Subd ms access: creation of screen forms and links.

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Golovna Call Access is designed to present data in an easy-to-understand and visually appealing way, and is intended primarily for display on your fingertips, rather than for display on the screen. Call it the final products of robots from the database.і As for the creation of forms, for the creation of sounds, the data from the table of queries is used (individuals and forms, after this period there is no longer any confusion with simple sounds). In the hour of designing the stars, the technologies themselves are being to a significant extent victorious, so that when designing forms, prote, for the change of forms, koristuvachev, they are reluctant to change the data. At the hour of editing the sounds in the modeі Constructor, (div. Fig. 42) the same areas of the interface are selected as when editing the form – areas


Notes Call, , regions Verkhniy Footerі Data area. Rice. 38. It is possible to select sound modes

To create sounds, the following modes are used: Master of lights, Master of diagrams, Postal stickers, as well as Avtozviti: u stovpets strichkovy (Div. Fig. 38). As I fall into shapes, I will introduce the finished sound, creations for help

Avtozvitiv, Exit immediately after setting the output table and entering it. Meister Call Postal stickers I want to pay for a few kroki, but I don’t need any special explanation. Based on Wikoristan Maistri zvіtiv More sounds can be created in Access, which can be added to the folding structure. Below we will look at the work in detail by Zim Maistrom. It is necessary to note, however, that all of the above names are more commonly called acquired by them(Before the data), so all the smells, similar to the forms, are vikorist for your own prompt table or write down.

The most coherent structure may appear, created “from scratch” by the regime’s own koristuvach (Div. Fig. 38). Access can prepare data in any output table or search for specific criteria. Such sounds occur most often, and fragments of stench allow one to calculate sub-values ​​for groups of data and provide information to the user for a different look. To create such sub-bag calls, a team is used: Grouped...(div. Fig. 39) and daily payments for grouped data in the dialog box

Pouches Grouped...(Div. Fig. 41). In this case, you can specify up to four fields in which the data will be grouped. If you have numeric fields, for each interval of a group of numeric values, Meister automatically calculates the amount of values ​​in these fields. However, the vikory commands of the dialog box(div. Fig. 41), you can calculate the average (


), minimum and maximum (continuously

Min, Max Call) values ​​of grouped fields, as well as hundreds. Rice. 40. Select grouping intervals for fields from groupings.

Rice. 41. It is possible to make calculations upon completion of the results You can edit creations from now on in the modeі (Div. Fig. 42). To determine or change the power of the surrounding areas of the world, you need to click on the mouse on the name of the sub-area and select the command Powerful Respectfully, these actions with certain elements have revenge on the authorities

Expansion acquired by them Stisnennya

. How can I set the values ​​equal? True , then when you use Access, we automatically adjust the size of the supporting element, so that long text is not cut off by the window of that element, and short text is not compressed by the window of the element, so that it does not take up space when displayed on another. Rice. 42. Vikno to edit the voice At the end of the work with the database, we demonstrate the simple and powerful capabilities that the Access DBMS offers in comparison with others

software programs package Microsoft Office

(MS), – we are preparing to unload serial sheets from the test Word editor, vikoryst information that is stored in database tables Zlittya with MS Word, It is important to consistently vict the team Links from Office / Links from MS Word.

After this, a dialogue window will open Maistri of folded documents. You can either work from a previously prepared MS Word document or create a new one by selecting the appropriate command in the dialog box. When a new document is created, Access launches Word, inserts a DDE link between Word and Access and opens the new one

text document

, In this space you can fold a new sheet. Rice. 43. Organizing a link between Word and Access Prepare a serial sheet using the mixture shown in Fig. 43. The names of the fields that are visible with the paws are entered in a sequential place in the text of the sheet in the list that needs to be opened by clicking on the icon Add field zlittya (Div. Fig. 43). The list of culprits has re-insuranced all fields created

I'll ask this

“Podyaks”, including the fields “Clients” and “Products” that we need.

After clicking the mouse on the icon


And the vikory buttons for scrolling the values ​​of the fields from the table will be entered into the database, you can first look at the preparations to the next sheet.

Every hour or so, the sheets will be replaced with data from the database table.

The number of sheets is indicated by the number of entries in the table, from which you insert values ​​for each field in the sheet through the skin entry.

After saving and closing the text document, go back to Access.

Call If the DDE link is added when the data in the Access table is changed, the data in the serial sheet is updated automatically.

Please note that when you open a file from a serial sheet in the Word editor, Access will automatically load the required database.

Control food

Purpose of calls.

Structure of sounds. Sound creation modes. 2.0, 1996.

Master of Lights.

Calculation at zvіtakh. zvіtіv. Creation of multiple Access and Word documents.


Informatics / Ed.

S.V.Simonovich. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999.і Veiskas D. Effective robot:

Microsoft Access Dviyn G. Access 97. Encyclopedia of koristuvach.,

Kiev: DiaSoft, 1997.

