the Microsoft Edge browser, try the solution described in the article.

This guide will walk you through the steps to download the Microsoft Edge web browser on Windows 10.

We will share this article with you. m'yake skidannya setting up Microsoft Edge - accessing data added to the browser under the hour of vikoristannya, and zhorstke skidannya- shows Microsoft Edge from operating system And it will restore its original appearance.

Microsoft Edge, as well as any other browser, can cause problems. It is possible that the browser will stop launching or you will see notifications about errors or other problems while you are trying to log in.

A good starting point for troubleshooting is to analyze the problem to determine if the problem is actually related to the browser or the sites you refer to.

Microsoft Edge is missing -Soft Reset

Click or touch the three dots in the upper right corner of Edge to open context not menu, and select Settings.

I advise you to put a pin on the pin icon at the top right corner, in order to save timely adjustments during the operation.

Scroll down until you see the button "Clear browser data" and press the button below it "Select what needs to be cleaned".

When you open the settings to clear the data, you will find, for example, browsing history or cookies, form data, etc.

  • Multimedia licenses
  • Whips, what to whip
  • Allowed to roztashuvannya
  • Allowed for full screen viewing
  • Allowed for madness.

As you can see from the list, all of them are associated with sites and multimedia that you have denied access to using an additional browser.

Clearing the data will not help you, if there is a problem in the program, or if you encounter problems accessing other sites, we will help you.

I encourage you to clear your browsing history, cache and cookies.

After you have made your choice, press the button Clear, Having started the process of seeing.

Microsoft Edge Uninstalled - Hard Reset

Another option, which the first one did not include, is to uninstall Edge from the operating system to reinstall it as it comes with Windows 10 after the manufacturer.

One of ourselves simple ways for Vikonannya operation Microsoft view Edge z I'll help you with PowerShell.

Preserve the archives and unpack it from your system. After this, press the right mouse button on the file and select "Viconati for PowerShell help" From the context menu.

The script contains two operations:

Remove-item $env:localappdata\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\* -recurse -Force 2>$null

The first one removes the Microsoft Edge installation package from the operating system. Parameters, what to vikorist in a row, to timidly step on:

-Recurse the script includes all child elements.

-Force Allows the script to remove items such as files received or marked unreadable that cannot be changed

2>$null redirects the flow of benefits.

Another team is bringing Microsoft Edge to the system.

Get-AppXPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" -Verbose)

As a rule, after downloading the Edge script, the browser will install it on your device.

Technical rhubarb: Basic

Short term

In this article, I will describe in detail what steps you need to do so that downloading on your smartphone is successful and effective.

On the beginning of the article, instructions are given on how to prepare before sending the adjustment, then on the methods of uploading, and then on the instructions for the first steps after dropping the adjustment.


PART 1: Preparing for the drop and getting ready

How can you understand from the name, discarded setup - an operation to turn your smartphone on weekend camp. This will delete all programs, tuning programs and cloud records, tuning the system itself, and everything that is saved in the internal memory of the smartphone.

Important: the adjustment reset does not affect the version of the operating system, after the reset you will lose the same one!

Before you start dropping the plan, reconfigure yourself as nothing else can help you. If you were redirected to this article without any discussion or you reached it on your own, try out the instructions in this article, there is no other option, which is better for everything. Otherwise, try to stagnate first for the sake of the above-mentioned article.

So, what do you need to know and do when doing the following:

1) Transfer all information from the smartphone’s memory to the SD card of your computer. During the download process, the internal memory is completely cleared.

2) Check out what you have done that you need backup copies of one or another instead of a smartphone. Report on Windows 10 Mobile backup - c.

Let me clarify that licenses for programs that you have ever purchased are saved automatically, and you do not need to take any steps to renew them.

3) Remove the SD card from your smartphone and format it. - three rubles lower. Make sure you remove the SD card while the smartphone is turned off, otherwise you may damage both the SD card and the port for it.

What do you need to do with the SD card before the reset time?

Just because you didn’t save programs on the SD card, there will still be activities on it system files, which can corrupt the robot OS after uninstalling the settings. If you saved programs on it, there will be thousands of files there. They also need to be deleted. For whom do you sign such actions?

1) Connect the SD card to the computer just the same. We will use a computer under Windows.

2) Visit Explorer, after what to find Qiu SD card at the Zliv menu.

3) Copy all the necessary information from the SD card - documents, photos, music, etc. Always avoid copying folders WPSystem, WUDownloadCache, WindowsApps, MapData How can you get more information on the map?

4) Right-click on the SD card in the evil menu, then select Format.

5) In the window, click on the button first Update standard setup (Restore Defaults), then click Get started(Start). Rearranging the names of the buttons may vary a little, so you will be amazed at the screenshot.

6) Copy all the required information to the SD card.

7) Place them in place and do not insert them until the settings and subsequent operations (which will be described below) are completed.

PART 2: Zvichaine skidannya nalashtuvan

If you can go to the program Parameters, then this method is for you. Vin simple dosi. To obtain a discount you can do the following:

2) Windows 10 Mobile: Go to Parameters - System - About the system, at the very bottom there will be a button Skidannya nalashtuvan. Click on it, confirm that you really want to do it and check.

