3 What rights do you have? Mother Koristuvach is guilty of what rights, who creates the FlexiCapture data base

Golovna / Additional functionality

We can create a small amount of oblique records on a computer, individually for a skin-skinned skin computer.

With the help of the skin of the coristuvach, I take away my special space on the computer and the ability to create old look operating system to your liking.

Ale, krіm tsgogo, oblіkovy record koristuvach vyznaє, to some files and folders koristuvach can access, and also how to change in the robotic computer koristuvach can make.

Tse i є rights koristuvachіv Windows.

I want to tell you about those who have the rights to coristuvachiv Windows and what rights to make your own record.

There are three types of cloud records in Windows, which are how to give different rights to the coristuvachs to be processed by the computer:

  1. First Access- Koristuvach can run and practice in most programs. Also, the coristuvach may have the right to change the improvement of the operating system, so as not to invest in the improvement of other coristuvachiv, or the safety of the computer. Tse means that for the members of this group there will be no access to the tools of the Care Panel. Also, stinks cannot be practiced in programs, as they can contribute to the practicality of the Windows operating system.

    The ideal type oblіkovogo record for koristuvachіv-pochatkіvtsіv, to that pіd cim oblіkovym record it's easy to zіpsuvati in Windows or in programs. Ale here є th suttєvі obmezhennya. For example, not all programs you can install, perebuvayachi in oblіkovomu tsgogo type.

    To tell you the truth, I respect that all corystuvach-pochatkivtsi are guilty of pracsyuvati themselves under this oblique record. On the right, in the fact that you work under the administrator's public record, you put a threat on your computer and information on the new one. Like a virus or something short program If there is any way to sneak onto your computer, then it will be much easier for you to rob your nasty right under the administrator’s official record, below the official record that you have great access to.

  2. Administrator- Koristuvach, what a maє Danish type oblіkovogo record otrimu povny control over the computer. Vіn mozhe vykonuvati be-yakі settings, moreover, navіt і, scho stosuyutsya іnshih koristuvachіv computer.
  3. Guest– vbudovaniya ob_kovy record, which can be vikoristovuvat for timchasovogo access to the computer. Tse naybіlsh obmezheniya have the rights of oblіkovy records. Won for investment is included in operating system that її vikoristovuyut rarely.

For reasons of visual deposit, I recommend to all coristuvachas to practice under oblezhenim oblіkovym record. Install the programs or vikonuvat yakіs іnshi dії, pov'yazanі z nalashtuvannyam abo kom'yyugovuvannyam computer, slid pіd okremoyu, stolen.


How right can mother coristuvach be, who is creating the FlexiCapture data base?

For the creation of the FlexiCapture data base, the coristuvach is responsible for the mother's own right to SQL Server. For example, you can also be the administrator of the database. As in the organization, there is a folding security policy, sometimes blame the need to create a special appearance record for the creation of data bases.

What rights do you need to see for any oblique record?

Koristuvach, who creates the database, is responsible for the mother of rights on SQL Server so, so:

  • create and save database
  • create an oblique record for Add-on servers. To add a cloud record to SQL Server, you need a separate building ALTER ANY LOGIN
  • give this entry dbowner permissions to new base danih, tobto. based on FlexiCapture data. This oblіkovy record matime povny access (role dbowner) less to tsієї data base. If the FlexiCapture database does not have an Owner, it means that the oblique record, as it created the database, did not get the rights to create the oblique record, or to see the rights of the record.

To see the rights of that dbowner role, you need the db_accessadmin and db_securityadmin rights to this database.


The handlers of the Internet resource www.agentlk.com, gave "Administration", proponing on the lower minds to lay down the favor (given the "plea") physical specialty, which is called nadaly “Koristuvach” and having hung out with the minds of the mind please.

