Template for new cloud records.

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2 Cool Reader Today we will inform you about automatic login windows system

7 without entering a password. This is a very handy thing if you have the urge to enter your password right away when your computer is turned on, but at the same time you need to secure your computer against unauthorized access. This method is suitable for those who have restricted physical access to the computer, for example, for your

home computer


If you work with a large team, more than a dozen people can access your computer, rather than turn on automatic login to the system. Zagalom, as before, is careful to do everything with reason! And so we will look at two options, for computers that do not enter the domain and for those computers that are in the domain. Automatic login to Windows 7 for computers by domain Press keys Win+R

for opening the window Viconati” and enter the text in the field: control userpasswords2

Press “ OK“. The window of the cloud records of the Koristuvachs is revealed. Place the teddy bear cursor on the account manager, under the cloud data of which you enter the system, uncheck “

Vimagati introduced the name of the koristuvach.

Press the button "

Zastosuvati Zagalom, as before, is careful to do everything with reason! –> " and enter two Direct password

Whose koristuvacha

Ready! Now restart your computer and go back to login to the system without entering a password. Automatic login to Windows 7 for computers that are in the domain It’s not so easy to fight, as for computers it’s a domain, but it’s not really important.

Open the registry ( regedit) and go to the button: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> Winlogon)

Displaying the parameter AutoAdminLogonAnd the value is changed from 0 to 1 (this allows automatic entry). Parameter DefaultUserName I am obliged to take revenge on the account manager for setting up automatic login to the system (in my opinion

User Now, to add a parameter to reset the account password (there is no such thing), right-click the mouse next to the registry window and select “ Creativity

Row parameter “, enter name. This kind of reorganization is not easier for further corruption of the system. Even when you reinstall, update, or restore the system to the update checkpoint, some documents and files may often be lost, or they may not all be copied.

Also, when transferring user profiles on the system drive, the vilne misce, as a result of the system of recognition.

Let’s log in to the system under an account account with administrator rights, and transfer the account manager’s profile using another account account. « The fragments transfer the cloud recording of the streaming koristuvacha Windows 7 not allowed. After logging in with administrator rights, open: Local disk Z: Koristuvachi", this dad has a list of many groups of koristuvachs, selectable

needy koristuvach

to transfer to drive "D:". Before transferring, create the “Users” folder on the “D:” drive, open it and copy the user’s folder there. (I have less Windows folder 7). (Fig. 1). After copying, we go to the authority of these folders, select the “Security” tab and begin to update the authority of the folder located on the drive “D: Users” and “C: Users”.

With equal power in both folders, there is much difference in the “Groups and Profits” section.

(Fig. 2).

From the authorities we believe that in the new pope we need to remove two corrupt people

"Passed verification", "Koristuvachi (Windows7-testKoristuvachi)" ta add a new koristuvach " seven (Windows7-testseven)" . If you try, please delete your account"We've been verified"

The system gives us a message: « It is impossible to see “Those who have passed the verification”, since this object is subject to decline permission from its ancestor. To select “Verified”, you need to protect the permissions of the object. Turn off the permissions reduction option and try again in the “Verified” option. We press "OK". (Fig. 3).

Now we’ll try to get the koristuvachs.

“Change” is stamped, the mouse is visible to the user and the “Delete” button is pressed. ta add a new koristuvach "(Fig. 6).

Now dodamo koristuvacha "seven".

embossed “Add”, for the upcoming anniversary .(Mal. 7).

At the next window, press the “Search” button.

(Fig. 8).

Select "

seven" and stamped "OK".(Fig. 9).

I call the stamp “OK”, “OK”, “Zastosuvati” and “OK”.


Now we can verify the similarity of setting up both folders. On the tabs, press the “Additional” button and level up the permissions elements. In the cloud record “seven” is not allowed, on the “C:” drive there is permanent access, and on the “D:” drive there is reading and writing, so this needs to be corrected.

We will emboss the “Change Allowed...” button. (Fig. 10). In the new window, click “Change”, and in the new window, check the “Renewed access” checkbox.

We press “OK” then “Stop.” (Fig. 11). We continue to organize the folders.

There was a division "Potochny Vlasnik:". (Fig. 12). Change it to: “system” (press the “change” button to select the search engine and add the cloud entry to the list).

Now we are making some minor changes to the registry. U prick row

Type “regedit”, open the registry editor and go to:


Microsoft Windows

  1. NT CurrentVersion ProfileList"
  2. And select the checkbox corresponding to the security ID (security account profile).
  3. I have
  4. When finished, log out and log out again to your original administrative account.
  5. If this has not yet been completed, in the Folder Options window on the Windows Explorer panel, you can select to display the received files and folders in Windows Explorer.
  6. The report about this is available in section 2.
  7. Then open the System window on the menu bar and click on Advanced system settings on the left side.
  8. On the Advanced tab, in the User Profiles section, click Settings.
  9. Choose carefully to create and customize your account record and press Copy.
  10. In the Copy Profile window, click Browse, select the folder C:\Users\Default User and click OK.

