How to connect two computers with each other.

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How to connect another computer? Most people surf the Internet at home, without which it is also important for everyday life. At home, the Internet is used for a tablet, laptop, computer or

mobile phone


Often a router is installed that provides wireless Wi-Fi connections.

  1. However, not everyone knows the variety of devices through which you can connect to the Internet.
  2. Some people have two computers and want to connect to the Internet, but don’t know how to get it. Let's take a look at the report on how to properly connect another computer to the Internet..
  3. How to connect two computers to the Internet

Connecting one computer to the Internet is not important, but the axis of connecting two computers to the Internet may not be so simple.

There are a number of ways to reach the target:

Connect another computer to the Internet via a modem.

Connecting another computer to the Internet via a drone-free router Wi-Fi boundaries

Connecting another computer to the Internet through the first computer using a dart or a dartless Wi-Fi network.

Connection via modem

Why do you need a modem that will connect to your provider and set up correctly. To connect to the Internet, it is enough to connect the computer to the modem and insert it into the Lan socket, which is suitable. You may also have to install drivers on the computer's edge card, as long as you don't have to install the modem and Internet connection.

  1. Drivers can now be downloaded from the Internet or from a disk to your computer. This method Take into account the simplest things, unless you happen to get a clear lead to the apartment, which is not always handy.
  2. Connection via router
  3. In the system tray you will see the icon of the wireless link, which is what it looks like on the monitor. So the module of the droneless link works according to special programs
  4. run next.
  5. Find out the configured Wi-Fi network of your router and click “Connect”.

Enter the password for the wireless connection into the router, if necessary.

After this, your computer will be connected and you will be able to access the Internet.

Connection via the first computer If you do not have a router, and all LAN inputs on the modem are occupied, or the Internet is directly connected to the first computer, then to this guy

  • You can connect another computer to the Internet through the first one. There are two ways to reach it: You can add a Wi-Fi wireless communication module that can create wireless communication based on location.
  • Such a module will be very expensive; in addition to another computer, other devices can be connected to a drone-free Wi-Fi network.

We simply connect the drone-free communication module to the first computer, install the necessary drivers, create a new drone-free network with or without a password, and allow it to transmit data to the Internet.

Creamy, you can also create

local measure through a drone-free Wi-Fi network between all devices, transferring files from one to another. Since it is expensive to buy a droneless Wi-Fi network module, you can connect two computers with a wire and create a local internal network between the computers. In this case, the first computer acts as a server through which data is transferred from the Internet.

This method of connecting another computer through the first one is either foldable or expensive, so practically no one uses it.

I'm flying.

The first thing that needs to be done with the creation of a local measure will be determined as soon as it is prompted.

A home local network usually consists of a small number of computers/laptops (2-3 pcs.).

Therefore, there are usually two options: either connect the computer directly using a special cable;

Or use a special device - a router.

Let's take a look at the features of the skin variant.

Connecting computers “directly”

This option is the simplest and cheapest (the plan includes costs for ownership). Using this method, you can connect 2-3 computers (laptops) one after another. In this case, if you want one PC to connect to the Internet, you can allow access to all PCs at such a limit.

What is needed to create such a connection?

1. A cable (also called a twisted pair), a little longer than the distance between the PC that is connected. It’s even better if you buy a cable at a crimping store - that’s it. Already with connectors for connecting to the computer's circuit card (if you need to figure it out yourself, I recommend reading it:).

Before speaking, it is necessary to remember that the cable itself is required to connect a computer to a computer (cross-connection).

If you take a cable to connect a computer to a router - and then try to connect 2 PCs - such a boundary is not valid!

2. The skin computer may have problems

merzheva map

(All current PCs/laptops have this).

3. Vlasne, that’s all.

The costs are minimal, for example, a cable from a store to connect 2 PCs can be bought for 200-300 rubles;

Intermediate cards are in the skin PC.

You will only have to connect with cable 2

system unit

and turn on your computer for further adjustments.

Before speaking, if one of your PCs connects to the Internet through a network card, then you will need another network card to use it to connect your PC to a local network.

