The door is push-button shaped.

submit / Zakhist


The head button form is created by navigating through the database, then.

You can vikoristavatsya as a smut of the database menu.

The elements of the head button form are the objects of the forms and sounds.

Fill the table with elements of the head button form.

Therefore, you can use macros to create the Write or Table buttons on the button form.

First, in the database window, you create macros “Open Write” or “Open Table” with unique names, and then in the button form you create buttons for clicking these macros.

For one database, you can create a number of button forms.

The buttons are then grouped on the sides of the button form in such a way that it is clear to you in which button forms you can enter song commands (write, call, enter and edit data).

On lightweight button forms, the main buttons are placed in the head button form.

The technology for creating button forms is as follows:

1) close the side of the head button form (GKF); / 2) create the necessary number of pages of light button forms (for example, forms for entering data, for making calls, for asking, etc.);

3) create elements of the head button shape; 4) create elements for button forms for calling and entering or changing data;

5) create macros for queries or a table with unique names;

6) create elements for button request forms and tables. The structure of button forms can be presented in this way. To create the main button form and its elements, you need to open the database (for example, “Student Success”) and select the command Access Options - Customization - Select commands from

and click on the “OK” button.

The “Data Entry Form” side of the button form will be opened.

In the same way, you need to create two more pages, which results in the removal of both pages of button forms that are displayed in the “Button Form Manager” window.

After creating the GCF elements, for which in the “Button Form Manager Window” you can see the “Button Head Form” page and click “Change”, a new window “Changing Button Form Sides” will open.

In which window you click on the “Create” button, a new window “Change button form element” will open.

In what follows:

 text to be entered: Form for entering data;

 select from the list and the command will open: Go to button form;

 select a button form from the list: Enter data in the form by clicking on the “OK” button.

In the “Change button form side” window, a button form element “Forms for entering data” will appear.

Using a similar method, you need to create the elements: “Request” and “Call”, and then the element (button) “Exit from DB”.

As a result, the “Change button form side” window will display all the elements of the main button form.

The button form appears in the list area of ​​the database window on the Forms tab in the Objects panel, and the Switchboard Items table appears in the Tables tab in the lists.

By clicking on the “Button Form” text, the Head Button Form will open.

In order for this form to be displayed when starting the database, you need to open the command Access Options/Flow Database, in the Form View window, select “Button Form” from the list that you need, select the Ensign Row.

You can also enter the title and icon of the program.

Although the creation of button forms is still completed, the simple button forms (Data Entry Forms, Call, Request) do not have any elements.

Creation of light push-button forms: names and shapes

To create elements of the button form “Data Entry Forms”, you need to launch the database (for example, “Student Success” with the main button form) and select the command Tools / Service Programs / Button Form Manager.

The "Button Form Manager" window opens.

Then you need to see “Data Entry Forms” in the “Button Form Manager” window

The “Students” element will appear in the “Change button form side” window.

After the creation of the “Groups of Students” element using the same technology, it will also appear in the window.

Next, you need to create the rotate button into the head button form, for which you click on the “Create” button and in the window select the “Go to button form” command, select “Head button form” and enter “Go to the head button form” ї shapes.”

Press the “OK” button

Then close the “Change button form side” window.

Let's launch the main form of the button in the database window, by clicking on the "Data Entry Forms" button, the "Data Entry Forms" will open.

The creation of elements for the “Call” button form uses the same technology, and as a result is rejected.

Small button-shaped creation: enter

To create elements under the “Entry” button form, you need to launch the database (for example, “Student_success” with the main button form) and create the macros “Open Entry” or “Open Table” from a unique their names, and then create buttons for clicking on the button form macros

When you create the “Student Success” macro, you need to select the “Macros” tab and click on the “Create” icon, which will open the “Macro” dialog.

From which window in the list that opens, select the macro command “Open Record” and from the opened list select the field “Student Success”,

then click on the “Close” button.

In the window "Save changes to the layout or structure of the Macros1 object?"

Creation of light push-button forms: names and shapes

Click on the “So” button.

The “Savings” window will open, in which you need to enter a name for the “Student Success” macro and click on the “OK” button.

The macro name is stored in the list of macros in the database window.

In the “Change button form side” window, a button form element “Sound: Student Success” will appear.