Far from being changed in Form headersі Form notes. For what purpose? Authority shapely you need to select a section (HeaderForm NoteForm ). After tab all and in the field

Color background Select the required color::

This is how we change the background for Data areas To the one who showed up

List of fields Select the required fields and drag them onto the form and place them at the required location::

We select the “external” look of our button and click Dali:

Set the name of the button and press it Ready In a similar way we can create a button

Close the form

, you can only change the action for the button: After this we set the shape of the button and place it in the required place on the form: We twist the shape into

"Shape mode"

the result of our work on the screen:

Table “Assignment of Payments” before adding data:

Table “Purpose of Payments” after adding data: Step forms are created in a similar way! 1.3 Create a stitch shape, to enter and display data about payments of rich students (data field for the form - ask to enter fields, Nickname I'm In father's way from the table “Students” and fields

AmountPay, DatePay, PurposePay

from the "Payments" table). Call Solution "Zavdannya 1.3": 1.3 Create a stitch shape, to enter and display data about payments of rich students (data field for the form - ask to enter fields, Nickname I'm In father's way Create a request in mode

what to do with the fields from the “Payments” table::

For the creation of a string form, vikorist Master of Forms In the window, what appeared Select the required fields and drag them onto the form and place them at the required location::

Creation of forms Select the required fields and drag them onto the form and place them at the required location::

select the data that we need and press Dali:

Vibrate the view of giving and pressing Call:

Set the name of the form and emboss

Stitch form in mode

Stitch form in “Shape Modes”:

1.4 Working with forms in which the molds are supplied (division of folding forms) Create a folding form to display data about the selected student's payments., 1.3 Create a stitch shape, to enter and display data about payments of rich students (data field for the form - ask to enter fields, Nickname Sequence of actions:

1) Create a simple “Student Payments” form with the following fields: Create a folding form to display data about the selected student's payments., Student Code, from the table “Students” as the main form., 2) Create a tabular form “Student Payment Form” with the fields: Pay the amount

Payment date Create a folding form to display data about the selected student's payments..


from the table “Payments” as the form has been added. Call 3) Give your friend the form first and link them across the field St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999.і Veiskas D. Effective robot Solution "Zavdannya 1.4": Create a folding form to display data about the selected student's payments., 1.3 Create a stitch shape, to enter and display data about payments of rich students (data field for the form - ask to enter fields, Nickname We create a simple shape in the mode


U Call:

We enter the necessary information.

1.5 Color and text font are changeable.Change the background for the form.

The distance is entered on the field form

Control decisions:

We create a table form and enter the required fields (from the query) on the form (the form is added):

The regime's form has improved Call:

Folding shape of the mode Call:

Form in “Form Modes”:

Visnovki: learned the basics of working with on-screen forms and information in the MS Access DBMS. Learned how to create simple shapes, stitch shapes, and sub-shapes

The purpose is to be busy. Vivchennya information technology creation of queries and calls from the Access DBMS.

Launch the Microsoft Access DBMS program and open the “My Empty Database” database creation.

Zavdannya 25.1.

Rozrakhunok of the total value of the field.

Robot order 1. In the “Students” table, for additional help, fill in the total values ​​​​in the fieldsі Scholarship

2. Extra charge. To decompose the total value of the fields, create a Constructors 1. In the “Students” table, for additional help, fill in the total values ​​​​in the fieldsі Scholarship

Then ask the form to select fields 1. In the “Students” table, for additional help, fill in the total values ​​​​in the fieldsі Rice. 25.1.

Rozrakhunok total value in the fields Surcharge 3. Press the button

Group operations (X) on the toolbar. In the “Group Operations” row, when the form appears in the list that opens, select the Sum function (Fig. 25.1). Start the search for Vikonanny. Save the drink under the name “Zapit – Suma”.

Create according to the table “Students and assignments” to select all students who need to apply

courses robots< = 25.05.04.

(end date) from 05/01/04 to 05/25/04 (Fig. 25.2).

Set sorting for Cob dateі for growth. Save the request under the name “Wash - Pouch”. A short introduction.

When typing, the logical AND operator is used. Whose mind is asked?> = 01.05.04 AND

Find out all students from sorting by name, who are studying for the specialization “accountant” and live near Moscow (Fig. 25.3).

Save this under the name "Accountant - Moscow".

Rice. 25.3.

Vibir for

Addresses Specializations sorted by Nicknames A short introduction. Zvit – This is a data base object, purposes for displaying (on the screen, printer or file) information from the database.

A short introduction.

When choosing the type of auto-call, remember that the row names of the fields are arranged in rows, like in a table. A number of records are placed on the skin side, so you can easily review the updated data every hour. However, not all fields can fit in one row, so the line auto-return is difficult to use when there are a large number of fields.

