You can change your iPhone for a new one under warranty. How to convert an iPhone after repair

Golovna / Korisne PZ

Let's talk about the thought, how to torment me for a long time. De guaranty, what is the hour of repairing an iPhone, the master does not save your passwords, notes and photos?

Do not share the keys to your life

Five years ago, I first started repairing my iPhone - for 2 days. Then I didn’t have any secrets there - pictures of young people, notes with addresses, gloomy history for a joke. Couldn't type password. I think, I think, that my tribute is not needed by anyone and that it is necessary for the honesty of people.

For the day my skype zlamali. I didn’t realize in a moment, but now and then - and less in a month I realized that I took the password for the new foolishly from the old note. Forget about it a hundred times. Crying out that the photographs were also marveling. Otzhe, they could get into the special post, and you can call in the right shoes, so you won’t give up.

I, like a human being, can forget a lot of things, that if I put it on the phone. And the phone remembers the axis.

Raju watch next video If you know English - it’s wonderfully revealed in it, it’s like a lot of savings in our phones and why you can’t trust the native country without interim laws.

Visnovok is simple: your phone is the key to your whole life. If you give yoga for repairs, you often give access to everything, what do you have?

What data can you fit the master?

Otzhe, ty voddav iPhone for repair. If there are two options for the development of podіy - at times, if the master will be unclean at hand.

Option 1. You do not have a password and / or blocking for Touch ID

Do you think that in 25-30 years there is nothing to take, and nobody needs you? Possibly so, when you start up someone and click you no way. Ale, don’t read our site :)

What can be downloaded from your device without a PIN code:

  • old notes with passwords, codes to public records, credit cards and services
  • special records, which can be used against you
  • story without context
  • dozens of sites, social media and services, de password already entered
  • banking programs with entry codes at Notatka
  • full access to email of all your oblique records
  • transfer routes, often given the date of mortgage
  • informing relatives and colleagues with confidential/special information
  • access closed resources databases your company
  • photographs, screenshots of a special character, which can be featured for blackmail

The biggest problem is that you know you don't know scho master kudis liz. You just need to finish the memory, on which screen there was an addendum (thank you to the screen of rich tasks) - and everything, after digging, you can turn around, run other programs in the required sequence, and by yourself attach the fact of vtruchannya in the special life.

iOS does not share the logs of its robots with the Vlasnik, it is left to be surprised only by surprise. And the diva is booming rarely.

Option 2. You have a password in iOS

Let's say you have a PIN-code, and it will be very important if you give it. It is practically impossible, as if you did not spend the time in the field with the eyes of international law enforcement agencies. Vіd duzhe cunning masters of theft.

Chi no?

If you are an incomprehensible first-year student, then you are not needed by anyone. And what is the manager of the company, is it the bigger one? Why did you start planting stones? It is possible that you enter the team of engineers, so that you can access the database infrastructure. I, without mentioning it myself, yes bypass behind the scenes of your company for the most important competitors.

Rich such speeches are given by fairy tales from Hollywood films, ale corporate bullying- the apparition is 100% real. And not only technical “bugs” and modifications. Enriched with widened software “backdoors”, like vikoristovuyut quirks of iOS. Mayzhe all the stinks require a one-time physical access to the phone, at the hour of which the password is installed.

And if you have a jailbreak, then the installation of such a filth will be under the power of Ashot's teapot-flasher from the bottom of the house. How and prikhovuvannya following such vtruchannya.

So how do you know if you have a PIN-code, like a little thinner, but also the same effective insertion not 100% stolen.

Why did I start talking about it

I have broken the topic, if I brought a broken iPhone for repair to the well-known lads from one service.

The stench is constantly buvayut clients, yakі chi want be present at the hour of repair, or else video recording. Bo know what can be.

In order to be satisfied, the lads had a special zone for video recording at the hosted master. Hanging over it is a good Xiaomi webcam, as in real time it can record the whole process, and broadcast it to the Internet.

There they try to propagate a new feature: online broadcast repair I’ll add one or the other to record the process on a USB flash drive. Tse bezkoshtovno, zvіsno.

With her you can be sure that:

  • you did not put anything sub-auditory;
  • your special data is nothing;
  • repair zrobili itself so, yak Bulo discussed.