After creating the “Parametric_power” element using the same technology, it will also appear in the window.

Then close the “Change button form side” and “Button form manager” windows.

In the DB window, on the “Forms” tab, click on the “Button Form” text, and the Main Button Form will open. At the Main button form, press the Request button, the “Request” button form will open. In this way, the “Request” button form is created, which is a simple button form.

At this lesson, students will learn how the possibilities of the creation of forms demonstrate the regime


, learn how to add controls to the form, and also marvel at how to create the main form of the button, how to combine forms from different tables with each other. Topic: Technologies for searching and saving information Lesson: Creation of the head button shape and ceramic elements At the Main button form, press the Request button, the “Request” button form will open. In the previous lesson we took a look at the robot mode with shapes Layout. At the Main button form, press the Request button, the “Request” button form will open..

There is another mode of working with forms, called At the Main button form, press the Request button, the “Request” button form will open.. At the Main button form, press the Request button, the “Request” button form will open. In this mode we can place additional elements on the form so called

elementi keruvannya

or elements of dialog windows. These are good elements: buttons, lists, fields with lists. All these elements can be created in the mode

As soon as we switch to the mode form, a tab appears immediately on the page and on it we will use all the control elements available to us (Fig. 1). These elements themselves can be placed on forms. Small 1(Fig. 9).

Let the nickname Blok be clear, let it appear in the category “museum-apartments of St. Petersburg”, let’s see – from any part of the field and all entries are visible (Fig. 10).

Click further, the button works correctly, and the information we need in the table is found (Fig. 11).









Small 6 Small 7 Small

8 At the Main button form, press the Request button, the “Request” button form will open. Small 9 Small 10 Small eleven In addition to the command buttons on the form, you can also place lists. These elements themselves can be placed on forms. Selecting from the list will provide more security Swedish crossing before

please make an appointment


Let's see how you can create a list on the form that comes up.

Let's create another control element on the form, let's go to the mode

and select a control element

List box

(Fig. 12), significantly yogo roztashuvannya and rozmiri (Fig. 13). After you show up in the dialogue window Creation of fields with list

, in which we can select, in which field from the list of values ​​we can select, select, for example, the third option and click further (Fig. 14).

Viberemo field Name Click Next (Fig. 15) and Done. Ale mi bachimo, that the name field has already disappeared, there was an invoice, but we can simply see the name for a friend. Let's switch to mode , to try out the list. The list opens and we select a name museum-apartment O.S. Pushkin (Small 16) And most importantly, you will need to switch to her picture (Small 17). That is, the field with the list works. Small 12 Small 13 Small 14 Small 15 Small Small 16 15(Fig. 21). Closed and unlocked dialog boxes

, and we notice in the list of objects that new forms and subtables have appeared (Fig. 22). Open the button form. Behind the scenes there is a similar design (Fig. 23), there are two buttons on it; when you press the first button, you go to the form 15 museum-apartments of St. Petersburg , click on the other one and open the form, then the button form works correctly. These elements themselves can be placed on forms. Now let's try to change this standard design, let's move on to the mode


And we care about the authorities here.

In this way, we can choose any of the elements and change, for example, the color of the background (Fig. 24).

And then we can place, for example, images (Fig. 25).

To select the best image on our computer, let's go to the mode


Now our head is the button shape of the nabula of the step-by-step view (Fig. 26).

You may not see a clear image of the computer, but the little one you chose at the next stage.

We can say that our design has changed to become more beautiful.


  1. 18
  2. Small
  3. 19
  1. Small
  2. 20
  3. Small


  1. 21
  2. Small
  3. 22
  4. Small


Small 24.




2. Go to the “Button Form Manager” (Fig. 1.32);

3. When prompted to confirm the button form, press the “So” button.

1. Further work will be carried out using a standard button form;

2. press the "Change" button;

3. Press the “Create” button (Fig. 1. 33).

1. In the “Text” field, enter the text for the name of the first form button, and then select a command for it in the Command field;

2. To create another button, select the “Create” command, after which the “Change button form element” window for the new button opens (Fig. 1. 34).

We remove the head shape of the button (Fig. 1. 35).

To change or delete any existing buttons, select their names from the “Elements of this button form” list and click the “Change” or “Delete” button.

