About the secrets of function keys on laptops. Keys on the laptop The f12 key on the hp laptop glows with a chervonim

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As part of computer literacy, let's talk about special functional keys on laptops. With help, you can easily use your laptop to sort things out.

The function keys F1-F12 on the laptop allow, for example:

Notebook function keys F1-F12

On the little one, the Fn key on the laptop is seen with a red rectangle (levoruch), and the functional keys on the laptop, which work together with the Fn key, are seen with green rectangles.

Write on the special functional keys, about how you can find your own color (more precisely, your design) on the keyboard, for example, red, blue, green (or you can just circle it with a white frame). The same color (or design) can write "Fn" on the "Fn" key on the laptop. This means that these special keys can only work if you hit them at the same time with the “Fn” key.

For example, as on the “F1” key of applying a red (blue, green) icon of a crossed teddy bear (which means “switched off teddy bear” Tach-Pad for a Sony laptop), then to turn on the budded bear, you need to press the “Fn” key on the laptop, and , pressing down, immediately press on the “F1” key. Zvorotne podklyuchennya vbudovanoy bear fight like this: "Fn" - "F1".

On the different laptops keys "F1" - "F12" mayut different values. Any kind of standardization will not stop here.

  • On one laptop, "F1" can mean the inclusion of a wake-up bear, and on the other, for example, the inclusion of a PC in sleep mode (the icon with the symbol "Z", which two or three repeats, which, according to the thought of the laptops, means the sound "Z-z-z-z ..." , Russian tse sound "Z-z-z-z ..." and guess the breath for an hour to sleep).
  • The key that confirms the connection Wi-Fi enabled, may, as a rule, the image of the antenna, which shows the signal on all sides.
  • The key for increasing the brightness of the image on the built-in display may be a stylized image of the screen (frame), in the middle of which the icon of the sun is depicted.
  • And on the key to change the brightness of the screen, the image of the sonechka in the middle of the stylized image is small.

May all the images printed on the keys F1 - F12 have been understood without additional explanations. And at times, you need not to varto nekhtuvat іnstruktsiyami, scho dodayutsya to all laptops. These instructions should be used as if they were a friend of a friend (good, as if they were written in Russian language, otherwise everything is just right, Crimean Russian language), so it looks like .pdf files on a PC, located in a special folder on disk C: (also zavzhdi, unfortunately, the list of the inventory is broken by the Russian one).

A similar scheme for turning on a laptop for the help of function keys is already handy. Without them, it would be necessary for skin connection - inclusion or skin regulation of the need for special programs. Moreover, not all programs can be found in the “Control Panel”.

Some specific programs (for example, regulation of switching on the keyboard, or battery charge protection with a method of ensuring greater safety of work) are not located in the “Control Panel”. You need to know the middle special programs laptop management. І їх need to know.

In addition, turning on a laptop for additional functional keys (and for additional special programs for turning on a laptop) gives you the ability to stop the adjustment, but only for this laptop.

Qi settings, yak, for example:

  • regulation of the switching of the keyboard,
  • management of the battery saving system,
  • special abilities for coristuvachs with limited opportunities (toshchoo)

can't be vikonani standard programs from the “Care Panel” Windows.

What is needed, what are the function keys on the laptop?

It is important to understand that a laptop uses additional function keys F1 - F12 to fight for additional special programs, as laptop hacks have been sewn into the laptop's native operating system. Functional keys make it easy to access these programs, make these programs seem invisible to the laptop.

However, pressing the functional keys on the laptop, it will take away the necessary input automatic start tsikh special programs.

And it means that if these special programs are not in the laptop, then there will be no working function keys. And don't get robbed! Another confirmation of the fact that there is only one working software (that program) and a working one.

Why did they stop using the functional buttons on laptops?

- How do you know the programs, what do you think for the function keys?

- Rіznim rank. For example, you can reinstall the system in a laptop, or install not a "native" system, but another. Admittedly, on the purchased laptop bula Windows system xp. But I wanted to install Windows 7. We install, we remove Windows 7, there are no special programs for managing a laptop. These same functional keys of the laptop do not work.

You can vipadkovo chi tsіlespryamovano vidaliti special programs keruvannya laptop. Sometimes the stench is like a bi-advantage in the operating system, the shards can be launched forward when the PC is occupied. Optimizing the PC's performance, turning it on when "not needed" (from the point of view of the core, which optimizes the PC's work), you can optionally turn on the "needs" of the laptop management program. Axis, before the speech, one of the reasons, because I don’t like the optimization of the vanity, which is often advertised by some kind of protruding shorts.

Special programs can be reduced due to viruses. There are other ways to use special laptop management software.

