You can read pdf on android. How to open a PDF file on Android? PocketBok Reader

Golovna / 2 Cool Readers

Dedalі more people go from reading paper books to reading electronic ones. Cheaper, better. There is a large number of electronic "readers" on the market. Ale, not leather, you can come. And the axis of smartphones is more people, among them there are many rich people operating system"Android". Tsya platform is more comfortable for reading books. Among the popular formats, PDF is more important, the fragments of the book can be high quality. How to open a PDF file on Android? It would be less necessary to secure a special supplement.

PocketBok Reader

Tse mobile supplement appointments for reading books on Android. Here you can not only read, but also create text notes. Warto respect that this program for PDF-files also works with other popular formats e-books. In a word - tse universal zasib for a comfortable review of books on mobile extension.

Aside from the foregoing, the addition may be richer functionality, a large number of customizations, a unique, friendly interface, which provides access to the functions of changing the color of the text and background, scale and size of the font. The program is designed to secure the manual process of reading and navigating files on a mobile device. PocketBook is supported by all versions of the platform and it is absolutely cost-free.

Main functions

Like on "Android" open a PDF-file - sorted out. Now let's rethink the main features of the program for reading:

  • The sides progortayutsya behind the help of turning the screen, slide or buttons for adjusting the density.
  • Є function for shvidkoy poshuk behind the files, which are worth checking out and rich third-party documents.
  • The brightness of the screen changes.
  • Three modes for reading: suviy, dvі storіnki, postorіnkovy.
  • Ability to create notes (comments, markers and screenshots).
  • Notes can be exported to an okrem file.
  • Easy navigation for documents.
  • Shvidkiy access to notatok and zmіstu.
  • Reading books and documents from foreign languages.

Features of work with the program

Let's take a closer look at the entire program. How do I open a PDF file on my phone? "Android" will be scanned after the launch of the program, and it will be given all the time in the list or eskіziv. Tsey mode You can easily edit documents. Escape mode shows less lining, and the mode is given to the list more information about the skin file, including the format, I'll name the author's name. The order will be to pick up the books, as they were read.

If you talk about the program in a more general way, then navigation here is available both in the library, and in the memory of the phone and sd-card. It can be said that PocketBook is an even better navigator for books.

Let's look at the files, if they are known locally, you can also go to the online library and search without cost from it, be it a TV. This is a manual function. How can I open a PDF file on Android, how can I know online? The mechanism is simple: you can look through the information about the book and directly download it to your tablet or smartphone and read it through the program for reading.

Another one cicato's specialtyє work with shared libraries. Here you can add, whether it’s a dzherelo, from which you can grab books without any problems.


In this rank, now I figured out how to open a PDF file on Android. For whom it is more necessary to secure a suitable supplement.

To the minus varto add those that PocketBook avenge a small amount of upgrades, as it can be seen before synchronization, scanning and backup.

However, you can always find alternative options, even if similar programs are available from anonymous stores. A skin lover of reading can choose the appropriate option.

Often, there are no programs for the phone, which would help to fix or improve other functions. For example, from reading PDF files. Adzhe often have in this format added necessary books, assistants, instructions and other types of literature. Do not pretend about those who are in PDF format The design is chosen for the text, images, which allows easy reading of texts, which are accompanied by pictures.

Why varto zavantazhit PDF Reader on android?

For those who can't read similar files from their attachment, it's more convenient and comfortable PDF Reader on android. The best program does not only help you to make your life more comfortable, allowing you to reach the necessary formats, but it can itself be without color functions.

For example, the PDF Reader on android allows you to read a book as a manual without any cost. It is possible to navitate the re-glottal of the sides, so that they will be animated for the reference paper leaves. Supports not only PDF format, but also EPUB, Mobi, TXT, DOC and many others. This program plays with these readers, yak directing to one or two formats, which modestly open only them.

take advantage PDF program Reader for android free to help you know everything PDF files on the annex and add them to your library. To that it will be possible, with yoga help, to easily know whether there is a file, which is necessary. Also, to save space, this reader can open more edges of files, automatically adjust the format of your add-on. Revisiting the files vykonuetsya for help scrolling through the list with your finger, which is more convenient.

The reader himself, in the middle, looks like a book police, which, insanely, is already beautifully handy. No need to choose between small rows of file names. You don't need to know the library, de choose the book you need. Also, the program can enter full screen mode, so that nothing disturbs you when reading.

PDF files are light weight and portable, they can support documents of different styles, important textual aids to high quality documents from illustrations, e-books and comics. Forwardly formulated documents are transferred to the selected format for folding high documents official format. The best apps for PDF reading proponuyut more richly, lower just open files, secure various navigational functions, annotations and navigate gloomy data collection systems in order to propagate the full spectrum of functions.

Adobe Reader(Android, iOS)
Version 11.2.1: (advantage: 5693)

If you look at Adobe's original PDF Reader, you'll be more likely to bloat security software, to see how Mobile version become light and functional. Adobe Reader on Android and iOS can display a range of PDF documents, including forms, password-protected files, and Adobe LiveCycle DRM protection. Adobe Reader includes a melt-to-text function, a context search function, bookmarks and hyperlinks, and the ability to fill in forms. Koristuvachi can also insert and review annotations and sign documents at electronically. Add-on tools are available for Acrobat Plus coders or when purchasing the software.

