How to install the system from bios. BIOS: Download from disk. Select OS version

Golovna / Usunennya malfunctions

1 - For the cob, as always, it is necessary to adjust the BIOS to capture the CD drive. For this purpose, the computer and just a few on the screen will start writing on the black screen, you can press the Delete button or Del on the keyboard (in some cases, for example, on computers like ASUS, you need to press the F2 button instead of Delete). The blue (or gray) BIOS screen will appear on the monitor. Insert the Windows 7 installation disc from the CD.

1.1 - We need the "Advanced BIOS features" row. We select її and emboss Enter. Mi Bachimo is on the move: We know the row First Boot Device (At the translation of Pershe lucrative attachment). Opposite the row, choose either Floppy or HDD (HDD-0). Our task is to insert the CD-ROM there. For which the arrows point to a row of vision and emboss Enter. A list of interesting extensions will appear, among which it is necessary to select the arrows down or up the CDROM item and press Enter. In such a way, we can say the computer, so that when the computer was turned on, the capture was not from a hard disk, but from a CD drive. Now we press the F10 key from the keyboard, to appear at the end of the request for confirmation. Press the letter Y (Russian letter H), then Enter. The computer will reboot.

1.2 - Now you have a BIOS set. (Whoever has blue, skip the whole point). After you upgrade your computer and press on Delete, you will have a BIOS series in front of you. Move through the menu with the arrows: , , , . Right-handed arrow select the "Boot" tab. І down arrow select the item Boot Device Priority. Press the Enter button and select CD/DVD-ROM. Press F10 on the keyboard, then Enter. The computer will reboot.

2 - From now on custom BIOS the computer starts to reset itself. Now it’s not possible and fast for white writings on the screen. As soon as you start to write on the screen, check at the bottom of the screen I will write "PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM CD ..." second, don't sleep. Yak just appeared, embossed Enter. Get excited from the disk. As if we overslept and didn’t catch Enter, we’ll remember the computer and we’ll start again, we’ll check the writing, we’ll emboss Enter.

3 - After pressing on Enter, it starts from the Windows 7 installation disk. Let's get interested in the front interface, for a few seconds I wrote "Starting the installation program ..." on a black aphid. At the process, if it ends up with disks, remember the language on disk C! Below is "Parameters", there you will format drive C.

The process of reinstalling from a flash drive

It is necessary to format the flash drive and write a file from Windows to it in ISO format. You can create this format in the program

To find out how your PC is captured via USB - plug in a new USB flash drive and enter the BIOS. Marvel at the new presence of the necessary options.

To go to the BIOS, use the same F2 key or Delete. If we can use the BIOS, we need to know the Advanced BIOS Features row (for some BIOSes, BIOS Features Setup may be written).

At the deposit, select the First Boot Device row, after you see it in the window with the choice of disks.

We need to install Windows from a USB flash drive, and then we choose to save BIOS settings by pressing the F10 key.

After saving parameters BIOS computer re-advantage and re-advantage with our flash-card.

In addition, as we have built more refurbishments, we will be able to restore our exciting cards memory.

At the beginning of the installation, we need to choose the language to install operating system. Choose the one you need. Behind the lock stand the Russian language, then press the button "Dalі" and select "Install".

Acceptable license favor. We put a tick and emboss on the button "Dalі". We choose the type of Windows installation, here You choose the installation you need (I recommend installing from scratch).

We select the disk on which we will install Windows. Bazhano choose a disk and format yoga, so that you don’t stray here where you know. Format the disk you choose to install Windows, save valuable information on any other wear. Tisnemo "Dali".

The installation of Windows is starting on the computer disk, the process of installing it is on the computer screen.

Completed processes are marked with a tick. After the successful installation of all points in the rest of the "Installation Completion", the computer will reboot. You need to re-adjust the BIOS for an hour or so, otherwise the installation process will start in a new way. Nalashtovuєmo like it was before the change, minyaєmo that zberigaemo. Once the computer is restarted, the final Windows installation process will continue.

After installing windy, raju, install via bios launch hard drive first, to speed up the OS advancement.

Do you want to install Windows 7 on your computer or laptop, but don't know how? Tse is not so foldable, as it seems. I want to go ahead, well, it will be important. Ale, having got it right once, you will become a right IT-master and you can independently install Windows 7 on any computer or laptop.