Behind the bajannyam, be some kind of attachment, they can seal: when handing over for repairs, they glue the first seal, know it before picking it up on the video, and at the end of the repair, they stick the seal on another. Through the war, the option of delivery is turned off until the next day of the hire.

The service is still practicable in test mode, so the technical part is still being improved. Ale, the idea of ​​shalena - and I zdivovaniya, that earlier її nobody tried to push through.

Trust the maisters-repairers at once, oh, you don’t get it, so lads, vvazhay, to do good for the benefit of colleagues all over the country :)

website Let's talk about the thought, how to torment me for a long time. De guaranty, what is the hour of repairing an iPhone, the master does not save your passwords, notes and photos? I did not share the keys to my life Five years ago, I first started repairing my iPhone - for 2 days. Then I didn’t have any secrets there - great youth photos, notes ...

The arrival of a new gadget for the rich is becoming a holy saint. Apple products are vvazhaetsya drive for boastful and pure joy. It’s not surprising: the light brand has earned not only one name, but also an intricate functionality. A solid term of service to the hairdresser, high indicators of productivity, practicality and ergonomic design at the same time give buyers an excellent product.

However, Light Apple It is necessary to finish a spirna topic, as a warm welcome to the Russian market, and im'ya їy - updates (now - refurbished) iPhone. Often the situation is blamed, if the repair of iPhones, if the vikoristan is in trouble, is in front of a potential buyer, and the device is sold under the appearance of a new one. Such clients have to be embarrassed by an unstoppable novelty.

Features of the renewal process

Refurbishing, remembrance, which must always be of a Shakhrai character. Vono can be carried out as a gadget picker, and by dealers. For the first time, the procedure is called factory refurbishing.

For example, a buyer has shown a factory hat on his device. We send it to the service center of the light brand, it looks like a replacement for the same smartphone model. The old one is virushay on the factory, de yoga is taken anew (replacing defective parts), diagnosing pardons and re-release from sales. The advantage lies in the fact that the attachments are absolutely free of “bugs” and cost a lot less for the production of products. Of course, all components are original Apple data.

Another type is called seller refurbishing. Dealers, yakі can not wait for the apple brand, independently repair the iPhone, leaving the original case, replacing the stuffing with cheap, non-original parts. They gave the device to go to the market under the look of a right, new gadget.

Here the buyer and sip at the pasta: buying similar attachment. Today's post: What about iPhone repair earlier?

How to innovate a new gadget from an updated one?

Total Apple has put together a short guide to the world of apples - if you put together a plan, you won't waste your money.

Let's say before the war: obov'yazkovo go back to the service with a good reputation, and, if possible, appoint a seller on the territory of the repair center. Fahivtsі can look around and diagnose, and say: chi buv iPhone is repaired.

Check the packaging

Original products are packed in boxes with matte finishes, even sticks, and clear scratches. On goods that have passed the revision, there is a sign with a special code. Match the given data on the box - for example, imei - with the indicators of the smartphone itself.

Flip the gadget at the registry

To find out if the iPhone is being repaired, if the number of activations and other data, enter serial number or imei on a special site. Koristuvacham will be given full information about vikoristannya I will add.

Check the complete set of the device

After unpacking the packaging, turn over the accessories and components. At the time of purchase of an officially updated or new smartphone, headphones, USB cable, charging block This instruction may be of original production.

Vlasniki can carry out diagnostics at the Total Apple service, so that they can tell their customers about the best repair of iPhones.

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How to check if the iPhone is being repaired?

Apple products are valued among the best and the best, with cutting-edge technology and amazing design. The beginning of innovation, as the company has brought to the mobile and computer world, more vibrators compete, try to be similar to Apple or compete with them hard.

iPhone mobile phones stand an order of magnitude higher than similar smartphones of other manufacturers. For this, buying an iPhone by hand is worth a wider appearance. Ale yak dіznatisya before the arrival of such a phone, chi buv vіn at repair chi nі? You can trust the words of the seller, but how clean are you?