Stationary computers are connected to the router via a cable (1 cable is already included with the router), laptops and mobile devices- connect to a Wi-Fi router.

You can read about how to connect a PC to the router (on the D-Link router application).

The reporting organization of such a measure is described in this article:


Set up your router once and access to the Internet will be available on all devices;

There are no heavy darts;

3. Vlasne, that’s all.

Custom settings for Internet access for various devices.

Additional expenses will be spent on adding a router; Not all routers (especially those with low price categories ) can be secured high liquidity

at the local boundary;

It will never be so easy for the unaccounted-for koristuvachs to master such a device.

2. Setting up a local network in Windows 7 (8)

Once the computers are connected to each other, regardless of the options (whether they are connected to the router or directly to each other), it is necessary to configure the Windows OS for full-fledged operation of the local network.

We will show on the application Windows 7 OS (the most popular OS today, in Windows 8 the setup is similar + you can get acquainted with).

2.1 When connected via a router

When connected via a router, the local boundary, in most cases, is adjusted automatically.

The main task is to adjust the router itself.

Popular models have already been featured on the blog’s pages before, so I’ll post a link below.

After setting up the router, you can print the OS settings.

And so... 1. Setting up a workgroup on the same PC name

The first thing you need to do is to set a unique name for each computer locally and set the same work group name. For example:

1) Computer No. 1

Robocha group


Im: Comp1: 2) Computer No. 2

Work group: WORKGROUP

Name: Comp2

To change your PC name and workgroup, go to the Internet panel

upcoming address

Panel keruvannya\System and safety\System. Power Windows 7«.

2. External access to files and printers If you don’t have enough time, then no matter how many folders or files you have given private access, no one can revoke access to them. To enable the option of private access to printers and folders, go to the Internet panel and open the “Internet and Internet” section. password guard.

Div. lower.

Adjustment of hidden access. Additional parameters

behind-the-scenes access After making adjustments, press “ save your money

"Restart your computer.

3. Rozaruvannaya folders for private access

Now, in order to share files on another computer, you need to share the folders on the new computer (giving special access to them). It’s so easy to earn money - just 2-3 clicks with a bear. Open the explorer and right-click on the mouse you want to open. U«.

context menu select " Behind-the-scenes access – home group (reading room)

If you don't want to check, wait for about 10-15 seconds and the folder will appear in secret access.

Before speaking, to ensure that all computers are in

home measures

- click the “Margin” button near the left column of the explorer (Windows 7, 8).

2.2 When connected directly + sharing Internet access to another PC

In principle, most of the time spent setting up a local network will be very similar to the previous option (when connected via a router). In order not to be repeated, the words that are repeated, I will signify in the arms. 1. Setting up the computer name and work group (similar to the marvelous thing).

2. Setting up hidden access to files and printers (similar to the marvelous thing).

3. Setting up the IP address and gateways Hello everyone! Today we will look at this topic,

how to connect two computers together

. I’ll show you method 2. Now let’s get started. Let's look at 2 ways:

1. How to connect 2 computers

Wi-Fi will help router or Switch. 2. Call for a help dart. I will connect my laptop (with operating Windows system 1 .*)

8.1) and computer (Windows 7 OS). 1. A way to connect two computers for help, or a switch.

If you have a router or a switch, it’s easier to connect two computers.

Tell me where you are

Wi-Fi hotspot , you connected your computer via a cord or dartless connection

Wi-Fi doesn't matter.

Tse same, smut for subnetwork bula however (for example 192.168.

Everything you got into with the group.

We are pressing to change the additional parameters of the legal access.

I select all the items as I have:

That's it.

Now let's check it out.

We create a folder, for example, by creating it on the desktop of a laptop (like wi-fi connections).

We are writing everything or a singing koristuvach, then we can set what is allowed to us and we are pressing for more access.

In the advanced setup, put a tick and press the bl.

If rights need to be expanded, the button is expanded.

Now let's check it out.

At the computer I press start and go to the limit. I'm using my laptop (I'm not fooling around). Let's go to the same folder that I created on the laptop.