How to restore the normal operation of the function buttons?

Zvorotne vodnovlennya mozhlive, yakscho є “native” distribution kit of the system, which is delivered at once from a laptop. Abo zavantazhennya "native" programs from the Internet, as if the stench is on the sites of laptops. It remains especially corny, as if the PC is corystuvach changing the version operating system(as in the case of a better example, replace Windows XP with Windows 7), but if you don’t win, you’ll “fit” the operating system that goes to the laptop.

Special programs for laptop maintenance may require periodic updates. Special software the laptop cannot be broken by the standard rank, vikoristovuyuchi service updates in Windows. To update the special software of the laptop, it is also necessary to have a special program for rechecking and installing the update.

Pratsyuє tsya program, vikoristovuyuchi access to updates via the Internet. Її it is required to run periodically (as it does not start automatically for skin zavantazhenny Windows) that s її to help reconsider the updates and install them. If the program allows, then install it correctly automatic mode Just ask for the installation of a special software update for the laptop.

Before the laptop, deyakі users connect the same keyboard. In this case, some functional keys of the laptop do not work, so you can press them for the help of the external keyboard, connected to the laptop through . Ale can i pratsyuvati, tse yak spare. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the functional keys of the laptop will work on the external keyboard.

Summing up, we can say that managing a laptop for additional functional keys and special programs, with some functional keys manual service Vіd vіrobnіv v laptopіv Dyakuєmo їm for tse! And the preservation of this service is the task of maintaining the durability of a laptop.

It is necessary to follow up, so that the system on the laptop is "right", so that all special programs are present on the PC. І shob stench correctly zavantazhuvalis when the PC is turned on. And also obov'yazkovo "correctly" novlyuvalis protyazh the last period of operation of the laptop.

And if you practice with a laptop, it will be handy, as it was intended by their scribes.

How to dial a digital code on a laptop

Digital codes can not be directly related to the function keys of the F1-F12 laptop, the laptop pro has a problem with entering codes, so let's move on to the last point.

Reader's request: When typing text, I use numeric codes for typing characters, which are on the keyboard, using Alt: Alt + 0151 - a dash (not a hyphen), Alt + 0171 and Alt + 0187 - kutovі drukarsky paws, which is necessary when typing drukarsky text. How to dial qi code on a laptop?

Є povnozmirnі klavіatura (small 2), for those on the right є small numeric keyboard (frequently seen in red and blue colors). Those who work with numbers (accountants, banking practitioners, marketers, correspondents, how to work with electronic Excel spreadsheets, ta іn) practically zavzhdi can only be on the right with a fully-sized keyboard.

For the help of a small numeric keypad, you can enter digital codes, but you cannot enter for the help of large numbers, more about digital codes.

Rice. 2. Resize keyboard (without FN keys). Click on fig. for yoga

There are, obviously, laptops with a fully sized keyboard (as in Fig. 2, click on the little one to enlarge). As a rule, they have great screen And yet, with such a laptop, there are a lot of expansions and important wines. Sered outstanding coristuvachiv such laptops are rarely used. Show respect in fig. 2, that when the keyboard is reset, the laptop cannot use the Fn keys, it is not necessary.

And how can I use the best laptops, on the keyboard of which there are no small numeric keyboards, and the functions of a small numeric keyboard, a screen, the introduction of digital codes? Notebook hacks "twisted" tim that they sewed up supplementary ability other keys on the laptop. To increase this capability, there is an additional Fn key on the laptop (shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3).

Yak bachimo in fig. 3 (click on the small one for this expansion), the laptop skin keyboard can have a number row of keys from 1 to 9. The stinks are in another row, and in the first row are the function keys F1-F12. Us ts_kavitimut іnshi digits, yakі є on laptops and written in more, lower digits (seen in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 (click on the small one for this expansion). Seen keys for NumLock and FN small numeric keypad, as well as small numbers from 1 to 9 for entering numeric codes

To dial a digital code on a laptop:

1) know the Fn and Num Lock keys (in Fig. 3 they are seen with a red frame, they are designed in the same style - blue and italic, but on your laptop the style can be different). Press the Fn and Num Lock keys at once.

When you do this, a mini-bulb can be blown off on the laptop, as such an indication is transferred to the laptop. In this order, you turn on the small number of the keyboard, as the laptop's hackers "sewn up" the main keyboard.

2) Give respect to the numbers from 0 to 9, so that you can make the same color (the same style) as the Fn key. On a leather laptop, the style of the design of symbols from the small numeric keypad will be your own, there are no standards here.

