Vchimosya pratsyuvati z GET and POST requests. Php forcing data to the server Parameters for get request php

Golovna / Usunennya malfunctions

I have a URL structure with a row of parameters called position ,

I also have a selectable form list for the selectable form position ,

If the choice is made to select, then the value of the parameter is increased to the attribute dії with the parameter select name = "position" as a parameter for selection in the row.

I have power, how can I take access to the value of the selection form OKREMO VID value of the power row?

I'm using the _GET method for querying row parameter values.

$position = isset($_GET["position"]) ? ($_GET["position"]) : "";

Obviously, I'm taking the value from the URL structure, not the form element. Abo, mozhlivo, tse so, not vpevneniy. Ale, pereveryayuchi yogo, I, daetsya, deyshov vysnovku, scho otrimu yogo for the URL, not the form.

How can I take access to the value of the form selection in my PHP?


I have a problem with the canonical URL in the header.

so good buti

single retail field in - that + in a row for food.

Not all rows of mine can be asked +. The deacons have є. Ale, I'll show content from both URLs, regardless of whether it's in the new one or the +. If you are offended by the URLs, take the same side instead.

But the canonical oscillators are created dynamically with the URI, and not with the value of the form element, on both sides of the content there are 2 different canonical characters.

The _Get('value') variable takes the value of the order and replaces the form element. I know that the value of the form element can be passed between network administrator which is urlencoded if the form is submitted as network+administrator , so that I can align with the value of the form element, I can set the correct canonical one.

You could remember that on most sites you can get the following addresses:


Here, I don’t know php, you can figure out what we are going to get to the file index.php But those who go after food, few people know. Everything is easy to do: ?blog=2 The purpose of declaring the global change "$_GET["blog"]" from the values ​​"2". In this way, I transfer the change to the script, as a confirmation for the discovery of information from the data base. Let's write a small script for yakumu Vee, all chime in:

if(isset($_GET["blog"])) (
echo $_GET["blog"];

We use the if () operator of the minds, as the minds stand for the axis in such a row:


isset() allows you to recognize what the change is indicated in the arms, so I think, as I described in the code, it should sound like this: How to change $_GET["blog"] then display the change on the screen. Axis what happened:

I think it was sensible to create a global change $_GET with an identifier, which we voted in the address row ( in to this particular type with id "blog")

Now I want to clarify one point. Let's say, we need to voice two changes, how can we tell? The first change is deafened after the food sign "?" Another change is stunned after such a sign "&" ( I honestly don't know what the sign is);


Axis code output:

if(isset($_GET["a"]) AND isset($_GET["b"]) AND isset($_GET["c"])) (
echo $_GET["a"]."
echo $_GET["b"]."
echo $_GET["c"]."

Mind to sound like this:

Also, the global change $_GET["a"] and the global change $_GET["b"] and the global change $_GET["c"] display them on the screen, Axis result:


Let's move on to post inquiries, what do you need to figure out, what form is that? What do you need? Because the global change $_POST[""] is created through forms. What is a form? Tse fields for the introduction of any kind of information koristuvachem. The fields are placed in one row, the fields are large, so are the radio buttons, the check box. Let's take everything in order.

Chain Tag Shape:

elementi formi

The form has є attributes, I will change the widest ones:

Let's make a shape:

elementi formi

Like the file of the obrobnik, I put the file test.php I am writing to you the oskіlki myself in the new. I put the post management method on the same methods. So I just put our form on my name - form

Now porinemo have svіt elementіv forms. It is your responsibility to understand that you may have all the elements with the tag vіdminnіst less in attributes type at these tags. Let me list the victorious elements of the forms:

I’m surprised that you’ve covered such fields more than once, so here, as it seems: “no comments”

Now let's put together a small training questionnaire, with some pracciuvatimemo given. Our task is to fold a small questionnaire to show us the name of the zapovnyuyuchogo, pіdlogu, z kakoї vіnі kraїni, likings kolіrі і field de koristuvach text dekoristuvach can add about yourself. Axis scho in me vyyshlo:

Your Prizvische Im'ya By father:

Your sublog:

For all the lands

Love(s) color(s):


About myself:

Give respect to the fact that the skin tag may have an attribute. value, What is your wine? Data is being written down at the new one, if you choose to transfer it to the other side. I am sensible

Now let's run this code in the browser, we can step forward:

At the form I have an attribute action 3 values test.php This does not mean, as I said earlier, that the form will submit the test.php file.