2 ways to connect two computers by wire

Without a router, you can only connect 2 computers... First of all, if you add a edge card to the computer, then more, but that’s all there is to it... We will connect two computers via a cord.

We connect the cord to the 2m computer, to the network card.

Then we go to the control center for measures and

private access

- change adapter parameters.

When connected via a local network, select power.

We know protocol version 4 and also power. Our office will be deprived of any submersion, and the computer address may be whatever it is. On one computer setting the address to, and on the other to The mask is standard 255255255.0. We press ok, on 2 computers and go in between and check.
Bachimo result. So, if you don’t see it, check the settings using the 1st method. I was afraid to look after them, because they stank of robotics. Check whether the firewall or the firewall is blocking the antivirus (which is also the case). And just like that, if you go into the fence, you may see a sign up there asking you to allow files in the bedroom.
Where are you going to cut the card? U primary computer

The LAN port is located on the back of the system unit.

On laptops, the card port may be located on the side - right-handed or left-handed. In 99.9% of cases, both your computers will have a memory card..
However, it is not possible that you will have to bring the computer to the service and install the service in a new one. edge adapter Now the time has come for the cable, with which your computers will transmit signals one by one (these signals are called packages). To connect computers, you need not just any cable, but a special one».

Ethernet cable

, titles " twisted pair of the fifth category Where should I take a twisted pair? Zvichaino, come what may computer store


Ale, first go there, stay between your computers. Fuck it, what? twisted pair

You can’t bend it too much, twist it, nail it with flowers or destroy its integrity in any other way.

This can damage the connection of your PCs with each other - the packages interfere or are destroyed, so that the current computer network is completely useless. Therefore, use a centimeter line and stand between the computers, taking care of all the corners, opening the doors and walls. Add 2-3 meters in reserve to the adjusted value. The axis and you will see that you have two torsions of the bet that you need to buy in the store. That's not all. You can't just plug a cable into the LAN port. At the end of the cable, you also need to screw special sockets, which are called connectors in the computer world.


(Er Ji 45).

Having crimped a twisted pair in the store, you will spend only a few pennies on the cable, connector and crimping labor.
It is also acceptable that the sellers cannot squeeze the cable.

Then you will have to earn it yourself.
For which you will need to buy a twisted pair of necessary equipment + 1 meter for experimenting with pressing, 2 connectors (or rather 4-6 for any kind of pressing) and a pressing tool. Spend a lot of time, then you will learn how to squeeze a couple of torsions. Before speaking, the pressing tool can not be purchased, but can be obtained from a familiar computer specialist, such as.

Well, in front of you is a cable, a connector and a pressing tool.

Let's proceed to the operation of pressing the bet's torsions.
1. Remove the insulation from the cable approximately 2 cm from the edge.
You will find 4 bets of twisted color wires.

I don't need any insulation.
2. Carefully unpick these colored wires, separate them and re-route them exactly in the same sequence as shown in the picture below (left-handed - one end of the cable, right-handed - the other end).

This scheme is called

In order for computers to exchange information, they must know each other.
It sounds abstract, that's all.

If you just connected two PC signals with a cable, you can’t force them to go anywhere.

And all the people who don’t know where to go, who they belong to, simply seem to be, don’t know the address of the meaning and the names of the rulers.

As in real life, for information from one computer (called PC1) to safely reach another computer (called PC2), you must know its address.

We will now take care of the assigned names and addresses of our computers. We accept the name of a computer running Windows XP: 1.On PC1, right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop and select “Power”.

2.In the window, select the “Computer Name” tab and click the “Change...” button.

3.Enter the computer name on


– PC1 and the name of the work group – WORKGROUP.

The workgroup name can be specified (provided that this is the case for all computers running Windows OS).

In this case, simply turn it over so that it says WORKGROUP.

4.Press the “OK” button on the next window.
Then restart your computer so that the settings are restored.

We accept the computer name running Windows Vista:
1.On PC1, open the “Start” menu, right-click on the word “Computer” and select “Authorities”. 2. Find the section “Computer name, domain name and work group settings” and click “Change settings”.(pronounced “IP”, shortened to Internet Protocol).