Windows Phone 8.1: Go to Parameters - About the system where to press the button Skidannya nalashtuvan And confirm that you want to vacate him.

PART 3: Push-button reset

If you cannot leave before the program Parameters, or you can’t invade the system at all, then this method is for you. Check out the upcoming events:

1) Connect your smartphone to the charging device and check until the charge level is at least 50%.

2) Turn off your smartphone.

3) Press and hold the volume and volume buttons until the smartphone vibrates.

4) Afterwards, release the buttons. Then press and hold the volume change button until the hail sign appears on the screen. After which release the button.

5) Press these buttons in the following order: 1 – increase thickness, 2 – change thickness, 3 – thicken, 4 – change thickness.

The smartphone will re-engineer, gears will spin on the screen. The process of discounting can take up to a year. After downloading, follow the instructions described in part 4 of this article.

PART 4: First actions after discarding adjustments

1) It is important to go through the process of setting up your smartphone for the first time. I recommend that you immediately log into your Microsoft account so that your smartphone can immediately begin the synchronization process and update both together.

Important: when configured, the smartphone can be registered and updated with a backup copy of these programs. I especially recommend not to renew it, as the fragments from it may renew the rewards through which you were sent.

2) After the Windows start screen appears, regardless of the different notifications, just put your smartphone down and let it sit for about one year. During this hour, the system installs all components and programs, updates programs, synchronizes contacts and other information.

3) After bedtime, turn off your smartphone. If you have an SD card, you can now insert it. Pull your smartphone back.

4) Go to the Store and check the updated programs. For Windows 10 Mobile, for whom go to the section Vantagement and renovation where to press the button Check the update. For Windows Phone 8.1, go to the Store settings and press the button there Check the update. After that, install all the updates and restart your smartphone.

5) You can now delete unneeded downloaded programs. I strongly do not recommend working with it earlier, because these programs can be reinstalled.

6) After completing these actions, you can start using your smartphone - use the installed programs, use them program requirements, adjust the system then. Hi have mercy.

All additional instructions for reinstalling the OS and other methods for correcting errors can be found in the " " statistic.

Smartphones running Microsoft operating systems, as well as other devices, may cause problems with their operation. In order to renew them correct robot This may need to be re-invented.

Everyone knows a way to help drain the battery for an hour and turn off the phone again. This is a soft way of re-enchanting. However, such Windows Phone discounts may not be available through those that, besides the service center, access to the battery cannot be removed: it is monolithic.

For such situations, there are ways to create a soft and hard reset using a different key combination on the smartphone itself.

It is necessary to remember what happened before how to get discount on Windows Phone, you need to save a backup copy of the data from your phone. It is understood that in case of systemic re-infestation, stench can be cured.

To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” section of the menu. Here you need to select the “Update and Security” item, and in the next section “Backup Services”.

To save other data that is not transferred to your partition, you need to click on the “More settings” button. You can also save copies of the game and program, adjusting the head screen and your image. You can also save data on OneDrive and programs, history of SMS and phone calls, keyboard dictionary.

It is important to save the necessary archives by switching to the connected device before transferring data via the Internet or Wi-Fi.

M'yakiy Windows discount Phone

Easier re-enactment can be used to help with minor changes in software security robots. Skidannya customize Windows Phone V to this guy benefit from the next combination of actions.

It is necessary to immediately press the button to turn off the life and change the thickness on the side panel.

The keys are pressed until the phone rings.

After this, you can release the keys and wait until the re-entry is completed and the phone is turned off.

These buttons work on all versions of the Microsoft operating system. This algorithm will help you to download Windows Phone 10, 8.1 and 8.

Zhorstke discount Windows Phone

Since the re-engagement did not help turn the phone around, you will have to earn a share of the discount. For whom it is two possible ways: I will attach a menu behind an additional menu, or behind an additional key on the side panel.

For the first version of Windows Phone, a reset to factory settings is possible when you select an appropriate item in the “Device News” section. However, this method may not be available for those whose smartphone does not respond to finger movements.

In this case, you need to quickly use special dedicated keys. Outside of Windows Phone, you need to press the power button together with the volume reduction button and press them until they vibrate.

From the moment the device begins to operate, it is necessary to re-press the key on the firing panel again, which indicates a decrease in the thickness level. So the zhorstka will be re-invited. And if your actions were correct, then black or white will appear on the screen of the device hail sign. This means that you have entered the system menu, so you can return to factory settings.

  1. increasing the level of loudness of sound;
  2. lower level of sound intensity;
  3. vimknennya zhivilnya button;
  4. The level of loudness of the sound has changed again.

If entered correctly, the sign on the screen of the device must change gears to turn around. An indicator row will appear below them, showing progress.

Before yak zrobiti skidannya nalashtuvan on Windows Phone In a harsh way it is necessary to transfer so that all data is saved in the reserve system. You can carry out the archiving procedure well in advance of re-uploading. It can also be installed in settings automatic copying required data in the background.