On fig. 3 (clickable) small numeric keypad "protected" (perebuvaє) on the next keys of the laptop:

  • a small number 0 is stashed on the letter M,
  • small number 1 - on the letter J,
  • small number 2 - on the letter K,
  • small number 3 - on the letter L,
  • small number 4 - on the letter U,
  • small number 5 - on letter I,
  • small number 6 - on the letter O,
  • small number 7 - on the great number 7,
  • small number 8 - on the great number 8,
  • small number 9 - on the great number 9.

Try entering numbers from 0 to 9 on your laptop using the small numeric keypad text editor, for example, in .

3) Again, the Fn and Num Lock keys are pressed - the small numeric keypad is enabled. Numbers can be twisted like a digital code. To enter, for example, the code Alt + 0151,

  • typing on the Alt i key, not allowing її, enter code 0151.
  • Tobto, pressing the ALT key, emboss along the lines on the numbers: back on the number 0 (there, de the letter M in Fig. 3). Then, without allowing ALT, we press on 1 (there is the letter J), then on 5 (there, the letter I) and again on 1 (there, the letter J).
  • Allow all keys - may a dash appear.
  • As if it didn’t work the first time, we try more sprat times.

4) Even if you don't need a small numeric keypad, press the Fn and Num Lock keys at the same time. Tim himself will be enabled on the keyboard of additional functions (to be disabled on the small numeric keypad).

You will be able to typing the keyboard in the default mode to enter letters.

Yak booty, yakcho do not use small numeric keypad on laptop? I think that such a booty, like

  1. the Num Lock key is not pressed, or else it is incorrectly broken. Ring out for the first samples, learn to shrug off the small keyboard.
  2. On the laptop, the original operating system was reinstalled, protected by a virobnik, to a non-working one.

Reader supply

Axis a sprat to ask readers in the blog with my opinions, as they served as material for writing these articles (before the speech, put food in the comments, if you don’t know the opinion on them, I will, and my opinion will come to you on e-mail, to your e-mail).

Catering 1: While I'm working on the keyboard, then I won't work, the arrow of the cursor itself curls up.

Note: The cursor is ticking on the laptop, which means that the touchpad is unreadable and incomprehensible - the mouse of the laptop was not inserted. I turn on the touchpad for the reason and the scabby big bear. In order for me to turn on the touchpad, there are keys +(I push back , then do not let in її, I press ), you may have other key combinations. Look at the instructions for your laptop (for a paper phone electronically), it is written about it there.

Nutrition 2: Notebook, cost Windows 7. This was done: at the lower right corner of the screen it was written before caps lock off or caps lock on (doubling the indicator), but don’t write at once, the indicator when you do it, but it’s not easy to look at the new screen (especially well-lit applied) disabled caps lock mode or disabled.
What could be done in the settings, and what can be done to turn the text notifications about caps lock? Thank you.

Suggestion: Find out what are the specific settings for your laptop. I know, for example, laptops, which have a keyboard that can be switched on, and won (її sveto, trivality of light, then) are equipped with a special program that is included in the laptop software package.

Like, for example, reinstall Windows, and install not a “native” system, as if you were trying at the same time with laptops, such specific programs appear here, and at the same time with them, the same successes appear.

If you did not install the operating system, then look in the Control Panel, or among the special programs for managing your laptop, the program, which will set up the main service for you.

Nutrition 3: Let me tell you, be kind: my laptops don’t crash when pressed CAPS indicators LOCK and NUM LOCK. What work? How to fix the situation?

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It would seem that the laptop keyboard does not look like a PC keyboard in any way. However, there is a difference: only on the same compact extension is the Fn button. There is an improvement in the efficiency of the robotic coristuvach. Fn helps to turn on the speed of bluetooth, Wi-Fi, correct the mail, change the brightness of the screen, the level of density is thin. Although the Fn key does not work on the laptop, it simply “urises” the ability of the koristuvach.

Higher Fn keys open up a lot of possibilities for a koristuvach

Misce rotashuvannya

The Fn button on all outbuildings is ripped at the bottom left corner of the keyboard. This button has long occupied its position on the outbuildings of various world-famous brands of technology. It will be placed before the number after the Ctrl button. As practice shows, it is even more comfortable to turn buttons for coristuvachs.