Verification of authenticity

Buying a used smartphone like Apple, I’ll look around for an hour and check it out for correctness and “cleanliness”. First of all, you need to check the IMEI of the mobile phone, by calling it number by number, we will assign it to the documents for attachments. You can assign a number for the additional menu.

Let's check the functionality of the mobile phone. All the main parameters are being tested, and the total practicality is being evaluated. In addition, change your mind that the sergeant will re-enable the attachment to the iCloud service. And then proceed to the farthest steps.

Revising iPhone for repair

Now it is necessary to determine what is not buv mobile phone at repair, chi not sinking wine, and chi was not installed in new neakіsnі, chinese details. Spend in repairs, in unofficial service centers, inexpensive Chinese parts are installed, analogues, shards of original parts of the temple.

I’ll add respect to the color port for charging, I’ll attach it to the headphone’s entrance. Your color is responsible for changing the color of the entire smartphone. As if you have shown some vidminnosti, it is possible, at the telephone they have changed and repaired.

As a rule, when picking up the telephone in the main, there are traces of defects on the bolts. It is possible to get rid of the underwear on them, otherwise you will see that the bolts of the troch "yuzani" are grooved. Also reverse the originality of the mobile phone screen. For whom it is necessary to squeeze in the icon and move it in a different place. As a rule, replaced, cheap touchscreens tend to avoid problems (stutters).

Give respect to the color of the central button and I will add it to the warehouse. The stench can also be identical. Ale, turn on the phone and get it repaired, ale pratsyuє dosit quietly, without galm and other problems, and the price for a new one is privablivy, nothing will protect your choice and pick up the iPhone.

Apple of the Federal Antimonopoly Service about the service iPhone service she updated the side on the site technical support from the appointment of the ability to repair broken displays on smartphones.

If your iPhone screen is broken, you can have it repaired at one of our authorized service centers. Vartist of such repairs to lie down in iPhone models that kind of presence, whether there are some additional ears. Ushkodzhennya, caused not by an unfortunate drop or by improper occasions, does not groan Apple warranty so you will have to pay non-warranty service. As if a crack on the screen appeared as a result of a manufacturing defect, it is covered by Apple's warranty and the law on protection against damage. Have an Apple Authorized Service Center run a diagnostic test and find out if your iPhone needs additional repairs. Also, you will be given an assessment of the repair cost.

For new rules for iPhone repair it is necessary to return to a certified service center, and then call the smartphone for repair at a special repair facility, de replacement of displays. Let's guess that earlier Apple did not supply components to Russia to replace damaged iPhone screens - in authorized service centers, such attachments were replaced with a new one for a surcharge. The reason for this was believed to be that for the official replacement of the display, that high-yield viconnance will require a complicated calibration procedure for the help of an expensive possession, as it will take away access to the kernel. operating system iPhone behind the stolen Apple mesh.

Previously, the company did not want to take on itself the organization of service centers of such an equal value, but it propelled the owners of broken smartphones to change them on new ones with an additional payment of about 25-30 thousand rubles. The situation changed when Dmitro Petrov rushed to the Federal Antimonopoly Service at Apple and wanted to secure the possibility of repairing outbuildings, supplying the necessary equipment and components. Naprikintsy 2016 r. The Federal Antimonopoly Service destroyed Apple on the right, and after looking at it, it realized that the company is dominating the iPhone repair market, blocking unofficial repairs and supplying the necessary spare parts at the same time.

At the fierce fate of 2017, the FAS praised that Apple was launched before January 1st to launch a single service center in Russia and provide service maintenance support to residents until legislation Russian Federation. At present moment For the most part, Apple is ready to start officially repairing the iPhone in Russia. For information from Vedomosti, you can return to one of the authorized services to replace a damaged iPhone screen Apple centers in Russia, de zmozhut razrahuvat vartіst repair in staleness according to the model of the iPhone and the presence of additional poshkodzhen. From the service centers, the outbuildings are delivered to the repair facility, de replacement of the displays is required. Vtim, blame the law of nutrition: what is right, what is good, what scarga before the Federal Antimonopoly Service does not improve the situation for the owners of the iPhone in our country?