The purpose of Koristuvacha with the provisions of the code Please use the legal language for the beginning of the Alfareserve project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project"), placed on the Internet at the address: www.alfareserve.com

Tsya Ugoda can be changed at any time without advance notice. The debugging version of Please is posted at the address: www.agentlk.com

Koristuvach, priymayuchi mind tsієї Please, pіdtverzhuє, sho vіn reach the 18th century, rightful and fiezdatnyy and may have the right to lay tsyu Ugodu, scho vіdpovіdno to the laws of the її power, Koristuvach can not serve on-line fence and obmezhen

Koristuvach tsim reminders that regularly trival (without interruption) personal computer can be caused by different aggravation of the physical state, weakened eyesight, scoliosis, different forms of neurosis and other negative on the body. Koristuvach guarantees that the project will be victorious The project will last a reasonable hour, with breaks for repair or otherwise, come in for prevention of the physical state, as well as Koristuvachev recommended or punished.

Coristuvach guarantees that he has the right to make a call, that he scores with him, including the services of the operator of the call, that he scores with Coristuvach, are sufficient and appropriate for participation in the Project.

burning position

1.1. The administration grants Koristuvach access to the Project without any subscription fees. Koristuvach independently pays for access to the Internet.

1.2. Koristuvachem є be-yak person, yak otrimala access to the Project vіdpovіdno to ієї Ugodi.

2. Item Please

2.1. Please, the Administration give Koristuvachev the opportunity to win the project, for a good hour of carrying out preventive work and other conditions that will change Koristuvachev’s access to the Project, which is not the fault of the Administration.

2.2. Koristuvach goiter "yazuєtsya dorimuvatsya minds tsієї Please.

2.3. For damage to the Rules of the Koristuvachev Project, without prior notice, you can be charged with the services of the Project, or the service of such services can be exchanged more or less frequently. Koristuvach will also be fine with the fact that the Administration does not bear any necessary responsibility for any changes, exchanges, or for attaching Koristuvach's access to the Project.

Rights and bindings of Koristuvach

3.1. Rights of Koristuvach

3.1.1. Koristuvach may have the right to koristuvatsya the Project exclusively for special purposes.

3.1.2. When registering, the Koristuvach chooses his login and password, which will allow the Koristuvach to be identified among the other Koristuvachs of the Project.

3.1.3. Koristuvach has the right to change his password. When you need Koristuvach goiter, you can independently protect your password and other necessary data, and you must bear the responsibility for saving and not revealing your password, as well as all risks (bits), po'yazanі z tsim.

3.1.4. Koristuvach does not have the right to transfer his registration data (login and password) to a third person, and also does not have the right to withdraw his identity from a third person.

3.1.5. Coristuvach can send claims and propositions related to the Project's appeals to the address: [email protected]

3.2. Obov'yazyki Koristuvach

3.2.1. Individuals, who did not reach the 18th century, goiter should be honored by the Project with their legal representatives (fathers, guardians, then); with whom you may need additional information to confirm your faith.

3.2.2. Koristuvach has no right:

Vikoristati pardons software and is guilty of negainly telling about them for the address: [email protected],

Get into the programming code

Unauthorized deny access to computer system, access to the data bases of the correspondents of the Project.

3.2.3. Koristuvach goiter is important and is correctly placed before other Koristuvachiv of the Project, and also not vikoristovuvat Project for: - zavantazhenny, pleas, transfer or any other way of placing content, which is illegal, shaky, threatening, riveting, demonstrating morality rights, propaganda and / or discrimination of people for racial, ethnic, statutory, religious, social signs, revenge images at the address of specific organizations or organizations.

3.2.4. Користувачеві забороняється копіювати, відтворювати, розповсюджувати, перекладати іншими мовами будь-який компонент Проекту, здійснювати розтин технології, вилучати вихідний код, модифікувати, розбирати, декомпілювати, або створювати похідні об'єкти, засновані на Проекті, включати будь-який із матеріалів Проекту в the basis of their developments. Koristuvach knows that it will be good for him, whatever material and that's all necessary programs, connected with the Project, protected by laws on intellectual power Russian Federation those other international laws, and the material that Koristuvachev hopes in the process of winning the Project, copyright infringement by those other national laws. The Koristuvach does not have the right to modify, sell, redistribute this material to the Project and the program in part or in part. Dada Koristuvachevi, I am not awesome, the right Vikoristovati is specially moped to the project to the program to forget the project, I can become a project to the project, for me, I. create programs, similar software security; penetrate the software security for the possession of program codes; zdіysnyuvaty sales, deeds, zdachu lease, transfer to third parties in any other form of rights to the material of the Project and software to the Project, as well as modify the service, including the method of removing unauthorized access to the new.