Foxit Mobile PDF (Android, iOS)
Version (advantage: 2722)

Mobile version popular programs Desktop PC, Foxit Mobile PDF (Android, iOS) yakіsny supplement for reading that work from PDF based on mobile needs. Foxit supports the robot with normal and password-protected PDF files, with support different formats documents and bookmarks. Annotation options allow you to see, underline, or cross-link the text, as well as add notes to text fields or create a hand-drawn image in a document. The function of "melting" the text allows you to comfortably read it on the small screen of your smartphone. Podtrimka hmar allows you to capture and capture PDF files from popular postal service providers.

PDF Reader (iOS)

Kdan Mobile PDF Reader is a representative of the cost-free software for iOS, which provides advanced visualization and reading, in order with the basic functions of scanning documents. PDF Reader supports bookmarks, file hierarchy, thumbnails and can display password-protected files. The text search and the slider on the side allow you to move where you want, as well as the function of melting the text to ensure comfortable reading on small screens. Annotation tools ensure the creation of a badge in documents, and the support of gloomy stories allows you to confuse, confuse and create backup copies documents. Scanning mode allows you to scan the camera as a scanner and create PDF files for data.

iAnnotate (iOS, Android) ($9.99 / Free)

iAnnotate (Android, iOS) is a powerful PDF reader tool that provides numerical features and customizations for PDF reading and editing. Koristuvachchi can open PDF-files, search for terms and keywords, as well as navigate with bookmarks or scroll through the document in a non-stop review mode. Vіdmіnnoy rice programs є hard typing of annotations, which allows koristuvachs to add notes, draw, see, add and zakresljuvat urivki dokumentіv. The trim of the tabs allows you to process cash documents at once. PDF files can be adapted, imported into gloomy service saving or sending electronic mail to the officers.

Kindle (Android, iOS)

It is important to note that Kindle (Android, iOS) is not a PDF reader, but it is widely recognized as a reader accessory that can be used as a PDF reader. At the same time, it's easy to download Kindle's PDF functions, the Kindle's lousy library allows people to download PDF files up to 50 megabytes from their library. The files can be synced between multiple devices, and you can also look at PDF files that are stored locally. As much as you need everything you need to read PDF files and you don't need additional tools, the software will be more than enough.

Google Play Books (Android, iOS)
version: 3.1.33 (advantage: 341)

Google Play Books (Android, iOS) There is one more solution that doesn't swear on PDF, but supports this format in a very unique way. Google Play Books supports 3D-sides, animation, search and vocabulary functions, as well as the ability to create bookmarks of a koristuvach, annotation and synchronization between outbuildings. Koristuvachas have a chance to capture documents, but only a few people use them to the service of gloomy savings, PDF files are clearly displayed and can be synchronized and captured. various outbuildings. You already swear gloomy shawtyі Play service Books good option to expand functionality

Mantano Reader Premium (Android, iOS) ($6.99 / $4.99)
version: 2.4.12 Pro (advantage: 289)

A great add-on for e-books and PDFs on Android, Mantano Reader Premium recently launched for iOS with tricky reading and editing features. Mantano Reader supports the widest range of e-book formats, Adobe DRM and password-protected files, with the added benefit of clunky synchronization. Addendum for secure reading functions the highest quality, with the voice of reading the text, the orientation of the text, the animation of the regurgitation of the sides, the functions of the search, the annotation and the impersonal others. The addendum is easy to apply and demonstrates wide functionality; the only shortfall is the high price.

RepliGO Reader (Android) ($2.99)
Version 4.2.8 Rus: (advance: 1419)

RepliGo Reader is a paid Android add-on for PDF reading with name navigation and annotation tools to improve reading PDF editing supra-visibly forgive the zavdannyam. Supporting the main formats and password-protected PDF files, RepliGO allows coroners to easily browse and navigate files for help searching, bookmarking, commenting and thumbnails. The main tools for support, confirmation, notation and painting in the form of hands support the possibility of annotation, including the support of sites, address. emailі phone numbers, which allows shvidko to go to zvnіshnіm possilannyam. Melting text, color themes and other tools are safe dodatkovі nalashtuvannya for reading.

PFD Expert (iOS) ($9.99)

On advanced iOS, the Readdle add-on, PDF Expert, is one of the most powerful PDF reading tools available for mobile readers. PDF Expert can open all kinds of PDF files, including password protection and filling forms. The program also supports impersonal document formats that are saved locally or in the dark. Tools for painting, support and other help annotations secure the possibility of a badge in documents, at the same time as a text search, PDF-powered and other navigation tools to help you go where you want to go.

GoodReader (iPad, iPhone) ($4.99)

An exhaustive program for reading PDF based on iOS devices, GoodReader (iPad, iPhone) promotes the diversity of annotations, navigation and tools for reading files. Tools for searching, melting the text and other navigational tools make it easy to go where you need it, at the same time as editing tools and annotations in the form of a hand, you can easily erase your trace from the document. Waking up file manager allows you to work with documents on the annex, supporting the entanglement and entanglement from the dark data collection systems. In addition to PDF files, GoodReader supports MS Office and iWORK 08/09 files, which allows you to hack the program as a smart mobile office tool.

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