How does it work and what does “Fn” mean

“Function” - the very same word sounds like the name of the cickey for us keys. With help, you can use the impersonal operations, but you can also use other buttons. Їx is commonly referred to as the quick access buttons. The combination of keys is allowed for skin specific model, prote the principle of їhnёї robotics however. For example, on Lenovo laptops, the Fn button can give the following results:

  • Fn + right-handed arrow / left-handed arrow - change the accuracy;
  • Fn+Insert - option to enable or increase Scroll Lock;
  • Fn+F6 – laptop mouse connection (touch panel);
  • Fn + F5 - bluetooth on;
  • Fn+F4 – change monitor extension;
  • Fn+F3 – wink when working with the projector; also allows you to switch the monitor display to the projector;
  • Fn+F2 - monitor mute/mute option;
  • Fn + F1 - sleep mode;
  • Fn + arrow down / up - decrease or increase the brightness of the monitor;
  • Fn + F12 - track to that;
  • Fn + F11 - track forward;
  • Fn+F10 - stop at the media player;
  • Fn + F9 - pause / resume;
  • Fn + Home - (practice for media files) - pause.

Vyvchivshi ts_ combinations, you can vikoristovuvat keyboard of the laptop as efficiently as possible navіt not koristyuyuchis mouse.


Sound the button to be activated when pressing NumLock + Fn, but do not start. Often, to turn on the Fn button on a laptop, you have to dig into BIOS.

Wikoristanya BIOS

There is nothing coherent here, the order looks like this:

  1. Go to BIOS (it is necessary to press Esc, F2 or Del at the time of launching the add-on).
  2. Go to Setup Utility.
  3. Find the System Configuration menu.
  4. Press Fn (Action Keys Mode tab).

Installing drivers

Biggest in a wild way uymknennya keys Fn є reverification of drivers for the keyboard. When installing a “lamano” OS for the other components of a laptop, the wrong “firewood” is often installed. Dosvіdcheni fahivtsі recommend to zavantazhuvat driver only from the official sides of the company-virbnikіv. On official resources, you can easily find Fn key drivers for HP, Sony, LG, Lenovo, Acer, DNS, Toshiba, Dell and others.

Whiskey utilities

There are no occasional changes, and after the recommendations are described here. At this time, special utilities can help. You can find a lot of programs for turning on the Fn key in the Merezha, anonymous is presented without cost.

So, for Sony add-ons, the Vaio Control Center and Sony Shared Library utilities are available, for Samsung add-ons, Easy Display Manager is ideal (the program is delivered on a disk in one set with attached equipment). On a Toshiba laptop, it's quicker to install the Flash Cards Support Utility or the Hotkey Utility.

Use and universal software security, for sure, the Fn button will turn on on any add-on - the Magic Keyboard utility.

Did nothing help? Clean up your keyboard!

Possibly, the problem is with the mechanical handheld keyboard. Motherland could spill on it (mostly tse kava or tea) or drank wine for everything. The food is brought to virishuvati not in a programmatic way, but by “exalted” calls. It is not necessary to bring attachments to the service center, you can try all kinds of self-repairs. The skin key on the laptop is fixed at its nest, and, in order to report the troch zusil, її to get out of it carefully (finish the cap with a twist). All buttons are folded from the lift, the maidan and the springs, and the three components are connected behind the additional buckle. Having broken the problematic key, start cleaning the Maidanchik, then turn everything back.

The functions of the Fn button can be easily assigned to other keys that don't sound like you're playing. The trochs are silent, but effective.

As if the keyboard was flooded with tea, the paths can go wrong - this time the technician will be brought to the service department.

OS capacity

It is also impossible to fix a system that is not damaged by a way to install drivers in other places. It’s worth it, as if you added extensions to a 64-bit OS, and you installed 32. It’s difficult to blame it often, you can only get away with food reinstalling Windows for the required version.


Like bachite, the Fn button allows you to speed up the increase / decrease other functions, And that means, richly prostiti life, but on some laptops it might not function well. You can turn on the key using the following methods: dig, install a special utility, clean the keyboard, use the Fn + NumLock combination, or install OS 64x. We are convinced that one of the methods presented here is to help enable the back key. Write down which of the methods proved to be the most effective for solving your problem.

Have a nice day!

Oh already qi modern keyboards, with which at times only virobniki slay. The first problem with the practicality of keys to build a new building is not a common one.

Vlasne, today's article will be about the work of setting up the function keys F1÷F12 and Fn on laptops. On the right, in the fact that they often stink, or they don’t work, but they don’t work like that, as if they were. Moreover, a lot of hackers "fence" the shape of the keys, their functions, switching on/off, setting up, how to be tempted (no standardization).

Mіzh tim, keys Fn, F1, F2, F3 and in. - even more important, they allow you to add / change the brightness and sound, turn up / turn off Merezha Wi-Fi, touchpad and more. Zagalom, to look into them - means to indulge yourself with the necessary functionality, which is not good.