3.2.6. Coristuvach advances and it will be a while, that in times of damage to his obov'yazkiv, the Administration may have the right at some point to stop up to a new sanction, which is seen at the fence of Koristuvachevi coristuvatyatsya by the Project air blowing beats and others.

4. Rights and obligations of the Administration.

4.1. Admistraita Zobov'yazu is not a razno -losovati personally personally about Koristuvach, Danu їm PID HAS REASTRICA, TREEM OF OF KRIM VIPADKIV, Rosiysko federal law that is not the norms of the Mijean law, but not Zmіniyuvati Login Tu Ta.

Administration is carried out by the Project exclusively for the ruling court. For the collection of statistical data and identification data for the Project, the Administration can collect information about IP-addresses for Koristuvach's access to the Project, extract files technical information(cookies) that are placed on the local terminal of Koristuvach.

Koristuvach or svіdvіduvach The project is ok if the Administration can and has the right to request, collect and save personal information of Koristuvach, including information about name, field, location, addresses email or other means of electronic communication, as well as data on payment details of Koristuvach. The administration has the right to see Koristuvach or to block (attach access to the new one), as if they were guilty of substantiating that the information given by Koristuvach is not completely, reliable and up-to-date.

4.2. The administration does not send unscrupulous emails to the correspondents or other notifications (spam); at a glance, like Koristuvach having taken such a note, follow the negaionary note about the address: [email protected]

4.3. The administration does not bear responsibility for temporary technical failures and interrupt the work of the Project, for temporary failures interrupt the robot's line connection, other similar failures, as well as for computer problems, for which Koristuvach zdіysnyuєІІІІ

4.4. The administration did not bear responsibility before Koristuvach for other Koristuvachs.

4.5. The Administration has the right to delete or change any information posted by the Koristuvach without prior weather from the Administration, or not transferred to the Service, as well as other services to the Administration.

Vidmova with guarantees


(a) VICORIST'S PROJECT ON YOUR OWN FEAR AND RISK. THE PROJECT HOPES "YAK Є" I "THAT, WHAT Є". ADMINISTRATSІYA especially podkrelyuє vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіst whether any guarantees, both agreed, and not expressed, including, krіm іnshoy, guarantees of the quality of services and services for other services.







(c) the plunger of that is the other way to be a mother’s vicoristan to the project to be for your fear of I Rizik, you are carrying every time we are transferred for pydprimism for your love for your love for love for your beloved Piddovyd. FAVORITE NECESSARY FOR VIDPOVIDALNISTIU FOR FAVORITE PIDPOVIDNOM FOR FAVORITE NECESSARY VIEWABLE FOR VICORISTANNYAM.

Koristuvach's rights

Rights are given not to a specific resource, but to the entire system and are added to

computer robot chi domain zagalom. To all the curmudgeons,

scho turn to merezhevyh resources, need sevni zagalni rights to

that computer, on which the stench is practiced, for example, the right to enter

computer or change the display of the system clock. Specific

the legal rights of administrators can be recognized by groups of koristuvachiv or

let's call koristuvacham. In addition, the Windows 2000 operating system

give singing rights to the groups for promotion.

The rights of a koristuvach are recognized, yakі koristuvachs can win that

or else a specific robot on the computer of your domain.

Legal rights of a koristuvach

Rights allow coristuvachevі, scho vіyshov on the computer or merezhu,

win at this system Yakscho at the Koristuvach

no rights to see any operation, try to see it

operations will be blocked.