If you need to change the order of the elements of the button form, select an element from the list and use the “Up” or “Down” buttons.

Having finished closing the button form, press the “Close” button.

To open the button form while the database is open, select the button form name in the Button Form Manager dialog box and click the Get Started button.

When the button form is created, the “Switchboard Items” table is created using the button form manager.

This table describes the text and buttons of the created form.

If you later need to make changes to the button form, you will first need to select the “Switchboard Items” subtable and then make the changes.

The structure of the finished sound is subdivided into the structure of the form into a greater number of sections.

In addition to the header sections, notes and data, you can also change the header and footer sections. Because it takes up more than one page, there are sections necessary for other service information, such as page numbers. The more pages the message occupies, the more important the role of data is that is sent to each other through these sections.

As grouping is fixed for some fields of the report, the number of sections of the report increases, and the design of the group headings ends up in adjacent sections.

Editing the structure is called a Constructor.

Accept editing yourself, as well as forms.

Control elements in

to this guy

Convert the functions of design elements, some of which are non-interactive objects, to electronic forms.

The easiest way to get to know the structure of the sound is to create an auto call and then open it in Design mode.

The structure of the story consists of five sections: the title of the story, the header, the data area, the footer and the notes. The section of the title is vikorystvovaetsya for a different title title. The header section can be divided into different subheadings, as it has a foldable structure and takes up a lot of sides.

Here you can also place column numbers (page numbers), which are not included in the footer.

In the data area, place control elements associated with instead of fields in the database table.

These control elements display data from the database table, which can be displayed on the printer in a convenient way.

The footer section is used for the same purposes as the header section.

The Notes section is being created to provide additional information.

Avtozvit is the simplest type of sound (Fig. 1. 36).

To create an auto-sound, you need to see the object for which the sound is being created in the Navigation panel, go to the Create tab, Sound.

In this case, we reject it

electronic view

I know what to do with all fields of the object. Maystra Zvitiv for help. In this case there is a simple sound that needs to be set up in the following steps: which allows you to simplify or program operations with the database. Typically, macros are recorded in automatic mode Therefore, there is no need for knowledge of Visual Basic. Macros can be programmed for routine operations and can be manually created using them.

Golovne menu

The application system also facilitates the menu, organizes the search for data, and so on.

Typically, macros are associated with the “responsiveness” of the Access 2007 elements that are being manipulated. The fields indicate what is displayed when you press a button, enter or exit a database field, open or closed forms or sound. Creation of buttons for launching forms, Createable "Button Panel" form for Wiklik action formsі Buyer Product Agreement our database. I know what to do with all fields of the object. . For whom we select the tab gateway on the DBMS toolbar, and then click the button

A window will appear on the screen Macro1. Someone has a table with two fields. The first is intended for macro commands, the other - for arguments. Click on the bookmark on the database panel Form,, select the “Buyer” form and drag the table to the first row to assign the macro to the first row

Macro command when you show up text RevealForm

The name of the form will appear on the right side of the window. Agreement Let’s close the macro and save it under the name “Buyer”. , Respect. You can select a macro command from the list of macro commands. Open the Form, Creation of buttons for launching forms and then in the parameters (at the bottom of the screen) enter the “Buyer” form. Now we can create the form for placing the buttons. Viberemo tab

in the database Creation of buttons for launching forms then the command

Empty form

  1. Having switched to design mode, let’s drag the “Buyer” macro we created onto the form. Createable "Button Panel" form for Wiklik action formsі Buyer There will appear a button with the text
  2. .
  3. When I look at the list, you can see what is powerful Pressing the buttons recorded in the “Buyer” macro.

Close the form and save it under the name “Button Panel”.

To revise the work, open the form and press the button .”.

The “Buyer” form we created earlier will appear on the screen, so you can look at it and enter the buyer’s data. Zavdannya Create buttons on the form "Button Panel" I know what to do with all fields of the object., You have an empty window for the macro as a constructor. Click on the field in the column Macro command Form,, select a macro command from the list


In the Form Name field, select the “Button Panel” form. Close the macro and save it using AutoExec. Now let's close our database and open it.

Empty form In this case, the form of the button panel will automatically appear.

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