Before that, how to install Windows 7, unpack this side. It means to make things easier for you. Even after an hour of Windows 7 installation, there will be no access to the Internet. Vinyatok to become less of a vapada, if you have another PC, a laptop or a smartphone, you can, if necessary, re-enter the site and marvel at what you have done.

  1. Wee pridbali new laptop or a computer. Everything here made sense. Most of the options on laptops or PCs, or there are no suitable operating systems, or the cost is not the one you need (for example, the old-fashioned MS-DOS).
  2. Not worthy of Windows 10 or 8, and you want to install the good old sim card.
  3. Becoming zbіy at the robotі, they attacked the virus and the advertising banner-vimagach, the computer and the laptop did not turn on too soon.

Let's go for the trochs the rest of the paragraph. If there are problems in the robotic computer or laptop, do not hurry to install Windows again. In the first place, reinstallation of the operating system will last for the rest of the day, if other methods did not help.

Otherwise, remember that after installing Windows, all data is erased, at least, on the local drive C. And all your programs: browsers, video players. I happen to restore everything for a new one.

Thirdly, the annual guarantees that Windows installation help solve the problem. Ale, the files on the local drive C will be permanently deleted.

To that end, try to search for other ways to improve the work of a PC or a laptop. For example, the following stats can help you:

Also, you can always search for other articles on your blog or through Google/Yandex.

Preparing to install Windows 7 OS

The first thing you need to do, the first thing you need to install Windows 7 on a laptop is to copy the entire important information. As a minimum, from the local disk of S. Agee, after formatting, all data on it will be erased.

Yakscho V bought new computer or a laptop, you can skip this whole croc. Have reshti vipadkіv tse obov'yazkova umova!

Therefore, save all files, documents, images, audio tracks and videos from the desktop and from the “My Documents” folder. It is also recommended to look at the local drive C - on the new one you can often write important information. Where to save? On disk chi flash drive. Another option is to upload files to an online service (Yandex.Disk, Google Drive, etc.).

Before the speech, sometimes it is possible to copy the deeds of the program at once from the adjustments. For example, bookmarks and passwords from the browser, as they were shown.

Another point, which is necessary to work: to determine which size of Windows 7 you need - x86 or x64. Everything is simple here. Like you have 4 GB installed on your laptop or computer operational memory(and more), you also need to install Windows 7 x64, and if less, you need to install x86.

Why so? On the right, the x86 version doesn't have 4 GB of RAM. The maximum you can tell is 3.25 GB.

How to recognize the amount of operational memory? If you have a new computer, take a look at the documentation. And as a laptop, the characteristics are shown on the case (or on the box).

If you already have Windows installed, then you can look at the amount of RAM as follows:

The third moment, which is necessary to viconate before installation, is to write a digital copy of Windows 7 to a disk or a USB flash drive.

What do you already have? exciting disk(Bought or seen in the store at the same time with a PC), then you skip the whole croque.

Burning a DVD is not easy. Have you already recorded films, music, games in a sing-song manner? It can be done through Nero, Alcohol 120% and other programs.

And if there are USB flash drives, then there are real difficulties. Tom in to this particular type I recommend reading -.

De take the image abo installation disk Windows 7? You can buy it in the store via the Internet.

The first thing you need to do before installing Windows 7 is to prepare drivers for your laptop or PC. In the kit with the computer, the disks with the drivers will sound. If it stinks, then you can skip this paragraph.

Vlasniki laptops cannot see disks, so you need to install drivers from the official website of the compiler (just look for the name of your computer model).

If you miss this part, you may be left without the Internet. And for the new one, you need to install the driver. Also, you can not use USB sockets. That's a bear. As a result, you have to go to a friend who knows and get a driver from them.

For which the preparatory process is completed. Once again, check that you saved all important data, after which you plug in a USB flash drive or insert a DVD disk from the setup rank of Windows 7 and reboot your laptop/computer.

BIOS setup for Windows 7 installation

Mabut, nalashtuvannya BIOS - the most convenient stage for more koristuvachiv. Especially for newbies.

In addition, folding here is based on what is on different PCs and laptops. BIOS versions can get excited. І buttons to enter the BIOS also. As a result, deyakі koristuvachі navit cannot go to BIOS. To that, there were no problems with the cim, we can look at the report, what and how the work is required.