The process of deep re-enactment can take up to 20 minutes. At this time, you can’t use your phone and you can’t press any of the keys. If not, there may be a problem, which can only be resolved at the service center.

In a number of situations, such as the need to update the functionality of the device, reset the password, or carry out preparations before selling, there is a need to reset the setup on Windows Phone. This is a standard procedure in which all the accountant’s savings, contacts, documents and other files are lost. The smartphone then turns to a “clean” state, which is why it is best for sale.

Hard Reset for Windows Phone 8.1

There are two basic rules to follow before performing a factory reset on Windows Phone devices. First of all, do not forget to make copies of the system and accessories from gloomy madness So that everything can be quickly updated. Otherwise, recharge the device - the battery charge should become less than 50%.

Don't forget to charge the battery before hard rebooting. Some devices can reset their configuration in this manner for three hours - a year, two or more. Ale zazvichai discount does not take more than 20 hvilin. For now, the smartphone can’t be turned on and started vikoristuvat no matter what.

Saving account parameters and files

In the mobile OS Windows Phone 8.1 in the previous versions, you can update not only the basic configuration and SMS notification, but also all programs and accounts, cloud accounts, login passwords Not on sites, on the desktop and other data. Therefore, before performing a Hard Reset, it is imperative to save their archived copies:

Players can monitor their progress using a scale with hundreds on the device display.

A gloomy convulsion can be automatic mode backup all your photos. For whom:

However, due to the Windows background, customers run into problems. To delete them, delete old savings in the backup section, and then proceed to archiving the data.

Most people need to carry out a similar operation by updating the parameters that were changed on the configured phone. For those who truly think so, please read the article to the end.

UVAGA!!! Skidannya adjust the phone bring up to see again all data on New, including music, pictures, special data and contacts. All sites strongly recommend removing the SIM card from the device, as well as the memory card, to avoid overwriting necessary files. You can also create a backup copy of the program to save progress and other required data. However, such a procedure is not carried out without reason. There may have been repeated malfunctions in the robot phone, or the programs at startup caused it to freeze. Yakshcho on windows phone 8 discount nalashtuvan is effectively required, then it should be carried out like this:

  • adjustment;
  • display information about the device and select “Download settings”;
  • Weathered from the advances, the pressing two “So”;
  • I lost my check if the phone was re-engaged.

Failures are eliminated if the hangup simply does not allow the viconto to reset the operation from the menu. In this case, you can use hardware methods that allow you to perform the necessary procedure using hot keys. For Nokia Lumia and many more models you need to work in the following steps:

  • press and press the pressure change + vitality key for 10-15 seconds. Until slight vibration appears;
  • When this happens, immediately press and release the pressure change key until the great sign of a hail appears;
  • After this, the final stage is consistently pressed: increased thickness + change in thickness + food + change in thickness.

Voila, now you know the Swedish way discount nalashtuvan on windows phone lumiya.

Each device differs slightly in the order in which such a procedure is carried out. Combinations of keys, the sequence of their pressing and other parameters can be changed. The best thing to do would be to turn to the instructions on your phone. Since there is a Russian version, there are no problems. Due to the fact that there is no English version available, you should immediately familiarize yourself with the rules for such an operation on a third-party resource or on the official Microsoft website.

Now you are encouraged to learn how to carry out the htc windows phone discount to factory settings And in some cases, you shouldn’t panic about this situation. Alright, let's get started:

  1. Vimikamo phone.
  2. When the screen goes dark, press and press at once: power button + volume reduction + camera button. A slight vibration is to blame;
  3. Once this is complete, release the power button and continue pressing the other two for about 5-7 seconds.
  4. After this hour, the buttons are released, the phone becomes more engaged, the HTC logo appears, and then two gears begin to spin.

UVAGA!!! It’s not good to talk about the trivialities of the process. You can use it for about two years, so before carrying out the manipulations, fully charge the phone, and before the end of the day, do not touch the hard buttons.

What is the required password for downloading windows phone?

By the way, if the device was picked up from your hands, it is possible that the first ruler set a password for the discount. In this case, you will not be able to exit the procedure from the running device. You will need to reset the hardware to zero. There is no need for a password.

On the right, as you have already realized, it is not so easy to carry out the procedure for removing the additional keys that will burn, so the exchange is cleared, and the axis of the system can be created by a child, so a password is set.

Don't rush to run to the nearest one service center, aje skidannya nalashtuvan windows phone 8 1 as simple as in previous versions. The control keys have not changed, so if you switched to another new OS, don’t worry, you can go back to the beginning and manually select a “clean” smartphone again. As you already understand, the stages of such operations do not change between firmware versions. It is enough to memorize the combination for one phone and use it in situations where there is simply no other option.

The only thing that can change is the combination when changing the phone generation. On the remaining version, which will be released close to the beginning of 2016, discount nalashtuvan windows phone 10 A little more may appear. However, this is not a fact. Perhaps T-shirts can teach themselves a lesson and deprive the universality of this process at the same time as it is contagious. For zvichayny koristuvach This will be a miraculous gift, available at any hour to help in an emergency situation.

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