Click OK, then Yes to print the copy. Instead of the Default User folder, it will be deleted, and instead of the new Windows, a new cloud account will be created. Now the new setup can be used as a template for creating account records for clients.


oblikovy record

, Created in step 1, no longer needed, and can be deleted.

  • In some situations, there is a need to disable automatic login to the system, which stops activating in cases where there are more than 1 users in the system or a password is set in it.
  • Enter
  • The user selection screen in Windows 7 can be displayed in a number of ways:

When logging into the system if automatic login is not configured

When the system is blocked or the driver is changed

When exiting sleep mode or deep sleep, or when exiting the screensaver

About automatic login Automatic login to the system without entering a password is manual if you have a single computer account, or if you access a specific account account much more often than others. doesn't stick around.

Due to the presence of many cloud records, automatic login to the system requires setup, as each of them does not require a password.

Additional “service” cloud records can be added to the system upon installation of various software.

To set up automatic login to the system, you need administrator rights. The setup process is virtually identical to the setup of Windows XP or Windows Vista. Computers, why not log in to the domain.

  • If you work with a large team, more than a dozen people can access your computer, rather than turn on automatic login to the system. Zagalom, as before, is careful to do everything with reason!.
  • For computers that do not log into the domain (for example, home ones), you can set up automatic login. graphical interface Win+R
  • operating system

netplwiz(does not work with Windows XP) or Press Enter. The window for parameters for cloud accounts of clients will open.



If the account entry does not have a password, fill out the field


  • If you work with a large team, more than a dozen people can access your computer, rather than turn on automatic login to the system. empty.
  • Setting up automatic login to the system is completed. " and enter two Automatic login to the system can also be configured in the system registry.
  • All necessary parameters are listed in the table in the next section of the statistics. Computers, what to log in to the domain
  • For computers that log in to a domain, you must enter the domain name in the registration form before automatic login occurs.

The graphical interface of the operating system does not have this capability, so setting up automatic login is done in the system registry.

netplwiz Win+R

In the Viconati window enter:

then press Enter. The Registry Editor opens. Go to section: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon Adjust the registry settings to the table. If the parameter is daily, you need to create it. Automatic login parameters The Registry Editor opens..

. The first three parameters in the table can be selected to set up automatic login on computers that do not log into the domain. Select account when automatically logging in If you have set automatic login, but if you need to log out under another account, press and release the key.

Shift 1 at 0 (Vimkneniy). Its purpose is to ensure the constant presence of the client in the system, since the automatic entry of settings and the computer is closed. In fact, this parameter is increased to the point that the user cannot log out of the system - after the session is completed, the login will be logged out automatically. The Registry Editor opens. This behavior has been transferred to computers that operate in kiosk mode in

to the great community

(For example, librarians). You can bypass it by pressing the key after the session is completed.

Requires a password when exiting sleep or deep sleep mode If, after a period of inactivity, the computer goes into hibernation mode or deep sleep, Windows 7 will ask for a password when it is updated, which will protect additional zahist tributes You can turn this on. Open up

Electrical life in the panel there is a kerubanya, at the left upper codend

click Restore password at wake-up time At the bottom of the window, adjust the electrical supply, click first

Changing currently unavailable parameters

, and then set up a password entry.

Revert your attention to the User Account Control (UAC) shield as instructed. Administrator rights are required to change these settings. However, you are asked to confirm the action only in the case where you are exercising your rights zvichayny koristuvach. Administrator rights will be promoted without asking. Requires a password when exiting the screensaver

Microsoft Windows

The screen saver can be disabled as one of the ways to protect data from unauthorized access if it is configured to require a password when exiting the screen saver.

In Windows 7, as in earlier NT systems, the adjustment price is called .

After a period of inactivity, the screen saver turns on, and when you exit it, you will be asked for a password, as your cloud record of thefts by it.

4. When finished, log out and log out again to your new administrative account.

5. If this has not yet been done, in the Folder Options window on the Windows Panel, increase the display of the received files and folders in Windows Explorer.

The report about this is available in section 2.

6. Then open the System window on the Bathroom Panel and on the left side click on Advanced system settings.

7. On the Advanced tab, in the User Profiles section, click Settings.

8. Choose carefully to create and customize your account record and press Copy.

9. In the Copy Profile window, click Browse, select the folder C:\Users\Default User and click OK.

10. Click OK, then Yes to print the copy.

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