Start varto from the fact that it is necessary to expand the repair on the warranty and non-warranty issues. The first ones trap closer, and the others (read, broken screen) are often and often tied up with great vitrates. Apple's shards of goiter are all over the world to provide warranty service and may for all the possibilities, to program the iPhone's data, as they are stuck with minor malfunctions. Previously, Apple replaced the smartphone with a new one, and now it is being repaired. In addition, it took a few days to build a replacement for a replacement, now I have to lay an hour for logistics. The authorized service center will return the smartphone to the repairman, then in another hour to the next day of the night, and then the iPhone will need to be turned for the service of the sack repair.

At the same time, after the launch of the repair service in Russia, those iPhone repairmen play, as they often break the screen - now replacing the display is cheaper for exchanging an old smartphone for a new one, and the quality of replacing the display will be significantly higher, lower at unofficial service centers. It is not necessary to forget that the breakdown is more extensive, the lower the guarantee points that are damaged. Especially, for the improvement of what is Apple products Even higher and vlasniki outbuildings rarely run into problems that are not their fault.

Yak perevіriti, chi buv vi purchases new iPhone(Activated chi ni)?

You sold the iPhone at the closed box, and the seller insists that it is new. First of all, to start working with the new Apple smartphone, you need to activate yoga. The activation procedure includes the connection of the smartphone to the SIM card inserted on the server Apple activation. For whom, just connect to Wi-Fi or win over the data transmission.

And less than that, yak Vlasnik iPhone remove confirmation of activation, you can win your attachments.

In such a rank, like a coristuvach, I’ll immediately spend on head screen, if the smartphone is turned upside down, passing the privacy screen, activating and configuring, it is already victorious. At the same hour, like after the first iPhone activation when the screen appears, it does not mean that the gadget is not victorious. On the right, the screen with the word "Hello" in different languages ​​is displayed as soon as the iPhone is reset to factory settings or after the iOS update procedure in iTunes. In other words, unpacking a closed box and the appearance of a vital screen when the iPhone is turned on does not guarantee that the smartphone is new.

Detailed video instruction

How to guess, why are you buying a new iPhone?

On the Apple website ”, in which you can quickly and without special zusil to confuse, without victorious before the purchase of the iPhone. Everything that the koristuvach is guilty of nobility for the work of service, I will attach the serial number. For activating gadgets whose number can be found in " patching", At razdelі" Basic", Menu item" About this attachment“If the smartphone is right on the screen, you can find out the serial code by pressing the “i” button at the bottom right corner.


Read also

Another sprat point for recheck iPhone when buying out of hand. 1) Turn off the phone and turn on yoga.

How to convert iPhone by IMEI and serial number | Yablik

Serial Number Widget (IMEI) iPhone on some Internet services you can signify: binding to iCloud (Apple.

In addition, the serial number of the iPhone is indicated on the label placed on the back panel of the original.

So, to revise the iPhone, follow these steps:

1 . Go to distribution " Re-verification of the right to service and support"On the Apple website.

2 . Enter the serial number of the iPhone in the specified field (how to recognize the serial number), enter the code, indications on the image, and press Continue.


The serial number of the iPhone NEVER replace the letter "O" (the number "0" (zero) is scored.

3 . Please check any new iPhone (or official updates (ref, refurbished) by Apple) You need to activate your iPhone“It is true that the smartphone is not mave history and wine is true new.

Read also

After activation at the service " The right to a support and a support“To show up (possibly, not immediately, but for a stretch of 24 years) the date of completion of the rights to maintenance and repairs has been transferred, as it means 365 days before the day of activation. In other words, to recognize the date first activation, starting from the transfer date, exactly 1 day

NOTE: Data on the Apple server may not change in a negative way, sound, in the interval from 1 quarter to 12 years.

What is the activation date, how you performed it, depends on the date assigned to the service " Re-verification of the right to service and support”, Then you can safely submit a scarga to the seller - the smartphone was activated earlier, so, unfortunately, you are not the first owner of your iPhone.

Video review:

Let's give an example from life. In the post-traditional space, they often win for the sale of orphaned (imported illegally) activated iPhones under the appearance of new ones. How did you feel? New blockings (bindings up to mobile operator) The iPhone is sold, for example, in the USA for a low price. The stench is bathed by "businessmen" for a remote unlocking (opening the operator's name) for a small fee.

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