Then, if you have prepared everything, restart the computer, and immediately, when the screen is on, press the Del button (for PC) or F2 (for laptops). Once everything is set up correctly, check the BIOS screen. Roughly like this:

Abo is like this:

Here, 4 extensions are shown - First Boot Device (first), Second (other) then. Stand behind the first locks hard drive(Hard Disk or HDD). And you need to put a CD-ROM (disk) or USB-HDD (flash drive) on the first row - depending on the one from which I will install the SIM card.

How tse robiti? On the PC, sound as necessary to see the first item, press Enter and select the required option from the list.

On laptops, the attachment priority is changed for the help of the arrows or the F5-F6 buttons. The keys to turn off sound as indicated by the right hand or at the bottom of the BIOS screen.

If you get the First Boot Device from the first point necessary accessories(CD-ROM or USB-HDD), save language settings after which you exit the BIOS. Which button to save? This is also written in the lower part of the screen (mostly F10).

If you have a UEFI BIOS ( New version), then just drag the required icon (drive or flash drive) on the first place with the bear and press “Exit” at the top right corner.

After that laptop or computer is rebooted and the installation of Windows 7 is completed.

Everything seems to be easy for you, and the other option is to set up a drive from a disk or a flash drive without going into the BIOS. For whom you can. This method works only on new PCs and laptops.

Pokrokova instructions for installing Windows 7

Immediately after the re-advancement, you will move the black screen with one single row.

Here it is necessary to press a button - for example, Probil.

If you didn’t show up, you didn’t save the BIOS update. Turn them over again. Everything is fine there, but you didn’t write it down correctly zavantazhuvalnu flash drive, or the disk is corrupted, and the computer / laptop does not bog down (maybe, the disk drive is not working).

After pressing the button, you will see a black screen with the inscription "Windows is grabbing files ...".

Check, the system copies all the docks. The next thing on the screen will appear again forever. Choose the Russian language and press “Dali”.

At the new window, press the "Install" button.

Like on a disk or a flash drive there is a dekіlka Windows versions 7 - You need to choose the correct one. From the order of x86 and x64 we have already taken it apart, you yourself will be responsible for that. Chodo version, then choose "Maximum". If there is a difference between her, "Home", "Pochatkova" and "Professional" may not be able to, then it is not so important. Choose the required item and press "Dal".

Wait for the minds of the license (put a birdie) and move on.

Choose another installed.

Vіdkryєtsya vіkno z vybora rasdіlu for vstanovlennya Windows 7.

How to break the disk for the hour of the first installation?

If you are installing on a new computer or laptop (this is the first time), then you only need one row - "Do not take up space on the disk."

In this case, it is necessary to split the hard disk into 2 partitions - the local disk C and D (more is possible, but not obov'yazkovo). For whom you see the whole row, press the "Create" button, indicate the size of the disk (in megabytes) and click the "Save" button.

Don't know how much 50 GB will be in megabytes? Write the number of navmannya - for example, 50000. If you see a little, see it, press the "View" button, and try again by entering a higher number.

For normal Roboti Windows 7 It is necessary to create a special distribution with a volume of 100 Mb, deselecting the advanced files. To that, if it comes to the end, just press "OK".

If you enter the required volume for the local disk C and do it, you will see the partition 2. Tse i є.

Once again, you see the row "Unoccupied place", press "Create", and then the button "Stop". When the local disk D appears (Rozdil 3).

If you forget it, then after installing Windows 7 there will be only one local drive C. Come and re-install India. Before that, how to go far, move on, so the point “Unoccupied place” is no longer possible.

To install Windows on the local drive C, see "Split 2" and click "Next".

If you reinstall Windows 7, then the following window will appear on the screen:

For this type, you need to see the split 2 and press the Format button. Tse to see the data on the new one. If the formatting process is completed, you will again see the division and press "Dal".

Before that, if you want to expand it in a different way between the local disk C and D, you can delete them and recreate them by specifying a different size. Yak tse robiti - it is written at the front paragraph. But remember: at this time, information can be seen on the local disk D as well! The result of the PC or the laptop will be clean, you just bought it. Therefore, follow this procedure as much as possible to save all the necessary files.

Continued installation of Windows 7

So, you could break the hard drive or reformat it before installing Windows 7 and pressed the "Dal" button. After that, the operating system will be restored later. Check, the docks will finish copying the files.