POST request

Now let's write a php code to allow us to process the information we entered. Where are data collected? In addition, our data was stored in the global $_GET[""] change. When requested, the data will be stored in the global change $_POST[""]. For square arms, it is necessary to write, like in the case of the global change get, identifier. Question, where can I get the ID? Why do we need the name attribute on form elements! The same names are the key to the global post array. Well, let's get down to the description of the script:

if(isset($_POST["submit"])) (
echo "PIB: ".$_POST["fio"]."
echo "Gender: ".$_POST["sex"]."
echo "Country of residence: ".$_POST["city"]."

Echo "Love color(s):
echo $_POST["color_1"]."
echo $_POST["color_2"]."
echo $_POST["color_3"]."
echo $_POST["color_4"]."
echo "To me: ".$_POST["about"]."


Written by us mind if match: As a global change $_POST["submit"] data is displayed on the screen. Tsya global change is created as we pressed the edit button, the axis for which this butt The name attribute is required for the button. You may wonder why the name attribute of the button is not obligatory? Everything is simple. Sound the programmer not to press the button, but to send the data. For correct work, for example, contact forms, it is necessary not to press the button, but the correctness of the entered information, and the recognition that they entered this information in advance. In our butt, they didn’t revise the given data, but simply pressed the buttons, for simplicity I’ll put the butt ... The axis of what we had:


Well, well, today we have chosen two methods for transferring data between scripts, so we learned about forms in a gallop. I am more than happy that you need this information here. Yakscho є yakіs nutrition, or thoughts, write comments. Good luck to you, I have everything for today!

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Create a cheat sheet about the main methods of managing and extracting data from the web server using php and js. So this note was born. I have looked at most of the hackers to accept and exchange data between a web client and a web server, like hackers to php-rozrobnik.

The main leaders in editing data are php get request and php request post, followed by AJAX technology. So what is the get and post information about?

  • get is passed in the address bar (for http header) i can be seen koristuvachevі
  • post message is sent in the body of the document
  • obslug get enquiry, (max 276 characters)
  • get method doesn't pass files
  • post method sends files

php get request

Schob robiti php get ask us for the cob next to create html form from the data entry fields. For the form, it is possible to specify which file on the server should be downloaded by which method to edit . So it is not forgotten to put the name attribute on the field, so you will name the array GET $_GET["data"]; From what we take data from the file on the server. How to overpower data get through the form, I think it’s clear, now we’ll try to pass it through address row. index.php?data=1 so we can enter this into the address row and it’s right, then the file in index.php takes the value 1 for $_GET["data"] . butt.

Manager:є the index.php file with the get edit form will be sent to another file, for example get.php. On request, the get.php file is responsible for passing an array of data to index.php. In index.php, an array can be subtracted.

Implementation. index.php file

//For the form by the get method through the attached field, the value of 1

get.php file

array("login" => "Administrator", "password" => "h734yuiw8"), 1 => array("login" => "John", "password" => "78dfud776s")); //required flag $flag=$_GET["flag"]; //as flag 1, then the array is passed by get //magic for the serialize function if($flag==1)( header("Location: index.php?data=".serialize($users).""); exit; ) else( header("Location: index.php"); exit; ) ?>

php post post

Php requires post to be passed through the form itself, only the attribute of the form will be method="post" . І accept data in specified file We'll set up the $_POST["search"] post array and immediately hover the butt.

Manager: Send data from index.php by POST method to the server from the get.php file and take it back, as if the data editing field is empty. Solutions for index.php

Save the field

Introductory request:

get.php file

Passing to an AJAX array

Viconaєmo those same zavdannya for help ajax. The ajax is the same technology that goes to javascript, but within the framework of the note about transferring data to the server, it is the same technology. Obviously, ajax is the topic of the article. In the process, the request displays a GIF of the interest indicator. There may also be two files, index.php and get.php. The index.php file Don't forget to include jquery. I’ll respect you, for attaching a GIF with the first occupied side, it is assigned to the box block style display: none

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