Moreover, the entire computer address consists of several blocks of numbers separated by dots: block1.block2.block3.block4
Do not place a speck after the fourth block! The skin tag may have one, two or three digits ranging from 0 to 255. The example computer address is or So it’s already necessary that in local

computer terms
, Up to which you see your home rule, the first two blocks contain the numbers 192.168, and the next two blocks are from 0 to 255. With 255, you can’t change anything, and 0 you can only change in the third block. Thus, the computer addresses at home can be or or or, as well as, Such combinations are impersonal, but can be lost to computers that have the same numbers.

Our application has and, and also and

And if the computer wants to send information to the computer with the address, then nothing will appear.

One more important moment».

: in one dimension there cannot be two or more computers with the same addresses.


If you have given the address to your PC, you can add it to the list of valid addresses.

The power of your PC is now lost and cannot be stored on any other computer.
That’s where we end the theoretical part about computer addresses and let’s move on to practice.

We use the address of a computer running Windows Vista:

1.On PC1, select “Start” - “Control Panel”.

2. From the list, select the section “Care Center with private access.”

In the window, click “Manage wired connections.”

3.Right-click “Connections via local network” and select “Power”.

4.Select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Power” button.
5. Select the item “Victory for IP address” and enter the address of your computer in the “IP address” field –

Click on the “Submersion mask” field - the value corresponding to the computer address will appear there.
6.Press the “OK” button on the next window. Wait a few seconds until the settings are correct and close the Connection Panel window. In this manner, you have given an address to one computer running the OS

Windows Vista

- PC1.

Now sit down at another computer (PC2) and try the same, just replace with the address Having completed the assigned address, proceed to verify the connection at home. Checking the link against Windows XP:
2. The Windows command interpreter will open.

Here you can type different commands, all commands are entered in English.

We still have one command - the command to check the connection with another computer.

Won is called


The infection is pinged ("ping" means "check connections from...") PC1 with address

That's all.

The connection is that the computer will send and receive packets one at a time. You can be greeted with the successful connection of two computers at the same time! Thanks to the Internet in the apartment, it’s already difficult to raise anyone, but these mercenaries, like just one computer, have become the lucky ruler of yet another.

  • You really might want to connect to
  • global pavutinnya


It’s not that difficult to get out of it.

There are a number of ways to manage your nutrition:

A method for sequentially connecting another computer through the first one. Setting up connection through a router (router). The first method is unconventional, and is not suitable for an ordinary, unprepared correspondent, who was also given this as information for thought.

We will discuss in detail another method, if two devices are connected through a third – a router. This special device, which transmits data to the network, switches and distributes data packets between devices. With a vikorist router, it is possible to connect at least two or more computers or other equipment that requires access to the Internet. Let’s not worry about setting up the router, and even depending on the model, the settings will be significantly different. We need only one power supply - how to connect another computer to the Internet through a router?

There is not much theory about connecting several computers to the network via a router

Now the time has come to find out how to connect another computer to the Internet via a router, and configure them correctly.

Several ways to connect 2 computers to the Internet via a router

It is acceptable that the router is already configured, works properly and distributes the Internet.

  • There are only two ways to connect:
  • wired connection;

Vikorist and drone-free WiFi technologies.

Connection by cable.

If your computer already has the Internet, then, of course, before the next connection, the wire from the provider is connected, which is now responsible for turning on the WAN socket of the router.

This interconnection was created during the router configuration. If this is the case, then you need to take a fuse wire (patch cord) and connect it from one side to the socket of the computer's fringe card, and from the other side to any power socket of the LAN router. Please note that if the end of the device is in the sockets, the lights will be on on the router and on the computer and the corresponding indicator will light up. Let's talk about those that involve the exchange of data packets between devices. Call none

On the bottom of the computer there is a cross of the red color.

Another way to connect 2 computers to the Internet via a router is WiFi technology. Kozhen router possessions dartless adapter , it allows you to create barriers beyond the 802.11 standard. In this way it is possible to connect an unlimited number of devices with a fence.

All stationary computers have this option, but for what purpose you need to add

USB adapter with WiFi function. To access the Internet, you need to press the dartless border icon in the lower right corner.

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