Once the computer/laptop is re-adjusted, you will again be familiar with the same black vikno in the same row.

At the same time, do not press anything on the keyboard, otherwise everything will turn back.

If the next computer or laptop is suddenly re-vanquished.

Well, the main thing is already behind, it was left with nothing more to fill in the fields:

  1. Please use the name of your computer (as if you are planning to play games, it is better to write in Latin).
  2. You don't need to set a password - at this time, just go further.
  3. If you have a digital copy, the activation key can also be left blank (sound Windows 7 activates automatically when connected to the Internet). To skip this part, press "Dal". And when they bought the disc, then enter the code, such as the spelling on the sticker.
  4. Here it is recommended to choose the option "Vidklasti decision" (then you can change the number of adjustments).
  5. Choose your time zone, indicate the hour and press "Dal".
  6. If Windows automatically finds the drivers for the Internet, then in the new window, select the "Home network" item.
  7. Check until the working steel is fixed.
  8. My congratulations - Who could install Windows 7 on their own laptop or computer.

What does it take to install Windows 7?

Before you reboot your laptop or computer, go into the BIOS and change the priority of the attachment back. Then put a hard disk (Hard Disk or HDD) on the first place, and lower the CD-ROM or USB-HDD on the other or lower.

Also, after installing Windows 7, you may not be able to use the Internet and USB sockets. Because there are no drivers. Therefore, at the next stage, install them.

Itself for this and it is necessary to prepare all the necessary drivers before installing Windows 7. Especially on the Internet. Aje yak Wee zavantazhite їх, yakscho do not have access to merezhі?

And one more nuance - when the computer or laptop is turned on, you can have two Windows 7 (for an hour of advancement).

The first one was installed by V, and the other one was saved from the attached distribution (“reserved by the system”). Vtіm, Zayvi row can be seen. For whom do you follow this:

Ready. If there will be no more re-engineering of another Windows 7, you will not be afraid to choose the operating system menu.

If you have lost your food, put it in the comments.

It will not be a great secret that the fact that Windows 7 installation (reinstallation) information often becomes a stumbling block for the rich bugs. Tim, for an hour, there are no special folds for anyone - reinstalling Windows 7 via BIOS can be practical. First, you need to be aware that there is no great difference between the terms “reinstallation” and “installation”, moreover, that reinstallation is carried out for the sake of visibility of an earlier installed OS, and installation is carried out on a “bare” PC. In another way, the reinstallation is not carried out before the installed OS, but through the replacement of the basic input / output system (BIOS), as it is flashed into the PC motherboard. Nareshti, the koristuvach is guilty of clearly understanding that all the programs installed by him to the previous OS after reinstalling "windy" will also be reinstalled.

Reinstall Windows: why start

Coming to the installation of Windows, the coristuvach is guilty of preparing the nose for the installation Windows files 7. You can also have an installation DVD, which is included in the PC delivery kit, or purchases in computer shop, but the records by the koristuvach z іnshoy dzherel himself. Why, so you can carry a USB flash drive, you can prepare flash drives for additional programs for recording flash drives.

As a rule, Windows 7, during its installation, independently knows that it installs drivers for such devices, like a video adapter, a sound system, etc. merezheva card. However, for some old models and other extensions, as well as for non-standard hardware, drivers may be needed.

Dali, the shards of a hard disk with a forward OS will be in the process of reinstalling the formatting, then it’s safe to save it on the new data of the coristuvach. The stench sounds like you know what distribution your dad has Users.

BIOS launch

For more desktops, input from the BIOS is disabled by pressing the Delete button when the PC is turned on or restarted. On laptops, press the F2 button, and other function keys can also be played.

The description of the details of the interaction with the BIOS goes beyond the scope of this article, but there are more differences in the interface of the style, the number of PC hacks. By using the BIOS method, the manager of the advanced building, through which the installation of Windows is carried out. For which BIOS functions, you should know the item and name it to replace the word Boot, and activate the item. The axis is like this, for example, looking at the Bios window of the AMI company, which shows the order of the exciting additions:

Here "1st Boot Device" is the first interesting attachment, "2nd Boot Device" is another, and so on.