Causes of failure Fn and F1÷F12

I guess, that in most cases, so that the function keys could override an alternative function (change the same brightness) it is necessary to press them at once with the key fn. For example, to enable / disable Wi-Fi - you need to press the combination Fn + F2 (it’s like a butt! On your skin laptop, take a look at the pictures on the keys).

Fn + F2 one hour - turn on Wi-Fi mic // like a butt!

1) Is Fn enabled? Why is there no alternative button on the keyboard?

Deyakі types of keyboards can add additional buttons F Lock or F Mode. The stinks allow you to block (vimicate) the function keys. Surprise respectfully - why don't you have them?

The F Lock key (mostly used on classic keyboard not on laptops)

I’ll also be naked, to press the Fn button, on some laptops it’s necessary to press the buttons fn+esc(Div. screen below - a small castle is to blame for the inscriptions on the keys). Before the speech, deputy Fn+Esc can win by Fn+NumLock.

2) BIOS settings(Hotkey Mode and analogues)

Yak dovidka!

If you don't know what the BIOS is and how to learn something new, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this article:

For some laptops (for example, Dell Inspiron, Lenovo ThinkPad, etc.) in the BIOS, you can set the robotic function keys mode (so they can play a classic role, or they can, without pressing on Fn, immediately defeat a friend’s function: change the sound, turn on / wimikati touchpad too).

The most common way to enter the BIOS is to restart the laptop, and when it is locked, press the F2 or Delete keys (buttons can be changed, I’ll add it to the model).

The following modes are called: Hotkey Mode, Action Keys Mode (and other similar ones). To change the robot mode, you need to go to the BIOS Configuration section and change the Enabled mode to Disabled (or otherwise).

3) Vіdsutnіst drivіvіv i spetsііlі PZ vіd vіrobnik

If the drivers are installed automatically at once with Windows, or different kits / packs are installed (for example, Driver Pack Solution) - the system often does not have special software security for the laptop. Therefore, buttons may not work (zocrema and functional).

Below I will look at the update of similar drivers on the ASUS application (as your laptop brand is recognized, let's say HP, Acer, Dell, Lenovo - all will be similar, only the addresses of the official site will be recognized).

Zagalom Note: you just need to update the drivers by downloading them from the site of your laptop's builder. Moreover, it is necessary for a specific Windows versions, which koristuєtesya at the same time.

Same for your version of Windows there are no drivers on the website of the laptop manufacturer - it is a serious reason to think about switching to a different version of the OS (as much as possible, but through this it does not work part of the functionality, including the function keys).


It is possible for someone to find a good article about how to install drivers on a laptop or PC (look at different options) -

4) The problem is from the keyboard itself

Yakshcho you threw abo - as much as possible, that the key does not work through the physical inadequacy of the keyboard.

Give respect to those who react with the key at any time (you can try to press on it a little harder). As a problem with the tracks under the key - it is often a strong onslaught of spratsovuє (for example, the tracks can oxidize after flooding, or behave like this through wear).

What can you rob:

Additional hovering.

On the keyboard of any laptop, there is a block of keys F1-F12. Most of the stench is practiced without being dodatkovyh nalashtuvan, but sometimes they stick to the situation, if the replacement of their direct recognition of the stink wins other rows of multimedia.

Increase F1-F12 keys on laptop

As a rule, on all laptops a number F-Keys for switching to two modes: functional and multimedia. Previously, it was simple to single-handedly press on in the middle of the program, play or the operating system would be assigned to the key for promotion (for example, F1 vіdkrivalo dovіdku pro dodatok). Onslaught F-Keys together fn already beaten down another lady, I fixed her with a forager. Tse could be included in the density, or else.

More and more often, in modern outbuildings, you can learn the turning principle of work: more pressure on F-The key starts the action, recognized as a picker, and later (take the same butt from F1) fn+f1 vodkrivaє vіkno dovidki.

For koristuvachіv, yakі vikoristovuyut F1-F12 according to the functional recognition, more often, lower according to another row of multimedia, such a change in the order is often not brought up to the same. Especially won't be handy for amateurs computer games vymagayut shvidkoї reaction to diї. Fortunately, you can change the priority of the robot even more simply - editing one of the BIOS parameters.

Read also: How to enter the BIOS on a laptop Acer , Samsung , Sony Vaio , Lenovo , , ASUS

If you change the regime, you can, like before, greet without problems F1-F12. For victoria additional functions type of regulation of density, brightness, increase/disable Wi-Fi, it is necessary to simultaneously press the second function key at once fn.

From this short material, you figured out why your laptop might not have functional keys in games, programs, and Windows, as well as ways to increase them. At the time of the vindication, ask for the comment form below.

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