The rights of a koristuvach can lie like up to the last koristuvach, so

up to the group. However, the best keruvati with the rights of the koristuvacha, pratsyyuchi s

groups. Tse garantuє, scho koristuvach, sho to enter to the system yak

a member of the group automatically rejects all claims related to the right group.

The Windows 2000 operating system gives the administrator the ability to

recognize the rights of koristuvachs and groups of koristuvachivs. Legal rights

koristuvacha include the right to log on locally, the right to

change the system clock, the right to turn on the system right

access to given computer from the measure.

Local login to the system

This right allows you to log in to the local computer.

or a domain from the local computer.

Change the system clock

The whole right allows coristuvachev to establish a certificate

internal years of the computer.

Completion of the robotic system

Tse right allows Koristuvachev to complete the work of the local


Access to which computer is limited

Tse right allows the koristuvach to take access to the computer,

pratsyuє under keruvannyam Windows 2000, s be-anything else

computer in the measure.

The rights, assigned to groups

For promotions, the Windows 2000 operating system is

rights for such groups as Administrators

(Administrators), Users (Koristuvachi), Power Users (Last)

koristuvachі) and Backup Operators (Operatori archive).


administrators. a group has been created, which is used on computers,

domain controllers. Members of this group may gain new control over

computer or domain. administrators. edina budovana

group, which automatically grants all rights


Users. a group has been created, which is used on computers,

є domain controllers, so і on computers, yaki not є

domain controllers. Members of this group can win over those

zavdannya, for which they are given specific rights, for example,

run programs, hack locale mesh printersі

vimicate and block work stations. Users group members can

create local groups and they can change them, but they can’t deafen

folders spilnimi or create local printers.

Dosvіdchenі koristuvachі

power users. the group that is used on computers is not

є domain controllers. Members of the Power Users group can

vikonuvaty specific administrative functions, but not to waste the rights,

they gave them more control over the system. Power Users group

may be right.

Creation of public records of the group on the local


Change that appearance of oblique records they created.

Granting access to resources.

Under what circumstances are members of the Power Users group unable to defeat the


Change the Administrators and Backup Operators groups.

Archive or restore folders from the archive.

Operator and archive

Backup Operators. the group has been awakened, what do you know how to

computers, which are domain controllers, so on computers,

not domain controllers. Members of the Backup Operators group

can archive and re-archive files independently

in addition, by what permissions are the files protected. Group members

Backup Operators can log on to the computer and complete their jobs, but

cannot change security settings.

Koristuvach rights

An important aspect of the safe functioning of the site is correctly installed the rights of the group koristuvachiv.

Groups of koristuvachiv

Groups of koristuvachs may read the hierarchy.

Standard groups for the decline of rights:

  1. Administrators
  2. Moderators
  3. Friends/Changes
  4. Koristuvachi
  5. Guests
  6. Blocked

The most important rights and the most significant group "Administrator". The least right of the group "Guests". group "Blocked" I don't have the right to enable all functions of the site for it. First lashing for the minds that are asked when creating the site, to give the opportunity to coristuvachs comfortably and safely to interact with the site. The deyakі parameters of the standard groups of koristuvachіv cannot be changed. Zrobleno z mirkuvan security and protection against spam.

Group "Koristuvachi"

All registered koristuvachs are taken up to the “Koristuvach” group (as it is not otherwise transferred to the ranks). Such a group is the largest on the site, and the establishment of rights for it may be of great importance.

The most prominent places on the site in terms of spam and the widest number of unsolicited messages and comments, guest book, mini-chat and signatures of koristuvachiv. In order to change the width of the nebazhanyh posylan, you can add the following rights to the “Koristuvachi” group:

  • Vikoristaty BB-code at the signature (Koristuvachi)
  • Allow BB code (Comments)
  • Allow BB-code and Automatically send messages to www and email addresses (Guest book)
  • Allow BB-code and Automatically send www and email addresses (Mini-chat) - for locking the right is turned on, it is not recommended to turn it on

For the help of these visits, you can not only reduce the amount of spam on the site, but also protect yourself from vipadkiv, if for the help of the BB code you can put a picture in the mini-chat or send it to the comments, which generates a merging window with a password.