Sens dіy koristuvachа pogaє in that, schob the first zavantazhuvalnym add-on to rob a DVD-disk or a USB-stick Windows distribution 7. Select the required attachments, save the lost changes (Save function), install the jobs of the upgrade attachments and restart the PC.

Windows 7 installation process

After restarting the PC, the restart from the installed OS distribution kit will start. And here there are no options, fallow in the nose of that distribution kit. The main thing, for which the installation of Windows is started, may be the first thing you look at:

The new koristuvach is guilty of vibrati mov installations. Dali again stalely in the distribution kit, you can apply for a choice of OS version. There are also a few options: Pochatkova, Domashnya, Expanded, Professional chi.

But the most important thing is that it’s all right, through the way we choose to split the hard drive, the OS will be installed on it. For whom, in the past, there were found hard disks that were distributed, for example:

At this point, choose the same disk and split it, where the OS is installed. Nevipadkovo in the new є wrote “Disk Build” - this is the way to format the partition. If you don’t rob anything, then in the system distribution, files not only of the new Windy, but of the old one will appear. The results of this “porridge” are not transferable! After the pressure on this letter, the possibility of formatting the system partition appears:

After pressing "Format" you will be prompted for the formatting method: swedish or new, for FAT32 or NTFS format.

After a certain hour after the completion of the formatting, the process of installing Windows 7 begins, which, due to the odd situations, proceeds “on automatic”, without violating the koristuvach.

For a self-installation of Windows through the BIOS, you need an advanced Windows disk that basic knowledge BIOS. In this article, we will teach you the tricks of working in the BIOS, so as not to damage the computer and take care of the working operating system.

First, install the OS, download and write to the driver disk for such computer parts, like:
  • motherboard;
  • sound card;
  • DVD/CD drive;
  • mesh card, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth;
  • central processor;
  • BIOS;
  • video card;
  • Touchpad, monitor;
  • USB-attachment (bear, keyboard, printer), USB-ports.

Save on a USB flash drive all the files you need from your work desk and the “My Documents” folder, and all the data you need from “ local disk C" are erased when Windows is installed.

The installation starts from rebooting the computer and entering the BIOS. At retail motherboards different virobniks have their own combination of buttons for entering. The best way to enter BIOS is by pressing Del, F1 or F2, F12. It is recommended that you turn your attention to the lower right corner of the screen when the computer is turned on. The combination itself is written there, yak to allow the vikonati to enter Bios.

Entry vikonano. For help, the arrows on the keyboard move to the right to the Boot item. Select the “LEGACY BOOT” item with the Enter button.

Bachimo, which should have a Hard drive in the first place, and replace it with a CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive. In this version of Bios, you need to press F5 and F6 in order to change the order. On stationary computers, everything is simple: click on the first row of 1st Boot Device and select the CD drive. In both modes, we press F10 to save the changes and exit the BIOS. After pressing the button at the end of the confirmation, de press “Yes”.

The computer is restarted and the black screen is displayed, de eng. ask to press be-like a key for distant diy. Pressing the check on the disk drive, on the screen will be “Windows is loading files…”.

Repent standard installed Windows 7. You will be prompted to choose your keyboard, computer and time zone. We'll show up at a later date with Windows 7: x86 or x64. For dual-core processors and more, choose x64. For single-core - x86. How to determine the processor capacity, read in

At the coming vіknі we choose " Povna installation". Now be careful. Choose a hard disk partition, on some “stand” of Windows. Click on the type of "System". The selection of a row with a disk space is highlighted in blue color. Schob Windows pratsyuvav without pardon, you need to format the disk. For which one press "Format disk" and select the "Format" button. You will be prompted for FAT32 and NTFS options, the rest is NTFS.

After the operation of "cleaning" the disk is completed, the unpacking will open file_windows that far away installation. Daughter kintsya. With the average characteristics of the computer, the installation takes about 30-45 minutes. In the end, the system will be reset for the remote ones: the Internet, the hour, the password, and the firewall.

After removing the disk, restart the computer and turn the BIOS settings forward - turn “Hard drive” to the first place. Save change.

Annual warehouses Windows installations there is no way through Bios, so it’s good to get it right. Radiation to write down the main moments of the work in the bios before the OS is installed on the cob. The BIOS is the heart and brain of computers, do not change the setup just like that, otherwise the robot from the PC will end before being repaired in the service center or forever.

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