How can you select the “Students” table? Press button(OK

And wait for the completion of the work of the master of the creation of auto calls. Call Take a look at the regime

Forward view

File/Front view).

Go to mode

Addresses Specializations sorted by Nicknames A short introduction. Zvit – And take a look at what your regime looks like. Save this under the name “Students”. Zavdannya 25.5.

The creation of the star is behind the table “Students and the School” for the help of the master of the creation of the star.

A short introduction.

The master creates reports about the records, fields, layout, necessary formats, and creates a sound on the substructure of the selected subcontracts.

Select the type of sound “Master of Lights”.

To obtain the data, select the “Students and Workplace” table, select all fields, set sorting by field Description of the plant, type of layout - Stovpets.

The visual appearance of the star is shown in Fig. Call 25.5.

Save the sound under the title “Students and the Wilderness.”

Rice. 25.5.

View from Stovpets

Dodatkov's factory 26

Zavdannya 25.6.

In the same database, in the “Students” table, create a new field “Student is working” with a logical field type.

Create a prompt to select working students.

At the hour of creation I will ask the row to select the field

The student is working

    Select the Creation tab, and then Sound, and then Master Sound.

    From the list, select a table or write down the basis on which the sound will be created.

    After opening the Master of Sounds window, select the fields;

    The significance of the fields is grouped and sorted;

    Consider the layout and orientation;

    select the required style;

    Enter the names of the name, followed by the names of the base table.

2. Creation is called as a designer.

The structure of light consists of several sections:

1. At the top of the voice there is a section called Title.

You can write from your name.

2. Header.

Place inscriptions that indicate the elements of the keruvanny section of the Data area. 3. Division Data area. Place the elements of the menu associated with the previously included fields of one or more tables.

4. At the bottom there is a section called Footer.

Mix formulas that are indicated for transformation

current date I call the other side numbers.

5. At the bottom there is a section called Notes.

As a rule, this section is empty, but you can use it to insert a formula or other calculations over the data that is displayed in the Data Area section.

    25. Understanding the algorithm, the power of algorithms Algorithm

    - My work has described a precise end-to-end system of rules that determines the place and order of actions over various objects, the determination of which provides a solution to the assigned task. Any algorithm does not appear by itself, but for its purposes for a human being (a person, a robot, a computer, a language program, etc.).

    The set of commands that can be issued is called the command system. The algorithm is described in the Vikonavian commands, which can be implemented.

    The algorithm is characterized by the following powers: Discreteness

    (Roznivstvo) - the power of the algorithm, which characterizes its structure: the algorithm consists of a series of completed actions, seemingly “divided into parts.” – it is important to know about those, be it a scientist, who accepts and writes instructions to the algorithm, even formally.

This appears in lieu of the given instructions and instructions. Mirkuvat “what, how and why?” The developer is responsible for the algorithm, and then formally (without thinking) writes the commands through and removes the desired result.

Views, like forms, are similar Access objects that are placed on tables or queries. The form is a great way to quickly review data, and its main purpose is to ensure the entry and editing of data. After entering data in a table using additional forms to make it easier to enter, you may want to display the data in an organized view. To present the data manually and simply for understanding, you will need to use a link. See the data for additional calls. underground position. letters).

The Admins group can accommodate quite a number of users, but the owner of the object is always the same (the owner of the object can be an account record that creates an object or that transfers rights to its owner).

Since the Admin record can be read for all workgroups and the cloud record data is still the same, the ADMIN user must be removed from the administrator group, for which you need to create a new cloud administrator record The password for your account and the owner's account.

Only Vlasnik and members of the Admins group can encrypt and decrypt the database.

For Jet encryption, the Vicorist algorithm uses the RSA algorithm (names in first letters of the names of its winemakers: Rivest, Shamir, Adelman) with a key based on the work group identifier. Database encryption has two negative side effects. koristuvach (protection of cloud records of koristuvach and identification of objects).

To protect the Access database, the work group file system.mdw is created (a work group is a group of servers that collect resources from the network), which is connected to which database on the work stations.

The work group file contains the account records of members and groups, as well as the passwords of members.

Object records can give access rights to the database of those objects, whereby the access permissions themselves are saved in the database.

To secure the Access database protection, you need to create a work group, a vikory file - work group administrator wrkgаdm.exe. When a unique work group is created, the employee's name, organization name and work group code are specified. The MS Access work group file contains the following created account records: 1. Admins - standard account account record.і These recordings are, however, the same as all copies of Ms Access; 2. Admin - the cloud record of the administrator group - unique to the work group file; 3. Users - delete the accounts of personal accountants. To create a work group file, you need to log out from Access and in the system or system32 folder, find the work group file in the Windows directory and create a new work group (there can be up to 20 digital or letter values). Example of creation of sounds in MS Access: Fig.5 Creation of stars



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