The rights to the "Koristuvachi" distribution do not have the following function: "Change the BB-code" (withdrawn for locking). Potentially unsafe BB code.

If you have the rights to share the “Forum”, you can remove the mention “Allow BB-code for koristuvachiv”, but with the abbreviation “Vikoristovuvaty BB-code that”. In this order, the panel of BB-codes will be in the coristuvachs, but it will not be.

For protection, it is necessary to enable the right to "Change the maximum size of images that will be added", "Upload files to the server when adding materials", "Change the graphic editor", and also give the right to upload your own avatars to the site. It is possible to save disk space for the site.

Yaki rights do not varto apply to anyone, we will enclose the head administrator of the site

The administrator of the site with usima rights (without borders) can only be one person. It is said that there will be more administrators and moderators on the site, it is necessary to give them rights. As a group of moderators, you can improve it, it’s better to create another group of “Administrators” and there you can improve the rights, control the rights of the head administrator. The group "Administrators" when creating, it is necessary to have an ID, an authorized ID system group for the lockdown. ID of the head administrator (group for locking) - 4.

And now the list of rights, which cannot be applied to other groups:

  • Edit website design (not recommended)
  • Vikoristannya file manager(definitely not possible)
  • Access to the administrator's toolbar (strongly not recommended)
  • See all the koristuvachiv (strongly not recommended)
  • Move koristuvachiv to other groups (strongly not recommended)
  • Add a side to the site (categorically not possible)
  • Edit information on the sides of the site (strongly not recommended)
  • View the sides of the site (categorically not possible)
  • View of all materials in the modules (categorically not possible)
  • Using HTML tags when adding materials on the forum (categorically not possible)

Defend against spam and nebazhanih scams

Nalashtuvannya "Don't show security code" know the security code for groups of koristuvachіv, krim groupi "Koristuvachi" (for locks) and groupi "Guests". The "Mini-Chat" module has an option to enable the security code for the "Koristuvachi" group. The security code is effective against autospam.

Pereskodoyu to spam can become onset Koristuvachi module (effective for sites with local authorization):

  • Block repeated e-mail addresses()
  • Vykoristovuvaty function of the transformation of zvnіshnіh sent for help u.to or Proksuvati everything zvnіshnі posilannya in materials that are added ()
  • Set up a group of correspondents / Responsibility: Turn on automatic rechecking of notifications for spam; Allow spam reporting; Spam status management

To protect your reputation from spam, you can set a timeout to change your reputation again. - One more day.

The most effective defense against spam on the site is the pre-moderation of information about what is being shown. Pre-moderation can be installed both on materials that are being added, and on reminders that are being added by koristuvachs in mini-chat, a guest book, and also on comments.

Type commands to the site

Do not recruit people unknown to you as administrators and moderators of the site.

For small sites with less than 500 entries for production, it is not necessary to recruit a great administrative warehouse. As many as enough of the head administrator and one or two moderators.

Do not "pay" with administrative posts on the site for any kind of service given to you.

The recruitment of administrators and moderators can be deeply understood, comprehended and dictated by the real need.

When typing "journalists", "posters", "novelties", try to create groups for them (as it is necessary to create a group) do not give the right to use HTML tags. Get ready for the "Koristuvachi" / "Perevіrenі" group.

Get ahead of everyone about the fence using grabbers and other auto-posting programs.

How to safely give access to editing templates on the site

You can give the right to edit templates on the site without access to the editing panel. For which one, select "Design" / "Once" and turn on "Constructor for designing by design":

  • "Editing the design of the site"
  • "Access to the administrator's toolbar"

Now a group of koristuvachivs will be able to edit site templates without logging in to the keruvannya panel:

Behind such a scheme, you can work with freelancers, yak work on the site on your request. You can find such freelancers at https://upartner.pro.

Koristuvach rights

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